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Home Explore Employee Handbook

Employee Handbook

Published by Cora Cora Maldives, 2021-08-30 10:04:20

Description: Employee Handbook

Keywords: Handbook


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DISCIPLINARY RULES When your work performance and personal conduct or attitude is below the expecta- tions of your immediate superior or resort standard required  you will be subject to a counseling and disciplinary process under a uniform system set out in order to deal fairly with such matters.

EMPLOYMENT with cora cora maldives COUNSELING & DISCIPLINARY SYSTEM EXAMPLES OF MINOR OFFENSES In the first instance of a breach of con- cording to first the degree of failure or • Refusal to pay close attention to the duct, you will be counseled by your im- offence to reach required standards of code of conduct. mediate superior and encouraged to performance and/or conduct as detailed improve within the stated time period, in Chapter 11 and secondly repetition of • Failure to follow the rules and where it is appropriate to set one.   similar breach of conduct despite coun- regulations. seling by the Department Head and/or If disciplinary action is contemplated, Human Resources Director as summa- • Late report to work or absence from management will adhere to a disciplinary rized below. duty without approval. system based on actions to be taken ac- • Presence in area not relating to job MINOR BREACH OF CONDUCT responsibility 1st Offence - Verbal Warning / Counselling 2nd Offence - Written Warning • Loitering during working hours. 3rd Offence – Final Written Warning • Receiving personal visitors during 4th Offence - Suspension or Dismissal working hours. MAJOR BREACH OF CONDUCT • Reading newspaper, magazine etc., supervisors, co-workers or guest. 1st Offence - Written Warning • Unauthorized consumption of hotel 2nd Offence – Final Written Warning of non-work-related nature whilst 3rd Offence - Dismissal on duty. food. • Willful and deliberate display of • Smoking in unauthorized areas or GRAVE BREACH OF CONDUCT obscene and indecent picture / Immediate dismissal after verdict of Domestic Inquiry photographs / films. office. • Failures to perform job or work • Not working efficiently and assignments satisfactorily, despite training received effectively or deliberately slowing • Presence of hotel belongings in an down the work process. employee’s locker. • Negligence or carelessness resulting • Fraternization with customers, hotel in waste loss or spoilage of material guests, or clients within the hotel. or product. • Using the hotel’s equipment, facilities or premise for personal use without prior approval. • Poor attitude towards work, 69

EMPLOYMENT with cora cora maldives EXAMPLES OF MAJOR OFFENSES EXAMPLES OF GRAVE BREACH OF CONDUCT • Sleeping while on duty. • Violation of safety rules and • Theft of, or an intent to thieve, or • Promoting or encouraging malicious regulation. relocation of, property of the Hotel, other employees and/or customers, mischief with guests or associates. • Eating food or drinking beverage including distribution of consum- • Indulging in gossip and prying in the reserved for guest only. ables of the Hotel without authori- zation. private affairs of guest or another • Unexcused / unexplained absence associate. from duty for one (1) consecutive • Carrying firearms, explosives, • Refusal to carry out tasks assigned day without obtaining prior inflammable substances or deadly by immediate supervisor or approval. weapons within the hotel premises. manager. • Interfering with or hindering work • Display of immoral acts such as • Gambling or playing any unlawful schedules, failing to work on shift as obscene and strange behavior in game within the hotel premises. scheduled. public within the hotel premises. • Acting or speaking impolitely, • Willful and deliberate destruction insultingly condescendingly or of property belonging to the Hotel, or colleagues within the hotel refusing to service the guest or guest or colleagues. premises or its vicinity, or violating colleagues. any order while on duty, or causing • Guest complaints on performance. • Absence without leave and failure to consequences to the hotel business. • Failure to report loss and found notify the supervisor of any leave of • Possession or consumption of alco- articles immediately. 3 consecutive days. holic beverages or drugs or being • Failures to perform job or work intoxicated with drugs or alcoholic assignments satisfactorily and • Falsifying and distorting informa- beverages while on duty and within conduct damage to colleagues and tion, forms, records of the Hotel the hotel premises. hotel. and the department as well as job • Clock in and clock out for another application forms, employee salary associate. records, attendance records, finan- • Any acts of discourtesy toward cial reports, and addition or entry of guests or associate. service fees without authorization. • Fighting, beating, pushing, threat- ening, attacking, quarreling or using any physical force with hotel guests 70

EMPLOYMENT with cora cora maldives EXAMPLES OF GRAVE BREACH WARNINGS OF CONDUCT (CONT)… A Counselling Form / Note to File ( NTF) • Failure to accomplish the work under vendors, guests or customers. is used to record a verbal warning with time period, no further warning for similar • Committing other serious offens- a copy placed in the associate’s personal breach of conduct is issued, the original responsibility or assigned by the su- file. warning will be considered to have lapsed es not mentioned above against the   and disregarded. Therefore, if there is a pervisor or manager despite previous rules of the Resort and the Company. Written warnings may be issued by the subsequent breach of conduct, the earlier • Organizing or participating in any as- immediate superior and above. Final writ- warning will not be considered in the dis- counseling in the same case, may lead sembly inside or outside of the Resort ten warning may only be issued by the ciplinary procedure. premises without the General Manag- Human Resources Manger/Director after   to suspension from duty. er’s consent. consultation with the Department Head In general, warnings will be lapsed as fol- • Supporting or soliciting fellow em- concerned and must be issued in the De- lows: • Entering guest room without authori- ployees to strike for any demand, partment Head’s presence. participating in any unlawful strike, or   • Verbal Warning after 6 months satis- zation. causing an act resulting in stoppage, All written warnings and subsequent factory conduct delays or damage to the work. disciplinary actions will be recorded on a • Being sentenced by a final judgement Disciplinary Notification Form that gives • Written Warning after 12 months an account of the breach of conduct, any satisfactory conduct to imprisonment, except penal- remedial action required, the associate’s statement or comments, improvement • Final Written Warning after 6 months ty for an offense committed in negli- plan, and the disciplinary action liable in satisfactory conduct the event of a further failure to meet the gence or misdemeanor. required standards.   In some cases, it may be appropriate for a • Harassment (to include sexual) by as- In all cases the Disciplinary Notification longer period to elapse before a warning Form must be signed by the associates to expires, and this will be notified to the as- sociates (management and non man- acknowledge receipt. The original is giv- sociates at the time of the warning. en to the associate’s and the copy placed agement) of one or more associates, in his/her personal file. A refusal to sign should be acknowledged by a witness COUNSELING and the Human Resources Manger/Di- rector in writing. You should understand that your immedi- sign the Counseling Form.  If you refuse   ate superior will use the Counseling Form to sign the form, your immediate superi- Lapse of Warnings whenever it is necessary to counsel you. or will note ‘refused to sign’ on the Coun- In order to allow the associates sufficient Specific information should be on the seling Form.  On occasions, there might opportunity to improve, if, within a certain form stating what the breach of conduct be another member of the management is and what corrective action is neces- team present during the counseling ses- sary, and a time limit set for satisfactory sion. This member of the management results. team will sign the form as witness. At the conclusion of the counseling ses- sion, my immediate superior and you will 71

EMPLOYMENT with cora cora maldives DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES WARNINGS The disciplinary procedure includes the plinary action is justified and dismissal, if Stage 2 – This represents a formal warning and will be recorded in the Asso- following stages of disciplinary action necessary, occurs only as a last measure Written ciate’s personal file. Written warnings are given for more serious within 3 levels of process. and that Management is acting within Warning breach of conduct, or if there is continued repetition of more minor the confines of local legislation. breach of conduct. To objective of this procedure is to pro-   tect your rights by ensuring that disci- The authority to issue a written warning rests with the Department Head of the associates. If there is no improvement in the behavior LEVEL 1: COUNSELLING & WARNINGS that necessitated a verbal warning, or if there are other incidents of breach of conduct, the associates will be interviewed by his/her A disciplinary meeting involving counsel- action that may be taken by the Resort Department Head. ing does not necessarily mean that dis- and the procedure may be implemented ciplinary action will follow, although the at any stage, without passing through The associates will be informed of the breach of conduct and given disciplinary procedure outlined below in- previous stages, if this is justified by the the opportunity to explain. If the Department Head considers a dicates the possible stages of disciplinary seriousness of the offence. Stage 2 warning is appropriate, the Department Head will issue a Written Warning specifying the breach of conduct, restating Stage 1 - This is the first stage in the disciplinary procedure. A verbal warn- standards of performance, setting out remedial action required, and Verbal ing is usually given for minor breach of conduct, where previous the period of time in which the required standard must be achieved, Warning standard setting or counseling has not been effective, or where it is where appropriate. inappropriate. The aim of verbal warnings is to draw the associate’s attention to the ways in which his/her performance or conduct The associates will also be notified that further disciplinary action does not meet the required standards. will occur in the event of failure to improve within the stated time   period, or if there are further incidents of breach of conduct. The authority to issue a verbal warning rests with the immediate superior of the associates who should be at supervisory level and above. The associates will be interviewed by his/her immediate su- perior and given a chance to explain the breach of conduct and put his/her side of the story. The immediate superior of the associates will decide whether any disciplinary action or warning is necessary, and if a Stage 1 warning is felt to be appropriate, will inform the associates that he/she is being given a formal Verbal Warning. 72

EMPLOYMENT with cora cora maldives DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES LEVEL 2: DUE PROCESS Stage 3 - This represents a final formal warning for the associate to take Stage 4 - In the first instance of a grave breach of conduct or a repetition Final Written corrective steps to safeguard his/her position in the resort and Disciplinary of a similar breach of conduct after the Final Written Warning Warning will be recorded in the associate’s personal file. Action the Department Head must submit a Disciplinary Action Re-   Request quest to the Human Resources Director with copy to the Gen- The authority to issue a final written warning rests with Human eral Manager. On receipt of a Disciplinary Action Request the Resources Director upon recommendation of the Department Human Resources Director shall examine and verify facts and Head. The Department Head recommends the issue of a final evidence to establish the gravity of the said breach of conduct. warning if after the Written Warning there is no improvement   within the specified time period, or if there is a repetition of the In certain cases, e.g., criminal act, a Disciplinary Action Request breach of conduct, or if further breach of conduct are commit- is automatically substituted by other reports, e.g., Incident ted before the warning has expired or: Report or Security Report and the most senior manager on duty • The associates still refuses to obey a proper instruction or in the absence of the Human Resources Director or Security Manager, hereinafter called the Investigating Officer who may assignment as stated in the employment agreement or the or may not be the Department Head of the Associates con- Resort’s policy and procedure. ducts an immediate fact finding investigation into the alleged • The associates intentionally or ignorantly brings him/herself breach of conduct to establish the gravity of the said breach into such a state that he/she cannot perform the job assigned of conduct. The Investigating Officer must complete a report to him/her. recording the details of the breach of conduct and submit to the • The associates is not capable to perform any task, although Human Resources Director with copy to the General Manager he/she has been given opportunities to perform any other at the earliest opportunity. available tasks. • The associates violates the provisions already stipulated in the employment agreement or the resort’s policy & procedure. The Human Resources Director in conjunction with the De- partment Head will interview the associates. If the Human Resources Director feels it is appropriate in the light of all the circumstances, the associates will be issued with a Final Written Warning stating that this is the last warning and any further repetition of his/her behavior or any other breach of conduct within the specified time period, will result in his/her dismissal. 73

EMPLOYMENT with cora cora maldives LEVEL 2: DUE PROCESS Stage 8 - If the said breach of conduct arising from the Disciplinary Action Stage 6 – During the meeting, the Investigating Officer or the Chairman of Appeals Request or its substitution merits disciplinary action of a grave Hearing the Domestic Inquiry panel will outline the charges against the As- nature and the Human Resources Director suspects that the and/or sociates and give the Associates an opportunity to state his/her Associates may be able to disrupt the investigation or the working Domestic side of the story. The panel members of the Domestic Inquiry will environment, the Human Resources Director may suspend the Inquir carefully consider all the facts and circumstances of the case and Associates. then the Chairman of the Domestic Enquiry Panel should make a   recommendation to the General Manager as to the decision and Should a breach of conduct occur during a shift where there is no whether any disciplinary action should be taken, and if so, what Human Resources Department representation, the Investigating penalty should be invoked. Officer may suspend the Associates for the remainder of the shift   only and order the Associates to report to the Human Resources The General Manager will inform the Human Resources Director Department the next day. of his/her final decision and disciplinary action, if any before the Human Resources Director institutes disciplinary action, if any. Stage 6 – The Human Resources Director shall coordinate, examine and ver- Stage 7 - Depending upon the actions that are in violation of the Resorts Hearing ify before presenting the facts and evidence, if any to the General Disciplinary standards associates may be subject to the disciplinary penalties and/or Manager for his/her final decision. Penalties such as Domestic   • Written Warnings to File Inquiry If the Disciplinary Action Request or its substitution merits dis- • Suspension from service up to 14 days ciplinary action of a grave nature the Human Resources Director, • Withholding increment for up to a period of three years then conducts a Hearing or coordinates the conduct of a Domestic • Withholding seniority or promotion for up to a period of three Inquiry made up of a panel of three management Associates ac- cording to procedures outlined in the relevant Policy & Procedure. years • Reversion or demotion to a lower post and grade with salary The associates will be given at least 48 hours notice of the meet- ing, and the associates will be given full details of the charges reaffixed in the pay scale applicable to the lower post/grade against him/her and all relevant evidence before the meeting. The • Dismissal meeting will be carried out in strictest confidence and all records   i.e. witness statements, notes of the hearing etc. will be kept confi- If criminal charge are warranted against an associate, these shall dential.. be reported to the authorities or filed in court of law in Maldives upon the approval of the General Manager. Stage 5 – You are entitled to the right of appeal under the appeal system set Suspension out   If criminal charge are warranted against an associate, these shall be reported to the authorities or filed in court of law in Maldives upon the approval of the General Manager. 74

EMPLOYMENT with cora cora maldives SUSPENSION APPEAL SYSTEM Associates concerned may be suspended The resort will issue a letter of suspen- At each stage of the foregoing disci- Appeals will be heard during the notice of from work as stated below. sion with reason or class of offences plinary procedure, Your entitled to the dismissal unless the dismissal was with-   and the period of suspension stipulated, right of appeal against any proposed dis- out notice or payment of wages in lieu of Internal Circumstances - In cases related during which period the associates is not ciplinary action and specified time limits. notice was made. The General Manager to a Disciplinary Hearing or Domestic In- allowed to enter the work area or resort Whilst the appeal is under progression, will conduct the Appeal Hearing. Where quiry process the Associates concerned premises and should not contact work you may, depending on the circumstanc- new evidence arises during the Appeal, may be suspended for a maximum period colleagues whilst they are on duty. es: the Associates will have a chance to com- of 14 working days. ment before any decision is made.   Only the General Manager can sanction • Be suspended with pay External Circumstances - In cases where dismissal. • Continue to work The General Manager will be authorized the associates is charged with or sum-   to reinstate the Associates and/or in ap- moned for a breach of any government Any associate who has been dismissed by All appeals should be heard as soon as propriate circumstances where an appeal law the Associates is to inform the De- the resort will not be allowed to enter the is practicable and in any case within no against dismissal is upheld but it is found partment Head within two days of the in- resort premises, unless written approval more than ten (10) working days from the that there was some degree of breach cident. If the Associates is unable to per- has been obtained from the General Man- date of the disciplinary action. of conduct or substandard performance form his/her duties due to arrest by the ager. on the part of the Associates substitute law or in remand pending investigation Appeals against Warnings some other form of disciplinary action, the Resort may suspend the Associates Should you wish to appeal against a disci- e.g. Final Written Warning, Demotion or from work for an indefinite period. plinary warning you may register in writ- Transfer.   ing a formal notice of appeal to the Hu- man Resources Director within Forty-two You will be reinstated only if the appeal DISMISSED (42) hours. is upheld.  Reinstatement following a successful appeal will result in earning, You may be formally dismissed with no- Appeals will be conducted in accordance accrued benefits and continuity of em- tice as a disciplinary penalty.  with the Grievance Procedure. ployment being restored from the date of termination. You may be terminated immediately Appeals against Dismissal (without notice or pay in lieu of notice) in Should you wish to appeal against my the event of gross breach of conduct set dismissal you should register in writing out in Group C or whereby the nature of a formal notice of appeal to the General the offence, it is inappropriate to formally Manager within seven (7) days of being warn me.  informed of your dismissal. 75

CLASSIFIOCAFTCIOONNDOUFCBTREACHES A combination of violations of any three of the rules and regulations listed in Group A and Group B shall be just cause for termination.

EMPLOYMENT with cora cora maldives GROUP A – MINOR OFFENCES show ID card upon request of appro- in places within view of guests. priate immediate superior(s). • Staying within the resort premises • Appearing innately or untidy to work • Failure to co-operate with other asso- • Failure to wear specified safety equip- • Bringing animals or strong odor food ciates or making vicious or malicious ment. after duty or returning to the resort statements regarding other associ- • Gossiping about guests within hear- after duty without reason. into the Resort. ates, or usage of abusive language to ing distance of the guests. • Stopping work before shift ends or • Bringing visitors, including relatives associates. • Horseplay or throwing things. before time specified for such pur- • Improper usage of uniform or negli- poses. into the Resort without permission. • Failure to enter or leave the resort gence of personal hygiene or being • Storing and hiding food in locker, • Causing damage to uniform or through the associate’s entrance. improperly dressed and groomed. working desks or tables. • Inappropriate hairstyle or hairdo. • Stretching breaks or otherwise wast- changing uniform style. • Failure to follow resort instructions • Interfering or refusing to cooperate ing time. • Chewing gum while on duty. pertaining to fire demonstrations or with co-Associates in the perfor- • Unauthorized absence or overstaying • Cooking food on the resort premises other concerned safety. mance of their duties. a leave of absence. • Lateness (Over twice in one month) • Unauthorized operation of tools, without permission. • Failure to notify Human Resourc- • Leave the locker unclean or untidy. machinery or equipment. • Creating or contributing to unsani- es department of the current and • Leaving the place of work without • Unauthorized usage of Resort equip- change of address in writing within 7 permission from immediate superior. ment, tools, materials or vehicles. tary conditions by poor housekeep- days. • Loitering or loafing during working • Using Resort restaurants or bars or ing. hours. entertainment facilities without writ- • Creating scrap or poor-quality mate- • Failure to notify the Department • Making personal telephone calls ten permission from the Department rial due to carelessness. Head, Assistant Department Head or while on duty Head, or General Manager. • Distributing or circulating literature, Section Head if the associates is un- • Obscene, abusive language and/or • Using guest facilities or guest re- written or printed matters on resort able to report for work on schedule. malicious gossip. strooms without permission. premises without permission. • Reading newspapers or books or • Violation of sanitation rules or im- • Eating food in places other than in the • Failure to report for work on desig- magazines or any kind of printed proper use of sanitary facilities. associate canteen or were provided nated time and day including day-off matter whilst on duty. • Wasting time or loitering around by the resort. and Public Holiday whenever re- • Refusing to be searched or inspected during working hours. • Eating food or beverages to be served quired. by a Security Guard on entering and • Wearing mourning clothes or pinning or sold to guests. leaving the resort premises. any sign of bereavement on the uni- • Eating guest leftover food or other • Failure to report immediately any • Reporting late for work or leaving form whilst working. food not intended to be served or personal injury incurred within the earlier 3 times in one month or late • Wearing or taking the uniform out of sold. Resort premises. for 15 minutes each time or more in the Resort without authorization. • Entering restricted area without spe- one month. • Willful neglect and mishandling of a cific permission. • Failure to return any food and bever- • Sleeping on duty or sleeping while off machine or other equipment. • Entering the resort whilst off duty or age items-given by guests to Associ- duty on the resort premises. • Posting or removal of notices, signs on leave without valid permission. ates back to the Resort and/ or taking • Smoking except in designated areas. or writing in any form on any Bulle- • Exchanging duty or day-off without these items out of the Resort without • Smoking in the presence of guests or tin Board on Resort property unless approval of Department Head. “ exit – permit” authorized to do so. • Failure to carry or show the Resort identity card whilst inside the Resort • Failure to undergo or follow Resort or failure to notify Human Resources instructions concerning a medical department in case of loss. check-up i.e. X-ray etc. • Failure to wear resort uniform includ- ing shoes and nametag. • Failure to wear ID Card and refusal to 77

EMPLOYMENT with cora cora maldives GROUP B – MINOR OFFENCES • Absent from duty without prior ap- chase any items for their own benefit. • Fighting or causing harm to another comply with security requirements of proval or appropriate reasons • Deliberate restriction of output (slow- person. the resort. • Reporting for work under the influ- • Accepting guest’s invitation to join down, delaying other workers). • Gambling, lottery, or any other game ence of alcohol or drugs or drinking them in public areas as well as Resort • Discourteous, rude, impertinent or of chance on the Resort premises at alcohol or using illicit drugs on RE- rooms without proper authorization any time. SORT premises. or duty to perform. different behavior in dealing with any • Sleeping while on duty. guest/ guest. • Gathering the group activity and • Smoking in prohibited areas such • Acting against the morals and tradi- • Disobedience and/or in-subordination. disturbing the peace and morale of as the machinery room, engineering tion of Republic of Maldives. • Drinking alcoholic beverages or being other associates or strike within the work areas, air-conditioning and fun intoxicated while on duty or within resort illegally. rooms, storerooms, theatre rooms, • Acting in a manner that may be un- the resort premises, or under influ- gas storage area, kitchen and espe- safe to other Associates or guests in ence of alcoholic beverage before • Giving false information when apply- cially where there are “No Smoking” the resort premises. reporting to work. ing for a job with the Resort. signs. • Excessive absenteeism or lateness. • Soliciting “tips” or other reward from • Acting in a way of soliciting tips from • Failure to keep confidential any infor- • Insubordination, including failure or guests. guests. mation that may benefit the compe- refusal to perform work assigned. • Threatening, intimidating or coercing tition or any other party without any fellow associates well as manage- • Being a broker of any kind or involved permission. • Loaning or providing a loan or illegal ment on the premises at any time for in sales of illegal lotteries. • Failure to report any dishonesty, funding of money (share) on the any purpose, whether a report had fraudulence or crime to immediate resort premises. been made to the law enforcement. • Being in intoxicated condition and superior or the resort. unable to perform assigned duties • Failure to report known serious and • Making of false, vicious or malicious caused by alcohol or drugs. contagious diseases that may endan- statements concerning any associ- ger the life or health of resort guests ates, resort or its service. • Bringing liquors in and or out of the or associates. Resort. • Negligence or carelessness resulting in wastage, loss or spoilage of any • Bringing personal clothes for laundry resort materials, tools or equipment. or dry cleaning to Resort without authorization. • Overstaying a leave of absence. • Participation or promoting gambling • Careless or inefficient performance of duties, including failure to maintain or betting on the resort premises or proper standard of workmanship. possessing gambling equipment. • Possession of or drinking, any alcohol- • Challenging or provoking someone ic beverage on Resort property. to fight or willingly harm or destroy • Provoking or instigating a fight or the property of the Resort, guests or fighting during working hours or on other Associates. RESORT premises. • Refusal to co-operate with the au- • Collecting of money in the Resort thorities’ concerning investigations without permission. that may affect the credibility or reputation of the resort. • Contacting any supplier of the Resort • Refusal to submit to or failure to to request free supply of items with- out permission. • Contacting or asking guests to pur- 78

EMPLOYMENT with cora cora maldives GROUP B – MINOR OFFENCES • Unauthorized usage of resort facili- another associates’ sign-in sheet/ or departmental document, form or • Medical reports, forms or inquiries ties for meetings or parties without time clock card. report including, but not limited to • Disrespectful conduct including permission from the Department • Using the resort name for private the following: Employment records, Head or General Manager. business transactions, or personal Resort and or departmental forms, gambling or fighting on the resort profit. documents or reports, time sign-in premises, coercion, intimidation or • Using another’s badge or pass or • Using the resort’s name to negoti- sheets, medical reports, forms or in- threats against guests, immediate permitting another Associates to ate purchases for personal benefit or quiries superiors or fellow associates, use of use your badge or pass to enter use. • Willfully falsifying application for vulgar language, failure to maintain RESORT property. • Using, selling, giving away or pos- employment or other resort records. the resort’s standard of hospitality sess prohibited drugs on the Resort • Willful destruction, abuse or misuse and discourtesy to any guest. • Vending or selling off of goods or premises. of resort property or property of • Conviction of a criminal offence. transacting personal business within • Violation of Government Laws and other associates or guests, including • Insubordination, including refusal or the Resort premises. Regulations that may result in arrest interfering with or hindering work failure to perform assigned work. and/or convection. schedules. • Absence for 3 consecutively sched- • Willful violation of safety and secu- • Willful damage to resort property • Unauthorized possession of resort uled workdays without notifying my rity rules and regulations or security • Willful destruction of property, or property, including the removal of immediate superior. of another person or willfully placing damage the reputation or credit of food, flowers, china, silver, office sup- • Adding a gratuity to a guest check the resorts or guest’s property in Resort. plies or any other contents of the at any time or any circumstances, in- danger of loss and damage. • Willful destruction, abuse or misuse resort or unauthorized possession cluding a situation in which a guest of resort property or property of of the property of guests or other as- requests that I add my own gratuity • Theft or removal without proper au- other associates or guests, including sociates. to the check. thorization of property of Resort or interfering with or hindering work • Drinking or possession of alcoholic • Possessing dangerous or deadly other associates. schedules. beverages while on duty, reporting weapons while on Resort property. • Willful falsification of any resort and to work under the influence of al- • Theft, fraud and deliberate falsifica- cohol, illegal controlled substances tion of Resort returns and records or having unauthorized possession, taking or selling of illegal controlled • Unauthorized changing of foreign substances while on duty. currency on the resort premises or • Willful falsification of any resort and privately exchanging foreign curren- or departmental document, form or cy for guest. report including, but not limited to the following: • Unauthorized possession of resort • Employment records master keys or codes used for open- • Resort and or departmental forms, ing the resort’s safe. documents or reports • Time sign-in sheets • Unauthorized possession of resort property, including the removal of food, flowers, china, silver, office sup- plies or any other contents of the Resort or unauthorized possession of the property of guests or other Associates. • Unauthorized signing or removal of 79

EMPLOYMENT with cora cora maldives GROUP C – MINOR OFFENCES • A willful act which is detrimental to • Disrespectful conduct including legal controlled substances or having weapons while on Resort property. the Resort. gambling or fighting on the Resort unauthorized possession, taking or • Possession or bringing illegal objects, premises, coercion, intimidation or selling of illegal controlled substances • Absence for 3 consecutively sched- threats against guests, immediate while on duty. such as weapons, firearms, explosives, uled workdays without notifying my superiors or fellow Associates, use of • Failure to turn in lost and found items inflammable materials or any other immediate superior. vulgar language, failure to maintain and intention to keep it for his/her deadly weapons inside the Resort the Resort’s standard of service and own benefit. premises. • Accepting a commission without the discourtesy to any guest. • Falsifying personnel or Resort docu- • Removal of Resort property without permission of the management of the ments or records. authorization including, but not limit- Resort. • Doing business and service with the • Fighting, assault or physical violence ed to, pilfering or stealing and release Resort either by Associates, or spouse on guests, management or other of confidential information • Adding a gratuity to a guest check directly or indirectly such as juristic members of associate • Serious breach of Resort rules and at any time or any circumstances, entity and Associates has sharehold- • Give false testimony during an inquiry procedures. including a situation in which a guest ing unless authorized by General or investigation. • Serious bullying or harassment requests that I add my own gratuity Manager. • Imprisonment according to final sen- • Serious incapability on duty caused to the check. tence of the court. by alcohol or illegal drugs • Drinking or possession of alcoholic • Indecent conducts or practices which • Serious infringement of safety pre- • Arson beverages while on duty, reporting to are of an immoral nature, e.g., offering cautions, procedures or practices • Assault on immediate superior or work under the influence of alcohol, il- services of men/ women to guests or • Serious negligence which causes or Associates for money. might cause unacceptable loss, dam- other Associates. • Insubordination, including refusal or age or injury. • Bringing the Resort into serious failure to perform assigned work. • Soliciting or accepting from any • Keeping Resort’s, guests, or other person firm, resort or organization disrepute Associates’ properties in locker. that has dealings with the RESORT, • Carelessness that causes the Resort • Misuse of Resort computer and tele- any advantage for his/her personal phone systems for personal emails, benefit. severe damages. telephone calls or unauthorized • Conducting any illegal activity, dis- Internet access. • Misusing, destroying or damaging honesty, theft or commission of any any Resort property, tools, machines other crime. or equipment, or property of fellow • Contravention of the Food Hygiene Associates in any manner. Regulations or the Licensing and • Possessing dangerous or deadly Excise Laws • Conviction of a criminal offence that is related to my job or limits my ability to perform my job. • Desertion of duty for 3 consecutive days without justifiable reasons. • Dishonest performance or crime intentionally committed against the Resort. 80

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