8511 Stair Piece Ark Anthracite 12x48 8503 8508 Ark Black 24x48 7.75sqft 1 34kg 32 248sqft 8512 Ark Black 24x24 7.75sqft 2 34kg 32 248sqft Product Code Stair Piece Ark Black 12x48 7.75sqft 2 32kg 32 0mm Collection EN P1ro4du4ct1N1amAe NNEX G Size BLASqpuIeaSrreBOoFxeeAt13N6T0pPI0ei-ercBSeAosxLNI NP EpeRXkrgBAoGx T IGNBRoGPxOaelslepUte/rP R11 2cm 2 BLAPalletR11 GR(OinchUesP) BLENDSTONE 1019 Blendstone Ivory 24x24 7.75sqft 2 34kg 36 279sqft 1020 Stair Piece Blendstone Ivory 12x24 7.75sqft 3 25kg 32 96pcs 1021 Blendstone Sabbia 24x24 7.75sqft 2 34kg 36 279sqft 1022 Stair Piece Blendstone Sabbia 12x24 7.75sqft 3 25kg 32 96pcs 1023 Blendstone Tortora 24x24 7.75sqft 2 34kg 36 279sqft 1024 Stair Piece Blendstone Tortora 12x24 7.75sqft 3 25kg 32 96pcs 1025 Blendstone Antracita 24x24 7.75sqft 2 34kg 36 279sqft 1026 Stair Piece Blendstone Antracita 12x24 7.75sqft 3 25kg 32 96pcs Collection Product Product Name Size Square Feet Pieces kg Boxes per Pallet Code (inches) per Box per Box per Box Pallet PROJECT 279sqft 1027 Project Grigio 24x24 7.75sqft 2 34kg 36 279sqft 1029 Project Nero 24x24 7.75sqft 2 34kg 36 279sqft 1031 Project Cemento 24x24 7.75sqft 2 34kg 36 279sqft 1033 Project Beige 24x24 7.75sqft 2 34kg 36 Collection Product Product Name Size Square Feet Pieces kg Boxes per Pallet Code (inches) per Box per Box per Box Pallet GRAVA 8517 Grava Gris 24x24 7.75sqft 2 34kg 32 248sqft 8518 Stair Piece Grava Gris 12x24 7.75sqft 2 16kg 64 128pcs 8519 Grava Anthracite 24x24 7.75sqft 2 34kg 32 248sqft 8520 Stair Piece Grava Anthracite 12x24 7.75sqft 2 16kg 64 128pcs Collection Product Product Name Size Square Feet Pieces kg Boxes per Pallet Code (inches) per Box per Box per Box Pallet BENELUX 8513 Benelux Grey 24x24 7.75sqft 2 34kg 32 248sqft 8514 Stair Piece Benelux Grey 12x24 7.75sqft 128pcs 8515 Benelux Black 24x24 7.75sqft 2 16g 64 248sqft 8516 Stair Piece Benelux Black 12x24 7.75sqft 128pcs 2 34kg 32 Size (inches) 2 16kg 64 Collection Product Product Name 24x24 Square Feet Pieces kg Boxes per B A SPaIlClet 3 Code 12x24 per Box 7.75sqft A PperPBoLx I C pAerTBoIxO N O FPallet Size 7.75sqft PTAECRRKAAZZGO I N G885522I12N F TOerrazzo Grey Grey (inches) 2 34kg 32 248sqft 2 16kg 64 128pcs Stair Piece Terrazzo 24x24 24x24 Collection Product Product Name 24x24 Square Feet Pieces kg Boxes per Pallet Code 24x24 per Box per Box per Box Pallet BASIC 6009 Basic 1 Size 7.75sqft 2 34kg 40 310sqft 7008 Basic 2 7.75sqft 2 34kg 36 279pcs 7009 Basic 3 49(inches) 7.75sqft 2 34kg 36 279sqft 6043 Basic 4 7.75sqft 2 34kg 40 310pcs 12x48 Collection Product Product Name Square Feet Pieces kg Boxes per Pallet Code per Box per Box per Box Pallet 8533 Timberwood Natural 7.75sqft 2 34kg 32 248sqft
Remove top soil to achieve desired depth. A D H E R I N G T O S U B S T R A T ERRRRoemeoumugoghPRovhlooevyluueytlergotlveochpeovplyslenostllcehoitrlvheeitleteotaeloraatmehrcaaeehci.axhiae.tirveoeevaae.dchdeiseeisrvierede6dd”dethpeiptchtkh.n.ess aPnaPondoudurrercrCaoiecnnloeindnfanocfnrocrecrrtiteecnhetefeweomwcirmtcoiihxtenihxtrcwoetrrobeeiattbhacaerahcr.srehiA.uebiAlrvelafolevarlowe.c6Awe6”tla”lottohnotwdhidcdrikcytcronk.hyne.edsecrskyss.that RRINoemuSgoThvlAye lLteovLpeAlsotThileItOoatAtChhraNtAtClepehheeclppaaeeehsepGl.nayuinselenPttAyurtnthhaUvfhlpirtntaaaeerefheipeIcnacresoeDleedeccayunoueocreaurttEauteofnrihusdsnartaenici:erdesconaeorciieooeansgErduirotesrugdntepetrdudsdrmaperiysusoenroruieysososagoppurennraadpfteprahndudarfreprcay.ddshroteoceohaeptaeroaonsaeetcainaodlds.rvetsindlh.etvlsaoadeecaneaioshtncnvedil.vhesevdtetceneaietlkcnneleceykvdlthcyhitethnntohanteniotqalpcyitquhlatuenoc.eiqe. uaen.d PraCeorlieenuaafroncirscotdhenrecywrcaeitonthendrcemfrlbeaisattstPaet.raop.PtasilAraapspAialuapracpaacllrleccpanoiecflgOsateahnldiwertyapgihicnhdrretipaaehsttheceivaolcennestleyreniealEnsegydrtadrwEnunhsaeqhrdwnuidymreqeuist6eth.mrlnuiaihc”yoreterfdseiheohnutrswaufhqheidenuvlarepuiilrdcceeltsiuplaoirhnkkiriufvb(aodrennurtaecbtdbarhdhelhectblhhretaesheeielusaaeresnateldbdsairjsaihtoonthbihdjnihfahoonnioeeredntamenii.rirsentmtelM.ioijdme.htolonMem,.uainitienrntnimieri.dernientmmMprom.timopltooiuaenolvrubnacriembneclt1eteolhau1e/e8aenb/ned8”nddls1e”pd/ea8dc”ers upPlsaaevc)eeervtuheseinnlEgyntpmoroosupnbepsrOGrteoOGrrtrnaomerorcncmtoouoeeeclutsoevlrGtaatteevhathrintmehneonahedeundaoaepjtnyodvtaajtotyoediehrhnveihectraneethsesesnhtrijseidssyonavaiiduneiavibrqnneueendahtdusedsohacitedthaonsatka.unhonsdtpoedoridrtlofireoilrteiloutgihsenhdeug.oshed,tg.hrtir,lolhelpyeryumelsoywag.mronachitovndhelyevdlcaeatlcinhentlhadeenaescnpltseopataocanectresor.s. a rubber mallet to bleed air and ensure full adhesion. Ensure a minimum of 1/8” gap between tiles is maintained using the appropriate spacers. Once the adhesive has dried, remove the spacers. Grout the joints and thoroughly clean to remove any residue on tiles. 52
Enmon Porcelain Paver EnEnmmoonnPPoorcreclealianinPPavaevrer Tile adhesive rated fToiTflforeiolroeraouodautudhdtthedodseoooisvoroievrureusruaesrstaeeetded 6” Concrete with rebar 6”6”CCoonncrcerteetewwitihthrerbebarar Soil SoSoilil s. Simulated diagrams and installation guides are for reference only. Please analyze the unique requirements of each application and/or consult a professional to adhere to technical standards. 53
LAYING IN G R A S SaPaPnlnlaaddccPaecnlahEdceneccmhkEenotcmhnkaoptthnotahrptceotehrglcaeaeingplaaitbnpileetbtislweeotsewnoeenntehnttehhtegehmrgeamrsaisssissththee ssaammseamoveeorvtehretheenteinretirlaeylainyginsgusrufarfcaec.e. MMaarrMkk aoruktotuhtethareeaareoaf otuf rtfutrof tboebreermemovoevdedanandd ddiiggdooiugtotuotatodaepdtehpothf oatf aletalesats4t i4nicnhcehsess.sC. Crereaateteaa INSTALLAllaTayyIeeOlrayoNefraoGtfleaUat IsleDta3sEtin3: cihnechseosfogfrgarvaevle(ld(idaimam. 3. 3/4/4”)”.). CCoommCpoamcpt aacntdanledvleelvtehlethgeragvraevl.el. Place Enmon porcelain pavers on the grass and check that the gap bLLeaaytywLssaeaynesdnaintnhdeaimnlaayisleatryhaeetr slaeatamlestaes1toi1vneicnhrcthdheedeeepen,ptu,irunentitlilththee laying area. ssppaacscepaleceftlbefettbweetweneetnhitshliasylaeyrearnadndthtehesusurfrafaceceooff athteleagCaCgrrosroeotommau5Cgupnrooionadmfucctipntuhsadare2fcnsictts.dmoaC2nlcber(dmetevhalee(irtltcevehtkemhinlcaeotkehlnsvsaesaeeysnsodesadfrnoa.todfhnf.tedhatedtilteliegil.eao.sut t3a Mark out depth of gLilnearcfaythvbseeaesln.towdfeignernaavtPpglpgPheaueluelilyasantn(teccldPgpttatterlhueliyyaaaaentecwmntttesrlhldyile.aatae3hawenbns/ldsdislai4ttamh”iebr1tn)ulhisai.nimbpeniCranbluciatsnobpeehucamrblreaatdfeheapcnaeraeacyanehmnaedcupaynmtmnotduuaaefemnnptvntraetheedidptvlrenooetldtnhenowgsoeevenrwsnseoteesstnlusptl.stetnahl.edtcehteihesemminintoto 2cm (thickness of the tile). Compact and level the sand. Put the Enmon porcelain paver in place and tap down gently with a rubber mallet to settle them into place and correct any unevenness. 54
EnmoEnEnnPmmoorocnenPlaPoinorcrPecaelavliaenirnPPavaevrer GrassGGrarass s Sand:S1Saan- nd1d.:51: i1n- c-1h1.5e.5sininchcheses GraveGlGr(a3rav/4ve”el)l(:3(33/4-/4”4)”:i)n3: c3-h-4es4ininchcheses Soil SSooilil Simulated diagrams and installation guides are for reference only. Please analyze the unique requirements of each application and/or consult a professional to adhere to technical standards. make look like gravel make look like sand mmaakkeellooookklliikkeeggrraavveell mmaakkeeloloookklilkikeesasanndd 55
LAYING O V E R G R A V E LINSTALLusC1TsttAhhuea/anrT4eeptertetfTCs1tsutn”malaIgvhhdeua)e/anrteOce4reepteoeortseiaettfnn”smanTtsAt1suCwshlagvNadv)ehhnueate.w/atnrcdeereoeont4hePeptelrseitaetenahdmtsilfnnw”smahGletsalvagvgdya)ane.ewhttesgeceenrteeoecohPsnlie.siUaetrahemnilasaernnwsleahdtsagvyaxaentm.hwtsovtIesetoneteicsnhPlicle.esDhteahfmniylaaerenlhedtrstglpyaxaeeatmhaisotwseiEteonoecsinltin.clisehtEnafayacegrnevgdihrlt:xpncteamtkeoaitheswteohhionecllstmashtifryEtatecgehurvtgisplheaeaanctatikewoheetbonjhdlthaneismoaEarcgrntt4vgsiltuuegdncsthiekeaathetnhottbebepisrmadhaenrtntehrtaun4sshbeoatsuaegndatlceottbtidhanertbenteptirmhren4nscehotiugegadr.bdoretnealcettbpeiieaLrhielnsernehentlmhaecepbocanaigalrlcea.tvodrheiaevireenmthieaLhntebcfsnigyeelr.ecdrepealeaegliimcaaLlohthasnntvilmatcikepnttrbahaflyeleawgoehaheneavimeegitmcntbltfvryeneeyheeastioktrpegielmcltwtguhaeenneenatiokatrtllvrnrwegyhaenheesv(oftetdvuraeeyiehesnoonletciruneean(ogflerndam(.f.dcaia.eciame.m.. . gdcChriraaeemvacetekel tfaeoanrrdloaefvyleADu1eev/sdenr4eeocduDA”fldolfastdgeohraietcndarnenduDtaotsegtsivletrseivheneausreceaesadatsorl.ivfstdgirviaetneenaercx4aotlsatiitdgeisfhvvinetnerweieaownactldghfhgvjhilotraweaeoheasirltnfuvshgjalowwetbaoaesilrstshnafrgltttawsagrtiroeanasrturgaralitwtgdesseeiovnevhiar.uaedlestiCdesmnelluevfiwodtaodesdehmmgeiirttlaefehdestpomerhupfarataoceebeascnartvrsupetndsticbranurtabahvcsbgnttaiees.nerntba.grtbae.ete.e. Place the Enmon porcelain paver on the gravel and check that the gap between them is the same over the entire laying surface. Tap down gently with a rubber mallet to settle them into place and eliminate and uneveness. Add gravel in the joints to level the paving. Decorative gravel that is larger in diameter can be used instead of what was used for substrate. 56
Enmon Porcelain Paver EnEmnmononPoProcreclealianinPaPvaevrer Gravel (1/4”) : 4 - 6 inches GrGarvaevle(1l (/14/”4)”:)4: 4- 6- 6inicnhcehses Concrete: 4 - 8 inches CoCnocnrcerteet:e4: 4- 8- 8inicnhcehses Soil SoSiol il Simulated diagrams and installation guides are for reference only. Please analyze the unique requirements of each application and/or consult a professional to adhere to technical standards. 57
LAYING IN Prepare a layer of sand at least 1 inch thick on the existing substrate (concrete or gravel). S A N D Level the surface with a straightedge and check the atness. Place the Enmon porcelain tile on the sand and use spacers to ensure an even gap over the entire laying surface (minimum 1/8”). Tap down gently with a rubber hammer to INSTALLATIOseNttleGthUeImDiEnt:o place. Remove at least 6A-d8dinsacnhdeisnotfhteojposinotils. to level the paving. Clean the surface of the slabs. Lay 2-4 icnhes of 3/4” gravel. Compact and level.Lay 2 - 4 inches of 1/4” gravel. Compact and level. Prepare a layer of sand at least 1 inch thick on the existing substrate. Level the surface with a straightedge and check for even flatness. Place the Enmon porcelain pavers on the sand and use spacers (minimum size 3.5 mm) to ensure an even gap over the entire laying surface. Tap down gently with a rubber mallet to settle the pavers into place. Add sand in the joints to the level the paving. Clean the surface of the slabs. 060 58
Enmon Porcelain Paver Sand: 1 - 1.5 inches Gravel (1/4”): 2 - 4 inches Gravel (3/4”): 2 - 4 inches Simulated diagrams and installation guides are for reference only. Please analyze the unique requirements of each application and/or consult a professional to adhere to technical standards. 061 59
RAISED F L O O R S W I T H P E D E S T A L SCINleSanTAtheLeLCtwtpwPauixnhiArrnleilaiseoeeetadtwTlhatCpwPawtuiupilcenncehisnrarnlelncaIdoaitg.eoeseetanOodhrwdLtltgnhauptCwaPpuielceathnscreoahsnrecarneenlcautdNdloit.oesteyeseh.tranodhdrwrdhLatctgehnaeupTecfeteactheroalneanatechncahweGitdoatlxsteyepsecnh.rohcrddeecthtrnaiceeieTesdasthoertoeniUhelnecesttdphtchwliagteoxsuwgh.eproiecdohaeaolnceerIiTenineeesessdsoneniinhDtrghwn.staeptcxvdetgcoecutwgchoiAecdroinoeoilhneesdEseonrnniehstsrsinlutcterleghg.teucpsvwgrdoaihtctot:chlntrAaieenoneeoheshpisezsfeeinrntgn.atervludetdeeletehepschtrAamhlcngotestrtheaiadcrdetaoepizeferilueteenhnyslpseaurkegnhedteeetraittaeimolcgetszfseedetnhaeadtrdnaahnoeteidthiee.ltyslgemuaeglgcngrseednheabadFtaaieetls,sehdenarysdseuignhengtottcctmitt.altigagtishadensreaudthrnrbFadhtnttehlii,h.ogleghdgstediygersegdrcbctmFtettvea,eyhcpiharpduihrieagdtoccminittakitogseenhnaieptedyguhrrfadmtogttviatnogedyscphrtorpedygpirhlointoitakivdtee,yecpnndfarepieaafohmiangtsaksetnngdsapndreoctpftenmtghtotngdate,urcaoyefpeahyahoatosdtr,tslrsfeandecahtsttitensentvndiae.cutcayeteandyeeaourcyetlrslgsto.irssternstvit.ieantndvieeandleeg.sslg.ss IilstAPasfhurrtcyeebrhaiopnseentnagrrdgaecrdegetrieesieattthahiegtseoerslAerawuieatlecosgnxndvmmiimhzpptrdeedieuewarAhod,eeuevolnxandssacisattemvpotteyddtoethdahteaAwwrnnpieoefnbjvieonenxalrudtndadecipuetemthevpgtddpisthdlaed,hnenlperieectsjoenedssdetaeguddnac.detyahstvdrmgdjrsLthgsaeiehdu,sypigwenetieajtneetdssntusoeaesdehyaesyhitgsstutjtlssacvd,atthmuthpshentetsatilidsithehtinlnteneasredasyhptelytjasseestghlusihckesipmtth,pEtetgnctieepasheoihsconneareeacshtularuoyaesemhnpmeuaicknitrettgrowbncereleatsteihcsymtalocthfosicyhckdruaeyiiettoganuntnpeteihleiowb.rccralhfdstgnormgyleeaharpoopisyttiddnwowustdntlsthteelmmileac,crlhonafdytaigedceeoahinoi.esdtindpflkcecnssftdtehegompthcei,ohlsettocdttaceesofeteiheh.ehmnepf,ankllntddcese.oepeaislheehlwpfsktIoeafvteofphne“sleehehatspeiytdsftweeahsnaedgeethuhvsetedavaleasairgllheebopnfsoetaeytalviollseehneaestgvsebtssuytalredsed.tlevsosrnf,aaltla”eoleossfadablsa.ostlsradabsent,rdars,yelssa.arree correctors or shimsu.nevenness in the substrate. Fit the protective edge clips on the pedestals against any wall. Lay the porcelain tile on the pedestals. Pedestals should be placed every two feet regardless of the size of slab. In addtion to placing slabs in all 4 corners, add a pedestal in the middle of a slab, removing spacer wings if heavy loads are expected. 60
EnEmnmononPoProcreclealianinPaPvaevrer EnmPoePndeePdsoetrsactleasllasin Paver PedSeosStloiadllisdSuSbusbtsratrtaete(6(6- 9- 9inicnhcehse)s) Solid Substrate (6 - 9 inches) Simulated diagrams and installation guides are for reference only. Please analyze the unique requirements of each application and/or consult a professional to adhere to technical standards. 61
BENEFITS OF RAISED FLOORS The raised access flooring installation system uses pedestals to provide easy access to the area underneath as well as improve drainage. This innovative flooring system is also ideal for applications that have uneven terrains or need to quickly and easily repair single pieces of the flooring. This system offers a more cost effective alternative to traditional decking and is more durable. DECK INSTALLATION USING RAISED FLOOR / PEDESTAL DRAINAGE SYSTEM 62
ADJUSTABLE PEDESTALS Adjustable plastic pedestals are high strength, light weight and easy to install. Pedestals support indoor & outdoor uses with various kinds of materials including wood decking, WPB decking, stone, ceramic, composite material, metal, fibreglass, and more. They can be placed over stable substrate or insulation panels. BASE RUBBER PADS ANTI-NOISE UP TO 25DB WALLSIDE BUFFER & SIDE CLOSURE STEEL CLIPS SLOPE CORRECTION 0% - 5% 63
PEDESTAL SIZES Bases & Heads Shims Spacer Tabs 64
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ALL SIZES 2cm Compliant with standards EN 14411 annex G group BLA Compliant with standards ISO 13600 annex G group BLA PROPERTIES TEST METHOD REQUIREMENTS RESULTS LENGTH AND WIDTH ISO 10545-2 ±2.0mm ±0.6% 0.2mm 0.03 THICKNESS ISO 10545-2 ±0.5mm ±5% WATER ABSORPTION ISO 10545-3 0mm 0.38 BREAKING STRENGTH IN (N) ISO 10545-4 E ≤ 0.5% individual maximum 0.6% ABRASION RESISTANCE ISO 10545-7 S ≥ 1300 N 0.09% 0.07%~0.10% THERMAL SHOCK RESISTANCE ISO 10545-9 CRAZING RESISTANCE ISO 10545-11 Report cycles/Class S ≥ 9993N FROST RESISTANCE ISO 10545-12 PASS SLIP RESISTANCE DIN 51130 PASS Passed 2100/Class 4 STAIN RESISTANCE ISO 10545-14 PASS HOUSEHOLD CHEMICAL RESISTANCE ISO 10545-13 Fully Resistant RESISTANCE TO LOW CONCENTRATIONS OF ACIDS & ALKALIS ISO 10545-13 Declared value RESISTANCE TO HIGH CONCENTRATIONS OF ACIDS & ALKALIS ISO 10545-13 Minimum Class 3 Fully Resistant Minimum Class B Declared value Fully Resistant Declared value 22.4° Class R11 Class 5 GA(V) GLA(V) GHA(V) 65