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Home Explore Berlitz Kids & Teens 2020

Berlitz Kids & Teens 2020

Published by Berlitz Manchester, 2020-04-17 13:55:20

Description: Berlitz Kids & Teens 2020


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Explore Lead 1

Language fluency starts here! At Berlitz, we are passionate about Live online courses at a glance: creating an environment where young learners can continue to • Available in English, French, German grow and develop. and Spanish Our live online courses make • Beginner (A1) to upper-intermediate learning a language easy for kids (B2) levels and teenagers. They mimic a physical classroom setting with • 3 age groups: Explore 8-11, Achieve a Berlitz instructor, but can be 12-15 and Lead 16+ done in the comfort of your chosen location. We combine real-life • Flexible dates and times activities, level-appropriate lessons and cultural awareness to help • Berlitz native-fluent instructors students speak, listen and think experienced in teaching kids in their new language. and teenagers • All you need is a computer, tablet or mobile phone, an internet connection and some headphones (or headset) 2

Why learn live online with Berlitz? Live classes, from anywhere Full immersion in the new language Taught over live video call with qualified Classes are conducted in the new language instructors, our online classes are a flexible by native-fluent instructors and are designed and safe option to study from the comfort to maximize every student’s talking time. of your own home. Progress tracking and achievement Personalized learning Our learning cycle has been developed to We offer both private and small-group measureand celebrate progress throughout classes for learners aged 8 to 18 years old. the entire learning journey. At the end of the Before students start the course, they’ll program students will receive a certificate complete a placement test so we can of achievement and a progress report from match them to the appropriate level. Berlitz. Engaging real-life activities World skills for now and the future The Berlitz Method focuses on communication Our courses help nurture qualities skills in real-life situations and interactive that prepare students for life, such as activities such as drawing, typing and collaboration, problem solving and quizzes, making learning a language leadership. We partner with organizations effective, enjoyable and meaningful. like National Geographic Learning to embed cultural awareness into all our language classes, through activities and materials. 3

How are lessons delivered? Lessons are delivered via a video call. Each lesson is task-based with specific learning goals. This allows young learners to put their new language to use in actual situations right away. Lesson Cycle Opening A goal is set for the lesson that asks the students to complete a real-life task. Present The instructor presents the new language using visuals. Practice Students use the new language through speaking activities and interactive tools such as drawings, games and quizzes. Perform Students are encouraged to showcase what they have learnt by performing a roleplay or summary. Closing Students summarize what they learned in the lesson, and homework is set. 44

Personalized content for all students Explore AGE 8-11 Explore different cultures and learn about how children live in other countries. Achieve AGE 12-15 Achieve a new level of understanding and real-world skills. Lead AGE 16+ Lead the way and find your place in the global community. 5

Live online courses for kids and teenagers Connect with us [email protected] T el : +44 161 228 3607

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