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Home Explore E-brary booklet

E-brary booklet

Published by sam.whalley, 2017-01-31 05:42:56

Description: E-brary booklet


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Northumberland College Your library has access to all of the Kirkley Hall LRC e-books and other authoritative Ponteland materials provided by ebrary for the JISC NE20 0AQ E-books for FE project. Phone: 01670 841229 Below are a few easy steps to help you getEmail: [email protected] started. For further support and troubleshooting, please visit our online Twitter: @northlandcolLSC training site. Athens E-resources

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Welcome to ebrary!Your library has access to all of the e-books andother authoritative materials provided by ebrary for the JISC e-books for FE project. Below are a few easy steps to help you getstarted. For further support and troubleshooting, please visit our online training site.

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