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Home Explore wellness Business Directory

wellness Business Directory

Published by jadenambertaylor, 2019-07-25 13:10:21

Description: wellness Business Directory


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Dear Members, We have just celebrated our first anniversary. Wow! To all our members, new and old, I would say that a team performs best only when it is united. I am extremely proud of my team and I can thankfully and wholeheartedly say that we have some of the best Human Resources in our PARTNERS IN WELLNESS GROUP (P.I.W.G.) organization. P.I.W.G. encourages its members to become active participants in the dynamic process of making permanent changes in their mindset, to enhance personal growth in wellness. Rather than simply managing symptoms, P.I.W.G. offers a range of workshops, seminars, coaching, and wellness retreats geared to the building of sustainable wellness goals. One of the top priorities as a P.I.W.G. member is to build one’s network. Building a business involves many people. It’s like the saying, ‘It takes a village to raise a child’. Imagine, what would happen if we could solidify the networks that we are currently building and share relevant contacts with each other; and help one another think through our business problems and strategically harness the power of unity? What if we focused on creating a better future with a ‘give first’ mindset? That is the vision I want to create with P.I.W.G. where members actively try to empower each other through support, connections, education and potentially capital. Starting a successful venture is a complex undertaking that requires more than just the idea. It requires a good team, a strong network, strategy, capital and other important attributes. Black Entrepreneurs face a greater challenge because of our lack of access to people of like mind, education, opportunity, and capital. But now, through P.I.W.G., a unique, unstoppable tsunami of talent, enthusiasm and dedication has provided the resources that is finally allowing us to break past barriers, and become the successful, ingenious people we once were. Opportunities for Women of Colour now exist. Economic transformation requires that we fundamentally improve the position of Black women in our communities both locally and abroad, ensuring that they are owners, managers, producers and financiers. It is a matter of great urgency that we connect with the youth in our community and engage them in productive economic activities through internships, apprenticeships, mentorship and entrepreneurship P.I.W.G’s, Business Directory exists to allow easy access to the businesses in our community. Our goal is to keep our dollars circulating in our community for as long as possible which requires that we spend with awareness and support the businesses of those who share the same ancestral lineage as we do, while we invest in the development and expansion of our Black owned businesses. Let us continue to support and empower each other as we join in this mission. Yours truly, Dr. Cheryl Morgan Dr. Cheryl Morgan

Partners in Wellness Group Incorporated (P.I.W.G.) was created as a social enterprise venture for the Balanced Living and Community Keepers Society (B.L.A.C.K.S.). By developing projects and supporting members it will lead to benefits across our communities. Through addressing vibrant and vital services B.L.A.C.K.S. aims to create institutions to preserve and protect members, their family and loved ones across the Afrakan diaspora. We do this by providing a democratic funding platform for the empowerment of Black entrepreneurship in a range of career fields as business, education, health, manufacturing and the arts. Our core VISION is to establish a sustainable system for optimum health and economic empowerment for our community members. Our MISSION is to re-establish our health and sense of well-being in order to sustain our purchasing and communal power to effect positive change for Afrakan people in our communities. We are rebuilding our future, from the lessons of our past, where our BLACK DOLLARS will circulate within our communities for as long as it can to address the socioeconomic impoverishment in our community. P.I.W.G. BUSINESS DIRECTORY The P.I.W.G. Business Directory provides a resource cataloging a list of businesses, services and other activities in ALL SECTORS available within our community. The goal of the P.I.W.G. Business Directory is to provide a system for its members to increase business contacts, sales and marketing of our business services, products and systems they provide. In the endeavours of P.I.W.G., we aim to grow and expand the businesses of our members’ in our community to create jobs and other opportunities for the upliftment of the whole. P.I.W.G. ADMINISTRATIVE TRAM The administrative team is a dynamic group of dedicated, community leaders who have willingly sacrificed their time and energy to make a major impact for the future of the community. On a weekly basis, their commitment is evident in the successes of the organization in the development of key resources, systems and the overall growth of the organization.

P.I.W.G. CORE VALUES The key principles of P.I.W.G. through its leadership is unhesitatingly demonstrating an ongoing ability to manage the needs of community members health, wealth and community development. We are providing life saving information, quality products and a plan to achieve our greatness to establish our victory as a people through our values, worth and collective organization. Health 1. Access to cutting edge health consultations and health products to address your health concerns. 2. Access to amazing health remedies you can only acquire as a member to empower your being. 3. Access to health workshops and seminars to address topics of personal care and well-being. 4. Health supports with each one, reach one to embody health dietary and nutritional habits. 5. Health watch with monthly checks for blood pressure, blood sugar levels and pH testing. Wealth 1. Business development courses to mentor a business and money mindset to access key supports. 2. Life saving tips to help you get out of debt to help you live the best life for yourself and family. 3. Earn commissions through our unique binary matrix system, where you receive 100% returns 4. Each business will grow and improve to build the capacity to meet the needs of the community. 5. Mentorship and classes to help in developing a money mindset to help members to have a strong credit record to ensure full financial health. Community 1. People come together to connect in trust & unity to address communal needs of our members. 2. Know, live and celebrate our principles and values, in our Afrakan culture and way of being. 3. Change our mindset to one that is willing and able to communicate (activley/openly) on our heritage and history to establish an awareness to ensure our upliftment and inspiration. 4. Provide time for our people to build and unite as a people to establish a sustainable community. 5. Community Projects: community center, business development center & elderly care center.

1Heat2Cool Amaraz Black Girl Magazine Heating & Cooling Service Auto Services Media and Magazine (647) 721 - 9922 (905) 564 – 0090 (647) 295 – 5705 David Samuels Kahan Claxton Annette Bazira-Okafor 2Freedom Power Group Angel Services Black Tux Photography Business Services Elderly Care Personalized Gifts (416) 522 - 6472 (647) 761 - 3619 (416) 807 - 8958 Angela Currie Jennifer Favorite Kofi Cox A Plumber for Life Another Stream CBIC Home and Residential Network Marketing Mortgage Broker (289) 913 – 0713 (416) 894 - 0312 (416) 410 - 8477 Marshall David Lewis Percival Alexander Aero Consulting Architectural Motion Product Century 21- Evadney Grief Counseling Services Solutions Real Estate Services (647) 548 - 7642 Awnings, Gates and Doors (416) 277 - 2023 Avis Ottey (416) 929 – 6761 Evadney Williams African Secrets Ro Foster Century 21 – Debbie Health & Wellness AW Mechanical Real Estate Services Products Heating & Cooling Services (416) 587 – 0742 (647) 501 - 0070 (416)726 – 6070 Debbie Ramjit Jerry Olague Anthony Waithe Cityscape Real Estate Ltd Afro Caribbean Business Bernedet Cleaning Real Estate Network Cleaning Services (416) 904 – 8526 Business Association (647) 853 – 4656 Ayan Doreh (647) 225 – 3309 Hazel Peters Cosmic Wellness Ryan Knight Big Papa’s Event Rentals Health & Wellness Services Allen Renovations Event Management (289) 423 – 9176 Contracting Services (647) 550 – 6701 Kofi Morris (647) 773 - 0762 Big Papa Comfort Feet Inc. Rocky Black Dollars Matter Int. Personal Health Care Aloette Business Associations (647) 297 – 2013 Beauty Supply Products (647) 855 - 8125 Natasha Lee (905) 495 – 6450 Lee Alexander Beverly Belfon

DC Shutters Gabriel’s Horn Home Decor Services Fitness & Personal Training (416) 571 - 3315 (416) 464 - 2044 Alan Jones Ras Kwaku DJXP Great Green World Entertainment Services Health Products & Services (647)389 – 9479 (905) 965 - 7712 Xpress Ali-Dorah Dey Decluttering by Design H.O.P.E. in Christ Organizing & Staging Church Services (647) 986 - 2202 (416) 723 – 6392 Denise Roberts Pastor Pat Bartley-Williams Design Meets Desire Hendry’s Reno Personalized Gifts Contracting Services (416) 738 7379 (905) 966-2477 Pam Curtis Blake Detailing Knights Homelife Cholkan Auto Services Real State (647) 225 - 3309 (647) 836 - 5014 Ryan Knight Winston Harding Ebank Books Images Marketplace Author and Writer Event Management (416) 491 - 1574 (289) 200 7231 Janet Campbell Sandra Davis The Empress Walk Insurance Depot Inc. Not for Profit Insurance Services (647) 835 - 7544 (416) 432 - 9718 Giselle Verna Bollers Enagic Intelligent Audio Design Health Equipment Audio Design Services (647) 673 - 3011 (647) 807 - 1743 Michael Anthony Michael Stanfor

J Unique Clothing Design Marvelous Touch Cleaning Ontario Drivez Clothing Design Cleaning Services Automobile Services (416) 261 – 6299 (647) 673 – 8461 (365) 777 – 0546 Jennifer Marwa Webb Devon Ricketts JK Professional Painters Mavis Co Passionate Care Services Home & Residential Service Accounting Services Elderly Care Services (647) 204 - 6636 (416) 993 - 2419 (647) 297 - 2013 J.S. Kavizzi Mavis Dennis Ingrid Bollers Jentru Property Services Mental Health & Support Patrick Njoku Property Management Personal Counseling Author and Writer (905) 230 – 1824 (416) 903 – 5251 (416) 843 - 7768 Jennifer Miller Derrick Williams Pineridge Memorial Garden Kareative Interlude Mining Capital Coin Funeral Services Creative Design Company Monetary Trading (905) 427 - 5416 (416) 724 – 1328 (416) 970 - 3835 Gideon Exeter Karee Walker Devon Bennett PiTotal Knowledge Bookstore Nanni’s Natural Hair Fitness & Personal Fitness Bookstore Beauty Salon Services (416) 878 - 3934 (905) 459 - 9875 (416) 243 – 5151 Tonry Carolette Liburd Janet Campbell RDR Wealth Unlimited Learning Nile Valley Books Wealth Management Personal Coach Bookstore (416) 721 – 7104 (905) 459 – 2347 (647) 802 - 6039 Launa Ward Sean Liburd Nosakhare Ibrahim RP Card Liquid Green Nzuri Books Community Discount Card Cleaning Products Author and Writer (289) 913 – 0713 (905) 554 – 7336 (416) 732-9100 Marshall Fred Cox Desree Crooks Rawfood Nutrition Luxe Collection Nzuri Day Care Holistic Health Practitioner Fashion Design Day Care & Childcare (647) 346 - 4443 (647) 608 - 1655 Services Dr. Cheryl Morgan Melissa Williams (416) 732-9100 Desree Crooks

Rega’s Fashion Tridante Inc. Wellness to Go Fashion Design Lawn Care Services Natural Health Services (647) 929 - 5591 (647) 819 - 4905 (416) 707 - 4896 Gale Ellis Cameron Morlese Ingrid Herbert ReMax Realtron Realty Turjubaan Somai Real Estate Interpretive Services: Somali Woman of Excellence (416) 606 - 9416 (416) 904 - 8526 Officiant Services Kyra Anderson Ayan Warsame Doreh (647) 802 - 4624 Sharon Hylton Tax Service Umbrella Auto Financing Andrea Saul Income Tax Consultant Auto Financing Services World Financial Group (647) 793 - 7941 (416) 878 – 3934 Financial Services Sharon Hylton Tony (416) 843 - 7768 Smart Choice Hairstyling Unique Residential and Patrick Njoku Beauty Salon Services Commercial Cleaners Xpert Mortgage (416) 788 - 0823 Cleaning Services Mortgages Barbara (416) 502 - 3702 (647) 400 - 4740 Sunrise Travel Evette Robinson Shaun McKenzie Travel Services Verico Mortgage Brokers Your Home (416) 904 - 1890 Mortgage Services Renovations Donette (647) 286 - 7638 Contracting Services TT&T Properties Winsome Murray (289) 939 – 5361 Real Estate Investments Voice Talent Leo (416) 996 – 7432 Audio Services Your Money 101 Lurline Henriques (647) 784 - 6103 Financial Services Total You Alan Edison (905) 621 - 8978 Beauty Salon Services Voxx Life Paula Morlese (905) 712 - 1397 Health & Wellness Product Lorna Lewis (647) 673 - 3011 Tradewinds Appliances Michael Anthony Appliance Repair Services WMRCC of Durham (647) 435 - 0656 Community Services Winton McIntosh (905) 427 - 7849 Esther Enyolu

ACCOUNTING AND TAX SERVICES Tax Preparation We offer: Tax preparation & Book Keeping Consulting Services for Personal, Payroll Taxes Small Business and Corporations; Sales Taxes (GST, HST) Accounting: Business Plans and Financial Planning Financial Service Office: 289-270-2555 Cell: 416-993-2419 We specialize in the following: Strategizing your taxes Preparing returns to limit liability Communicating each step for clarity Helping you to plan your estate Aiding you to see your finances in a new way to maximize growth We guarantee the best service (647) 793 - 7941 APPLIANCE REPAIR SERVICES We guarantee the best service and the best price because our customers come first. We get it right the first time, because we are here for you! Time and time again!

AUDIO SERVICES Michael Stanford THX ISF Custom Audio Design Consultant (647) 807 - 1743 [email protected] System Design, Sales Acoustic Solutions, Installation [email protected] Specializing in: voice over for radio, television commercials; movie trailers; documentary narrations; voicemail; telephone answering services and hosting prestigious events. VOICE TALENT (647) 784-6103 AUTHORS AND WRITERS Black Girls Magazine is written and illustrated by Black girls between the ages of 8 to 13 years old. (647) 295-5705 [email protected]

Entrepreneur – Advocate Children Book Author The oral tradition connects heritage Come celebrate the bond of reading This is Story Time! (416) 491 - 1574 An African Caribbean Canadian Kareative collective of writers creating resources Kollective to empower today’s readers and The Children of Today are tomorrow’s leaders. Leaders of Tomorrow! Delivering Top Quality Children Editing, Publishing, Workshops Resources – WORLWIDE Book Tours, Design, Lay Out Fulfilling their promise and Printing, Marketing, Events live their true genius (416) 724 - 1328 (416) 732 - 910 “The stories of tomorrow are written today!” Writer and self-published author creating the work: My Mother’s Wife A culturally informative trilogy Creating works that engage through history & heritage

AUTOBODY REPAIR & SERVICES AMARZ Muffler & Auto Service Mobile Car Cleaning Service Kahan Claxton Waterless Car Cleaning Unique Convenient Option 5890 Dixie Road, Unit # 2 Got a Mess? Call the BEST! Mississauga, Ontario L4W 1E9 (416) 909-2513 Phone: (905) 564-0090 [email protected] Fax: (905) 564-0099 Canada Auto Experts 301 Rexdale Boulevard Etobicoke, Ontario, M9W 1R8 (905) 956 - 4700 (365) 777 - 0546 AUTOMOBILE SALES AND FINANCING Getting you the Finance you Need with Quality ServiceEvery Time! • bad credit • no credit • no down payment • no job Getting you the right vehicle to fit your Lifestyle

BEAUTY SALON AND SERVICES We specialize in natural hair, locks, twists, extensions, braids, palm roll and interlocking Nanni’s – More than a Salon Educating, inspiring and strengthening communities from the roots of their culture. Hair We Come From Comprehensive creative classes for wigs & extensions Providing you the confidence to find your beauty Start your cutting edge career in barbering, hairdressing and aesthetics – register today Trusted, quality hair care in the community for over 20 years. • 100% Customer Satisfaction • Timely Appointments • Convenient Consultations The TOTAL PACKAGE – YOU

BEAUTY SUPPLIES Specializing in skincare products Our products are fast acting that hydrate and cleanse remedies that supplement Our skincare and cosmetics are Gentle, multipurpose products authentic, healthy & safe that lift your radiance Our mission is to enhance your natural beauty everyday Effective, healing & nourishing For more information contact: Beauty - Lifestyle - Opportunity (289) 270 - 2555 (416) 993 - 2419 BOOKSTORES Specializing in African, Caribbean, African Canadian and African American books Black dolls and Black Bibles May Knowledge Bookstore revive and strengthen you on your journey The Power of Knowledge We sell authentic best sellers, comics, fabrics not available in mainstream stores. We read books, sell them and host events around them! (647) 802 - 6039 To those who paved the way

BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS Black Dollars Matter is a movement and network for Black-owned businesses and the Black community across Canada. Circulating dollars in the community, helps businesses become more successful. (647) 855 - 8125 Creating strategies for entrepreneurs of CONNECT • BUILD • GROW African and Caribbean Heritage (ACH) to thrive and build generational wealth. For more information on: Join us for mastermind events to help your business grow. • Networking • Mentorship Helping you to develop your vision and • Business Training • Partnerships achieve your goals • Funding • Marketplace (647) 225 - 3309 Contact us at [email protected] BUSINESS SERVICES I Am A Leader & NOT a Follower I Attract Positive Energy I Attract Like-Minded People I Am Fearless I Am Surrounded By Wealth I Love Helping Others I Help Individuals Create Residual Income 4Life I Am A Magnet For Success (416) 522 - 6472

CHILDCARE SERVICES Afrocentric Childcare Services Safe, clean and affordable care Private home daycare in Brampton Nutritionally balanced meals Creative activities engage children Fundamental academics for learning Register today: (416) 732 - 9100 CHURCHES HOPE in Christ House of Refuge Let us vision together Services: Weddings & funerals; Baby dedications; pre-marital, grief and anxiety counseling Worship Services: Sunday 10pm Wednesday: Bible Study 7 pm Friday: Youth Services 7:30pm (647) 643 – HOPE (4673) CLEANING PRODUCTS Liquid Green Products are solving the problem of chemical toxicity. Our products are a healthier alternative for toxin-free cleaning. Make the switch to a safer choice today! (416) 460 - 5645 [email protected]

A Fifth of Canada’s Working Baby Boomers Have Nothing Saved for Retirement, According to 2018 Statistics Canada Survey What is of Baby Boomers expect Canadians who work with an investment advisor YOUR dream government pensionwill are 5x more likely to have retirement savings than those who have not. retirement? be their primary or secondary source At YourMoney101, YourMoney101 we assist you to of retirement FinancAiatl EAmnypoAwgeerment income obtain your retirement is the average goals and dreams. monthly payment for new OAS It is never too late to start, beneficiaries! but you have to start. is the average of Canadians say monthly payment thinking about for new CPP retirement savings beneficiaries! brings them *Data source: Statistics Canada stress or anxiety Paula Morlese, LLQP at 50 Richmond Street East, Unit 103, Oshawa, ON | 905.621.8978 |

CLEANING SERVICES Specializing in office and commercial buildings. We deliver great service for a reasonable rate. Bonded and Insured (647) 853 - 4656 (416) 570 - 6477 Come home to excellence. Let Marvelous Touch do the cleaning for you  while you do Life. We do move ins & outs, before & after party clean up Last minute and Holiday cleaning “On your time with you in mind!” Book now for a 10% off on your first time cleaning Unique cleaning services available. Work flexible hours to get the job done! Diligent, determined and diverse staff of cleaners We don’t cut corners, we clean them! Surprise your Eyes!

CLOTHING DESIGN One of a Kind Designs Reasonable Rates Whether it is a full outfit, sewing, mending, hemming or alterations Top of the line tailoring Unique Styles and Unique Finish COMMUNITY DISCOUNT CARD Support local communities while you save across the GTA Instant savings between 5-20% Deals in many sectors: Auto – Food – Retail – Hair - Home Furnishing – Home Improvement [email protected] (289) 913 - 0713 COMMUNITY SERVICES WMRCC of Durham is a charitable and community based organization to provide services and programs to women of all ages, youth and children. Empowering women, youth and children to new lives free from violence and abuse to reach their full potential. Our services are free, confidential and culturally sensitive. (905) 427 - 7849

CONTRACTOR SERVICES Expert renovator. All clients are referred. We are number 1 in Toronto Unique signature finishing Make a Positive Difference Going the Distance Supply and install awnings, doors and access systems Garage Doors Industrial Doors Barrier Free Door Operators Superior Expertise Superior Products Superior Maintenance (416) 929 - 6761 Drywall Installation Kitchens Bathroom Dryer Vent Cleaning Crown Moulding Popcorn Ceiling Removal Flooring Painting WE STAND BEHIND OUR WORK Residential Properties Fences and Flooring Small Jobs and Large Jobs Maintenance and Renovations Commercial Properties We specialize in kitchen and bathroom renovations WE BUILD

CREATIVE DESIGNS SERVICES We offer the following services: Fashion Shows - Performances Visual Art – Prints - Exhibits Children’s Literature – Readings Printing Services – Books – Marketing Materials – Business Cards Web Design – Business Marketing Distribution Services** ELDERLY CARE SERVICES Dedicated to providing compassionate care to our clients. Developing relationships with our clients and their families. Dedicated to treating our clients with respect, dignity and love. Providing independence, comfort, kindness and sensitivity. Passionate Care Offering services full of passionate: respect, dignity & care Skilled, Worry-free Care at an affordable rate. Personal Care – Companionship - Respite, Pallative & Conceirge Care Dignity and Pride are Important We are Passionate in our CARE (416) 835 - 7399 [email protected]

ENTERTAINMENT Booking • [email protected] • (647) 389 9479 Open format mobile DJ/Producer Specializing in Corporate – Club Private/Residential – Weddings - Birthday – Stores – all functions DJ Services – Voiceover - Light Music/Audio Production – Speakers (647) 389 - 9479 EVENT MANAGEMENT Ensuring you are satisfied with the service from the beginning of your event right to the end. Affordable rates and quality rentals for your event Tables - Chairs - Equipment - Staffing – Furnishings – & More (647) 550 - 6701 Assist with all services required to have a quality trade show and vendoring opportunity: Photocopying - Signage - Marketing - Supplies - Reservations (289) 200 7231 Your Event Connection Africa • Caribbean • Asia

FASHION DESIGN Luxurious evening dresses featuring versatile, functional and classic silhouettes with a modern edge. (647) 608 – 1655 Customized work made especially for your sophistication Direct service to our clients in a timely manner. Industry knowledge on fabric suitability for every project. (647) 929 - 5591

FUNERAL PROTECTION PLUS Plan to make it right - for you and your family. WHY NOT START PLANNING TODAY? It takes just four simple steps: REFLECT - How do you want to be remembered? RECORD - Document your wishes. SUPPORT - Select the funding option that works best for you. SHARE - Let your loved ones know where your documents are located. ANDREA SAUL (647) 802 - 4624 [email protected]

LIQUID GREEN EARTH FIRST Products CLEANING SOLUTIONS 100% CARCINOGEN FREE CLEANING PRODUCTS FOR PEOPLE, PETS AND PLANTS Botanical Multi-purpose Cleaner Fruit and Veggie Wash Carpet Shampoo Spot & Stain Remover Janitorial Supplies Pet Shampoo Pet Stuff Cleaner Bugshot - Bed Bug Spray Plantmate - plant supplement for flowers,vegatables & fruits trees. Contact Information 905 - 554 - 7336 [email protected]

FINANCIAL SERVICES Getting your credit score up How to invest your money and make much more Life insurance for your loved ones We have an in house Real Estate Agent, Home Stager and Mortgage Specialist Teach you how to save and get your credit score up at the same time Products for your well being Insurance & Financial Services Retirement Plans Mortgages and Financing Debt Elimination & Management Educational Plans for Children Wealth Creation and Plans Building Generational Stability (416) 438 - 7768 Be Financially FREE Helping you get your personal and business finances in order Expertise for small business Aid clients to reach their goals Taxes – Investment - Insurance One Stop Center for Expert Advice Protecting your Plan with Assets Over 20 years of Experience Solutions for more Opportunities

FITNESS AND PERSONAL TRAINING Meditate Learn Tai Chi Relax Enjoy Natural Juices Replenish the finite to reach your infinite through the divine A brilliant way to start your day! Positive Results Training We Build Better Bodies (416) 878 – 3934 One on One Personal Training Customized Meal Plans Supportive Group Workouts Team and Goal Training FUNERAL SERVICES We’ll take care of all of the details for you. Supporting you in your time of loss to give you the respect, dignity and compassionate professional care you need. Celebrating a Life Lived Well.

GRIEF COUNSELING SERVICES Helping you to feel heard Aiding you to recenter your life Supporting you in your emotions At the crossroads of life, we help you to see the possible (647) 548 – 7642 [email protected] HEALTH AND WELLNESS PRODUCTS Products with incredible health benefits – real results Organic & Wellness Super Foods – complete nutrition Customize products to meet the unique needs of our customers (647) 501 - 0070

Providing the best supplements, vitamins, health foods and personal care products Certified Organic (905) 965 - 7712 Order under ID# 101000024000 We help you understand the benefits of buying organic Your Organic Lifestyle Store 647 673 3011 [email protected] Exceptional Pain Relief Increase Personal Power By 22% Improve Balance And Stability By 31% Increase Strength And Energy Improve Endurance And Faster Recovery HEALTH CARE SERVICES Offering personalized foot care Providing quality health supports for clients Offering treatments that promote personal well-being and wellness Attentive to your Comfort with Care and Consistency

BRAKESworry-free automotive careMUFFLERSSUSPENSION GENERAL REPAIRS SAFETY INSPECTIONS 5890 DIXIE ROAD, MISSISSAUGA (905) 564 - 0090 (Dixie just north of the 401) A M A R Z.CA amarzautoservice

HEATING AND COOLING Fully Licensed Technician Air Conditioning Heating Ductwork Thermostats Heat Pumps Residential and Commercial Installation and Replacement Quality Work Expertise Customer Service Heating and Air Conditioning Restaurant Equipment Repair Commercial Refrigeration and Installation Services Ventilation Systems Keeping you in your Comfort Zone HOLISTIC HEALTH SERVICES Health Coaching to assist you in Reclaiming your health Herbal Remedies to alleviate disease Achieve optimal health through raw food (plant based) Live Longer and Happier Lives

HOME AND RESIDENTIAL SERVICES Emergency and Same Day Service No Obligation Estimate Timely Responses to Situations Affordable Rates Certified Professional Superior Customer Service Commercial and Residential Talent Expertise Commitment (289) 913 - 0713 Free Written Quote Interior, Exterior and More High Quality Painting Expert Punctual, Time Efficient Service Quality Materials and Finest Paints* No job too BIG, No job too small! Paint Homes, Offices and Condos (647) 204 - 6636 Diamond Custom Shutters Specialize in California shutters Blinds and all window covering For a free quote please call (416) 571 - 3315 [email protected]

Beat any price!! Quality cleaning & staging services Making the space flow Helping you to live the way you want to live – ORGANIZED Multiple services contact today Customized services to meet needs Denise: (647) 986 - 2022 INSURANCE Professional advise for financial peace of mind Service at all stages of life Financial Planning Retirement Income and Protection Estate Creation Taking Care of What is Important INTERPRETIVE SERVICES High Quality Somali Interpreter Service Face to Face or Over the Phone Quick Confidential Service Strong Communication Skills Commitment to Resolve Issue Dedication to Complete all Forms, Interviews, Meetings and Translations (416) 904 - 8526

LAWN CARE SERVICES Lawn care at its finest: Spring and fall clean up - cutting - fertilizing - deweeding - mowing Take advantage of our special offer Your lawn is our lawn, using eco-friendly product (647) 819 - 4905 [email protected] MONETARY TRADING Devon Bennett (416) 970 - 3835 [email protected] MORTGAGES HAVE A HOME – GET A LOAN WE PAY FOR REFERRALS TELL A FRIEND

We can save your home Help you believe &get out of debt Aiding you obtain the lowest rates Best products for all of your needs Superior Services, Superior Expertise No credit, bad credit First, second, third mortgage Self employed, home renovation, refinance, debt consolidation Low Interest rates and so much more CALL TODAY NATURAL HEALTH SERVICES Nutritional Consultations for Health Reiki Treatments to Balance Energy Supply Products that Replenish Offer Services that Empower Assess personal goals and provide life based strategies to live one’s best life in clarity. Helping individuals feel better and experience joy – now A combination of energy medicine and alternative therapies to balance health and spirit We clean auras and bring transformation of thought, energy and mind (416) 707 - 4896

NETWORK MARKETING NOT FOR PROFIT The Empress Walk is a wellness ambassador for multicultural woman. We organize fundraisers, awareness campaigns, exploring culture, healthy outcomes & educate communities. She came. She walked. She conquered! (647) 835 - 7544 OFFICIANT SERVICES Reflect Helping you to remember loved one Record Complete your will and wishes Support Ensure you are prepared & knowledgeable Care Clear Commitment from beginning to end (647) 802 - 4624

#1 Real Estate Investment Strategist for Immigrants. Author of real estate investment book - 7 Figure Retirement. Co-authored “The Secret To Wealth” with Brian Tracy and other world’s top leaders. Coach and Mentor you to make a 7 Figure income in real estate at any age

Earth first cleaning solutions. 100% Carcinogen-free cleaning products For People, Pets & Plants. Botanical Multi-purpose Cleaner | Fruit and Veggie Wash |Carpet Shampoo |Spot & Stain Remover | Janitorial Supplies | Pet Shampoo | Pet Stuff Cleaner | Bugshot-Bed Bug Spray | PlantMate - for flowers, vegetables & fruit trees. **** Distributors of produce & exotic fruits (From the Caribbean & South America) Avocado, granadilla, passion-fruit, soursop, mangosteen etc. **** 100% Certified vegan nutritional products Shakes & teas for weight-loss, joint pain and anti-aging. E: [email protected] 905-554-7336

PERSONALIZED COACHES Habit Changing Activities Affirmations & Visualizations Help you to live a vibrant life Well-designed, safe experience Get Real & Lasing Outcomes by LEARNING (905) 459 - 2347 PERSONALIZED GIFTS Create your beautiful memories with Black Tux Photography (416) 807 - 8958 [email protected] WOW – Woman of Worth Customized gifts and jewelry Skincare products & women apparel Afrocentric Cards for any occasion Wedding Invitations Bridal Showers Baby Showers Birthdays and Personal Celebrations (416) 738 - 7379

PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Licensed Service Providers We can RENT out your Property Quickly with Quality Tenants Maintain INTEGRITY of your investment with pristine care Specializing in family homes, condos and multiplexes PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES A leader committed to honesty in dealing with matters of the heart Developing a greater quality of life Quality client care based in effective supports, empowerment and wellness REAL ESTATE Quality Customer Service Sell Buy Lease Residential and Commercial Properties Investment: ADVICE, SELL, BUY Finance Options to Meet your Individual Needs

Helping you find everything you need to meet your real estate NEEDS. Creating a WIN-WIN situation for everyone at all times. SUPPORTING people to build Wealth through REAL ESTATE Denise (416) 587 - 0742 Home prices are lower than before and my GOAL in 2019 is to assist 100 Families to STOP renting and to START owning affordable HOMES Call for FREE programs to assist first time buyers with down payments!! (416) 904 - 8526 Quality Customer Service Sell & Buy Residential Properties Finance options to meet your Needs Low Credit Score – No Problem Your Dream Home, Could be a Call Away

Selling, Buying and Investment Guidance Comprehensive Market Analysis Personalized Customer Experience We start with in-depth consultations to uncover the heart of your financial goals. Elevate your Expectations with #KyraTheRealtor REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS 1. #1 Real Estate Investment Strategist for Immigrants. 2. Author of real estate investment book - 7 Figure Retirement. 3. Co-authored “The Secret To Wealth” with Brian Tracy and other world’s top leaders. 4. Coach and Mentor you to make a 7 Figure income in real estate at any age TRAVEL AGENTS Destination Specialist Quality Vacation Packages Extensive knowledge of Europe and Caribbean destinations Best individual and group rates The memories are only the beginning

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