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Home Explore ABST Oct 2016 Final

ABST Oct 2016 Final

Published by christopher_foxall, 2016-10-21 14:01:42

Description: ABST Oct 2016 Final

Keywords: ABST,October 2016,BakersBite


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OCTOBER 2016spine A4 Portrait Left inside page(Flat size 210mm x 297mm) Coming up in this edition: If you havent heard about our #HireMe scheme then read all about it and how it can help you!reavsteoinnnpuetgPspwtlfid•upusasssnattdeunossddnefonrt Update on #ABSTConference2017 AB Mauri give you the heads up on new trends around the world. spine

PORTING BAKINCE 1925 SUP ERY STUDENTS spine A4 Portrait &TRIANEES SThe Alliance for Bakery Students & Trainees Vision:Left inside page\"As a cross functional organisation, the primary aim of the Alliance for Bakery Studentsand Trainees (ABST) shall be to facilitate and maintain a proactive dialogue within aunited baking industry around all issues relating to bakery education and training. In all(Flat size 210mm x 297mm)its thinking, the ABST shall always seek to retain, develop and maintain the underpinningcraft skills and technical knowledge required by the baking industry. Further, the ABSTshall forever offer guidance, share information and seek to support all who are studyingbakery or undertaking training within the industry.\"In this edition ContentsWelcome back, to what may have seemed like a long time off. page 2 #HireMe SchemeWe hope that you enjoyed your break and holidays, and that Page 3 Everything you need to know about ouryou return back to college or work well rested and eager to Page 4 #HireMe Scheme and how it can help you!learn! Page 5 #ABSTConference2017 UpdateWelcome to your October edition of #The BakersBite. In this Page 6 The latest update on conference 2017edition we will be updating you on our #ABSTConference2017 including important dates, fancy dress andas well as giving you some great tips in terms of raising funds #LobTheCobfor our annual conference. Ingredients InitiativeWe are also going to talk about #HireMe, which is our scheme How can we help you to raise funds forto help you link up with industry, in terms of work experience, conference? Well thats what our ingredientsplacements or even employment. A great opportunity for you initiative is all about. Have a look at our topall to take part in. tips for raising funds.Talking about great baking industry jobs, our website has live Updates and Newsfeeds of the most recent bakery related jibs, from Foodman The latest news about the baking industryjobs, so its always worth checking for the latest update. and important dates for the diary.If you want to become a member, our website allows you to What have you been up to?pay via PayPal, which is a secure safe and fast way of The latest updates from what you ourpayment. You dont have to have a PayPal account to do this members have been up to.and can pay via Visa or credit card as well. Whether your newmember, or a returning member keep up to date on our PROUDLY SPONSORSfacebook page and twitter feeds as well.Dont forget, if you want any more information, just get intouch! We are more than happy to help.Christopher FoxallABST Communications [email protected] spine

spine A4 Portrait Left inside page(Flat size 210mm x 297mm)#HireMe! To get involved in this opportunity, you will need to visit our spine website and go to our opportunites page. ClickThe ABST has always been focused on supporting Bakery the link #HireMe and you can then enter a brief summary ofStudents & Trainees during your bakery training, whether it be yourself, along with name and contact details so that anat college or within the workplace. We also know that many of employer could get in touch with you should they want toyou have been struggling to find bakery work, either for ask you for an interview.experience during your education, or once you have qualifiedto find full time bakery work. We have been looking into new Once you have completed the info, we will send this outways of supporting you in order to get employment in the every three months to other bakery organisations such asbaking industry both during and when you have finished your the Craft Bakers Association, Scottish Bakers, Federation ofbakery course. Bakers and The British Society of Bakers. All of these organisations have links to the baking industry, along withOur website brings you the latest baking industry hundreds of, which is updated by foodmanjobs daily. If you haventalready been keeping an eye on this part of our website then The way that we have set up the form you need to fill in,you can easily get access to it by going to our \"opportunities\" also gives an indication of where you are looking fortab under news. employment in terms of area, so bakery businesses will also be able to see where you are prepared to travel to orThe aim of this is to give you opportunities to see what jobs relocate, prior to contacting you.are available, and the roles are based both in the UK andIreland. Even after all of this though, we still thought that we We believe that this is a great way of getting your contactcould give you even more opportunity by working with baking details in front of employers, who can then contact you toindustry organisations, in order to put your details in front of get more information. If you would like to know more aboutcompanies that are part of the baking industry in the UK and this, then please do not hesitate to get in touchIreland and going direct to the people that are looking for [email protected] or let us know viaqualified bakers to join their companies. facebook and twitter.This is where the #HireMe! idea came from, with the idea that If you have already been using this and have got someyou will take advantage of this and it may lead to the start of a great feedback such as maybe you got a great bakery jobgreat career in the baking industry. We have now set up from taking part in this, then please also let us know. If any#HireMe on our website, and it is a really simple way of of our members have any other great ideas, then get ingetting your information out to bakery owners and managers touch and share. Contact information is on the last page, orthat are looking for bakers like you to work for them. contact [email protected]

spine A4 PortraitDon't miss out on How long has it been seen you visited Left inside our website If you are a pagemember or not, this is the best place to find out the latest of what is happening with the ABST. If you arent a member yet, you can become a member on line, which is the quickest and most (Flat size 210mm x 297mm)convenient way of paying your membership, safely and securely via paypal. Membership only costs £15.00. Once you are a member, you will#ABSTConference2017 recieve your newsletters in the post, asFor those of you that have been keeping We will soon be contacting your student well as being able to enter our annualup to date on Facebook and Twitter, you reps to ask them for your ideas and competitions at conference in Junemay already be aware that we have now sugestions for conference 2017. Students 2017. You can also join our #HireMeconfirmed the dates for our conference reps are students in your year that will scheme to aid you in your search for anext year. Conference will be held from listhen to your comments, and make sure bakery job, as well as being able toFriday 16th June - Sunday 18th June that we know about them, so that when view current job vancancies which are2017 at Alton Towers Hotel, and will we are planning conference, we take into updated live from FoodmanJobs,include our Annual General Meeting, account your ideas too. If you dont know specifically targeting bakery jobs in theFancy dress and themed evening on the who your student reps are, or you dont Uk and Ireland.Friday night, of which the theme is think you have one, then ask yourFairytale / Disney as voted by you at 2016 lecturers. We also have our facebook page whichconference. We will also be holding our is updated regularly with jobnational annual competitions and black tie Alternatively, you can still let us know your opportunities and updates and ourdinner on the Saturday. ideas via Facebook and twitter on our facebook group which you can use to group pages. Dont forget that we also talk to other bakery students andIt may seem like its a long way off, but have our official Facebook page where we trainees around the UK and us, it will soon be here! With this in update regularly, as well as our website Our Twitter is @abst_ if you wouldmind, it is probably worth thinking about where there is lots of great rather follow us on there for updatesrasing funds for conference, in order that information about conference and other and job opportunities.when the time comes to pay for them, you opportunities available to members.may be in the situation where you have If you have any ideas on things thealready rasied enough money to pay for it. ABST should be doing to support you,So with this in mind, we have pulled then get in touch with us. To take atogether some great information about more active role in supporting thehow you can take advantage of our ABST you could volunteer to become aingredients iniative, which is opposite. student rep for your college orOver the years more and more colleges workplace, and then attend ourhave taken part in this great scheme in comittee meetings to give your inputorder to help towards paying for coaches and suggestions directly to us.and other costs to go to conference. If you have any questions about theNext years conference promises to be a ABST or any opportunities or support,great event, building on the success of the then get in touch with us! Details ofpast few years. 2016 conference was full who to get in touch with are at the endto capcity so make sure that when we of this newsletter, or online, but if youannounce we are starting to take arent sure who to speak to then emailbookings, you ensure that you get your [email protected] booked to avoid dissapointment. om and we can then forward yourBooking wont be taking places until early enquiry on to the best person.2017 and we will make sure we give youplenty of notice.

spine A4 PortraitLeft inside page(Flat size 210mm x 297mm) #LobTheCobWelcome to the ABST Ingredients Selling them by yourself There are lots of other ways that collegesIniative! So what is the Ingredients If you cant sell them in the college have used to raise money includingIniative and how can it help you? We shop, then why not sell them yourself? organising events such as coffeehave been running this scheme for a You could sell them to family and mornings, bake sales in college andnumber of years now, with the support freinds or even around college at through getting sponsored for events suchof our sponsors that are ingredients dinnertime as long as you ask for as #LobTheCob. This has been an eventsuppliers to the baking industry. permission of course. A lot other that has been taken part by colleges since colleges have raised funds this way. If 2010, when it was invented. The idea isHow it works is that some of our you arent able to make the products that you are sponsored to compete insponsors have agreed to send your during your practical time in lesson, #LobTheCob where competitors fromcollege free raw materials such as then ask if you can make them in the around the UK and Irleand go up againstbreadmixes and cake mixes. You can bakery during lunch time or on yout each other in the final at conference tothen use these raw materials to make breaks. You will need to ask college if \"Lob the Cob\" using an oven peel. Theproducts, which you can then sell to you are able to use the bakery furthest \"Lob\" wins the title. In order to takeraise funds for conference and other equipment. part, you need to hold semi finals atactivities throughout the year. There college or work, and the two longestare lots of different ways in which you Which ever way you decide to raise throws (male & female) from each collegecan take advantage of this scheme, funds, make sure that ask for or work place go through to the final.and below are some suggestions that permission from your lecturers Originally students and apprentices usedhave been used by other colleges over beforehand. to get sponsored to take part, however thisthe years: is optional. For more information To give you an example of how much Including the rules on how toSelling them in the college shop you can raise by selling a few muffins play #LobTheCob please goA number of colleges are allowing a week, you would surprised how it to our website to be sold in the college shop, adds up! To show you how much youwith proceeds from the products going could raise heres an example: spineinto a seperate account, so that all themoney raised is put towards Exampleconference costs. The money raised 10 x muffins per week (2 per day)has then been used to put towards £1.00 each = £10.00 per weekcosts of coaches to get to Alton 25 weeks x £10.00 = £250.00Towers, so that you dont have to paythe full amount. Please ensure that you It really is that simple! We have to sayspeak to your lecturers before selling a massive thankyou to our sponsorsthese in the college shop, as some that are supporting the ingredientscolleges have rules against doing this. iniative, as we wouldnt be able to doIf this is the case, dont worry, as a this without them! To get details of thenumber of other colleges have the suppliers contact information to recievesame challenge, hence the reason for the ingredients, please speak yourthe next suggestion. lecturers who will have the info!

STUDENT spine &LefAt 4inPsiodretrpaTaitRNgAeEINWESE(FlatUpcoming Events size 210mm x 297mm)Here you will find some events that are due to take place, that you may be interested in learning more about. We will also keepyou updated with other events that are happening via facebook and twitter. These events are not organised by the ABST, and wesuggest that you visit the individual websites for more information. Cake International - NEC BIrmingham 2016 NEC, BIrmingham 04-06 November 2016 Open 10am-5pm CAKE INTERNATIONAL - THE SUGARCRAFT, CAKE DECORATING & BAKING SHOW WILL BE AT THE NEC THIS NOVEMBER! Attracting cake enthusiasts, renowned industry experts and professional cake decorators and sugarcrafters from across the globe, who share a passion for all things cake there is no better place to be inspired. Boasting the world’s largest display of competition pieces, and an unrivalled range of supplies, exciting features, Workshops and Demonstrations, plus so much more, you’re truly in for a treat this year! ABST Maple Syrup Competition We are really excited to announce a new competition, which has been sponsored and supported by The Federation of Quebec Maple Syrup Producers. It is an innovation competition, which will take place in February 2017. To find out more information, as well as the prizes available got to ABST Annual Conference spine Just in case you missed it on page 3, save the date for our annual conference weekend which is taking place from Friday 16th June - Sunday 18th June 2018. We are still organising conference, so for the update on costs, which will be early next year, keep your eyes on facebook, twitter and our website. Further details will be in our February newsletter as well, so keep your eye out for it when it gets delivered through your

youhwahvate your opportunity to tell everyone what spine been doing? great things you've been doing at college or in the workplace during the year. Get in touch with us on facebook, twitter, email or via our websiteA4 PortraitRasing funds for ativitiesOur ingredients initiiatuve is there to supportyou in raising funds for ABST events, to pagemake sure when the time comes, you haveLeft insidehad the opportunity to raise some money toreduce the costs of conference and otheractivities. Lots of colleges have raised fundsthrought this way.(Flat size 210mm x 297mm)Why not use events throughout the year toproduce products for friends and relatives tobuy? Halloween is just around the corner, sowe had a look at some ideas that you couldbake and sell.Its really easy to have a look on line at how can wedifferent ideas and inspiration! We had a support YOU?look for some halloween ides, and found lotsof great pictures of ghostly fougasse and If you have a great idea of how we canthemed cakes. Have a look for yourself and support you even more during your bakery,raise as much as you can! education, then please let us know! We want you to get the most out of your baking education, whether you are at college or in a work placement. New BBC 2 Programme - Casting Call We have already started to run some new ideas, such as the Lerning Days, which have A new BBC 2 programme, to be produced by the Wall to Wall Productions been a great success. Combining this with who made Victorian Bakers shown earlier in 2016 is looking for conference, we belive we are giving you confectioners, to apply to be on the series. For more information on this some great opportunities to not only learn great opportunity, go to new things, but also learn more about the industry, meet new people and network with#LobTheCob Update! potential new employers. We would like to doWe hope you have got your peels and cobs at more, and this is why we are calling on ourthe ready, because we will once again be members, to let us know what you would likeholding our #LobTheCobFinal at conference in to see more of next year in 2017.June 2017.A massive ammount of you took part last year You can get in touch with us on facebook, spinein the final to be named #LobTheCobChampion twitter, via our website or even by emailWe look forward to seeing some #LobTheCob [email protected] on facebook & twitter over the next fewmonths. For more info go to our website for the If you are attending conference, you can alsorules on how the competition works, and how speak to anyone on the comittee about ideasto enter and practise at college. you have to further improve opportunities to you.

spine Supporting the bakers spineA4 Portraitof tomorrow... today Left inside page (Flat size 210mm x 297mm)get in touchCommunication SecretaryChristopher [email protected] SecretaryMatthew [email protected] [email protected] SecretaryGraham [email protected] SecretarySophie [email protected] [email protected] Tutor Representative Dawn Gemmell [email protected] Conference Secretary Chris Abbott [email protected]

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