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Home Explore Supermodels SA October 2013 - Issue 26

Supermodels SA October 2013 - Issue 26

Published by jieff.ak, 2014-07-02 03:45:30

Description: Supermodels SA October 2013 - Issue 26


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supermodels South Africa’s No1 Fashion Magazine October 2013 To Shave Anouk Pretorius or Not to Shave Do you prefer your man shaven or not? Posing for that Perfect Burlesque Ideas Photo Featured Supermodel: Kate Upton DropZone FashionShow Copyright © Supermodels SA

Advertise To advertise in the Supermodels SA Magazine contact: [email protected]

ONLINE THIS MONTH ON 2014 Supermodels SA WANT MORE SUPERMODELS SA? FOLLOW US ON TWITTER Calendar Competition @SUPERMODELSSA AND LIKE US ON FACEBOOK AT SUPER- Results MODELSSA. LEAVE YOUR COMMENTS ON Check out who were the Top 12 winners! THE SUPERMODELSSA FACE- Go to BOOK PAGE, AND TELL US WHAT YOU LIKED THE MOST Free IN THIS MONTH’S ISSUE Download Download the High Resolution file of the Super- models SA Magazine on our website! FOR FREE! Tell us what you would like to see on the website, email your suggestions to [email protected]

Lenay Carstens Cindy Wiid Dos Santos L’Dean Cronje Rozell van der Merwe Nina Noelle Dominique Goldsworthy Nina Noelle Models

October 2013 - Issue 26 Contents COVER STORIES 21 To Shave or not to Shave? 32 Posing for that Perfect photo Regulars 16 Style 30 Girl Powder 36 Hot Hair Trends FASHION AND BEAUTY 24 Dropzone’ Fashion Entertainment LIFESTYLE 22 Centre Spread - Anouk Pretorius 38 Moving Target 40 Burlesque Photoshoot Ideas On the Cover: Anouk Pretorius Photographer: Yolandie Jonk

Cell: 082 660 2522 Website: | Email: [email protected] 73 Bartlett Road, Honingklip, Muldersdrift

EDITOR’S NOTE Life does not stand still. You can either be trampled on by it or make the decision to rise above it. Success is in your hands! Follow US As most of you already know we recently ran our 2014 Supermodels SA Calendar Competition, which was a HUGE success, thank you to all who participated to make it a truly worthwhile and exciting competi- tion. The photoshoots will be done nearer the end of this month. Enjoy this edition of Supermodels SA MAG and why not come say hi on our facebook page. Happy reading jamie and yolandie Read More Contact us: Tel: 081 322 9492 Email: [email protected] Editor: Jamie Jonk ([email protected]) Assistant Editor: Yolandie Jonk ([email protected]) Graphic Designer: Jamie Jonk Editorial Contributions: Yolandie Jonk

Photographer Yolandie Jonk

FEATURED MODEL Kate upton Born: June 10, 1992 Height: 1.78 m

Kate Upton attended a cast- ing call in Miami for Elite Model Management in 2008 and was signed by them the same day. She eventually moved to New York City, where she then signed with IMG Models modeling cloth- ing for Garage and Dooney & Bourke. In 2010–11 Kate was the face of Guess and in 2011 appeared in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue. She was featured in the body paint section and named Rookie of the Year for that issue. She has since modeled for Beach Bunny Swimwear, and has ap- peared in Complex and Esquire as “The Woman of the Summer”.

In 2012 she was ranked the fifth sexiest model by MODELS’s and she ranked #3 on the American publication of AskMen’s Top 99 Women for 2013. In 2012, she was listed on Maxim’s HOT 100 list, citing her photo shoots with Sports Illustrated. Upton was the cover model for the 2013 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue for the second consecutive year. Parts of her 2013 Sports Illus- trated pictorial were filmed in Antarctica and she suffered from failing hearing and eye- sight due to the extreme cold.

Three signs you are not as attractive as you could be Style

ARE YOU STILL PULLING UP YOUR PANTS ? Perhaps you’ve recently lost weight and haven’t bought new clothes or maybe you just dig the baggy-pants look. Either way, if you have to constantly adjust your pants in public for fear that they might fall off, it’s time to man up and update your ward- robe.

ARE YOU WEARING OVERSIZED It’s a common mistake to think that the best way to conceal ex- tra pounds is by wearing larger CLOTHES ? clothes. Unfortunately, this strat- egy actually backfires because oversized clothes make you look, well, oversized.

ARE 95% OF YOUR CLOTHES BLUE, GRAY, WHITE OR BLACK ? Even if you have impeccably tailored blazers and labels in your closet, a wardrobe built solely around neutral colors is not only drab , it’s unoriginal.

BEAUTY To shave or not to shave As a long-standing beard-hater, a five o’clock shadow or a very neat trimmed beard is as much as I can take, while a thick, bushy beard often gives me the creeps. Now our Facebook survey proves that I am not alone in my pogono- phobia (fear of beards). These women rated the clean-shaven men more highly than those with beards. Katie says: “Shaven! Don't like my face being scratched when I kiss him. Plus it looks neater.” Yet many men can’t resist taking a break from their shaving regime from time to time. While some believe a beard can compensate for a weak chin or distract from a receding hairline, most men often grow facial hair to prove they are more than just a pretty face (sadly completely disguising that pretty face in the process).

It has to be said that some men carry off facial hair much better than others. Many grooming habits that were previously only acceptable for women, have become perfectly normal for men, thanks to the metrosexual movement. Body grooming, or “manscaping,” has become a phenomenon among men who want to look and feel their best. Trim armpit hair: Keep your underarm hair trimmed to a reason- able length. It will not only look better this way, but you’ll also notice that you sweat less and therefore smell better. Don’t shave armpits bare: Unless you’re a male model, keep some hair under there. Women expect to see hair beneath a man’s arms. Groom chest hair: Plenty of women like to see some hair on a man’s chest, but most prefer to avoid the fuzzy carpet variety. If you’re going to go with the perfectly hairless chest, be sure to shave regularly as the bristly stubble length will be uncomfortable for you and unappealing for her. Get rid of shoulder and back hair: All women agree that hair on your back or shoulders is unsightly at best. Try waxing! Keep it trimmed down there: Just as you appreciate a clean field of play when you go down on your girl, so will she be pleased to see a well-groomed area around your genitals. Keeping your pubic hair under control also helps to make you look bigger and controls unpleasant odours. Shave hair on your legs: Whether you’re a biker, swimmer, model, body- builder shaving your legs is definitely recom- mended. For the average Joe, this will be a personal preference.

anouk pretorius

FASHION dropzone’s fashion entertainment

Organiser: Anouk Pretorius Designers: Misha Du Toit and Mareli Du Toit Label: DU Fashion Models: Andrea Annie Howell, Cara Grater, Alexandra Stevens, Alamaigne Parsons Kaoki Sepuru. Anouk is also the face of Dropzone

BoereMusiek Fees 2013 Kom geniet n dag saam met verskeie bekende boeremusiek kun- stunaars. Vele pret vir die hele familie. Kom dans saam, met groot pryse te wen! Verskeie stalletjies, eet goed, drinkgoed, en vele meer. Kyk gerus op ons webwerf vir aanwysings: Datums vir 2013: 2 Maart 2013 27 April 2013 31 Augustus 2013 2 November 2013 Vir meer inligting kontak ons: Email: [email protected] Tel: 083 645 3931 (Teo van Wyk)

GIRL POWDER Why use darker make-up for photo- shoots

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