ENT 435 Week 6 CLC Assignment Phase 2 Developing the Implementation PlanTo get this tutorial follow this link:http://dodohelp.com/ENT-435/ENT-435-Week-6-CLC-Assignment-Phase-2-Developing-the-Implementation-PlanContact us at:[email protected]:In Phase 2, your team will work together to develop a detailed description and implementation plan for the innovationyou selected to pursue in Module 3. Each team member must research and describe a product development ormanagement process, methodology, or model that could be utilized to implement the innovation. The group shouldselect and use one of these models for developing its own implementation plan.For this assignment, write a paper of 2,000-3,000 words that addresses the following:Finalize the name and include a one- or two-sentence description of the innovation.Describe the value the new product or service will provide to customers and describe the need it will meet.Utilizing the model selected by the team, create the detailed implementation plan for the innovation. Make sure theplan accounts for contingencies/risks in the implementation process and includes realistic timeframe and budgetingconsiderations.Use graphics such as organizational charts, process maps, and/or budget tables as appropriate to increase thereadability and professional appeal of the plan.Include in-text citations from at least six secondary sources. Each person on the team must contribute an article fromthe research that was completed on product development or management processes, methodologies, and/or models.Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student SuccessCenter. An abstract is not required.You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. OnlyWord documents can be submitted to Turnitin.
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