ECN 220 Grand Canyon Week 5 Assignment To get this tutorial follow this link: Contact us at: [email protected] Country Economic Analysis Report ECN220 Details: Select a country of your choice and collect the following data for the most recent year available. Refer to the following websites for the data: GDP (you may use the purchase power parity figures)2. Per capita GDP3. GDP growth rate4. GDP composition by sector5. Labor force6. Labor force by occupation7. Population below poverty line8. Unemployment Rate.9. Inflation Rate.10. Human Development Index Rankings – overall and by category. Based on your research, write a summary of 750 words on what you have learned about this country's economy. How would you rate the overall economic well-being for this country? Provide your rationale. Contrast two or three key economic factors for this country with the U.S. economy and comment. For example, if per capita GDP is significantly lower in this country than in the United States, what might this imply? APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected. This assignment uses a grading rubric.
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