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NRS 433V Week 5 Complete Latest

Published by helpme.dodo, 2016-11-13 23:54:30

Description: NRS 433V Week 5 Complete Latest
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NRS 433V Week 5 Discussion 1
According to the textbook, nurses in various settings are adopting a research-based (or evidence-based) practice that incorporates research findings into their decisions and interaction with clients. How do you see this being applied in your workplace?

NRS 433V Week 5 Discussion 2
The research problem can be developed from many sources. What is a source of nursing research? Identify a potential research study example from that source.

Keywords: NRS 433V Week 5 Complete Latest,NRS 433V,NRS 433V Week 5


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NRS 433V Week 5 Complete LatestTo get this tutorial follow this link: us at:[email protected] 433V Week 5 Discussion 1According to the textbook, nurses in various settings are adopting a research-based (or evidence-based) practice thatincorporates research findings into their decisions and interaction with clients. How do you see this being applied inyour workplace?NRS 433V Week 5 Discussion 2The research problem can be developed from many sources. What is a source of nursing research? Identify apotential research study example from that source.NRS 433V Week 5 Evidence-Based Practice Presentation Healthcare Associated InfectionsNRS 433V Week 5 - Evidence-Based Practice Presentation - Healthcare Associated Infections [12 Slides + SpeakerNotes]This is a CLC assignment.Choose a nursing problem from your current practice setting, and identify a possible solution to that problem.Conduct a search of the literature related to this problem.Analyze and critically appraise evidence-based literature to support the solution to the identified problem. A minimumof (5) articles must be identified. This may include guidelines from the National Guideline Clearinghouse, JoannaBriggs Institute, or a review from the Cochrane Database of Systematic Review.Prepare a 10-minute (8-10 slides; no larger than 5 MB) PowerPoint presentation related to the problem, evidenceappraisal, and practice implications.Include the following components into the presentation:1. Present the nursing practice problem with the PICOT question.2. Discuss your appraisal of the literature that addresses the problem.3. Present the proposed practice changes from an integration of the findings.While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-textcitations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APAStyle Guide, located in the Student Success Center.NRS 433V Week 5 Assignment - PICOT StatementYou are to write a PICO question in a word document, individually and submit for week 5.The PICO statement will provide a framework for your Capstone Project (The project you must complete during yourfinal course in the RN-BSN program of study). You can review the PICO article \"Evidence-Based Practice, Step byStep: Asking the Clinical Question\" (2010) for help with this.

The PICO question should be written to address the following:P-Patient population (what are the characteristics of the patient or population or what disease are you interested in)?I- Intervention (What do you want to do with this patient population-treat/observe/diagnose)?C- Comparison (What are the alternatives to the intervention placebo, different drug, different nursing intervention)?O- Outcome (What is the desired effect of the intervention to the patient population)?T- Timeframe (By when do you want to see results?)

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