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Insight Towards a different realm

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Description: Insight Towards a different realm by Riddhima Sharma


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INSIGHT TOWARDS a different realm


Meet the Author Riddhima is a fifteen year old aspiring author, new to the community of content writers and authors. Her first book, INSIGHT TOWARDS A DIFFERENT REALM, includes her summed up ideas of the Bible and our saviour, Jesus Christ. She wrote this book to inspire people in burdensome times and help them get through whatever they are going through. This book contains few of the most controversial questions of life and her thoughts on them. She desires to publish more for her readers and fans. Make sure to provide us with your feedback at the end of this book because 'YOUR FEEDBACK MATTERS'. Thankyou.

PREFACE This book is a compilation of some of those brain teaser questions you ask yourself about life as well as after life. I do not mean to pose any threat or disregard to any other religion at all. Take your time, sit back and relax to experience an INSIGHT INTOADIFFERENT REALM.

INDEX Chapter 1: My Anecdote 01 Chapter 2: 04 Chapter 3: What Does The Bible Chapter 4: SayAbout Sin? 08 Chapter 5: 12 Chapter 6: Heaven Or Hell? 19 22 Chapter 7: 9 Fruits Of The Holy Spirit 22 TruthAbout Loving God 25 27 3 Teachings From The Bible 29 That Will Stay With Me Till The End. Teaching 1 [ 2 Corinthians 1:3 ] Teaching 2 [ Galatians 6:7 ] Teaching 3 [ Matthew 7:21-23 ] Conclusion

Chapter - 1 MY ANECDOTE Being a teen, I am obsessed with keeping new year's resolutions, and 'obsessed' would be such an understatement. Believe it or not, they are one of the few things that keep me going. In the joy of commencement of 2023, one of my new year resolutions was, 'getting to know God'. In other words, finding out the true meaning of spirituality. With the utmost blessings of the almighty, I say that this year has been a blessing in disguise for me. Now, I proudly announce my presence by being fully enlightened with the epistemology of whom I wanted to be in the past few years. 01

What stopped me from finding out my true self? What stopped me from being convinced by things and people that I solely couldn't relate to? In this book, I will talk about my feelings about Jesus Christ, the one who paid the wage for our sins and also about 3 of the many teachings from the Bible that, amidst my lack of certainty, truly helped me to become who I am now. This book is a true testimony and account of what I have felt with Jesus who came to me swirling upon my disbeliefs and adding the mightiest and merriest magic of his sacrifice on the 'CRUX IMMISSA', the cross of inhumane crucifixion. Through this book, I don't mean to pose any hatred or dislike to any other religions. The 'cloth of enlightenment' I knit to lead myself to the path of righteousness with every step I take on it, tells me that all religions have a universal meaning and I, being an individual must never disregard or disdain them. I remember how the Bible and its verses always had my attention. I always found that no matter what situation I was in, I could always relate to any of the Bible verses. They always correlated with my problems or even in times of 02

happiness. It may be hard to believe, but I felt the verses sympathizing with me and giving me comfort at times of worry. Before entering into the phase of getting to know Jesus, I was an individual who believed in pantheism. Pantheism is directly defined as a doctrine which identifies God with the universe or regards the universe as a manifestation of God. I have to admit it, after getting to know Jesus with all my heart, I have found the true meaning of my life. Now, I believe in the power of God and his creations. I got to believe that Jesus does not expect us to worship him day and night. He just wants us to put a little trust in our destiny and make our conscience respectfully jolt the universe to accept our affirmations. 03

Chapter - 2 WHAT DOES THE BIBLE SAY ABOUT SIN? Sin, according to the Bible, is an immoral act considered to be a transgression of the divine law. ROMANS 6:23 says that the wages of sin are death but if we have not sinned, we shall receive the gift of God which is an eternal life in Jesus Christ. JOHN 1:8-10 says that if we say we have not sinned, we deceive ourselves and the truth does not stay with us. If we confess our sins, the lord is right, just and faithful to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar and his word does not stay with us. 04

I can never forget the wage Jesus paid for our sins. I will always cherish the trust and faith Lord Jesus put in us. A true testimony of the immense amount of trust he put in us was the suffering and death of Jesus Christ on the cross. According to the bible, the TEN COMMANDMENTS are the law. However, people tend to break those laws to a copious extent. Even more than they think they do. We need to remember this before committing any sin, Jesus has paid the fine for us and misusing the prepaid fine does not mean that we cannot go to Hell, the most Satanic place of all time. Even though Jesus Christ is gentle and full of love, he is also dangerous. From the moment he arrived in the world, Jesus posed a threat to the unjust, a threat to the oppressors and a threat to every semblance of authority wielded by the kingdom of darkness. He is said to have invaded the world with love for the forgotten, hopes for the hopeless and freedom for the bound. The truth about sin is that when you do it, a part of you keeps wanting to go back to committing that same sin again. But at 05

the same time, if you offer your mind, body and soul to Jesus or any other God you believe in, he mends it and cleanses you with the purity of his blood that was sacrificed for the sake of our lives. Don't confuse regret for repentance. We apologize to God thinking we will find a way to be rescued from the sin but we just end up getting relief from our regret. I am sure, at some point in our lives, we know that we have messed up, failed and sinned. Biblically, to repent is to undergo a change of mind or to have a reversal of one's decisions. To repent correctly means putting repentance directly as the response to God's kindness as it is the kindness of God that leads us to repentance. When we give into sin, we feel guilty and have this inner resolve to never do it again. We maybe try for a time but then we fall back into it again and the cycle repeats. What we require at that time is nothing but salvation. We require salvation from hell and sin's consequences. Suppose, you did something horrendous that you are not supposed to. Did you minimize its triggers and kept healthy boundaries from it or maybe confessed it to someone? If you did, God knows that you are on the right path. Feeling bad 06

about sin is not enough because these feelings usually just fade away and fall right back into sin. True repentance must include actions that draw us closer to God. MATTHEW 5:30 says that if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and cast it from you; for it is more profitable for you that one of your members perish than for your whole body. Through this, the Bible tries to tell us that it is better and more profitable for us to give ourselves the worst chastisement to repent for our sin most perfectly, after all, it is the only thing that will keep us away from visiting the demonic doors of Hell where the devil is looking to destroy us into pieces. God loves the world and God loves you for he gave his only child, Jesus. Whoever loves him and believes in him will not perish and have an eternal life. 07

Chapter - 3 HEAVEN OR HELL Are heaven and hell real? Does it depend upon the acts we do in our lifetime to decide our after-fate? How to not go to hell even after committing the most unpleasant sins? Let us find out. 08

The concept of Heaven and Hell always engrossed my attention. From what I have experienced, different people have their own opinion about life after death. For instance, my mother says that the result of the kind of acts we do in a specific lifetime are received directly. She says that she never believed in opinionists that try to prove the record God keeps with him about our rights and wrongdoings to the world. My brother says that nature, being the most mysterious thing in the entire universe, keeps the cycle of a person's doings and its results repeating with time. In his vision, our soul reincarnates into another life after death. From what I think, no one exactly knows what to believe and what to not. Some people try to give diplomatic answers to this question but coming from what I believe, no one knows and no one will ever know. If someone does believe in the concept of heaven and hell, that person puts control over his doings knowing that whatever he does right now will decide the kind of after-life he receives. On the other end, if someone refuses to believe in the concept of heaven and hell, that person is free to commit the worst sin possible because his 09

conscience allows him to do so. He lacks a superior power or belief that will help him sustain himself. I think that believing in something superior helps us clarify our thinking about right and wrong and puts various elements of our life in an orderly system. Fear from anything above us leads us to question our decisions a hundred, if not, a thousand times and that is exactly what makes us good humans. Don't get me wrong here. Thinking directly about something does not make us better human beings, but it is the regret that one carries with oneself. Always believe that there is a power greater than yourself and if you turn your will over to him, he will give you strength. Weakness overpowers and traumatizes people suffering from spiritual sickness but belief is something that will sprinkle the magic of its unknown, underestimated power. I say, believe. Believe as much as you can for it's the only thing that you can keep superior to your pride and achievements. My mother believes that just before we die, 10

our whole life flashes back before our eyes. It depends on us how worthwhile we make it for us to watch. It is always better to have regrets right now as a person and correct the mistake you made rather than regret it in the afterlife. After sin, the perfect way to repent is to confess. Confess your sin to God or any loved one. Always be reminded of God's presence and recognize the faith he put in humanity. As I said in CHAPTER 2 of this book, true repentance must include actions that draw us closer to God rather than push us away from him. 11

Chapter - 4 9 FRUITS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT Galatians 5:22-23 states that the fruits of the Holy Spirit are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. If we do believe in the one who is and will always be superior to us, according to the Bible, these are the 9 fruits that we receive. Those who are distinguished from the non-believers of God have been gifted with the Holy Spirit that leads them to bear the fruits of their belief. What are these fruits? How does the Bible define them? Let us now see it further. 12

LOVE: 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 \"Love is patient, love is kind. It is not jealous, it is not pompous, it is not inflated, it is not rude, it does not seek its own interests, it is not quick-tempered, it does not brood over injury, it does not rejoice over wrongdoing but rejoices with the truth. It bears all things, believes in all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” Most people refer to love as the feeling of connection with someone that they find interesting. When we say that we love something or someone, we mean that we find that specific something or specific someone interesting. According to Jesus, 'love' is something that helps us believe. When nothing helps, it is the feeling of love that is always ready for our rescue. Here, 'love' also refers to keeping one's choices and interests before ours. I feel that the world would be a better place if more people knew about its true meaning. We can truly love only when God loves us. It is only through the work of the Holy Spirit that we set aside our sinfulness and give our all to God. It is only possible for us to forgive others only 13

when we have experienced receiving mercy from the almighty. JOY: Psalm 71:23 \"My lips will shout for joy as I sing your praise; my soul, too, which you have redeemed.\" Joy is more than just happiness. It is a feeling of knowing and trusting God. When troubles assist us towards negativity, it is the joy that we receive from God that overpowers the troubles and complications. As believers, we rejoice, because, in him, we have redemption. We can give credit to anyone we aspire to, but it is only God who can bring us joy, no matter our circumstances. Psalm 94:18-19 \"When I say, 'My foot is sleeping’, your mercy, Lord, holds me up. When cares increase within me, your comfort gives me joy.” 14

PEACE: Philippians 4:6-7 \"Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” Living a life of peace is equivalent to living an eternal life. A peaceful life is the result of our involvement in allowing the Holy Spirit to work inside our bodies. We need to give our heart, body, soul and mind to the Spirit that will bless our lives with utter peace. PATIENCE: 1 Timothy 1:16 \"But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life.\" We have all benefitted from Christ’s immense patience with 15

us. The evidence of the Holy Spirit in our life is also seen in our ability to persevere, be patient, steadfast and long- tempered. Ephesians 4:1-2 encourages us to “be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.” KINDNESS Kindness refers to moral goodness and benignity. Romans 2:4 reminds us that God’s mercy and grace should lead us to repentance, not judgment. The Holy Spirit enables us to have moral integrity with kindness and helps us not get trapped in self-righteous judgment. GOODNESS Goodness means uprightness of heart and kindness. Goodness is seen in our actions. This word relates to not only being good but also doing good things that make us a better version of ourselves. 16

2 Thessalonians 1:11, “We pray for God's power to help you do all the good things you hope to do and your faith makes you want to do.” FAITHFULNESS Faithfulness is our ability to trust, based on our confidence in God and his eternal faithfulness, through whom we obtain eternal salvation. 2 Thessalonians 1:11 “With this in mind, we constantly pray for you, that our God may make you worthy of his calling, and that by his power he may bring to fruition your every desire for goodness and your every deed prompted by faith.” GENTLENESS The Bible uses gentleness to mean mildness of disposition. Jesus describes himself as gentle in Matthew 11:29 “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.\" Being gentle 17

with everything will earn you love and blessings. Make sure to never let the opportunity to be something better be snatched by the demons trying to enter you. SELF CONTROL Self-control is the ability to control oneself and one's desires, physical or mental. It is only possible through the power of the Holy Spirit. As Galatians 5:16 says, “So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They conflict with each other so that you are not to do whatever you want.” 18

Chapter - 5 TRUTH ABOUT LOVING GOD \"Be so busy loving God, loving others and loving your life that you have no time for regret, worry, fear or drama.” 19

Loving God is providing us with a sense of satisfaction even when there is no one to help us out. The time when our body and mind suffer from negative emotions, it is nothing but the love we carry for God that keeps us going. When you untie your heart from all the chains that force you to live a materialistic life, you automatically receive a heart full of love and a mind full of positivity. What people do not believe, is that your love for God and his love for you are the only two kinds of love you need to survive because if you find everything in God, you will receive anything from God. It is a form of give and take but the good part is that it is bent more towards the spiritual realm of the world. God's love can provide you with anything you aspire to, but most importantly, it provides you with eternal peace and sole calmness of the mind. Trust me, this peace and calm attitude is the hardest to find than anything in the entire universe. Science has proved itself to be superior to anything else. From what I have experienced people say, not even the 20

greatest man-made thing can surpass the divinity and royalty of a spiritual connection with God. A connection with God directly leads us to have a connection with the best version of ourselves, forcing us to bend more towards the positive realm of the ecosystem where all different kinds of men dwell. Our ability to love is provided by the Lord of all times and it will be foolish of us for refusing to love our master himself. We must learn to love him with utmost sincerity, for he is the one who defines our self-worth in the real sense. 21

Chapter - 6 3 TEACHINGS FROM THE BIBLE THAT WILL STAY WITH ME TILL THE END. TEACHING 1: 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 \"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we receive from God.” JESUS IS THE FATHER OF COMPASSION AND THE GOD WHO COMFORTS US INALL OURAFFLICTIONS. 22

After discovering and learning more about Jesus, I came across this wonderful statement that may seem short and sweet but holds much more to it than we can ever imagine. The additional knowledge that this statement offers is unlocked by the sole key that requires acquiring the utmost enlightenment of a spiritual being and getting to know the unmatched spiritual soul, THE GOD himself. The amount of hope that continues to be firm with this statement is beyond my imagination. My hope for Jesus will remain, for he who shares in our sufferings, shares in our comforts too. Jesus sees the struggle we are caught up in. He just wants us to believe that there is absolutely no place where he cannot be found. He is always with us, giving comfort. This comfort that the Lord gives us is the same comfort we need to pour into others to make them feel better. There is a story about a Muslim woman who dares Allah to show up. She was frustrated and did not have any motivation or peace in her life. One night, she says \"Allah, I am going to stay up this night and wait until you show up. If you do not 23

show yourself, then tomorrow, I would not be a Muslim anymore and would not try to please you.\" In the course of that night, she said that Jesus came and stood in the room with her. Her first thought was to run out of the room out of shock. She felt everything to be unreal. Jesus said to her in her vision, dream or miraculous appearance, \"Come to me all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest.” 24

TEACHING 2: Galatians 6:7 \"Be not deceived, God is not mocked; for whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap.” YOU CANNOT FOOL GOD, SO DO NOT MAKE A FOOL OUT OF YOURSELF.! We will harvest exactly what we plant, therefore, it's better to invest ourselves in a process that will surely yield profit for us. We must know what is best for us for it will directly pave a path for us to enlightenment. From what I have experienced, when we start walking on this path, we do not see any end. We don't see the final product of enlightenment that is the direct fruit of our devotion but instead, we see a long, curvy path that forces us to take steps forward to see that lionising product of enlightenment. It practically forces us to move forward, carrying the concept of not being deceived in any way. What we give to the world is exactly what we receive from the 25

world. If you do good, you shall reap the fruits of your work, but on the other hand, if you give nothing but negativity towards the world, it is going to be hard for you to find peace in your life. The more negative aura you supply to the world, the more quickly you might get fed up with yourself for you know what you are doing is not going to get you to the path of enlightenment. Sow in faith, sow in reading holy scriptures and sow in belief. That way, you will reap excellence. Sow good so you can reap the mercy of God. We have self-centred our world to do everything for our own good. Whenever someone does good to us, we start suspecting everything that could go wrong. That is what we have turned this world into. However, we must never forget those tears of Jesus that fell upon our hands and asked our veins to only transport good in every part of our body. 26

TEACHING 3: Matthew 6:33 \"But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” Aim for seeking the heavenly and blissful kingdom of God before anything else for you to flourish and for all the things you do to be for mankind. Make a conscious decision to turn your will towards God and fight any anxiety or worry of yours. Sacrifice your wealth and honour to be at the feet of the almighty and wish for all the enlightenment and knowledge about life to seep in you just like water seeps into the ground. We may give up life by living on just bread and water, but we will never give up on life by living on every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. Ask and it shall be answered to you, seek and it shall be given to you, find and it shall be shown to you. Nothing is better than living in the only kingdom that proves righteousness to be the first initiative to enlightenment. Every word of God is a lamp that shows us 27

knowledge, light that brightens our path and a hand that moves forward to guide us. We shall get what we believe we can work hard for, but putting our faith in God will lead us to rise above anything else. Always trust that God has our back and will come to save us if we trust in him. Norman Peale once said, \"The greatest secret for eliminating the deep and profound self-doubt is to fill your mind to overflow with faith. Develop a tremendous faith in God and that will give you a humble yet soundly realistic faith in yourself.” Live simple, expect little and give much. Be the reason for someone's happiness and that will be the greatest way to repent. God says, \" Life throws different things at you. They may sting but they will not destroy you. I am with you and I will never let anything destroy you. You are my child and I love you.” 28

Chapter - 7 CONCLUSION God is proud of you for you have been fighting night and day. He asks you to fight the good battle of faith as well. You are stronger than you think. You may not understand what is going on with you right now, you may be confused and may find yourself to be lost. Believe that mountains are going to move and your situation is going to get better. Relax and trust God's timing. Life is good when you make it worth living. In life, you will face problems but your belief will cover them up for you. 29

You will receive unexpected blessings and miracles. God will make sure to make you happy again. You will heal, you will grow and you will flourish into the person you are destined to be. God never leaves those who surrender their worries at his feet. God says that he has already given you victory. Now, it is time for you to redeem that victory by taking a step of faith and courage. Be calm, things will work out. Be patient and take a breath to start the journey to a better version of yourself. We are destined to be witnesses for Jesus to the ends of the earth. We need to go into the world and preach the gospel to all the creations that are yet to come. 30

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