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Home Explore 1631874911_Grade 7 Weekly Plan4

1631874911_Grade 7 Weekly Plan4

Published by jawaher sulieman, 2021-09-24 20:42:42

Description: 1631874911_Grade 7 Weekly Plan4


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Al Tarbiyah Al Namouthajiyah Weekly Plan Grade 7 International School Semester 1 Week (4) 19/09/2021 to 21/09 /2021 Homework Class work Quizzes and performance tasks grammar: exercises for chapter 6 Sunday Monday literature: the flight of Icarus pg 31-36 ENGLISH Tuesday text analysis of Flight of Icarus pg 31-36 Wednesday Saudi National Day Vacation Thursday Sunday Ch 2: Operations with Integers, L1: Quiz 1 Integers and Absolute Value. Ch 1:The Tools of Algebra, L1:Words and Expressions. Math Online Assignment Screen reader support enabled. L2: Variables and Expressions, Monday Ch 2: Operations with Integers, L1: L3: Properties. Integers and Absolute Value. L4: Ordered Pairs, L5: Words, equations, Tables, and Graphs, L6: Scatter Plots. Performance task 1 check your online assignment due date on 3-10-2021

Tuesday L2: Adding Integers. Online Assignment Wednesday Saudi National Day Vacation Thursday Sunday Ch. 1 review Project 1 pages 36-39 it will be published on classera on 19-19-2021. Monday Ch:2 Ls:1 Cells and Life Tuesday pages 42-44 Wednesday Science Thursday Ch:2 Ls:1 Cells and Life worksheet pages 45-47 Saudi National Day Vacation Class work Homework Quizzes and performance tasks Sunday Chapter 10_Physical Geography of the Andes Classera-online assignment and Midlatitude Countries Monday Chapter 10_Physical Geography of the Andes and Midlatitude Countries(con) Geography Arabic Tuesday Chapter 10_Physical Geography of the Andes classera-online assignment and Midlatitude Countries(cont Sunday 44 ‫ صفحة‬/ ‫مهارات الحوار‬ 47 ‫ ) صفحة‬2 ( ‫فقرة‬ Monday Tuesday 52 ‫ صفحة‬/ ‫نص الاستماع‬

Wednesday Saudi National Day Vacation Thursday Sunday ‫درس شهاده ان لا اله الا الل‬ Islamic Monday ‫السؤال الثاني استخرج من السورتين درس شهاده ان محمد رسول الل‬ Studies 83 ‫اللفظ المرادف للكلمات التاليه ص‬ Tuesday Wednesday .‫ سوره الناس والفلق‬:‫تفس ري‬ Thursday Saudi National Day Vacation Monday ‫العمارة والفنون يف الحضارة الإسلامية‬ NSS Wednesday Saudi National Day Vacation Thursday ICT Period 1 Microsoft Excel , L3 Exploring the function IF Art Drawing about National Day French Les pronoms du sujet

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