Al Tarbiyah Al Namouthajiyah Weekly Plan Grade 7 International School Semester 1 Week (4) 19/09/2021 to 21/09 /2021 Homework Class work Quizzes and performance tasks grammar: exercises for chapter 6 Sunday Monday literature: the flight of Icarus pg 31-36 ENGLISH Tuesday text analysis of Flight of Icarus pg 31-36 Wednesday Saudi National Day Vacation Thursday Sunday Ch 2: Operations with Integers, L1: Quiz 1 Integers and Absolute Value. Ch 1:The Tools of Algebra, L1:Words and Expressions. Math Online Assignment Screen reader support enabled. L2: Variables and Expressions, Monday Ch 2: Operations with Integers, L1: L3: Properties. Integers and Absolute Value. L4: Ordered Pairs, L5: Words, equations, Tables, and Graphs, L6: Scatter Plots. Performance task 1 check your online assignment due date on 3-10-2021
Tuesday L2: Adding Integers. Online Assignment Wednesday Saudi National Day Vacation Thursday Sunday Ch. 1 review Project 1 pages 36-39 it will be published on classera on 19-19-2021. Monday Ch:2 Ls:1 Cells and Life Tuesday pages 42-44 Wednesday Science Thursday Ch:2 Ls:1 Cells and Life worksheet pages 45-47 Saudi National Day Vacation Class work Homework Quizzes and performance tasks Sunday Chapter 10_Physical Geography of the Andes Classera-online assignment and Midlatitude Countries Monday Chapter 10_Physical Geography of the Andes and Midlatitude Countries(con) Geography Arabic Tuesday Chapter 10_Physical Geography of the Andes classera-online assignment and Midlatitude Countries(cont Sunday 44 صفحة/ مهارات الحوار 47 ) صفحة2 ( فقرة Monday Tuesday 52 صفحة/ نص الاستماع
Wednesday Saudi National Day Vacation Thursday Sunday درس شهاده ان لا اله الا الل Islamic Monday السؤال الثاني استخرج من السورتين درس شهاده ان محمد رسول الل Studies 83 اللفظ المرادف للكلمات التاليه ص Tuesday Wednesday . سوره الناس والفلق:تفس ري Thursday Saudi National Day Vacation Monday العمارة والفنون يف الحضارة الإسلامية NSS Wednesday Saudi National Day Vacation Thursday ICT Period 1 Microsoft Excel , L3 Exploring the function IF Art Drawing about National Day French Les pronoms du sujet
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