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Home Explore 2020 | July 26 - August 1 Great Big Sea

2020 | July 26 - August 1 Great Big Sea

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Description: 2020 | July 26 - August 1 Great Big Sea


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TABLE OF CONTENTSPUBLICATIONS MAIL AGREEMENT NO. 0040012044 REGISTRATION NO. 09027 RETURN UNDELIVERABLE ITEMS TO: THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD, P.O. BOX 2015, ST. JOHN’S, NL, A1C 5R7 6 ECMA 2020 WINNERS 8 12 The 2020 East Coast Music Awards GONE TOO SOON QUOTE OF THE WEEK went digital, honouring the very best from Atlantic Canada with awards A trio of shocking Hollywood trag- “They were and are my handed out and can’t miss performances! edies has rocked tinsel town, as three brothers. I drove them nuts, vastly different celebrities lost their lives they drove me nuts, but I 10 far too soon in a short timespan. loved them all, then and now.” — Bob Hallett on Great Big Sea 12 TIK TOK ON THE ROCK 25 YEARS OF UP! 27 TIKTOK sensation @lord.chord, is The Newfoundland Herald catches up queen of all things viral that have abso- with Doyle, Hallett, Power and Mc- lutely nothing to do with COVID, and Cann to reflect on 25 years of Great Big she also happens to be home-grown! Sea’s sophomore success, Up. INSIDE THIS WEEK 2 ARCHIVES 32 FINE OL’SCOFF 42 ON DEMAND PARTY OF ONE Celebrating our past It’s a great big sea New on demand this week A behind-the-scenes look at being an 3 WAIT TILL I TELLS YA 34 THIS WEEK WITH JIM 44 TV SCHEDULE Independent in the House of Assembly in Rant & roar It won’t be long now This week on NTV Newfoundland and Labrador with Paul Lane and Eddie Joyce. 4 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 35 MOVIE MINUTE 45 MUST SEE TV Publish or perish In theatres & on demand A rundown of top TV picks! ONNOLWINAE!VAILABLE 6 PEOPLE 36 CRIME FLASHBACK 70 HOROSCOPES Local and Hollywood celebs Fool me once pt. 1 Life according to the stars 10 INSPIRATIONAL 38 SOAP TALK 72 GET PUZZLED! Cordelia Richards Weekly synopsis Train your brain 12 COVER STORY 39 BABY OF THE YEAR 76 COMICS Great Big Sea’s Up Reader photo submissions The Herald’s funny pages 27 POLITICAL WATCH 40 LUCKY NUMBER BINGO 78 KIDS CORNER Party of one Play and win Activities, art work, DIYs 30 SCENES OF NL 41 TV WEEK 80 LAST LAUGH Reader photo submissions Your weekly TV guide Tickle your funnybone THIS WEEK’S HERALD CONTESTS 30 SCENES OF NL CONTEST 40 LUCKY NUMBER BINGO 71 SNAPPY CROSSWORD 39 BABY OF THE YEAR 69 PURRFECT PETS 74 SUPER CROSSWORD WWW.NFLDHERALD.COM DIGITAL VERSION AVAILABLE ONLINE: JULY 26 - AUGUST 1, 2020/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 1

From the Archives 40 YEARS AGO this week ... Volume 74 No. 30 In recognition of over 70 years of The Newfoundland Herald, we delight in giving THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD. readers a glimpse into our colourful past. Published by the SUNDAY HERALD LTD., 460 Logy Bay Road, St. John’s, Newfoundland. 1980 T his archived issue of The Newfoundland Her- ald featured Joan Van Ark and Ted Shackel- Tel.: (709) 726-7060, Fax: (709) 726-6971. JULY 26 - AUGUST 1 ford of Knots Landing, a spinoff of the pop- Mail: P.O. Box 2015, St. John’s, NL, A1C 5R7. ular Dallas series which was set in a fictitious coastal suburb of Los Angeles and centered on the lives of cou- E-mail: [email protected]. ples living in the Seaview Circle cul-de-sac. Entire contents copyright 2020 The series ran for 344 episodes and 14 seasons from © The Newfoundland Herald. All rights reserved. 1979 to 1983, with the cast reuniting for a two-part mini series in 1997 and a non-fiction special in 2005. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: In Newfoundland and Characters from the series were introduced in the Dal- Labrador – 26 issues for $43.94 + HST, 52 issues las revival in the 2010s. (1 year) for $82.68 + HST. Digital only, 6 month, $27.60 + HST. Call 1-800-901-4901. PUBLISHING CREED “If you abuse POWER you lose it, But if you do not use POWER you also lose it.” Publisher: The Sunday Herald Ltd. Founder: G.W. Stirling G. Scott Stirling TRAVOLTA’S TURMOIL ‘A COMPLETELY NEW START’ President: Pam Pardy The Newfoundland Herald profiled then The Newfoundland Herald spotlighted Managing Editor: Dillon Collins acting superstar John Travolta, in a spot- the iconic rockers The Rolling Stones who, light centered on his personal life as much in 1980, had just released their latest stu- Staff Writer: Shannon Cleary as his professional one. dio album Emotional Rescue, achieving two times platinum status. Art Director: “I’m a person who likes to be inspired Graphic Artists: Erin McCarthy, Robyn King and likes to inspire,” says Travolta. “I like In the detailed feature, Emotional Rescue Contributing Photographers: Sara Rostotski, to exchange that flow. And I’m unsettled, is considered ‘a completely new start for Paul Daly, Bud Gaulton anxious, passionate, compassionate, hun- the group,’ with Keith Richards speaking Danette Dooley gry, excited, disappointed. I go through on his past demons; “I realized I could no Contributing Writers: the gamut of emotions a lot. I trust very longer put my friends or myself through Jim Furlong, Wendy Rose easily and mistrust very easily.” what I’d been putting them through,” said Sarah Jane Sheppard, Nick Travis Richards. “I was bored with it. I was look- Danny Bulanadi, Travolta became a megastar on the back ing for something else.” Contributing Artist: Brad Crocker of Saturday Night Fever and Grease. Sales/Circulation Manager: Gary Oliver: 570-5246 Sales Representative: Lori Loveless: 570-5297 Matthew O’Rielly: 570-5248 Circulation Coordinator: Roberta Noseworthy Laura Waterman Subscriptions: Ron Sparkes Brenda Hussey Chief Financial Officer: Credit Manager: Adele Burton Operations: Linda Grenning Starting at just Print & Bonus Digital* Subscription PUBLICATIONS MAIL AGREEMENT NO. 0040012044 REGISTRATION NO. 09027 $14.38 3-month subscription (13 issues) $27.21 HST included 6-month subscription (26 issues) $50.53 HST included RETURN UNDELIVERABLE ITEMS TO: 12-month subscription (52 issues) $95.08 HST included THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD Experience The Digital* Only Subscription P.O. BOX 2015, ST. JOHN’S, NL, A1C 5R7 Newfoundland Herald’s 3-month subscription (13 issues) $14.38 HST included DISTRIBUTORS: digital editions. 6-month subscription (26 issues) $27.60 HST included St. John’s, Mount Pearl, 570-5246; 12-month subscription (52 issues) $53.48 HST included Hollie Pittman, Burin Peninsula, 277-2843; Anywhere, Anytime! *Digital versions Include: Desktop & Mobile Editions Wade Morgan, Trinity-Conception, 786-2539; Diane Arnold, Clarenville/Bonavista, Call1-800-901-4901 Order Online ( or Mail: (Order Form on Page 72) 677-2702; Allan Miles, Grand Falls/Windsor, 535-0290; John Morgan, Placentia, 227-2622; Jennie Nurse, Stephenville, 649-3475; Ron Downey, Corner Brook/Deer Lake/ Pasadena, 632-5918; Tina Foley, Gander, 256-3853 ISDN 0824-3581 We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada. Nous reconnaissons l’appui financir du gouvernement du Canada. 2 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/JULY 26 - AUGUST 1, 2020

WAIT TILL I TELLS YA EDITORIAL BY: PAM PARDY RANT&ROAR I n 1995, I had just pulled up HERALD FILE PHOTO five years of roots in Ottawa and planted myself in Mis- GBS have given us a quarter century of thrills, chills, and sissauga. The motivation? A raise-your-glass and near falls into the coffee table spills. work transfer that came with a big pro- And that’s worth celebrating and rantin’ and roarin’ about. motion, so I was pretty excited. Being away from home meant being Bay, my mind was blown. Darrell extended a musical olive branch independent, acting all grown up with Friends we were with that night out into the world, and it was gratefully fancy too big for me britches up-along and hungrily accepted. ways, but it also meant I was out of touch were buddies with Darrell Power and with the changing local music scene. we were invited backstage before Blue We all have a few favourite Great Big Sure, like everyone growing up in Rodeo’s set. It was my first experience Sea songs. Sea of no Cares is one of mine. Newfoundland, I knew all the tradition- with the lads, and it had a huge im- What’s not to love about the imagery of al stuff, in fact I jammed a few cassettes pact on the next near decade I or compilation CDs into my luggage be- spent on the mainland. Sud- tossing one’s fears into the waves and fore the door hit me in me arse on the denly, Newfoundland music, not giving a flying you- way out, just to keep me from being and our beautiful island, was know-what? Clearest Indi- homesick. all over MuchMusic and every cation is another, with its I’d break out some Homebrew volume non-Newfoundlander knew, or epic line: ‘like a country Mom had grabbed at the Goobie’s Irving embarrassingly thought they divided; 51 to 49.’ Bril- on her way around the bay and mailed up knew, the lyrics to Mari-Mac. liant songwriting. so I could listen as I cooked Sunday din- From the goosebumps ner or enjoy while having a few drinks EMBRACE YOUR BAY received while hearing with other displaced Newfoundlanders yearning for a bit of home. The tides were turning, and being a General Taylor performed live to fun traditional baymen Newfoundlander road trips with Scolding Wife on bust MUSIC & FRIENDS was cool so embrace your accents and and repeat; GBS have given us a quarter cue the quaintness. Long before Dan- century of thrills, chills, and raise-your- As the booze buzz intensified, so did ny Williams made this island a force to glass and near falls into the coffee table the tunes and our reaction to them. be reckoned with, Alan, Bob, Séan and spills. And that’s worth celebrating and What might have started out as a few rantin’ and roarin’ about. jigs and a scuff or two across the apart- ment’s parquet to Dick Nolan or Harry Hibbs, or what perhaps began as having a laugh singing along to something by A. Frank Willis, often ended with tearful and teetered “don’t fall into the coffee table, b’ys” waltzes to something off Si- mani’s Music and Friends. Then one night some friends and I headed out to see Blue Rodeo in con- cert and the opening act was something called Great Big Sea. As I watched a swarming sea of mainlanders rock out to Lukey’s Boat and Excursion Around the Pam Pardy, The Herald’s Managing Editor, can be reached by emailing [email protected] JULY 26 - AUGUST 1, 2020/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 3

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR “Indeed, our need for such a leader has never been greater.” THE HERO FOR OUR TIME Dear Editor, strated the essential qualities of leader- University. His strong work ethic has Character, empathy, creativity, vision ship. Indeed, our need for such a leader earned him many local, provincial and has never been greater. national awards and honours. and a sense of purpose are the essential qualities for a political leader. SIR ROBERT BOND (BIOGRAPHI.CA PHOTO) He was named Humanitarian of the Dr. Andrew Furey is a passionate or- Year by the Canadian Red Cross and Up until now, in my more than sixty thopaedic trauma surgeon, an educator earned the Governor General’s Merito- years of observing and sometimes par- with Memorial University’s School of rious Service Cross. ticipating in politics, I have known of Medicine. He also holds a diploma in only one future leader who demonstrat- organizational leadership from Oxford Also, there is a very human side to ed these qualities in the public square Dr. Andrew Furey. At the time of his before seeking the Premiership. internship, my late mother-in-law was in hospital for an extended period due In our turbulent history, one such to a broken hip. He visited her almost person emerged at the time of the dev- daily. The day after she was discharged astating financial crisis of the 1890s Dr. Andrew Furey brought flowers to – Sir Robert Bond, who went on to be- her home. This is but one example of come what most historians regard as our his humanity – a man with the common greatest Prime Minister. At the time of touch. our next great crisis, the depression of the 30s, no such person came forward. I believe this exceptional man has the qualities and the moral fibre needed to We are now in the throes of our great- lead us in this most trying period in est crisis since the depression. I am en- modern times. couraged someone again has emerged seeking public office who has demon- - Richard Cashin Disclaimer: Opinions and letters published in The Newfoundland Herald are not necessarily the views of the Editor, or Publisher. The Newfoundland Herald reserves the right to edit or omit copy, in accordance with our policies. Letters to the Editor must be attributed with a name, ad- dress and contact phone number – names and town of origin will be printed, or may be withheld at the editor’s discretion. Herald Contest Rules: Contest is open to all NL residents. Employees and immediate family members of Stirling Communications International are ineligible to play or win. If the winner is unable to receive the prize, or are unreachable within a set amount of time, another entry will be chosen from the collected submissions. Submissions accepted in person at The Newfoundland Herald, 460 Logy Bay Road, St. John’s or online (if applicable) at on the contest page. Only the winner(s) of the contest will be notified. The Newfoundland Herald reserves the right to publish the name and photograph of the winner. Prize must be accepted as awarded, with no substitutions. 4 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/JULY 26 - AUGUST 1, 2020

RESULTS Great leaders have an ability to bring leader is a matter of opinion, but as I re- people together. The ability to use all flect on some of the qualities that come Dear Editor, the evidence and relevant points of view, to my mind when casting my vote in the As we near the vote for the next Lead- in an effort to find a win-win scenario leadership race, I can’t think of a better whenever possible. We are Newfound- choice than Dr. Andrew Furey. er of the Liberal Party of Newfoundland landers and Labradorians and we are and Labrador, I find myself reflecting on also Canadians. A great leader for N.L. Whether it’s founding the interna- the question, “what qualities does one during this particular time in our histo- tionally respected Team Broken Earth, need to be an effective leader?” ry needs to be willing to work with the working on health care teams locally or in federal government to find long term various other volunteer and professional A great leader can come from any ed- solutions to our problems. It may seem roles, Dr. Furey is a proven team builder ucational or professional background like good politics to some, but making who gets results. And someone who is al- but, in my opinion, they all have certain threats like walking away from our com- ways right there on the frontlines. Given things in common. mitments at Muskrat Falls as a starting the very serious economic and social is- point doesn’t serve anyone’s interest. sues we face, we need this type of leader Great leaders lead by example. now more than ever. They get their hands dirty, so to As a young father my- speak. They do not ask any- self, I know the one to do something they stakes are high wouldn’t be willing to do here. But Dr. Furey themselves. Experience is the leader who can on the frontlines and help our children seeing what we are have a bright future in doing right and what we are doing wrong Newfoundland and Labrador. That’s firsthand is an asset to the why he has my support, and why I hope next premier of the province. others signed up to vote will make the How one defines a great same choice. - Dr. Jeff Marshall Chiropractor, Goulds JULY 26 - AUGUST 1, 2020/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 5


PEOPLE! ECMA TWITTER PHOTO LANES RETIREMENT LIVING FACEBOOK PHOTO CONGRATULATIONS! EDDIE SHEERR T he East Coast Music Awards Achievement Award, other local LOVES LOBSTER! were handed out virtual- winners included Tim Baker, Jason ly on July 10th and 11th, Hosted by Lanes Retirement Benoit, Eastern Owl, Wonder- Living, the first annual Lobster and Newfoundland ful Grand Band, Ian Foster and Roll Fundraiser took place in St. Nancy Hynes, Kelly Russell, Tony John’s on July 10th, with delicious and Labrador were well repre- Murray and The Ship Pub. Replays pre-order delicacies from Chef de of the event complete with virtual Cuisine Nick Walters (formerly of sented. Alongside Ron Hynes be- performances can be found now The Merchant Tavern and Ray- monds). 100 per cent of the proceeds ing inducted into the Canadian on CBC Gem. DC from the benefit were donated to the Dr. H. Bliss Murphy Cancer Care Songwriters Hall of Fame and Foundation. One person who ap- proved of this delicious idea? NTV’s Shanneyganock’s Lifetime Chief Meteorologist Eddie Sheerr. He’ll be back next year! DC JULY 26 - AUGUST 1, 2020/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 7

PEOPLE! HOLLYWOOD TRAGEDIES GETTY PHOTO TAYLOR JEWELL PHOTO 1987 - 2020 KELLY PRESTON NAYA RIVERA 1962 - 2020 I n a true Hollywood tragedy, alone on a rented boat at Lake Piru in actress, singer and model the Santa Clarita, California area. Her Actress Kelly Preston has Naya Rivera has shockingly body was discovered five days later, passed away after a brief battle passed away at the age of 33. with investigators concluding she had with breast cancer at the age of 57. Rivera was declared missing on July 8th, drowned. Rivera was best known for her Known for her roles in Twins, Jerry with her four-year-old son Josey found role of Santana Lopez in Glee. DC Maguire and For Love of the Game, Preston was married to John Travolta beginning in 1991. DC PAUL ARCHULETA PHOTO GRANT IMAHARA 1970 - 2020 Television host, electrical engi- neer and roboticist Grant Ima- hara has passed away suddenly at only 49 years old due to a brain aneu- rysm. Imahara was best known for his time on the series MythBusters as well as White Rabbit Project. DC 8 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/JULY 26 - AUGUST 1, 2020

INSPIRATIONAL CORDELIA RICHARDS PHOTO “Every time there’s like a trend...I try to @LORD.CORD RULES put a little bit of a Newfoundland twist TikTok sensation, @lord.cord, is queen of all things viral that to it.” — Cordelia Richards have absolutely nothing to do with COVID, and she also hap- anything. I wouldn’t even let anyone know that I had it on my phone. It was kind of pens to be home-grown! BY PAM PARDY new and different and then I finally did start posting, I think it was April 2019. I t’s worth getting the TikTok invested in the lives of strangers. And my first video that took off was a app just to check out @lord. “Everyone wants to know ev- video I put up of a shower curtain. It had cord and all her shenanigans. an image of Jeff Goldblum with a monkey From her moves, to her mud- erything. They are always ask- on it and it went pretty viral. And that’s der, she’s simply all that and a bag of chips. ing about my animals or my pretty much how I started gaining a fol- Known as Lord.Cord, Cordelia Richards family. People want to keep lowing,” she says with a laugh. of Wabush, Labrador is one young lady up on things they’ve seen but ready to take the Internet by storm. it’s fun for me and I enjoy it,” THE HERALD CHALLENGE she shares. ‘SUPER NOSY’ With a following of over 200,000 Richards downloaded the on TikTok, 12,000 on Instagram, To what does Richards credit for her TikTok app in October of and 1,000 on Twitter, Richards is fame? Being “ just a bit eccentric.” 2018, though she was more of considered an online “influencer.” an observer, at least at first. Something else she credits? The fact How does that feel? Fun is one word that people are “super nosy” and often feel “I had the app for about six she uses, and unreal is another. months before I started posting “It doesn’t feel real to me. Thou- sands of people are watching you to see what you are going to do.” Mostly, Richards just likes to have fun and be creative. Like asking her followers to photoshop her image on a cover of The Herald. They re- sponded quite energetically. Richards explains; “There is a 10 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/JULY 26 - AUGUST 1, 2020

INSTAGRAM:@LORD.CORD NEWFOUNDLAND TIKTOK STARS ADAM PIKE PHOTO CORDELIA RICHARDS PHOTO “Being a Newfie is a big part of ADAM PIKE (@ADAMPUKEONHATERS) my brand. I feel I’m educating Adam is best known for mini- vlogs, fun series, rating the small people around the world about towns of NL and setting up his pool. He currently has 200,000+ followers. this great place we call home.” HAILEY PIKE (@HAILEYJENELLE) — Cordelia Richards From the TikTok viral dances challenge going around where folks ask home. We are not just a fishing and making videos with her HAILEY PIKE PHOTO other users to make it look like they’re on province. There’s so much to this friends, Hailey follows all the trends. the cover of Vogue. And every time there’s She currently has 60,000+ followers. DEVON WALSH PHOTO like a trend going around, I try to place than just that and I want put a little bit of a Newfound- to share our humour with DEVON WALSH (@IMDEVONWALSH) land twist to it. So I thought, the world,” she says. well, we’re pretty funny peo- Richards will be moving Devon is best known for comedy ple, and what’s more local videos and surprising fans. His than The Herald?” from Labrador back to St. John’s nan is also a huge fan of The Herald. soon. He currently has 19,000+ followers. So, she asked her followers and people “ just went to town,” MOVING TO ST. JOHN’S she says with a laugh. She’s excited to share that experi- BE YOURSELF ence with her followers too. “There’s so much to showcase around St. John’s. And We ask if she has any advice for anyone there’s so many people I can’t wait to con- starting out who may want to gain a fol- nect with and collaborate with when I get lowing. Watch the times you post, is one back.” Something else she can’t wait for? offering. She finds posting between the hours of 8pm and 11pm work best for her She laughs. “I loves George Street. I’ll followers. Also, just be yourself and have be doing a few TikTok videos from there fun. Part of being herself is promoting once I gets there, you can guarantee that this province of ours. one. I’m excited for that.” “Being a Newfie is a big part of my No doubt the eyes of 200,000 plus will brand. I feel I’m educating people around be eagerly waiting and watching excitedly the world about this great place we call as well. For more Cordelia Richards, follow her on Instagram and TikTok @lord.cord JULY 26 - AUGUST 1, 2020/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 11

COVER STORY LOOKIN’ ‘UP’ WITH GREAT BIG SEA! Great Big Sea’s SUBMITTED PHOTO Up. It was the al- bum that brought traditional New- foundland mu- sic, with a unique twist, to the rest of the world and gave the b’ys in the band international star- dom. The Herald chats with the men behind this beloved band of brothers. 12 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/JULY 26 - AUGUST 1, 2020

FILE PHOTO “My biggest thing when I look back on that is just how much fun it was.” — Alan Doyle on 25 Years of Up ALAN DOYLEIN CONVERSATION WITH From the Boy on the Bridge to international touring star, Alan Doyle reflects on Great Big Sea’s seminal sophomore breakthrough album, Up BY DILLON COLLINS A lan Doyle begins our deep dive into Great Big Sea’s seminal sophomore album in a manner very similar to previous interviews with this very pub- lication over the years. “It’s very strange. I’ve said it many times. The passage of time when you’re in a band is very odd,” Doyle begins. “Things that happened a week ago feel like 30 years ago. The things that hap- pen 30 years ago feel like a week ago.” 25TH ANNIVERSARY GREAT BIG SEA (MARCH 11, 1993) SUBMITTED PHOTO 2020 marks the 25th anniversary of “We were totally infused with traditional music from Up, the debut album for the group with Newfoundland and Ireland, southern England ... But we Warner Music Canada and, relatively looked like guys who were in Pearl Jam and we present- inarguably, the kick through the glass ed the shows like we were a rock band.” — Alan Doyle ceiling the group needed to become more than just a provincial treasure. “I remember, I guess in the late sum- mer of 1994, Séan corresponding with JULY 26 - AUGUST 1, 2020/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 13

SUBMITTED PHOTO tic provinces made the jump to major national record labels, Great Big Sea’s “I think what was most significant about it wasn’t the fact hybrid of traditional Irish roots with a that we got signed, but we stayed signed.” — Alan Doyle pop-rock sensibility resulted in a staying power that made the group a national Warner Music Canada and Séan ex- swept up in that big Canadian wave that and international favourite. And it all plaining that they were talking seriously included The Irish Descendants and began with Up. about signing us to a record deal, which Rawlins Cross from here and on and on. was mind-blowing at the time,” Doyle So somewhere in the East Coast Music “I think what was most significant recalls. Awards in February of 1995 we signed a about it wasn’t the fact that we got record deal with Warner Music Canada. signed, but we stayed signed. A lot of the ‘BIG CANADIAN WAVE’ And the first thing we did was the Up other bands didn’t,” Doyle recalls. record. We recorded that in the spring “It was the mid 90s where every re- of 1995.” “We were totally infused with tradi- cord company in the country was sign- tional music from Newfoundland and ing anything with a fiddle or an accor- While many of their contemporaries Ireland, southern England and all that dion. And we just got caught up and from Newfoundland and fellow Atlan- kind of stuff. But we looked like guys who were in Pearl Jam and we present- ed the shows like we were a rock band, you know? Our folky instruments were loud and we were brash. Kind of the way I still do it (laughs). It was the high en- ergy thing and it sort of flew in the face of a lot of previous incarnations of folk music.” FOUR TIMES PLATINUM While contemporary radio and con- ventional means of marketing were kind to the team of Doyle, McCann, Hallett, Power and co., it was the rising wave of music-video networks like Canadian hub MuchMusic that resulted in Up becom- ing over four times platinum, buoyed by the single that almost wasn’t in the Slade cover, Run Runaway. “We had the other fourteen pieces recorded and the record company was super excited about it all, but they were worried that we didn’t have a piece that would be an instant yes,” Doyle shares. “If we had a thing that they would undeniably say yes to right away, we could open the door to all the rest of it. So we’d been playing Run Runaway live, and I used to do it at solo gigs at Trapper John’s and the Rose and Thistle. That song always sounded like a Celtic song to me. We said we’d be doing this cov- er of Run Runaway live and people love it. Why don’t we put that on the record, and that might open up the door to all the other stuff? Like Séan said, if we make it more palatable for people, we’ll probably get more people. “We recorded Run Runaway in about five hours,” Doyle recalls. “That led us to, 14 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/JULY 26 - AUGUST 1, 2020

“We never had a huge GOIN’ UP VIDEO SHOOT (SPRING 1996) SUBMITTED PHOTO bunch of radio play, but we were darlings on Rum is a traditional song or a new song, wow. I do love the Slade cover. The en- MuchMusic. Our videos they would say an old traditional New- ergy is awesome, and no wonder people were constantly played foundland one. But of course, Bob wrote loved it. You know, Séan has a song on on their stations.” that in 1995. That’s the thing, and that’s there called Something To It that I always probably of all our records and songs, thought was just beautiful, and I just — Alan Doyle that’s probably the one that sort of seam- don’t think it got a lot of attention. Séan lessly has been adopted into the folk mu- has always been such a great ballad sing- I think, the biggest break that we’ve got sic canon. er and I always thought that was such a in our career in Canada, in that the Run beautiful song. And then, you know, I Runaway song and video became a hit on “There’s other things I love, because I do still believe that Wave Over Wave is MuchMusic. With the first few records, did listen to the record last night and go, until the late 90s, we were darlings. We never had a huge bunch of radio play, but ANDREW MACNAUGHTAN POLAROID we were darlings on MuchMusic. Our videos were constantly played on their “I do still believe that Wave Over Wave is probably in the stations.” top three Newfoundland songs ever written.” THE OLD BLACK RUM — Alan Doyle on standout singles from Up In the capable hands of celebrated pro- JULY 26 - AUGUST 1, 2020/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 15 ducer Danny Greenspoon, and fully em- bracing the popularity of the music-vid- eo model with the help of industry vet Andrew MacNaughtan, Great Big Sea were off to the races with Up, an album that combines standard Celtic classics with originals that would soon become hallmarks of the group’s discography. Pondering the standout cuts from the now classic sophomore record, and Doyle is hard pressed to pick one golden single. Though it is the Bob Hallett writ The Old Black Rum that seemingly takes the cake. “I’ve said many times that one of the greatest thrills is to get your songs into the pub canon,” Doyle says reflective- ly. “That’s a really difficult canon to get into. A lot of the songs are ancient and old and amazing. The stand out kind of track for me in that regard is Bob’s The Old Black Rum. Because if you were to survey 100 people who are Great Big Sea fans and ask them if The Old Black

GREAT BIG SEA - RUN RUNAWAY (VIDEO) “We weren’t going to go to Toronto and record in the studio up there. We made Toronto come to us.” — Alan Doyle probably in the top three Newfoundland songs ever written.” BUTTERFLIES & FAME Relishing a fond glimpse into the past of one of our province’s most influential musical exports, and Doyle admits that the period of 1995, with a shiny new record deal and the prospect of nation- al and international fame, all hands in Great Big Sea had the hunger and drive to go alongside butterflies of uncertainty and those great what ifs. “I think Séan is exactly right that we had this us against the world attitude and we were going to do it our way. No doubt about that,” Doyle shares. “We weren’t going to go to Toronto and record in the studio up there. We made Toronto come to us. And I think that was a brilliant thing that we did that. I don’t know if we felt like we knew what was coming. I think we were just so in it that we were just trying our best to bring every skill-set we had to the ta- ble and work together as best we could. It was definitely a steep learning curve that we were totally willing to jump off together and go into it. But my biggest thing when I look back on that is just how much fun it was.” 16 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/JULY 26 - AUGUST 1, 2020

DIN CAONRVERRSEATLIONLWIPTHOWER ANDREW MACNAUGHTAN POLAROID GREAT BIG SEA - RUN RUNAWAY (VIDEO) Excursion master, Darrell Power, talks the power of friendships and the ‘best ofs’ of Great Big Sea BY PAM PARDY O uter Cove native Darrell university, there’s a path that was prob- Power was a well known mu- ably ready and plotted out that I would sician even before Great Big enjoy. At the same time we were record- Sea. One of Rankin Street’s ing our very first album, I was doing my finest, Power was also a mighty fine teaching internship at Macdonald Drive songwriter as well. Pursuing an English and both of those events sort of came to- degree, he had his life all planned out gether,” he says. when things changed as the popularity of GBS surged. While Power ‘left’ the And then, did things ever change. band, he never really stepped away com- pletely. The relationships, for one, re- ‘WE HAD AN ATTITUDE’ mained strong. And the passion for the music? Well, that never goes away. Touring was ramped up for one thing, Reflecting on the impact Up had on but that was a positive at the time. It was his life, and on the music community in the stuff musical dreams are made of. general, Power pauses. “To say it had an impact on my life is a “We were four fellows who loved play- bit of an understatement. At that point ing. We really did. We knew there were in my life, when you’re going through some other musicians around who were way better than us, but that didn’t matter because we had an attitude. It wasn’t just the grunge band stuff of the 90s – head JULY 26 - AUGUST 1, 2020/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 17

GREAT BIG SEA - RUN RUNAWAY (VIDEO) so ‘on’ live, the album doesn’t actually contain that. That’s “All I can think of is three nuns in a Volkswagen.” not to say that I don’t think the album is very beauti- — Darrell Power quoting photographer/videographer Andrew MacNaughtan ful in its own right, but it didn’t have that aggression.” Still, it was what was need- ed in the marketplace. “I think we created a template for an album containing traditional music. We knew we needed to have original songs that kept its foot in the traditional realm and we needed the traditional stuff, re- worked. And that’s what we did.” down at the floor – it was entertainment crowds. Getting a record contract with WINNING SONG SELECTION and getting the crowd engaged. Be your- Warner Music Canada “was just amaz- self and be funny. And that’s really when ing,” he continues. Tossing a cover of Slade’s Run Run- the on-stage banter got good. And the away, a song traditionally sung onstage banter got better because we played so Power says the timing was right, too. by Power, turned out to be the winning much live.” Natalie MacMaster was popular. So was song selection. “Danny (Greenspoon, The Rankin Family. Music producers, music producer) heard us do Run Run- ‘LOOKING EAST’ he says, were “looking east.” away at the Horseshoe in Toronto and he said, ‘record that song.’ The rest is It was their ‘party band” persona that So, what does he think when he hears history.” got them noticed and what drew the any of the music from Up now? “That al- bum was, well, we were so aggressive and Rush’s longtime photographer/vid- eographer Andrew MacNaughtan came onboard. “He didn’t know if we were fit to eat, but he thought we were extremely fun- ny and personable. He was handed Run Runaway and told ‘OK, make a music video.’ I remember his quote at the time when he heard it was, ‘all I can think of is three nuns in a Volkswagen.’ And that became the video. It’s a pretty simple video but that stands the test of time.” The video ramped things up for the b’ys of GBS. “Not only were people looking to Atlantic Canada to see what music was coming out of there, but MuchMusic was in play and that was a huge, influential beast and we forged a great relationship with them. The rest is history. But it all began with that album, with Up, 25 years ago.” 18 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/JULY 26 - AUGUST 1, 2020

DARRELL POWER PAM PARDY HERALD’S Q&A Q Tell us about life before the re- SUBMITTED PHOTO lease of Up? How four musi- cians from Newfoundland grew into “Myself, Bob and Séan had spent maybe four years plus the popular band GBS? with Rankin Street. That’s what really put me through university, 50 bucks at a time.” — Darrell Power We spent a lot of time on stage. AK’s or the Lower Deck every night of the able to many bands, was something that Q And Alan? Much has been said week. It helped to hone the craft. That’s was just necessary for us to do. And so about the man and the legend. what you need to do. Get in front of peo- he pushed the group to that end. Right What was the Alan that you knew like? ple and play over and over again. And to the end, Séan put the band before we were always picking at each other in everything else and his decisions were Yeah. And then you have Alan, the a constructive way, too. And we weren’t made based on his devotion to that part- guy myself and McCann seen Stagger- good musicians. We became musicians nership and that business and that band. ing Home (a band) one night while play- who could definitely stand there on the ing. I mean, he was absolutely hilarious. stage at the Lower Deck and pack the FILE PHOTO He had this hilarious comedy musical house. set that was actually a well oiled show “I don’t regret a thing that looked like a train wreck. It was so Q Tell us about your relationship about having two boys seriously funny. Alan, with that little with each other. You mentioned and raising two boys and Yamaha guitar, and that voice, and the a couple of things, like you guys were being a stay-at-home hair! And we knew there was something pretty much like brothers. dad.” — Darrell Power there. Even though he had hockey hair, it was totally a mullet at the time. But Like any relationship, relationships Alan brought so much to the band. He change with time. Myself, Bob and has this genuine personality. He is a guy Séan had spent maybe four years plus who absolutely loves music, absolutely with Rankin Street. That’s what really loves the business, and knew, as we all put me through university, 50 bucks at did, that we all had arts degrees which a time. So add those extra five years of we called ammunition for the barrel. So being together and you have some in- no matter what stage we walked onto, teresting dynamics. People can agree on whether it was in Toronto, whether things and people can disagree on things it was in Germany, Denmark or New and we tended to disagree on more than York, we were fanning out and attempt- we agreed on. Suddenly you’re not four ing to own that room before the night buddies playing music, suddenly it’s a was out. That is the way we rolled. business. A big business. Q So, what did Darrell Power Q Tell us about Bob Hallett. He’s bring to the table? What were quite the entrepreneur, quite your strengths? diverse in his interests and endeav- ours. I came from a traditional music Bob is amazing. He is an organized individual who thinks methodically and plans methodically and happens to love playing any traditional instrument he could get his hands on so he became a great asset. Q How about Séan McCann? What did he bring to the table, looking back now all these years later? Séan was the dreamer and a guy who had some success in business ventures and he just dreams big. Getting past the overpass, which would be insurmount- JULY 26 - AUGUST 1, 2020/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 19

NL FOLK FESTIVAL, ST. JOHN’S /FILE PHOTO time in studio for any project we ever did, sitting right next to an engineer and “I don’t even know if we said goodbye. But when we were producer. That’s the way I was. That’s onstage it was one of those great moments.” — Darrell Power how important that music was to me. background. My dad was a going for some 50 years or so And what else was I? I was pretty good singer in kitchens and liv- now down in Outer Cove and at deescalating conversations. Humour ing rooms. Flatrock. Outer I just loved, loved traditional is a great thing to take a conversation Cove. Logy Bay. He didn’t music. It was the music that that might be going into this difficult miss many opportunities to really drove me. I was con- direction and you can just sort of soften sing. I was involved with the cerned with every single note it with humour. And I think I did a lot Concert Crowd. We’re still we recorded and I spent more of that. I absolutely loved the band and I loved the touring. I loved playing. Loved everything about it. But I stepped away in 2002 when my son was born, so 18 years. It was a generation ago since I’ve played with the band. Q You stepped away and spent time at home with the family. Tell us about that. I look back, I don’t regret a thing about having two boys and raising two boys and being a stay-at-home dad. I’ve been involved with musical projects along the way, but being the dad standing in a school playground and being the dad getting kids out of the dressing room af- ter swimming and helping out any way I can, just being a part of my kid’s life. I spent the last 20 years being a human being. Q You returned to the stage at the end of one of the last GBS con- certs held in this province. What do you remember about that? It came about pretty last minute. Ac- tually, I think it was McCann’s idea, and I said, sure, why not? And it was just going to be Excursion. There was no re- hearsal. There was no soundcheck for me. It was funny, even though I’ve been still in contact with them; dropping in to see Alan, hooking up with Bob, walk- ing with McCann and his dogs up over The Gut, but that was the first time the four of us were in the same room again which was strange, seeing each other be- fore we took the stage. And how did it end? Did it end with a big party? Nope. I had the kids. Bob had to be somewhere and he took off. And I don’t even know if we said goodbye. But when we were onstage? It was one of those great moments. 20 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/JULY 26 - AUGUST 1, 2020

IN CONVERSATION WITH BY PAM PARDY HERALD’S Q&A BOB HALLETT ANDREW MACNAUGHTAN POLAROID BAND OF BROTHERS F or musician and business- Your thoughts now reflecting back? too many lyrics – he nixed a lot of them. man Bob Hallett, life is We were getting our feet wet as song- For whatever reason I wrote it for him to anything but status-quo. sing. I’m glad he still does. writers with Up. The Old Black Rum Hallett, who even spent became a set staple. It was quite delib- Q You mentioned, as did Séan and erate. I was consciously trying to write the b’ys, so many others who time in the Managing Editor’s seat here something that captured the craziness helped Great Big Sea rise. From Louis of downtown bars and pubs in that era, Thomas to Danny Greenspoon, who at The Newfoundland Herald, is involved and did so using an anthemic tradi- stands out for you and why? with everything from musicals like the tional kind of tune. The key line came from my friend George Leamon. I was (Danny) Greenspoon was good and much celebrated Come From Away to at his house waiting for my girlfriend bad. We bristled under his tutelage. producing his own, like the intriguing and his daughter to get ready to go out. He was very strict about arrangements I had been there a long time, and when and our sloppy singing and playing, No Change in the Weather, through Ter- his daughter finally arrived, suitably ra Bruce Productions. primped, George said to me “look, there but it forced us to become she is, finally, the Queen much more disciplined in In this touching and transparent one- of George Street...” the studio, which lead to a lot more concentration on-one, Hallett shares his thoughts on It stayed with me. live. When I listen to Up Alan helped – I had way his time with the b’ys in Great Big Sea. & Play, which were recorded very close together, I can hear a Q In Alan’s interview, he spoke huge evolution between them. about the significance of the fact We took the discipline of the you wrote the song The Old Black Rum. studio we learned during the Up He mentioned being proud of that. recording and used it to craft “George (Leamon) said to me “Look, there she is, finally, the Queen of George Street ...” — Bob Hallett on The Old Black Rum JULY 26 - AUGUST 1, 2020/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 21

FILE PHOTO Q East Coast musicians were king at the time you were rising in “We wanted it more, and never stopped pushing forwards. fame, which helped, but you lads stood We were always hungrier than most, and that passion out and lasted longer. Why do you carried us forward.” — Bob Hallett think that was? Play, which was much more lentless drive matched We wanted it more, and never stopped representative of our own our own, but he didn’t pushing forwards. We were always hun- style. We were not happy have much to do with the grier than most, and that passion carried about being told what to do, music per se in that era, us forward. We also saw success in the but it worked. other than to constantly US, which allowed us to accumulate a push us to get better. He better team and better touring resourc- Louis Thomas was huge- was right too. es, which made it easier to keep growing. ly influential, given his re- Q Let’s talk about Run Runaway and nuns and MuchMusic and music videos. How important was that to the fame of GBS? There were three videos from that album, Run Runaway, Mari Mac and Goin’ Up, filmed in an eight month period. All of them were written and directed by our friend Andrew Mac- Naughtan. He was the unsung hero of GBS’s rise to the top. He caught all our visual humour and anarchy and energy and turned it into music videos that are still really watchable. I saw Mari Mac recently, it has an incredible energy and style. None of the songs were even close to hits. Pop radio did not play songs with fiddles and accordions then, but the videos did very well on MuchMusic, so we were suddenly able to reach a huge audience. The label saw the attention we were getting, and started pushing radio to catch up. Still, it wasn’t a quick pro- cess. The album took over a year to go Gold, and we toured literally non-stop for that whole period. Q Rankin Street. Still beloved. Darrell spoke of wandering down the street after a gig and run- ning into Alan. Do you remember that meeting? The first time you all played together? What about the last? I first spoke to Alan at a jam at Christ- mas of 1992. We played at Petty Har- bour Days the summer before that, but I don’t remember talking to him there. Around that fall Rankin Street was running out of steam, and we knew we needed another frontman to balance out Séan if it was going to become something real. Séan had met Alan somewhere or 22 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/JULY 26 - AUGUST 1, 2020

other, and decided he was the guy. That FILE PHOTO fall, just before Rankin Street took a break, me and Séan went to see Alan “Everyone in GBS was strong. Alan was an indefatigable play at some pub. He had duo called front man, Séan was charismatic ... and taught himself to Staggering Home. It was Alan and this play the bodhran like no one on earth. Darrell is a great guy doing everything under the sun. musician with a unique world view.” — Bob Hallett on GBS They opened the set with REM’s Losing My Religion, which was pretty weird, and believed instruments are like a mechan- was an indefatigable front man, Séan then followed it up with a very raw par- ic’s tools. You need different tools in was charismatic and very smart, and ody of a Sesame Street song. I thought your musical toolbox to make different taught himself to play the bodhran like they were both off their heads. Anyway, sounds. A musician knows how to make no one on earth. Darrell is a great musi- I left NL for a couple of months to work music in the way a mechanic knows how cian with a unique world view, and then with Kim Stockwood, and when I came to fix cars. The different tools (or instru- later Kris MacFarlane brought his rock home at Christmas for a couple of gigs, ments) are just a means to the end. steady and reliable drumming and Mur- and we jammed a bit, and it seemed to be ray Foster his musical knowledge and going well. I then returned to Toronto Everyone in GBS was strong. Alan unflappable persona. It took everyone to for more gigs with Kim, and I did not make it great. get back until March 11, the day GBS played its first show. I only had time to Q Do you have a favourite Great rehearse two songs. The show felt really, Big Sea song? really good. The chemistry was there, so They all speak to me of something – a I stayed put. It was a good decision. time, a place, a girl, a night, a memory, a good drink, a half-forgotten tune from Q Both Séan and Darrell said a large night, a dead friend, a beautiful what you guys had was guts. afternoon in Clare, a half-remembered You believed. And, because you played joke. The songs are like children, each so much, you got good. What do you one has something special. think of that? GREAT BIG SEA - RUN RUNAWAY (VIDEO) Q When we asked Séan his Most young artists now, they are on thoughts, he listened to Up on a big stages when they have performed cassette three times over and over, on maybe a dozen times. Myself, Séan, old technology of course, and he woke Alan and Darrell had played literally his kids. What do you think of when hundreds of shows before we had to play you hear the album, or a song from one that mattered. So whenever we got that time? an opening slot, or a showcase, or an af- ternoon set at a festival, we knew how to I have not listened to the album in go out there and kill. We also believed maybe 15 years. I hear the songs on the that what we were doing was as good as radio now, the songs sound half-formed anything else out there, that the music of to me now, because we played them over NL in combination with contemporary and over again, reinventing them every pop was a viable commercial combina- tion. It took a while to convince the busi- ness, but our own belief never wavered. Q We asked the other fellas to toss in what they thought the others brought to the band. Your abil- ity and passion to play anything was brought up again and again. Tell us about your musical influences and where that ability and passion came from. I grew up around people who could play anything, and so assumed that this was the natural progression. I’ve always JULY 26 - AUGUST 1, 2020/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 23

FILE PHOTO Q Séan mentioned you b’ys ‘swung from the fences’ on “They were and are my brothers. I drove them nuts, stage. Do you remember those days they drove me nuts, but I loved them all ...” — Bob Hallett fondly? Where did that guts for glory come from? night. They were transformed, and when several lifetimes in between. I hear the versions from Up, I hear the Remember, me and Séan and Darrell beginnings, the foundations, the plans Q Tell me about your bandmates. had played together as Rankin Street of what they became. Who they were, and are to you. for four years before GBS. It was our They were and are my brothers. I summer school in stagecraft. The versions of say Lukey and The Old drove them nuts, they drove me nuts, but Black Rum on Road Rage were recorded I loved them all, then and now. Our biggest competitors then were only four years after, but we had lived the Irish Descendants, who were bet- ter players and singers. We knew we were the sh**s at that Irish show band thing the Descendants did so well, so we found our own path, one that com- bined the energy and chaos of bands like The Pogues and The Clash, with the raw power of Fergus O’Byrne, the authenticity of Figgy Duff, the charisma of Johnny Cash, the power of The Who and The Sex Pistols. It was all there. We talked and thought about it, we really wanted to create something new and different. We didn’t give a s**t about anything other than getting the crowd on the go, and by the end of that four years our crowd had gotten a lot young- er, and they were starting to respond to all that energy. I’d played in punk bands and Séan had acted, so getting in the audience’s face was right up our alley, while Darrell was up for anything. Rankin Street kind of bounced ideas around, getting crazier and crazier, like at our penultimate show we gave away ten dozen beer off stage, until we met Alan, who brought a relentless ambition and focus that matched our own. Also he had a van. After that it was us against the world. We nev- er, ever looked back, and we never backed down. 24 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/JULY 26 - AUGUST 1, 2020

FILE PHOTO SÉAN ‘SHANTY MAN’ MCCANN If you’ve never heard Séan McCann sing Safe Upon the Shore, or General Taylor then you’ve never experienced the bared soul of the Shanty Man. But in this intimate reflection on his Great Big Sea days, the legendary ‘Shanty Man’ finally bares all BY PAM PARDY G reat Big Sea’s Up was re- GBS (SUMMER 1994) SUBMITTED PHOTO leased in 1995, a time when cassette tapes were still a thing. When asked to pro- vide his thoughts on the release reach- ing its 25th year, Séan McCann went old school, breaking out his Up cassette tape and some old technology, including a walkman and a cassette player and all the old cables that belonged with those iconic items, and he UPped the volume. “I listened to it three times, back-to- back, over and over just the other night, and I actually woke the kids up with it,” he offers with a chuckle. ‘THE LINER NOTES’ “After the Cod moratorium of 1992, we all knew our eco- nomic prospects were extremely limited in Newfoundland After he listened, he sat and generous- so we decided we may as well ‘swing for the fences’ and ly shared his thoughts with The Herald. give the music business a shot.” — Séan McCann “I listened to Up three or four times and I just thought I’d write down what I thought and what I felt. I read the lin- er notes and stuff. But mostly, I listened JULY 26 - AUGUST 1, 2020/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 25

ANDREW MACNAUGHTAN POLAROID us to a multi-album deal. We were huge fans of Spirit of The West so their pro- ducer Danny Greenspoon was flown into St. John’s for the initial recording session. He would later fill out the sound in To- ronto with hired guns Oliver Schroer on fiddle and Al Cross and Rick Lazar on drums and percussion.” “For me personally, Up was the sound of four young men SIP’N ON GBS KOOL-AID trying figure out how to navigate a very uncertain time.” The result, he says, was a much more — Séan McCann polished and nationally palatable version of what he calls the band’s under-sophis- to it again and again and what I wrote, I “We had no idea what we were doing ticated folk pop. wrote based on listening to the whole al- but our eponymous debut recorded by bum back to front, so the comments were Pat Janes at Dermot O’Reilly’s Piperstock “When the album was complete, considered,” he said genuinely. Studio in Torbay was just good enough to Warner didn’t hear a single so, at the last catch the ear of ‘A & R’ man Kim Cooke minute Cooke suggested we cover Slade’s Those were certainly happy times, he at Warner Music in Toronto, who signed Run Runaway. He also introduced us adds reflectively, though he’s shocked to Rush’s longtime photographer/vid- that so much time has passed. eographer Andrew MacNaughtan who proved instrumental in branding the “I didn’t realize that was 25 years. I band with iconic videos capitalizing on guess I’m in denial about how old I am. the natural beauty and unique character It seems like, honestly, that we made of our hometown.” that record about two years ago. So there’s obviously a huge, huge part of my Not everyone had taken a sip of the memory missing,” he laughs. GBS kool-aid, however. “We never en- joyed much support from Canadian THE SHANTY MAN “When I listen to Up ... stations, but Andrew’s videos resonated I hear the sound of hope with the new young Newfoundland di- Séan McCann, the man known as The & victory being snatched aspora and MuchMusic kept us in heavy Shanty Man, references his much publi- from the hands of defeat.” rotation in spite of radio’s indifference. cized battle with addiction and his subse- Constant touring in a Dodge Caravan quent victory. Up, he shares, was ground- — Séan McCann and consistent, high energy live shows breaking for the band and for himself in kept the record selling until we were so many ways. ready to record the more kitchen party focused follow-up punch Play in 1997.” “After the Cod moratorium of 1992, we all knew our economic prospects were The men had a heart for musical extremely limited in Newfoundland ‘Gold,’ and the guts for glory. so we decided we may as well ‘swing for the fences’ and give the music business a “For me personally, Up was the sound shot,” he says. of four young men trying figure out how to navigate a very uncertain time. Great Big Sea were not the best songwriters or musicians in St. John’s, but we were defi- nitely the most determined to succeed. The album worked because we were all pulling in the same direction and we nev- er gave up. When I listen to Up today, I hear the sound of hope and victory being snatched from the hands of defeat.” The magic of GBS was inspirational, even to the lads at the helm of the now iconic and beloved band. “This, I believe, was the work’s real accomplishment and, for me, its greatest reward.” 26 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/JULY 26 - AUGUST 1, 2020

BY NOAH SHEPPARD POLITICAL WATCH INDEPENDENT PARTY OF ONE A behind-the-scenes look at being an Independent politician in the House of Assembly I t’s not easy to be an Inde- EDDIEJOYCE PAULLANE pendent politician in New- foundland and Labrador. It While both men have severed ties with their former comes with great struggles to be recognized, funded, and support- parties, they embrace the freedom they have to ed. It’s even harder to get elected. Before the last election, only four Independents represent their constituents. have been elected to the House of As- sembly. He stayed with the Liberals until cials, when he lobbied to have a friend 2018, where he was removed from the hired for a government job. Joyce has INDEPENDENT RECORDS party following harassment allegations since launched a lawsuit against Premier by fellow Liberal MHA Sherry Gam- Dwight Ball, the Commissioner for Leg- However, in the 2019, a rarity was bin-Walsh. islative Standards Bruce Chaulk, and seen in the Provincial Election as two two former colleagues for defamation sitting Independents were re-elected. SEVERED TIES OF FREEDOM in regards to the handling of the harass- ment case. Paul Lane, representing the Mount Joyce was cleared of any wrong-doing Pearl-Southlands district won with 43 in regard to the allegations of harass- While both men have severed ties per cent of the vote, and Eddie Joyce, ment, but was denied re-entry into the with their former parties, they embrace representing the Humber- Bay of Is- party after the Commissioner for Leg- the freedom they have to represent their lands district was victorious with 67 per islative Standards found him in breach constituents. cent. They are the only two Indepen- of the code of conduct for elected offi- dents to be elected in the same election. “Anytime I have an issue that impacts Paul Lane was first elected as a MHA JULY 26 - AUGUST 1, 2020/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 27 in 2011 as a member of the Progressive Conservative Party, where he captured 55 per cent of the vote. In 2014, he crossed the floor and joined the Liberal Party, being re-elected in 2015. In 2016, Lane was removed from the Liberal caucus after voting with the op- position against the 2016 budget. Eddie Joyce entered politics in 1989 as a member of the Liberal Party, winning with 58 per cent of the vote, before step- ping aside to allow party leader Clyde Wells to contest the seat after losing his own district.

SUBMITTED PHOTOS keep the consistency for the people.” Joyce says as an Independent, you need “There’s no better feeling as an MHA, than when someone is struggling, and you find a way to help to get results, and working with people is them out.” — Eddie Joyce, MHA for Humber- Bay of Islands how those results are accomplished. my constituents, I have the ability to men, being an Independent gives them “Being around politics for almost 30 bring it forward, to fight for those issues, more freedom to do what they’ve always years, in government, outside in opposi- privately, publicly, and really not have to tried to do. tion, I know how government operates,” be concerned about who I might upset in Joyce said. “I worked well when I was in the process, as long as my constituents’ “For me, it’s always been about the dis- opposition with government members. I needs are being served,” Lane said. trict and the people. At the end of the worked well when I was in government day, what gives me the most satisfaction with opposition members. I worked “I’ve always had a habit of speaking is being able to help constituents on in- well with my colleagues. So now, it’s just up for the constituents that I represent, dividual issues that they’re having in knowing how to work with people and and that hasn’t changed as an Indepen- their everyday lives,” Lane said. knowing the system and who to contact dent,” Joyce said. “As an Independent in in ensuring that all the issues you have opposition of the government, you con- ‘KNOWING THE SYSTEM’ are brought forward in a positive way.” tinue to work on behalf of the people you represent. The point with me is that you “There’s no better feeling as an MHA, LACK OF PARTY SUPPORT? always stand up for the issues that affect than when someone is struggling, and your district.” you find a way to help them out,” Joyce While both men have gotten these re- said. “What motivates me is to know I sults for their districts, they don’t come GETTING THE RESULTS made someone else’s life better. It has without struggles. Lane says without the nothing to do with the limelight. As support of a party, it can be difficult to Lane and Joyce both share a com- an Independent, my greatest thing is to get the media’s attention. mitment to their voters, in which they have a wealth of experience. Lane made “The only drawback I see, is that some- his name in Mount Pearl through vol- times it can be a little more challenging unteerism, finding ways to help out his to get my message out there,” Lane said. community anyway he could, which led him to seek a seat for “When there’s scrums and so on, city council, and eventually run they’ll usually go to the Ministers about to become an MHA. a certain issue, and then they’ll talk about the leader of the NDP and the Meanwhile, Joyce has been involved in leader of the official opposition and how politics for nearly 30 years, always put- they feel about it. They generally don’t ting his district’s needs first. For both come to the Independent’s and ask us our views. I can put out a press release on something I think is very significant, and I may or may not get the media to cover it.” Even with this obstacle, Lane finds other ways to get his message out. “I have to find other ways. That’s why I’m a frequent caller to open line shows, and I have letters in to the editor on a regular basis. I do a lot of newsletters for my district too.” Having a long political career, like these two men, does not come without regrets. While Lane and Joyce are hap- py with what they’ve done, they also have some decisions they would make differently. “I regret voting for Muskrat Falls, one-hundred per cent. I honestly, at the time, believed what I was being told by people who I trusted to know what they were talking about,” 28 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/JULY 26 - AUGUST 1, 2020

Lane said. SUBMITTED PHOTOS “I voted for it with the very best of in- “Their future ... inspires me to do everything I can to try tentions, thinking I did the right thing, and lobby and encourage the government.” — MHA Paul Lane and we know how it turned out. Unfor- tunately, I can’t undo that, and I’ll al- Both men find inspiration to fight for For Lane, his inspiration comes from ways have to wear that to some degree, their districts from outside the realm of his own family, as he wants to make a albeit I never had any inside information politics as well. For Joyce, it’s his human- better future for his grandchildren. anymore than the public did.” itarian work with the charity Helping Orphans Prosper through Education “I have a grandson now, who is two The other regret Lane has is voting for (HOPE) who build orphanages in im- years old, and we have another grand- Bill 29, a bill that gave the government poverished parts of Uganda. child on the way,” said Lane. “I think more power to restrict access to infor- very much about them and what their mation. The bill was later revisited and ‘SPONSOR HOPE’ future is going to look like. It inspires me changed to be less restrictive. to do everything I can to try and lobby “I got involved with them three and encourage the government to do the “I can remember after going through years ago to raise some funds. I visited right thing on a number of issues.” the filibuster and listening intently to three times,” Joyce said. He downplays the arguments, looking over to one of his role, saying the real angels are the While both men have had non-tradi- my colleagues who was sitting close to four ladies (Marjorie Williams, Marie tional paths in politics, they fully em- me and saying, ‘I feel like we’re on the Woodford, Madelyn Carew and Bet- brace their Independent title. They’ve wrong side of this one’. I didn’t feel good ty Whalen) who run the operations of vowed to try their best to represent their about it. I felt great about Muskrat Falls HOPE. Joyce says he just helped fund- constituents, and remain loyal to them, at the time, I thought it was a wonderful raise for the group. and to them alone. thing, Bill 29, not so much.” “I brought down enough funds to For more information on Eddie Joyce’s PERSONAL REGRETS sponsor HOPE to bring down 800 pairs humanitarian work, visit of shoes for the kids each trip.” And for more information on the House of For Joyce, his regrets aren’t so much Assembly, political as they are personal. He re- grets how everything surrounding his dismissal from the Liberal Party went down. “My only regret is that I never spoke up in the beginning. I believed in certain people that didn’t come through. Any- thing I ever did for the Humber-Bay of Islands was done for the right reasons. Someone like Premier Ball, we can nev- er have a beer together again. That’s the kind of regrets I have.” While Joyce wasn’t satisfied with the circumstances surrounding the investi- gation and allegations, he says he felt the support from his district, and that they stood by him the entire time, as evident in his re-election. JULY 26 - AUGUST 1, 2020/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 29

SCENES OF NL Dildo, NL — Gary Mitchell Prossers Wharf, NL — Neville Webb Lower Battery. St. John’s, NL — Karen Summers WIN A PHOTO DREAM PACKAGE Enter The Herald’s Scenes of NL Photo Contest for your chance DILDO, NL — GARY MITCHELL to win a spectacular $500 Sara Rostotski Prize Package! • 709.579.9247 LAST WEEK’S PHOTO CONTEST QUALIFIER! ENTER TO WIN: Send your photos, Newfoundland & Labrador locations and your full name to: [email protected] Or upload at: 30 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/JULY 26 - AUGUST 1, 2020

Port au Port Peninsula, NL — Amanda Cornect Gisborne Lake, NL — Marion Hickey Apsey Beach, NL — Rose Noel JULY 26 - AUGUST 1, 2020/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 31

FINE OL’ SCOFF PAM PARDY PHOTOS IT’S A GREAT BIG SEA You really get a grasp of how vast and stunningly beautiful this world we call home is when you see it from the best possible spot on earth! BY PAM PARDY T his is one beautiful province SHRIMP DIP with so much to be taken in from coast to coast. Cape Spear is one amazing spot that’s worth visiting multiple times, whenever the mood strikes. WORK UP AN APPETITE SIMPLYRECIPES.COM PHOTO pink shrimp (salad shrimp) • 1/4 cup sliced scallions, including the For me, it never gets old. Walking the • 8 ounces cream cheese, room temp trails, climbing the stairs to the light- • 1/4 cup mayonnaise greens house; it’s all breathtaking. It can also • 2 to 4 Tbsp of lemon juice (2 if • 2 Tbsp finely chopped fresh parsley help inspire meal time planning, as well • 1/4 teaspoon Tabasco or Crystal hot as help you work up an appetite. regular lemon, 4 if Meyer lemon), more to taste sauce We just went this evening and on our • 1 teaspoon finely grated lemon zest • Freshly ground black pepper to taste way home had to stop into the grocery • 3/4 pound cooked, shelled, small store for seafood. With getting locally inspired by the In a medium bowl beat together with the food processor, chop up the scenery in mind, here’s some suggestions the cream cheese and mayon- shrimp—fine to medium chop—and for your own table. Enjoy! naise until smooth. Add the lemon mix into the cream cheese. juice and lemon zest. Beat until smooth (you may need to use a whisk.) Return to the bowl and stir in the If you have a food processor, pulse scallions and parsley. Add the hot together the shrimp and the cream sauce and black pepper to taste. Add cheese mixture, three 1-second pulses. more lemon juice to taste. If not, or if you just don’t want to deal Keep chilled. Serve with crackers or crudité. - Source: 32 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/JULY 26 - AUGUST 1, 2020

CRISPY FRIED CALAMARI • 1 lb cleaned calamari tubes cut into rings, and tentacles left whole • juice of 1/2 a lemon • 2 cups flour • 1/2 tsp cayenne • 1/2 tsp paprika • 1 tsp salt • 1/2 cup buttermilk or milk • vegetable or canola oil for deep frying • marinara sauce, lemon wedges, or aioli, for serving, optional Place the calamari into a bowl counter in the following order: spiced FIFTEENSPATULAS.COM PHOTO with the lemon juice, and let sit for flour, buttermilk, and spiced flour. 30 minutes. This will tenderize the cala- Fry the calamari in batches for about mari. Remove the calamari from the lemon 2-3 minutes total, until golden brown. Preheat frying oil to 375 degrees juice, then dredge each piece in the flour, Then drain on a paper towel and im- Fahrenheit, either in a deep fryer or a shaking off any excess, then into the mediately salt the calamari generously large cast iron pot, no more than 1/2 full. buttermilk, shaking off the excess, then so the salt sticks. Serve with marinara In a medium bowl, whisk to combine back into the second bowl of flour. Re- sauce and lemon wedges, if desired. En- the flour, cayenne, paprika, and salt. Add peat this process with all the calamari. joy! half of this mixture to another medium bowl. Place the buttermilk or milk in a - Source: third bowl. Place the three bowls on the JULY 26 - AUGUST 1, 2020/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 33

THIS WEEK WITH NTV’S JIM FURLONG IT WON’T BE LONG NOW B y far the most effective polit- ical slogan I have seen over the last half century was from the late Premier Frank Moores. Prior to the election that final- ly laid low “The House of Smallwood,” Moores comforted an electorate that could hardly wait to vote Smallwood and his government out of office. He told them that; “it won’t be long now.” COMPLETELY MISMANAGED I fully expect that the day after the election a lot of American newspapers will gleefully have the banner So it is that the time and day of reck- headline: YOU’RE FIRED! oning has come for American President Donald Trump. The United States about opening schools in the fall. He So it is that Trump the businessman with Trump at the helm has completely said things were under control and keeps talking about opening the econo- mismanaged the COVID 19 epidemic. the virus would disappear. Trump’s my as if that was the problem. He talks It treated it all as an economic prob- behaviour was a litany of events that of stock market rebound when Ameri- lem when it was clear to anybody with showed that he really did not have an can hospitals were filled to overflowing. a grain that it was a medical issue and understanding of what was going on. He failed. In a move that was political the economic difficulties flowed from and almost bizarre he also found himself that. Canada as a nation did well. New- There is an old expression that says on the wrong side of history in the “Black foundland as a province did fabulously people that are good with hammers Lives Matter’’ crisis. Trump failed again. well with the departing Premier Dwight think everything is a nail. That is not Ball essentially sealing off the province a compliment. It is an indication that ELECTION COUNTDOWN and locking down almost everything. It someone with a limited skill set will try worked. I hope he gets credit. and apply the skill set to a wide variety What it all means as the days pass of problems. and November 3rd looms is that I think By contrast in the United States, the American electorate, apart from the where the response to the COVID 19 vi- Kool-Aid drinking Trump base, cannot rus has been political and not scientific, wait to get at Donald Trump. nearly 140,000 people are DEAD. The election has slipped away and Containment attempts failed mis- the slogan; “It won’t be long now” is erably because the will to do it was not very much in effect. I hope it is not too there. While the world was “flattening late for America. I fully expect that the the curve,” Donald Trump was talking day after the election a lot of American about “liberating” states which had newspapers will gleefully have the ban- closed businesses. He is still talking ner headline: YOU’RE FIRED! NTV’s Jim Furlong can be reached by emailing: [email protected] 34 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/JULY 26 - AUGUST 1, 2020

BLOCKBUSTER FILMS! MOVIE MINUTE R THEATRICAL RELEASE: JULY 31 CROWE IS ‘UNHINGED’! Russell Crowe comes undone in one of his darkest roles to date RELIC in this taut summer thriller, Unhinged. BY DILLON COLLINS You’ve seen him as a gladia- woman becomes the target of a man’s rage after a confronta- PG-13 R tor, a French soldier and tion at an intersection. even Superman’s dad, but Crowe stars alongside Caren Pistorius, Gabriel Bateman, you’ve never quite seen Rus- Jimmi Simpson and Austin P. sell Crowe like this. The Oscar McKenzie, with direction from Derrick Borte. winning actor stars in Un- hinged. In this it-could-happen- to-anyone horror scenario, a GREYHOUND PALM SPRINGS RENT OR OWN AT HOME R PG-13 JULY 26 - AUGUST 1, 2020/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 35 AS OF TUESDAY JULY 28, 2020 End of Sentence ................ 7.5 PG-13 The Other Lamb....................... 5.0 R Capone ................................... 4.8 R Scoob! .................................. 5.7 PG Trolls World Tour ...................... 6.1 PG Body Cam......................... 5.2 PG-13 NEW RELEASES/ On Demand as of: JULY 14, 2020. VIDEO ON DEMAND:

CRIME FLASHBACK BY MAX HAINES Oscar M. Hartzell, SIR FRANCIS DRAKE a great student of human nature, Like all honest working always included men with larceny in some slight their hearts, Oscar did encouragement. his homework. FOOL ME ONCE ... set Oscar’s grey matter churning with its profitable possibilities. PART 1 of 2: Con artists who have been most successful in the swindling business have had two things in common The stranger related that on Jan. 28, – their scams were preposterous and they all thought big. 1596, Sir Francis Drake died aboard his ship off Nombre de Dios, Panama. His I f you are planning on being resist going for the jugular. entire estate was confiscated by the Brit- a swindler, don’t waste your Take Oscar M. Hartzell for example. ish government. Drake’s will was never time trying to beat Bell probated. As Sir Francis and Queen Telephone out of nickels PROFITABLE POSSIBILITIES Elizabeth had carried an illicit relation- and dimes. The rewards are minimal and ship, the British government had decided the penalties can be severe. Oscar was an Iowa farm boy, it would be best to suppress the will so Con artists who have been most suc- who probably would have that the affair would never be bought to cessful in the swindling business have toiled on the family farm public attention. Anyone who helped fi- had two things in common – their scams for the rest of his days nance the rightful heirs in their attempts were preposterous and they all thought had a stranger not to obtain Drake’s vast fortune would be big. The more fantastic the scheme, the knocked on the farm- rewarded beyond their wildest dreams. more people lined up to be fleeced. Once house door one day in started, no self-respecting con artist can 1918 and told his parents GLAMOUR & RICHES a story. It was a tale which The stranger was looking for a $10 investment from the Hartzells. They re- fused and he was never heard from again. Oscar recognized the story as his ticket off the farm and into a life of glamour and riches. Like all honest working men with larceny in their hearts, Oscar did his homework. He travelled to Sioux City and spent weeks in the library studying Sir Francis’ life and his association with Queen Eliza- beth. Soon Oscar could discuss Drake and the Virgin Queen with experts. A year later Oscar travelled to Chicago and convinced two larce- 36 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/JULY 26 - AUGUST 1, 2020 *Crime Flashback Images are used for reenactment purposes only and might not be historically accurate.

The big city boys agreed degree of organizational ability. He set his collectors a newsletter each month, that the scheme had up territories and appointed a collector advising them of the latest maneuvers all the ingredients of a for each territory. Door to door agents being employed to obtain the fortune. successful swindle. reported to the collector, who skimmed Each letter mentioned the great expense off a commission and remitted the bal- involved, but Oscar, a great student of nous gentlemen, Studie B. Whitaker and ance to Oscar. human nature, always included some Milo F. Lewis, of the profitable possibili- slight encouragement. ties of his scam. The big city boys agreed The scheme had to be fed. Oscar sent that the scheme had all the ingredients of a successful swindle. Its noble purpose Next Week: Scotland Yard & the U.S. Post Office take an interest. was to wrestle Sir Francis Drake’s fortune from the big bad British government and JULY 26 - AUGUST 1, 2020/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 37 turn it over to Sir Francis’ legal heirs. Oscar returned to Iowa. Initially his plan was to contact anyone named Drake or whose forebears had been Drakes. Even Oscar was amazed that every Drake he solicited was eager to invest. Still, travelling around the countryside looking for assorted Drakes was an arduous task. ‘AN INSIDIOUS THING’ Oscar made a slight adjustment. Now anyone could buy shares in the Sir Fran- cis Drake Association. When the vast fortune was released by the British government, investors would be given a sum proportionate to their cash outlay. It would only be necessary to show a receipt from the Association in order to claim a portion of the estate. Money poured into Oscar’s coffers. Let’s face it, greed is an insidious thing. Oscar wanted to speed up the process. He announced that shares could be bought on the installment plan, thus as- suring the Association of a steady flow of cash each month. The Iowa farm boy displayed a high

SOAP TALK KAYLA AND STEVE RECONNECTED WHILE THEY WERE AWAY FROM SALEM. DAYS OF OUR LIVES “Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.” For half of a century, those words have introduced and underscored one of NTV’s mainstays BY DANA BLOCK S Kayla and Steve re- Kate got the serum for Vivian from Dr. connected while they Rolf. Gwen tried to seduce Jake. Gabi were away from Sa- accused Chad of being interested in Gwen. Ivan returned to help his be- lem. Ben grew more loved “Madame.” Gabi and Jake waited impatient- suspicious of Claire. Roman ly for the serum to kick in. Bonnie attempted to make amends with gave Eric an unexpected gift be- Lucas. Allie dropped a bomb on Sami. Eric and Ni- fore the wedding. cole celebrated their first night as BELOVED “MADAME” a married cou- PHOTOS Jack was thrown when he Gwen tried to seduce Jake. ran into Bonnie. Sami interrupted Eric and ple. Gabi and Vivian were in shock after Nicole’s wedding. finding out the truth about Jake. Marlena warned Will and Sonny that Sami was in town. Meanwhile, Sami or- dered Rafe to turn down Allie’s offer. WAIT TO SEE Will takes Ben out for drinks the night before his wedding. Ciara asks Rafe a cru- cial question. Ciara celebrates her impend- ing nuptials with Claire and Allie. CBS PHOTO NTV’S THE YOUNG & THE RESTLESS WEEKDAYS 1:30PM / NTV Production has ceased due to the coronavirus. CBS will air classic episodes of Y&R until production resumes. 38 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/JULY 26 - AUGUST 1, 2020

ENTER NOW! BABY OF THE YEAR CONTEST BABY GIRL OF THE WEEK BABY BOY OF THE WEEK IVY MASSIE LOGAN GRIFFITHS Parents: Caryn & Chris Massie, St. John’s Parents: Michelle & Robbie Griffiths, Paradise CONTEST RULES AND REGULATIONS: HONOURABLE MENTIONS Enter online at Please eligible to enter. THEO SHAW SADIE BADCOCK include baby’s name, parents’ names, • You may enter as often as you wish, date of birth, hometown and contact Flatrock Bay Roberts information. Two babies will qualify though once your child is chosen as every week. Our Baby of the Year will our weekly winner, they aren’t eligible be chosen from all weekly qualifiers. The to win again. overall winner will appear on the cover • Photos must be at least 200 dpi, be of the first issue of The Newfoundland clear and unobstructed (the less acces- Herald in 2021. sories the better). No photos will be • Babies must be under the age of two returned. Contest ends Oct. 31, 2020. • If family members other than parents by Dec. 31, 2020 (born in 2019 or send entry, you must include a per- 2020). mission slip from parents or guard- • Babies must reside in NL. ians. • Employees and immediate family • At the end of the contest, vote for members of The Newfoundland Her- your favourite qualifier by logging ald and its affiliated companies are not onto the website A THOUSAND SMILES Send in your child’s candid moments and share your family’s happiest moments with our readers. Enter online at or email [email protected] JACK HALLEY | Son of Stephanie & Shane Halley, St. John’s. JULY 26 - AUGUST 1, 2020/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 39

LUCKY NUMBER B I NGO 13 27 40 60 71 ONUSNU NTV B MBER MBER MBER MBER MBER M O N D AY 6 22 34 49 64 ONUSNU NTV B TUESDAY 15 25 48 63 NTV B ONUS NU WEDNESDA Y 9 30 39 50 69 ONUSNU NTV B TH U R S D AY 8 18 42 46 62 NTV B ONUS NU FRIDAY Use the Herald’s Lucky Number on the cover to complete a BINGO PLAY & ROW, horizontally, vertically or diagonally and qualify to WIN a WIN! $100 weekly prize and a one-year Herald digital subscription. 1. Use the lucky number on the front of your Herald to (from July 27-31) a ‘Bonus’ number will be an- 6. The Herald reserves the right to publish the name & play. Numbers can be used only once, but can be used nounced that you can use to complete your Bingo card. photograph of the winner. in any order as long as they are consecutive. Examples 3. Employees & immediate family members of Stirling – Lucky Number 12345 can represent the following Communications International are ineligible to play. 7. One card will be drawn from all winning Bingos submit- numbers: 1, 23, 45 or 12, 34, 5 or 12, 3, 45 or indi- 4. Contest is open to all NL residents 18 years & older. ted & will be final & binding. Prize must be accepted vidually 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Remember, each digit can only 5. Only original entries or reasonable facsimile (no pho- as awarded, with no substitutions. be used once. tocopies) of the full page from The Newfoundland Herald’s Bingo Game will be accepted & valid. 8. Entries must be accompanied with the original cover 2. Each weeknight during the NTV Evening Newshour showing the Lucky Number used to complete the card. Each week a new card will be published. NAME: PHONE: (709) ADDRESS: MAIL YOUR ENTRY: The Lucky Number BINGO Contest, c/o The Herald, P.O. Box 2015, St. John’s, NL, A1C 5R7 ALL ENTRIES MUST BE POSTMARKED NO LATER THAN AUGUST 4, 2020. PLAY HERALD LUCKY NUMBER BINGO EVERY WEEK! FOR MORE CONTEST INFO VISIT: 40 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/JULY 26 - AUGUST 1, 2020


BEST OF ON DEMAND! BEST OF NETFLIX DESPERADOS THE NIGHT CLERK SNOWPIERCER (TV) NETFLIX & CHILL WITH BINGE-WORTHY PROGRAMS STREAMING IN JULY ON NETFLIX 6.9/10 RATED MA THE KISSING BOOTH 2 AVAILABLE NOW! NA/10 ~ Movie ~ 14A STREAM-WORTHY! ------------------------------------ ATHLETE A SPACE FORCE 7.7/10 ~ Doc ~ PG-13--------- WARRIOR NUN 6.9/10 ~ TV ~ MA --------------------------- Waking up in a morgue, ------------------------------------ THE HATER DESPERADOS 7.0/10 ~ Movie ~ MA an orphan discovers she now 5.1/10 ~ Movie ~ MA ------------------------------------- possesses superpowers as the ------------------------------------ THE INFORMER chosen Halo Bearer for a sect DA 5 BLOODS 6.5/10 ~ Movie ~ R of demon-hunting nuns. 6.7/10 ~ Movie ~ R ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ F IS FOR FAMILY SEASON 4 THE NIGHT CLERK 8.0/10 ~ TV ~ 14A 5.4/10 ~ Movie ~ R------------ ------------------------------------- ------------------------ THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY WARRIOR NUN 7.9/10 ~ TV ~ 14A 6.9/10 ~ TV~ MA ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ SNOWPIERCER THE OLD GUARD 6.4/10 ~ TV ~ R 6.7/10 ~ Movie ~ R ------------------------------------ HELLO NINJA SEASON 3 7.6/10 ~ TV ~ PG ------------------------------------ SERIOUSLY SINGLE NA/10 ~ Movie ~ 14A ------------------------------------ UNSOLVED MYSTERIES 7.6/10 ~ Doc ~ MA------------ ------------------------ THE BABY-SITTERS CLUB 7.9/10 ~ TV ~ PG ------------------------------------ RIVERDALE 7.6/10 ~ TV ~ PG ------------------------------------ CRAZY RICH ASIANS 6.9/10 ~ Movie ~ PG STREAMING ON NETFLIX JULY 2020 42 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/JULY 26 - AUGUST 1, 2020 Ratings and Reviews courtesy of IMDb.

THE BEST-STUFF STREAMING! PROGRAMS STREAMING IN JULY ON CRAVE & PRIME VIDEO CRAVE’S BEST NEW RELEASES PRIME VIDEO’S BEST PROGRAMS THE ADDAMS FAMILY FORD VS FERRARI LAST ONE LAUGHING 7500 HARRIET LEGENDARY GEMINI MAN HANNA SEASON 2 6.4/10 ~ Movie ~ PG 6.8/10 ~ TV ~ PG 5.7/10 ~ Movie~ 14A 7.5/10 ~ TV ~ MA ----------------------------- ----------------------------- ----------------------------- ----------------------------- INSECURE AD ASTRA THE GREAT LITTLE FIRES 7.3/10 ~ TV ~ 14A 6.6/10 ~ Movie ~ PG 8.0/10 ~ TV~ NA------ EVERYWHERE ----------------------------- ----------------------------- ---------------------- 7.7/10 ~ TV ~ 14A THE GOOD LIAR VIVARIUM ANGEL HAS FALLEN ----------------------------- 6.6/10 ~ Movie ~ 14A 5.8/10 ~ Movie ~ 14A 6.4/10 ~ Movie ~ 14A 7500 ----------------------------- ----------------------------- ----------------------------- 6.2/10 ~ Movie ~ R LAST CHRISTMAS CROSSING SWORDS HOMECOMING S:2 ----------------------------- 6.5/10 ~ Movie ~ PG 6.6/10 ~ TV ~ MA 7.5/10 ~ TV ~ MA----- GUNS AKIMBO ----------------------------- ----------------------------- ------------------------ 6.3/10 ~ Movie ~ R PERRY MASON (2020) LUCY IN THE SKY CHARLIE’S ANGELES ----------------------------- 7.6/10 ~ TV~ MA 4.7/10 ~ Movie ~ PG 4.7/10 ~ Movie ~ PG ROCKETMAN ----------------------------- ----------------------------- ----------------------------- 7.4/10 ~ Movie ~ 14A READY OR NOT THE ADDAMS FAMILY KNIVES OUT ----------------------------- 6.8/10 ~ Movie ~ 14A 5.8/10 ~ Movie ~ PG 7.9/10 ~ Movie ~ PG A BEAUTIFUL DAY IN ----------------------------- ----------------------------- ----------------------------- THE NEIGHBORHOOD THE JESUS ROLLS SOUTH PARK S:23 CROWN AND ANCHOR 7.3/10 ~ Movie ~ PG 4.3/10 ~ Movie~ 14A 8.7/10 ~ TV ~ MA 5.8/10 ~ Movie ~ R ----------------------------- ----------------------------- ----------------------------- ----------------------------- LAST ONE LAUGHING LOVE LIFE FORD V FERRARI THE TERROR: INFAMY 6.3/10 ~ TV ~ 14A 7.4/10 ~ TV ~ 14A 8.1/10 ~ Movie ~ PG 8.0/10 ~ TV ~ MA STREAMING ON CRAVE STREAMING ON PRIME VIDEO LNIOVCEABSLETRREEQUAIRMEDI!NG 2LIV4E/7 JULY 26 - AUGUST 1, 2020/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 43

JULY 26 - AUGUST 1, 2020 Reality Children Sports News Local Movies TIME: SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 06:00 AM NTV Entertainment News Issues & Answers NTV NEWS: FIRST EDITION NTV News: 1st Edition 06:30 AM NTV Eyewitness News NTV EARLY MORNING NEWS NTV Early 07:00 AM Morning News 07:30 AM Jesse Stirling’s… Captain Atlantis 08:00 AM Issues & Answers Special Presentation 08:30 AM Made Right Here 09:00 AM 09:30 AM 10:00 AM Heart Matters 10:30 AM Sunday Service The Morning Show 100 Huntley Street Entertainment 11:00 AM Church of the Rock NTV NEWSDAY Tonight 11:30 AM Jesse Stirling’s… Weekend The Young and the Restless NTV Eyewitness News NOON Issues & Answers NTV Entertainment News Days of Our Lives Evolution Wrestling 12:30 PM Week in Review Dimestore Fishermen NL Sportsman 01:00 PM W5 01:30 PM 02:00 PM 02:30 PM NTV Sunday The Rachael Ray Show Arts Delight 03:00 PM Movie: Judge Judy Made Right Here 03:30 PM Point Break 04:00 PM The Tamron Hall Show 04:30 PM NL Jackpot Bingo Wheel of Fortune Back to Back 05:00 PM Jeopardy! NTV NEWS: FIRST EDITION On the Mark NTV Week in Review 05:30 PM Wheel of Fortune NTV EVENING NEWSHOUR NTV Eyewitness News 06:00 PM NTV Sunday Global National 06:30 PM Evening Newshour 07:00 PM 07:30 PM Entertainment Tonight NTV Saturday 08:00 PM Jeopardy! Movie: 08:30 PM Adventures Unknown Border Security 09:00 PM Border Security Border Security A Surrogate’s 09:30 PM The Neighborhood Schooled Nightmare DOUBLE BILL MOVIE NIGHT 10:00 PM The Unicorn Superstore NTV Saturday 10:30 PM The Neighborhood Movie: 11:00 PM 11:30 PM Schooled Of Mice and Men CTV National News 12:00 AM NTV LATENIGHT NEWS CTV National News 12:30 AM NTV Entertainment News 01:00 AM Vikings The Late Show with Stephen Colbert Saturday Night 01:30 AM Live ATLANTIC/LABRADOR - .5hr. earlier H EASTERN - 1.5hr. earlier H CENTRAL - 2.5hr. earlier H MOUNTAIN - 3.5hr. earlier H PACIFIC - 4.5hr. earlier 44 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/JULY 26 - AUGUST 1, 2020

MUST SEE TV: CANADA’S SUPER STATION SUN/2:00P.M. POINT BREAK TUE/8:30P.M. FBI: MOST WANTED WED/8:30P.M. SEAL TEAM Starring Edgar Ramirez, Luke Bracey A cult leader and his followers go on The team travel overseas to rescue a and Ray Winstone. the run after ordering a murder. CIA agent who is held hostage. A young FBI agent infiltrates an ex- A cult leader and his trusted followers Amid several life-altering moments on traordinary team of extreme sports ath- go on the run after he orders the murder the home front, Bravo Team travels over- letes he suspects of masterminding a string of his own family. Jess aims to uncover the seas to extract a CIA agent who is being of sophisticated corporate heists. self-proclaimed prophet’s conman past. held hostage. SPORTS HIGHLIGHTS SUNDAY TUESDAY 1:30 p.m. 1:30 p.m. [NBC-D] [11] [NBC-B] Premier [31] [SN360] Stanley Cup League Goal Zone Live [30] [RSE] MLB Blue Jays in 30 Champions Toronto at Tampa Bay. Tropicana Field -- St. 8:30 p.m. Petersburg, Fla. 2:00 p.m. [23] [TSN] SportsCentre 11:30 p.m. [22] [CBS] NWSL Soccer [30] [RSE] Sportsnet Central Championship. Women’s. Live 2:30 p.m. WEDNESDAY 12:30 p.m. [NBC-D] [11] [NBC-B] PLL [30] [RSE] Sportsnet Central Lacrosse Waterdogs vs. Atlas. 3:00 p.m. Championship Series. Zions Bank Stadium -- Herriman, Utah. Live [31] [SN360] World Series Film [30] [RSE] MLB Baseball Toronto 7:30 p.m. at Tampa Bay. Tropicana Field -- St. Petersburg, Fla. Live [30] [RSE] Tim & Sid 8:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. [23] [TSN] SportsCentre [10] [A] [22] [CBS] PGA Golf 11:30 p.m. SUN/2:30PM MLB BASEBALL 3M Open. Final Round. TPC Twin Cities -- Blaine, Minn. Live [31] [SN360] World’s Strongest MLB Baseball. Toronto at Tampa Bay. Live on RSE. [NBC-D] [11] [NBC-B] NBC Man Sports Special [31] [SN360] This Week in WWE THURSDAY 9:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m. [54] [FOX] Go Nitro 2:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. [54] [FOX] WWE SmackDown Live [58] [APTN] Get Your Fish On 11:30 p.m. [30] [RSE] MLB Baseball L.A. Angels 7:30 p.m. [10] [A] PGA Golf St. Jude at Oakland. Oakland Alameda Coliseum -- [30] [RSE] Sportsnet Central Invitational. Round 3. TPC Southwind -- Oakland, Calif. Live [23] [TSN] Racing Night Live [31] [SN360] WWE Main Event 8:30 p.m. Memphis, Tenn. Live [11] [NBC-B] PLL MONDAY [31] [SN360] This Week in WWE [NBC-D] 1:30 p.m. [54] [FOX] MLB Baseball Live 9:30 p.m. Lacrosse Atlas vs. Redwoods. [30] [RSE] Top of Her Game Championship Series. Zions Bank Stadium 2:00 p.m. [2] [PBS] Michigan Out of Doors SATURDAY 1:00 p.m. -- Herriman, Utah. Live [30] [RSE] Blue Jays in 30 7:30 p.m. [5] [NTV] New Evolution 3:00 p.m. Wrestling: Evolved [30] [RSE] Tim & Sid FRIDAY [3] [CBC] CEBL Basketball Hamilton 8:30 p.m. 8:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. vs. Fraser Valley. Summer Series. Meridian Centre -- St. Catharines, Ont. Live [31] [SN360] WWE Main Event [22] [CBS] Pan Mass Challenge [26] [GLOBAL] Bob Izumi’s Real [26] [GLOBAL] Driving Television Show Fishing Show JULY 26 - AUGUST 1, 2020/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 45

MOVIE HIGHLIGHTS THE BEST MOVIES ON TELEVISION TUES/9:30PM SUNDAY 9:30 p.m. TUESDAY WINNIE THE POOH 9:30 a.m. 9:15 a.m. [53] [AMC] I Am Legend +++ While searching for honey, Pooh and [53] [AMC] The Longest Yard +++ (2007) Will Smith. (2h) [50] [TCM] High Society +++ his friends embark on an adventure (1974) Burt Reynolds. (2h30) [50] [TCM] Arthur +++ (1981) (1956) Grace Kelly. (2h) [50] [TCM] A Taste of Honey ++++ Dudley Moore. (2h) 11:15 a.m. to find Eeyore’s missing tail and (1962) Ludmila Tselikovskaya. (2h) 10:30 p.m. rescue Christopher Robin, on YTV. 12:00 p.m. [50] [TCM] Who’s Afraid of [36] [SLICE] Me Before You +++ Virginia Woolf? ++++ (1966) WED/11:15PM [53] [AMC] Major League +++ (2016) Emilia Clarke. (2h30) Elizabeth Taylor. (2h30) GUYS AND DOLLS (1989) Charlie Sheen. (2h30) 11:20 p.m. 11:45 a.m. 1:30 p.m. In New York, a gambler is challenged [46] [FAM] How to Train Your [53] [AMC] The Wolf of Wall Street to take a cold female missionary to [24] [YTV] Home Alone +++ (1990) Dragon 2 +++ (2014) Jay Baruchel. +++ (2013) Leonardo DiCaprio. (4h) Macaulay Culkin. (2h15) (2h10) 1:45 p.m. Havana, but they fall for [50] [TCM] A Star Is Born ++++ 11:30 p.m. each other, and the bet has (1937) Fredric March. (2h) [50] [TCM] Brief Encounter ++++ a hidden motive, on TCM. 2:00 p.m. [50] [TCM] Bedazzled +++ (1968) (1945) Celia Johnson. (1h45) Dudley Moore. (2h) 3:30 p.m. NSTVU/1N2:D30APY.M. NTV/2:00 P.M. [5] [NTV] Point Break ++ (2015) Luke Bracey. (2h30) MONDAY [50] [TCM] Doctor Zhivago ++++ 2:30 p.m. 9:30 a.m. (1965) Omar Sharif. (3h30) 3:45 p.m. [34] [SHOW] Suicide Squad +++ [50] [TCM] Jezebel ++++ (1938) (2016) Will Smith. (3h) Bette Davis. (2h) [53] [AMC] Point Break +++ [54] [FOX] Paulie ++++ (1998) 11:30 a.m. (1991) Patrick Swayze. (2h45) Gena Rowlands. (2h) 6:30 p.m. 3:00 p.m. [46] [FAM] How to Train Your Dragon 2 +++ (2014) Jay Baruchel. [53] [AMC] The Wolf of Wall Street [36] [SLICE] Divine Secrets of the (1h40) +++ (2013) Leonardo DiCaprio. (4h) Ya-Ya Sisterhood +++ (2002) [50] [TCM] Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde 7:00 p.m. Sandra Bullock. (2h30) +++ (1941) Spencer Tracy. (2h15) 3:30 p.m. 1:00 p.m. [50] [TCM] The Apartment ++++ (1960) Jack Lemmon. (2h30) [50] [TCM] Les Girls +++ (1957) [53] [AMC] The Sons of Katie Elder 9:30 p.m. Gene Kelly. (2h15) +++ (1965) John Wayne. (3h) 5:15 p.m. 1:45 p.m. [24] [YTV] Winnie the Pooh +++ (2011) Jim Cummings. (1h15) [24] [YTV] Home Alone +++ (1990) [50] [TCM] Mutiny on the Bounty 11:30 p.m. Macaulay Culkin. (2h15) ++++ (1935) Charles Laughton. 5:30 p.m. (2h30) [50] [TCM] All of Me +++ (1984) 3:00 p.m. Steve Martin. (2h) [36] [SLICE] Me Before You +++ (2016) Emilia Clarke. (2h30) [18] [W] This Is Where I Leave You WEDNESDAY [55] [CHCH] Little Lord Fauntleroy ++++ (2014) Jason Bateman. 8:30 a.m. +++ (1936) Mickey Rooney. (2h) (2h30) 5:45 p.m. 6:30 p.m. [34] [SHOW] The Edge of the Garden +++ (2010) Rob Estes. (2h) [50] [TCM] The Americanization of [53] [AMC] Dances With Wolves 12:30 p.m. Emily ++++ (1964) Julie Andrews. +++ (1990) Kevin Costner. (4h) (2h) [50] [TCM] The Sea Hawk ++++ [34] [SHOW] The Edge of the 7:00 p.m. (1940) Errol Flynn. (2h15) Garden +++ (2010) Rob Estes. (2h) 9:30 p.m. 12:45 p.m. [53] [AMC] The Day After Tomorrow +++ (2004) Dennis Quaid. (2h30) [18] [W] This Is Where I Leave You [50] [TCM] Forbidden Planet ++++ 7:30 p.m. ++++ (2014) Jason Bateman. (2h30) (1956) Walter Pidgeon. (1h45) [24] [YTV] Coraline +++ (2009) 2:00 p.m. [24] [YTV] Home Alone 2: Lost in Dakota Fanning. (2h15) New York +++ (1992) Macaulay [50] [TCM] Sex and the Single Girl [53] [AMC] Young Guns +++ Culkin. (2h30) +++ (1964) Tony Curtis. (2h) (1988) Emilio Estevez. (2h30) 7:45 p.m. [55] [CHCH] Oblivion +++ (2013) 8:00 p.m. Tom Cruise. (2h30) [50] [TCM] Gentlemen Prefer 10:30 p.m. [50] [TCM] Viva Las Vegas +++ Blondes +++ (1953) Marilyn Monroe. (1964) Elvis Presley. (1h30) (1h45) [46] [FAM] The DUFF +++ (2015) 9:30 p.m. 8:30 p.m. Mae Whitman. (2h) 11:30 p.m. [28] [PRMT] Caddyshack +++ [46] [FAM] How to Train Your (1980) Chevy Chase. (2h30) Dragon 2 +++ (2014) Jay Baruchel. [50] [TCM] Don’t Make Waves [55] [CHCH] The Interrogation of (2h) +++ (1967) Tony Curtis. (1h45) Michael Crowe +++ (2002) Ally Sheedy. (2h) POINT BREAK “QUOTE”NOTABLE MOVIE “A tree falls into forest no one puts it on Youtube. Did it really ever happened?” — POINT BREAK WWW.NTV.CA 46 TTHHEE NNEEWWFFOOUUNNDDLLAANNDD HHEERRAALLDD//JJuullyy 2266 -- AAuugguusstt 11,, 22002200

THE BEST MOVIES MOVIE HIGHLIGHTS ON TELEVISION 11:15 p.m. 8:30 p.m. [54] [FOX] Goin’ South +++ (1978) FRI/9:30PM Jack Nicholson. (2h30) AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON [50] [TCM] Guys and Dolls +++ [46] [FAM] The SpongeBob 5:00 p.m. (1955) Marlon Brando. (2h45) SquarePants Movie +++ (2004) When Tony Stark and Bruce Banner try to 12:00 a.m. Voices of Tom Kenny. (1h40) [27] [A&E] Wanted +++ (2008) jump-start a dormant peacekeeping 9:30 p.m. James McAvoy. (2h30) [28] [PRMT] Caddyshack +++ 5:30 p.m. program called Ultron, things go horribly (1980) Chevy Chase. (2h30) [10] [A] Avengers: Age of Ultron wrong and it’s up to Earth’s mightiest +++ (2015) Robert Downey Jr.. (2h) [50] [TCM] The Two Mrs. Carrolls heroes to stop the villainous Ultron from THURSDAY [24] [YTV] The Chronicles of +++ (1947) Humphrey Bogart. (2h) enacting his terrible plan, on A. 10:00 a.m. Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and 6:30 p.m. the Wardrobe +++ (2005) Georgie SAT/7:30PM [50] [TCM] Cat People +++ (1942) Henley. (3h) [53] [AMC] Jurassic Park +++ A SURROGATE’S NIGHTMARE Simone Simon. (1h30) [53] [AMC] Major League +++ (1993) Sam Neill. (3h) 10:30 a.m. (1989) Charlie Sheen. (2h29) [54] [FOX] The Queen +++ (2006) A woman acting as a surrogate for her [50] [TCM] Horse Soldiers +++ Helen Mirren. (2h) estranged sister is put in peril when it [53] [AMC] Erin Brockovich +++ (1959) John Wayne. (2h15) 7:30 p.m. turns out that someone doesn’t want (2000) Julia Roberts. (2h15) 10:30 p.m. 12:45 p.m. [5] [NTV] A Surrogate’s Nightmare the baby to be born, in NTV. [48] [TOON] Batman vs. Teenage ++ (2017) Poppy Montgomery. (2h) [53] [AMC] The Green Mile +++ Mutant Ninja Turtles +++ (2019) [24] [YTV] The LEGO Batman NTV/9:30 P.M. SATURDAY (1999) Tom Hanks. (4h) (1h45) Movie ++++ (2017) Will Arnett. OF MICE AND MEN 4:45 p.m. 11:45 p.m. (2h15) [27] [A&E] Salt +++ (2010) Angelina WWW.NTV.CA [53] [AMC] The Warriors +++ [50] [TCM] Sergeant Rutledge Jolie. (2h) (1979) Michael Beck. (2h) +++ (1960) Jeffrey Hunter. (2h) [50] [TCM] Clash by Night +++ 6:45 p.m. 12:00 a.m. (1952) Barbara Stanwyck. (2h) 8:00 p.m. [53] [AMC] Point Break +++ [53] [AMC] Police Academy +++ (1991) Patrick Swayze. (2h45) (1984) Steve Guttenberg. (2h14) [53] [FX] The Grand Budapest Hotel 8:30 p.m. +++ (2014) Ralph Fiennes. (2h30) SATURDAY 8:30 p.m. [46] [FAM] Kit Kittredge: An 7:30 a.m. American Girl +++ (2008) Abigail [46] [FAM] Despicable Me +++ Breslin. (2h) [50] [TCM] Gambling Lady +++ (2010) Voices of Steve Carell. (2h) 9:30 p.m. (1934) Barbara Stanwyck. (1h15) 9:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m. [24] [YTV] Hercules +++ (1997) [5] [NTV] Of Mice and Men +++ Voices of Tate Donovan. (2h) [46] [FAM] The SpongeBob (1992) John Malkovich. (2h30) [50] [TCM] Birdman of Alcatraz SquarePants Movie +++ (2004) [27] [A&E] Jack Reacher: Never Go ++++ (1962) Burt Lancaster. (2h45) Voices of Tom Kenny. (1h35) Back ++++ (2016) Tom Cruise. (2h30) 10:30 p.m. 8:45 a.m. [50] [TCM] Ball of Fire +++ (1941) Gary Cooper. (2h) [34] [SHOW] The Accountant +++ [50] [TCM] Annie Oakley +++ 10:30 p.m. (2016) Ben Affleck. (3h) (1935) Barbara Stanwyck. (1h45) 10:30 a.m. [3] [CBC] Incendies ++++ (2010) FRIDAY Lubna Azabal. (3h) 9:45 a.m. [50] [TCM] B.F.’s Daughter +++ [58] [APTN] Colombiana +++ (1948) Barbara Stanwyck. (2h) (2011) Zoe Saldana. (2h30) [50] [TCM] Ski Party +++ (1965) 10:45 a.m. 11:20 p.m. Frankie Avalon. (1h45) 11:30 a.m. [53] [AMC] El Dorado +++ (1967) [46] [FAM] Despicable Me +++ John Wayne. (3h) (2010) Voices of Steve Carell. (1h50) [46] [FAM] Kit Kittredge: An 12:30 p.m. 11:30 p.m. American Girl +++ (2008) Abigail Breslin. (1h40) [50] [TCM] Crime of Passion +++ [50] [TCM] Double Indemnity 1:30 p.m. (1957) Barbara Stanwyck. (1h30) ++++ (1944) Barbara Stanwyck. (2h) 1:30 p.m. 12:00 a.m. [53] [AMC] Independence Day +++ (1996) Will Smith. (3h) [34] [SHOW] X-Men: First Class [27] [A&E] Captain Phillips ++++ 2:30 p.m. +++ (2011) James McAvoy. (3h) (2013) Tom Hanks. (3h) 1:45 p.m. 1:00 a.m. [50] [TCM] How the West Was Won +++ (1962) James Stewart. (3h) [53] [AMC] John Wick ++++ [34] [SHOW] Superman Returns 6:30 p.m. (2014) Keanu Reeves. (2h15) +++ (2006) Kevin Spacey. (3h30) 2:30 p.m. 1:30 a.m. [53] [AMC] Independence Day +++ (1996) Will Smith. (3h) [46] [FAM] The SpongeBob [50] [TCM] Meet John Doe +++ [50] [TCM] Cheyenne Autumn +++ SquarePants Movie +++ (2004) (1941) Gary Cooper. (2h15) (1964) James Stewart. (3h) Voices of Tom Kenny. (1h40) “There ain’t many guys travel around together. I don’t NOTABLE MOVIE know why. Maybe everybody in the whole damn “QUOTE”world’s scared of each other.” — OF MICE AND MEN NDIFgLIDtAHlEVREARsLIDO.cNomAVAIlABlE ONlINE: JJuullyy 2266 -- AAuugguusstt 11,, 22002200//TTHHEE NNEEWWFFOOUUNNDDLLAANNDD HHEERRAALLDD 47

G72JSNulIURlyPIAN2N6YDARADONYOMM R Rogers SD Shaw Direct Vu Satellite % Bell Aliant Digital MOVIES SEIVOM MLUACSOT LSEE TV SWENREALITSYTROPS CHILDNREERNDLIHC SPORYTTSILAER NEWSVT EESLTOSCUAML 07/26 R SD Vu  6 AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 6:00 AM - 1:30 PM Entert- NTV Remar- Issues Made Heart Sunday Church Remar- Issues NTV W5 NTV (5) 310 199 12 ainment Eyewitne Reflec- kable and Right Canada Good Matters Service of the kable and Week in News ss News tions People Answers Here in View News Rock People Answers Review CBC (3) 299 200 3 Moblee Addison Arthur RRivets R Rivets D.Tiger Moblee True CorrieSt CorrieSt CorrieSt mark.p LandSea Scrum HelloBye N.Things PBS (2) 364 284 8 _ Rick Steves' Paint Interfaith Rogers Sesame Xavier Hero Ele O. Squad 1Detroit Journal Motor. AutoLine Contrary W.Week Record CMT (6) 583 575 22 Rules Rules Rules Custom Custom Ice Racer Show Genius Genius Custom Custom Ice Racer Show Genius Genius Middle ABC (7) 361 281 11 Chronicle NewsCenter Five NewsCenter Five GMA/Sunday NewsCenter Five This Week NewsCenter Five Record Matter CityLine CTV2 (10) 340 202 5 Paid CashCb Marilyn Denis Worst Driver Paid Paid Paid FishDish Fresh H.Made Church Paid Paid JadeFev. NBC-B (11) 280 9 House HUB News Boston Weekend Boston Weekend Sunday Today NBC10 News Soccer EPL Championship Live GoalZone NBC-D 58 Consumer Consumer Matter Local 4 News Morning J.Osteen Local 4 News Sunday Today Soccer EPL Championship Live GoalZone TREE (16) 546 553 20 Truckt. R. Rob Shimmer Splash'N RyanPly BenAnd R Rivets Top Wing Machines Guppies Barbie Barbie Various Pony Masha Ricky OLN (17) 457 411 102 FailArmy St. Wars St. Wars St. Wars St. Wars St. Wars St. Wars St. Wars Paid Dirt Trax St. Wars Paid Paid Paid Paid St. Wars W (18) 567 602 274 Movie Good Witch Good Witch  \"Love on the Sidelines\" (‘16)  \"A Dash of Love\" (‘17) Jen Lilley. (CC)  \"Romance Retreat\" (‘19) CBCN (20) 390 502 13 _N.Things News News CBC News Network With John Northcott The Sunday Scrum Scrum News VISION (21) 394 650 64 Super. Beyond Super. Twice Lifetime Touch Ministries Mass Youssef Creflo Faytene Copelnd Facts Islam Hour of Power CBS (22) 362 282 7 _Murdoch WBZ This Morning WBZ This Morning WBZ This Morning WBZ This Morning CBS Sunday Morning Face the Nation NE Liv. Paid TSN (23) 400 400 100 SportsC SportsC SportsC SportsC SportsC To Be Announced YTV (24) 542 551 21 GShakers Sponge Sponge Unicorn! Cloudy Wayside Chuck's Looped Cloudy Sponge Sponge Loud H. Casa. Loud H. LEGO Movie CNN (25) 500 500 234 _ News CNN Newsroom New Day Weekend New Day Weekend Inside Politics State of the Union Zakaria GPS Reliable Sources Union GLOBAL (26) 339 240 4 Paid Emerg. Donut Paid Off Air Paid Ent. Tonight Power TV Global News Morning Block A&E (27) 520 615 202 InfoDoc InfoDoc InfoDoc InfoDoc Amazing Hoarders Hoarders Hoarders Hoarders Hoarders Hoarders AMC (28) 609 293 564 _ Walking Dead The Walking Dead Line of Duty  \"The Longest Yard\" (‘74) Burt Reynolds. (CC)  \"Major League\" (‘89) RSE (30) 416 406 110 _ Central Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central Jays 30 SN360 (31) 403 410 101 _ World Series MLB Best Baseball MLB Tor./T.B. Site: Tropicana Field Baseball MLB Tor./T.B. Site: Tropicana Field Poker MM (33) 580 570 220 _  \"To Be Announced\" (CC) CashCb CashCb CashCb CashCb CashCb CashCb CashCb CashCb CashCb CashCb CashCb CashCb Seinfeld SHOW (34) 521 616 201 NCIS TheGuest Lost Girl  \"Kiss at Pine Lake\" (‘12)  \"Possessing Piper Rose\" (‘11) Vikings Vikings CTVDR (35) 523 620 203 _ Closer The Closer House House House The Closer The Closer The Closer Closer SLICE (36) 562 601 272 Mom Mom Mom Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Paid Paid Paid BlindDat BlindDat BlindDat  \"The Choice\" (‘16) DISC (37) 505 520 286 _ WoodsL North Woods Law Disasters at Sea Mighty Planes Chasing Monsters Dr. Keri Dr. Keri Hellfire Heroes North Woods Law WoodsL. E! (40) 527 621 212 _ Bones Unforgettable  \"To Be Announced\" (CC)  \"To Be Announced\" (CC) TMZ SexCity SexCity SexCity TLC (41) 560 521 288 Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes DTOUR (42) 524 618 210 _ Portals Portals to Hell Border Border Border Border VGH Border Border Border Security Security Security Security Security CTVSc (44) 528 627 209  \"Back to the Future II\" (‘89)  \"To Be Announced\" (CC)  \"To Be Announced\" (CC) Movie FAM (46) 540 556 258 Backsta. Just Like Mighty Johnny Supernoo  \"Elf\" (2003,Comedy) Will Ferrell. (CC) Trolls BGDCMC Johnny S.Sparks TheBurea PerfLand Wipeout CTVCo (47) 548 625 208 Friends Friends Friends CornerG CornerG CornerG CornerG CornerG CornerG CornerG CornerG CornerG CornerG CornerG Comedy...Roast TOON (48) 544 554 254 TomJerry Wacky Scooby Transyl Drama Power ScbyDoo Titans! Titans! Titans! ThunRoar  \"Scooby-Doo! Frankenc... Adv.Time Ninjago HIST (49) 506 522 287 _ Forged Forged in Fire Canadian Pickers Paid Border Border Border Timber Kings Timber Kings Pawn S. Alone TCM (50) 539 292 204  \"Konga\" (‘61)  \"Smash-Up: The Story of a Woma...  \"A Taste of Honey\" (‘62)  \"The Breaking Point\" (‘50) Movie PEACH (51) 650 294 200 Paid Paid Paid Real Life Think Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Gmetime Paid Atlanta Eats Paid RawTrav. FX (53) 251 K. vs. S. The Listener Murdoch Mystery Murdoch Mystery Murdoch Mystery The Listener Murdoch Mystery Baskets Baskets Baskets FOX (54) 363 283 10 BigBang Paid Press Paid Paid Paid Paid Wild Am. Paid Fox News Sunday Measure Press Paid Paid Judy CHCH (55) 345 218 17 Story Night Night Story Night TinyTal. Dr. Ho Story Dr. Ho Dr. Ho Dr. Ho Paid Night Dr. Ho Key David Dr. Ho OWN (56) 507 526 285 _ Oprah Where Are They? Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes My Baby's Having My Baby's Having Irreconcilable Diff Soul Sunday Iyanla APTN (58) 350 239 23 Dreamcat The Line Under Anaana's Louis Coyote's Tshaka Teepee Canot Tshakape Tshakape Coyote's AWSM! 1st Talk 1st Talk Songs NGEO (85) 551 524 289 _ Sharks Sharks Attack Puppy Puppy Puppy Puppy Puppy Paid Sharks Attack Sharks Attack Sharks Attack Sharks CIHF (115) 204 4 Paid News Ent. Tonight Paid Paid Income Fishful Paid J.Osteen Paid Paid Paid Block Leave It CarnEats CITY (133)344 214 19 _ CityLine CityLine CityLine CityLine Canadian Canada Jokers Church Jokers Investor Correio Da Manha Lombardi PRMT (279) 584 628 211 Ink Ink Ink Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Res. STARZ1 (306)612 304 570 Movie Just for Laughs  \"Howard Lovecraft & t...  \"Howard Lov...  \"Ray\" (2004,Biography) Jamie Foxx. (CC)  \"Apollo 13\" (‘95) 48 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/July 26 - August 1, 2020

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