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Home Explore 2022 | February 20 - 26

2022 | February 20 - 26

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Description: 2022 | February 20 - 26


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TABLE OF CONTENTSPUBLICATIONS MAIL AGREEMENT NO. 0040012044 REGISTRATION NO. 09027 RETURN UNDELIVERABLE ITEMS TO: THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD, P.O. BOX 2015, ST. JOHN’S, NL, A1C 5R7 6 11 QUEEN’S PLATINUM JUBILEE NEXT STEP? WELLNESS 14 Queen Elizabeth II kicked off her mile- Gill Whelan provides the motivation QUOTE OF THE WEEK stone platinum jubilee, celebrating a and the means to keep moving forwards lifetime of service to the crown and her towards better health. We catch up with “It’s an honour to work for a country. the proud owner of Whelan Wellness. station I grew up admiring. I’m exactly where I want to 18 20 be.” — NTV’s Ben Cleary AND THE OSCAR GOES TO... LET’S HEAR IT FOR THE GIRL 24 From drama to comedy, science fiction Hockey Hall of Famer and Olympic UNPOLISHED LIVING and the impending apocalypse, the nom- Champion Danielle Goyette heads to inees have dropped for the 2022 Acade- NL to help coach the Newfoundland While one is a come-from-away and the my Awards, honouring the best in film. Growlers, making ECHL history. other is a local, this couple share a passion for the place they both decided to call INSIDE THIS WEEK home: Grates Cove, NL. 2 ARCHIVES 26 LIFE AT HOME 42 ON DEMAND ONNOLWINAE!VAILABLE Celebrating our past Grates Cove pt. 2 New on demand this week 3 BETWEEN THE LINES 30 SCENES OF NL 44 TV SCHEDULE Great big convoy Reader photo submissions This week on NTV 4 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 32 THIS WEEK WITH JIM 45 MUST SEE TV Publish or perish Who are you? Television’s best 6 PEOPLE 33 BABY OF THE YEAR 70 HOROSCOPES Celebrity news Reader photo submissions Life according to the stars 11 INSPIRATIONAL 34 75 YEARS OF HERALD 72 GET PUZZLED! Gill Whelan Celebrating our past Train your brain 14 COVER STORY 36 CRIME FLASHBACK 76 COMICS Ben Cleary Kay Sandiford’s living hell pt.2 The Herald’s funny pages 18 THE SILVER SCREEN 38 MOVIE MINUTE 78 KIDS CORNER 2022 Academy Awards In theatres & on demand Activities, art work, DIYs 20 SPORTS & LEISURE 41 TV WEEK 80 LAST LAUGH Danielle Goyette Your weekly TV guide Tickle your funnybone THIS WEEK’S HERALD CONTESTS 30 SCENES OF NL 40 LUCKY NUMBER BINGO 71 SNAPPY CROSSWORD 33 BABY OF THE YEAR 69 PURRFECT PETS 74 SUPER CROSSWORD WWW.NFLDHERALD.COM DIGITAL VERSION AVAILABLE ONLINE: FEBRUARY 20 - 26, 2022/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 1

From the Archives THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 75 TH ANNIVERSARY (1946 ~ 2022) Volume 76 No. 8 75 YEARS AGO THIS WEEK A BAD BLOOD PACT THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD. Published by NEWFOUNDLAND This week in the history of The Sun- boys father giving him a good kicking. BROADCASTING LTD., day Herald, two young men living on Stephen and Water Street signed a OBSCENE IMAGES 460 Logy Bay Road, St. John’s, Newfoundland. ‘blood pact’ with all the trim- Tel.: (709) 726-7060, Fax: (709) 726-6971. mings. Both men drank sips A 16-year-old girl was mailed obscene of soft drink as opposed to images by an unknown pervert. The girl, Mail: P.O. Box 2015, St. John’s, NL, A1C 5R7. wine, and then proceed to who was in the tenth grade in a city school, E-mail: [email protected]. nick a vein in their arms with Entire contents copyright 2021 a razor blade, consummating received two letters which contained the pact. Little did they know obscene pictures in comic book form. © The Newfoundland Herald. All rights reserved. that the blade was infected. Days The images were so filthy that “they later, one of the lads had his arm swell are impossible to describe.” One of the SUBSCRIPTION RATES: In Newfoundland and and turn a nasty shade of black and blue, Labrador – 26 issues for $43.94 + HST, 52 issues leading to a doctor being called and the letters was in an O.H.M.S. envelope (1 year) for $82.68 + HST. Digital only, 6 month, used by all government departments in the country, suggesting the envelopes were ob- $27.60 + HST. Call 1-800-901-4901. tained by some disgusting pervert. PUBLISHING CREED “If you abuse POWER you lose it, But if you do not use POWER you also lose it.” Publisher: Newfoundland Broadcasting Ltd. Founder: G.W. Stirling President: G. Scott Stirling Managing Editor: Pam Pardy Staff Writer: Dillon Collins Art Director: Shannon Cleary Graphic Artists: Erin McCarthy, Robyn King Contributing Photographers: Sara Rostotski, Amanda Roberts, Bud Gaulton Contributing Writers: NTV’s Jim Furlong, Danette Dooley, Kyle Curtis Contributing Artists: Danny Bulanadi, Brad Crocker Sales/Circulation Manager: Gary Oliver: 570-5246 Sales Representative: Shannell Lewis: 570-5218 ARCHIVAL FEATURE: In recognition of ’s Circulation Coordinator: Roberta Noseworthy Anniversary, we are showcasing more of our colourful past. ) Chief Financial Officer: Ron Sparkes Credit Manager: Brenda Hussey Operations: Adele Burton, Linda Grenning PUBLICATIONS MAIL AGREEMENT NO. 0040012044 REGISTRATION NO. 09027 RETURN UNDELIVERABLE ITEMS TO: THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD P.O. BOX 2015, ST. JOHN’S, NL, A1C 5R7 Starting at just Print & Bonus Digital* Subscription DISTRIBUTORS: $14.38 3-month subscription (13 issues) $27.21 HST included St. John’s, Mount Pearl, 570-5246; 6-month subscription (26 issues) $50.53 HST included Hollie Pittman, Burin Peninsula, 277-2843; 12-month subscription (52 issues) $95.08 HST included Wade Morgan, Trinity-Conception, 786-2539; Diane Arnold, Clarenville/Bonavista, Experience The Digital* Only Subscription 677-2702; Newfoundland Herald’s Allan Miles, Grand Falls/Windsor, 535-0290; 3-month subscription (13 issues) $14.38 HST included John Morgan, Placentia, 227-2622; digital editions. 6-month subscription (26 issues) $27.60 HST included Jennie Nurse, Stephenville, 649-3475; 12-month subscription (52 issues) $53.48 HST included Ron Downey, Corner Brook/Deer Lake/ Anywhere, Anytime! *Digital versions Include: Desktop & Mobile Editions Pasadena, 632-5918; Tina Foley, Gander, 256-3853 Call1-800-901-4901 ISDN 0824-3581 Order Online ( or Mail: (Order Form on Page 72) We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada. Nous reconnaissons l’appui financir du gouvernement du Canada. 2 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/FEBRUARY 20 - 26, 2022

BETWEEN THE LINES EDITORIAL BY: DILLON COLLINS NYPOST.COM PHOTO GLOBAL NEWS PHOTO GREAT BIG CONVOY Angry citizens exercising their right to protest has bled into something more sinister OK , here goes. I’ve want- ‘freedom fighters’ have been afforded a weeks goes beyond angry citizens exer- ed to write some- TON of rope. More than their share, cising their right to protest and has bled thing on the freedom you might say. into something more sinister. convoy trucking its way across Canada and occupying vari- Not even touching upon the not so LEVELS OF RACISM ous areas of our nation’s capital for some thinly veiled levels of racism, bigotry and time. Politically, I consider myself a ra- outright ignorance many (not all) mem- Journalists have been harassed tionalist, preferring to align with the bers of this movement have displayed, I and threatened for doing their jobs, best and most qualified argument rather can’t help but picture what would hap- mask-wearing citizens have been heck- than party stripes or colours. That, to pen if say, the roles were reversed and the led or worse, minorities have been met me, seems the way forward. protesters in this situation were stand- with completely unacceptable and bold ing for, let’s say, Indigenous rights. displays of overt racism, health care #FREEDOMCONVOY2022 professionals have been hampered from CONFLICTING ARGUMENTS doing their jobs via traffic delays and ag- Given the powder-keg that is having a gressive push-back from protesters, and socio-political opinion in the year of our Would they be met with hostility at minimum, citizens of the downtown lord 2022, I’ve held off on commenting by those with conflicting arguments core have been bombarded by the noise on #FreedomConvoy2022. or agendas? Approached with violence and revelry of a mob that has taken to and malice? Would they be ticketed, living up their ‘my country, my way’ Why? For starters, I’m no political towed or maligned at every turn by law mentality 24/7. commentator, nor am I a ‘don’t tread on enforcement? I’ll let you be the judge of me’ puritan. If it doesn’t land in my lane, that one. What started as a protest has be- I tend to steer clear of the issues, but come an occupation. Call a spade a what I’ve seen spidering its way across Where I really begin to fray spade. When a political movement the great white north over the past three on the argument is when a becomes toxic and dangerous to those weeks and change has grown from ag- convoy, figurative and lit- gravating to concerning and downright eral, of this size begins who in no way shape or form worrisome. to encroach on the signed up to bear the brunt comfort and safety of the weight of the calling And honestly, dedicating column of innocents. of government, that’s when inches to a platinum jubilee or the you know your fight has gone sounds of spring feels hollow in compar- By all means, pro- from justified to reeking of ison to the very real-world happenings test your distaste entitlement and prejudice. in our country. for the present gov- ernment. If you’re Let’s hope common sense Full disclosure, I’m all for freedom anti-Trudeau, let and decency take hold before of expression and rightful protest. It’s the sitting government know it in any this escalates into something less about a hallmark of a free system. But if we’re peaceful and legal way at your disposal. jabs and masks and into something being honest to ourselves, many of these But what we’ve seen in Ottawa in recent much, much darker. Dillon Collins, The Herald’s Staff Writer, can be reached by emailing [email protected] AVAILABLE ONLINE: FEBRUARY 20 - 26, 2022/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 3

FROM THE EDITOR FILE PHOTOS When I first came to NTV as an intern, Glen told me I needed start wearing a tie in the newsroom. I went home and learned how to tie a tie that night. It was first bit of good advice Glen gave me, so much more has fol- lowed. Cheers to a great career as a men- tor and friend. - NTV’s Ben Cleary I recently retired and moved back home (from Ontario). I was just getting use to seeing your handsome face and now you’re retiring. Happy retire- ment to you and all the best to you and your family. - Jackie Kearney Elliot HAPPY RETIREMENT Happy Retirement. Enjoy every minute of the day. Enjoy your fam- ily and friends’ company. Thank you for sharing the good and bad news with us. You will be missed. Cheers! - Brenda King Editor’s note: The following comments are from our Facebook page, offering Congratulations to a guy who is a well wishes and best of luck to NTV co-anchor Glen Carter on his retirement. part of our household pretty much every evening! Wishing you a happy re- tirement Glen Carter! - Susan Snook Wishing you a very happy and We will sure miss seeing you on the Hope you have great plans (could NTV Evening Newshour, Glen! blessed retirement. It’s that time Happy retirement. Enjoy whatever it is be to sit back and relax or travel to that makes you happy! - Sam Brown in your life if you want to sleep in, you your heart’s content) and enjoy your re- can and do whatever you want to do tirement! - Janette Pomroy during the day or night. Enjoy it to the fullest. - Florence Cumby Happy retirement, and thank you Congratulations on your retire- for your services in the past years! ment! As my 92y/o mother, who is Congratulations on your retire- May you enjoy many more years with an avid viewer, says everyday “He is get- ment. My husband and I look for- ward to watching you every night. Enjoy good health. - Isabel Fiander ting more like his father everyday.” your retirement. Congratulations again. You will be missed. - Jacqueline Rideout She will miss seeing you. As long as Happy Retirement and enjoy it to the Eddie Sheerr doesn’t retire, she will be fullest. Stay safe. - Ruby Chatman alright. - Diane Payne 4 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/FEBRUARY 20 - 26, 2022

NEWFOUNDLAND FEBRUARY 20 - 26, 2022/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 5 SPORTS MEMORIES ROBERT FOWLER (THE ROOMS ARCHIVE PHOTO) Editor’s Note: Take a trip back through the years with New- foundlanders at the Olympic Games. 1904: The first Newfound- land-born athlete to compete in the Olympic Games was Robert Fowler born in Trinity Bay. Fowler (living in Massachusetts) competed in the marathon for the USA at the Olympics in St. Louis in 1904. 1920: Eric Mackenzie Robert- son, born on Maxe Street in St. John’s. Robertson would have been the first Newfoundland “born and bred athlete” to compete in the Olym- pic Games, in Antwerp in 1920. 1924: Harry Watson, of St. John’s can lay claim to being the first Newfoundlander to have partic- ipated in the Winter Olympics with the Canadian Hockey Team. The first winter Olympics were held in Chamonix, France. 1952: Ferd Hayward of St. John’s had an international race walking career that included a large number of first place finishes. He was the first Newfoundlander to participate in the Olympics Games for Canada in the 1952 games in Helsinki, Finland. - We will continue with more in the next issue. AVAILABLE ONLINE:

PEOPLE! PAGE 8 LOCAL & INTERNATIONAL CELEBRITY NEWS THE ROYAL FAMILY TWITTER PHOTOS A Platinum JubileeE!ONLINEPHOTO Q ueen Elizabeth II, at 95 of her father’s death. The mile- gifts. Attendees included Harry years young, kicked off stone is significant as Queen Humphrey, mayor of nearby her Platinum Jubilee with Elizabeth II is the first Brit- town King’s Lynn, and An- ish monarch to celebrate 70 gela Wood, creator of the a public reception with years on the throne. original Coronation Chick- According to People Maga- en. The chicken dish was representatives from local charities and zine, the Queen cut a cake served at the Queen’s coro- made with the emblem of the nation in 1953 and has since members at Sandringham Estate, the Platinum Jubilee and received become a national staple. HS monarch’s country retreat. The celebra- tion took place on the eve of Accession Day, which marks the 70th anniversary 6 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/FEBRUARY 20 - 26, 2022

PEOPLE! DON JAMIESON FEBRUARY 20 - 26, 2022/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 7 ROYAL VISIT The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee is being toasted across the globe, with many saluting the lineage and history of the crown and Queen Eliz- abeth II’s unprecedented reign as sov- ereign of the United Kingdom. New- foundland and Labrador has its own connection to The Queen, when the late media maverick/politician Don Jamieston visited her majesty. “In celebration of the Queen’s Plat- inum Jubilee, here is her Majesty with my father,” says Roger Jamieson, son of the late Don Jamieson. “My dad and the Queen got along well. On my father’s passing, I re- ceived a wonderful hand written note from her on how much she thought of Dad. Congratulations on your Plat- inum Jubilee,” stated Jamieson in a Facebook post. HS FILE PHOTOS AVAILABLE ONLINE:

PEOPLE! @GREATBIGSEAN FACEBOOK PHOTO @NFLDROGUES FACEBOOK PHOTO SEAN McCANN NL ROGUES POSTPONE SEASON LEAVES SPOTIFY T he Newfoundland to get our team back up to speed Rogues have post- show that we have just run out Sean McCann has left Spotify, poned the re- sharing “Spotify’s decision to of time,” the team shared, prioritize certain creators on the app mainder of though voiced their com- underscores the company’s profit-at- mitment to bringing basket- any-cost priority.” DC their season: “A clear-eyed ball to the province. DC look at the requirements 8 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/FEBRUARY 20 - 26, 2022

PEOPLE! @GROWLERSBBALL FACEBOOK PHOTO CORYTETFORD.COM PHOTO GROWLERS BBALL SCHEDULE CORY TETFORD T he Newfoundland including 10 games at home at Growlers have an- the Memorial University Field- A LITTLE RAIN nounced their in- house and 10 games on the road, spanning from June 3 to The great Cory Tetford has re- augural season in July 31, 2022,” the team shared leased a new single A Little Rain. Co-written alongside Chris the CEBl. “The Growlers sched- in a press release. DC Kirby, the single features guest vocal- ists Reeny Smith, Haliey Smith and ule features a total of 20 games, Micah Smith. Visit for much more! DC AVAILABLE ONLINE: FEBRUARY 20 - 26, 2022/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 9

PEOPLE! BRIAN TOBIN AAMIE GILLAM PHOTO YOU MAKE ME SMILE HONOURING NEVAEH Singer-songwriter Brian Tobin S he touched the lives Nevaeh and her mother Holly is releasing his debut single You of everyone she are being honoured with the Make Me Smile to streaming plat- met, and now Governor General’s Merito- forms just ahead of Valentine’s Day. rious Service decorations for The Grand Falls-Windsor native is Nevaeh Denine is their charitable work. And we Tobin’s “opportunity to fulfill his couldn’t possibly be prouder. DC musical dreams...” DC being posthumously honoured for her fantastic contributions. 10 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/FEBRUARY 20 - 26, 2022

INSPIRATIONAL “... it’s not about what you do in the gym, it’s about how you take care of yourself.” — Gill Whelan G ill Whelan is a firecracker. All genuine smiles and from-the- inside-out enthusiasm, she’s a thrill to chat with. Little won- der then that Whelan’s company, Whel- an Wellness, has quite literally exploded since the pandemic, with folks of all ages signing up to engage in an online journey towards wellness with Whelan and team cheerleading the way. WHELAN WELLNESS PHOTOS We ask how she’s grown such a follow- NEXT STEP? WELLNESS ing since COVID. Whelan paused. “One of the things that a lot of us learned throughout the initial lockdown Gill Whelan provides the motivation and the means to keep in 2020 was, as the world hit pause, ev- moving forward towards better health erybody took a good look at how they BY PAM PARDY were spending their time, and time is our greatest resource,” she began. pointments. There’s no worrying about sion has always been coaching people. catching COVID. I’m confident “I love the physical push. I love the THERE AT THE RIGHT TIME that’s why we’ve maintained fitness piece. But to me, there’s our client base and grown always been a piece miss- People transitioned slowly, sometimes so much because more ing,” she said. against their will, she added, and began and more people are The fitness piece can doing some sort of self-care or movement realizing the impor- be most intimidating, or exercise at home. Whelan was there tance of taking care she added. “at the right time to offer structure and of yourself and at What was often guidance,” she continued. the same time asking missing was relation- what’s the best, most ship building, she said. With fitness guidance, mental health efficient use of my time “I’m forming relation- sessions, registered dietitian advice and to do that.” ships with people and helping yoga sessions, Whelan helps those at them live their best lives. I em- home do it at home. Whelan has been coaching fitness classes for 12 years, but her pas- ployed my strategies on myself because “There’s no escaping, because it’s right where you are. There’s no making ap- AVAILABLE ONLINE: FEBRUARY 20 - 26, 2022/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 11

WHELAN WELLNESS PHOTOS icked. Yes, people need exercise, we need to move our bodies, but there’s more. My “When we take control of our own wellness, you feel a four pillars are movement, mindset, nu- little more powerful and that’s what is happening in our trition and hydration.” wellness community.” — Gill Whelan This anytime, anywhere approach is if there’s anything here that needs fixing was on to something and her business working. “Regardless of your age, size, for now, it’s me. I started practicing my grew and expanded across the globe. gender or location in the world, this four pillars myself, and it’s literally, quite works. It’s so flexible. What I aim to do is frankly, changed my life.” “I feel very blessed. The impact, it’s in- to remove any barrier that was ever per- tense. What I’m hearing ceived by anybody in feeling healthier, so It was a turning point. from people is that life time zones don’t matter. You don’t need a feels very defeating. It babysitter. Cost is very low.” FINDING THE MAGIC feels very frustrating. It feels frightening. Whelan says she aims to offer some- “Previous to that, it was always like I It feels all of those thing that’s “accessible to absolutely ev- had to go work out because I want to look things. But when we erybody.” From 18 to 81, all are part of a certain way, or be a certain size, and take control of our the wellness family, she says. then when I started working instead on own wellness, you feel wellness, I very quickly realized the link a little more powerful START HEALTHY HABITS between physical movement and mental and that’s what is hap- health. The balancing of all the pieces pening in our wellness “We have all genders and we have abso- that makes you feel well, it’s not about community.” lutely all body types. We scale and tailor what you do in the gym, it’s about how the workouts. We have wheelchair users, you take care of yourself, how you work Mindset coaching we have people that are absolutely begin- on your mental health, how much sleep sessions via Zoom ners and we have people who are fitness you get and all of the other pieces.” help, she said. coaches. But, everybody feels challenged, no matter where you’re at or where you And when you do that, when your in- “As we go onto yet start.” sides get well, your outside follows and another period of un- that’s when you really thrive, she added. known with this pan- Again, it’s not just about the move- demic there needs to ment. “Every single one of us needs help The formula, she said, “was like finding be a calm and people with our mental health. Every single one the magic.” need to feel motivat- of us needs help with our mindset. I’ve ed again and not pan- been around fitness for a very long time. The world needs this right now. People I’m really passionate about the science need wellness, she continued. Whelan and building and design- ing these workouts so nothing is just slapped together to make you sweat. There’s a real rea- son for everything that I do here.” She thrives on variety and has never repeated a workout. There’s live and recorded classes available. “I care about each and every exercise,” she said. With 2022 moving through, we ask if fitness dedication is sometimes just a New Year’s resolu- tion. She’s not a fan of such things, she says. “I don’t love New Year’s resolutions. It’s because of the rap. It’s be- 12 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/FEBRUARY 20 - 26, 2022

cause this industry is a multi-billion dol- WHELAN WELLNESS PHOTO lar industry that thrives on people feeling bad about themselves on January 1st, and “I’m really passionate about the science and building I won’t do that.” and designing these workouts so nothing is just slapped together to make you sweat.” — Gill Whelan Instead, she encourages folks to start forming healthy habits, and watch the portant it is to be healthy. “You got to find spin class the other night. The boys play progression happen. That keeps motiva- time for you. I’ll be 43 this spring and this hockey. We’ve got a backyard rink and a tion at an all time high, and keeps every- is the most consistent I have ever been.” little basketball area set up outside too. body excited and engaged. Any overall We are an active family and we really val- motivational words she can share, we ask. Married 16 years and with three boys, ue movement.” they stay active together as a family. “We ‘SELF-CARE IS NOT SELFISH’ move our bodies every day in different For more on Whelan Wellness, visit ways. (Husband) Peter and I did a virtual or follow on social media “Find the best, most efficient system where you can carve time out for you every day. Self-care is not selfish. This is about taking care of yourself. This is about longevity. Let’s feel like our best selves.” Dig out the best part of you and heal the stuff from the past, she added. “Let’s move forward, continually, move forward. Our eyes are in the front of our head for a reason, so we can move forward. And we can do that from the comfort and safety of our home without a lot of equipment, and without spending a lot of money.” As a busy mom, wife and business owner, Whelan knows first hand how im- AVAILABLE ONLINE: FEBRUARY 20 - 26, 2022/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 13

COVER STORY BY HERALD STAFF LINDSEY ANDREWS PHOTO (NTV.CA) BEN CLEARY ~ THE ‘HOME’ TEAM Up close & personal with one of Atlantic Canada’s top young journalists, NTV’s Ben Cleary W e are living in an extraor- dinary time, an era de- fined by anxious uncer- tainty. The coronavirus pandemic has transformed, and disrupt- ed, journalism. It is an unprecedented news story, the biggest of this genera- tion. The relentless news cycle fused by an ‘infodemic’ of misinformation. PANDEMIC SHUTDOWNS existence. You’ve all seen the impact. A NTV.CA PHOTO masked society, empty classrooms and The world has changed in just two shuttered offices. shifting from his NTV desk on Logy years. The pandemic has delivered a dev- Bay Road to a home office. The tradi- astating loss of life, almost six million Since pandemic shutdowns almost tional in-person interviews have been deaths around the world by early Febru- two years ago, reporters, like Ben Cleary, replaced by Zoom or FaceTime and, ary. The economic and social disruption have adjusted to filing stories each night, incredibly, he voice-tracks his stories un- is unconscionable. It has changed how der a blanket – turning his closet into a we learn, work and interact as social dis- tancing guidelines have led to a virtual 14 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/FEBRUARY 20 - 26, 2022

NTV.CA PHOTOS 2021 FEDERALELECTION recording studio. “He’s one of the best I’ve seen in a long time. He under- Cleary’s home was transformed into stands the fundamentals of good story-telling ... Especially the stories that require a lot of heart.” — NTV’s Glen Carter a news bureau – the third time he and others have been displaced to social MARKDWYER to historical features, the St. John’s na- distance. “We’ve all had to make ad- tive has established himself as one of the justments and, to be honest, it’s a small “Ben brings so much industry’s top young journalists. He has sacrifice to do my part,” says the talented versatility ... We are so reported on provincial budgets and elec- 26-year-old. lucky to have him on our tions, the winter storm of the century in team.” — NTV’s Mark Dwyer 2020 and, in recent years, the many as- BAPTISM BY FIRE pects of the COVID pandemic. It’s been a whirlwind since Cleary COMPASSION & HONESTY arrived at NTV in May of 2019, less than a year before the novel coronavirus “Ben brings so much versatility to the reached our shores. It was a baptism by newsroom,” says Mark Dwyer, NTV’s fire. Armed with a political science de- Director of News and Current Affairs. gree from MUN and a journalism de- gree from King’s College – and a pedi- “He’s also a natural storyteller, very gree from his award-winning journalist dedicated to his career and a true team dad, Ryan Cleary – he was ready. player. We are so lucky to have him on Filing stories on everything from pol- itics to social issues, from breaking news AVAILABLE ONLINE: FEBRUARY 20 - 26, 2022/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 15

NTV.CA PHOTOS 2020 SNOWMAGEDDON “He’s (NTV’s Ben Cleary) also a natural storyteller, very dedicated to his career and a true team player. We are so lucky to have him.” — NTV’s Mark Dwyer 2021 HERALDCREW honesty to his reports. His passion for journalism comes through in his enthu- our team.” NTV’S BETH PENNEY PHOTO siastic reporting style – his best work of- His feature work is outstanding. ten in stories that feature his adept sto- “I’ve always been rytelling ability. If he wasn’t a journalist Hard news, the primary focus for many interested in journalism Cleary could easily be at home working reporters, is hard-hitting and pragmat- ... I can’t imagine doing in a museum or teaching history. ic. Feature stories require storytelling anything else.” ability. “He’s one of the best I’ve seen in He has a special place in his heart for a long time,” says veteran anchor Glen — NTV’s Ben Cleary this province’s unique history and cul- Carter. “He understands the fundamen- ture – particularly the battles fought tals of good story-telling for television. FILE PHOTO over the years by brave Newfoundland Especially the stories that require a lot soldiers. Remembrance Day. Memorial of heart,” Carter adds. “Compassion and RYANCLEARY: JUL 1, 1992 Day. Cleary is often the first to raise his honesty, too.” - THE EVE OF A MORATORIUM hand to pay tribute to heroes, past and present. ADMIRED & RESPECTED AWARD-WINNING NEWS Cleary’s recent feature marking the 80th anniversary of the Knights of Co- Cleary is authentic. That compassion, lumbus hostel fire was outstanding work some might say sensitivity, is part of his and a case in point. fabric. It’s one of the traits that makes him so admired and respected by his The 1942 fire killed 80 military per- colleagues in the NTV newsroom. He’s sonnel and 19 civilians. Cleary’s grand- always willing to help fellow reporters or mother’s uncle, Derm Duggan, was a accept any task or assignment. And he 16-year-old drummer playing in the has a dry wit and clever sense of humor. band that night and lived to tell the sto- ry. “That’s the compassion and honesty I NTV viewers have watched this was talking about,” says Carter. young journalist blossom into one of its top reporters, leading the supper-hour Compassion comes naturally for broadcast almost daily with COVID-19 Cleary, a thoughtful journalist who updates since the New Year. The evolu- takes pride in bringing fairness and tion of Cleary’s journalism chops has not gone unnoticed. He’s getting attention 16 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/FEBRUARY 20 - 26, 2022

NTV.CA PHOTO FEBRUARY 20 - 26, 2022/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 17 “It’s an honour to work for a station I grew up admiring. I’m exactly where I want to be.” — NTV’s Ben Cleary throughout Atlantic Canada and has done a handful of national news hits. In 2020, he was named Atlantic Canada’s top new journalist by the AJA. “So well deserved,” says Dwyer. “NTV has a long history of award-win- ning journalists and Ben’s future cer- tainly looks bright.” A career in the media seemed inevita- ble. His dad, Ryan, spent decades as one of the province’s top reporters, winning numerous awards with The Telegram and, later, The Independent. ‘THE RIGHT PATH’ “I’ve always been interested in jour- nalism; it seemed like the right path for me,” he says. “I can’t imagine doing any- thing else.” Cleary is also ready for the next chal- lenge. With Glen Carter retiring from the anchor desk in early March, veteran legislative reporter Michael Connors will be filling his seat. Cleary will be tasked to help fill Connors’ void at the House of Assembly. Politics is a passion. He earned a poli-sci degree at Memorial and, by his own admission, sees politics as theatre in this province. “You’ll find few provinces in Canada who care about politics more than we do,” he says. “I’m just grateful for the opportunity. It’s an honor to work for a station I grew up admiring. I’m exactly where I want to be.” AVAILABLE ONLINE:

THE SILVER SCREEN DON’TLOOKUP KINGRICHARD & THE OSCAR GOES TO... WESTSIDESTORY DUNE From drama to comedy, science fiction and the apocalypse, the nominees have arrived for the 2022 Academy Awards, honouring the very best in film from 2021 BY DILLON COLLINS T he 94th annual Acade- make of the classic novel Dune, with Major names earning acting nods in- my Awards, or Oscars as Kenneth Branagh’s Belfast and Steven clude Kristen Stewart, Will Smith, Ni- they are more commonly cole Kidman, Benedict Cumberbatch, Spielberg’s re-imagining of West Side Denzel Washington, Judi Dench, Jessica known, take place on Story clocking in with seven each, Chastain and Olivia Colman. six for King Richard, with Don’t Sunday March 27th at the Dolby Look Up, Drive my Car and Night- BEAT THE EXPERTS! mare Alley all earning four nomina- Theatre in Hollywood, Califor- Who do you think will win on Oscar tions apiece. night? Play along with your very own nia, honuring the very best in film Of particular note in the ceremony Oscar ballot and beat the experts! from a historic perspective, Danish from the calender year. film Flee became the first film to be WRITER’S CHOICE: nominated in the categories of Best LEADING THE CHARGE Animated Feature Film, Best Inter- Best Picture: The Power of the Dog national Feature Film and Best Doc- Best Actor: Will Smith Leading the charge above all oth- umentary Feature, while Kenneth Best Actress: Kristen Stewart er nominees is Jane Campion’s The Branagh became the first individ- Best Supporting Actor: Kodi Smit-Mcphee Power of the Dog, which earned 12 ual to be nominated in seven cat- Best Supporting Actress: Kirsten Dunst nominations including Best Picture, egories by virtue of his nods in the Best Director: Jane Campion making history by becoming the first film directed by a woman Best Picture and Best Original WHO WILL WIN THE OSCAR! to receive more than ten nom- Screenplay categories. inations. Not far behind with 10 nominations is the sci-fi re- 18 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/FEBRUARY 20 - 26, 2022

THE 94TH ACADEMY AWARDS Play along with your very own NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD OSCAR BALLOT BELFAST CODA DON’T LOOK UP DRIVE MY CAR THE POWER OF THE DOG BEST PICTURE DUNE KING RICHARD LICORICE PIZZA NIGHTMARE ALLEY WEST SIDE STORY JAVIER BARDEM BENEDICT CUMBERBATCH ANDREW GARFIELD WILL SMITH DENZEL WASHINGTON BEST ACTOR (Being the Ricardos) (King Richard) (The Tragedy of Macbeth) (The Power of the Dog) (Tick, Tick... Boom!) JESSICA CHASTAIN OLIVIA COLMAN PENÉLOPE CRUZ NICOLE KIDMAN KRISTEN STEWART BEST ACTRESS (The Eyes of Tammy Faye) (The Lost Daughter) (Parallel Mothers) (Being the Ricardos) (Spencer) BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS BEST DIRECTOR BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR Jessie Buckley (The Lost Daughter) Paul Thomas Anderson (Licorice Pizza) Ciarán Hinds (Belfast) Ariana DeBose (West Side Story) Kenneth Branagh (Belfast) Troy Kotsur (CODA) Judi Dench (Belfast) Jane Campion (The Power of the Dog) Jesse Plemons (The Power of the Dog) Kirsten Dunst (The Power of the Dog) Ryûsuke Hamaguchi (Drive My Car) J.K. Simmons (Being the Ricardos) Aunjanue Ellis (King Richard) Steven Spielberg (West Side Story) Kodi Smit-McPhee (The Power of the Dog) DIGITAL VERSION AVAILABLE ONLINE: FEBRUARY 20 - 26, 2022/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 19

SPORTS & LEISURE LET’S HEAR IT FOR THE GIRL Hockey Hall of Famer and Olympic champion Danielle Goyette heads to NL to help coach the Growlers, becoming the first female coach in ECHL history BY PAM PARDY F or many a hockey fan or FILE PHOTO on the coaching staff after head coach Olympic follower, the name Eric Wellwood entered COVID-19 Danielle Goyette just might DANIELLEGOYETTE self-isolation. This step back for Well- wood was one giant leap for Goyette, ring a bell. Goyette was head “Make sure you do what making her the first woman in ECHL you love and no matter history to take the reins as coach. coach to the University of Calgary Di- what, you have to believe in yourself.” THE GROWLERS FAMILY nos women’s hockey program, helping — Danielle Goyette Goyette has been part of the Growlers them win a national championship in family, as she joined the Growlers’ par- ent club, the Toronto Maple Leafs, last 2012. That same year, she also served as May to serve as director of player devel- opment. assistant coach for Team Canada at the The games played on Feb. 3rd, 4th & World Championships and later, at the 5th against the Reading Royals at the Mary Brown’s Centre in St. John’s didn’t 2014 Olympic Winter Games in Sochi, go as hoped for a variety of reasons – many of them COVID or call-up related Russia, she helped Canada win gold. – still, Goyette remained positive. MAKING HISTORY The weekend she was here there were no fans in the stands due to NL’s Alert Goyette also won eight IIHF World Level status and public health protocols. Women’s Championships gold medals If that wasn’t enough to dampen spirits, and two Olympic gold medals — Salt the weather was wet and windy. Hav- Lake City in 2002 and Turin, Italy in ing just left Toronto, and a record snow 2006, the year she was also Canada’s storm that shut down the city no too long flag-bearer during the opening ceremo- nies. Why so much fanfare over this champ here in the province of Newfoundland Labrador? The reason is simple: Goyette joined the Newfoundland Growlers be- hind the bench, stepping in temporarily 20 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/FEBRUARY 20 - 26, 2022

before, Goyette – who hails from Que- JEFF PARSONS PHOTO bec – said she wasn’t concerned one bit. “This is a hard business. It’s not easy because you have to “I’ve been here before, and I prefer rain be able to adapt in a blink of an eye.” — Danielle Goyette over four feet of snow, though I’m used to a lot of snow. Where I’m from, snow are too expensive,” she chuck- (the opening ceremonies) as it brings wasn’t a problem for us to drive in, but to led. back the memories that I had from the see some people from Ontario trying to Olympics. The feeling of walking to the drive in the snow with a small car and no Goyette has had a fabulous stadium (as a flag-bearer) came back.” snow tires, it was kind of interesting,” she and much decorated career, opened with a chuckle. and with her Olympic history, ‘I WAS SO PROUD’ we ask if she’s been watching. REMAINING POSITIVE When she can, she shared. “It’s pret- Watching this year’s Canadian con- ty amazing. It’s funny when you watch tingent, particularly this year’s flag-bear- Other things are not quite as light, however. Facing the loss of Chris “Abbo” FEBRUARY 20 - 26, 2022/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 21 Abbott, the heart and soul behind team mascot Buddy the Puffin, was one thing. COVID protocols were another and some players were sidelined, along with the team’s coach. Other players had been called up to the Toron- to Marlies or to the Manitoba Moose while other team- mates were out with injuries. Still, Goyette was cheerful. “It’s been awesome. So wel- coming. This is my third day and I feel I’ve been here for two weeks and it’s just so easy to get along with people. Ev- erybody’s helping each other. The peo- ple are so easy to work with, especially the coaching staff,” Goyette said. On finding out she was the first wom- an to hold such a coaching position, she paused, then shared that she had “No idea. I just found out when I landed ... I was coming here because I wanted to help the team.” On the challenges, she remained fo- cused. “This is a hard business. It’s not easy because you have to be able to adapt in a blink of an eye,” she said. Referencing the game held on the 4th, an overtime loss, Goyette shared she felt “hopeful” going forward. “We didn’t get the win, but the way they played, that’s the way that we need them to play every game.” With some fisticuffs, an overtime loss and a shattered stick, there was excite- ment. “I love it ... (the energy) put some excitement into the game. When you get scoring in overtime, I think the guys got a bit disappointed and frustrated. That’s (broken stick) going to happen. I would not suggest any kids to do that. Sticks AVAILABLE ONLINE:

FILE PHOTO DANIELLEGOYETTE “We have great staff and this organization is so fun to work for.” — Danielle Goyette ers short-track speed skater Charles Hamelin and hockey player Marie-Phil- ip Poulin, made her proud, she added. “When they walked with the flag, it’s something that you can’t explain. But I was so proud of them because that’s to say that they are making a big impact in Canada sport.” Brad Gushue was an Olympian back in 2006 when Goyette was there. Did the two meet? She laughed. The short answer was no: they were much too busy competing to socialize, but they did cheer one another on. “You play so many games. When you are done, you focus on the next. (Team Gushue) made Canadians proud.” WORKING FOR THE LEAFS She’s from Quebec and works for the Leafs. What about the Canadiens, we ask? “It’s all Canadian hockey, the Maple Leafs or Canadiens,” she laughed. Goyette admitted, when she first got the call to join the team, she hesitated. She spoke to her best friend who said “Go for it.” “She was right, and every decision that I’ve made that was outside my comfort zone always had good results. I always say to people, if you don’t risk nothing you’re going to get nothing in return and this is how I try to live my life.” It was the same when she made the de- 22 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/FEBRUARY 20 - 26, 2022

SUBMITTED PHOTOS JEFF PARSONS PHOTO cision to head to NL to coach the Growl- “Our job is to develop our young prospect ers. “They asked me if I would like to go to make sure that these guys from the Growlers are able to Newfoundland and coach with the to one day be nearly perfect.” — Danielle Goyette Growlers. I’m like, ‘Oh my God, no,’ but after that, I think, ‘you know, I like being are from here but so-called honourary get it. Sometimes I have to pinch myself part of the team. I’ll do it.’” Newfoundlander Todd Skirving and and say, ‘Hey! I’m working for the Maple long-time player Derian Plouffe also Leafs!’ It’s crazy. Especially, you know, I Now that she’s broken yet another so- have made this feel like home. grew up being a Montreal fan and now called glass ceiling, what’s her hope? I’m working for the Leafs.” ‘A GREAT EXPERIENCE’ “Now that we’ve had the first female There’s much laughter. Her heart is coach, I’m hoping we’re going to see Thinking of the overall experi- with her team, however. more females in the game on the bench,” ence, Goyette’s happy she came. she said. “This is a great experience. I won’t for- “My heart is with the Maple Leaf and our job is to develop our young prospect As to finding out she’s the first female “Kids, if you have a to make sure these guys from the Growl- to do so in the ECHL’s history, she re- dream ... As long as you ers are able to one day be nearly perfect.” mained fairly chill. do what you love, you’re going to find a way.” People look up to her, we say. Any last “Maybe when I get home I’m going to words of wisdom? “Make sure you do say, ‘OK, that was pretty cool,’ but right — Danielle Goyette what you love and no matter what, you now I’m enjoying being part of the team have to believe in yourself. I can tell you and I’m thinking about the next game for me, if you were to tell me years ago and how much we want to win because that this was going to happen in my life, I’m not a good loser. As a coach ... we I wouldn’t believe you.” have to bring the energy and make sure that (players) feel that for the game.” When she started playing hockey, women’s hockey was “not popular.” WIN OR LOSE “People asked, ‘why do you play hock- Win or lose, Goyette says she’s been ey for a sport?’ And now it’s normal so feeling like part of the family. “There’s you never know what the future will a great sense of community here,” she have waiting for you.” opened, referring to the fact that the Growlers helped shovel locals out after Chase those dreams, she added. Snowmageddon in 2020. “Kids, if you have a dream, no matter what people tell you, keep pushing. As “That’s pretty amazing. The connec- long as you do what you love, you’re go- tion the players have to the community, ing to find a way.” it’s great for kids to see that as it inspires them to be involved and be active.” FEBRUARY 20 - 26, 2022/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 23 Many of the team’s players call New- foundland home. Some homegrown talent like team Captain James Melin- dy, and players Zack O’Brien, Marcus Power, Nathan Noel, Daniel Cadigan AVAILABLE ONLINE:

LIFE AT HOME BY PAM PARDY, PHOTOS BY RITCHE PEREZ PART 2 OF 3 can we stay here? And it was scary,” Courtney shared. The fear wained as the UNPOLISHED LIVING love of this place grew, she added. “I knew that with all of its imperfec- tions, (Grates Cove, NL) is where we While one is a come-from-away and the other a local, this want to be. I grew up in a very impov- erished area, and when I came here, I couple share a passion for the place they both decided to call remember crying when I realized how home: Grates Cove, NL good people who are in the fishing in- dustry have it. Maybe no one’s wealthy, but they’re fine. They’re not starving. A nyone from Newfoundland Where I’m from, small fishermen, they knows to expect the unex- will never recover from a storm. They pected when it comes to may have mold in their house. Literally, the weather. Terrence and we would see homes where you could see Courtney Howell, owners of Grates daylight. Generational poverty.” OS) Cove Studios in Grates Cove, know that ‘TAKE A CHANCE’ better than anyone. On the day we met for a chat, the two had been dealing with Courtney and Terrence started the excessive water run-off from a wild win- restaurant and it grew through word of ter rain storm. The day before their big- mouth. “I just put on Facebook that we gest challenge had been ice buildup on a were serving jambalaya and pea soup. I cold, sunny late January day. didn’t know what else to do. I was like, THE JOURNEY ‘Just cook what we know.’ Slowly, we just started adding things and I thought peo- But little wonder these two are up for PHOENIX, TERRENCE & COURTNEY ple would think we were crazy for put- challenge and adventure. They met back HOWELL ting Cajun food on the menu,” she said. in 2004 while teaching in South Korea The first dish that really caught on and were united almost instantly by a The two, who have a 13 year-old was made with local snow crab. shared desire to explore and sample their daughter, Phoenix, wet their entrepre- “It was this crab etouffee, a lovely roux way around their far east home. Court- neurial chops opening a restaurant busi- butter sauce built up with lots of vegeta- ney hails from Louisiana, USA, and Ter- ness in rural NL. bles. Where I grew up, we grew up eat- rence was born and raised in the Grates “When we started the restaurant it ing that with either crawfish or shrimp. Cove area. The journey that brought this wasn’t strategic. It was us doing what we But here, pairing that butter roux with couple to Grates Cove to open Grates had to do to be able to stay here. That the sweet snow crab was just an ideal Cove Studios involves travel, hurricanes, is really what the last decade has been pairing and that became one of the dish- disaster relief efforts and a shared curi- about. And I think now we see a fuller es that really started getting people com- osity and a love of the ocean. picture. But at the time, it was just how ing here,” Courtney said. 24 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/FEBRUARY 20 - 26, 2022

The pandemic has helped business, they shared. Lo- cals, they say, “take a chance” and come visit now more than before, for one thing. They also began doing deliv- eries to St. John’s from time to time. “We’re so grateful for our customers. It’s so unexpect- ed. Our Newfoundland cus- tomers are amazing. They know that this is a journey. They know throughout the year there’s so many shifts and they want to make sure RITCHE PEREZ PHOTOS that we’re OK during the winter,” she “We just started collecting it ourselves, just out of pure said. curiosity not even realizing what kind of journey we were PLAYING WITH SEAWEED on.” — Courtney Howell The fact that so many “help spread the word,” is incredible as well, they add. “I don’t even know what to say, except how grateful I am. This became very overwhelming quickly. Moving. Raising a child. Starting a business. The local community here and the St. John’s com- munity here have played a huge part in helping us get to this point,” Terrence said. There’s the food. The art. Harbour- view and Snug Harbour houses – two delightful homes with breathtaking views to stay in while visiting the area. And now? Seaweed. “We thought we were just going to build this tiny little existence out here Terrence’s hands had been raw from Terrence felt he was on to something and then we just kept discovering this working with wood and clay. fairly quickly. place and that’s how we got to seaweed,” “You see kelp but I never really played “I grew up around kelp. Everyone in Courtney said. with it like that before. My hands were Newfoundland, especially if you go to “It was after a nor’easter storm. always wrecked from woodwork- the beach, get to see kelp, but I never re- We went down to a little rocky ing, always cracked and dried ally played with it like that before.” beach, not far from here. It out from sawdust, but after handling the gel, things TRIAL & ERROR was a really big storm, and so when we went down, were happening very When he saw the results on his own there was all the seaweed quickly and the cracks hands, the passion was born. washed up,” Courtney healed. The inflamma- “We just said, ‘My God, what is this?’ continued. She literally tion went down,” he said. So then we started researching what we stepped over it, but their They started research- had. And then we were like, ‘How do we daughter picked some up. ing what they had just out of get this gel out?’” Courtney said. Terrence then “bent down with pure curiosity. Over the next four months, they start- his curious mind and picked it up, and “He was just playing with it on the ed experimenting. “We just started col- when he did, all of this gel was coming beach. We had no idea. Is this harmful lecting it ourselves, just out of pure cu- out of it and that just sparked some- for our skin? Is it good? We had no idea,” riosity not even realizing what kind of thing,” she continued. Courtney added. journey we were on,” she said. AVAILABLE ONLINE: FEBRUARY 20 - 26, 2022/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 25

They taught themselves as they went “out of pure instinct.” They learned how to extract the gel from the seaweed, making sure nothing was destroyed, through trial and error. “We did it in a way that didn’t destroy what we were extracting, which is super important to where we are now, and then we were like, ‘What do we do with this now?’ And ‘How do we make lotion?’” Because Terrence’s hands got better, they were doing it for themselves at first. “We didn’t even realize we were going against the grain of how extractions are done and how most lotions are made. Normally you would just put in this tiny little bit of something and then the rest of it is water. We didn’t do that. We made this product where the majority of it is our extract,” she said proudly. ‘I LOVE YOUR LOTION’ They mostly just used it on themselves or gave it to friends. There was no de- nying the results. “‘I’m going to try it on my face,’ I said, and then I did, and I was like, ‘Oh no, it’s making me break out.’ But it wasn’t. It was reducing pore size. It was bringing dirt out of my skin. And over the next year, my whole skin quality just got better,” Courtney said. They began packaging and selling their seaweed-based products. “Customers came back to us and said, ‘This has helped my eczema.’ ‘I love your lotion.’ ‘It’s so hydrating and not itchy during the winter.’ And then we met Doctor Helleur.” To experience unpolished living for your- self, or for more info visit www.7fathoms- or or just get in the car and drive and see for yourself RITCHE PEREZ PHOTO NEXT WEEK/PART 3: STAY TUNED FOR PART THREE WHERE WE UNCOVER MORE ABOUT THE SECRETS OF SEAWEED AND THE ART OF UNPOLISHED LIVING. 26 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/FEBRUARY 20 - 26, 2022

BY PAM PARDY COOKING GRATES COVE STUDIOS PHOTO FREEPIK.COM PHOTO ETOUFFEE IT STARTED WITH CRAB • 6 tbsp. Butter Courtney and Terrence Howell of Grates Cove Studios share • ½ cups Flour their love of exploring through food with others • 4 cups chopped onion • 2 cups chopped bell pepper I t started with mixing cul- following us, they accept that about us,” • 2 cups chopped celery tures really, Courtney and Courtney said. • 2 tbsp. Garlic Terrence Howell begin. • 14.5 ounce Can Tomatoes The two had enjoyed sam- It’s going to be what it’s going to be, • 2 Bay Leaves pling their way through Ko- she added, just like the weather’s going • 2 tsp. salt rea when they were there • 2 tbsp. Cajun Seasoning teaching, then the two to be what it is. • 1 quart stock combined their favou- “It’s rural Newfound- • 3 pounds seafood rite dishes from their land. There’s always going youth. to be some sort of wild- Melt 85 grams of butter over Courtney was ness happening and for medium heat in large pot. raised in Louisiana, the most part, our Add flour stirring continuously the daughter of a shrimp customers are very, to make roux (wooden spoon works fisherman, and Terrence very open to that. well.) Continue to stir until roux was from Old Perlican. We’re always going to be becomes the colour of peanut butter, in the middle of some ren- 7-12 minutes. ‘ON THE JOURNEY WITH US’ ovation, or dealing with Add onions, bell pepper, celery, garlic and remaining 28 grams of At their restaurant, Grates Cove Stu- something the elements have tossed our butter. Cook for 10 minutes or until dios, they don’t aim for perfection. way, but that doesn’t mean we’re not vegetables are soft, but not brown- going to do our very best to offer you ing. “We try to offer really nice dishes. We a wonderful, unexpected experience. Add tomatoes, bay leaves and try to offer really nice experiences, but You’re on the journey with us.” Bayou Bay Cajun Spice and salt. we’re never, ever going to be polished. Cook for 15 minutes. Coming here is always going to be an un- Grates Cove Studios opened with two Stir in stock, Bring this mixture expected experience. And I think any- items on the menu: pea soup and jamba- to a boil and then simmer for 45 one who knows us, anyone who’s been laya. Enjoy their recipe, a combination of minutes to 1 hours. Stir occasion- outport NL and Louisiana. ally to ensure sauce is not sticking to bottom of pot. Visit for more Stir in steamed lump crab meat. Add salt to taste. (Your crab meat FEBRUARY 20 - 26, 2022/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 27 may already be salty.) Serve over steamed long grain rice and garnish with sliced green onion. AVAILABLE ONLINE:

FINE OL’ SCOFF BY PAM PARDY FREEPIK.COM PHOTOS ALLRECIPES.COM PHOTO PATH TO A HEALTHY LIFE VEGETARIAN CHILI The kitchen can be a great place to make a big statement. • 1 tbsp olive oil If you want to make changes, it’s a great place to start • ½ medium onion, chopped • 2 bay leaves I t doesn’t matter if you decided to go keto or vegan or • 1 tsp ground cumin vegetarian, or just made a decision to eat healthier as • 2 tbsps dried oregano we cruise through 2022. Whatever your commitment, • 1 tbsp salt keeping it in the kitchen is key. Here’s a few healthy • 2 stalks celery, chopped suggestions to keep you on the right track. Enjoy. • 2 green bell peppers, chopped • 2 jalapeno peppers, chopped CHEESY KETO PIZZA CUPS • 3 cloves garlic, chopped • 2 (4 ounce) cans chopped green EATTHIS.COM PHOTO • 1 oz full fat cream cheese • 1 1/2 cups hand-grated whole milk chile peppers, drained • 2 (12 ounce) packages vegetarian mozzarella cheese • 1 large egg, beaten burger crumbles • 1 cup Bob’s Red Mill almond flour • 3 (28 ounce) cans whole peeled • 2 Tbsp Bob’s Red Mill coconut flour • 1/3 cup Rao’s pizza sauce tomatoes, crushed • 1/3 cup shredded cheddar cheese • ¼ cup chili powder • 1/8 cup mini pepperoni slices • 1 tbsp ground black pepper • 1 (15 ounce) can kidney beans, Preheat the oven to 400°F. In a parchment paper and roll out with a large microwave-safe bowl, com- rolling pin. Repeat with the rest, then drained bine the cream cheese and mozzarella press each piece of dough into greased • 1 (15 ounce) can garbanzo beans, and microwave for 1 minute, stopping muffin tins to form small dough cups. several times to stir. Add in the beaten drained egg, and quickly stir until a ball is Bake for 15 minutes until golden • 1 (15 ounce) can black beans formed. Knead by hand, adding addi- brown. Remove from oven and top • 1 (15 ounce) can whole kernel corn tional almond flour if needed, until each with sauce, cheddar, and pepper- lightly sticky. oni. Return to oven for five minutes Heat the olive oil in a large pot Divide the dough into 8 pieces. Set until the cheese melts. over medium heat. Stir in the a piece between two sheets of greased onion, and season with bay leaves, Remove from muffin tins and serve. cumin, oregano, and salt. Cook and - stir until onion is tender, then mix in the celery, green bell peppers, jalape- no peppers, garlic, and green chile peppers. When vegetables are heated through, mix in the vegetarian burg- er crumbles. Reduce heat to low, cov- er pot, and simmer 5 minutes. Mix the tomatoes into the pot. Season chili with chili powder and pepper. Stir in the kidney beans, garbanzo beans, and black beans. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low, and simmer 45 minutes. Stir in the corn, and continue cooking 5 min- utes before serving. - 28 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/FEBRUARY 20 - 26, 2022

BBQ CHICKEN PIZZA For the base: For the topping • 250g wholemeal flour, plus a little for • pack of 3 peppers • 1 large onion kneading if necessary • 1 tbsp rapeseed oil • 1 tsp instant yeast • 1 tsp fennel seeds • ¼ tsp salt • 2 tbsp barbecue sauce • 1 tbsp rapeseed oil , plus extra for • 2 tbsp tomato purée • 1 large skinless chicken breast fillet greasing (about 225g), diced • 175g baby plum tomatoes , quartered BBCGOODFOOD.COM PHOTO • 50g Applewood smoked cheese, grated The base: Heat oven to pers and onions. There is no need to knead the dough first otherwise it will 220C/200C fan/gas 7. Tip the prove the dough for a specific time, just be too elastic and will keep shrinking flour into a mixer with a dough hook, or let it sit while you make the topping. back. Spread with two thirds of the bar- a bowl. Add the yeast, salt, oil and 200ml becue sauce mix then add the remainder warm water then mix well to a very soft The topping: toss the peppers and to the chicken and toss well to coat it. dough. Knead in the food mixer for onions with the oil and fennel about 5 mins, but if making this by seeds then roast for 15 mins. Meanwhile Take the roasted pepper mixture hand, tip onto a work surface and knead mix the barbecue sauce and tomato from the oven and spread on top of the for about 10 mins. The dough is sticky, purée with 5 tbsp water. pizza. Scatter over the tomatoes then but try not to add too much extra flour. Take the dough from the bowl and evenly spoon on the barbecue chicken. Leave in the bowl and cover with a tea press into the base and up the sides of Scatter with the cheese and bake for towel while you halve and slice the pep- an oiled 25x35cm Swiss roll tin. Don’t 15 mins. Serve with a salad or healthy coleslaw. - AVAILABLE ONLINE: FEBRUARY 20 - 26, 2022/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 29

SCENES OF NL Lewisporte, NL. — Sandra Whiteway Round Harbour, NL. — Rose Noel Deadman’s Bay, NL. — Karen Machetchuk WIN A PHOTO DREAM PACKAGE Enter The Herald’s Scenes of NL Photo Contest for your chance GILLAM’S BEACH, NL. — KYLE PARSONS to win a spectacular $500 Amanda Roberts Photography Prize Package! Call: 709.280.5683 Visit: LAST WEEK’S PHOTO CONTEST QUALIFIER! ENTER TO WIN: Send your photos, Newfoundland & Labrador locations and your full name to: [email protected] Or upload at: 30 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/FEBRUARY 20 - 26, 2022

Thornlea, NL. — Pauline Branton Bay d’Espoir, NL. — Alma Sharron AVAILABLE ONLINE: FEBRUARY 20 - 26, 2022/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 31

THIS WEEK WITH NTV’S JIM FURLONG WHO ARE YOU? T hat is my question to the members of the so-called “Freedom Convoy” that held Ottawa and some other plac- es hostage recently. You said you were a trucker convoy, but you became something else and that was a very dark entity. It started honestly enough when a group wanted government to end restrictions imposed in the middle of the COVID epidemic. That is fair. The right of people to petition govern- TORONTO STAR/TWITTER PHOTO ment on various matters is CENTRAL I think the protesters by and large were manipulated. They were a destabilizing force funded in part at least from afar. to our democracy. It started out as a group representing truckers, but most major trucking organizations were not part of it. As so often happens in protests the idea morphed into something else. revolutions work. Ottawa’s homeless shelters. The Ottawa protest in particular had That happens a lot. THE SMELL OF TRUMP no “command and control” and that A TICKET TO GOVERN? “command and control” is a virtue in Now to me one of the most disturb- any uprising, getting people on the same ing images was that of a Donald Trump In the end the group was overtaken by page. Instead, some people were out of supporter on horseback waving a flag. a radical fringe. One faction wanted the control as in elements that went urinat- That was disturbing because in the end government to resign and have the group ing on the grave of Canada’s Unknown this wasn’t a protest of truckers. It was a from the convoy run the country. Like Soldier; someone else flew a Nazi flag; group of people that believed government that was going to happen. The expertise and another group wanted t o be the root of all their troubles. the group had was blowing horns and blocking streets. That isn’t much of free food from one of It was a group that included right- a calling card or a ticket to govern. wing extremists and in the air was Nobody ever won over What the group did ultimately a population to a way of the unmistakable smell of Don- was to alienate people. The upris- thinking by blowing horns. ald Trump and that which he ing lost support almost from day stands for. one. Nobody ever won over a population I think the protesters by and to a way of thinking by blowing horns and large were manipulated. They were keeping people up all night or by blocking a destabilizing force funded in part at streets and disrupting the way of life of least from afar. those people. That’s not how successful The good news is that Canada is a great nation. It was discovered early on that this wasn’t a trucker’s protest, it was something else. Their high-water mark was getting coffee and sandwiches for their group. They will go home now and will not have learned anything. Mean- while we ordinary law-abiding citizens did. We who know that there’s more to defeating a pandemic that blowing your horn all night will carry on. NTV’s Jim Furlong can be reached by emailing: [email protected] 32 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/FEBRUARY 20 - 26, 2022

ENTER NOW! BABY OF THE YEAR CONTEST BABY GIRL OF THE WEEK BABY BOY OF THE WEEK MORGAN WELLS DOMINIC STUCKLESS Parents: Heidi Ronayne & Tyler Wellsy, Clarenville Parents: Alicia & Randy Stuckless, Paradise HONOURABLE MENTION AVAILABLE ONLINE: JACOB NOSEWORTHY Son of Pamela & Jason Noseworthy ST. JOHN’S Send in your child’s candid moments and share your family’s happiest moments with our readers. Enter online at or email [email protected] FEBRUARY 20 - 26, 2022/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 33

THE 75TH HERALD ARCHIVES 1946 - 2022 75 YEARS OF TRADITION Sunday May 12, 1946, marks The Newfoundland Herald’s 75th 38 YEARS AGO THIS WEEK anniversary. In commemoration of our history, we delight in giving SEX, SCANDAL, INTRIGUE readers a glimpse through our past BY DILLON COLLINS This week in history, The New- foundland Herald profiled Holly- M uch has changed in the In celebration of 75 years wood Wives, the new miniseries based 75 years this publica- and counting, The Herald on the novel by Jackie Collins. tion has existed. The staff combed through the Filled with sex, scandal and intrigue, modes and method of archives to give readers the series was all the more compelling print media, and indeed the very a glimpse through our knowing that it was based on actual foundation of the entertainment colourful past, one that wives of Hollywood’s elite. The most world itself, but our commitment to reflects the ever changing fun was allegedly guessing who the publicizing the excellence of our prov- world around us, and that of characters are modeled after. ince remains firmly intact. The Rock we lovingly call home. The late novelist Collins sold more than 500 million books. FILE PHOTOS DAVIDSUZUKI 47 YEARS AGO THIS WEEK CUTTING THE COST ROUGH WATERS & SUZUKI This week in The Herald’s history, a drug assistance for certain age groups, In local news, ice and rough waters new program was discussed by the old age people and people of low eco- caused more woes for the Fogo Island provincial government that would help nomic means.’ Elsewhere, with the high ferry, and the use of log housing was people obtain costly drugs for free. cost of groceries, was it wise to take the examined. Health Minister Dr. Gus Rowe said that advice of home economists and food they were ‘ just looking at a program of consultants and buy brand products? Elsewhere, David Suzuki was the center of controversy. 34 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/FEBRUARY 20 - 26, 2022

18 YEARS AGO THIS WEEK ALL-STARS & BREAKUPS This week in the history of The Herald, Survivor: All-Stars saw returning favourites of the reality se- ries vie for the $1million. With famil- iar faces competing in the ultimate test of skill and will, who would come out on top when everyone is already experienced? Elsewhere, Hollywood’s power couple Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lo- pez, commonly referred as Bennifer, announced their breakup. FILE PHOTOS FEBRUARY 20 - 26, 2022/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 35 THIS WEEK IN HISTORY SPORT OR BUSINESS? This day in history, on Febru- ary 20, 1953, the US Court of Appeals rules that Organized Base- ball is a sport and not a business, af- firming a Supreme Court ruling. AVAILABLE ONLINE:

CRIME FLASHBACK BY MAX HAINES KAY’S LIVING HELL FILE PHOTOS PART 2 of 2: (Last Week) Kay eventually testified Outside the luxurious that it was possible to fear and love a man at the same time home, lush flower beds accentuated the rolling lawns ... Inside, Kay was experiencing a living hell. Y ears passed. Occasionally, With all the trappings of wealth and heaped upon Dr. Sandiford. One he Frank would strike Kay for the outward signs of affection they dis- cherished most was a private audi- no reason. His outbreaks played toward each other, the San- ence with the Pope. For that occa- difords were thought to be the sion, Kay had to learn Italian, how left no bruises or scars on ideal couple. Kay’s son Charles to eat as the Romans did and, in attended school in Connecticut, general, take lessons in an at- Kay’s body. Sometimes he punished her and so did not witness the beat- tempt to be transformed into ing his mother received at the an Italian lady of substance. by not conversing with her for days. At hands of charming Frank. Rarely did a month pass that Kay did not receive a beating at the other times, he would berate her for her Alone, with only servants hands of her husband. in the big rambling house, manners, her walk and her conversation. Frank perfected a method of tor- AVOIDING FRANK ture that left no visible bruises or scars. Kay could do nothing right. Privately, He would raise one of Kay’s arms and Gradually, Kay began to avoid Frank. twist his clenched fist into her ribs. Out- She took baths that lasted for hours. Frank called her his American peasant. side the luxurious home, the Sandifords’ When she was in her husband’s compa- ny, she agreed with his every word. To METHOD OF TORTURE three cars shone in the Texas disagree meant a beating. Toward the sun. Lush flower beds end of January 1980, Frank grew more By 1974, Dr. Frank Sandiford was accentuated the roll- abusive than ever. He constantly berated a successful heart surgeon. Within a ing lawns, which Kay, ridiculing her in front of friends. few years, he was earning in excess of were manicured At home, he beat her. As if casting out $400,000 per year. Frank decided a man twice a week. In- an old shoe, he shouted at her one day, of his reputation side, Kay Sandiford “I want a divorce, I want a divorce.” He and standing in was experiencing gave her three days to vacate the house. the community a living hell. required a more As the years On Jan. 29, 1980, Kay Sandiford had prestigious res- passed, various overstayed her three days. Her husband idence. He pur- honours were had ordered her to pay all the bills and chased a home on Del Monte Dr. in Houston’s exclusive River Oaks district, one of the most expensive residen- tial areas in the entire U.S. 36 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/FEBRUARY 20 - 26, 2022 *Crime Flashback Images are used for reenactment purposes only and might not be historically accurate.

gather all receipts pertaining to income ELIZABETH WILLIAMS ILLUSTRATION tax. When Frank arrived home that day Kay, as instructed, went upstairs to show On Jan. 15, 1981, Kay stood trial for the murder of her her husband his receipts. Frank, clutch- husband. Her counsel didn’t deny that Kay had killed ing a tennis racket, approached the stairs. Frank. They claimed she was driven to the act. He growled, “I’m going to get you.” Kay was found guilty of voluntary $10,000. She walked out of court a Kay dashed into the bedroom, manslaughter, a verdict that could free woman. Three years later, her grabbed Frank’s .357 Colt Python and bring a sentence of up to 20 years probation officer was successful in returned to the head of the stairs. She imprisonment. Kay was sentenced having her released from the re- pulled the trigger five times. Four bullets to 10 years probation and a fine of maining sentence. found their mark, the well-ventilated Frank would never strike her again. He was very dead. Kay called a friend and a lawyer. In minutes, police were at the scene and took her into custody. MURDER TRIAL On Jan. 15, 1981, Kay stood trial for the murder of her husband. Her counsel didn’t deny that Kay had killed Frank. They claimed she was driven to the act by an abusive husband and that she act- ed in self defense. Prosecution attorneys pointed out that Kay could have walked away at anytime over the years, but obvi- ously had chosen no to do so. Kay testi- fied that it was possible to fear and love a man at the same time. AVAILABLE ONLINE: FEBRUARY 20 - 26, 2022/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 37

MOVIE MINUTE BLOCKBUSTER FILMS! PG-13 IN THEATRES: MAR 4 BEWARE THE BATMAN Matt Reeves brings Robert Pattinson into the cape and cowl for an altogether grittier take on Batman. BY DILLON COLLINS Official Film Website: From War- tinson as Gotham’s famous and infamous PG-13 PG-13 ner Bros. Pictures comes cast of characters are Zoë Kravitz Matt Reeves’ The Batman, star- as Selina Kyle; Paul Dano as ring Robert Pattinson in the Edward Nashton; Jeffrey dual role of Gotham City’s vigi- Wright as the GCPD’s James lante detective and his alter ego, Gordon; with Andy Serkis as reclusive billionaire Bruce Alfred; and Colin Farrell as Os- Wayne. Starring alongside Pat- wald Cobblepot. RENT OR OWN AT HOME GR AS OF TUESDAY FEBRUARY 22, 2022 House of Gucci......................... 6.8 R The King’s Man......................... 6.7 R American Underdog.........................7.5 PG Eternals............................ 6.8 PG-13 Wolf......................................... 6.0 R Encanto......................................................7.3 G NEW RELEASES/ New in theatres/VOD as of: FEB 25, 2022. VIDEO ON DEMAND: 38 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/FEBRUARY 20 - 26, 2022

BY DANA BLOCK SOAP TALK DUE TO THE 2022 OLYMPICS New episodes of Days of Our Lives will air on NTV February 21 without loss of episode. DEVON & ABBY RECEIVED Billy traveled outside his SOME DISTURBING NEWS. comfort zone. SUFFERING A SETBACK place. Billy traveled outside his comfort zone. Chance suffered a setback. A dam took matters into his Amanda went fishing for intel. own hands. Sally got the Devon and Abby received some dis- COMING CLEAN last laugh. Nick and Sharon turbing news. Victor backed Ashland Chelsea has an unexpected wakeup struggled to help Noah. Jack into a corner. Nikki pointed Lily in the call. Victor and Nikki take time for ro- right direction. Victoria put Adam in his mance. Billy surprises Lily. Ashland found himself at a crossroads. Lauren and comes clean with Victoria. AVAILABLE ONLINE: FEBRUARY 20 - 26, 2022/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 39

LUCKY NUMBER B I NGO 9 24 35 58 67 ONUSNU NTV B MBER MBER MBER MBER MBER M O N D AY NTV B 1 22 42 54 72 ONUSNU TUESDAY 10 20 46 66 NTV B ONUS NU WEDNESDA Y 4 28 41 53 62 ONUSNU NTV B TH U R S D AY 12 30 39 59 70 NTV B ONUS NU FRIDAY Use the Herald’s Lucky Number on the cover to complete a BINGO PLAY & ROW, horizontally, vertically or diagonally and qualify to WIN a WIN! $100 weekly prize and a one-year Herald digital subscription. 1. Use the lucky number on the front of your Herald to (from February 21 - 25) a ‘Bonus’ number will be an- 6. The Herald reserves the right to publish the name & play. Numbers can be used only once, but can be used nounced that you can use to complete your Bingo card. photograph of the winner. in any order as long as they are consecutive. Examples 3. Employees & immediate family members of Stirling – Lucky Number 12345 can represent the following Communications International are ineligible to play. 7. One card will be drawn from all winning Bingos submit- numbers: 1, 23, 45 or 12, 34, 5 or 12, 3, 45 or indi- 4. Contest is open to all NL residents 18 years & older. ted & will be final & binding. Prize must be accepted vidually 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Remember, each digit can only 5. Only original entries or reasonable facsimile (no pho- as awarded, with no substitutions. be used once. tocopies) of the full page from The Newfoundland Herald’s Bingo Game will be accepted & valid. 8. Entries must be accompanied with the original cover 2. Each weeknight during the NTV Evening Newshour showing the Lucky Number used to complete the card. Each week a new card will be published. NAME: PHONE: (709) ADDRESS: MAIL YOUR ENTRY: The Lucky Number BINGO Contest, c/o The Herald, P.O. Box 2015, St. John’s, NL, A1C 5R7 ALL ENTRIES MUST BE POSTMARKED NO LATER THAN MARCH 1, 2022. PLAY HERALD LUCKY NUMBER BINGO EVERY WEEK! FOR MORE CONTEST INFO VISIT: 40 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/FEBRUARY 20 - 26, 2022

FEB. 20 - 26 2022 NEWFOUNDLAND’S AWARD WINNING TELEVISION LISTINGS 56 Sunday | 59 Monday | 62 Tuesday | 65 Wednesday | 68 Thursday | 71 Friday | 74 Saturday SEASON FINALES AVAILABLE ONLINE: FEBRUARY 20 - 26, 2022/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 41

BEST OF ON DEMAND! BEST OF NETFLIX COBRA KAI SEASON 4 INVENTING ANNA ALL OF US ARE DEAD NETFLIX & CHILL WITH BINGE-WORTHY PROGRAMS STREAMING IN FEBRUARY ON NETFLIX NA/10 RATED R VANQUISH AVAILABLE NOW! 2.8/10 ~ Movie ~ R PICK-OF-THE WEEK ------------------------------------ AFTER LIFE SEASON 3 CHEER 8.4/10 ~ TV ~ MA TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE 8.1/10 ~ TV ~ MA ------------------------------------- After nearly 50 years of hid- ------------------------------------- TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE THE TINDER SWINDLER NA/10 ~ Movie ~ R ing, Leatherface returns to ter- 7.5/10 ~ Doc ~ MA ------------------------------------- rorize a group of young friends ------------------------------------- DISENCHANTMENT PT. 4 who accidentally disrupt his COBRA KAI SEASON 4 7.2/10 ~ TV ~ 14A carefully shielded world. 8.6/10 ~ TV ~ 14A ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- ARCHIVE 81 HOME TEAM 7.6/10 ~ TV ~ MA 4.5/10 ~ Movie ~ PG ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- ALL OF US ARE DEAD LOVE IS BLIND SEASON 2 7.7/10 ~ TV ~ MA 6.1/10 ~ TV ~ MA ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- THE CUPHEAD SHOW OZARK SEASON 4 NA/10 ~ TV ~ G 8.4/10 ~ TV ~ MA ------------------------------------- SPACE FORCE SEASON 2 6.7/10 ~ TV ~ MA ------------------------------------- IN FROM THE COLD 6.1/10 ~ TV ~ MA ------------------------------------- INVENTING ANNA NA/10 ~ TV ~ MA ------------------------------------- MURDERVILLE 6.8/10 ~ TV ~ MA ------------------------------------- MOTHER/ANDROID 4.5/10 ~ Movie ~ R ------------------------------------- THE HOUSE 7.0/10 ~ TV ~ 14A STREAMING ON NETFLIX FEBRUARY 2022 42 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/ FEBRUARY 20 - 26, 2022 Ratings and Reviews courtesy of IMDb.

THE BEST-STUFF STREAMING! PROGRAMS STREAMING IN FEBRUARY ON CRAVE, PRIME VIDEO & DISNEY PLUS! CRAVE PRIME VIDEO DISNEY PLUS MALIGNANT REACHER MRS. AMERICA 6.3/10 ~ Movie ~ 14A 9.0/10 ~ TV~ 14A 7.8/10 ~ TV ~ MA ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- THE GILDED AGE MARVELOUS MRS. MAISEL S:4 THE KING’S MAN 8.0/10 ~ TV ~ 14A 7.3/10 ~ TV ~ MA 6.8/10 ~ Movie ~ 14A ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- CRY MACHO BEING THE RICARDOS NO EXIT 5.7/10 ~ Movie ~ PG 7.3/10 ~ Movie ~ R NA/10 ~ Movie ~ 14A ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- RAISED BY WOLVES SEASON 2 HOTEL T: TRANSFORMANIA THE BOOK OF BOBA FETT 7.5/10 ~ TV ~ 14A 6.9/10 ~ Movie ~ PG 8.1/10 ~ TV ~ PG ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- KIMI NORMAL PEOPLE ENCANTO NA/10 ~ Movie ~ R 8.5/10 ~ TV ~ 14A 7.7/10 ~ Movie ~ G ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- STAR TREK PICARD: S:2 BOOK OF LOVE PAM & TOMMY 7.5/10 ~ TV ~ 14A 6.0/10 ~ Movie ~ 14A 7.7/10 ~ TV ~ MA ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- SUPER PUMPED MY SON ETERNALS NA/10 ~ TV ~ 14A 6.0/10 ~ Movie ~ R- 6.8/10 ~ Movie ~ PG ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- RIGHTEOUS GEMSTONES S:2 THE TENDER BAR HIT MONKEY 8.0/10 ~ TV ~ MA 6.4/10 ~ Movie ~ R 7.9/10 ~ TV ~ MA CRAVE PRIME VIDEO DISNEY PLUS LNIOVCEABSLETRREEQUAIRMEDI!NG 2LIV4E/7 DIGITAL VERSION AVAILABLE ONLINE: FEBRUARY 20 - 26, 2022/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 43

FEBRUARY 20 - 26, 2022 Reality Children Sports News Local Movies TIME: SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 06:00 AM NTV Entertainment News Issues & Answers NTV NEWS: FIRST EDITION 06:30 AM NTV Eyewitness News NTV EARLY MORNING NEWS NTV News: 1st Edition 07:00 AM NTV Early Morning News 07:30 AM Jesse Stirling’s… 08:00 AM Issues & Answers Captain Atlantis 08:30 AM Special Presentation 09:00 AM W5 09:30 AM 10:00 AM Heart Matters Adventures Unknown 10:30 AM Sunday Service The Morning Show NL Now 11:00 AM Church of the Rock Entertainment 11:30 AM Jesse Stirling’s… 100 Huntley Street NOON Week in Review Tonight NTV NEWSDAY Weekend NTV Eyewitness News 12:30 PM Issues & Answers The Young and the Restless NTV Entertainment News Days of Our Lives Evolution Wrestling 01:00 PM Question Dimestore Fishermen 01:30 PM Period NL Sportsman 02:00 PM The West Block 02:30 PM The Beothuk The Rachael Ray Show 03:00 PM Story Made Right Here 03:30 PM ET Canada NTV Saturday The Drew Barrymore Show Movie: 04:00 PM Wheel of Fortune Abducted: 04:30 PM NL Jackpot Bingo The Mary Stauffer Story 05:00 PM Jeopardy! 05:30 PM Wheel of Fortune NTV NEWS: FIRST EDITION On The Mark 06:00 PM NTV Sunday NTV EVENING NEWSHOUR NTV Week in Review 06:30 PM Evening NTV Eyewitness News Newshour 07:00 PM Global National 07:30 PM Entertainment Tonight ET Canada 08:00 PM Jeopardy! Weekend 08:30 PM 09:00 PM 09:30 PM Big Brother The Neighborhood Big Brother 10:00 PM Celebrity Editon United States of Al Celebrity Editon Season Finale 10:30 PM I Can Ghosts Border Security 11:00 PM Big Brother See Your Voice Abbott Elementary Border Security 11:30 PM CTV National News Celebrity Editon CTV National News 12:00 AM NTV CTV National News NTV LATENIGHT NEWS CTV National News 12:30 AM Latenight NTV Entertainment News News 01:00 AM NTV The Late Show with Stephen Colbert Saturday 01:30 AM Latenight Night Live News ATLANTIC/LABRADOR - .5hr. earlier H EASTERN - 1.5hr. earlier H CENTRAL - 2.5hr. earlier H MOUNTAIN - 3.5hr. earlier H PACIFIC - 4.5hr. earlier 44 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/FEBRUARY 20 - 26, 2022

MUST SEE TV: CANADA’S SUPER STATION SUN/10:30P.M. THE EQUALIZER MON/8:30P.M. NCIS: HAWAII THU/8:30P.M. BULL Bishop seems help in protecting his The team investigates a shipping con- Bull represents the man accused of son from a terrorist. tainer filled with contraband weapons. murdering his high school girlfriend. Bishop comes to McCall, Harry and NCIS crosses paths with Whistler’s Bull contends with a biased jury pool Mel for help when a terrorist from his past team while investigating a shipping con- when representing a man charged with uncovers the identity of his adult son, a tainer of weapons. Also, Tennant de- his girlfriend’s murder after a docuseries young man Bishop has kept secret. bates arresting Alex’s friend’s dad. depicts him as the prime suspect. SPORTS HIGHLIGHTS SUNDAY MONDAY SUN/5:00PM OLYMPIC HOCKEY (M) GOLD 1:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m. Olympic Games. Hockey Men’s Gold Medal. CBC [3] [CBC] Beijing 2022 Winter [30] [RSE] NHL Hockey Colorado at Olympics Cross Country Skiing (W) 30K Boston. TD Garden -- Boston, Mass. Live [30] [RSE] NHL Hockey Washington SATURDAY Mass Start Free. 5:00 p.m. at N.Y. Rangers. Madison Square Garden 1:30 p.m. [23] [TSN] NCAA Basketball [30] [RSE] NHL Hockey Carolina -- New York City, N.Y. Live Tennessee vs. South Carolina. Women’s. at Philadelphia. Wells Fargo Center -- 10:30 p.m. [22] [CBS] NCAA Basketball 2:30 p.m. Philadelphia, Pa. Live [23] [TSN] NCAA Basketball Oklahoma State at Oklahoma. Lloyd Noble 8:30 p.m. Gonzaga at San Francisco. War Memorial Center -- Norman, Okla. Live [22] [CBS] NCAA Basketball [30] [RSE] NHL Hockey Toronto at Gymnasium -- San Francisco, Calif. Live [23] [TSN] NBA Basketball Boston Michigan at Wisconsin. Kohl Center -- Montreal. Bell Centre -- Montreal, Que. Live 12:30 a.m. at Detroit. Little Caesars Arena -- Detroit, Madison, Wis. Live [30] [RSE] NHL Hockey Calgary at 2:00 p.m. [30] [RSE] NHL Hockey Carolina at TUESDAY Vancouver. Rogers Arena -- Vancouver, B.C. Pittsburgh. PPG Paints Arena -- Pittsburgh, 4:30 p.m. [30] [RSE] NHL Hockey Edmonton at 4:00 p.m. FRIDAY Florida. FLA Live Arena -- Sunrise, Fla. Live [22] [CBS] UEFA Soccer Lille at 8:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m. [54] [FOX] NASCAR Auto Racing Chelsea. Champions League. Round of 16. Daytona 500. Cup Series. Daytona Stamford Bridge -- London, England. Live [23] [TSN] OHL Hockey Oshawa at [NBC-D] [11] [NBC-B] FIG International Speedway -- Daytona Beach, 8:30 p.m. Kingston. Leon’s Centre -- Kingston, Ont. 4:30 p.m. [23] [TSN] NHL Hockey Minnesota Live Gymnastics Winter Cup. Ford Center at at Ottawa. Canadian Tire Centre -- Ottawa, [30] [RSE] NHL Hockey Columbus at the Star -- Frisco, Texas. Live [7] [ABC] Soccer SheBelieves Cup. [30] [RSE] NHL Hockey Nashville at Carolina. PNC Arena -- Raleigh, N.C. Live United States vs. New Zealand. Dignity Florida. FLA Live Arena -- Sunrise, Fla. Live [31] [SN360] This Week in WWE 4:30 p.m. Health Sports Park -- Carson, Calif. Live 9:30 p.m. [10] [A] [22] [CBS] PGA Golf WEDNESDAY [54] [FOX] WWE SmackDown Live [3] [CBC] FIS Freestyle Skiing Genesis Invitational. Final Round. Riviera 4:30 p.m. 12:30 a.m. World Cup Aerials. -- Yaroslavl, Russia. Country Club -- Pacific Palisades, Calif. Live [30] [RSE] NHL Hockey Los Angeles [7] [ABC] [30] [RSE] NHL 5:00 p.m. [22] [CBS] UEFA Soccer Man. Utd. at Anaheim. Honda Center -- Anaheim Hockey N.Y. Rangers at Pittsburgh. PPG vs. Atlético. Champions League. Round Paints Arena -- Pittsburgh, Pa. Live [3] [CBC] Beijing 2022 Winter of 16. Wanda Metropolitano Stadium -- Olympics Hockey (M) Gold Medal. Madrid, Spain. Live [NBC-D] [11] [NBC-B] [23] 6:30 p.m. 9:00 p.m. [TSN] PGA Golf The Honda Classic. [30] [RSE] NHL Hockey Buffalo at Round 3. PGA National Champion Course [23] [TSN] NHL Hockey N.Y. Montreal. Bell Centre -- Montreal, Que. Live -- Palm Beach Gardens, Fla. Live Rangers at Ottawa. Canadian Tire Centre 10:30 p.m. 9:30 p.m. [23] [TSN] A.U. Basketball Women’s Team Blue vs. Team Orange. [23] [TSN] Soccer Arnold Clark Cup. Sport Center of Las Vegas -- Las Vegas, Women’s Canada vs. Germany. Carrow Road -- Norwich, England. Live THURSDAY [30] [RSE] NBA Basketball All-Star 8:30 p.m. Game. Rocket Mortgage FieldHouse -- Cleveland, Ohio. Live [23] [TSN] NCAA Basketball [31] [SN360] NHL Hockey Temple at Memphis. FedEx Forum Minnesota at Edmonton. Rogers Place -- Edmonton, Alta. Live AVAILABLE ONLINE: FEBRUARY 20 - 26, 2022/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 45

MOVIE HIGHLIGHTS THE BEST MOVIES ON TELEVISION SUN/2:30PM SUNDAY 8:30 p.m. [50] [TCM] Woman on the Run THE BEOTHUK STORY 9:45 a.m. +++ (1950) Ann Sheridan. (1h30) [40] [E!] When Harry Met Sally 9:30 p.m. For over 200 years, European histo- [50] [TCM] Edge of the City ++++ +++ (1989) Billy Crystal. (2h) ry has taught us that Newfoundland’s (1957) Sidney Poitier. (1h45) 9:30 p.m. [18] [W] Pitch Perfect 3 +++ Beothuk people are extinct. Giving 10:15 a.m. (2017) Anna Kendrick. (2h) voice to the Indigenous people, archae- [18] [W] Pitch Perfect +++ (2012) [53] [AMC] Lethal Weapon 3 +++ ologists, genealogists, and historians [44] [CTVSci-Fi] John Wick: Chapter Anna Kendrick. (2h30) (1992) Mel Gibson. (2h30) from across Atlantic Canada, on NTV. 2 +++ (2017) Keanu Reeves. (2h30) [50] [TCM] Selma +++ (2014) David [50] [TCM] Splendor in the Grass 11:00 a.m. Oyelowo. (2h30) +++ (1961) Natalie Wood. (2h30) TUE/11:30AM 10:30 p.m. 12:00 a.m. PITCH PERFECT 2 [27] [A&E] John Wick +++ (2014) Keanu Reeves. (2h) [40] [E!] Sleepless in Seattle +++ [50] [TCM] A Summer Place +++ The Barden Bellas enter an international 11:10 a.m. (1993) Tom Hanks. (2h) (1959) Richard Egan. (2h15) competition that no American group has [44] [CTVSci-Fi] Logan +++ (2017) 12:30 a.m. ever won in order to regain their status [53] [AMC] Jaws 2 +++ (1978) Roy Hugh Jackman. (3h) Scheider. (2h30) 12:00 a.m. [34] [SHOW] Batman Returns +++ and right to perform, on W. 11:30 a.m. (1992) Michael Keaton. (3h) [18] [W] Pitch Perfect 2 +++ 1:30 a.m. NSTAV/T1U2:R30DP.AM.Y NTV/3:30 P.M. [40] [E!] When Harry Met Sally (2015) Anna Kendrick. (2h30) +++ (1989) Billy Crystal. (2h) 12:20 a.m. [18] [W] Pitch Perfect 3 +++ ABDUCTED: THE MARY [48] [TOON] Antz +++ (1998) Voices (2017) Anna Kendrick. (2h) STAUFFER STORY of Woody Allen. (2h) [34] [SHOW] Batman +++ (1989) [50] [TCM] No Way Out +++ Michael Keaton. (3h) TUESDAY WWW.NTV.CA (1950) Richard Widmark. (2h) 11:00 a.m. 1:30 p.m. MONDAY 10:30 a.m. [53] [AMC] Lethal Weapon +++ [40] [E!] Sleepless in Seattle +++ (1987) Mel Gibson. (2h30) (1993) Tom Hanks. (2h) [53] [AMC] Avatar +++ (2009) Zoe 1:30 p.m. [50] [TCM] Blackboard Jungle Saldana. (3h30) ++++ (1955) Glenn Ford. (2h) 11:45 a.m. [53] [AMC] Lethal Weapon 2 +++ 2:30 p.m. (1989) Mel Gibson. (2h30) [50] [TCM] George Washington 3:30 p.m. [5] [NTV] The Beothuk Story (2021) Slept Here +++ (1942) Jack Benny. (2h) (1h45) [50] [TCM] Bataan +++ (1943) 3:30 p.m. 1:30 p.m. Robert Taylor. (2h) 4:00 p.m. [48] [TOON] Antz +++ (1998) Voices [36] [SLICE] The Wedding Singer of Woody Allen. (2h) +++ (1998) Adam Sandler. (2h) [53] [AMC] Lethal Weapon 3 +++ [50] [TCM] To Sir, With Love +++ 3:30 p.m. (1992) Mel Gibson. (2h30) (1967) Sidney Poitier. (2h) 4:30 p.m. 4:00 p.m. [36] [SLICE] Blended +++ (2014) Adam Sandler. (2h30) [47] [CTVComedy] Police Academy [55] [CHCH] The Great Escape +++ 4:30 p.m. +++ (1984) Steve Guttenberg. (2h) (1963) Steve McQueen. (3h30) 5:30 p.m. 4:10 p.m. [18] [W] Pitch Perfect +++ (2012) Anna Kendrick. (2h30) [50] [TCM] Forever Darling +++ [53] [AMC] Con Air +++ (1997) [53] [AMC] Lethal Weapon +++ (1956) Lucille Ball. (2h) Nicolas Cage. (2h30) (1987) Mel Gibson. (2h30) 7:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. [50] [TCM] Torrid Zone ++++ (1940) James Cagney. (1h30) [50] [TCM] The Long, Long Trailer [50] [TCM] Lilies of the Field +++ 6:00 p.m. +++ (1954) Lucille Ball. (2h) (1963) Sidney Poitier. (2h) 8:30 p.m. 5:45 p.m. [36] [SLICE] The Wedding Singer +++ (1998) Adam Sandler. (2h) [24] [YTV] Happy Feet +++ (2006) [44] [CTVSci-Fi] John Wick +++ [50] [TCM] The Man Who Came to Robin Williams. (2h) (2014) Keanu Reeves. (2h15) Dinner ++++ (1942) Monty Woodley. (2h) 9:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. [50] [TCM] How the West Was Won [40] [E!] Pretty Woman +++ [34] [SHOW] Batman +++ (1989) +++ (1962) James Stewart. (2h45) (1990) Richard Gere. (2h30) Michael Keaton. (3h) 12:15 a.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. [50] [TCM] On Golden Pond +++ [50] [TCM] A Patch of Blue +++ [18] [W] Pitch Perfect 2 +++ (1981) Katharine Hepburn. (2h) (1965) Sidney Poitier. (2h) (2015) Anna Kendrick. (2h30) 12:30 a.m. 8:00 p.m. [53] [AMC] Lethal Weapon 2 +++ (1989) Mel Gibson. (2h30) [53] [AMC] Point Break +++ [44] [CTVSci-Fi] John Wick: Chapter 8:00 p.m. (1991) Patrick Swayze. (2h45) 2 +++ (2017) Keanu Reeves. (2h30) 1:30 a.m. [36] [SLICE] Blended +++ (2014) Adam Sandler. (2h30) [21] [VIS] The Barefoot Contessa +++ (1954) Ava Gardner. (2h30) “QUOTE”NOTABLE MOVIE “On the day that it happened, I remember thinking what a beautiful day it was.” — ABDUCTED: THE MARY STAUFFER STORY 46 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/February 20 - 26, 2022

THE BEST MOVIES MOVIE HIGHLIGHTS ON TELEVISION 2:15 a.m. 3:15 p.m. 11:45 p.m. THURS/9:00AM LITTLE WOMEN [50] [TCM] The Cheyenne Social [53] [AMC] Minority Report +++ [50] [TCM] Scarecrow +++ (1973) Club +++ (1970) Jimmy Stewart. (2h) (2002) Tom Cruise. (3h15) Gene Hackman. (2h) 1933: A chronicle of the lives of a 3:30 p.m. 12:30 a.m. group of sisters growing up in nine- WEDNESDAY teenth-century America, on TCM. 8:00 a.m. [50] [TCM] Murder, She Said +++ [53] [AMC] Heat +++ (1995) Al (1961) Margaret Rutheford. (1h45) Pacino. (4h) SAT/7:30PM [50] [TCM] A Big Hand for the 5:15 p.m. 1:45 a.m. JURASSIC WORLD Little Lady +++ (1966) Joanne Woodward. (1h45) [50] [TCM] The Heart is a Lonely [50] [TCM] Night Moves +++ A new theme park, built on the original 9:45 a.m. Hunter +++ (1968) Alan Arkin. (1975) Gene Hackman. (2h) site of Jurassic Park, creates a genetically (2h15) modified hybrid dinosaur, the Indominus [50] [TCM] Welcome to Hard Times 6:30 p.m. SATURDAY +++ (1967) Aldo Ray. (2h) 11:00 a.m. Rex, which escapes containment and 11:45 a.m. [53] [AMC] The Perfect Storm +++ goes on a killing spree, on SHOW. (2000) George Clooney. (3h) [53] [AMC] The Color Purple +++ [50] [TCM] Firecreek +++ (1968) 9:30 p.m. (1985) Oprah Winfrey. (3h30) NTV/9:30 P.M. SATURDAY James Stewart. (2h) [34] [SHOW] Jurassic World +++ THE FUGITIVE 1:15 p.m. [53] [AMC] Casino ++++ (1995) (2015) Chris Pratt. (3h) Robert De Niro. (4h) 1:30 p.m. WWW.NTV.CA [53] [AMC] Jaws 2 +++ (1978) Roy [50] [TCM] 2001: A Space Odyssey Scheider. (2h30) ++++ (1968) Keir Dullea. (2h45) [50] [TCM] Stagecoach ++++ 3:30 p.m. [55] [CHCH] American Hustle ++++ (1939) John Wayne. (1h45) (2013) Christian Bale. (3h) 2:30 p.m. [50] [TCM] Dial M for Murder +++ 12:15 a.m. (1954) Grace Kelly. (2h) [53] [AMC] Unbroken +++ (2014) 3:45 p.m. [50] [TCM] Lawrence of Arabia Jack O’Connell. (3h) +++ (1962) Peter O’Toole. (4h) 3:15 p.m. [53] [AMC] Point Break +++ (1991) Patrick Swayze. (2h45) FRIDAY [50] [TCM] Giant +++ (1956) Rock 5:30 p.m. 9:15 a.m. Hudson. (3h30) 3:30 p.m. [50] [TCM] The Postman Always [50] [TCM] Manhattan Melodrama Rings Twice ++++ (1946) Lana +++ (1934) Clark Gable. (1h45) [5] [NTV] Abducted: The Mary Turner. (2h) 10:30 a.m. Stauffer Story + (2019) Alyson 9:30 p.m. Hannigan. (2h) [53] [AMC] Malcolm X ++++ [36] [SLICE] Intolerable Cruelty [53] [AMC] The Perfect Storm +++ (1992) Denzel Washington. (4h30) +++ (2003) George Clooney. (2h) (2000) George Clooney. (3h) 12:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m. [50] [TCM] Mississippi Burning +++ (1988) Gene Hackman. (2h15) [50] [TCM] The Philadelphia Story [34] [SHOW] Jurassic Park +++ 11:45 p.m. ++++ (1940) Katharine Hepburn. (2h) (1993) Sam Neill. (2h30) 2:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. [50] [TCM] Shoot the Moon +++ (1982) Albert Finney. (2h15) [50] [TCM] Washington Story +++ [21] [VIS] A Hole in the Head +++ 12:30 a.m. (1952) Louis Calhern. (1h30) (1959) Frank Sinatra. (2h) 4:00 p.m. [53] [AMC] The Fugitive +++ [53] [AMC] Minority Report +++ (1993) Harrison Ford. (3h) (2002) Tom Cruise. (3h15) [50] [TCM] Viva Las Vegas +++ 6:30 p.m. (1964) Elvis Presley. (1h30) THURSDAY 5:30 p.m. [27] [A&E] Den of Thieves +++ 9:00 a.m. (2018) Gerard Butler. (3h) [53] [AMC] Casino ++++ (1995) 6:45 p.m. [50] [TCM] Little Women ++++ Robert De Niro. (4h) (1933) Katharine Hepburn. (2h15) [50] [TCM] Meet Me in St. Louis [50] [TCM] Home From The Hill 10:30 a.m. ++++ (1944) Judy Garland. (2h) +++ (1960) Robert Mitchum. (2h45) 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. [53] [AMC] Jaws 2 +++ (1978) Roy Scheider. (2h30) [50] [TCM] San Francisco +++ [34] [SHOW] Jurassic World +++ 11:15 a.m. (1936) Clark Gable. (2h) (2015) Chris Pratt. (3h) 9:30 p.m. [44] [CTVSci-Fi] Aquaman +++ [50] [TCM] Pride and Prejudice (2018) Jason Momoa. (3h) ++++ (1940) Greer Garson. (2h15) [53] [AMC] Tombstone +++ (1993) 9:30 p.m. 1:00 p.m. Kurt Russell. (3h) [50] [TCM] Hoosiers +++ (1986) [5] [NTV] The Fugitive +++ (1993) [53] [AMC] Jaws 3 +++ (1983) Gene Hackman. (2h15) Harrison Ford. (2h30) Dennis Quaid. (2h15) 10:30 p.m. [27] [A&E] Hacksaw Ridge ++++ 1:30 p.m. (2016) Andrew Garfield. (3h4) [34] [SHOW] Jurassic World +++ [50] [TCM] Blood Simple ++++ [50] [TCM] The Secret Garden +++ (2015) Chris Pratt. (3h) (1984) John Getz. (1h45) (1949) Margaret O’Brien. (2h) “NQOTAUBOLE TMOEVI”E “Okay boys, gather around here and listen up. We’re shuttin’ it down.” — THE FUGITIVE DAVIGAIITLAALBVLEEROSNIOLNINEA:VNAIFLLADBHLEEORNALLIDN.Ec:omw February 20 - 26, 2022/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 47

G72FSNLeIURbPIrANuNaYDrARyAD2ONY0OMM R Rogers SD Shaw Direct Vu Satellite % Bell Aliant Digital MOVIES SEIVOM MLUACSOT LSEE TV SWENREALITSYTROPS CHILDNREERNDLIHC SPORYTTSILAER NEWSVT EESLTOSCUAML 02/20 R SD Vu  6 AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 6:00 AM - 1:30 PM Entert- NTV Remar- Issues W5 Heart Sunday Church Remar- NTV Issues Question Period NTV (5) 310 199 12 ainment Eyewitne Reflec- kable and Music Matters Servicee of the kable Week in and News ss News tions People Answers Rock People Review Answers CBC (3) 299 200 3 _ Beijing Curling (W) Gold Medal Beijing Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics Beijing Figure Skating: Exhibition Gala Beijing PBS ) 364 284 8 _ Longevity Paint Interfaith Rogers Cat Wild K. O. Squad 1Detroit 1Detroit Journal Motor. AutoLine Contrary W.Week Record CMT (6) 583 575 22 Queens Nbhood Nbhood Creek Creek Zoe Busiek Paid Paid Paid Paid Zoe Busiek Degrassi Degrassi Creek ABC (7) 361 281 11 Chronicle NewsCenter Five NewsCenter Five GMA/Sunday NewsCenter Five This Week NewsCenter Five Record Matter CityLine CTV2 (10) 340 202 5 Paid CashCb Marilyn Denis Worst Driver Paid Paid Paid Cinema WhereIDo eTalk Church Paid Paid QP NBC-B (11) 280 9 _ Beijing TBA News Boston Weekend Boston Weekend Sunday Today NBC10 News News Meet the Press TBA M.Racing NBC-D 58 _ Beijing KeyDavid Matter Local 4 News Morning J.Osteen Local 4 News Sunday Today Flash Meet the Press Church M.Racing TREE (16) 546 553 20 Machines R Rivets Dora MaxRuby AgentB R. Rob PikwukPk Various Guppies Cleo Blue's C RyanPly Machines Pony P.Pig Guppies OLN (17) 457 411 102 St. Wars St. Wars St. Wars St. Wars St. Wars St. Wars St. Wars Paid Paid SnowTrax Paid Fish TV 2 Broke 2 Broke 2 Broke 2 Broke W (18) 567 602 274 _  \"The Wedding Veil Leg...  \"Playing Cupid\" (‘21)  \"Where Your Heart Belongs\" (‘22)  \"Marrying Mr. Darcy\" (‘18) Movie CBCN (20) 390 502 13 N.Things News News CBC Northcott Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics Rosemary Barton Live News VISION (21) 394 650 64 Super. Beyond Super. Outreach Popoff Touch Ministries Mass Youssef Creflo Faytene Copelnd Facts Islam Hour of Power CBS (22) 362 282 7 Murdoch WBZ This Morning WBZ This Morning WBZ This Morning WBZ This Morning CBS Sunday Morning Face the Nation Hope Bull Ride TSN (23) 400 400 100 _ SportsC SportsCentre SportsC Pre-show Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics Live Post-show Live SportsCentre SportsCentre Basketb. YTV (24) 542 551 21 Victori. Sponge Sponge Sidekick NumbCh. Squirrel Cloudy Sponge Sponge Loud Loud Casa. TrollsT Sponge Sponge Movie CNN (25) 500 500 234 CNNLive CNN Live New Day Weekend New Day Weekend InsidePolitics State of the Union Zakaria GPS Reliable Sources Union GLOBAL (26) 339 240 4 _ Worst CarnEats Paid Paid Off Air Paid Ent. Tonight Disaster Global News Morning Block A&E (27) 520 615 202 InfoDoc InfoDoc InfoDoc InfoDoc Potter S. Wars S. Wars S. Wars S. Wars S. Wars  \"John Wick\" (‘14) Keanu Reeves. (CC) Queens Queens AMC (28) 609 293 564 _  \"Everest\" (‘15) Jake Gyllenhaal. (CC)  \"Jaws\" (‘75) Richard Dreyfuss, Roy Scheider.  \"Jaws 2\" (1978,Horror) Roy Scheider. (CC) Movie RSE (30) 416 406 110 _ Central Sportsnet Central Central Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central Central SN360 (31) 403 410 101 _ FScore The Final Score MorningHighlight MorningHighlight MorningHighlight Fishing Month MorningHighlight MorningHighlight WWE MM (33) 580 570 220 _  \"To Be Announced\" (CC) CashCb CashCb CashCb CashCb CashCb CashCb CashCb CashCb CashCb CashCb CashCb CashCb Seinfeld SHOW (34) 521 616 201 _ NCIS NCIS  \"Cosmopolis\" (‘12,Dra) Robert Pattinson. (CC)  \"Catwoman\" (‘04) Halle Berry. (CC)  \"Green Lantern\" (‘11) CTVDR (35) 523 620 203 _ Chi.Fire Chicago Fire Chicago Fire Chicago Fire Chicago Fire CSI: Crime Scene CSI: Crime Scene CSI: Crime Scene CSI SLICE (36) 562 601 272 _  \"We're the Millers\" (... 1st Date 1st Date ET Canada VGH VGH Dr. Ho Paid  \"50 First Dates\" (‘04,Rom) Adam Sandler. (CC) DISC (37) 505 520 286 _ WdsLaw North Woods Law Mighty Trains Mighty Trains Mighty Planes Mighty Planes Mighty Planes Mighty Planes Star Law E! (40) 527 621 212 _ Judge Joe Millionaire Bridezillas Bridezillas Bridezillas Bridezillas  \"When Harry Met Sally\" (‘89) Movie TLC (41) 560 521 288 _ My Big Big Fat Fabulous Four Weddings Four Weddings Four Weddings Sister Wives Sister Wives Sister Wives SisterW. DTOUR (42) 524 618 210 H.Horror Hometown Horror Border Border Border Border Paid Border Border Paid Expedition Bigfoot Expedition Bigfoot Expediti CTVSc (44) 528 627 209 _  \"Air Force One\" (‘97)  \"John Wick\" (‘14) Keanu Reeves. (CC)  \"John Wick: Chapter 2\" (‘17) Keanu Reeves.  \"xXx\" (‘02) Vin Diesel. (CC) FAM (46) 540 556 258 Malory Kingdom Kingdom V.Dango V.Dango Spongo Trolls Trolls Cat Noir Cat Noir Spirit R V.Dango BossBaby  \"Diary of a Wimpy Kid: ... CTVCo (47) 548 625 208 Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern TOON (48) 544 554 254 Justice DCSuper Advent. CupckDin Transyl ScbyDoo Drama Titans! Titans! WeBears Drama  \"Antz\" (‘98) Voices of Woody Allen. Bakugan: HIST (49) 506 522 287 _ Forged Forged in Fire Canadian Pickers Lost Car Rescue Paid Paid American Pickers American Pickers Great Escapes B.OakIsl TCM (50) 539 292 204 _  \"Something of Value\"...  \"Goodbye, My Lady\" (‘56)  \"Edge of the City\" (‘57)  \"No Way Out\" (‘50) Movie PEACH (51) 650 294 200 Paid Paid Paid D.Tales AnimalR. KeyDavid KWallace Leading Paid Paid Paid Paid Atlanta Eats Ins. Ed. Broad FX (53) 251 Breeders Hudson and Rex Hudson and Rex Hudson and Rex Hudson and Rex Hudson and Rex Hudson and Rex Devs Devs FOX (54) 363 283 10 Crime Paid Go/Nitro Paid Paid Paid Paid Science Paid Fox News Sunday Measure Press RingHonorWrestle Paid CHCH (55) 345 218 17 Story Dr. Ho Night Sherbino Night Story Dr. Ho Sherbino Dr. Ho Dr. Ho Dr. Ho Op. Smile Investor Dr. Ho KeyDavid Dr. Ho OWN (56) 507 526 285 _ Oprah Oprah Winfrey Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes B. List B. List B. List B. List B. List Soul Sunday Family APTN (58) 350 239 23 Get Your APTN News Anaana's Louis Coyote's Tshaka Teepee Canot School LittleJ Coyote's AWSM! Pixels Native Yukon NGEO (85) 551 524 289 _ Pop Pop Goes the Vet Pop Goes the Vet Lords of Ocean Zoo D. Zoo D. Paid Paid Paid Border Catch a Smuggler Smuggler CIHF (115) 204 4 _ Paid News Ent. Tonight Disaster Paid Paid Paid Paid J.Osteen Paid Paid Paid Block Reality ETCanada CITY (133)344 214 19 Hud.-Rex CityLine CityLine CityLine Jokers Canadian Canada Disab. Church Operation Smile Correio Da Manha Lombardi PRMT (279) 584 628 211 Auction Auction Auction Ink Ink Ink Ink Ink Ink Ink Ink Ink Master Ink Master Ink Mstr STARZ1 (306)612 304 570 _  \"Red Heat\" (‘88)  \"Manufactured Lands...  \"Uncle Buck\" (‘89)  \"Nanny McPhee\" (‘05)  \"Nanny McPhee Returns\" (‘10) 48 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/February 20 - 26, 2022

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