TABLE OF CONTENTSPUBLICATIONS MAIL AGREEMENT NO. 0040012044 REGISTRATION NO. 09027 RETURN UNDELIVERABLE ITEMS TO: THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD, P.O. BOX 2015, ST. JOHN’S, NL, A1C 5R7 18 12 22 QUOTE OF THE WEEK WE’RE IN THIS TOGETHER PROUD PAPA TO A PREMIER “There are going to be tough decisions to be made, but While the responsibility lies with all of Senator and Senate Speaker, The we have an optimistic, bright us when it comes to staying home to help Honourable George Furey, has many future ... And I’ll never forget stop the spread of COVID-19, frontline accomplishments. Now he’s father of that whatever decision is workers don’t have the same luxury. Newfoundland and Labrador’s Premier. being made has implications on people.” 24 — Premier Andrew Furey 28 MADELINE SALTER ON SIGNAL HILL 26 At only 15 years old, singer-songwrit- In part one of our summer reading TIM MYLES er Madeline Salter has just released her series we met a family of thirteen who first self-titled album and is ready to put called Signal Hill home. In part two, Newfoundland native Tim Myles her musical stamp on the world. winter provides certain challenges. is making waves in Canadian cinema, achieving in a tough industry while fueled INSIDE THIS WEEK by loss and hardship. 2 ARCHIVES 26 ARTIST SPOTLIGHT 42 ON DEMAND COVER PHOTO Celebrating our past Tim Myles New on demand this week BUD GAULTON PHOTO 3 WAIT TILL I TELLS YA 28 SUMMER READ. SERIES 44 TV SCHEDULE ONNOLWINAE!VAILABLE Never knew him Growing up on Signal Hill pt 2 This week on NTV 4 COVID-19 UPDATE 32 FINE OL’SCOFF 45 MUST SEE TV Around the province Ah! Nuts! A rundown of top TV picks! 6 PEOPLE 34 THIS WEEK WITH JIM 70 HOROSCOPES Local and Hollywood celebs And on towards morning Life according to the stars 12 DIGITAL RELOAD 35 MOVIE MINUTE 72 GET PUZZLED! Essential workers In theatres & on demand Train your brain 18 COVER STORY 36 CRIME FLASHBACK 76 COMICS Premier Andrew Furey Criminal looks pt. 1 The Herald’s funny pages 22 EXCLUSIVE FEATURE 40 LUCKY NUMBER BINGO 78 KIDS CORNER Honourable George Furey Play and win Activities, art work, DIYs 24 MUSIC SPOTLIGHT 41 TV WEEK 80 LAST LAUGH Madeline Salter Your weekly TV guide Tickle your funnybone THIS WEEK’S HERALD CONTESTS 30 SCENES OF NL CONTEST 40 LUCKY NUMBER BINGO 71 SNAPPY CROSSWORD 39 BABY OF THE YEAR 69 PURRFECT PETS 74 SUPER CROSSWORD WWW.NFLDHERALD.COM AUGUST 23 - 29, 2020/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 1
From the Archives 40 YEARS AGO this week ... Volume 74 No. 34 In recognition of over 70 years of The Newfoundland Herald, we delight in giving THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD. readers a glimpse into our colourful past. Published by the SUNDAY HERALD LTD., 460 Logy Bay Road, St. John’s, Newfoundland. 1980 T his archived issue of The Newfoundland Her- ald featured Alan Alda, beloved for his por- Tel.: (709) 726-7060, Fax: (709) 726-6971. AUGUST 23 - 29 trayal of Hawkeye Pierce on the long-running Mail: P.O. Box 2015, St. John’s, NL, A1C 5R7. series M*A*S*H. Following a team of doctors and sup- port staff stationed at the “4077th Mobile Army Sur- E-mail: [email protected]. gical Hospital” in Uijeongbu, South Korea, during the Entire contents copyright 2020 Korean War, the series was a ratings and critical suc- © The Newfoundland Herald. All rights reserved. cess, running for 11 seasons and 256 episodes, becom- ing one of the highest-rated television series in history. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: In Newfoundland and Alda’s stunning career includes six Emmy wins and a Labrador – 26 issues for $43.94 + HST, 52 issues Golden Globe Award. (1 year) for $82.68 + HST. Digital only, 6 month, $27.60 + HST. Call 1-800-901-4901. PUBLISHING CREED “If you abuse POWER you lose it, But if you do not use POWER you also lose it.” Publisher: The Sunday Herald Ltd. G.W. Stirling Founder: G. Scott Stirling CHARLEY’S NEAR MISS DE BURGH HITS THE ROCK President: Pam Pardy The Newfoundland Herald profiled The Newfoundland Herald previewed a Managing Editor: Dillon Collins country music star Charley Pride, who trio of concerts for Canadian singer-song- survived a near miss plane crash that re- writer Chris de Burgh in St. John’s. The se- Staff Writer: Shannon Cleary sulted in the deaths of two people. ries of concerts were promoted to include hits from his then latest record Eastern Art Director: Pride’s chartered Fairchild 27, which Wind and old favourites Far Beyond These Graphic Artists: Erin McCarthy, Robyn King carried 16 people, was clipped in the tail Castle Walls, Spanish Train and Crusader. Contributing Photographers: Sara Rostotski, section by a Cessna 172 trainer which sub- Paul Daly, Bud Gaulton sequently crashed, killing the student and Some 40 years later and the now 71-year- Danette Dooley his pilot instructor. old musician stills works and tours, having Contributing Writers: sold over 45 million albums worldwide. Jim Furlong, Wendy Rose Despite the tragic event, no one on the Sarah Jane Sheppard, Nick Travis chartered flight was killed. Pride was His 1986 single The Lady In Red went Danny Bulanadi, heading from South Dakota to his home- number one globally, hitting platinum sta- Contributing Artist: Brad Crocker town of Dallas for a concert. tus. Sales/Circulation Manager: Gary Oliver: 570-5246 Sales Representative: Lori Loveless: 570-5297 Matthew O’Rielly: 570-5248 Circulation Coordinator: Roberta Noseworthy Subscriptions: Laura Waterman 570-5394 Ron Sparkes Chief Financial Officer: Brenda Hussey Credit Manager: Adele Burton Operations: Linda Grenning Starting at just Print & Bonus Digital* Subscription PUBLICATIONS MAIL AGREEMENT NO. 0040012044 REGISTRATION NO. 09027 $14.38 3-month subscription (13 issues) $27.21 HST included 6-month subscription (26 issues) $50.53 HST included RETURN UNDELIVERABLE ITEMS TO: 12-month subscription (52 issues) $95.08 HST included THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD Experience The Digital* Only Subscription P.O. BOX 2015, ST. JOHN’S, NL, A1C 5R7 Newfoundland Herald’s 3-month subscription (13 issues) $14.38 HST included DISTRIBUTORS: digital editions. 6-month subscription (26 issues) $27.60 HST included St. John’s, Mount Pearl, 570-5246; 12-month subscription (52 issues) $53.48 HST included Hollie Pittman, Burin Peninsula, 277-2843; Anywhere, Anytime! *Digital versions Include: Desktop & Mobile Editions Wade Morgan, Trinity-Conception, 786-2539; Diane Arnold, Clarenville/Bonavista, Call1-800-901-4901 Order Online ( or Mail: (Order Form on Page 72) 677-2702; Allan Miles, Grand Falls/Windsor, 535-0290; John Morgan, Placentia, 227-2622; Jennie Nurse, Stephenville, 649-3475; Ron Downey, Corner Brook/Deer Lake/ Pasadena, 632-5918; Tina Foley, Gander, 256-3853 ISDN 0824-3581 We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada. Nous reconnaissons l’appui financir du gouvernement du Canada. 2 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/AUGUST 23 - 29, 2020
WAIT TILL I TELLS YA EDITORIAL BY: PAM PARDY NEVER KNEW NEW I had an interesting encoun- PAUL DALY PHOTO It was cute, but it was also concerning. I ter the morning before I get that politics isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. interviewed this province’s I also understand that I also understand that picking a leader for 14th premier for the feature picking a leader for a a party currently in power isn’t exactly an that accompanies this week’s Newfound- party currently in power election, but it still matters, no? Paying land Herald cover. isn’t exactly an election, heed to who’s heading up the province Because of his busy schedule – as one but it still matters, no? during these pandemic times seems, at could imagine getting up to speed with least to me, pretty important. Plus, the the inner workings of this fine province SUBMITTED PHOTO man who will be steering the ship is an of ours takes focus and many long hours interesting enough fellow. – the only time then Premier-Designate March. Andrew Furey could spare a few relaxed After a few comments DIDN’T MARK AN ‘X’ moments to yarn would be over the same like, “well now,” and “isn’t weekend I happened to be staying at the that something,” someone It’s a given that Furey is a well-known campground. asked, “so, who is the new surgeon. He’s also viewed as a humanitar- As we didn’t know when exactly, I premier?” Just as I was ian for his work with Team Broken Earth planned to be flexible. As long as I had about to answer, a little and the Dollar A Day Foundation. At enough notice to get back to my recorder fella who was waiting 45, he’s also one of the youngest premiers from the pond or from a hike, it wouldn’t to buy some candy we’ve ever had, he’s the son of political be an issue. and a slushy did it for legend and the first Speaker of the Sen- me, saying; “Doctor ate of Canada from this province, Sena- ‘NEW PREMIER?’ Andrew Furey.” tor George Furey, and he’s a dad to three young children; all things that make his That Saturday was a hot day, and I had journey onto the 8th floor of Confedera- folks coming for a swim and a feed. In tion Building worth a watch. preparation, I walked down to the store to pick up some refreshments. I had the On the other hand? Under four per counter lined off with a bit of booze when cent of this province’s eligible voters someone commented; “I see you’re on the picked NL’s 14th premier; 13,645 Liberal COVID diet.” We laughed. supporters voted him in, 7,537 voted for his opponent, John Abbott and roughly “I can’t partake much myself today,” the same number of people who voted I offered, adding how I was wait- Furey in registered to have their say, but ing to chat with the new premier didn’t mark an ‘X’ for either candidate. at any moment. I joked how being buzzed under such circumstanc- So perhaps it’s not overly surprising es probably wouldn’t be wise. that in a tiny, though bustling store near a campground, no one over the age of seven “New premier?” one confused knew we even had a new premier. fellow asked. “Never knew. What happened to the old But things will change. Furey doesn’t one?” yet have a seat in the House of Assembly, so the heat will get turned up and word That led to an inter- will spread soon enough. esting discussion as I informed the man There’ll be a by-election, a general elec- and a few other adults tion, and lots of change coming that will gathered – who also be worthy of heading up NTV’s Evening didn’t seem to know News only to be talked about later around there had been stuff on beer coolers and, yes my ducky, even the go – what had trans- slushy machines. pired politically since BUD GAULTON PHOTO Few folk will say they never knew we had a new premier for long. Pam Pardy, The Herald’s Managing Editor, can be reached by emailing [email protected] AUGUST 23 - 29, 2020/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 3
COVID-19 UPDATE: FROM THE EDITOR FREEPIK.COM PHOTO SHANNEYGANOCK DRIVE-IN CONCERT While Newfoundlanders and Labra- apart in accordance with strict guide- there to be had. It’s more about for the dorians eagerly await the return of live lines. community, for Newfoundland and concerts and music festivals, local music Labrador to get out and be able to enjoy legends Shanneyganock are offering a TRIO OF PERFORMANCES our culture, get out and have a night of reprieve to cure the COVID dog days. music, get out and enjoy each other,” says Over the course of the three evenings Andrews. “Even though we’re sitting in The trad icons, who recently received Shanneyganock will be joined with a mix cars we’re still closer than we normally the 2020 ECMA Lifetime Achievement of Celtic Connection, The Irish Descen- are and we can still get out and have fun.” Awards, are set to host a one-of-a-kind dants, Rum Ragged, The Ennis Sisters drive-in-style concert in St. John’s from and The Navigators, for a trio of perfor- Tickets are available now at etixnow. August 21-23 on 26 Stavanger Drive, mances for the fans of this province. com at a cost per each car/truck or mo- the former Target and Zellers parking torhome. (Dillon Collins) lot. “It’s not really about profit. If we get some, great, don’t “After 30 years in music and putting get me wrong. off a lot of bigger shows, this has by far But there’s been the most work for the team after all not a lot these years,” frontman Chris Andrews told NTV News. “There’s so many different things that you have to do to make this happen, but we worked hard and now we’re going to be able to bring the first drive in concert series to St. John’s.” The event will permit 300 cars with a staff of over 60 people moni- toring the proceedings, with vehicles spaced six feet 4 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/AUGUST 23 - 29, 2020
DRIVE-IN AUGUST 23 - 29, 2020/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 5 PERFORMERS SHANNEYGANOCK (FILE PHOTO) CELTICCONNECTION (FACEBOOK PHOTO) THEIRISHDESCENDANTS (FACEBOOK PHOTO) RUMRAGGED (CHRIS LEDREW PHOTO) THEENNISSISTERS (TWITTER PHOTO) THENAVIGATORS THENAVIGATORS.COM PHOTO Disclaimer: Opinions and letters published in The Newfoundland Herald are not necessarily the views of the Editor, or Publisher. The Newfoundland Herald reserves the right to edit or omit copy, in accor- dance with our policies. Letters to the Editor must be attributed with a name, address and contact phone number – names and town of origin will be printed, or may be withheld at the editor’s discretion. Herald Contest Rules: Contest is open to all NL residents. Employees and immediate family members of Stirling Communications International are ineligible to play or win. If the winner is unable to receive the prize, or are unreachable within a set amount of time, another entry will be cho- sen from the collected submissions. Submissions accepted in person at The Newfoundland Herald, 460 Logy Bay Road, St. John’s or online (if applicable) at on the contest page. Only the winner(s) of the contest will be notified. The Newfoundland Herald reserves the right to publish the name and photograph of the winner. Prize must be accepted as awarded, with no substitutions.
PEOPLE! PAGE9 LOCAL & INTERNATIONAL CELEBRITY NEWS ESPN PHOTOS GAVIN TUCKER WINS BIG T he pride of Ship Cove, New- and dominate the following two rounds, foundland and Labrador has submitting Jaynes with a rear naked done it again. Regarded as choke in the third. The win was Tucker’s third of his four UFC fights and earned one of the finest mixed mar- him an extra $50,000 for performance of the night. tial arts prospects in Canada, the proud Tucker entered the UFC to great fan- Newfoundlander and Labradorian Gavin fare in his adopted hometown of Hal- Tucker, who trains out of Halifax, Nova ifax in 2017, besting veteran Sam Sicilia before running into Rick Scotia, competed once again in the Ulti- ESPN PHOTOS Glenn that September. After a mate Fighting Championship on August lengthy layoff Tucker returned and submitted Seung Woo Choi in the 8th in Las Vegas, Nevada. summer of 2019. He shared post Tucker, who entered the UFC with a fight he hopes to make a quick turnaround. DC perfect 9-0 record in the winter of 2017, made his fourth trip to the cage against the 16-4 Justin Jaynes. After a scary opening round that saw Jaynes rock the gritty Canuck, Tucker was able to rally 6 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/AUGUST 23 - 29, 2020
PEOPLE! CITYTV PHOTOS DREW BARRYMORE COVID-19 ON THE CASE NEW TALK SHOW! T wo active COVID Darn it! Actress Drew Barrymore is tak- cases were report- ing a new role in the world of ed connecting to the tracking system. Producer television talk show programming. Paul Pope defended the safe- Barrymore shared it was “beyond my television production ty measures for the series in wildest dreams,” to host a daily talk an interview with NTV. DC show. The new series is set to pre- Hudson & Rex, which is filming miere on September 14 at 4:00 pm on in St. John’s and the surrounding Canada’s Superstation, NTV. DC area. Both cases were a travel exemption and were found through the productions AUGUST 23 - 29, 2020/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 7
PEOPLE! WWE PHOTO CHRIS HASTON PHOTO KAMALA FRESH PRINCE GETS A REBOOT? 1950 - 2020 I t is one of the more icon- dia outlets have reported that a Fresh ic and timeless sitcoms Prince of Bel-Air reboot is in the works, Legendary professional wres- of the 1990s, one that tler James ‘Kamala’ Harris has propelled series lead with director and creator Morgan passed away at the age of 70. Nick- Will Smith to mega-stardom. Cooper working alongside named ‘The Ugandan Giant’, Harris Now fans may be returning to Smith, who will produce. The performed in the WWE and WCW Bel-Air, although in an entirely revival of the series is set to during his career. DC different way. be much more dramatic Numerous me- in tone than the original source. DC 8 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/AUGUST 23 - 29, 2020
PEOPLE! SHIA LABEOUF IS ICEMAN? DANIEL DORSA PHOTO S hia LaBeouf has proven LaBeouf about playing Iceman in TOM HANKS himself to be one of Hol- an upcoming reboot of the X-Men lywood’s more versatile IN PINOCCHIO? franchise. This would be a return actors. Now he could to blockbusters for the actor, Oscar win- after recent outings such ning actor be the latest to take the plunge as Honey Boy and The Pea- Tom Hanks has nut Butter Falcon. DC tackled many into the world of Marvel. The roles, from Forrest Gump to Captain studio is reportedly in talks with Philips and most every- thing in between. Now Hanks is rumoured to step into the world of one of Disney’s most beloved titles. Hanks is ru- moured to star as Gepetto in Dis- ney’s live action version of Pinocchio. Director Richard Zemeckis has previously worked with Hanks in Forrest Gump, Cast Away and The Polar Express. We have a good feeling about this one! DC AUGUST 23 - 29, 2020/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 9
PEOPLE! GETTY IMAGES TAMPABAY.COM PHOTO SIMON COWELL HISTORIC PLAYOFF PERFORMANCE BICYCLE BAD LUCK I t was a wild start to time, but that wasn’t the whole sto- the 2020 playoffs in ry. Game Blue Jackets goaltender Music innovator Simon Cowell the National Hockey Joonas Korpisalo made league his- had a bit of bad luck recently, breaking part of his back after League. The Colum- tory with the most saves in a play- falling from his new elec- tric trail bike. His ad- bus Blue Jackets and Tampa off game in modern NHL vice? Read the man- ual first! DC Bay Lightning played history with 85. A night to a wild fifth over- JOONASKORPISALO to remember! DC Congratulations to our July cash puzzle winners: $50: Rosalind Stoyles, St. John’s $30: Tyler O’Leary, St. John’s $20: Tony Gillis, Stephenville If you require puzzle answers, email [email protected] 10 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/AUGUST 23 - 29, 2020
WED/9:30PM ALL STAR CONTEST THUR/9:30PM SUN/9:30PM BONUS WEEKLY PRIZE: Find 3 HOH keys located in this magazine and tell us the pages numbers they are on to win a $50 gift card. CHRISTMAS DAVID NICOLE A. CODY KEVIN TYLER IAN WIN $1,000 PRIZE PACK! MEMPHIS BAYLEIGH KEESHA TO PLAY BIG BROTHER EVICTION — ENTER TO WIN: Circle the houseguest that you think will be the Big Brother All Star winner and send in your ballot for a chance to win a prize pack of $1,000 and a weekly HOH Key prize of $50 from The Studio Beauty Bar. Brought to you by: THE STUDIO BEAUTY BAR DAVONNE JANELLE KAYSAR ENZO NICOLE F. DANI a modern beauty + self love salon 390 TOPSAIL RD, ST. JOHN’S NL \\ Tel: 753-9855 OWNED & OPERATED/ BIG BROTHER CANADA STAR SAMANTHA PICCO 1. Each week until the end of NTV’s Big Brother All Stars, Brother 22. There will be no substitutions. The prize has ies) of the full page from The Newfoundland Herald’s Big The Herald will publish BB house guests photos. Circle the no cash value and must be accepted as awarded. It is also Brother All Star Contest will be accepted and valid. houseguest that you think will be the Big Brother All Star non-transferrable. All correct answers will qualify for the 5. The Newfoundland Herald reserves the right to publish the winner and send in your ballot for a chance to win a prize grand prize draw. name and photograph of the winner. pack and a weekly HOH Key prize from The Studio Beauty 2. Employees and immediate family members of Stirling 6. The ballot will be drawn from all correct ballots and will be Bar. Choose correctly and you will qualify to win The Stu- Communications International are ineligible to play or win. final and binding. Prize must be accepted as awarded, with dio Beauty Bar Prize Pack. 3. Contest is open to all NL residents 18 years and older. no substitutions and has no cash value. The winner will be drawn after the conclusion of Big 4. Only original entries or reasonable facsimile (no photocop- 7. Sponsored by: The Studio Beauty Bar NAME: PHONE: (709) ADDRESS: MAIL YOUR ENTRY TO: The NTV Big Brother Eviction Contest, c/o The Herald, P.O. Box 2015, St. John’s, NL, A1C 5R7 ENTER BY EMAIL: Send A photo of this page completed to [email protected] AUGUST 23 - 29, 2020/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 11
DIGITAL RELOAD APRIL 19 - 25 ‘WE LOCK UP FOR YOU, PLEASE LOCK IN FOR US!’ THE HERALD SALUTES ALL ESSENTIAL WORKERS WHO HELP KEEP US SAFE! ‘PLEASE STAY HOME’ KENT’S POND FIRE STATION NUMBER 6 SEAL COVE GROCERY NURSES & PCAS WORKING IN LONG TERM CARE WE’RE IN THIS TOGETHER While the responsibility lies with all of us when it comes to staying home to help stop the spread of COVID-19 in Newfoundland and Labrador, there’s folks on the frontlines who don’t have that same luxury BY PAM PARDY W hile many Newfound- employees landers and Labradorians have become get to stay home during a frontline de- fence to help this pandemic, others stop the spread of COVID-19, must go to work each and every day. keeping their While many recognize the work being done by nurses and doctors throughout this fine province of ours, sometimes we forget to acknowledge others who lit- SUBMITTED PHOTO erally put their health and their lives at “Be patient. Be kind. Look out for your stake to help keep this world safe and neighbour. Above all, stay home and wash our lives operational. your hands.” WE SALUTE YOU! — Dr. Sonia Sampson Bus drivers must go to work, helping to transport those who have no other way to get to medical appointments or to pick up supplies like groceries and much needed medicines. Grocery store The Newfoundland Herald presents our Digital Reload feature series, an opportunity for print readers to catch-up on what they may have missed during our digital only issues during COVID-19. 12 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/AUGUST 23 - 29, 2020
SUBMITTED PHOTOS “Above all, stay home and wash your hands.” — Dr. Sonia Sampson areas sanitized and helping enforce the “The gyms are closed but you can go for a walk if you social distancing rules put in place to keep the guidelines in place. You can keep moving. Staying keep us all safe. From correctional offi- in touch, and staying healthy, those two things will help us cer to those working in gas stations, to government staff to the Canadian Coast all get through this together.” — Scott Bowering , LPN Guard; we thank you all for what you do, and for the sacrifices you make, each and everyday so the rest of us can stay learned to cherish our simpler way of life your wellness and for your hobbies as safe. We salute you! here. Friendships seem somehow closer there is substantial local growth in these DR. SONIA SAMPSON here, and the pace of life is much more resources.” relaxed. There’s less stress here, and it’s Dr Sonia Sampson, an Associate Pro- a safe and beautiful place to raise our SCOTT BOWERING LPN fessor at Memorial University, is also an kids,” she shared. If she could pass one Scott Bowering is a LPN working Anesthesiologist at the Health Sciences message on to Herald readers, it at the Waterford Hospital in men- Centre as well as at the Janeway Hospi- would be this: tal health and addictions. He also tal. This very busy mother of two shares “Be patient. Be kind. Look works at the Health Sciences Cen- that when she’s not working, she enjoys out for your neighbour. tre in the urology department. hiking and board games with her family. Above all, stay home and When he’s not working, he Sampson, who moved to this province wash your hands. If you enjoys teaching fitness classes to from Vancouver almost 17 years ago, have nothing to do with be- his fellow staff at the Waterford also has quite a history when it comes ing an essential worker, may- Hospital, or at two Good Life Fit- to helping others as a global health vol- be only look at the news every ness locations. He also loves travel- unteer. Sampson adds she has grown to few days, not every hour. ling with his daughter, and in fact love this province very much, and that it It will only bring you was supposed to be heading feels very much like home. stress. Find on- outside the province on “Raising our children here makes line credible a little getaway be- this place home. Coming from a bigger r e s o u r c- fore this pandemic centre, my husband and I have really es for changed his plans. He shares he has “Listen to the experts. Stay home. no complaints. He knows, first That’s critical right now. But remember your mental health too.” hand, how bad things are right — Scott Bowering , LPN now globally. SARA ROSTOTSKI PHOTO If he could pass on DIGITAL VERSION AVAILABLE ONLINE: AUGUST 23 - 29, 2020/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 13
NTV NEWS TEAM PHOTOS SUBMITTED PHOTOS NEWS NEVER STOPS “We need to stay healthy ourselves so we NTV’s reporters and an- Live hits for our Evening New- can keep going to work chors have had to adjust shour allows me a brief bit every day.” — Tracy Pope to stay safe during these times. of social interaction off the It’s never been more critical to phone and in real life (al- any advice to his fellow Newfoundland- deliver the news that matters, beit from a distance) with ers and Labradorians it would be this: and NTV has gone through my friends/colleagues. It’s great lengths to adapt. “Listen to the experts. Stay home. “This has become my favourite part usually only for a few minutes That’s critical right now. But remem- of the day and I am grateful for it. each day but I count my blessings for ber your mental health too. Staying it,” shared Jodi Cooke. home doesn’t mean you are not staying connected to family and friends and to “I’m beyond pleased I can still bring you the forecast loved ones. Use technology for good. ... through this challenging time.” — NTV’s Eddie Sheerr Use it to stay connected. Use it to reach out. Staying home doesn’t mean staying apart. Reach out, but stay home.” Bowering also shares that it’s import- ant to stay active. “The gyms are closed but you can go for a walk if you keep the guidelines in place. You can keep moving. Staying in touch, and staying healthy, those two things will help us all get through this together.” ‘I LOVE HELPING PEOPLE.’ Tracy Pope is a Transit Operator with Metrobus, a job she has been doing now for 12 years. It’s a job she loves. “I love meeting people, I love helping people. NTV’s Chief Meteorologist set up a temporary weather wall in my Eddie Sheerr has been doing his basement earlier today! weather forecasts from the basement at home. “The thought and creativity that “Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, went into the planning of this is as- I’m going to be doing the weather re- tounding. I’m beyond pleased I can motely for the next while from home. still bring you the forecast each eve- The Production crew at NTV News ning through this challenging time,” he shared 14 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/AUGUST 23 - 29, 2020
METROBUS TRANSIT OPERATORS (L-R); HOWARD, LISA, SEANESSEY, SUE, TRACY, WANDA. SUBMITTED PHOTO “Limit the trips to the store you make. Stay home as reason, they need public much as you can. Wash your hands. Don’t go out if transportation to pick you feel unwell. Stay home to stay safe.” — Tracy Pope up groceries or medica- The day goes really fast and I work with workers who are so important tions.” some really amazing people,” she begins. Pope isn’t the only to keeping others healthy, essential worker in When she’s not on the job, Pope en- her home, in fact joys hiking and exploring this province and we have grocery her household, of ours. She also loves travelling to a made up of her warm destination each year with family, store employees. husband and except this one of course, and she loves their two her (mostly) daily gym visits. She says, We have seniors daughters, while it’s important to stay home, there’s are all es- times we can’t. and people who PANDEMIC TIMES struggle for “We see those who need public trans- whatever SARA ROSTOTSKI PHOTO portation for everything from getting to work themselves to picking up items they need. We have many home care DIGITAL VERSION AVAILABLE ONLINE: AUGUST 23 - 29, 2020/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 15
STAY HOME - STAY SAFE! PARAMEDICS FEWERS AMBULANCE SERVICE CONCEPTION BAY SOUTH sential workers in these pandemic times. “It makes thing interesting as the SUBMITTED PHOTOS first thing we all do is strip and shower CONNAIGRE PENINSULA HEALTH CENTRE and wash our clothes as soon as we get Christa Simms and Cynthia Skinner - LabXray Technologists in Harbour Breton in the door after work. We need to stay healthy ourselves so we can keep going STAFF AT THE HEALTH SCIENCE CENTER IN INFRASTRUCTURE SUPPORT to work every day.” Her advice? “Lim- (L-R): Lucas Butler, Mechanical equipment repair; Peter Wakeham, Plumber; Gerry Mahar, it the trips to the store you make. Stay Painter; Colin Hurley, Carpenter; and Laura Kieley, Electrician. home as much as you can. Wash your 16 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/AUGUST 23 - 29, 2020 hands. Don’t go out if you feel unwell. Stay home to stay safe.” ‘IN THIS TOGETHER’ Bethany Roberts is a Store Manag- er at Coleman’s in St. John’s. This busy mom (two dogs and a cat) loves yoga and hiking when she’s not busy with work. She also loves camping and sitting and relaxing around a campfire. “I enjoy Newfoundland and every- thing it has to offer. It’s a great place to grow up and live,” she says. Roberts shares she is “quite proud” of the people of this province. “Everyone came together. Everyone adapted so quickly. Most people real- ly embraced what we had to do to get through this.” Coleman’s really stepped up to the plate as well, she adds proudly. “Cleaning practices, plexiglas parti- tions to protect staff. So many things to make sure we all – from staff to custom- ers – remained healthy.” She works with so many amazing people, he adds. “I know so many would
SUBMITTED PHOTO “I know so many would like to stay home. They are afraid, for themselves and for their families, but they know how important it is to come to work.” — Bethany Roberts like to stay home. They are afraid, for one another. Be kind to everyone. We SARA ROSTOTSKI PHOTO themselves and for their families, but will get through this either way, but they know how important it is to come the journey will be so much better if to work. Other staff are relying on that, we just remember to be kind and pa- and so are our customers,” she says. Her tient. Everyone is learning. Everyone advice to others is simple, she says. is adapting. We all want the same goal. We want to protect ourselves and those “We are all learning how to adapt to we love. We are all in this together.” this new reality. Please, be patient with DIGITAL VERSION AVAILABLE ONLINE: AUGUST 23 - 29, 2020/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 17
COVER STORY BY PAM PARDY PAUL DALY PHOTO The Doctor is in! In conversation with this province’s 14th Premier, Dr. Andrew Furey From his family to frank talk on where his focus will lie in the coming months, Premier Furey shares his strategy on working towards a great future for all Newfoundlanders & Labradorians I t’s been quite an exciting and teristics for anyone passionate about pol- hectic time for Newfound- itics and this place we call home. land and Labrador’s 14th Premier, Andrew Furey. In While admittedly brief (Furey was in fact, it’s been “like drinking from a fire- his first days when The Herald showed up hose, trying to acquire all the relevant with cameras in tow, and was still more knowledge and data,” he opens. than a week away from his swearing in when we spoke) Furey also says his time EXCITING TIMES thus far has been “exciting.” Engaging? Yes. Easy to talk to? Sure. From briefings up the ying-yang But Furey’s perhaps brutal honesty and to meetings with bureaucrats to enthusiasm tempered with humility are simply trying to meet, and to per- almost as enticing as any of his charac- sonally thank, as many individ- uals as he possibly can, Premier “There are going to be tough decisions to be made, BUD GAULTON PHOTO but we have an optimistic, bright future... And I’ll never forget that whatever decision is being made has implications on people.” - Dr. Andrew Furey 18 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/AUGUST 23 - 29, 2020
Furey has had one very busy schedule. SUBMITTED PHOTOS Is he nervous? Oh yes, he says, but he is “My family are the most important thing to me and that will also optimistic. never be compromised ... That’s important because that’s “We’ve got a big challenge ahead of us, what it’s all about at the end of the day.” - Dr. Andrew Furey so the only way we’re gonna get through a true sense of belonging, which I think for the people of the province.” this is together,” he adds. is shared by most Newfoundlanders and Labradorians, especially those abroad INTEGRITY & FAMILY It’s touching how rawly honest Furey who want to come home, and we want to can be at times, like when he thinks back welcome those people home with open His family; from his parents to his to hearing he had bested opponent John arms.” wife Dr. Allison Furey, an emergency Abbott and would be this province’s next room physician at the Janeway, and their premier. “I was emotional. We’re very How would he describe his approach children Maggie, Rachael, and Mark, fortunate to be surrounded with great to leadership? A balance of intellect and also drive his decision making. friends, loving family, supporting fam- the emotional realization that he has ily and with a great team. And then to “strong Newfoundland and Labrador “I think everybody’s family helps shape celebrate with them in the immediate af- roots” he says, things he hopes will help who they are and consequently their de- termath was a special moment. And the him “make rational, balanced decisions cision making process. I planned to go embrace of my father will not be one that in this job with my integrity, family and I’ll forget any time soon,” he shares. AUGUST 23 - 29, 2020/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 19 DEEPLY ROOTED PASSION Furey, an orthopaedic trauma surgeon, isn’t new to politics. His father is Senate Speaker, Senator George Furey who is currently the longest-serving member of the Senate, and his Uncle is Chuck Furey, a former Member of the House of Assembly who represented the electoral district of St. Barbe from 1985 to 2000. Furey is educated. He knows politics. But his passion runs much deeper, too. “With respect to my education, I plan to use that obviously in an intellectual capacity, but the reason why I chose to do this is my love for Newfoundland and Labrador. But more importantly, my love for the people. And I’ll never forget that,” he says. Now, all that doesn’t mean everyone will be happy with every decision at all times, either, he acknowledges. “There are going to be tough decisions to be made, but we have an optimistic, bright future. And I’ll never forget that whatever decision is being made has implications on people. This is a people business ... as much as the finances are a reality, it’s still a people business. And I’ll never lose sight of that and I’ll never lose my love for Newfoundland and Lab- rador.” Furey, with his education and training, could have worked anywhere. He picked home. “I could have lived anywhere in the world after I graduated and chose to live here because of a true sense of place,
PAUL DALY PHOTO PAUL DALY PHOTO “The response, whether it’s the bureaucracy on the floor or vous for the role. But, you know, Gordie the first caucus meeting that we’ve had, people are excit- Howe was nervous before every hockey ed.” - Dr. Andrew Furey, 14th premier of Newfoundland and Labrador game and so I take that as a good thing having some healthy nervousness walk- friends in tact and leave with the same.” ing. As we snap picture after picture, he ing into the building every day. But I plan Furey isn’t shy about his priorities. muses he may be a little unprepared to use that energy and that nervousness “My family are the most important when it comes to wardrobe. and to make sure that we’re strongly laser focused on making sure that we’re mak- thing to me and that will never be com- When asked what he plans to ing the right decisions for the people.” promised. I will always make time for do over the coming days, he smiles my family, even in this job. And I know warmly. “Well, you know, I got to DWIGHT’S COUNSEL already in week one that this job can be buy some more suits and many all consuming, but it’s important to make more ties.” One thing he has done is met with out- time, as every Newfoundlander and Lab- going Premier Dwight Ball. How radorian should, for children and moth- He pauses, giving more serious did that go? ers and fathers. That’s important because thought to what’s next and what he “Dwight and I are good that’s what it’s all about at the end of the has to face and how he will tackle friends, and we even took day.” the job at hand. “I’m not sure, the opportunity to have to be honest. I mean, you lunch with (Ball’s wife) ROLE: WEEK ONE know, it’s week one Sharon and Allison, my and I think it would wife, so that we could While emotional and passionate, be premature to say discuss how (decisions) Furey is also fun, having no problem call- I’m comfortable in impact families and how ing a spade a spade. His life in the oper- the role. Every day to balance profession- ating room didn’t call for shirt and tie liv- I wake up ner- al and personal lives going into this new role. Dwight and I are good friends and I will definite- “I think that we have an optimistic, bright BUD GAULTON PHOTO future ahead of us. Of course, we’re focused on the immediate acute issues that we’re cur- rently facing together.” - Dr. Andrew Furey 20 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/AUGUST 23 - 29, 2020
PAUL DALY PHOTO BUD GAULTON PHOTO “I was emotional. We’re very fortunate to be surrounded with great friends, loving family, supporting family and ly seek his counsel. I need his counsel, with a great team.” - Dr. Andrew Furey frankly, and I look forward to working with him well into the future.” We ask how his reception has been thus far as he encounters others as he conducts daily business. A NEW CHAPTER “The response, whether it’s the bu- reaucracy on the floor or the first caucus meeting that we’ve had, people are excit- ed. People are excited for a new chapter. And nothing wrong with the last chapter of course, but just excited to write a new one. And I’m happy to be working with them.” What has his message been? That things won’t be easy, but that they’ll be worth it, he says. “I made it very clear that it’s not easy. I plan to play a leader- ship style that is collaborative and an all hands on deck approach and empower, engage and ensure that whether it’s cau- cus or cabinet or the bureaucracy (that people have) the tools that they need to get the job done. This is a pertinent time in Newfoundland and Labrador’s history.” And everyone, he adds, has a role to play. Anything he’d like to get out to BUD GAULTON PHOTO PAUL DALY PHOTO Of course, we’re fo- cused on the immedi- Newfoundlanders and ate acute issues that Labradorians? Any key we’re currently facing message? together, and we will face them together, but together, we have a great future.” “I think that we have an optimis- tic, bright future ahead of us. AUGUST 23 - 29, 2020/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 21
EXCLUSIVE FEATURE! PROUD PAPA TO A PREMIER FILE PHOTO Senator and Senate Speaker, The Honourable George Furey, has many accomplishments to be proud of, but he’s also one of a select few who can claim to be a proud father of a Newfoundland & Labrador Premier BY PAM PARDY W hile George Furey requires little in the way of introduc- tion amongst Newfound- landers and Labradorians, it certainly isn’t because he spends much time tooting his own horn. In fact Furey, an educator and a lawyer before becoming a Senator in 1999 – cur- rently he’s the longest-serving member in the Senate – hasn’t spoken with the press in quite a few decades. CHALLENGES & PRIDE FILE PHOTO This proud Newfoundlander and Lab- “The only thing I would ever say to Andrew, with anything radorian serves as the 45th Speaker of the he’s taken on... is just do your best.” - Hon. George Furey Senate of Canada, and he’s the first from this province to hold such a distinguished and the leader of this province’s Liberal lenge that he’s taken on, and I’m also quite role. Party, taking over the reins from his suc- happy that he’s done it because I know cessor, Dwight Ball. that he’ll do everything in his power to But Furey is also a very proud father make it right and to help the province,” and grandfather. He and his wife Karen When asked how he feels about it all, the proud papa begins. have four children: Andrew, Meghan, the Senator admits he has some mixed Rebecca and David. They also have seven feelings. Any fatherly advice from someone glorious grandchildren. who’s been around the political scene “I feel quite concerned about the chal- One of his sons just happens to be the Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador 22 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/AUGUST 23 - 29, 2020
for quite a long time. Is there any special PAUL DALY PHOTO counsel that a father would give a son tak- ing on such an endeavour? “As soon as he got older, he took on greater challenges... Whatever it was, he just went out and gave it his all.” “The only thing I would ever say to Andrew, with anything he’s taken on, - Honourable George Furey including his career as a doctor and his philanthropic work with Broken Earth you disagree with them, but always ... re- tics, but we can agree to disagree.” and Dollar A Day is just do your best. He spect the person,” he says. Any last thoughts on being able to say is somebody who is quite capable of rising to the occasion and giving everything his That’s been one of his personal values, that his son, Dr. Andrew Furey, is Pre- best.” he adds. “I have friends on all sides of the mier of Newfoundland and Labrador? political spectrum; NDP, Conservative We have to ask what this province’s and Liberal, and I always appreciate the “I wish him all the very best. He has a newest Premier was like growing up. Was fact that I have friends from other politi- big challenge ahead of him. And we are he a darling or, at times, a little stinker? cal stripes. And the politics doesn’t mat- quite proud that he’s stood up to take on ter. At the end of the day, we argue poli- this challenge. And I can only wish him His father laughs. “You know, just like all the best.” any young boy, he presented challenges for his parents on occasion, but he never AUGUST 23 - 29, 2020/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 23 backed out from a challenge. If he saw something that he thought he would like to tackle then he would go out and do his very best. As soon as he got older, he took on greater challenges, like wanting a pi- lot’s license. Whatever it was, he just went out and gave it his all.” RESPECT THE PERSON Senator Furey no doubt was busy while raising his children. From travel to politics, at times life was hectic. Senator Furey shares that the family always made time for one another. “When the kids were smaller, Karen and I would generally holiday on the is- land, so we’d like to go to different plac- es around and they always enjoyed that. One of my great passions is fly fishing and I was delighted when it became one of Andrew’s, and in fact, all four of my kids thoroughly enjoyed fishing.” With COVID, the Senator and his wife have been enjoying some unexpected quality time at home. How has that been? Fantastic, he shares. “We certainly enjoyed the time. There was lots of opportunities to walk and chat and read and to enjoy the kids,” he shared. That’s a good thing, because times are about to become very busy for Andrew. The Senator agrees, though he says he trusts things will be fine. “Karen and I always tried to teach our children from a young age that it’s important to listen to other people’s opinions. You don’t have to agree with them and sometimes you can actually disagree and let them know that
MUSIC SPOTLIGHT SUBMITTED PHOTOS MADELINE RECORDING MUSIC “I’ve been singing and performing for my entire life, but I really started going on stage at about five years-old.” - Madeline Salter RITCHE PEREZ PHOTOGRAPHY DEDICATION. TALENT. At only 15 years-old, singer-songwriter Madeline Salter has MADELINE IN ‘THE ARISTOCATS’ just released her first self-titled album and is ready to put her polished rising-star begins. She shares she began “finding her own musical stamp on the world! BY PAM PARDY sound” at around the age of 12. L ife has been a blast for sing- ing that her passion and love for music be- er-songwriter Madeline gan before she can even really remember. PERSONAL TAKE ON MUSIC Salter as she introduces her “I’ve been singing and performing for “For the past three years I’ve been real- self-titled debut album to my entire life, but I really started going ly focused on what I wanted to do in the on stage at about five years-old, so I have music industry and to work on my own the masses. A true professional at just 15 10 years of performing experience,” the different music, music that’s personal to me,” she said. years-old, Salter takes it all in stride, say- So what can people expect when they pick up a copy of Madeline? Originality, for one thing. “I have seven original songs, five of 24 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/AUGUST 23 - 29, 2020
which I was a co-writer on. One of them SUBMITTED PHOTO is written by Zack (Werner). He wrote that before we met, before the album was MADELINE WITH ZACK WERNER even in question.” “I started working with Zack (Werner) right after I turned A music video is out for the single Vain and it’s clear Salter had not only the drive and the determination, but the look and the sound and a captivating stage pres- ence as well. Madeline isn’t shy about passing credit on to those who have helped her in her musical journey. “I started working with Zack right af- ter I turned 12. So it’s been about three years now. He started out as more of a vocal coach, but when I started to want to have my own music, we started writing together and he became sort of like a pro- ducer for me as well. So we’ve been work- ing together on the album for about two years and he’s helped so much.” MUSICAL PASSION 12 ... so we’ve been working together on the album for about two years and he’s helped so much. ” - Madeline Salter Madeline, who will go into grade 10 in the fall, agrees that her lifestyle isn’t al- ways typical of others her age. “My family is very supportive of what it was my own music and something that I’ve been working on for so long. While I “Music, it does take up a lot of my time. did get a great response, going up there I spent a lot of 2019 in the recording stu- I do. My brothers are great, while some- was very nerve wracking.” dio, so I missed out on a few things like times they get annoyed with going to school basketball games or sometimes a shows every other weekend they are very Any advice for other young folk or any- friend’s party. But I tried to keep my pri- supportive and they know that this is one who wants to get into this business? orities straight because I know that music what I want to do when I grow up. And She generously offers some thoughts. is what I want to do and I have to be fo- they all think I have an incredible talent cused, even if that means missing things and they love listening to me sing and I’m “It’s a very hard business to get into. grateful for that.” And I learned that at a very young age. sometimes. I’m OK with that. Mu- And you’re going to get told no a lot. It Taking the leap of faith in the really sucks. I heard no too. I never got sic is really my passion, so I don’t callbacks all the time. It’s all about not music business at any age takes taking that stuff to heart.” mind.” determination, but Madeline WHERE YOU WANT TO BE When asked who her mu- has demonstrated she has If one door closes, look for another way sical heroes are, she in, she adds. what it takes and is prepared has no hesitation to “You have to understand that there’s so to go the distance, though much out there. There’s so many things share. that you can do in this business. Even if she admits to having a you don’t get that one audition, you can “I absolute- get another one. You can work on other healthy case of the jit- things to get yourself to where you want ly love Sele- to be. And it’s all about believing in your- ters at times. “I did self and working hard. One of my favorite na Gomez. I quotes is ‘hard work beats talent when an open mic of a few talent doesn’t work hard.’” think she has of my own songs, For more on Madeline, follow her on Ins- a great work tagram, Facebook and on Twitter. and I found that re- ethic. I also ally nerve wracking love Avril Lavi- because they were gne because of my own songs and I her attitude and had never really per- Alanis Morissette formed them at that lev- and Billy Eilish.” el in public before. I have She also has some obviously sang covers, but I heroes closer to home as found it different because well, like her family. SUBMITTED PHOTO AUGUST 23 - 29, 2020/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 25
ARTIST SPOTLIGHT SUBMITTED PHOTOS TIM MYLES FACEBOOK PHOTO “I’ve always wanted to make a film as a nod LITTLE BIRD TAKES FLIGHT to my mom... and put Newfoundland native Tim Myles is making waves in a fictional twist on the narrative.”— Tim Myles Canadian cinema BY NOAH SHEPPARD recipient of the 2020 imagineNATIVE I t’s a tough road for filmmak- SUBMITTED PHOTO + LIFT Mentorship Grant. ers in Canada, especially Newfoundlanders. “My grandmother had The grant is awarded by imagineNA- Young people in the arts com- nicknames for all of TIVE and industry partner Netflix, and munity can hustle for years upon years, her grandchildren, and is given to an independent Indigenous doing whatever it takes to be recognized my nickname was ‘Lit- artist in the Greater Toronto Area, giv- for their hard work. They hope and pray tle Bird’”— Tim Myles ing them the opportunity to “expand to see their dreams someday grace the sil- their practice into the realm of film, and ver screen. However, for one Newfound- present their new work in a professional land native, that dream is coming true. context”. Myles was awarded the grant to develop his debut short film and screen it MAKING HIS MARK at the 2020 imagineNATIVE Film Fes- tival at the TIFF Bell Lightbox. Tim Myles is a 26-year-old Mi’kmaq independent filmmaker, actor, and direc- HARD WORK PAYS OFF tor from St.Bernard’s-Jacques Fontaine, Newfoundland. Living in Toronto for “I was in the festival last year for a mu- nearly five years, Myles graduated from sic video I directed for an Indigenous art- the Toronto Film School in 2016. ist (Crown Lands) and she was the one who recommended I apply for the grant, On June 16, 2020, he was named as the so I wrote a script, submitted the applica- tion, and I heard back,” Myles said. “It was a great start and I’m just so 26 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/AUGUST 23 - 29, 2020
grateful to Netflix and imagineNATIVE “I’ve been here now We were outside playing. I was always for giving me the opportunity. for almost five years... making up stories when I was outside, nice to finally see the and you didn’t have the luxury of having a “I’ve been here now for almost five hard work starting to big drama program in our school because years, so it’s nice to finally see the hard pay off.”— Tim Myles you had such a small number of kids and work starting to pay off. If you want it faculty, so you had to work with what you bad enough you just have to keep trying. SUBMITTED PHOTOS were given and have the drive to just cre- I had a million ‘no’s’ before I had even one ate and dive into that imagination.” inkling of a ‘yes’.” Bird.” Myles says growing up in rural New- Growing up away from the metropolis Myles’ film, Little Bird, is a of Toronto, Myles says it was a bit of a cul- heart-wrenching story that follows a foundland shaped him and his filmmak- ture shock living in the big city, although young Indigenous man on the day of his ing. He says that in St. Bernard’s-Jacques it provided him with the opportunity to mother’s funeral, who is trying to give Fontaine, he was surrounded by storytell- gain a new lease on life. a eulogy, before the grief becomes too ers. “My grandmother used to read to me much and he runs away with the urn. every night, her own original stories be- “When I first got here, to me this may fore I would go to sleep. My grandfather have been New York or L.A. I felt like I For inspiration, Myles only had to look was a fisherman and he would tell all of was starting new, I had a clean slate to to his own life, and his own experience the stories about Newfoundland folklore rediscover myself, rediscover my artistry with grief. and his past. I feel like I’ve come from a and what I wanted to do. It was like go- long line of storytellers. ing through a second puberty. Being here ‘A LOT OF LOSS IN MY LIFE’ alone and not having any family, I had “When you’re in such a small com- to create my own family, my own friend “I lost my mom when I was 19. It was munity and you don’t have the resources groups and opportunities. It’s been an in- right before I went away to school,” Myles that the outside world might have, you teresting journey for sure.” said. “I’ve always wanted to write a film don’t grow up on the internet and T.V. about the loss of a parent because I feel BIG FUTURE PLANS like I’ve had a lot of loss in my life and I think that being an artist and a writer, While he has just gotten his big break, and an actor, you take from that. I’ve al- Myles has even bigger plans for the fu- ways wanted to make a film as a nod to ture. His goals? Feature films, television, my mom. I drew from that inspiration and whatever comes his way. and put a fictional twist on the narrative to separate it a little bit.” “I want to act, I want to write, I want to direct,” Myles said. “I’m developing The film holds a very significant mean- my own television show right now, it’s in ing for Myles as it is an homage to his the very early stages. I’m writing a (fea- mother. However, the title was chosen as ture-length film) right now, and my goal a tribute to another family member. is to have it done by the end of the year and start applying for funding in the win- “My grandmother (the late Marga- ter or spring of next year.” ret Myles) had nicknames for all of her grandchildren, and my nickname was With big ideas, big goals, and big- ‘Little Bird’. She would call me Little Bird time talent, Myles can look forward to a more than she would call me Timothy. bright future in the film industry. And We actually lost her to cancer last year, so Newfoundlanders? They should look for- when I wrote the script, it was an homage ward to seeing his work dance across our to my mother, and an homage to her with screens for years to come. the title. I always wanted it to be Little AUGUST 23 - 29, 2020/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 27
SUMMER READING SERIES: PART 2/3 CHRIS-NICOLE.COM PHOTO GROWING UP ON SIGNAL HILL Last week, we met a family of 13 who called Signal Hill home BY GINNY McGRATH U nrelenting and determined winter did not hesitate to consider that a family of thirteen had chosen to call the open space of Signal Hill a home. Blizzard winds danced unmerci- fully through the front fields fre- quently leaving the primary access roads nothing but a buried white memory. And thus, the third and definitely seasonal road was con- sidered. SUBMITTED PHOTO THE FROG POND METV.COM PHOTO Providing the city plow had To the south of the house, the steep slopes of Signal Hill succeeded in climbing the steep hill offered a loved and busy tobogganing hill for many of the and roughly clearing a singular path to residents. Cabot Tower, our family vehicle would cross what is now the Johnson Geo Cen- and provided almost daily exercise for a the pond was a usually a safe and reliable ter but lovingly remembered as “The large majority of children from the top seasonal road for cars to complete the Frog Pond.” section of Signal Hill. When required, journey home. This marsh-like area was loosely maintained by local teenagers as a skat- ing rink for a few months of the year 28 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/AUGUST 23 - 29, 2020
SUBMITTED PHOTO JASON YOUNGMAN PHOTO On days of the most violent storms, As winter approached, thoughts turned to gliding on the skaters knew to hunker down in the uneven ice and the rocks become safe seats to loosen or safety of family homes and wait for calm tighten skates. to arrive. After considerable protests, available teenagers, guided and motivat- house, multi-aged kids negotiated the bread. Almost always, after a brief re- ed by a gentle but firm father dressed, traffic, the turns and the complaints that cess and a bit of sustenance, children grabbed shovels and began the process an afternoon toboggan outing inevitably returned to the hill or the pond until of clearing a road across the outer edges brought. voices reminded the young people that of the small pond. supper was approaching. RETURN TO THE HILL Cars approached with measured trep- NEXT WEEK IN THE SERIES idation; only in rare cases, did back tires Rosy cheeks and drippy woolen mit- slip through the thin ice. Oil delivery tens often reminded kids to rush home Life on Signal Hill is not without was hampered when the front fields for a much welcomed cup of hot cocoa tragedy. Plus, lasting and valuable became paralyzed by blinding banks of and a homemade tea biscuit or ginger- life lessons learned. snow; the old homestead and its inhabi- tants knew that the sinewy arms of older AUGUST 23 - 29, 2020/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 29 teenage boys could be relied on to roll drums of oil, delivered on the main road, across the front field. SITTING IN THE SAFE SEATS Recreation was self-directed for the majority of children in the park. To the immediate north of the farmhouse lay the frogless “Frog Pond.” A natural and stepped wall of rock sheltered the pond from the biting winds. For imaginative or simply bored children, these steps became chairs and the area below, a grand room where mud pies, seasoned with fresh berries, were baked and served to a willing younger brother. As winter approached, thoughts turned to gliding on the un- even ice and the rocks become safe seats to loosen or tighten skates. Sometimes, a waiting or cheering section for partic- ipants of pond hockey. To the south of the house, the steep slopes of Signal Hill offered a loved and busy tobogganing hill for many of the residents of both the lower and upper part of the hill. Without adult supervision, but ad- hering to strict timelines to return to the
SCENES OF NL The Lower Battery. St. John’s, NL — Amanda Upshall Trout River, NL — Kim Ellis Public outhouse. Brakes Cove, NL — RoseNoel WIN A PHOTO DREAM PACKAGE Enter The Herald’s Scenes of NL Photo Contest for your chance GRAND BEACH, NL — LORNE HISCOCK to win a spectacular $500 Sara Rostotski Prize Package! • 709.579.9247 LAST WEEK’S PHOTO CONTEST QUALIFIER! ENTER TO WIN: Send your photos, Newfoundland & Labrador locations and your full name to: [email protected] Or upload at: 30 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/AUGUST 23 - 29, 2020
Stephenville, NL — Aiden Mahoney Harry’s Harbour, NL — Kim Ellis AUGUST 23 - 29, 2020/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 31
FINE OL’ SCOFF FREEPIK.COM PHOTO GETCRACKIN.COM PHOTO AH! NUTS! PISTACHIOS BASIL PESTO It doesn’t matter if you want to add flavour, texture, or a healthy-kick to your meal, nothing covers all bases more than • 1/8 cup Wonderful Pistachios No a handful of delicious nuts, like Pistachios BY PAM PARDY Shells W hen I travel I always pack outside and on the go. No matter what • 2 cup basil nuts. Healthy, flavourful, the activity may be, it’s always important • 2 garlic cloves, minced and easy to eat on the fly to make sure you bring water, sunscreen • 1 tsp lemon juice (literally), there’s simply and smart snacks to help fuel your days. • 1/8 tsp lemon zest nothing better and more versatile. • ¼ cup grated parmesan cheese WONDERFUL PISTACHIOS • ¼ cup extra-virgin olive oil While I’m a huge cashew fan, I’m also • Salt, to taste a fan of pistachios. Before my last trip I Nuts, like Wonderful Pistachios No discovered a product called Wonderful Shells are the perfect snack to pack Add Wonderful Pistachios, Pistachios No Shells! while on the go. They are an easy and basil, garlic, lemon juice, zest convenient way to enjoy the great taste and parmesan Just as the easy to understand brand and nutrition benefits just without the cheese to a food processor. Pulse promises, it’s all the nut without the nui- shells. Naturally free of cholesterol and until nuts are finely chopped. sance of having to deal with the shell! a source of fibre, this plant-based snack Stream olive oil through food will help curb hunger throughout the chute and puree until smooth. As we continue to plan outdoor ad- day keeping your activities going. Serve immediately or store in re- ventures and activities, whether it’s frigerator up to three days. camping, road trips, hiking or just But it can also be a great addition to spending socially distanced time with your favourite recipes too! Here’s a few - Source: friends at a park, we need to consider suggestions to try on your own. Enjoy! some essentials to help prepare for a day 32 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/AUGUST 23 - 29, 2020
WONDERFUL PISTACHIOS SUMMER SALAD WITH FRESH NECTARINES & ARUGULA Salad • ¾ cup farro • 1 cup chicken or vegetable broth • 1 cup water • 4 cups chopped arugula • 1 firm ripe nectarine, chopped • 3 scallions, white and green parts, sliced • ¾ cup coarsely chopped Wonderful Pistachios No Shells • 4 ounces crumbled feta cheese Dressing GETCRACKIN.COM PHOTO • ¼ cup extra-virgin olive oil • Juice from 1 lemon • 2 tsp. chopped fresh thyme • ¼ tsp sea salt • ¼ tsp freshly ground black pepper In a pan, combine the farro, broth, In a large bowl, toss the cooled farro, In a dry skillet, toast the pistachios and water. Bring to a boil, reduce arugula, nectarine, and scallions. over medium for 1 minute. Stir into the the heat to simmer, cover, and cook for 25 minutes, until the farro is tender. In a small bowl, whisk the olive oil, salad. Sprinkle the feta cheese over Drain and rinse with cold water. lemon juice, thyme, salt, and pepper. top before serving. Pour over the salad and toss to coat. - Source: AUGUST 23 - 29, 2020/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 33
THIS WEEK WITH NTV’S JIM FURLONG AND ON TOWARDS MORNING W e mark the passages of time CHARLES M. SCHULZ PHOTO in many ways. An hour glass or a Rolex watch can look Tiny points of light that remind me of what endures and after the short periods of what is important. Somewhere in it all is a lesson. our lives (I bought a Rolex once for ten bucks from a street vendor in Shanghai. volved and lots of soft drinks. The gentle the Earth in about 4000 years! I’m not sure it’s genuine). night air would be filed with children’s All of this “looking to the heavens” laughter and arguments and fights over For longer periods like the march of pillows and who had territorial rights to was many years ago. The boys have long the years we look to the falling pages of gone from the deck to make lives for the calendars our friendly neighborhood which space on the deck. (I CALLED themselves, but not a year goes by where service station gives us every year. For IT!!!). I don’t go to the back deck and look sky- me however, I look to the stars to remind The year 1997 in particular ward for tiny points of light that remind me of time in its longer forms. was a big year for “sleeping on me of what endures and what is import- the deck” for a celestial reason ant. Somewhere in it all is a lesson. It’s almost a spiritual thing about a other than the Perseid show- glimpse at our place in the universe. It’s er. That year was the year of A LESSON FOR LINUS every fall without exception that in the the Hale-Bopp comet which days of August I look upward to the lit up the night sky up behind I am reminded of an old Peanuts car- Perseid meteor shower. It tells me each our house. Hale-Bopp will re- toon strip where, in one panel Linus has year, not that summer is over, but that turn to be seen once again from built a huge sand castle. Then in the next the days of full bloom are slipping qui- panels it starts raining and washes the etly away. There will still be lots of nice sand castle away. Linus says; “There is a days ahead, but the appearance of “the lesson here somewhere, but I don’t know tears of Pereus” as the shower is some- what it is.” times called reminds me of “time passag- es” on many levels. There is something So it is with the Perseid shower or wonderfully eternal about it. with the Hale-Bopp comet or earlier this summer with Comet NEO-WISE. SLEEPING ON THE DECK That one won’t be back around again for 7000 years! Somewhere in all of that When my sons were but chil- there is a wisdom and an unspoken but dren we camped out on the important lesson. upper back deck on August nights when skies were clear and we looked to the stars and watched for the Perseid shower. There would be nachos and a bottle of salsa in- NTV’s Jim Furlong can be reached by emailing: [email protected] 34 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/AUGUST 23 - 29, 2020
BLOCKBUSTER FILMS! MOVIE MINUTE PG-13 ON DEMAND RELEASE: SEP 18 DAWN OF THE KINGSMEN The origins of the Kingsmen are explored in an all new prequel AN AMERICAN PICKLE starring an all-star cast set in the past! BY DILLON COLLINS RR After two highly successful and criminal masterminds feature films, Matthew gather to plot a war to wipe Vaughn is bringing his Kings- out millions, one man must men franchise full circle with race against time to stop an epic and defining prequel them. Discover the origins of this fall! Rotten Tomatoes Bio: As a col- the very first independent in- lection of history’s worst tyrants telligence agency in The King’s Man. TAX COLLECTOR PROJECT POWER RENT OR OWN AT HOME R PG-13 AUGUST 23 - 29, 2020/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 35 AS OF TUESDAY AUGUST 25, 2020 The King of Staten Island..........7.2 R The Trip to Greece .............6.7 PG-13 Deep Blue Sea 3 ...................... 4.6 R You Should Have Left............... 5.3 R Cursed Films........................ 7.1 PG-13 How to Build a Girl................... 5.5 R NEW RELEASES/ On Demand as of: AUG 11, 2020. VIDEO ON DEMAND: DIGITAL VERSION AVAILABLE ONLINE:
CRIME FLASHBACK BY MAX HAINES Willie, would sob out the story of how, during a heated argument, his mistress left him. CRIMINAL LOOKS who were over the hill but whose appear- ance showed signs of affluence. PART 1 of 2: Since the advent of DNA technology, we have become accustomed to reading about incarcerated inmates being He flattered them with his well-chosen released from prison once their innocence has been proven. and rehearsed lines. Devil that he was, he Years ago, such a phenomenon was rare. I related one such always succeeded in escorting his chosen incident in The Toronto Sun, March 29, 1976. lady home and gaining entrance to her flat. Once inside, he told the unsuspect- I t must be terrible to be ac- Devil that he was, ing, about-to-be-fleeced victim that he cused and convicted of a Willie always succeeded was despondent. crime if you are innocent in escorting his chosen Just to get in the mood, pic- lady home. Even worse, he was depressed. Tell ture yourself sitting in court listening to me more, the lady would undoubtedly witnesses describe evidence you know is exclaim, completely entranced with the false. Many men have gone through this genteel aristocratic language that was experience. Perhaps the strangest case of well calculated to lower her guard. all is that of Adolf Beck. LORD WILTON ADOLF BECK Willie, who by the way used the classy It all began in London, England, in alias of Lord Wilton of Willoughby, 1877 with a gentleman by the name of would sob out the story of how, during a William Augustus Meyer. Willie was heated argument, his mistress left him. It a short, stocky charmer of German ex- had become unbearably lonesome in his traction. His occupation can be described apartment. Willie always mentioned one only as con man. of the wealthiest neighbourhoods in Lon- don when he dropped the address. Willie would case a likely looking mark of the opposite sex. His practiced About now the member of the over- eye would pick out those single ladies the-hill gang was practically drooling. At the proper psychological moment, Wil- lie would say in his best possible manner that he wouldn’t dare ask his new friend if she would try out his flat, the better to quell his attack of lonesomeness. Of course he would see that her wardrobe was refurbished in keeping with her new station in life. 36 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/AUGUST 23 - 29, 2020 *Crime Flashback Images are used for reenactment purposes only and might not be historically accurate.
Willie Meyer had made a AUGUST 23 - 29, 2020/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 37 pretty fair living from this scheme for several years but, like all good things, it came to an end. Would she be willing? You’re quite right – she would. With exclamations of undying love, the pact was sealed. Willie would get out pen and paper immediately and write an open letter of credit to a top ladies’ store in London. He professed to be poor at picking ladies’ clothing. Jew- elry, however, was quite another matter. He told his new friend he was a con- noisseur and would like to choose some rings and watches for her. Of course, this was impossible as he did not know the ladies’ wrist or finger size. Not to worry, the lady would say, take this watch and a ring or two for size samples. MEETING A VICTIM Lord Wilton of Willoughby would leave the lady full of anticipation, never, he hoped, to see her again. Willie Meyer had made a pretty fair living from this scheme for several years but, like all good things, it came to an end. One day he ran flush into one of his victims on the street. This led directly to the inconvenience of a five-year jail sen- tence. Upon being released from jail in 1885, Willie left for New York City. Next Week: A case of mistaken identity proves favourable to Lord Wilton of Willoughby.
SOAP TALK JUSTIN HAD A SURPRISE FOR BONNIE. A BITTER RIVALRY “Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.” For half of a century, those words have introduced and underscored one of NTV’s mainstays BY DANA BLOCK B en was haunted by his from Ciara. Gabi and Jake brainwashing. Will and had a big blowup. Kate re- Sami reconciled. Claire counted to Abe her bitter discussed her plans for rivalry with Vivian. Justin had a surprise the future with Marlena. for Bonnie. Nicole and Eric searched for Allie. Allie wrote a letter with a shock- ing request. Ben hid his unease PHOTOS Eve arrived in Salem. Sami sought help from Belle. Sonny and Will worked on their relationship. Claire covered for Allie. Ben had a nightmare that he strangled Ciara. Rafe and Hope shared a close moment. Eve arrived in Salem. Jake and Gwen fought over his rela- tionship with Gabi. Ben encountered Vincent in Marlena’s office. WAIT TO SEE Eve pleads with Claire not to turn her in. Gabi and Jake get some surprising news. Gwen kisses Chad. YOUNG & THE RESTLESS Production has resumed and new episodes are airing on NTV. 38 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/AUGUST 23 - 29, 2020
ENTER NOW! BABY OF THE YEAR CONTEST BABY BOY OF THE WEEK BABY GIRL OF THE WEEK ZACKARY FULFORD KAILEY WARD Parents: Jessica & Erik Fulford, Marystown Parents: Charlene & Anthony Ward, Petite Forte CONTEST RULES AND REGULATIONS: HONOURABLE MENTIONS Enter online at Please eligible to enter. McKENZIE RICE DALE KING include baby’s name, parents’ names, • You may enter as often as you wish, date of birth, hometown and contact Bishop’s Falls St. John’s information. Two babies will qualify though once your child is chosen as every week. Our Baby of the Year will our weekly winner, they aren’t eligible be chosen from all weekly qualifiers. The to win again. overall winner will appear on the cover • Photos must be at least 200 dpi, be of the first issue of The Newfoundland clear and unobstructed (the less acces- Herald in 2021. sories the better). No photos will be • Babies must be under the age of two returned. Contest ends Oct. 31, 2020. • If family members other than parents by Dec. 31, 2020 (born in 2019 or send entry, you must include a per- 2020). mission slip from parents or guard- • Babies must reside in NL. ians. • Employees and immediate family • At the end of the contest, vote for members of The Newfoundland Her- your favourite qualifier by logging ald and its affiliated companies are not onto the website A THOUSAND SMILES GABRIELA TOBIN Send in your child’s candid Daughter of Jennifer & moments and share your family’s Josh Tobin, St. John’s. happiest moments with our readers. Enter online at or email [email protected] AUGUST 23 - 29, 2020/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 39
LUCKY NUMBER B I NGO 2 26 40 58 75 ONUSNU NTV B MBER MBER MBER MBER MBER M O N D AY NTV B 7 18 44 50 65 ONUSNU TUESDAY 10 20 55 74 NTV B ONUS NU WEDNESDA Y 5 19 41 56 62 ONUSNU NTV B TH U R S D AY 15 16 34 47 72 NTV B ONUS NU FRIDAY Use the Herald’s Lucky Number on the cover to complete a BINGO PLAY & ROW, horizontally, vertically or diagonally and qualify to WIN a WIN! $100 weekly prize and a one-year Herald digital subscription. 1. Use the lucky number on the front of your Herald to (from Aug. 24-28) a ‘Bonus’ number will be an- 6. The Herald reserves the right to publish the name & play. Numbers can be used only once, but can be used nounced that you can use to complete your Bingo card. photograph of the winner. in any order as long as they are consecutive. Examples 3. Employees & immediate family members of Stirling – Lucky Number 12345 can represent the following Communications International are ineligible to play. 7. One card will be drawn from all winning Bingos submit- numbers: 1, 23, 45 or 12, 34, 5 or 12, 3, 45 or indi- 4. Contest is open to all NL residents 18 years & older. ted & will be final & binding. Prize must be accepted vidually 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Remember, each digit can only 5. Only original entries or reasonable facsimile (no pho- as awarded, with no substitutions. be used once. tocopies) of the full page from The Newfoundland Herald’s Bingo Game will be accepted & valid. 8. Entries must be accompanied with the original cover 2. Each weeknight during the NTV Evening Newshour showing the Lucky Number used to complete the card. Each week a new card will be published. NAME: PHONE: (709) ADDRESS: MAIL YOUR ENTRY: The Lucky Number BINGO Contest, c/o The Herald, P.O. Box 2015, St. John’s, NL, A1C 5R7 ALL ENTRIES MUST BE POSTMARKED NO LATER THAN SEPTEMBER 1, 2020. PLAY HERALD LUCKY NUMBER BINGO EVERY WEEK! FOR MORE CONTEST INFO VISIT: 70 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/AUGUST 23 - 29, 2020
BEST OF ON DEMAND! BEST OF NETFLIX UMBRELLA ACADEMY TRUTH OR DARE THE SLEEPOVER NETFLIX & CHILL WITH BINGE-WORTHY PROGRAMS STREAMING IN AUGUST ON NETFLIX 7.2/10 RATED R THE GENTLEMEN AVAILABLE NOW! 7.9/10 ~ Movie ~ 14A STREAM-WORTHY! ------------------------------------ CURSED TEENAGE BOUNTY HUNTERS 5.8/10 ~ TV ~ MA------------- DIRTY JOHN SEASON 2 NA/10 ~ TV ~ PG ---------------------- In season two, socialite Bet- ------------------------------------ DOWN A DARK HALL IMMIGRATION NATION 5.1/10 ~ Movie ~ PG ty Broderick hits a homicidal 6.3/10 ~ Doc ~ PG ------------------------------------- boiling point during a bitter ------------------------------------ THE INFORMER divorce with her unfaithful VENOM 6.5/10 ~ Movie ~ R husband. 6.7/10 ~ Movie ~ 14A ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ WORLD’S MOST WANTED THE SLEEPOVER 7.8/10 ~ Doc ~ 14A NA/10 ~ Movie ~ PG---------- ------------------------------------- -------------------------- THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY WARRIOR NUN 7.9/10 ~ TV ~ 14A 6.9/10 ~ TV~ MA ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ DIRTY JOHN SEASON 2 THE OLD GUARD 7.2/10 ~ TV ~ R 6.7/10 ~ Movie ~ R ------------------------------------ TRUTH OR DARE EXTENDED 5.2/10 ~ Movie ~ 14A ------------------------------------ PROJECT POWER Na/10 ~ Movie ~ R ------------------------------------ WE SUMMON THE DARKNESS 5.1/10 ~ Movie ~ R------------- ----------------------- THE BUSINESS OF DRUGS 7.3/10 ~ Doc ~ PG ------------------------------------ HOOPS NA/10 ~ TV ~ 14A ------------------------------------ ANIMAL CRACKERS 5.7/10 ~ Movie ~ PG STREAMING ON NETFLIX AUGUST 2020 42 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/AUGUST 23 - 29, 2020 Ratings and Reviews courtesy of IMDb.
THE BEST-STUFF STREAMING! PROGRAMS STREAMING IN AUGUST ON CRAVE & PRIME VIDEO CRAVE’S BEST NEW RELEASES PRIME VIDEO’S BEST PROGRAMS BIRDS OF PREY WE HUNT TOGETHER CAPONE BAD BOYS FOR LIFE HARRIET LOVECRAFT COUNTRY LITTLE WOMEN (2019) HANNA SEASON 2 6.4/10 ~ Movie ~ PG NA/10 ~ TV ~ MA 7.9/10 ~ Movie~ PG 7.5/10 ~ TV ~ MA ----------------------------- ----------------------------- ----------------------------- ----------------------------- DOOM PATROL BIRDS OF PREY CHEMICAL HEARTS ESCAPE FROM 8.0/10 ~ TV ~ 14A 6.1/10 ~ Movie ~ 14A 8.0/10 ~ TV~ NA------ PRETORIA ----------------------------- ----------------------------- ---------------------- 6.8/10 ~ Movie ~ 14A AN AMERICAN PICKLE RICHARD JEWELL THE BOYS ----------------------------- 6.2/10 ~ Movie ~ 14A 7.5/10 ~ Movie ~ 14A 8.7/10 ~ TV ~ MA ARKANSAS ----------------------------- ----------------------------- ----------------------------- 5.8/10 ~ Movie ~ R LAST CHRISTMAS CROSSING SWORDS A GOOD MARRIAGE ----------------------------- 6.5/10 ~ Movie ~ PG 6.6/10 ~ TV ~ MA 5.2/10 ~ Movie ~ R---- GUNS AKIMBO ----------------------------- ----------------------------- ------------------------- 7.0/10 ~ Movie ~ R PERRY MASON (2020) THE WEIGHT OF GOLD BAD BOYS FOR LIFE ----------------------------- 7.6/10 ~ TV~ MA 7.5/10 ~ Doc ~ PG 6.7/10 ~ Movie ~ R QUEEN & SLIM ----------------------------- ----------------------------- ----------------------------- 7.4/10 ~ Movie ~ 14A ENDINGS, BEGINNINGS THE ADDAMS FAMILY KNIVES OUT ----------------------------- 5.8/10 ~ Movie ~ 14A 5.8/10 ~ Movie ~ PG 7.9/10 ~ Movie ~ PG THE MAN IN THE ----------------------------- ----------------------------- ----------------------------- HIGH CASTLE JOJO RABBIT WE HUNT TOGETHER CROWN AND ANCHOR 8.0/10 ~ TV ~ MA 7.9/10 ~ Movie~ PG 6.5/10 ~ TV ~ MA 5.8/10 ~ Movie ~ R ----------------------------- ----------------------------- ----------------------------- ----------------------------- CAPONE LOVE LIFE FORD V FERRARI MR. ROBOT 4.7/10 ~ Movie ~ R 7.4/10 ~ TV ~ 14A 8.1/10 ~ Movie ~ PG 8.5/10 ~ TV ~ 14A STREAMING ON CRAVE STREAMING ON PRIME VIDEO LNIOVCEABSLETRREEQUAIRMEDI!NG 2LIV4E/7 DIGITAL VERSION AVAILABLE ONLINE: AUGUST 23 - 29, 2020/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 43
AUGUST 23 - 29, 2020 Reality Children Sports News Local Movies TIME: SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 06:00 AM NTV Entertainment News Issues & Answers NTV NEWS: FIRST EDITION NTV News: 1st Edition 06:30 AM NTV Eyewitness News NTV EARLY MORNING NEWS NTV Early 07:00 AM Morning News 07:30 AM Jesse Stirling’s… 08:00 AM Issues & Answers Captain Atlantis 08:30 AM Made Right Here Special Presentation 09:00 AM 09:30 AM 10:00 AM Heart Matters 10:30 AM Sunday Service The Morning Show 11:00 AM Church of the Rock Entertainment 11:30 AM Jesse Stirling’s… 100 Huntley Street NOON Issues & Answers Tonight NTV NEWSDAY Weekend NTV Eyewitness News 12:30 PM Week in Review The Young and the Restless NTV Entertainment News Days of Our Lives Evolution Wrestling 01:00 PM W5 Dimestore Fishermen 01:30 PM NL Sportsman 02:00 PM The West Block 02:30 PM NTV Sunday The Rachael Ray Show Arts Delight 03:00 PM Movie: Judge Judy Border Security 03:30 PM Recipe for Love The Tamron Hall Show Back to Back Episodes 04:00 PM The Simpsons 04:30 PM NL Jackpot Bingo 05:00 PM Jeopardy! Wheel of Fortune The Simpsons On the Mark 05:30 PM Wheel of Fortune NTV NEWS: FIRST EDITION NTV Week in Review NTV Eyewitness News 06:00 PM NTV Sunday NTV EVENING NEWSHOUR 06:30 PM Evening Newshour Global National 07:00 PM 07:30 PM Entertainment Tonight NTV Saturday Jeopardy! Movie: 08:00 PM Abducted: 08:30 PM Adventures Unknown Border Security The Mary Border Security Stauffer Story 09:00 PM Border Security DOUBLE BILL MOVIE NIGHT 09:30 PM The Neighborhood 10:00 PM Schooled NTV Saturday 10:30 PM Movie: 11:00 PM The Simpsons Border Security The Wolverine 11:30 PM CTV National News 12:00 AM NTV LATENIGHT NEWS CTV National News NTV Entertainment News 12:30 AM CTV National News The Late Show with Stephen Colbert Saturday Night 01:00 AM NTV Live 01:30 AM Latenight News ATLANTIC/LABRADOR - .5hr. earlier H EASTERN - 1.5hr. earlier H CENTRAL - 2.5hr. earlier H MOUNTAIN - 3.5hr. earlier H PACIFIC - 4.5hr. earlier 44 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/AUGUST 23 - 29, 2020
MUST SEE TV: CANADA’S SUPER STATION MON/8:30P.M. BULL SAT/5:00P.M. THE SIMPSONS SAT/9:30P.M. THE WOLVERINE An old friend of Bull is charged with Marge starts selling healing crystals to Wolverine returns to Japan to meet negligent homicide. naive mother’s of Springfield. an old friend who saved his life. Bull mounts the defense of an old friend, Marge starts a business selling healing Wolverine comes to Japan to meet an Eric Crawford, who is charged with negli- crystals and other New Age products to old friend whose life he saved years ago, gent homicide after Eric’s youngest child the naive mothers of Springfield. Homer’s and gets embroiled in a conspiracy involv- kills his eldest with Eric’s handgun. job cuts children’s health care benefits. ing yakuza and mutants. SPORTS HIGHLIGHTS SUNDAY [31] [SN360] Plays of the Month 1:30 p.m. 9:30 p.m. [NBC-D] [11] [NBC-B] LPGA [30] [RSE] NHL Hockey Stanley Cup Golf British Open. Final Round. Royal Playoffs. Live Troon Golf Club -- Royal Troon, Scotland. [31] [SN360] WWE Raw Live Live 4:00 p.m. TUESDAY 2:30 p.m. [10] [A] [22] [CBS] PGA Golf The SUN/4:00PM PGA GOLF THE NORTHERN TRUST Northern Trust. Final round. TPC Boston -- [31] [SN360] Misplays of the Norton, Mass. Live Month PGA Golf The Northern Trust. Final Round. Live on CBS [NBC-D] [11] [NBC-B] IndyCar 3:30 p.m. Auto Racing Indianapolis 500. IndyCar Series. Indianapolis Motor Speedway -- [30] [RSE] NHL Hockey Stanley Cup Indianapolis, Ind. Live Playoffs. 6:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. [23] [TSN] NBA Basketball [30] [RSE] Poker PokerStars 9:30 p.m. Playoffs. Live Championship. Main Event. -- Monte Carlo. 7:00 p.m. 8:30 p.m. THURSDAY [31] [SN360] [54] [FOX] WWE 3:00 p.m. SmackDown Live [30] [RSE] NHL Hockey Stanley Cup [30] [RSE] [31] [SN360] NHL 11:30 p.m. Playoffs. Live Hockey Stanley Cup Playoffs. Live [30] [RSE] Plays of the Month 9:30 p.m. 12:30 a.m. 3:30 p.m. [30] [RSE] [31] [SN360] NHL Hockey Stanley Cup Playoffs. Live [NBC-D] [11] [NBC-B] NHL [12] [RC] Sports express [30] [RSE] NHL Hockey Stanley Cup Hockey Carolina vs. Boston. Stanley Cup Playoffs. SATURDAY Playoffs. Eastern Conference Quarter-final WEDNESDAY 7:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. Game 7. Scotiabank Arena -- Toronto, Ont. 3:30 p.m. [23] [TSN] Racing Night Live (if necessary, time tentative) Live 8:30 p.m. [7] [ABC] WNBA Basketball [30] [RSE] NHL Hockey Stanley Cup [30] [RSE] [31] [SN360] NHL Seattle at Chicago. Wintrust Arena -- MONDAY Playoffs. Hockey Stanley Cup Playoffs. Live Chicago, Ill. Live 1:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. [54] [FOX] MLB Baseball Live 4:30 p.m. [30] [RSE] Sportsnet Central [30] [RSE] Poker PokerStars FRIDAY [NBC-D] [10] [A] [11] [NBC-B] [31] [SN360] Misplays of the Championship. Main Event. -- Monte Carlo. 2:30 p.m. PGA Golf BMW Championship. Month 6:30 p.m. [31] [SN360] IndyCar Auto 2:30 p.m. [30] [RSE] MLB’s Best Racing Bommarito Automotive Group [23] [TSN] Around the Horn [31] [SN360] Plays of the Month 500. Race 1. [30] [RSE] NHL Hockey Stanley Cup [30] [RSE] [31] [SN360] Tim & 3:00 p.m. 8:30 p.m. Playoffs. Sid Live [30] [RSE] Gotta See It 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 8:30 p.m. [NBC-D] [11] [NBC-B] NASCAR [30] [RSE] NHL Hockey Stanley Cup Auto Racing Coke Zero 400. Cup Series. [23] [TSN] Pardon the [23] [TSN] Pardon the Playoffs. Live Daytona International Speedway Interruption Interruption [31] [SN360] WWE NXT [30] [RSE] NHL Hockey Stanley Cup 8:00 p.m. Playoffs. Live [30] [RSE] [31] [SN360] Hockey Central Live AUGUST 23 - 29, 2020/THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD 45
MOVIE HIGHLIGHTS THE BEST MOVIES ON TELEVISION MON/9:30PM SUNDAY 8:00 p.m. [54] [FOX] The King’s Speech THE KING’S SPEECH 11:00 a.m. ++++ (2010) Colin Firth. (2h) [34] [SHOW] Central Intelligence 10:30 p.m. The story of King George VI, his im- [53] [AMC] Ferris Bueller’s Day Off +++ (2016) Dwayne Johnson. (2h30) promptu ascension to the throne of the +++ (1986) Matthew Broderick. (2h30) 8:50 p.m. [34] [SHOW] Snowpiercer +++ British Empire in 1936, and the speech 12:30 p.m. (2014) Chris Evans. (3h) therapist who helped the unsure mon- [44] [CTVSci-Fi] Superman II +++ [46] [FAM] Hook +++ (1991) Robin arch overcome his stammer, on FOX. [44] [CTVSci-Fi] Superman +++ (1980) Christopher Reeve. (2h40) Williams. (3h) (1978) Christopher Reeve. (2h50) 9:00 p.m. 11:30 p.m. WED/2:15PM 1:30 p.m. PRIDE AND PREJUDICE [53] [AMC] The Goonies ++++ [50] [TCM] Each Dawn I Die +++ [50] [TCM] In This Our Life +++ (1985) Sean Astin. (2h30) (1939) James Cagney. (1h45) The arrival of wealthy bachelors in (1942) Bette Davis. (1h45) 9:30 p.m. town causes an uproar when fam- 2:00 p.m. TUESDAY ilies with single daughters aggres- [47] [CTVComedy] Mother’s Day 10:30 a.m. sively seek engagements, including [36] [SLICE] Wedding Crashers +++ (2016) Britt Robertson. (2h30) the Bennet family, with five eligible +++ (2005) Owen Wilson. (2h30) [50] [TCM] Gone With the Wind [53] [AMC] Death Warrant +++ 2:30 p.m. ++++ (1939) Vivien Leigh. (4h) (1990) Jean-Claude Van Damme. (2h) daughters, on TCM. 11:30 p.m. 11:30 a.m. [5] [NTV] Recipe for Love + (2014) NTSV/U12N:3D0AP.MY. NTV/2:30 P.M. Danielle Panabaker. (2h) [36] [SLICE] Bridget Jones’s Diary [46] [FAM] Hook +++ (1991) Robin 3:00 p.m. +++ (2001) Renée Zellweger. (2h) Williams. (2h20) 11:45 p.m. 12:30 p.m. [2] [PBS] Lawrence of Arabia +++ (1962) Peter O’Toole. (4h) [34] [SHOW] San Andreas +++ [53] [AMC] Braveheart +++ (1995) 3:15 p.m. (2015) Dwayne Johnson. (2h30) Mel Gibson. (4h) 1:00 a.m. 2:30 p.m. [50] [TCM] Captain Blood ++++ (1935) Errol Flynn. (2h15) [44] [CTVSci-Fi] Superman +++ [50] [TCM] Too Many Wives +++ 3:20 p.m. (1978) Christopher Reeve. (3h) (1937) Anne Shirley. (1h15) 3:45 p.m. [44] [CTVSci-Fi] Superman II +++ MONDAY (1980) Christopher Reeve. (2h40) 9:30 a.m. [50] [TCM] Mother Carey’s 3:30 p.m. Chickens +++ (1938) Anne Shirley. [50] [TCM] Background to Danger (1h30) [55] [CHCH] Santa Fe Trail +++ +++ (1943) Sydney Greenstreet. (1h30) 4:30 p.m. (1940) Errol Flynn. (2h) 11:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m. [53] [AMC] Total Recall +++ (1990) [50] [TCM] Johnny Angel +++ Arnold Schwarzenegger. (2h30) [53] [AMC] Ghostbusters +++ (1946) George Raft. (1h30) 6:00 p.m. (1984) Bill Murray. (2h30) 12:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m. [36] [SLICE] Twister +++ (1996) [53] [AMC] Airplane! +++ (1980) Helen Hunt. (2h30) [47] [CTVComedy] Sleepless in Robert Hayes. (2h) 7:00 p.m. Seattle +++ (1993) Tom Hanks. 2:00 p.m. (2h15) [53] [AMC] The Day After [58] [APTN] Gridiron Gang +++ [53] [AMC] Ghostbusters +++ Tomorrow +++ (2004) Dennis Quaid. (2006) Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson. (2h30) (1984) Bill Murray. (2h30) (2h30) 5:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 9:30 p.m. [34] [SHOW] San Andreas +++ [53] [AMC] Ghostbusters II +++ [28] [PRMT] Shooter +++ (2007) (2015) Dwayne Johnson. (2h30) (1989) Bill Murray. (2h30) Mark Wahlberg. (2h30) [36] [SLICE] Bridget Jones’s Diary 7:00 p.m. [18] [W] Delivery Man +++ (2013) +++ (2001) Renée Zellweger. (2h) Vince Vaughn. (2h30) [50] [TCM] Dodge City +++ (1939) [53] [AMC] The Goonies ++++ [53] [AMC] The Rock +++ (1996) Errol Flynn. (2h) (1985) Sean Astin. (2h30) Sean Connery. (3h) 6:00 p.m. 7:15 p.m. [50] [TCM] Anne of Green Gables ++++ (1934) Anne Shirley. (1h30) [40] [E!] Working Girl +++ (1988) [50] [TCM] Some Like It Hot +++ 10:30 p.m. Melanie Griffith. (2h30) (1959) Jack Lemmon. (2h15) [44] [CTVSci-Fi] Superman +++ 9:30 p.m. [34] [SHOW] The Divergent Series: (1978) Christopher Reeve. (2h50) Allegiant ++++ (2016) Shailene 6:30 p.m. [10] [A] Ghostbusters II +++ Woodley. (2h30) (1989) Bill Murray. (2h30) [46] [FAM] Miss Peregrine’s Home [53] [AMC] Ghostbusters II +++ [24] [YTV] Charlotte’s Web +++ for Peculiar Children +++ (2016) (1989) Bill Murray. (2h30) (2006) Voices of Julia Roberts. (2h) Eva Green. (2h35) 7:30 p.m. [53] [AMC] The Day After 11:00 p.m. Tomorrow +++ (2004) Dennis Quaid. [50] [TCM] The Adventures of (2h30) [50] [TCM] Steamboat ‘Round The Robin Hood ++++ (1938) Errol [50] [TCM] They Drive by Night Bend +++ (1935) Will Rogers. (1h30) Flynn. (2h) +++ (1940) Humphrey Bogart. (2h) RECIPE FOR LOVE “NQOTAUBOLE TMOEVI”E “I knew no matter what happened, God would care for us.” WWW.NTV.CA — ABDUCTED: THE MARY STAUFFER STORY 4466TTHHEENNEEWWFFOOUUNNDDLLAANNDDHHEERRAALLDD//AAuugguusstt2233--2299,,22002200
THE BEST MOVIES MOVIE HIGHLIGHTS ON TELEVISION WEDNESDAY 9:30 p.m. SATURDAY FRI/11:30AM 11:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. MR. PEABODY & SHERMAN [53] [AMC] Jurassic Park +++ [53] [AMC] Scarface +++ (1983) Al (1993) Sam Neill. (3h) [33] [MM] Superman +++ (1978) The time-travelling adventures of an Pacino. (4h) [50] [TCM] It Happened One Night Christopher Reeve. (2h50) advanced canine and his adopted son, 2:15 p.m. ++++ (1934) Claudette Colbert. 9:30 a.m. as they endeavor to fix a time rift they (2h) [50] [TCM] Pride and Prejudice [55] [CHCH] Gone Girl ++++ (2014) [53] [AMC] Summer Rental +++ created, on FAM. ++++ (1940) Greer Garson. (2h) Ben Affleck. (3h) (1985) John Candy. (2h) 3:30 p.m. 10:25 p.m. 11:50 a.m. SAT/7:30PM ABDUCTED: THE MARY [53] [AMC] Clear and Present [46] [FAM] Trouble With the Curve [33] [MM] Superman II +++ (1980) Danger +++ (1994) Harrison Ford. (3h) +++ (2012) Clint Eastwood. (2h15) Christopher Reeve. (2h40) STAUFFER STORY 4:15 p.m. 11:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m. Based on a true story, Mary Stauffer [50] [TCM] Henry V ++++ (1945) [50] [TCM] The Egg and I +++ [46] [FAM] Ferdinand +++ (2017) and her eight-year old daughter, Beth Laurence Olivier. (2h30) (1947) Claudette Colbert. (2h) John Cena. (2h) 6:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. are held captive for 53 days by an FRIDAY obsessed former student, on NTV. [53] [AMC] The Rock +++ (1996) 9:30 a.m. [55] [CHCH] At War With the Army Sean Connery. (3h) +++ (1950) Dean Martin. (2h) NTV/9:30 P.M. SATURDAY 6:45 p.m. [50] [TCM] Deception +++ (1946) 5:00 p.m. THE WOLVERINE Bette Davis. (2h) [50] [TCM] Hamlet ++++ (1948) 10:30 a.m. [33] [MM] Batman +++ (1989) WWW.NTV.CA Laurence Olivier. (2h45) Michael Keaton. (2h45) 9:30 p.m. [53] [AMC] Total Recall +++ (1990) 6:30 p.m. Arnold Schwarzenegger. (2h30) [18] [W] View From the Top +++ 11:30 a.m. [53] [FX] Office Space +++ (1999) (2003) Gwyneth Paltrow. (2h) Ron Livingston. (2h) [53] [AMC] Goodfellas +++ (1990) [46] [FAM] Mr. Peabody & [54] [FOX] Goin’ South +++ (1978) Ray Liotta. (3h) Sherman ++++ (2014) Voices of Ty Jack Nicholson. (2h30) [50] [TCM] Wuthering Heights Burrell. (1h30) 7:00 p.m. ++++ (1939) Laurence Olivier. (2h) 1:00 p.m. 11:30 p.m. [53] [AMC] The Goonies ++++ [53] [AMC] X2: X-Men United +++ (1985) Sean Astin. (2h30) [50] [TCM] A Little Romance +++ (2003) Patrick Stewart. (3h) [34] [SHOW] The Hobbit: The (1979) Diane Lane. (2h) 1:45 p.m. Desolation of Smaug +++ (2013) Martin Freeman. (3h30) THURSDAY [50] [TCM] Hollow Triumph +++ 7:30 p.m. 11:00 a.m. (1948) Paul Henreid. (1h45) 4:00 p.m. [5] [NTV] Abducted: The Mary [53] [AMC] A Bronx Tale ++++ Stauffer Story + (2019) Alyson (1993) Robert De Niro. (2h30) [53] [AMC] Demolition Man +++ Hannigan. (2h) 1:30 p.m. (1993) Sylvester Stallone. (2h30) [24] [YTV] Meet the Robinsons +++ 5:30 p.m. (2007) Voices of Angela Bassett. (2h) [53] [AMC] Boyz ‘N the Hood +++ [50] [TCM] On the Waterfront (1991) Laurence Fishburne. (2h30) [50] [TCM] Between Two Worlds ++++ (1954) Marlon Brando. (2h) 1:45 p.m. +++ (1944) John Garfield. (2h) 7:45 p.m. 6:30 p.m. [50] [TCM] It’s a Wonderful World [33] [MM] Batman Returns +++ +++ (1939) Claudette Colbert. (1h45) [53] [AMC] Jurassic Park +++ (1992) Michael Keaton. (2h45) 3:30 p.m. (1993) Sam Neill. (3h) 8:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. [50] [TCM] Without Reservations [53] [FX] Dodgeball: A True +++ (1946) Claudette Colbert. (2h) [50] [TCM] Of Human Bondage Underdog Story +++ (2004) Vince 5:30 p.m. +++ (1946) Eleanor Parker. Vaughn. (2h) (2h) 9:30 p.m. [50] [TCM] Three Came Home +++ 8:30 p.m. (1950) Claudette Colbert. (2h) [5] [NTV] The Wolverine ++ (2013) 6:30 p.m. [46] [FAM] Ferdinand +++ (2017) Hugh Jackman. (2h30) John Cena. (2h10) [53] [AMC] Walking Tall +++ [53] [AMC] Goodfellas +++ (1990) 9:30 p.m. (2004) Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson. Ray Liotta. (3h) (1h45) 7:30 p.m. [50] [TCM] Now, Voyager +++ [50] [TCM] North by Northwest (1942) Bette Davis. (2h15) ++++ (1959) Cary Grant. (2h30) [50] [TCM] Tomorrow Is Forever 10:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. +++ (1946) Claudette Colbert. (2h) 8:30 p.m. [18] [W] Magic Mike XXL +++ [24] [YTV] The Good Witch’s Family (2015) Channing Tatum. (2h30) +++ (2011) Catherine Bell. (2h) [46] [FAM] Mr. Peabody & [53] [FX] The Maze Runner +++ Sherman ++++ (2014) Voices of Ty (2014) Dylan O’Brien. (2h30) Burrell. (1h55) “Human forces building a weapon that could bring NOTABLE MOVIE about the end of our kind. What do I want? I want “QUOTE”your help.” — THE WOLVERINE NDFIgLDItAHLEVREARLsDIO.cNomAVAILABLE ONLINE: AAuugguusstt2233--2299,,22002200//TTHHEENNEEWWFFOOUUNNDDLLAANNDDHHEERRAALLDD4477
G72SANLuIURgPIANuNYsDtARAD23ONYOMM R Rogers SD Shaw Direct Vu Satellite % Bell Aliant Digital MOVIES SEIVOM MLUACSOT LSEE TV SWENREALITSYTROPS CHILDNREERNDLIHC SPORYTTSILAER NEWSVT EESLTOSCUAML 08/23 R SD Vu 6 AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 6:00 AM - 1:30 PM Entert- NTV Remar- Issues Made Heart Sunday Church Remar- Issues NTV W5 NTV (5) 310 199 12 ainment Eyewitne Reflec- kable and Right Canada Good Matters Service of the kable and Week in News ss News tions People Answers Here in View News Rock People Answers Review CBC (3) 299 200 3 Moblee Addison Arthur RRivets Thrillus D.Tiger Ollie! CorrieSt CorrieSt CorrieSt Street mark.p LandSea Scrum HelloBye N.Things PBS (2) 364 284 8 _ Rick Steves' Paint Interfaith Rogers D.Tiger Xavier Hero Ele O. Squad 1Detroit Journal Motor. AutoLine Contrary W.Week Record CMT (6) 583 575 22 Rules Rules Rules Tornado Tornado Genius Genius Ice Racer Show Tornado Tornado Genius Genius Ice Racer Show Middle ABC (7) 361 281 11 Chronicle NewsCenter Five NewsCenter Five GMA/Sunday NewsCenter Five This Week NewsCenter Five Record Matter CityLine CTV2 (10) 340 202 5 Paid CashCb Marilyn Denis Worst Driver Paid Paid Paid Paid Fresh H.Made Church Paid Paid JadeFev. NBC-B (11) 280 9 House HUB News Boston Weekend Boston Weekend Sunday Today NBC10 News News Meet the Press HUB Golf NBC-D 58 Consumer Consumer Matter Local 4 News Morning J.Osteen Local 4 News Sunday Today Flash Meet the Press In Touch Golf TREE (16) 546 553 20 Truckt. R. Rob Shimmer Splash'N RyanPly BenAnd R Rivets Top Wing Machines Guppies Barbie Barbie Various Pony Masha Ricky OLN (17) 457 411 102 FailArmy St. Wars St. Wars St. Wars St. Wars St. Wars St. Wars Global Paid Dirt Trax Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid St. Wars W (18) 567 602 274 Movie Good Witch Good Witch \"True Love Blooms\" (‘19) Sara Rue. \"Anything for Love\" (‘16,Rom) (CC) \"Love on the Menu\" (‘19) CBCN (20) 390 502 13 _N.Things News News CBC News Network with John Northcott The Sunday Scrum Scrum News VISION (21) 394 650 64 Super. Beyond Super. Twice Lifetime Touch Ministries Mass Youssef Creflo Faytene Copelnd Facts Islam Hour of Power CBS (22) 362 282 7 _Murdoch WBZ This Morning WBZ This Morning WBZ This Morning WBZ This Morning CBS Sunday Morning Face the Nation NE Liv. Paid TSN (23) 400 400 100 _ SportsC SportsCentre SportsCentre SportsCentre SportsCentre SportsCentre SportsCentre SportsC Motoring SC Plays YTV (24) 542 551 21 GShakers Sponge Sponge Unicorn! Cloudy Wayside Chuck's Looped Cloudy Sponge Sponge Loud H. Casa. Loud H. LEGO Movie CNN (25) 500 500 234 _ News CNN Newsroom New Day Weekend New Day Weekend Inside Politics State of the Union Zakaria GPS Reliable Sources Union GLOBAL (26) 339 240 4 Paid Expand Donut Paid Off Air Paid Paid Paid Power TV Global News Morning Block A&E (27) 520 615 202 InfoDoc InfoDoc InfoDoc InfoDoc InfoDoc Hoarders Hoarders Hoarders Hoarders Hoarders Hoarders AMC (28) 609 293 564 \"Airplane!\" (‘80) Robert Hayes. (CC) \"The Blues Brothers\" (‘80) Dan Aykroyd, John Belushi. \"Ferris Bueller's Day Off\" (‘86) Movie RSE (30) 416 406 110 _ Central Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central Sportsnet Central Central SN360 (31) 403 410 101 _ Hockey Stanley Cup Playoffs Month GottaSee Hockey NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs Hockey NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs Misplay Month WWENXT MM (33) 580 570 220 _ \"Men in Black\" (‘97) CashCb CashCb CashCb CashCb CashCb CashCb CashCb CashCb CashCb CashCb CashCb CashCb Seinfeld SHOW (34) 521 616 201 _ \"Central Int... TheGuest \"Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow\" (... \"The Cheerleader Escort\" (‘19) Mary Kills People Mary Kills People Hawaii50 CTVDR (35) 523 620 203 _ Closer The Closer House House House The Closer The Closer The Closer Closer SLICE (36) 562 601 272 1st Date 1st Date 1st Date Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Paid Paid Paid Walk the Line DISC (37) 505 520 286 _WoodLaw North Woods Law Disasters at Sea Mighty Planes Chasing Monsters Dr. Keri Dr. Keri Hellfire Heroes North Woods Law WoodsLaw E! (40) 527 621 212 _ Bones Unforgettable \"Garage Sale Mystery: Murder ... \"Garage Sale Mystery: A Case of... TMZ SexCity SexCity SexCity TLC (41) 560 521 288 _ Say Yes Say Yes-Dress Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes-Dress Say Yes-Dress Say Yes DTOUR (42) 524 618 210 Security Security Security Border Border Border Border Paid Border Border Border Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures GhostAd. CTVSc (44) 528 627 209 Movie \"The Amazing Spider-Man\" (‘12) Andrew Garfield. \"The Amazing Spider-Man 2\" (‘14) Andrew Garfield. \"Superman\" (‘78) FAM (46) 540 556 258 Backsta. Just Like Mighty Johnny Mighty \"Open Season\" (‘06) Cat Noir Trolls BGDCMC V.Dango S.Sparks TheBurea PerfLand Wipeout CTVCo (47) 548 625 208 Friends Friends Friends CornerG CornerG CornerG CornerG CornerG CornerG CornerG CornerG CornerG CornerG \"Snatched\" (‘17) TOON (48) 544 554 254 TomJerry Wacky NEXO Transyl Drama Power Johnny Titans! Titans! Titans! ThunRoar \"LEGO DC Shazam: M... Adv.Time Ninjago HIST (49) 506 522 287 _ Forged Forged in Fire Canadian Pickers Paid Best of Security Security Battle Spaceship Earth Pawn S. Pawn S. Forged TCM (50) 539 292 204 _ \"The Great Race\" (‘65) \"The Male Animal\" (‘42) \"Princess O'Rourke\" (‘43) \"Light in the Piazza\" (‘62) Movie PEACH (51) 650 294 200 _ T.R.A.P Paid Paid Real Life Think Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Gametime Paid Atlanta Eats Paid RawTrav. FX (53) 251 K. vs. S. Murdoch Mystery Murdoch Mystery Murdoch Mystery Murdoch Mystery Murdoch Mystery Murdoch Mystery Comedian Comedian Comedian FOX (54) 363 283 10 BigBang Paid Press Paid Paid Paid Paid Wild Am. Paid Fox News Sunday Measure Press Paid Paid Judy CHCH (55) 345 218 17 Story Night Night Story Night TinyTal. Dr. Ho Story Dr. Ho Dr. Ho Dr. Ho Paid Night Dr. Ho Key David Dr. Ho OWN (56) 507 526 285 _ Oprah Oprah's Lifeclass Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes My Baby's Having My Baby's Having Irreconcilable Diff Soul Sunday Iyanla APTN (58) 350 239 23 Dreamcat The Line Under Anaana's Louis Coyote's Tshaka Teepee Canot Tshakape Tshakape Coyote's AWSM! 1st Talk 1st Talk Songs NGEO (85) 551 524 289 Security Security Security Puppy Puppy Puppy Puppy Puppy Paid Incredible Dr. Pol Incredible Dr. Pol Incredible Dr. Pol Dr. Pol CIHF (115) 204 4 Paid News Ent. Tonight Paid Paid Paid Fishful Paid J.Osteen Paid Paid Paid Block Leave It CarnEats CITY (133)344 214 19 _ CityLine CityLine CityLine CityLine Canadian Canada Jokers Church Jokers Investor Correio Da Manha Lombardi PRMT (279) 584 628 211 Ink Ink Ink Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Res. STARZ1 (306)612 304 570 \"The Grey Fox\" (‘82) \"I'm Yours\" (‘11) \"After the Ball\" (‘15) \"Sixteen Candles\" (‘84) \"The Breakfast Club\" (‘85) 48 THE NEWFOUNDLAND HERALD/August 23 - 29, 2020