About usHello, my name is Bill Gratz I’m the owner, and I would like to thank you for consideringDoor Power for your garage door and opener needs.Our company goal is to provide quality, friendly service, with short response time at a fairand reasonable upfront price. Beware of companies who are vague on the phone or won’tgive you a good idea of prices before they show up.We have been in business since 1967, and are a 2nd generation, familyowned company. We have built our business on repeat customers andword-of-mouth so customer satisfaction is of the utmost importance tous. We have a top rating at both the Better Business Bureau and Angie’sList. I personally stand behind every job we do so if you ever have anyconcerns, please call me directly. I usually answer the phones myselffrom 7:00 AM until 10:00 PM seven days a week.Our staff consists of four full-time technicians, including myself, withover 54 years of experience between us. We know what we are doingand will always do the job the right way the first time. We do not useany sub-contractors and our technicians are not paid any kind ofcommission. We offer flat-rate phone quotes with no hidden tack-onsand are happy to help you over the phone with advice on some of themore simple problems.Please call me today if there is anything I can do for you. — BillWelcome to Door Power, where we specialize in all of your garage door service, sales,repair and installation needs. We understand that your home is a major investment andthat keeping it looking its best not only adds curb appeal, it increases the value of yourproperty. This includes your garage door.We are a family-owned and operated company serving the Minneapolis metro area since1967. When it comes to the upkeep of your residential or commercial garage door,experience really matters. Our trained staff of service experts has an average experiencelevel of 15 years.
A garage isn’t just a garage anymore; it’s an extension of your home and personality.Garages are used for more than just storing cars; they’ve become gyms, studios, additionalliving space, and more! Along with our service and repair services, we sell and install new,top-of-the-line garage doors and opener systems for all residential applications.We understand the frustration and inconvenience of not being able to enter your garage,especially in the middle of a Minnesota winter or a drenching rain. To provide superbcustomer service and satisfaction, we personally answer phone calls seven days a week, atall waking hours, rather than using a service to just take messages. In addition, the majorityof our service requests are completed the same day.We service all makes and models of garage doors and garage door openers, and representsome of the most trusted brand names in the industry .We are proud to feature Clopay garage doors for new installations.Good Housekeeping Seal: The Clopay brand has the distinction of being the only garagedoor company to earn the Good Housekeeping Seal for its residential garage doors.Our trained and qualified staff can also install and service Ideal, Ankmar, and Amar garagedoors.We also proudly feature LiftMaster garage door openers for replacements and newinstallations. LiftMaster Openers warranty their motors and belts for life. Every repair wemake has a minimum of a one-year warranty.Our service experts are also proficient in installing and servicing garage door openers madeby Sears, Craftsman, Chamberlain, Genie, Stanley, and Wayne Dalton.We will install the best and repair the rest with the most experienced, ethical, courteous,and prompt technicians in the Minneapolis metro area.Our residential services include: Repair and troubleshoot all brands Install and repair garage door openers Replace broken springs Fix or repair broken cables and correct doors that are off track Broken track and hinge replacement or repairs Replace worn or broken rollers Replace and/or realign sensors Safety inspection and lubrication on every service call Our mission is to provide the finest in residential garage door and garage door opener services to the Minnesota public.
Our objective is achieved by providing: Straight answers over the phone Free written estimates Fair, affordable prices with no hidden fees Same-day scheduling in most cases Emergency/after hour/weekend service Dependable one-time response as all parts are kept in stock Experienced, ethical, and knowledgeable personnelOur entire staff is dedicated to serving your best interests and ensuring your satisfaction,one customer at a time. We are a customer-oriented company and your satisfaction isguaranteed.Call us at (763) 383-6008 or (952) 467-3199 for all your garage door and garage door openerneeds.We service the entire metro area with a flat-rate service call so there are no additionalcharges for mileage or for any additional time spent at your home.We provide expert garage door installation, repair, and openers in the followingcommunities: Minneapolis, Eden Prairie, Chanhassen, Bloomington, Edina, Minnetonka,Plymouth, Maple Grove, Chaska, Shakopee. Garage Door OpenersGarage door openers are an essential part of the service we provide. We offer newinstallations, featuring LiftMaster® openers, and service and repair of all brands andmodels of existing units including Sears, Craftsman, Chamberlain, Genie, Stanley, andWayne Dalton. Call us at (763) 383-6008 or (952) 467-3199 for a new installation or an emergency repair.
We choose to offer residential garage door openers which give a broad selection inperformance, features, and durability – more so than any other opener brand. All modelsoffer the ultimate in safety and security features, and are available with a variety ofhorsepower levels and drive systems for all types of homes and applications. There is aproper model for all applications and needs, from ones with rooms over the garage to thosewith heavy doors, as well as a series of openers that require little maintenance. All theresidential garage access systems are designed and proven to withstand even the harshestof elements we experience here in Minnesota and provide years of extended use withminimum maintenance.The higher-end models are equipped with the patented Motor Vibration Isolation System(MVIS®) that eliminates powerhead vibration for smooth, quiet operation and come withcutting-edge accessories for the ultimate in garage access.They are also available with innovative accessories designed to make home access evenmore convenient. One of these is the EverCharge® Standby Power that continues tooperate even when the power goes out.There are four main types of access systems, and each one has a different drive system. Chain Drive OpenersOver 70% of garage door openers sold today are chain driven, and we offer the widestvariety available on the market. They are durable, reliable, and offer lasting performance.Designed specifically to lift even the heaviest custom wood and carriage house garagedoors, these chain drives are rugged, reliable, and deliver all-around lasting performance.Our line of chain drive systems is the most comprehensive on the market, and can fit avariety of different site requirements. Belt Drive OpenersOur belt drive systems offer the ultimate in quiet operation. Our heavy-duty belt drive is astough as a steel-belted tire, and delivers smooth-running power and reliable performanceyear after year. They are the perfect choice for homes with living space above or next to thegarage.If you have a room positioned above or adjacent to your garage, this model is the idealchoice. These belt drive garage door openers are the smoothest, quietest, most reliablesystems you can buy and are as tough as a steel-belted tire. Screw Drive OpenersOur screw drive openers are specially engineered to run smoothly and quietly, even inextreme temperatures. The one-piece solid steel rail reduces friction, and eliminatesbinding. It contains an electronic component called a thermistor that adjusts and increasesforce as it gets colder, delivering superior performance, whatever the temperature duringour Minnesota winters.
Garage Door RepairGarage door repair or service is one thing best left to the professionals due to the very realdanger of serious personal injury. For professional garage door repair or service, call the experts at (763) 383-6008 or (952) 467-3199.Overhead garage doors, whether they roll up in sections or swing up in one piece, operateon spring tension. The door moves on metal tracks on the garage walls, and a heavy springor springs provide the power. A common repair is the replacement of the torsion springs,which are the devices that lift most of the weight of a garage door. The energy stored in thesprings is sufficient, in an uncontrolled release, to break things, hurt you, or perhaps evenkill you. Many manufacturers and distributors of torsion springs believe they are better offnot retailing their product directly to the public as they feel the product is too dangerousand infrequently needed for the public to purchase directly. They say the job is hazardousand requires techniques and tools with which the amateur will rarely practice, which istrue. Another reason for not making parts for garage door repair available to the public is,\"if we sell springs to a do-it-yourselfer, and he gets hurt installing it, we could get sued.\"This is even more applicable for a roll-up door, which has a single torsion spring at thecenter of the door, as it has even greater spring tension.The most common grade of torsion springs have an expected life of about 10,000 cycles.The hardened and tempered steel experiences tremendous forces each time the door opensor closes. Gradually, the steel fatigues and eventually cracks and breaks. It then releases itsstored energy in an instant with a horrific \"sproing\" noise, which is a loud noise that couldonly be described as a big spring snapping and vibrating, or a huge bang. You then knowit’s time for a major garage door repair.If you average about two car trips per day, opening and closing the door a total of 4 timesdaily when you come and go, then that expected life becomes 2500 days, or only about 7years. If you have an automatic opener, you tend to cycle the door even more frequently,and you can expect the need for a garage door repair to replace the springs even sooner.Spring pairs should be replaced together, since the mate is likely to fail soon after the first,and any possible savings on parts isn't worth the extra money to have the service and repairdone again. Contact information:We do not check our e-mail daily so please call (763) 383-6008, or (952) 467- 3199. www.doorpower.com
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