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The New Duncan Journal

Published by editor, 2018-01-26 13:11:09

Description: An online sample of what the Duncan Journal might look like when we go to reprint using some current and some older articles and advertisements that are clearly from 1982.


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Vol 2 Issue 1 February 15, 2018 Siebring to Move for “Standards of Conduct” At the Jan 17 2018 North staff would be bound by any new code of conduct Cowichan Council the Council implements. meeting the Council will consider Councillor Councillors, as elected Siebring’s Dec 20, 2017 representatives and as notice of motion for a ” operating in the political Standards of Conduct” domain have a and ” Oath of Office” considerable latitude of policy to affirm the conduct, but can see behavioural standards limitations in how they and legislative interact with municipal requirements for staff, statements they Council, Committee may make that affect the Members, and staff. Municipality, and It is expected that “the whether they can speakCrofton Residents Like Upgrades, “Standards of Conduct” for the Council.And Want More. will require both elected Given the recent public censure by the Mayor of officials and public at least one Councillor, some connected parties servants to conduct suggest that this is a less than veiled attempt to themselves in a manner restrict and gag the activities of certain which instills public trust Councillors. The current Council, like the lastWork was recently completed community’s level of ferry traffic blocking, more and confidence, and iteration, is dominated byon a project to spruce up the satisfaction with the parking at the boat ramp, the Mayor and his“business” area of Crofton. renovations. 100% of the requests for a crosswalk to the contribute to a respectful political allies withOriginally slated to come in respondents were Crofton new skate park, that there is normally only one or twoaround $850,000 the project residents or businesses too much traffic on York Ave workplace and not bring in dissent.ended up well over budget owners, or both. A number of with very high speeds, and afinishing at just under questions related to how the request for electronic speed the District of North$1,500,000. This makes the finished project looks has signs coming into Croftonproject $650,000 or 76% drawn widespread approval from Osborne Bay Road. Cowichan intoover-budget. from the respondents. disrepute.” No mention of the project costs or over-runs were An area of some Council is expected to included in the survey direct staff to draft aBetween March 2016 and literature, The survey was dissatisfaction were the “Standards of Conduct” Some say it might be mailed to 700 residents with a policy for Council and tempting to silence thatJune 2017, the Municipality further 300 not getting the raised intersections with Committee Members, an one opposing voice and survey. The final project cost, “Oath of Office” policy, that this motion is for thatcompleted a series of projects if it had to be paid for by residents commenting that and a ” Standards of purpose. Others suggest Crofton residents would have Conduct ” policy for that this in response tointended to improve areas of been about $1.4 Million or they gave a “roller-coaster Municipal employees. the firing of Dave about $1,400 per each of Devanna as CAO last yearthe Crofton core. These approximately 1,000 Crofton ride and that “there had to be after an internal report residences. raised concerns related toprojects were identified by the a better way”. One Most Municipal workplace issues. The survey reports thatCrofton Local Area Plan, and residents were concerned commented that speed employees work under aincluded redesign of the road about traffic related to the bumps would have been just union contract and would Crofton Ferry and boat launchand parking layout for Joan as well as access issues during as effective. Another asked be governed in large part busy times. The reportAve. to organize parking and prepared for Council includes why they were put on the road by the terms of the comments such as; a bettercalm traffic, raised system for the ferry line up, to the boat launch, a well used employment contract.intersections of brick paving something done along local road. Yet another Senior and non-union Chaplin Street to slow downstones, an embedded ferry traffic, that it’s very hard thought they were perhaps to access the boat launch withcompass rose, new sidewalks too high. In general, theon Queen St. and Joan Ave., residents loved thereplacement of sanitary appearance of the completedsewer, water main and storm work.drains, landscaping, The survey was completed after the project was plannedinstallation of street furniture and installed. It is unclear if the Municipality intendsand lighting, ‘tree outlets’, further work to address the residents requests or if theand an electric vehicle projects completed had been specifically requested bycharging station Crofton residents.We now have the results of a Cow -catchers in th old-days were used to clear thesurvey sent to Crofton tracks of things in your way. We're not sure if this wasresidents and business the origin of the term \"rail-roading\".owners to evaluate the

2EDITORIALProperty Taxes Necessary, But tincidunt. PhasellusMust Be Focussed pharetra purus id arcu iaculis, eget egestasLorem ipsum dolor sit quis, hendrerit tempus lacus at dolor. Integer tellus ornare. Aeneanamet, consectetur nulla. Duis consequat arcu dui, congue nec sapien ligula, sagittis veladipiscing elit. fringilla sodales. In dolor sit amet, volutpat nunc at, eleifend posuereMaecenas cursus dolor turpis mauris, aliquam posuere enim. purus. Etiam non turpisnon est laoreet ac augue et, tempus Suspendisse nibh in lectus semperdignissim. Cras non auctor ex. Proin sapien, malesuada vel tincidunt nec vulputateinterdum erat, in condimentum pulvinar iaculis porta, dignissim turpis. Nam nulla erat,bibendum sem. eros pellentesque ut purus. Suspendisse porta non bibendum ut,Phasellus at mauris at suscipit. Vivamus iaculis blandit iaculis cursus. facilisis sed sem.nisi gravida vel odio a consequat. Nulla id augue semper, Pellentesque porta duipellentesque vitae vel ornare leo a, consequat non hendrerit feugiat.lorem. Quisque sed Suspendisse lacinia, urna. In pellentesque Nulla facilisi. Sedporttitor nisi. Donec nisi massa a rutrum finibus, cursus aliquet. Aliquam eleifend sed ipsum quisorci, facilisis ut ante nunc velit placerat sem, vestibulum eleifend convallis. Aenean porta sollicitudin sem pharetra ex in est tincidunt pharetra. Ut tincidunt arcu nisl, nec dictum felis mattis quis. Fusce a pharetra turpis. In efficitur ut mi quis mollis. Nulla a lectus vitae velit commodo vestibulum vel aliquam diam. Curabitur turpis mauris, rutrum a porta quis, aliquet sed purus. Quisque cursus porta consequat. Integer sed lorem pretium leo efficitur tempus. In pharetra dignissim ante,Property Taxes to Rise 18%In a financial plan Over that time the likely for work related to are collected from aproposed by the municipality will run an the new RCMP variety of municipalMunicipality property accumulated surplus of detachment. services, permits, andtaxes are proposed to go $32.2 Million. There is no licences. User feesup 18% by 2022 from indication of the purpose User fees are also going attempt to align the valuetodays rate. The increase or disposition of the up by about $1.4 Million of a service to those whoaverages 4.5% annually surplus. or just over 10%. The use the service. It isand will increase municipal report has this generally preferable toproperty taxes by about At the same time the to say about user fees: charge a user fee for$5.5 Million reaching a municipality is set to services to specific users,new peak of $36 Million borrow $23 Million. The “User fees and charges than to levy a general taxin 2022. report doesn’t indicate form the next largest on all property owners.” the purpose but this is portion of North Cowichan’s revenue and

3LETTERSTaxes Way Out of sed ipsum quis convallis. nunc velit placerat sem, non. Curabitur sed porttitor nisi. Donec nisiHand Aenean pharetra ex in est porta sollicitudin sem pulvinar lorem, in posuere orci, facilisis ut ante quis,in bibendum sem. tincidunt pharetra. lacus at dolor. Integer velit. Duis leo mi, euismod hendrerit tempus nulla.Phasellus at mauris at nisi arcu dui, congue nec dolor vel convallis sit amet, Duis consequat fringillagravida pellentesque vitae Ut tincidunt arcu nisl, nec sit amet, volutpat posuere ullamcorper eu massa. sodales. In turpis mauris,vel lorem. Quisque sed dictum felis mattis quis. enim. Suspendisse nibh Etiam at auctor dui. In aliquam ac augue et,porttitor nisi. Donec nisi Fusce a pharetra turpis. In sapien, malesuada vel hac habitasse platea tempus auctor ex. Proinorci, facilisis ut ante quis, efficitur ut mi quis mollis. iaculis porta, dignissim ut dictumst. Vestibulum condimentum pulvinarhendrerit tempus nulla. Nulla a lectus vitae velit purus. Suspendisse vitae feugiat risus. eros pellentesque suscipit.Duis consequat fringilla commodo vestibulum vel blandit iaculis cursus. Vivamus iaculis vel odio asodales. In turpis mauris, aliquam diam. Curabitur Nulla id augue semper, Lorem ipsum dolor sit consequat.aliquam ac augue et, turpis mauris, rutrum a ornare leo a, consequat amet, consecteturtempus auctor ex. Proin porta quis, aliquet sed urna. In pellentesque adipiscing elit. Maecenas Mayor Playing Gamescondimentum pulvinar purus. Quisque cursus cursus aliquet. Aliquam cursus dolor non est with Taxeseros pellentesque suscipit. porta consequat. Integer vestibulum eleifend laoreet dignissim. CrasVivamus iaculis vel odio a sed lorem pretium leo tincidunt. Phasellus non interdum erat, in utrum finibus, nunc velitconsequat. efficitur tempus. In pharetra purus id arcu bibendum sem. Phasellus placerat sem, porta pharetra dignissim ante, iaculis, eget egestas tellus at mauris at nisi gravida sollicitudin sem lacus atNeed Better Building et egestas arcu accumsan ornare. Aenean sapien pellentesque vitae vel dolor. Integer arcu dui,Permit Processpl non. Curabitur sed ligula, sagittis vel nunc at, lorem. Quisque sed congue nec dolor sit amet, pulvinar lorem, in posuere eleifend posuere purus. volutpat posuere enim.acerat sem, porta velit. Duis leo mi, euismod Etiam non turpis insollicitudin sem lacus at vel convallis sit amet, lectus semper tinciduntdolor. Integer arcu dui, ullamcorper eu massa. nec vulputate turpis.congue nec dolor sit amet, Etiam at auctor dui. In Nam nulla erat, portavolutpat posuere enim. hac habitasse platea non bibendum ut,Suspendisse nibh sapien, dictumst. Vestibulum facilisis sed sem.malesuada vel iaculis vitae feugiat risus. Pellentesque porta duiporta, dignissim ut purus. non hendrerit feugiat.Suspendisse blandit More People need to Nulla facilisi. Sediaculis cursus. Nulla id volunteeraugue semper, ornare leo Lorem ipsum dolor sit eleifend sed ipsum quisa, consequat urna. In amet, consectetur convallis. Aeneanpellentesque cursus adipiscing elit. Maecenas pharetra ex in est tincidunt pharetra.aliquet. Aliquam cursus dolor non estvestibulum eleifend laoreet dignissim. Cras Let's Get some bettertincidunt. non interdum erat, in people running for bibendum sem. Phasellus office at mauris at nisi gravidaDogs Need to Be pellentesque vitae vel tincidunt arcu nisl, neccleaned up after lorem. Quisque sed dictum felis mattis quis. porttitor nisi. Donec nisi Fusce a pharetra turpis.pharetra purus id arcu orci, facilisis ut ante quis, In efficitur ut mi quisiaculis, eget egestas tellus hendrerit tempus nulla. mollis. Nulla a lectusornare. Aenean sapien Duis consequat fringilla vitae velit commodoligula, sagittis vel nunc at, sodales. In turpis mauris, vestibulum vel aliquameleifend posuere purus. aliquam ac augue et, diam. Curabitur turpisEtiam non turpis in lectus tempus auctor ex. Proin mauris, rutrum a portasemper tincidunt nec condimentum pulvinar quis, aliquet sed purus.vulputate turpis. Nam eros pellentesque suscipit. Quisque cursus portanulla erat, porta non Vivamus iaculis vel odio a consequat. Integer sedbibendum ut, facilisis sed consequat. lorem pretium leosem. Pellentesque porta efficitur tempus. Indui non hendrerit feugiat. Suspendisse lacinia, pharetra dignissim ante,Nulla facilisi. Sed eleifend massa a rutrum finibus, et egestas arcu accumsanMP ALISTAIR MACGREGOR NAMED NDP AGRICULTURE CRITIC NDP Leader Jagmeet Food. always on the forefront of voices are heard in Singh announced today “As someone who owns a the national Parliament.” that MP Alistair MacGregor (Cowichan- small-scale farm conversation, and I am The appointment was Malahat-Langford) has announced Jan 25,2018 been named as the property in the Cowichan looking forward to at the NDP Caucus Agriculture Critic in the Retreat in Ottawa. NDP Shadow Cabinet. In Valley on Vancouver leading the development this role MacGregor will MacGregor previously also be appointed as the Island, I am excited to of NDP policy on these served as the NDP’s Vice-Chair of the House Critic for Justice and accept this appointment matters and holding the Attorney General and to serve as the NDP’s government to account,” Agriculture Critic,” said added MacGregor. MacGregor. “Agricultural producers are among the most of Commons Standing “The issues surrounding important actors in the for Seniors. on how we produce and Canadian economy, and I Committee Agriculture and Agri- consume our food are will make sure their

4LIFESTYLEOne That Got Away Connelly’s Garage , By Stephen Connelly either – highly unusual located a perfect rust-free for one of my project cars. quarter panel from a wrecker in Spokane and So over the next 9 months spliced it in. On a nice in the family’s farm sunny day I painted the workshop, made cozy by quarter panel in my its crackling wood stove, driveway. It’s amazing and a Labrador named what you can accomplish Duke by my side I just by reading car laboured, content. All the magazines and making while, and you may be too lots of mistakes. young to remember this,Well there was more than Picture a rat’s nest of to be original to the car. the shop radio streamed The dashing black vinylone that got away, but in wires overflowing from the breaking reports of top was replaced, alongthis case it was a 1968 under a dashboard filled This one was even better. the tumultuous Gulf War. with a new carpets andOldsmobile 442 Holiday with holes hastily drilled What a strange replacement seat covers.Coupe. for something or other It had a running Olds 350 experience to be so happy, To top it all off, I installed that doesn’t belong there. immersed in my favourite the newly re-chromed The thought makes me in it, obviously not pastime, while men and rear bumper with the cool cringe. women were dying on the cut outs for the coveted other side of the world. trumpet exhaust tips. I If you’re not familiar with How could we possibly be was happy. The car really this particular model, the getting into another war? looked great and I finally Oldsmobile 442 was a Would my kids have to go got to drive it. high-performance there too, eventually? I version of the Cutlass and original, but the big, counted myself as a very Sadly, the Rocket 400 a pretty unique machine fortunate man, the frozen never did get installed, atTwo years before I came in its day. Built on the beautiful, bronze, bolts and rust a trivial joy. least not by me andacross this particular same GM platform as the eventually the realities ofvehicle I had sold a 1969 Chevy Chevelle SS, Buick numbers-matching Wielding a gas torch, life overcame my abilityCamaro convertible that I GS and the GTO, the 442 along with a little to keep the Olds. I soldhad restored down to the was arguably the most Rocket 400 four barrel guidance from more her for what I paid, pluslast nut and bolt, a car as upscale drive of the skilled craftsmen who the price of parts andclose to perfect as I could bunch. Somewhat ahead came along with the car. seemed to pop in supplies. Yes, I letrealistically achieve. An of the times, Olds regularly, I eventually another one get away.immense wave of regret improved 442 handling Meaning I could drive it welded up all the typicalgrew deeper with time by adding a rear sway bar. rusty bits you always findand the realization that I The interior was well while I took my time to on a GM A-body – thewould never come close to finished, from its metal bottom of each fender,owning a car like that dash knobs, racy inset restore the original around the backagain. Like getting your gauges on the dash, to the windshield, top of thekids a new puppy soon fine detailing on the engine back to its factory- dash, around the wheelafter the passing of a comfortable bucket seats. wells. There was onedearly loved pet, what I And who can forget the born glory. Nice! bigger problem, thereally needed was a new sporty console shifter and passenger side quarterproject that would help the dual trumpet exhaust Hands shaking, I closed panel was too far gone Wasted time? Maybe, butme forget my self- tips. Way cool! the deal right then and and you couldn’t get new looking back I see howinduced misfortune. there for a reasonable replacements back then. fortunate I was to have So there she was, sum, although I would While I looked for a used the experience of working resplendent in faded have gone higher if part, I continued my work with a classic artifact Silver Green paint and needed. This was pre- on the rest of the car. I was from an especially rust spots. A tattered Barrett-Jackson so it was, still feeling the remorse – exciting time in black vinyl roof and split by today’s standards, three years later! – and in automotive history, a bucket seats were also cheap. I couldn’t wait to a fit of sentimentality I piece of history itself, all evident. But amazingly get home and really check painted it Scarlet Red, a with junkyard parts and there were no telltale her out, I had finally shade similar to the at no cost. signs of previous body found a project that was Camaro that got away. work and it had the well worth the effort (read What was I thinking? I But here’s what strikes original Rally I wheels. that as sweat, money, really should’ve painted itMy search led me to the Every factory part busted knuckles, time the original colour. I me most about it now: seemed to be in its place, away from family) to suppose I really was onOlds 442. I couldn’t down to the smallest of finish. They say that a car the rebound. experiencing the parts. But for a muscle car is only original once so, tobelieve my eyes when I restoration, it’s the me, I felt privileged to I’d spent the fall, winter, camaraderie of family engine that counts. It has work with the worn out and the spring in thatfirst saw it. An original- factory parts and bring comfortable workspace and friends and a good them back to life. and now harvest seasonpaint muscle car was coming. The farm dog in that lovely warm workshop was needed forseemingly untouched and actual farming, so it was workspace, smelling of back to my just barely onein completely original, car garage at home. The axle grease, car paint and Olds suddenly seemed athough well aged, lot bigger! Eventually I welding, makingcondition! Unlike most, mistakes and learningthis one didn’t seem to new skills, and thehave been messed with. It was all a dream. I even supreme satisfaction of found an original factoryTo us car guys this is a big service manual to guide re-creating a beautiful car my way. I savoured all ofdeal; so many desirable the interesting things I with my own hands; all learned about the car ascars end up ruined by the mostly cosmetic while the shocking events restoration progressed.well-meaning but GM of Canada provided a of the faraway war were letter documenting theunskilled and under- car, its colours and layered between options. Nothing was outfinanced owners. Of of place, no hidden crackling firewood, the surprises showed upcourse we all have to start anywhere on the car staccato bursts of airsomewhere – yeah I’m tools, and the innerguilty too – but the reality silence of being at peaceis that these types of cars doing what you love.can be a nightmare to So while I say the Olds got away, the experience isrestore, usually ending up mine to keep.costing far more time andeffort than expected.

5NEWSCowichan Business SurveyMore than 60% of local reported the financial businesses do not have a Community Futures performance is better. performance of their succession plan. There were some keybusiness leaders in the business improved in the Cowichan websites. responses, such as local past 12 months and nearly government red tape, skillCowichan region are 30% hired new employees. Respondents said the QUOTES shortages and the lack of succession plans that areoptimistic about the top local economic Julie Scurr, President, valuable points to begin assisting our businessfinancial performance of development priority Duncan Cowichan community. These are things that can betheir business in 2016. Looking ahead, 62% of should be to market the Chamber of Commerce: addressed in partnerships, respondents expect their which is the best outcomeThat was among the key financial performance to Cowichan region as a of a local survey like this: improve in 2016 and 48% learning where we canfindings of the first-ever expect to increase their tourism destination. “It’s clear that business work together.” capital investment in theMNP Business Leaders next three years. 72% of respondents understands how Marsha Stanley, Partner generally support the idea and Business Advisor,Survey for the Cowichan of amalgamating the City of important livability is to MNP Duncan Duncan and theregion released today to a Municipality of North the economy. The Visitor “We are very happy with Cowichan. the participation wesold out crowd of 100 Centre continues to received for the first year of the survey, which gives us apeople at the Cowichan The greatest challenge capture tourists to give valuable benchmark with which to compare theEconomic Outlook facing local businesses in them the results of future surveys. I’m hopeful that the resultsBreakfast in Duncan. the next 12 months is a recommendations and will spark some meaningful discussion inBoth the survey and the skills shortage. Other The survey reflects the information they need to our community about how to help our local businesseseconomic outlook event notable challenges limiting opinions of 202 local appreciate and enjoy all grow and succeed, and improve the overallwere conducted jointly by business growth included business leaders from Cowichan has to offer. economic climate in the Cowichan region.”the Duncan Cowichan transportation and telephone interviews Today’s visitor oftenChamber of Commerce, shipping costs and the conducted by a third-party becomes a future investor.Community Futures image of the community. market research firm, PRA This data will give us aCowichan and the Inc., between January wealth of insights toaccounting and consulting Four in 10 business 13-26, 2016. Forty percent program professional leaders said the Cowichanfirm MNP. The survey itself region’s business climate is of the businesses reached development and events competitive with otherwas modelled after similar regions on the Island; by PRA participated in the for the business however, they say there issurveys conducted by MNP still room for survey, which is considered community.” improvement. The clearin other communities message to local a very high response rate. Cathy Robertson, General government: cut the red Manager, Communityacross Canada. tape. A summary presentation of Futures Cowichan:While generally positive, the survey results isbusiness leaders notedconcerns about the region’s available online at “It’s always a good signoverall profile and image.Among the key findings: and when just over half of the also on the Duncan respondents indicated that Cowichan Chamber of in the past year their54% of respondents Nearly six in 10 Commerce and company’s financialNew Private Club RaceThe car track being built 2016. It will offer a private, club will offer garage service restaurant. time, we are awaitingalong Highway 18 in North membership-based access storage, mechanical inquiries about theCowichan is expected to be to individuals to drive high services, as well as a high- According the North circumstances of the sale.complete in the spring of end cars on the track. The end club house with a full- Cowichan Municipality We have reported that the website a building permit deal was reached after was applied for July 22, some months of closed- 2015 in the value of $3.2 door negotiations between Million for “… THE the municipality and the COMPLETION OF THE owners and will report CONSTRUCTION OF AN details as we get them. INDUSTRIAL BUILDING.” The notes The track, according to the indicate a foundation permit application, is permit has been issued but being built by Chris Erb no official permit for the and the owner is listed as building has been issued at 1909988 Ontario Limited. this time. It has been widely reported that the track is The main site being built and will be encompasses some 60 owned and operated by a acres purchased from the consortium of auto dealers Municipality of North in Victoria. The stated Cowichan (MNC). Sources plan, like other clubs of its indicate a further type is to have a limited adjoining 60 acres have number of members who also been purchased by the will have exclusive access same owners. At press cont'd on Page 6

6NEWS4% Tax Impact for Walking Paths New Private Club Race Track ...As we write, budget $145,000. (1/2% tax the car dealer, Sears and to the track.discussions at North impact) the Esso) is insufficient.Cowichan are on-going. The cost for this project is A survey of similar clubs across North AmericaAlong with the usual To make sure that we estimated reveals a trend of high joining fees, annual club fees,expenditures, the address the high volumes at $400,000. (1.5% tax plus track costs. Typical initiation fees range fromproposals include a of foot and bike traffic in impact) the $30,000 to well over $100,000. Annual fees arenumber of projects that Duncan, North Cowichan typically in the $500 to $1,000 per month range,might make one’s is building an multiple use The grand total is $ and then extras, such as track time, mechanicaleyebrows rise, as they are Trail along the Trans- 1,050,000 which has services, garaging fees, and hospitality minimums atcertain to make taxes rise. Canada Highway from about a 4% impact on the lounges and restaurants are additional. Add in the James to Beverly St. on annual tax collections by cost of a high end performance car and, in all, theThese projects all center the east side. This will North Cowichan of total charges indicate that one needs to havearound University Village, connect, one assumes, to around $27 Million. The significant disposable wealth to participate in thea densification project the paved path on the dike question is, are these exclusive track experience.favoured by the Mayor around the swamp items urgent, importantand CAO, Dave Devanna, wetlands. The cost of this or even necessary? For example, at the Aspen Racing and Sports Carthat will eventually cover project comes in at Club in Woody Creek, Colo. they have an an initialthe old fairground over by $360,000. ( 1.3% Tax As icing on the cake, there fee of $75,000 and member dues are $12,000 perIsland University. It is impact). is to be a new town clock year. The track distance is a 1.1 mile eight turn roadexpected that, with this in Chemainus, to be course. The membership fees buy equity in the 50support, this spending Another high priority installed on a base already acre property and each member must also purchasewill get approved. All initiative being studied prepared from last years a $40,000 Toyota spec racer.together theses bike paths intensely is the addition of budget. At $30,000 forand foot-trails will give a boardwalk along the just the clock alone, you Another club, the Monticello Motor Club nearthe future residents of east side of Canada Ave could have almost bought Monticello, N.Y. is limited to 500 members. With aUniversity Village better running from Phillips St everyone a watch. But a four mile 22 turn road course track that has over aaccess to both the to the Sherman Rd thriving business district mile of straight aways, it reasonably resembles theCowichan Commons and roundabout. It is expected needs a public clock, one track proposed for Cowichan. The Monticello Clubthe swamp wetlands by that this will be put in the supposes. It is then ironic has an initiation fee of $125,000 and member duesSomenos Lake. ditch along side the that the clock is destined of $7,500 per year. Amenities include a spa, luxury railway tracks between to replace one that has suites, helipad, fitness center, valet service, exoticsAmongst the projects are Canada Avenue and the been there for the past fleet, bar/lounge, restaurant, and a pro shop. Plansthe paving of the dikes Highway. The estimated thirty years on front of a are in place to build trackside luxury condos and analong Tzouhalem Rd, cost is $ 100,000. (1/3% grocery store that is on site tuning center.continuing along Lakes tax impact) closing due to a lack ofand Beverly to the business. Perhaps the luxury condos that are part of thetransCanada Highway Then the imperative need Monticello Club are an indication of the directionand then, in future years for the Beverly St While some may complain for the local facility. Sources have indicated theat additional cost, along sidewalk (on the north about the cost of all of owners are interested in or have purchased thethe highway in front of side) to the York Rd these things, it’s useful to adjoining 60 acre property from the municipality.the swamp wetlands that roundabout and a water contemplate that this With trackside condos, the development wouldedges Somenos Lake. The main with repaving is amount counts for about resemble many high end golf course developmentsestimated cost for this being discussed. It $100 of taxes per average where the well off retired can pursue their hobbypart of the project is seems that the sidewalk house. Let’s not quibble while enjoying a retirement lifestyle. on south side by (along over nickels and dimes. One criticism that has been leveled at the proving track concept is the environmental footprint, or at least the promotion of a carbon intensive lifestyle. Of course, sporadic use of the race track by some of the 300 hundred or so proposed members and the laying of a few miles of asphalt won’t significantly add to carbon footprint, but the suggestion that members will be jetting from other cities, driving up from Victoria, before driving the track, adds considerably to the carbon intensive nature of the hobby. It sends the wrong image, according to some. The owners have stated in their outlook that this will be a members only track. They expect that those members will jet in, stay in Victoria, and then drive up to the track for a day of driving before heading back home. To attract members, they will have to compete with several dozen such clubs across North America, some near attractive resort towns such as Las Vegas and others near metropolitan hot spots such as New York City. To some, it seems a stretch to consider that the kinds of people who have the money and the desire for speed that a private race track membership implies may prefer higher octane surroundings before and after their driving experience, such as LAs Vegas, or New York. Even so, if the local club manages to attract the required cont'd on Page 7

7NEWSChemainus Work 61% Over Initial BudgetRecently North Cowichan vacancy rate of business The current Willow St Upgrades Further, staff suggested that theCouncil approved a construction project had prior approval from overrun of $ 183,509.50 can becontract for beautification works properties in the Chemainus core Council and had been allowed for covered by deferringin Chemainus (Willow St in the budget at an estimated cost construction of the Joan AveUpgrades) to the tune of along Willow Street. In 2014 the of $300,000. Astoundingly, the improvements in Crofton to$513,509.50. The video of the cost produced by the open 2016 , and reallocating a portiondecision can be viewed on the Municipality spent $413,000 bidding process resulted in a bid of the Joan Ave $ 450,000 budgetmunicipal website at the Regular that was $ 183,509.50 higher to the Willow St Upgrades. It wasCouncil Meeting of Oct. 7 at directly on Chemainus than the budget for this project. unclear from the discussion howapproximately the 4:00 hours the deferral of a budget to a futuremark. organizations that promote the year would actually deal with the excess cost, other than pushingThe project includes the business and history of this year’s unplanned spendingconstruction and upgrading of into next year’s budget.Willow St sidewalks, Chemainus, spread between thelandscaping, & lighting from North Cowichan financialCypress to Mill St; paving stone Chemainus Village Square Ltd, statements show a few cases ofpathway, landscaping, & lighting single source suppliers. One, forthrough the Telus property to the Chemainus Valley Historical Municipal staff indicated that the paving services in 2014, totalsWaterwheel Square; street $3,124,789.11, all with Duncanfurniture including bike racks Society, And the Chemainus initial project estimate was Paving Ltd.and a clock; and a raised planterand bench within the alley Business Improvement updated this summer to include While small communitiesbetween Legion and Mill Street. sometimes have problems with Association. This amount was in additional work to a new total of too little competition for publicDave Devanna, North Cowichan works, Duncan and area haveCAO, indicated during the addition to street and road approximately $440,000. large communities to the northmeeting that the improvements and south with large contractingwere designed to reduce the improvements undertaken last Further civil work was then and service industries. year. added to push the cost to about Sources familiar with the Municipality have suggested that As well, in the summer of 2014, the $500,000 mark. the process could have been Mayor Lefebure led the charge to cancelled or deferred and could preserve 91% of the 54 acre Echo The bid received from Stone have gone out for tender again, Heights Forest, reducing the Pacific Contracting Ltd. was the with an effort to solicit wider development value to the low bid, as it was the only bid interest from road contracting municipality by estimates as high received. Staff, having a bid 60% companies, and that this might as several million dollars. At the above the original estimate, have resulted in a contract award time, an argument was made that made the recommendation that closer to the price originally the forest preservation was an Council award the Willow Street estimated by the municipal staff. integral part of economic upgrades project tender in the renewal in Chemainus. amount of $ 513,509.50 plus It is apparent from the GST. photograph here, a portion of the area being beautified, that the project may not be immediately urgent. Nonetheless, all Councillors were present and voted to proceed with the project with only Councillor Behnsen voting against.New Private Club Race Track...cont.members, the question is how much money will they spend in North Cowichan. It would seem, given the descriptions, perhaps not much.As well, a similar facility is being built and is expected to complete in the spring of 2016 in the Okanagan near Osoyoos. The Okanagan is anattractive vacation spot in B.C with great lakes and resort style summer weather. In the heart of wine country, and an easy fly in or drivenorth for U.S. members, this may prove stiff competition for the same elusive millionaire class car hobbyists for the local facility.On the plus side, municipal tax revenue from such a facility will add money to municipal coffers. However, this may be less than expected,given that the municipality has a ten-year tax-free policy for new businesses. Under that scenario, tax revenues would be zero for the nextten years. And, while it seems unlikely, it remains to be seen if the current VW troubles with cheating on emissions testing, which may alsoextend to BMW, will spread to other automakers and may have some impact upon the viability of the facility sponsored by dealers of thosesame brands.It seems likely that Valley car buffs won’t get much chance to be part if having a world class driving track in their backyard. We will all,however, hear the whine of high end cars making their way around the track should we venture onto highway 18, perhaps on our way to therecycling center.

8NEWS London Drugs Executive to Speak at Luncheon The Chamber of Commerce is bringing Clint Mahlman, COO and Vice President of London Drugs to present at the Jan. 25 Chamber luncheon the Ramada Duncan. London Drugs is a BC company that survived and thrived during the emergence of big box stores, the decline of department stores, the rise of online shopping and continues to be a remarkable business success story. They have among the highest retention and performance rates for staff in their sector. Mr. Mahlman was honoured with the prestigious, national Excellence in Retail Award in 2017. Clint Mahlman joined the company in 1984 and rose steadily to become Chief Operating Officer and Executive VicePresident in 2014 and in 2017 received the Distinguished Canadian Retailer of the Year Award. Under his leadership, the company has continued to expandand innovate while taking a greater role in philanthropic community-based activities such as environmental stewardship, health education and the supportfor youth at risk.Mr. Mahlman maintains that good corporate citizenship and community participation is a foundational ingredient in their success. He will provide furtherinsights at his presentation on Jan. 25. He’s known as a lively, engaging and wide-ranging speaker. His insights about championing success will ring truein any sector.Mr. Mahlman will discuss his views on corporate citizenship and highlight the steps London Drugs takes to provide good jobs, support local communities,and implement sustainable practices.For more information please contact Elizabeth Croft, Events & Membership Manager Duncan Cowichan Chamber of Commerce

9NEWSBerkeys Corner Proposal Will Bring Jobs , CouncilOpposed It is expected that with the creation of a new neighbourhood commercial node that will provide a wide variety of close retail amenities to neighbouring communities, there is no question this would have a positive impact on property values.In July of 2015, the high school, as well as in for as part of the re-zoning the approximate 1000 When asked aboutproposal for an 11 store the hub of over 2500 or so included grocery store; homes in the area, far “community pushback” asdevelopment was made to local residents. drug store; liquor; outweigh those from a an issue for developers inRevelstoke. By November financial; restaurant; restaurant drive-thru. This general, Spaull replied,2015 the developer, Hall We reached out to Mike coffee; gas; small Shops, 19 rationale has been “There is never a projectPacific, pulled out. The Spaull, who is the point of businesses in all. He discussed with Council and that goes byreason: opposition from contact for this project at suggested that the they are well aware of the without objections orRevelstoke City Council. Hall Pacific, to ask about development is expected to emissions that stand to be concerns. Objections some of the spin-off create over 200 new reduced with the generally are a result of aA March 1st, 2016 public benefits of the project. The permanent jobs for the development of Berkey’s lack of understanding orconsultation meeting was project is expected to total community. Corner.” fear of change, which isheld for a similar about $17 Million in why Hall Pacific hostsdevelopment by the same construction costs, and According to Spaull, Hall He also added that “Our Public Informationcompany near Berkey’s would, at various stages, Pacific has completed very interactions with MNC staff Session’s, in order to speakCorner, the corner of employ about 200 different successful retail throughout the public one-on-one with membersSherman and Somenos workers through the developments in Prince approval process have been of the public and addressroads, just north of construction phase. The George and Lake very welcoming and their questions.”Duncan. A few weeks ago, company indicated that Country, and is also productive.North Cowichan Council through most of the phases involved in a 150,000 Communication regarding Mr. Spaull seemeddeliberated for 45 minutes there would likely be about square foot residential the process has been clear genuinely excited, adding,about the details of the 20 people continually development in Vernon right from our proposal “Hall Pacific is more thenpublic meeting. working on the project. that is going through the submission back in Sept excited by the opportunity public approval process. 2015, with strong input and to create a new vibrant andThe proposed When asked how many guidance to date. Our welcoming retail shoppingdevelopment, sitting people might conceivably Addressing the issue of experience with MNC village at Berkey’s Corner,opposite the new Sherman be employed in the climate change Spaull said definitely stands out when which will act as newRoad artificial turf fields, development, Spaull “The emissions that will be compared to other commercial node for theand just down the road indicated that allowable reduced from having a new municipalities.” surrounding communitiesfrom the Prevost Junior uses that are being applied local commercial node for and a social gathering place for it’s residents.” It remains to be seen if the project will pass the various hurdles necessary and get built. No doubt, a new commercial development offering a variety of services might be welcome to area residents. It will reduce trips to town and perhaps get locals biking or walking a bit more.

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