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Home Explore HR Cheat Sheet

HR Cheat Sheet

Published by Do My Homework, 2018-03-21 08:56:56

Description: Hi! If you need help with your HR assignments check this HR cheat sheet.

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HR CHEAT SHEET: THE MOST IMPORTANT DEFINITIONS FOR HR ASSIGNMENTSHUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Human resource development Autocratic leadership: according to Prof. T.V. Rao: A leader where determines policy of anAn organization function that focuses on It is a process in which employees of an organization, instruct their members onrecruitment of, management and giving organization helped in planned and what to make or do, impersonal and aloof.direction for individuals who work in an continuous way to sharpen and acquire Benchmarking:organization. capabilities needed to perform different It is a technique with the use of qualitativeHuman resource management can also functions associated with their expected or or quantitative data in making comparisonsbe performed by line managers. present future roles; develop journal between sections or organizations.HRM is an organizational function capabilities as a person and to exploit and Branding:dealing with issues related to individuals, discover their own inner potential for their It is a differentiating process andlike compensation, performance organization development purpose; and identifying organization’s processes,management, hiring, safety, organization develop an organization culture in which services or products from anotherdevelopment, wellness, employee superior-subordinate relationship, company by providing it a name, phrase ormotivation, benefits, administration, collaborating and team work among sub- any other and communication. units are strongAdd a little bit of body text Change management:Human resource management is a It is an intended effort of organization incomprehensive and strategic approach in Absolute ratings: anticipating change and managing itsmanaging people as well as workplace It is a method of rating where the rater will introduction, consequences andenvironment and culture. assign a certain value on fixed scale based implementation.Human resource development on performance or behavior of an Coaching:according to Leonard Nadler: individual rather than to assign the ratings A 1-to-1 process between subordinate andIt is a series of organized activities that is based on the people comparison. manager.conducted within a time and designed in Affirmative action: Competency-based pay:producing behavioral changes. Positive discrimination. It is a system compensation recognizingHuman resource development Attrition: the employees for breadth, depth and skillsaccording to M.M Khan: It describes involuntary and voluntary types they apply.Human resource development is across terminations, employee retirements and Confidentiality agreement:of increasing capabilities, knowledge and deaths resulting in employee reduction to It is an agreement that restrict employeepositive work attitudes of all persons physical workforce of employer. from proprietary information or disclosingworking at all levels in business. information.

HR CHEAT SHEET: THE MOST IMPORTANT DEFINITIONS FOR HR ASSIGNMENTSCore competencies: Empowerment: Incentive pay:The knowledge, skills and abilities that an A process than authorize or enable a An additional compensation that is used toemployee should possess to perform his person to behave, think, control work, take reward or motivate employees forjob functions successfully. action as well as make a decision in an productivity goals or exceedingContract for services: autonomous way. performance.It is an agreement having independent Ergonomics: Induction:contractor. The physical characteristics measurement A process of presenting employee anContract of service: of human body as well as equipment employee to the company.It is an employment agreement. development to fit them. Industrial relations:Corporate mission: Extrinsic rewards: Practices and theories study in workplaceObjectives and aims of a company. It has 2 forms: non-money and money relationship.Customer capital: rewards. Job analysis:It is an organization relationships with Functional job analysis: Preparatory stage in crafting jobpeople, which include suppliers. It is a preparation necessary for job descriptions.Cyclical unemployment: description construction. It is needed in Job evaluation:It is an unemployment form. collecting data on a job that will be It is being used for purposes ofDifferentiation: advertise. compensation planning.It is a strategy in industry on customer’s Grievance: KPI:value dimensions. It is a complaint by 1 party to contract of It is called as Knowledge, skills andE-commerce: employment against another person. abilities.Internet use in marketing and selling Gross misconduct: KPI is key performance and goods. Act that is committed by an individual in Leadership development:Employee retention: leading summary dismissal. Informal and formal training as well asA term that is used in referring to make an HR information systems: professional development programs for alloutline of activities and general It is a discrete computerized detail system executive and management levelmanagement related to maintaining, in an organization. employees in assisting them to developdeveloping as well as improving HR planning: their leadership styles and skills that areemployee relationship by processing It is a planning of activity based on the required in dealing with different situations.grievances, communicating with organization strategic planning. Mediation services:employees and others. An intervention process by specialist in employment dispute.

HR CHEAT SHEET: THE MOST IMPORTANT DEFINITIONS FOR HR ASSIGNMENTSMission statement: Part time employee: ReferencesIt is a statement that illustrates who the An employment on regular basis, but the is, where company should be hours work is less than the required. /human-resource-management/definition-headed and what the organization does. Performance management: human-resource-management.htmlMotivational theories: The process that is designed to manage, is an attempt in explaining how improve and evaluate employee man-resource-developmentindividuals are being motivated in form of performance. work and performance. Probation: ace/resources/common-hr-terminology/Negotiation: A period of employment commencementThe discussion process with a mutual in ascertaining the capabilities and skills ofsettlement view by means of conference. employees as well as for employees inObservation interview: determining, whether the workplace willA process of observing employees at the meet their needs.same time performing their tasks or jobs Recruitment:used in collecting data about certain A process bringing company personneltasks or jobs. who possess the certain education, skills,Organizational culture: experience and qualifications for postIt is a pattern emerging from system of offered.values, beliefs as well as behavioral Remuneration:expectations of the organizational It includes payment made under servicesmembers. contracts.Outplacement: Resignation:It is a benefit that is offered by employer It is a decision by the employee voluntarilyin displacing employees which consist of in terminating his contract with theservices like training, job counseling and company.finding job assistance. Retrenchment:Pay: A termination that resulting from aBase pay if the fixed wage or salary redundancy.constituting rate for the job. Suspension: Employees are instructed to avoid doing such things during their wok to avoid disciplinary action or process.

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