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WEB The Rip November

Published by catilm, 2018-11-07 17:08:56

Description: WEB The Rip November


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CELEBRATING 30YEARS Queenscliff November 2018 No. 308 and Point LonsdaleYour Community VoiceLook who's back in town!Legendary Australian performer Joe Camilleri returns to town this month with his band The Black Sorrows for our22nd Queenscliff Music Festival. He's among more than 70 acts, appearing across 14 venues... David McDonald Builders David McDonald Builderssets the standard in prestige homes. Specialising in unique design and renovations of outstanding scale and style. Building with Excellence The Rip November 2018 Page 1 • p: 0418 599620 • e: [email protected]

The Rip November 2018 Page 2

$10m for ferry terminal upgradePlans to build a \"world class\"Queenscliff ferry terminal havereceived a massive boost, with theFederal Government announcing $10million for the project.The upgrade is part of a larger $35million project to build new terminalson both sides of the bay, whichaccording to Searoad Ferries CEOMatt McDonald, will boost visitationand create hundreds of jobs.The modern, architecturally-designed facility will service anestimated 900,000 passengers per yearwith safer pedestrian access including Pictured: Left, an artist's impression of the new terminal. Right, Cr Ross Ebbels, Corangamite MP Saraha retractable walkway, a tourist Henderson, Searoad Ferries' CEO Matt McDonald and Cr Bob Merriman at the funding announcementinformation desk, retail space and a economic activity during construction. people are stopping and part of the objective ofpassenger boardwalk from the terminal to the “Independent modelling estimates that the the City Deal is to make sure more people stop,beach, he said. upgrades would create an additional $67.3 they slow down, they invest in our own local“This building’s a bit tired and particularly million in visitor spending per annum and economy and we keep them here longer,” saidin summer, when we can have 8,000 people-a- hundreds of ongoing jobs,” he said. Corangamite MP Sarah move through this service, this building The ferry funding forms part of the “There are some 785,000 day trippers whocertainly falls short of the base expectations Morrison’s Government’s $154 million Geelong travel down the Great Ocean Road…theyof people who not only commute, but people ‘City Deal’ - a package of measures aimed spend on average 18 cents per person, which iswho are travelling around the world and have at driving tourism and jobs in the region. crazy. So part of the rationale is to make sureexpectations of their travelling product.” “[The new terminal] will be transformational. we provide the best infrastructure for one of theMr McDonald said the full project would Already Searoad brings some 950,000 people to best tourism assets that we have, which is ourgenerate 188 direct jobs and $47 million in and from Queenscliff every year. Not enough region.\" OPEN THURSDAY - SUNDAY 10AM - 4PM The Rip November 2018 Page 3

Fisherman's Wharf works finally begin After eight years of delays, work to repair Boat launching in the revamped slipway will Queenscliff harbour'sQueenscliff’s Fisherman’s Wharf and redevelop be limited to kayaks, canoes and other small, Doug Rathbonethe surrounding precinct is finally underway. non-powered watercraft. and Bellarine MP Lisa Neville at The $2.9 million project involves demolition The redevelopment follows months of the launch of theof the fisherman’s shed and refurbishment of community consultations and replaces an Fisherman's Wharfthe Lock/Cayzer slipway. earlier contentious plan for a stingray feeding redevelopment stadium and outdoor cinema. project. The plan also includes an interpretive tourismtrail and landscaping. “Almost to the day, one year apart, eight years have been part of the Queenscliff community at ago we stood here and announced $1.8 million some stage knew that was probably not going to Officially launching the project last month, to get Fisherman’s Wharf done,” said Bellarine be a great idea, and it wasn’t a great idea.Queenscliff Harbour Pty Ltd Director Doug MP Lisa Neville.Rathbone said it would deliver jobs, increase “It is, I think in the end, an amazing outcome,visitation, showcase the harbour’s heritage and “Unfortunately we then had a weird deal even a better outcome than we were looking atimprove the amenity of Fisherman’s Flat. where they (QHPL) had to, to get the extra in 2010 - to have the wharf completely fixed, a money, build a stingray facility and any of us who spot for canoes and kayaking to be fixed,” Ms “This wharf fell over, is falling over, the wharf Neville said.building is falling over and what will come -and the anticipated timeline is the middle of The privately-owned QHPL has a 60-yearnext year - is a really usable, attractive space lease of the harbour - including the wharf andthat is for all of us and will show the history of slipway.Queenscliff [and] the history of The Cut,” MrRathbone said. The State Government is contributing $2.38m of the $2.9m cost of the project. “We’ll be able to do things, we’ll be able to walkthrough here and have an amenity that showsthe history and shows the linkage back into thetotal precinct. It’s something we’re pleased to bedoing and we’re extremely thankful to the stategovernment and its fantastic support.” Acumen Design, the company responsible forWarrnambool’s popular Flagstaff Hill attraction,is overseeing the project. The trail will include up to six interpretivestations or ‘kiosks’ along the waterfront, withinteractive elements - including periscopes forunderwater viewing, telescopes or touch screendisplays. The Rip November 2018 Page 4

A concert faturing John Farnham, will not go Not an Uglyahead in Queenscliff. Duckling in site!Farnham show no go Our resident Black Swans Local businesses stood to lose out financially have been busily growing theirif a major concert, purporting to feature population this Spring.Australian music legend John Farnham, was These adorable cygnetsgiven approval early next year, according to were sticking close to mum'sQueenscliff Council. side, when Point Lonsdale photographer Hugh Trewhella The Borough has defended its decision to snuck up close to capture thesereject an application by promoters Zaccaria snaps.Touring to stage the event in Princess Park onMarch 16, following community anger. Having given in-priniciple support for theshow, which was to have also featured DarylBraithwaite, Ross Wilson and Jack Jones.Borough General Manager OrganisationalPerformance and Community Services, PhilCarruthers said the company failed to seekthe required permit and it had since becomeapparent Mr Farnham had not committed toperform. Limited available accommodation, concernsabout traffic management, access for emergencyservices and a likely negative impact on local Continued Page 13 Pictured with Alistair Hope, Jocelyn Grant and Garry Spry “Backing Cottage by the Sea, standing from the Queenscliff Historical Museum. up for traders and tourism, fighting for national heritage and ensuring your voice is heard on community infrastructure… I am proud to be delivering for Queenscliff and Point Lonsdale residents.” SARAH HENDERSON MP Federal Member for CORANGAMITE The Rip November 2018 Page 5

and receive 14 Months Membership for the price o ble to New Members only - Membership Valid: August 1st, 2018 to September 30th, 2019 E OPEN TO NON-MEMBERS | FAMILY FRIENDLY | INDOOR/OUTDOOR DINING | BEER GARDEN | KIDS PLA WHAT’S ON AT LONSDALE GOLF CLUBLONSDALE GOLF CLUB 69 Fellows Rd Point Lonsdale 58 1955 E: [email protected] W: connect with us EXPERIENCE ACHRISTMAS PARTY WITH A DIFFERENCE PAR-TEE TIME! WIN Your Christmas PartyPAR-TEE TIME!Our family friendly venue is perfect for all ages, males or female. No golfing experience is Head to required to enjoy the welcoming atmosphere. FacebookOur family friendly venPuacekaigsespareeravfaeilcabtleftoorsuaitlalllabugdegest,s. WIN YOUtxoRgoelntoenr s@dalemreqalueiroerdfetomeanlejo. Ny othgeowl••• enFCFloulcguonobdcetmH&ixoirpnBieneSe/vgpSerairimaceaegutnemlacAtevooarsiiHlsapibrheleere. CHRISTMAS PARTY! Head to FacebookPackages are available•toFosxtueilt/ Naollvebltuy dCoguerstess. to enter @• Function Space L6o9cFaetxellgodwoastlLRodon, nsPdosaindletaGLlooenlfsCdlauleb• Club Hire/Simulator Hire• Food & Beverage Available p. 5258 1955 w.• Foxtel/Novelty Courses e. [email protected] Located at Lonsdale Golf Club 69 Fellows Road, Point Lonsdale p: 5258 1955 w: e: [email protected] The Rip November 2018 Page 6

of 12 An outstanding start to Spring A selection of our most recent salesAYGROUND SOLD SOLD16 Kirk Road | Point Lonsdale| SOLD in 1 day 18 McNaught Street| Point Lonsdale | SOLD prior to marketingSOLD SOLD1/193 Fellows Road | Point Lonsdale | 20 Emily Street | Point Lonsdale | SOLD SOLD in 3 days Felix Hakins | Georgia Hinds | Thomas RoganRT Edgar Bellarine have recently welcomed Sales Consultant Thomas Rogan to join the Point Lonsdale Team along with Felix Hakins and Georgia Hinds. Felix, Georgia and Thomas combined, always take an enthusiastic, personable and professional approach to each and every client, going above and beyond to achieve the best possible outcome, whether that be buying or selling real estate.Felix Hakins 0400 035 000 [email protected] | Thomas Rogan 0438 965 594 [email protected] Point Lonsdale Office | 5258 1811 | 1/83 Point Lonsdale Road, Point Lonsdale | The Rip November 2018 Page 7

From Page 3 Parks Victoria business clinched Council’s decision, Mr is conducting Carruthers said. a safety assessment of “The event organisers anticipated 6,000 Point Lonsdale people attending. To put this in perspective, pier after a pile this is a little less thank the peak load during broke away. the Queenscliff Music Festival, but the festival Photo: Lester has people coming and leaving all day and a Hunt significant and well-practised infrastructure to achieve this. Pier safe despite missing pile “The proposed concert would have seen the Parks Victoria is investigating the safety repair methodology to keep the pier functional vast majority of the 6,000 patrons entering and of the Point Lonsdale pier, after one of and safe, including a pile condition survey by leaving Queenscliff through The Narrows at the the supporting piles broke away from the commercial divers. start and finish times off the concert. structure. “Once we receive the dive report, we will “Officers were also conscious of the event A Notice to Mariners was issued, amid review the repair and replacement options being conducted near the end off the fire season concerns the large piece of timber could pose and remedy the situation as part of our and of the implications of not being able to get a hazard to boat owners. It was subsequently maintenance and repair strategy.” emergency vehicles into Queenscliff in the peak withdrawn when the pile washed up on the patronage period and of the impact of through front beach several days later. Point Lonsdale resident, Lester Hunt, who traffic travelling to and from the ferry.” was among the first to notice the missing pile, A Parks Victoria spokesperson said there said the incident highlighted a need for better Mr Carruthers said Council also tried were no immediate concerns for the landmark management and maintenance of the heritage unsuccessfully to negotiate a better deal for and it would remain open to the public. structure. local business. “[The pile’s] lack of presence does not “The pier was upgraded some years ago but “In essence it was a pop up-type of model impact the jetty’s use. Whilst it is not certain, it was the deck timbers and railings that were conducted behind a tent and fencing and the most likely cause of the detachment would replaced, not the foundations. provided little return to local business. be borer activity causing necking (a decrease in diameter) – leading to a failure of the pile “It’s probable that other pylons are in the “This would be compounded by the regular under wave action,” the spokesperson said. same state. It is just not good enough to say visitors coming to Queenscliff been unable to they spent some money five years ago or 10 or access the town and its businesses.\"  “Parks Victoria is undertaking a whatever, these heritage structures require a comprehensive assessment of all the structural constant maintenance program,” he said. Mayor Susan Salter said the decision was elements of the jetty, and will work out a made after consultation with large scale events professionals in Queenscliff and Geelong. “It is regrettable that this concert will not go ahead in the Borough, however maintaining a peaceful environment for our residents is a priority for Council,\" she said.g, Mulchingg, MulchinggH,eMdguelcThriinmgming Hedge Trimming HoerkdcgoevTerimjobmsingpoorrkacteovweorrjkobspoorrkacteovweorrjkobs555444666porate work Something Something to accompany different your mealFresh quality ingredients Quality pre-made meals Point Lonsdale OPEN UNTIL 9PM THROUGH JANUARY Su p er m a r k et shop p i ng m a de ea sy ...Point LonPsodianlteLVonilsladgaele VillaPg:e5258P:45921518 4911 OOpepnen77ddaayyss:: 88aamm-- 98ppmm FollowFoullsoown uinsstoangrinamst:a@grpaomin:tl@onpsodianlteloignasdaleiga The Rip November 2018 Page 13

Low Light Festival Special Mention this ad queenscliff we will take $20 Holiday Property Management Bookings In oducing Lash Lifts...youronehourh Queenscliff & Pt Lonsdale stone massage Just in time for the SpringAre you looking for aProperty Manager for Racing Carnival! your holiday house? Make your eyes Pop with aBeach Breaks Bellarine offers afresh professional and lash lift and tint for a subtlepersonalised approach toholiday property management. curve and intensive colourOur aim is to unlock the earningpotential of your home or enhancement to your lashes.investment.Talk to us today about our NOVEMBERcompetitive rates and range ofservices... Cheryl & Philip INTRODUCTORY PRICE 0424 172 050 Monday - Friday [email protected] $59 for both (saving you $20) call us on 52584233 TREATMENT MENU: T•dReErAmTMaEloNgTicMaENclUe:anstart facials•cosmeceutical dermalogica cleanstart facialsf•accoiasmlse•mceuictircoaldpeeremls a• borrgaasniioc nfacpiaelsdicures & m microdermabras•ioshn e• lpleadcicauprepsl&icmatainoicnu•rseksin• snheeleladc lainppgli•ciaptilosnkin rejuvena skin needling • ipl skin rejuvenation • ipl haiMr reAdSuSctAioGn E: MASS•AdGeEe:p tissue •relax •hot stone•remedia deep tissue • relax • hot stone • remedial * health fund rebates avail*ahbelealth fund rebates available 5258 4233 - Level 1,5Q2u5e8e4n2s3c3li-ffLHeaverbl o1,uQr ueenscli Harbo www.queenscliffdaywspwaw.c.qoume.eanuscli LBMUIICMHILADBELERS SPECIALIDSETSSIGINNE&COC-OCNOSNTSRIUDECRTIAOTNE W: WWW.MICHAELLIMBBUILDERS.COM.AU E: [email protected] M: 0410650019 All aspects of Design and Construction with a sustainable outlook - Desi-gnD&esCigonnst&ruCctoionnstruction - D-ecDkiencgking - Fe-atFuereatFuenrceinFgencing - Pavi-ngPaving - Tu-rTf urf - Reta-inRinegtaWianlilsng WallsDavid Cordner E [email protected] The Rip November 2018 Page 14P 0455 971 515

50 shades of totally awesomeand These colours don't run... Oh wait!0 off Point Lonsdale Primary School students were given a licence to get messy - really messy - ashot part of a fundraiser described as “the best fune... ever.” The school’s first Colour Run had students climbing in, over and under obstacles and - at the same time, being splashed with colour bombs and water guns - on their way to raising more than $10,000 for an up-graded playground. “We wanted something different, something everyone could participate in that was fun,” said Principal Fay Agterhuis. “We donned our white tops and faced a barrage of   water pump guns, super-soakers and many bottles of coloured powder dyes  to run the gauntlet.mpaeneiclsnsumo•r“oeadIrslmolgeuaarbgnsticinwacelaeas,hwtirneagdwimetiroaecnchaeilrntIeansidnwilayinlal sbfeecsortluiovnuanlrifbnuugltafnuodnllation•tiipmlehtaoircrleeadnucotuior nclothes,” Ms Agterhuis said. “No-one survived the run,  colour Students collected sponsorship ahead of the event, all of which will be re-directed to a new Pictured: Top and right, Point Lonsdale students resembled a rainbow of colour. play pod and equipment. Above: Grade 5 students Olivia Remilton and Georgina Grillinzoni. Photos courtesy Naomiour “Not only was it the best fun ever  but we Grillinzoni, Jo Parsons and Emily Limb. exceeded  our $10,00 target with the final figure to be confirmed,” Ms Agterhuis said. 98A High St, Belmont 3216 I 5241 2664 The Rip November 2018 Page 15

Election Opposition pledgesCandidates trade blows over policing better deal for boatiesLiberal candidate Brian McIterick has pledged Candidates from major parties have traded The Victorian Coalition has pledged toa new 24-hour police station blows over policing on the Bellarine, with law deliver a better deal for recreational fishermen, and order shaping up as a key election issue. who have long complained about high boat Electorate snapshot: ramp fees and a lack of services. Liberal candidate Brian McIterick – a serving The Bellarine Electorate covers the towns police officer of 40 years – has pledged to deliver Under a Coalition government a new ‘Blue of Leopold, Drysdale, Clifton Springs, a second 24-hour police station in Leopold and Infrastructure Fund’ - to be managed by the Portarlington, Indented Head, St Leonards, fully man the Queenscliff station. Victorian Ports Corporation - will use the fees Queenscliff, Point Lonsdale, Ocean Grove collected to invest in better infrastructure. and Barwon Head. It also includes the “I’ve worked in this area, I’ve worked on Geelong suburb of Moolap. the Bellarine and I know the history around the “Victoria’s waterways are weekend Labor MP Lisa Neville has been the lack of policing in this area,” Mr McIterick told a playgrounds to millions of Victorians, which incumbent member since 2012 and Meet the Candidates meeting in Point Lonsdale. is why we want to build better facilities for currently holds the seat by 4.8% water users to enjoy,” said Opposition leader Candidates contesting the 2018 election “You deserve more and I’m strongly Matthew Guy. are: advocating for a second police station, a 24-hour • Naomi Adam - Animal Justice Party police station, in Leopold… and that the three “The Liberal Nationals will deliver a fair go • Lisa Nevelle - Labor Party police stations – Portarlington, Queenscliff and for boats and recreational fishers by making • Brian McIterick - Liberal Party Drysdale - are actually open, as was promised sure their licence and other fees are spent on • Jackie Kriz - Victorian Socialists back in 2014, not having some member come upgrading and building things like more boat • Rachel Semmens - Greens down from Geelong, sit there for six hours and ramps, jetties, navigational lighting as well as go back and doesn’t have the ability to take any onshore facilities, such as bigger car parks.” action because of the two police policy.” Through its Ramp Rage Online Campaign, Bellarine MP and Police Minister Lisa Neville the Boating Industry Association of Victoria credited her government with re-opening (BIAV) is calling for a bigger slice of the $27.7 stations and increasing police numbers - and in million raised through licences and fees doing so, reducing crime. annually. “The previous government had closed the No plans for Borough three police stations, but not only that, had merger removed police from the Bellarine and also rostered Bellarine police into Geelong, because The Borough of Queenscliffe is safe they had an issue with managing police cells. from amalgamation under a state coalition government, according to Bellarine Liberal “They are open again, Queenscliff, four days Party Candidate Brian McIterick. [and] Drysdale and Portarlington five days a week,” she said. He has stridently rejected recent claims by Queenscliffe Councillor and former Bellarine “Not only that, we’ve funded 15 more police Liberal Party President Tony Francis that the for Bellarine. In fact Geelong and the Bellarine borough was on the Coalition’s  agenda heading have 41 more police than when we came to into the last election and remained at risk government – 52 by April next year. We’ve also got 24-hour coverage and we’ve also got two “It actually never was or is or will be,” Mr units, north and south Bellarine, doing morning McIterick said when asked if amalgamation and afternoon shifts and the summer roster has was on his party’s agenda. been re-introduced. “We have one of the safest communities in the state in the Bellarine and the Borough of Queenscliffe is the safest in the state on the figures and we want to keep it that way,” Ms Neville said.It’s warming up...Rip Curl, Quiksilver, Billabong, Rusty, Havaianas, Vans, Bonds, Emu and much more... 4-6 Hesse Street Queenscli - 5258 1149 - Come in to check out our great selection of spring & summer fashion 4-6 Hesse Street Queenscli - 5258 1149 - The Rip November 2018 Page 16

ElectionBack beach SOS - Club's plea for funding The need for action to repair to PointLonsdale’s surf rescue base has become urgent, facility, and a redesign of the rear portion to Point Lonsdale Surfaccording to the Point Lonsdale Surf Life better accommodate life saving equipment. Life Saving ClubSaving Club, with concerns for its safety and members want a firmthe ability to properly patrol the dangerous The proposal must first, however ,secure the commitment theirback beach. consent of coastal authorities and the Borough dilapidated back of Queenscliffe. beach rescue base The Club has ordered a fresh engineering will be rebuilt.assessment to ensure the 30-year old building Mr Ponsford said with the club hopefuland is pleading with political parties to make of securing Federal Government support Having inspected the base first hand Mrgood their promise to fix it. for a $3.5 million rebuild of its Ocean Road McIterick said he was shocked at the state it Clubhouse, it was focussing its attention on the was in. Ahead of this month';s state election, state government to address the beach base.Bellarine MP Lisa Neville and Liberal candidate “I went there recently [and] I’m actuallyBrian McIterick have both pledged to support “We understand that the approval process surprised WorkSafe hasn’t closed ora redevelopment of the base as a priority. hasn’t been finalised and that may have some condemned that building,” he told a recentHowever, despite acknowledging the dire state impact on the funding and the cost for the Meet the Candidates meeting.of the building, neither has committed funding. project however we’ll work with the state government on that and we’re looking for “Having seen it I’ve made a strong “I was really pleased to hear both Lisa and both the state government and the coalition commitment to the Liberal Party that one of myBrian make a commitment for funding for this to come out and publicly state that they will priorities is to ensure and advocate strongly forproject but the devil is in the detail,” said Surf 100 per cent fund he necessary works for this the $1.2 million for the rebuild of that facility.Life Saving Club President Mathew Ponsford. program.”“We would like them both to come out with “It’s disgraceful… it should have been donea firm 100 per cent commitment that they’re several years ago.”going to fund this.” Ms Neville also promised support: “I’ve The base - also used by the Point Lonsdale raised it with the minister and I’m veryBoardriders Club - is rapidly succumbing to confident that we will fund it as we’ve fundedconcrete cancer. Large cracks are evident in the surf life saving club, as we’ve fundedretaining walls and rust has eaten through equipment and as we’ve funded other parts ofsections of metal framework. the building over the years.\" “We wouldn’t put our life savers into aplace that wasn’t safe so that’s why now weregoing back to our structural engineers to get anupdated report from one that was done threeyears ago. If from that report it’s found that thestructures aren’t safe, then we won’t be sendingour members into it,” Mr Ponsford said. “It’s an urgent situation.” A redevelopment plan presented to bothparties would cost around $1.6 million. Itincludes a rebuild of the front section of theSemmens puts climate on the agenda More funding for public schools, better “We are acutely aware of the impact of Greens candidate Rachel Semmensmental health services and improved access to rapidly changing weather patterns. Last yearVCAT are among the key election commitments was Australia’s third hottest year on record.of Point Lonsdale-based Greens candidate Our state is warmer and drier than ever beforeRachel Semmens. and while arguments in Canberra continue about whether or not climate change is real, Addressing a recent Meet the Candidates you are seeing its effects first hand. Some ofmeeting the mother of two – and daughter of you hold significant qualifications and scientificformer Queenscliffe Mayor Pat Semmens – also knowledge in this area and I hope you’ve beenpushed the Green’s credentials as \"the only sleeping okay at night,” she\" to stand strong on climate change. & Ph: 0 4 1 7 5 4 3 7 8 6 sally cordnerWarren Hobbs 3 D visualization marriage celebrant Archit ect New Homes For your special day... Heritage [email protected] Energy efficient I am very committed to providing you with a quality service in order to make Extensions your wedding day a memorable and Townhouses Commercial unforgettable occasion. I am looking forward to sharing your ideas Shop 3-54 Hesse St. and thoughts about your special day and Queenscliff 3225 ensuring that your ceremony is creative and unique. p: 0417 522851 e: [email protected] The Rip November 2018 Page 17

Continued from page 11 Reserve protection bid rejected “The Destination Queenscliff project includes Queenscliffe Council has rejected suggestions and military heritage infrastructure datinga number of significant elements that will make its CEO Lenny Jenner acted to deliberately dis- back to the 1850s,” Mr Sutherland said in thisa very important contribution to the residents rupt a bid to have Shortland's Bluff heritage month’s Point Lonsdale Civic Association col-of and visitors to the borough,”Cr Francis said. listed. umn (page 21). “[The] project includes substantial The Federal Environment Department has “Such heritage has substantial capacity toimprovements to the amenity of the Ocean rejected an application for the headland and help differentiate the Queenscliffe tourist expe-View carpark area including lookout platforms surrounding assets to gain national heritage rience from other coastal towns.”and improvements to ensure that events such recognition, despite it having the support ofas the ANZAC Day dawn service enhance the Federal MPs Greg Hunt and Sarah Henderson In the letter, dated August 2017, Mr Jennerexperience of the attendees. and Member for Bellarine Lisa Neville. rejected many of the assertions made in Mr Sutherland’s application and instead argued “There will be improved pathways and It was lodged by local resident Andrew Suth- the merits of Destination Queenscliff - at thatpublic lighting as well as improved vegetation erland, who was also responsible for having stage incorporating as many as 10 two-levelmanagement on the lighthouse reserve. Point Lonsdale Lighthouse Reserve added to a dwellings on the lighthouse reserve.. priority list for heritage assessment, amid com- \"Given the community feedback, the project munity concern over the potential impact of the Mayor Susan Salter defended the CEO’s ac-will replace the kiosk in its current location, proposed $7 million Destination Queenscliff tions, claiming his intervention had the fullenhance the bullring and provide new project on local heritage and environment. support of councillors.accommodation. Its success could have potentially resulted in “Council categorically rejects the allegation “Revenue from this activity will be reduced the highest-possible heritage classification for raised by a community group that the Coun-to the level of a financial burden on ratepayers Port Phillip’s three headlands - Point Lonsdale, cil’s CEO acted independently or with malicefor meeting council’s coastal crown land Point Nepean and Queenscliff, according to Mr in writing to the Minister for the Environmentmanagement obligations,” he warned. Sutherland. and Energy regarding the emergency heritage listing bid for Shortland’s Bluff,” she said. The State Government withdrew its support Council’s refusal to support the bid, and a let-for the project amid growing community ter to then Environment Minister Josh Fryden- “Council’s correspondence advised the Min-concerns about its potential impact on other berg from CEO Lenny Jenner, downplaying the ister on key issues raised in the applicationlocal business, the environment and heritage. A Bluff’s heritage values, were pivotal to the out- for emergency listing and responded to state-petition containing more than 1,200 signatures, come, he said. ments… that, in Council’s view, were incor-including prominent accommodation and rect.”hospitality providers, was tabled in parliament “This action is worrying as it questions thelast month. Council’s appreciation of heritage and its po- At its 30 March 2017 Ordinary Meeting, tential role in driving improved tourism vis- Council resolved to formally consider potential itations while also ensuring better protection national heritage listings as part of its heritage outcomes for the Borough’s extensive maritime review of the Queenscliffe Planning Scheme. The project is expected to commence shortly. CLARK HOMES▬ builders with experience ▬ ○Green Smart Builders ○ Quality Customised Homes○ Architectural Designed Homes ○Complete Building Service ○Building & Planning Permits ○ Renovations & Extensions ○ Multi Dwelling developments PH: 5258 4640 - 0418 366938 [email protected] 2062 Bellarine Highway, Marcus Hill Registered Building Practitioner Housing Industry Association MemberNew Homes Ian Warren Builder Pty LtdExtensionsRenovations Point Lonsdale 5258 2758 Decks 0418 525452 [email protected] Registration no DB - U2446 HIA no 516372 The Rip November 2018 Page 18

PILOT KITCHEN 51 Point Lonsdale Road, TAKE AWAY Point Lonsdale TRADITIONAL P: 5258 5115 ITALIAN PIZZAS OPEN FROM 5PM WINE ST ORE & BAR FRIDAY TO TUESDAYcasual & totally delicious. Coastal, pilotkitchenptlonsdaleseasonal & foraged ingredients; 77 Point Lonsdale Rdshare plates. Also serving: Point LonsdaleBRUNCH - Friday & Saturday. 5258 1012Fixed price sunday lunchShop online: Join our mailing list for news; eventdetails & wine specials e: [email protected] w: Chartered Accountants For Advice on Succession Planning Estate Taxation Small Business Individual TaxationSetup & Administration of Self Managed Super Funds Other General Contact Richard Bull - our local representative 5258 3297 (AH) or Geelong 5221 6111 (BH) The Rip November 2018 Page 19

Letters ObituaryIs Pilotage competition supervision of training and marine pilot Vale Kath Mitchellmore important than the transfer until something goes wrong. Kath Mitchell, Queenscliff High Librarian I read in the Rip Rumour the article about the It is not my argument that we are immune for two decades and Pasquini’s regular for thenear miss in the south channel between pilots from accidents, but the highest standards of last  20 years, passed away peacefully in thefrom the two pilotage Providers for the Port of training must be   maintained to mitigate the afternoon of October 15.Melbourne. risks. Taking short cuts in marine pilot training leaves the environment exposed. Thankfully Kath was recruited to QHS to ensure the I would like to draw your readers' attention Port Phillip Sea Pilots are taking training and provision of a new Commonwealth Library andto a significant marine pollution incident in Safety Management seriously. did a wonderful job stocking and running thisthe UK where the Sea Empress ran aground Name and address supplied. facility. spilling seventy two thousand tonnes of crudeoil , the primary cause was pilot error. However Where'd the sea wall go? She was an avid reader in every genre andthe Port Authority was partially blamed and was always recommending excellent books forpleaded guilty in court because the pilot in I took some visiting friends on a bit of a drive fellow readers. question had inadequate training. around Queenscliff recently. This included a wander down to the pier. We all agreed how Kath had a very quick wit, exceptional Lack of training on larger size vessels was disappoiinting it was to have so much scrubby general knowledge and was amazingly good atone of the causes of the grounding of the Sea bush invading what was once a lovely stretch cryptic crosswords. Empress. of beach. Over the last decade she learned Bridge and The new pilotage provider, APG, has shown I remember well when the sand would go all became a regular player with the Ocean Groveby chartering unsuitable helicopters, flouting the way to the sea wall. Now you can't even Bridge Club. the regulations by landing on unsuitable ships, see the wall!and winching down from non approved aircraft, Music was very important to her and wasthat they are happy to ignore regulations.  I'm advised that our Council is working to constantly playing in her home with Opera and keep one section of the beach tidy (near the Mozart particularly favoured. This love of music Transport Safety Victoria and their Pilot Pier), but Parks Victoria, who I believe she passed on to her sons and grandchildren.subordinate Marine Safety Victoria seem happy is responsible for areas either side of the pier,to abdicate their responsibility for adequate needs to get its act together. What a waste of She was also a film buff and, after her good coastline! retirement, would make a weekly trip to the Jardine Homes Nova to meet friends, see a film and then Name and address provided. dissect it. SHARE YOUR VIEWS: Each morning she, in the company of friends What love to hear what you have to say and Kevin and Marg, would come to Pasquini’s for encourage your letters. Views expressed coffee and a walk and a chat with whoever was are not necessarily those of the Editor and there.  preference is given to letters that carry an author's name and address. She will be greatly missed by her sons [email protected] - 5258 4131 David and Michael, daughter-in-law Lynwen, grandchildren Carys and Brynly, teaching Classifieds colleagues and many friends and acquaintances in the community.Custom-built homes and Renovations WANTED - House swap - Point Lonsdale. A comfortable 4 bedroom house Will Gordon in South Yarra with air conditioning and pool 0414 354 079 [email protected] is availablemfor any period from Dec 26, 2018 -Jan 12, 2019. Contact Penelope on 0429145005THE RULES AND FORMATS HAVE CHANGED FOR POWERS OF ATTORNEY Think ahead and be proactive! If you or a loved one became mentally or physically incapable, e.g. by an accident, a stroke or dementia, who would you want to manage your affairs and look after your money? A trustee company or at total stranger appointed under the Guardianship and Administration Act or a family member and a person of your own choosing? The solution is simple – have an Enduring and a Medical Power of Attorney drawn by a professional. ITS QUICK, IT’S SIMPLE AND IT WORKS! BRUCE ARTHUR & ASSOCIATES - LAWYERS Deceased estates + conveyancing + Wills + Powers of Attorney Servicing the Bellarine and Melbourne 94311070 • 52584847 • 0402133455 The Rip November 2018 Page 20

POINT LONSDALE protection of nationally important historic and heritage-based tourism can become aCIVIC ASSOCIATION places, the possibility of all three headlands driver for low-season visitation but the keyNEWS being consolidated in terms of their heritage issue is will this happen? would be a significant boost to regional tourismHeritage application - and assist in the economic diversification of The Council has been in strife during the pastan opportunity missed! both the Bellarine and Mornington Peninsulas.” few years over its various plans to commercially develop coastal Crown land in both Point It will come as a disappointment for many In the context of such solid backing, it Lonsdale and Queenscliff. While the conceptin the community to learn the application to is concerning that Federal advice has been of improving Council revenue is laudable,have the Queenscliff Headland assessed for a recently received which noted the Queenscliff so far many plans have been demonstrablyNational Heritage listing has not succeeded. Headland application was greatly weakened by out of touch with the community’s valuesFollowing the Commonwealth Minister for the the Borough of Queenscliffe’s failure to provide and sensitivities resulting in several bruising,Environment’s welcome and popular decision any support for the proposal. It was revealed in costly and embarrassing back-downs afterto shortlist the Point Lonsdale Lighthouse late 2017 that the Council had written a letter State and Federal Government intervention.Reserve for National Heritage, a similar proposal to the Commonwealth downplaying many Unfortunately, in addition to considerablewas made for the Queenscliff Headland. This of the heritage values of Shortland’s Bluff to budget and staff time lost in these failedwould have opened the possibility of having justify the area’s commercial development. This projects, the other important consequence hasthe highest Australian heritage classification action is worrying as it questions the Council’s been the schism which has opened up betweenapplied to the three headlands at Port Phillip appreciation of heritage and its potential role the Council and many parts of the community.Heads – Point Nepean, Point Lonsdale and in driving improved tourism visitations while Thousands of people signed petitions againstQueenscliff. also ensuring better protection outcomes for the Council’s proposal in Point Lonsdale the Borough’s extensive maritime and military and Queenscliff in order to preserve our The bid to have the Queenscliff Headland heritage infrastructure dating back to the heritage, stop coastal Crown land being lostlisted received widespread support from 1850s. Such heritage has substantial capacity to development, and protect struggling localnumerous quarters such as the PLCA, the to help differentiate the Queenscliffe tourist businesses from unfair competition.QCA, National Trust and many individuals. experience from other coastal towns. It’s usefulFederal member for Corangamite, the Hon to consider Queenscliffe’s heritage in context In an area as small as Queenscliffe, it wouldSarah Henderson MP, wrote to the Minister for of the Council’s 2017 Deloitte Draft Economic be expected the Council would be more inthe Environment giving her strong support and Development Strategy. This report provided tune with residents and ratepayers. Despitethe State Member for Bellarine, Lisa Neville a good basis to consider the Borough’s this, the Council’s track record is to attemptMP, wrote the following, “there would be strengths and weaknesses regarding business major projects which clash with much-lovedmerit in a Ministerial request being made of sustainability. One of the strong messages environmental and heritage values. Thisthe Australian Heritage Council to consider in the Deloitte report is the Borough has not inevitably alienates huge numbers of localsadopting an integrated approach to evaluating developed a compelling narrative to enable it who want to protect what they have and arethe heritage narrative of Queenscliff, Point to break out of the highly seasonal boom-bust prepared to stand up for it. The pressure is nowLonsdale and Point Nepean. Given the cycle. on the Council to start actively promoting thethree sites have an important shared history Borough’s first-class heritage attributes ratherand significant remnant infrastructure, this Why do this? Recent Commonwealth than hindering the efforts of those who see itssuggestion also has my support. Apart from statistics demonstrate that businesses potential. We strongly recommend the Councilensuring the appropriate recognition and engaged in heritage activities have the highest engages with local subject matter specialists to survivability rate of any ANZSIC Subdivision. make it happen. Likewise Government research shows National Andrew Sutherland Parks and National Heritage destinations lead Committee Member PLCA to an extended tourism season which can assist local businesses and generate sustainable revenue for the local council through a buoyant local economy. In Queenscliffe, environmentalSeals on beaches • Dogs are not permitted within 50 David Wilkinson metres of a seal on land. BuildersGREEN SPEAK • At boat ramps or piers, stay at least five New Homes Renovations Extensionsby Brooke Connor metres away from a seal. Phone: 0438 258324 It’s that time of year again when we are • Never attempt to feed seals. Seals can Email: [email protected] to see juvenile seals hauling out on our quickly become dependent on humans,local beaches. and in some situations, can become a The Rip November 2018 Page 21 nuisance or even dangerous. Countless times, I have seen well-meaningpeople attempt to help these animals, while It is an offence to feed seals and/or to breachunwittingly putting themselves and the seals at the minimum approach distances, with bothrisk. offences carrying a hefty fine. Seals are mammals and therefore rely on the It is unfortunate that many juvenile seals diesun to keep them warm. When their bodies start from natural causes each year. More than 10 perto cool, they haul out and lay in the sun to warm cent are lost in the first two months of life, andup. Sometimes they choose to do this on busy many more die after weaning when they mustbeaches. This tends to put people into a panic learn to hunt for themselves. Seals also die ofand they attempt to help the animal by forcing sickness and old age. In these cases, it is best toit back into the water, pouring cold water over let nature take its course as human interventionit or shading it from the sun. These activities causes a great deal of stress for the animal.put people in very close proximity to an animalthat may not require assistance and has a very Provided a seal does not have rib and hipnasty bite. When you spot a seal on the beach, it bones showing, and there are no obviousis important to note the following: injuries or marine debris entanglement, we assume the seals are healthy and best left alone. • Do not approach within 30 metres of a seal on land. If you are concerned, please call the Marine Response Unit on 1300 245 678.

Looking for a seaside retirementto share with your friends?(We thought Point Lonsdale would be perfect)Imagine a seaside retirement where you and your friends had all the time in the world to rediscoverwhat really matters. When we designed The Breeze, we had that in mind too. Right now you can beamongst the first to secure a stunning, low maintenance home in this exclusive Point Lonsdale location.Cleverly designed to accommodate what you desire now and in the future, there’s no better way toenjoy all the freedoms of life in the heart of this relaxed coastal community. Being well-priced forthe area, you can expect more change from your sea change. Welcome to The Breeze by Sencia.A better retirement in every sense.Point Lonsdale architecturally designed retirement livingfrom only $320,000 now selling. Catch the first wave releaseat or call us on 1300 144 712. The Rip November 2018 Page 22

St. Aloysius Primary School Annual Sale Retreat & Spa QUALITY PINE TREES Lon SpaCHRISTMAS Wednesday - Saturday 10am - 5pm TREE SALE Gift Vouchers available Get your Christmas trees earlier this year! On for 2 BIG weekends!Sat 1st & Sat 8th December 2018 Bowen Road, Point Lonsdale Come and hand-pick you own or Pre purchase from our website: BBQ - COFFEE VAN - XMAS LILLIES - CRAFTS - TREATS [email protected] P: 03 5258 2990 The Rip November 2018 Page 23

The Rip DirectoryEMERGENCY David McDonald 0418599620 DENTISTBorough of Queenscliffe 5258 1377 Ian Warren 0418 525 452 Queenscliff Dental 5258 2388Coast Guard 5258 2222Point Lonsdale S.L.S.C. 5258 4123 Ocean Grove Building Service 0417891122State Emergency Service 132 500 Phil Vallance [email protected] 0417139636 DOG GROOMING/WALKING Michael Limb Builders 0410 650019. La Petterie 5258 5441 O’Dowd Builders 5258 1634ACCOMMODATION Paul Riley 0408 520 981 EDUCATIONBeach Breaks Bellarine 0424 172050 Ray Threadwell 0418 525 095 Point Lonsdale Primary School 5258 1501 Queenscliff Kindergarten 5258 1342‘Bells By The Beach pet-friendly, BUILDING DESIGNERS Queenscliff Primary School 5258 1696Ocean Grove. 0403 221 737 Pty Ltd Lonsdale Views 5258 2990 0413 202300Queenscliff & Costal Holiday BUILDING MAINTENANCE/HANDY- ELECTRICIANS MANBookings 5258 3763 Col Ferrier 52581553, 0448813156Queenscliff & Pt Lonsdale Acomm Paul Farmer LMAC Electrical Services 0438 52581640/0407866568 Matt's Handyman Services 0418 127 028 Peter Coyte 0414 520 248Holidays on The Bellarine 5255 1222 Steve's Handyman Service 0497 331788 I & S Ransom Electrical 0418 336 670Ruby’s Queenscliff 0407879096 Home Maintenance 0431 488706 Warren Jankowski Electrical 0404 163609ACCOUNTING/FINANCIAL John Gleeson Demolition 0419 347708 Patrick McCarthy Maintenance 0408 075 330 ENGINEERINGBrian Dalton Accountant 0414 804 152 Coastal Property Maintenance 0404 088 500 Laker Engineering 0418 521 199James Rush Accounting 5258 5100 Seagull Home Maintenance 0438 261 954LBW Accounting 5221 6111 Home Works 0422 370 145 FENCINGAIRCONDITIONING DCM Services 0439 355115 Point Lonsdale Fencing 0408 581 439 5257 3776I & S Ransom Heating/Cooling Dave's Handyman & JMD Fencing 0418 336 670 Carpentry Services 0423 874854ANTENNAS - AUDIO CABINET MAKERS FITNESS - SPORT INSTRUCTORSPt Lonsdale Television 0411490430/52582068 Jake Masterman 0417168537 Bellarine Pilates 0418 519655Kendall Antennas The Yoga Bud 0431 110085& Communications 0404019781 CARPENTRY Julie Golightly Tennis Coach 5258 4104 Steve's Carpentry Service 0497 331788 Kerry Pettigrove Fitness 5258 1670 0418 147 174ARCHITECTS/PERMITS/INSPECTIONS Carpenter Fully licensed FUNERALSThomas Andrews Designs 0423 298 666 CIVIL CELEBRANTS Bellarine Memories 5255 5500 Kings Australia Funerals 5222 3688J3 Design & Warren Hobbs Architects Tuckers Funeral Service 5221 4788 0417 543 786 Sue Warner Civil Celebrant 0488 053099Tony Baenziger Architect 0412 823 488 Sally Cordner 52583325/0417522851Binder-Peart Design Pty Ltd 0437 463125 Val Lawrence Marr. Celebrant 5258 1616 GARDENERS/MOWING 0413 202300 Jen Lawrie-Smith CMC 0419 121003 Bellarine Black Diamond Garden Service Jim's Building Inspections 131546 COMMUNITY GROUPS Mel's Gardening 0429 990 850 DCM Services 04005 68629Stuart Miller Permits/Design 0412841434 Rotary Club Lawn Order 0439 355115 Lions Club Ken Adam 0488 885 296ART - GALLERIES Masonic Centre Queenscliff 5258 4723. Jim’s Mowing 0408 357116 Neighbourhood House 5258 4648 Andrew Stephenson Mowing 131 546Salt Contemporary Art 5258 3988 Probus Q’cliff/Pt Lonsdale 0400 553939 0403863360 5258 3645 Probus Queenscliffe - mixed 5258 3367Seaview Gallery Point Lonsdale Civic Assoc. 5258 4308 4202 0942. Queenscliffe Community Assoc. 5258 4428Queenscliff Gallery Queenscliffe Historical Museum 0400 083719 Queenscliff Library 5258 3381& Workshop Queenscliff Music Festival 5258 2511 Queenscliff Reconciliation Mob 5258 2017AUTO 52581841 Red Cross 5258 4816 GARDEN/LANDSCAPING 0455 971 515 5258 4668 Senior Citizens 5258 1722 0412 520 438Queenscliff Junction Motors Swan Bay Environment Assoc. 5258 1616 Coastal Elements Landscaping 0411 571 482 Swan Bay Ladies Probus 5255 2856 Digby Moran Landscaping 0419 890 082Steve Higgins Auto Elec. 5258 2559 Nathan Hovey Landscaping 5258 1871 Rip View Landscapes BLINDS, CURTAINS & SHUTTERSBarwon Blinds & Shutters 52541338 GLASS/GLAZIERBOAT REPAIRS/MARINE Kev's Window, Door & Glazing 0418519078Queenscliff Marine Services 52581305, GRAPHIC & WEB DESIGN0412 460 987 COMPUTER SERVICES/REPAIRS Ben Pell - Studio Paradiso Design 0406 636201BRICKLAYERS Discount IT 0439 024870 HAIRDRESSERS/SALONSChris Pennant's Brick Laying 0417 543 628 Laurie’s Computers 0418 302178 Donna's Mobile Hairdressing 0408 565733 Sophie Johnston 5258 2261GJB Professional Bricklaying Contractors - Brick & DJ’s Computer Help 0466 564 921 Ivy Creations Hair on Harbour 5258 4764 Seagalls and Buoys 5258 4854Blockwork inc. repairs - Gary 0418 522928 OG Technology and i-device screen Take Two Design in Hair 5258 3451BSC Bricklaying 0438 839129 replacements – 0457 363 261BUILDERS 52584640 CONCRETING 0488 088 258 HEATING 5222 1688 0419 392 537 0403 722649 0418 336 670Clark Homes 0438 258 324 Breisch Concrete Floors Classic Fireplaces & Barbecues Craig Fenby (polished)David Wilkinson Ross Fewtrell I & S Ransom Heating/Cooling The Rip November 2018 Page 24

HOME CLEANING - IRONING POST OFFICE TRAVEL - TOURISM - FERRYBizzy Barker 0414 583 708 / 5258 3708 Pt Lonsdale Post Office 5258 1159 Queenscliff Visitor Info centre 5258 4843Ladybirds Cleaning & Maintenance 0434 838 833 Queenscliff Sorrento Ferry Service 5258 3244Home & Garden Maintenance and PRINTING - GRAPHIC DESIGNDomestic Cleaning 0412 107 558 Press Here Printing 5255 2663 VET - ANIMAL HEALTHHOTELS - RESTAURANTS - CATERING REAL ESTATE Bellarine Animal Hospital 5258 4862Benitos Meals & Catering 5258 1131 Jodie J Hil - lDirector. Licensed Agent. WINDOW CLEANINGSaltbush 5258 4829 Auctioneer. Humourist. 0427 337 083 Peter Macmillan 5258 4248/0415 493302Lix Ice Creamery and Juice Bar 5258 4564 Whitford Property 5254 2444 Wayne’s Windows & ExteriorMint Catering 0400 611 966 Bellarine Property 5255 3100 House Care 0408 059 616PikNik 5258 5155 Brian Capp – Property Advocate 0418 500 483Let's Torque Food 0423 844806 Fletchers 5258 2833 WATER PRESSURE CLEANINGLEGAL - SOLICITORS Kerleys 5258 4100 Gary's Gerni Service 0405630076Peter Boyle /Lawyer 5258 1084, 0402 282190 Campbell Potts Real Estate 5258 1579 WATER PUMPS & IRRIGATIONBruce Arthur/Lawyer 52584847, 0402 133455 Rob Hendrey FAPI CPVMcManus Lawyers 93184188 Independent Property Valuer 0418 314 760 Just Water Solutions 5258 5193 Jeanette Ernst Licensed/Conveyancing 0438763462MEDICAL - HEALTH - MASSAGE 0407726260Day Spa Queenscliff 5258 4233 RT Edgar 5258 1811 Advertise your business in the Rip TradeSally Low Feldenkrais/Physiotherapy 0405170090 RETAIL - BUSINESS OUTLETS Directopry for just $70 for 12 months -Point Lonsdale Medical Group 5258 0888 Basil's Farm 5258 4280 FREE with any 12 month advert listing Phone 5258 4131 or emailGreg Sly Optometrist 5256 1295 Farmfoods 52584744 [email protected] Eyes Optometry 5255 5655 Queenscliff Grocer 5258 1857Pardeys Pharmacy 5258 1817 IGA - Pt Lonsdale 5258 4911Point Lonsdale Pharmacy 5258 1116 Lonsdale Tomato Farm 5258 2665Point Lonsdale Physiotherapy 5258 4633 Labten 5258 1149 HENDREYPetrina Tierney Massage Therapist 0429 380 317 Point Lonsdale Newsagency 5258 1159 CONSULTING PTY LTDMEDICAL - HEALTH - MASSAGE Queenscliff Village News 5258 1828 Independent Property ValuerBellarine Mobile Phone Repairs 0429 123756 Watermark 5258 1008 An independent valuation service Saltbush 5258 4829 providing comprehensive valuation advice and reports for all purposesPAINTERS 52555667/0411 126291 ROOFING 0421962111 0417 389627 including:Steven Flynn 0408 596 241 J.R Chapman Roofing Capital Gains TaxD&B Scarff 0418 524 228 SuperannuationDaryl Nicol 0438 717 552 SECURITY DOORS/FLYSCREENSTrevor Pigdon Family LawRicky Moore Screens Direct 0419 507 484 Internal Accounting and TransferPLUMBERS SIGN WRITING 0417 345 110 Estate & Probate Mortgage ValuationsAnnandale Plumbing 0408 037 686 All Signs Signwriting 0418 314 760Bellarine Peninsula Plumbing 0458521352 SPORTING CLUBS [email protected] Ray 5258 4989/0418 373 026 Lonsdale Golf Club 5258 1523 Point Lonsdale S.L.S.C. 5258 1257Golightly & Sons Plumbing 0418 524 268 Point Lonsdale Bowls Club 5258 1150 Q’Cliff Football/Netball Club 5258 4588Grant Priddle 0455 363603 Q”Cliff/Lonsdale Yacht Club 0409 562 976 Queenscliff Croquet Club 5258 1773AJM Plumbing Service 0418386916 Queenscliff Sporting Club 5258 4588 Point Lonsdale Tennis Club 5258 3272Mark Riley Plumbing 0418 100 689 Queenscliff Bowling Club 5258 1773 Queenscliff Golf Club 5258 4344PICTURE FRAMING 0439 563355On the Point Picture Framing PLASTERING - RENDERINGPlaster - Bryant 0405 252103Patrick McCarthy 0408 075330 5258 1579 . [email protected] The Rip November 2018 Page 25

2-3 BELLARINE ARTS TRAIL - more November Diarythan 30 galleries and studios are throwing 17 The Hip Replacements will bringopen thewir doors for this hugely popularannual event. Jump online or call into a gallery heaps of fun when they perform tonight at theto pick up a map Queenscliff Brewhouse. Time: 9pm4 Rock with Music on the Island. Sassy 18 The Queenscliff Coastguard, CFA, The Whitlams will be among the highlights at this month's Queenscliff Music Festivalthe polished and versatile Ocean Grove based SES and Water Police are conducting a4 piece band will pay homage to girl groups marine safety Open Day at Jordan Reserve. 23-25 QUEENSCLIFF MUSICthrough the decades. Venue Queenscliff Golf Equipment displays, boating safety adviceClub (on Swan Island) Time 3-6 pm .Snacks and sausage sizzle.Time: 10am - 3pm Venue: FESTIVAL - Upwards of 70 acts will performand drinks at bar prices. Cost $20 bookings Jordan reserve Cost: Free across three days and 14 venues duringadvisable via Try booking or 0411 753 230 . our 22nd annual fest.■ A rising star in Australia Jazz - the Georgia 20 Immerse yourself in sound at a BathBrooks Swingtet - will perform tonight.Venue: Queenscliff Uniting Church: Time: 5pm Meditation Workshop. Featruing drums, voice,Cost: $40 includes 3-course meal. Bookings crystals, singing bowls, gongs and chimes - theessential 5258 2854. session is designed to induce a deep state of relaxation Time: 6.30 - 7.30pm Venue:6 MELBOURNE CUP Queenscliff Neighbourhood House Cost: $2510 Well known artist Levi Anderson will 24 STATE ELECTION - remember toperform at the Queenscliff Brewhouse. Tim: put some coins in your pocket for a sausge in9pm Venue: Queenscliff Brewhouse bread at the polling booth!11 REMEMBRANCE DAY - marks the GOT AN EVENT? THE DEADLINE FOR CHRISTMAS100th anniversary of the armistice that endedthe fighting during the First World War. The EDITION SUBMISSIONS ISQueenscliff / Point Lonsdale RSL will hold a FRIDAY NOVEMBER 16March to Fort Queenscliff from 10:015am.Don't forget to wear a red poppy! [email protected] NATIONAL RECYCLING WEEK Borough wins roads fundingThe RSL is seeking help in idetifying the returned soldiers in this 1933 photo. The Borough of Queenscliffe has secured $495,000 in funding to deliver three separateCan you name the soldiers? road improvement projects, under the State Government’s $100 million Fixing Country The RSL is seeking public help to identify their grandfathers,  relatives and/or Family Roads Program.a group of WWI veterans who gathered for acquaintances,” Mr Christie said.the Queenscliff branch’s first “Smoke Night” Bowen Road will be widened, and thereunion in 1933. “We would be heartened if we can identify shoulders of the road sealed to create safer street everyone by the Sunday of the 11th day of the parking adjacent to Point Lonsdale Primary An original photo of the gathering has been 11th month - for our full thoroughfare on Hesse School.handed to the local branch. Street Parade and March to the Fort for the Remembrance Day Service. In Queenscliff, the road will be widened at Vice President Graham Christie said Larkin Parade and Bridge Street to providethe Sub branch was keen to put names to A larger copy of the image is in the foyer of a dedicated Rail Trail bike connection to thethose photographed ahead of this month's the King Street branch. harbour and ferry service.Remembrance Day commemorations.. This year’s Remembrance Day A $15,000 grant has also been provided to “We are asking  regional and local commemoration marks 100 years since the end design a safe shared pathway for the 1.4kmpeople  and local media  to  help  identify of the Great War. length of Murray Road. In addition, the intersection of Milne Court and Ocean Road at Point Lonsdale will be sealed, and drainage improved to stop future instances of the road flooding in wet weather. The Rip November 2018 Page 26


As many as 17,000 people will Saving the best til lastpass through the now iconicQueenscliff Music Festival iron Joe Camilleri is back and ready to take Music Festival fans ongates over the last weekend of a special journey spanning more than four decades...this month, as the event notchesup its 22nd year... Joe Camilleri remembers playing at one of rock and roll, I probably abused that a bit in the Queenscliff’s very first Music Festivals, before early days but I respect it now. I want to come And once again, organisers are touting a the event became “the monster” that it it is to play and I want to play as good as I can.strong and eclectic mix of old, new and future today. And he’s looking forward to resumingAustralian and international music talent. the relationship. “I don’t feel 70 but occasionally I feel like I’ve had a couple of rounds with Mohammed “I’m really proud of this year’s program. I “I love that festival, Queenscliff is a great Ali and he’s really kicked the living shit out ofthink it would be the most diverse program place… I love the whole concept of a festival,” me…and that’s fair enough isn’t it. I just hopewe’ve assembled for QMF. There’s everything he says. I’m allowed to do it for as long as I can. I can’tfrom Japanese Funk to Bluegrass to Hip Hop to ever imagine retiring from this and I hope IRock,” says Director Andrew Orvis. Almost two decades since that first don’t have to.” appearance not much has changed for “Personally I’m really looking forward to Camilleri. He’s still loving music, he’s still Having just finished their 21st album - CitizenOsaka Monaurail, I think they’ll be a massive writing songs and creating albums and at 70, John - Camilleri and his band The Blackhit. Then there’re acts like Thando, Jesse he’s still performing at a level that has earned Sorrows will be the closing act at the festival,Redwing, Wanderers, Alana Wilkinson and The him the right to be called one of Australia’s alongside good friends Vika and Linda Bull.Cool Calm that I think are all amazing new genuine and most enduring music legends.artists that will blow people away. Having a belief in never taking to the stage “I appreciate that someone would say that with a set playlist, fans can expect anything “I’m also extremely proud QMF is presenting but that word gets easily bantered around and everything, he promises.the world premier live performance of nowadays. To be honest with you I don’tGurrumul’s Djarimirri album. Performed in full really know where I stand in the scheme “I just go with the audience and what theywith a 16-piece orchestra and special guests, it of things. I’m just a travelling musician, a want. You can be elastic and flexible and justwill be something very, very special.” working travelling musician and I see that as respond,” he says. my greatest achievement – that I don’t have Initiated as a way of bridging the busy and to go and clock in and there’s enough people And there’s a broad repertiore to choose fromnot so busy months on Queenscliff’s events out there who want to see the twists and turns - think Harley and Rose, Chained to the Wheel,calendar, the festival is now regarded as one of that I’ve got to offer. I’m humbled by that,” the Hold on to Me and The Chosen Ones - just toVictoria’s biggest and most respected annual former Jo Jo Zep and the Falcons frontman name a few from his enduring song book. Moremusic events and is also a major economic says. recently the band has dropped an enticingdriver for the town and the wider Bellarine. cover of Bob Dylan’s Silvio. “I’m lucky I still get to do this. I signed up for “Last year’s event had a total economic “It’s gonna be fun and I hope people don’t goimpact of $4.6m on the local economy. On top home and stay right to end,” he says.of that we provide fundraising opportunitiesin excess of $50,000 to local communitygroups - $8,000 worth of tickets is donatedto community groups for further fundraisingthrough raffles, auctions and the like,” Orvissays.“The things that make our festival unique areQueenscliff itself, and the people. We attracta music loving audience to QMF every year,which is here to enjoy a great weekend ofmusic, in a beautiful location, with friends andfamily.”TheDirector'spicks: The Rip November 2018 Page 28

Welcome to Fest 2018Once again, we’re delighted to present to you a wonderfulline-up of local, national and international artists with over 70acts across three days and 14 venues... Our focus this year has been very much on connected community and brings other benefits Queenscliff Music Festival teamed up withimproving the overall experience for our loyal to Queenscliff to support the community and triple j Unearthed to give one lucky musiciansupporters, and we hope patrons will notice visitors alike. the chance to join the stellar 2018 lineup andthis as they wander throughout the festival site make their festival debut.over the last weekend in November. Part of our festival surplus every year together with the generous donations The winner is indie-pop up-and-comer Libby We remain committed to our environmental provided by our Friends of the Festival goes Steel - a Western Victorian talent, makingobligations, this means an even greater focus to supporting local emerging artists, and we waves in the industryon reducing, recycling and reusing, with our are pleased to announce that for 2018, thededicated team helping to sort cans, cups Emerging Artist Grant, now in its eighth year, Steel is known for her unique, bold andand food into the right bins . All of our food has been awarded to MDRN Love, and to Fenn colourful pop music. Her 2017 single ‘Bones’stall providers have signed up to 100 per cent Wilson, both of whom are performing. captured the attention of triple j, where shecompostable plates and cutlery, making it easier received stellar reviews for her \"big andfor all food scraps to be composted. Our sincere thanks must also go to our versatile voice iand her \"part Lily Allen and sponsors. Their support is invaluable. Special part Saskwatch” style. Our Kids club has been revamped and this thanks must go to our major sponsors Visityear all carnival rides are free. Families are Victoria, Searoad Ferries, and the Borough of Libby will be opening the festival on Fridayan important part of our future and we aim Queenscliffe. 23rd bring a program and a safe environmentthat encourages the many families on the Finally, a big thankyou to Andrew Orvis Fresh from standing ovations at the PortBellarine to introduce their kids to the Festival our Festival Director who this year has been Fairy Folk Festival, the very unique ‘Find Yourexperience. joined by Chris Longmore (our Operations Voice’ All-abilities choir is set to be a highlight and Production manager) Vivien Fogarty, and of this year’s festival. The feedback of festival goers is critical to Louise Roberts to put another sensationalus and is reviewed intensively to ensure the festival together - one that provides something It comprises over 150 individuals whoexperience each year is always bvetter than the old, something new and a safe and friendly identify as having a disability – some even asone before. place to chill out before the madness of non-verbal! Christmas engulfs us all. To achieve this we have again partnered The choir is the brainchild of singer-with a wide variety of community groups As we say every year, we believe that the songwriter Tom Richardson and all-abilitiesand some 400 individual volunteers. This headline act for QMF is Queenscliff itself, a advocate, Kylie Thulborn and is a collaborationpartnership provides an important fundraising truly wonderful part of the world, with much to of music lovers from across the Geelong regionopportunity for them, helps to build a see and enjoy. and the South-west Victoria Choir. Geoff Mutton, QMF Board Chair The Rip November 2018 Page 29

Drink fountains Boaties urged to be summer readygiven the all clear An emergency services event in Queenscliff probably but we’ll eliminate the risk and this month hopes to reach fishermen doing the make people aware of what they should and Public drinking fountains across the Borough wrong thing, and potentially putting lives at shouldn’t be doing, because you get all sortsis set to to be switched on again, however users risk. of people that have got boats these days andare being encouraged to take precautionary some are not very smart with them.steps before consuming the water. The Queenscliff Coastguard, CFA, SES and water police will team up for the November Not having life jackets, out of date flares and The Borough of Queenscliffe closed six Open Boating Safety Day at Jordan Reserve, poor boat maintenance are among the biggestfountains after levels of lead and nickel were which is timed to remind recreational boat safety breaches.. Concerns were amplifieddetected above Australian Drinking Water users to play it safe this Summer. by the growing number of boat owners, MrGuidelines. Douglas said. It follows a string of mishaps on the bay – “The Department of Health and Human chiefly caused by boat owners cutting corners “A lot of people in winter have the boatServices has [since] advised that members of – including five rescues out of Queenscliff on outside or in the shed and when they get readythe community should not be concerned if just one weekend last month. to take it out and go to fire up and find up theythey have consumed water from the affected find condensation has got in the fuel line andfountains,” a Council spokesperson said. The aim is to educate owners of the risks it won’t. Flat batteries is another one, they go of not being prepared being heading out for out at night with their lights on for fishing and The fountains will re-open in coming weeks, a day on the water, according to Queenscliff don’t realise they can’t start the engine.with accompanying signage requesting people Coastguard Flotilla Commander Grahamto ‘flush’ public drinking fountains by running Douglas. “In one week [last month] there were fivewater for several seconds. jobs just between a Wednesday and Sunday. “We’re aiming to cover all of the safe boating things they should think about before they go Sometimes you can go for a while with no out and then what happens if things go wrong. call outs and then you get a rush. At the same time we’ll be showing people through our Coastguard operation and what “We need to be prepared for the boating we do and if anyone’s interested in joining up, season and what we’re trying to do is bring we’ll address that too,\" he said. some education, that’s the plan.” “It’s a problem we’ll never eliminate “There’s a lot more boat users, which tends to lead to more people doing what they MECHANICAL REPAIRS LAKERENGINEERING Pt Lonsdale/Queenscliff · Steel Fabricator Automotive Centre · Turning and Fitting (Steve Higgins) · Machining · Stainless Steel Full Car Servicing & Aluminium All Mechanical Repairs Fully Qualified Mechanic · Welding · Steel Sales Air Conditioning Repairs & Services Tel (03) 5258 1777 Pick Up Service Available 0418 521 199 (Local area only) 46 Bellarine Highway, Queenscliff PHONE: 5258 4668 0418 524 861 The Rip November 2018 Page 30

Councillor urges Retirement village plans revealedrecycling action An artist's impression of The Point's proposed community hub A Queenscliffe Councillor has accusedgovernments of reacting too slowly over the Work on a new retirement village in Point home with lots of maintenance obligations.nation's growing recycling crisis. Lonsdale will start within coming weeks, with They can just come in and relax basically. the first occupants expected to move in mid- Tony Francis spoke out after Councillors next year. “The things they want to do will be onunanimously voted at the September general their door step. Our waterside living willmeeting to amend our municipality’s existing The 170 residences – 158 villas and 12 have an indoor pool and spa, a gym … we’verecycling collection contract. apartments, will be located on Saltbush Circuit, got an arts studio, a little cinema, we’ve got within The Point estate, alongside a planned private dining rooms, expansive lounges with Council was previously reimbursed for community centre. fireplaces , billiard tables and dance floor,” Msrecycling waste, but under the new contract, Cameron said.will now pay $310,000 for collection over the The complex is being developed by Sencia –seven year life of the agreement. a subsidiary of the Knowles Group and a sister “An outside glass pavilion will overlook the company to aged care provider Arcare, which waterways and there will be bike racks, kayaks, Queenscliffe is one of five local councils to operates a nearby nursing home. a boat with its own boat shed and workshop, ahave entered into a 20-year contract with SKM four lane bowling green, even a citrus grove.”Industries, which was to have ended in 2030.   Knowles Group Head of Retirement Living, Jacqueline Cameron, said interest in the Prices for a 99-year lease of the dwellings Outgoing General Manager Planning and development had been strong with upwards start at $320,000 for a small apartment andInfrastructure Phil Josipovic said while Council of 60 enquiries in the first few days after its move up to the high $600,000s.could have insisted the contract be honoured, it launch.was likely the business would fold. A retirement village is part of the original The low-maintenance luxury living would vision for the 600-home estate. “The best available advice received indicates appeal both to sea changers and locals wantingthat the current market uncertainty and to downsize, she said. Local construction firms would be employedrecycling commodity prices will remain for the to build the facility, with dozens of initial andmedium to long term,” Mr Josipovic said.    “It is very much a lifestyle decision, the ongoing jobs to be created, said Ms Cameron.   reason people come in is because they want The Borough has received $10,764 of a $37 more time to do what they want. Living in a “We typically build quite quickly and we sellmillion State Government relief fund, to help retirement community means they don’t have the whole village at the start, so you can comeoffset costs already incurred by Councils as to worry about maintenance, and having a big and reserve any unit in the development. Youa result of China’s decision to stop accepting can take your pick.Australian waste. Councillor Francis said government’s hadbeen caught “napping at the wheel and neededto find urgent solutions.” “We made the assumption that China wouldkeep taking our waste and they’ve said no.We’re now in a catch up phase,” he said. “I just hope this gets the necessary attentionfrom governments to resolve the issue ratherthan just be put on the back burner. “There’s a lot of innovation from wastethat can produce power. There’s solution outthere… you can’t be lazy in this space.” NATIONAL RECYCLING WEEK 12 TO 16 NOVEMBER 2018Drop these unwanted items into the Items acceptedQueenscliff Town Hall for recycling from Polystyrene packaging – non-commercial quantities9:00am to 4:00pm Mobile phones, batteries and chargersMonday, 12 November to Fluorescent light tubes andFriday, 16 November, 2018 compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) Household batteries – sizes AAA, AA,The Borough of Queenscliffe is a proud supporter of National Recycling Week C, D, 6 volt, 9 volt and button Toothbrushes, empty toothpaste tubes and dental floss containers These items cannot be recycled through your kerbside recycling bin. 50 Learmonth Street (PO Box 93) Queenscliff VIC 3225 Telephone: 03 5258 1377 | Fax: 03 5258 3315 | The Rip November 2018 Page 31

Borough Bulletin November 2018Cr Salter, Mayor, Borough of Queenscliffe and Arts Trail venues, or you can download a We are very proud to acknowledge the printable version of the Bellarine Arts Trail map contribution of local contractors to the100th Anniversary of from the Barwon Heads Arts Council website completion of this project, including leadRemembrance Day contractor John Monahan Pty Ltd and subcontractors, who managed constructionSunday 11 November 2018 marks the 100th Sport and Recreation Precinct of the netball courts, cricket nets, car parkanniversary of the armistice that ended the and drainage infrastructure, and BDHfighting during the First World War. My fellow Councillors and I were delighted Constructions Pty Ltd, who built the netball to join the State Member for Bellarine, game day facility.The Queenscliff / Point Lonsdale RSL Sub- the Honourable Lisa Neville MP, and theBranch will hold a Remembrance Day March Honourable Sarah Henderson MP, Federal Point Lonsdale Pierfrom the Queenscliff Post Office to Fort Member for Corangamite, as well asQueenscliff on Sunday 11 November. Please representatives of the Queenscliff Community Anybody who takes a regular walk alongassemble for the March from 10:00am in Sports Club, Queenscliff Football Netball Point Lonsdale Beach will have noticedreadiness to step off at 10:15am. A Service Club and Queenscliff Cricket Club, to officially that one of the pier pylons is missing. Parkswill be held at Fort Queenscliff at 10:30am. open the upgraded Queenscliff Sport and Victoria have advised Council that they are Recreation Precinct on Friday 12 October 2018. aware of the damage to the pier and haveEveryone is welcome to join the anniversary commenced repair works.March and Service. Please wear a poppy to This event provided a wonderful opportunityhonour our armed forces, and if a member of to celebrate the collective accomplishment New tourismyour family has been awarded for wartime of everyone involved in the delivery of these attractions brochureservice, please wear their medals with pride. state-of-the-art facilities and thank the State and Federal Governments for providing The Visitor Information Centre, Bellarine2018 Bellarine Arts Trail funding for upgrades at the precinct, including: Railway, Fort Queenscliff, Queenscliffe Historical Museum and the QueenscliffeThe 2018 Bellarine Arts Trail will be held on • A new netball game day facility, Maritime Museum have workedSaturday 3 and Sunday 4 November between funded by the State Government and collaboratively to produce ‘Heritage10:00am and 4:00pm. Council, with home and away change Queenscliff’, a new brochure highlighting rooms, toilets, showers, first aid room, the attractions and services of eachThe Arts Trail allows you to discover art kitchenette, office and storage, and organisation, with opening hours andand meet the artists in their studios and at covered decking for spectators; contact details. ‘Heritage Queenscliff’galleries and creative venues throughout will be distributed through local tourismQueenscliff, Point Lonsdale, Ocean Grove and • New netball courts, designed to the most outlets and Searoad Ferries.Barwon Heads. An event highlight this year is current Netball Victoria standards;the inclusion of world renowned sculptor Rod November CommunityDudley, who will open his Queenscliff studio • Four new fully-enclosed cricket nets; Listening Postto visitors and exhibit his ‘Empire Day’ groupsculpture of 1981 at the Queenscliff Town Hall. • AFL-standard lighting at the oval for safer Please join Council at our Community football training; Listening Post on Thursday 22 NovemberParticipating venues in the Borough of from 2:00pm until 3:00pm in the PointQueenscliffe include local commercial • AFL goal netting at the oval, to facilitate Lonsdale Primary School Hall at 22 Bowengalleries, the Pavilion at Queenscliff, multiple uses of the greater Queenscliff Road, Point Lonsdale.the Point Lonsdale Primary School, the Recreation Reserve;Queenscliff Town Hall, and the Queenscliffe Office closureNeighbourhood House. • A 93-space car park for users of the sport facilities; and Please be advised that Council’s offices atArts Trail maps are available from the 50 Learmonth Street, Queenscliff will beQueenscliffe Visitor Information Centre, • Best practice, environmentally sensitive closed on Tuesday 6 November 2018 for theBorough of Queenscliffe Council offices drainage and water saving infrastructure. Melbourne Cup Day public holiday. Council is particularly thankful to Lisa Neville For more information for providing additional funding for the netball game day facility. Visit or contact the Borough of Next Council Meeting Queenscliffe on 5258 1377. The next Ordinary Meeting of Council will be held on Thursday 22 November commencing at 7:00pm. All welcome. 50 Learmonth Street (PO Box 93) Queenscliff VIC 3225 | Phone: 03 5258 1377 | Fax: 03 5258 3315 The Rip November 2018 Page 32

Layout 1 Layout 2The Joseph Ribkoff signature logo and the The Joseph Ribkoff signature logo and the account T logo can be placed on a black band on the bottom of thaccount logo can be placed on the background of the the image. The logos as well as the accounts contact m information and message can be placed on this bandimage as well as the accounts contact information and as well. T 1message. Queenscliffe &RS\ULJKWk-RVHSK5LENR΍ΖQF$OOULJKWVUHVHUYHG$Q\UHSURGXFWLRQDQGRUXVHRIWKH-RVHSK5LENR΍ORJRIRUFRPPHUFLDORUSURPRWLRQDOSXUSRVHVLVIRUELGGHQZLWKRXWWKHZULWWHQDXWKRUL]DWLRQRI-RVHSK5LENR΍ΖQF Historical This layout is applicable to pages: 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15, 18, 19, 22, Museum's Kevin Lyon atThis layout is applicable to pages: 1, 4, t5h,e8la,u1n8ch, of the Lonsdale19, 22 plaqueLonsdale plaque unveiled Point Lonsdale has a new La Trobe’s history, but not manylandmark, following the unveiling people knew about Lonsdale.of a plaque honouring one of thetown's founding fathers - Captain “When Captain WilliamWilliam Lonsdale. Lonsdale, together with his wife Martha and daughter Alice Mary The plaque, embedded in a rock sailed past here in late Septemberon the front beach promenade, 1836 in the HMAS Rattlesnake...,followed a Queenscliffe Historical they must have looked at shoreMuseum fundraising drive which and marvelled at the coastalraised more $8,000. scenery. “We were given the task of “Now we who are fortunate tocreating a fitting memorial to live in Point Lonsdale, togetherCaptain Lonsdale and to record with the many visitors, we canthe naming of Point Lonsdale. be reminded of the role thatWe’ve been working on this Captain Lonsdale carried out asproject for nearly 12 months,” said General Agent of Government,Kevin Lyon. “Following the very Commandant and Policesuccessful La Trobe monument in Magistrate from 1836 to 1839, andQueenscliff we did not consider then working with superintendenta statue of Captain Lonsdale and then Governor La Trobe untilsuitable. Most people knew of he retired in 1854.\"Nominations are invited for theAustralia Day Awards 2019Nominations are now open for the STORE LOGO/following categories of the 2019 Australia Day Awards. NAME HERE · Citizen of the Year Store details · Young Citizen of the Year ia4Cn2enfloHdebremcrsasoteainntSitgtoaren1ce0thty,eeQaruereseinnsbculisin-e5s2s58 2912 · Community Event of the Year · Community Organisation of the Year SOCIAL MEDIA ICONS · Community Environment Project of the YearNomination forms and award criteria are availablefrom the Council offices and can be downloaded fromCouncil’s website open Monday 1 October 2018 and close at4Th.0e0wpminnoenSrsWTweiOdllnbeResdaEanyn1oL4uONncoeGvdemOonb/eAru2s0tr1a8l.ia DaySaturday 2N6 JAanuMarEy 20H19E. RE Store details and contact information here 50 Learmonth Street (PO Box 93) Queenscliff VIC 3225 Telephone: 03 5258 1377 | Fax: 03 5258 3315 SOCIAL MEDIA ICONS The Rip November 2018 Page 33

Queenscliff Village News 72 Hesse Street, Queenscliff 3225 DOG GROOMING SALON Phone: 5258 1828 Fax: 5258 5128Email: [email protected] NOW LOCATED IN POINT LONSDALE 2019 Calendars & This renovated character home in the heart THofhHOiOsOldreLLLnoIIDnoDsAvdaYAatleeHYdiIsGcaHhHnaeILraaGIsFcytEHwearINlhkLotToImHFfreEoEniHnt IaEtNnhAdeRbhTTaecHOakrbFtE Diaries now available! RenovatedbyloTcaaklpereamdviuatmnotbaaugsislediseotrfDoouauvrirdmFMaRcnbREDyeEeTRoHTnhaQehpninicsoOsuaoirhcrvveleeLdankneateo,IoetsuDvvndeha,abptsAtedgeyecdhldYaoolbcoicnhlhaHmyfdalaprrccaIlaredeoGclcofimttereeceuHoirranuahrhmptltsoouLsmbmepor.IueeeFrialseiidnEnnpesmttrodhheIDeNeliraiuhhsvsveeihhmdTiaaceMorrHtetdcbpooDEhffusoOOanHillarddladdlnLLdEwooe,dtAnnhorssedRdioDhsaadoTlleeaymiiosOvseoafaiuoendnFarre! cTohseyfwoicnatlepreovinent ionfgtsh,aenhdocPmleleevaeisrseoapreseqpnuainecgsiotouwfsrhokeoFintmrccTeRmhohsenseevnaycofniwkoavhiciaFnwnattreldegeidprtoenbohyvyicooneloohnturcpiodsnrafeglobpttsnhooro,aeeronmphsndkilotucaooimlmnnenrevgbteoduih.rsiorilandtpaheseinnprnaDaigdnnacgvidoaiosdusnfoMsorodkucuoiDtmlttciohhvhsnevfiananfialadcgFw,cirtneihatinhengrcheohdgopadmeesodcneolkferepessaltacaiot POINT LONSDALE Thdceeocsykf.woTichnrtaeeerlebpveodnriniongosmt,asonadfncdtlehaveesrmohpareotncmienngetorafrliosboamathsrvsoipaoFmareccnocimohdpuolesotreskttoih Community Market Further features, gas and slim line heating, rteovFaTdeasuherraectslkhsafe.toeuTrrcchdgafyreiloeaecpetooluberpirneteoatdrs,oriisorgvtfoacatrmshoeteaseynnhoaddonunmsdirtlociaiemaorsristmnsli,hnaiabnersoftphgaacaet,e,ccanpcitoiatinnrruraiagsvglv,bkarieanttdvctehaheenrrefosdrcneooakmwcnlyl.itccttThhloeaemhoanuppirrsdeleuecnotaerepnlehltdaabho This renovated character home in the heFaurtFarsuotrahfthOseteulrrddfeifLoaeotouanrrttesousd,sargtoelaersesias,ynogadunsarlciesmaarassli,ynnbewodhaaet,laskctlaitinrmoagv,farrenloviannenrtesdeaanchlyldecthlbeaeaatuicirsnkucoagbnleh,daoir One of the Bellarine’s biggest and gardens plus a huge garage, ideal as a stud most popular monthly markets fruit & veg RenovatedbylocalpremiumbuilderDavidMcDonald,thehomefeaturespolishedhardwood oors, arts & crafts plants Point Lcosywinterevenings,andcleveropeningofroomsviaFrenchdoorstonorthandsouthfacingdeckside home made produce jewellery The focal point of the home is a spacious kitchen with open plan dining and living areas leadi clothing and lots more... 43 2nd Sunday of every Month 4Further features, gas and slim line heating, reverse cycle air conditioning, private front and rear g 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Point Lonsdale Primary School, HOLIDAY HIGH LIFE IN THEH4 Bowen Road, Point Lonsdale Contact: 0417 037 970 5258 5441 [email protected],uorPve-oanwtioenvwdtabwLteyo.dllnoaccsphadealaptrtlareeecrmteieiru.hcmoombmue.ialidunetrhDeahveidaMrtcTbRoDfheeTHiRoTHOsi Pointcosywinterevenings,andcleveropeningofroomciso The focal point of the home is a spacious kFitrcTeRh Uniting Church EventsHOLIDAY HIGH LIFE IN THdFasuercatkhs.teTurhdTfrehieoaiestoruberrenteodosvr,soagttooaemrdseacsyhnaoadnuradsrclcitameasrrmshli,noabmerotheacetien,anctthatinrreaaghlv,beartTaFaeanouchrvtdFatFacTdahoere ga RenovatedbylocalpremiumbuilderDavidhMoc cosywinterevenings,andcleveropeningofro A Blessing of BikTheesf!ocal point of the home is a spacious k Messy Church Sunday 4 Nodvefcrko. mThr1e0e’bisehdrooms and a smart central b QQuueeeennsscclliiBikAerenAsdtrotb,reePidanngbcitkahekasenfkBofrruulRnfeocfhru,tghSeeteoMsriaeennsd’sanBSFadsuihkraeSethdssoteunffrodogfeirrsoapHtfouorurorrtmevoasia,dsllgtnioanairtsggeyaeynsod.usrlcimarsli,nbeohaet,actainragv, a Donate your Unwanted Bikes. Buy a Restored Bike UPMARKET LIVING BY THETcRohesinsyowrveianntoteevAdarbertievysedlionncgcihnasalgtpTBarsarir,oceacTikonmtneehkdtirthiuecnhe$mlgeo4GAvsmb0ueeuEsreiitoonslridspcanreellgeiutarnnhidDntaieSineaajahsgvuBlz.eion3zdrTafdoMsarrcocatbooceooylDuneAukamf4reAbplcsosAbplnsOeseoeasbveanvbvNiebroanel.vraeaqer.daScarrlciVlfdisriedohlsmihlaell.uli.iilwiLed6iseadnsDvwalFDeseeonsien-,toi.roa.ttntita5t8nweaTowTohncdponhpghpnlsnntooetoo.ioigehtsdpshssomcsstheWtreinoriaoahpasttptioniorinirieowlrdoredenioeesuesomnnanaittodiao,arn,orsdiretlwsleowoiohooigthiocvovtvuiooniofnaBrggeiieaewrksekedonnhnrhraireitrlalfnnioouonnqhtiqehregtgoaothtuoauoune,kaykaaanamamlirisraocslcnnllvtieiotdreatreytgtgtrooanyoiyisyntciiossPPwssaipkkhsspillkoonioioatskettoooaaiigueccrnnebppihhlnloreettnatkeielceearrsrsNNdenneevegnnlthueeddasoippeoopp,edoriaiaamplpneneedferrueeaeakkrcaaagnnnnolhltiasassyrnasshnannaaonnontbtnndidfereotomsaedcddwuwttadttsoecoPhwPhrrcncmioooepeponpoooiodiiinnndncdcgmaaodttdittwibnunudiLcirLdtwitriroanionkieneeuooingnsgcstnlcnqshaqsoaksadkaduauaentonpnaneasbnenedldldriededSs TFhuerthfoecraflepatouAinrentsno,ugfaatlhsMeanuhdsoimcsliFemfeeiSsslaitanativuecsarphrilSenaeGucgadaintoiTtdnTuhhagseiemy,rkrinTie2aUDetugvc5laUdUlacapeaho.ropSrwprwNgdnrvegsPswsaseetaaetentaloeeralrkkpeanipaircrvrddorswcorsiisyirvBrrrvityt1ntaewisaswebsctadtwrtw0roehoeloodotfiieiaminmourwinmwmonsormoalPamoarmoprunitMtttaurhhaleatsttachicchdBfunfhmuauaeoeoocsclcalioaabnbpiiginfmntrteneceeedlggeaahaadbnbcicababnthteheafaeqincd.d.oallrcdcFFrrtduuoooonaubuiiononlrnraniMattumymynhihilntnwweeilgssegetorrghwwh,ydaffiiueepiirccbttieaaakhhhahsrattneiuuit,llbbvootmcirdrduuoeceooaoiiasskklltnrhlttissieniiovnnisiventntcbceooofillnrnerruuoSroSodmddgwbewbroeneoeeaadssaosltnlpnoomaraacBcwBieerrkkenaenawaynyuiussdditspetaepashhrnrnorlvgvgedeedtiaiacboncoarawerwesa incredibly uplifting Southern Churcbha-bthasreodogmo.spUepl-sstoauilr-sfuanlksomfeeeatstubrlueessa! large pr The Geelong Chorale ~ A Christmas Celebration A brilliant position,Tloicokkeint g$2a5crionscsluoSdpaeesnturpredafrrakeylsah8nmdDeteonctps5i.cpWtmuirneesqBuaerSawvaanilaBbalyeand nestled into th Point Lbeaches to the rear overlooking Point Nepean and Point Lonsdale, this is a unique opportunity 444pleavrealds.isDeAo. wTbhrniillssitaKoannintresipttoaoinswhigtiinogGCenhrro, oqlhmouuoompamkliu1Rinetng-ye4iistakpgyciomtruDcohsleiosanernenonrdpesoGereipnnc6reooppanansmusrdnkptlweoaTswneutdeheockestopoldnydepadioniyncintistniuotWagronensaeadqAndnudfnldeoleluSposwrrudtohanavngyTidBseheaurysoraisomndmdmasynas(egcsutallseadtloeinglytoprtrehe)eswe HOLIDAY HIGH LIFE IN THUElacUaoprwvgseaetralkepirdorslbplcUiaerviotneapvrawsvgraedstwaeceotelSodsrahie.pimioiinensrdmDrsresogiovi.oatmntriawwTonttudthhaogneotttoichhdssrfoinftuIameeooconraoclooniforrUamrbrioetnnesurtFnheaaettgaeaioruaacdtfnnbiwucaocnhonbdtcthvleiongaaegi1eJd.nbrtelrhrCKe0caFgrtoreloooan.uhnnqMobhB3boionurtkuieon50oaetktomyridatm2ihnlciraoinvcnlrtn5wgihesoomaektigg8ge,syrionhwni-GPcasfmy2ko1CCiienoirnci8ontrwe2tsarihlghoc5nlruamtihwHhcn4uetaub,lbieolereirpcdmNreeteeunehos2hamedaMi1ass1kpolpt,lbteoia2ism-pimnnewoun4ioim&laentniTcawRcakbpolunntfiodhdsslSenreomwnsuioaSasinnnttdiusdbftoyntowbyueoooirrlreenwrdkaswoenotSuavedegthswisobliPanhrntsrsoqncittoeomteTaancoohucteBSsoSinrghuenvnkeddeamtaFwqaarodeteBiyrubneusrtntioeLasiwtieuievpetyaeoysndidlhsotedrrilencngtaetaoagvdnnQenhledsrnciyiycaaafvdsircnauhfednsasmnriycw@eanecsanalgdllsdwedupeiegsoisrfisdunfna,iloreupb,.otietisaecouneb,tlhruycmdttenrolpyi.ndegalPsnvadiaogpiaf.nrieuipfaondcslwehrdwtiurdimleos.noaeoearehswvwovvtumlbuleiilioleaLdmadnudaamrelloeeikkpimopqlnhsidapiuappinnanda(oeeseogcsrtraiurruondaniuhooDlnplsebtipwpeabneteaetlpeedoorheegvboadrgloeiobycanrdptdeacfndpuMprnlerradorntestnlecceari)ooostesatDpcAuayweemroflefaaUAbplcnospUAbplnbOoetrieo Qa walk or swim at the beach. Further featureTs hineclfuodceallopckoiunpt goafrathgee, hpoolmisheeids haasrdpwaocioodusokoirDtscUlc,aho The Rip November 2018 Page 34

Business BitsQueenscliff Day Spa's Melissa Davis and the Traditional Italian pizzas are being served up The Queenscliff Brewhouse has beenwinner of a fundraising raffle at Point Lonsdale's newest restaurant. shortlisted for two key industry awardsTuscany bound Piloting a new addition Hotel views for awardsKeLvo’csalWbuisinnedssoeswh,avDeothororwan nthdeirGsulpapzoirnt g SPielort vKiitccheen, a sister venue to Noble Rot The Queenscliff Brewhouse has been namedbehind a hQelupeOebnrUesacRslitfSfcaEnDRcaVeyrICsuSEfpfSaerIeNersmC. pLlUoyDeeE's: Wine Store and Bar, has opened its doors on as a finalist in two important industry awards.mission to the Lonnie strip, serving up traditional ItalianShŏergyllaLssinreapnaei,rswŏhoglawzainsgr&ecmenirtrloyrsdŏiagslnidoisnegddooprirzozlalesrsin what until recently, was the Couta’s The hotel will be vying for 2018 Golden Platewiŏthtrtahceksc&onlodciktisoŏn,piest daoimorisngin gtolasrsaiŏsesh$o4w,0e0r0screFeinshreapnadirCs hips shop. recognition in the categories of Best Hotelto partŏicirpeaptaeirisntonseexctuyrietayrd'sooTrse,kflyFdorooSruspapnodrftlyscreTehnes new business says it's committed to Dining and Best Selection of Local Wine/Beer/Tuscany ŏ- aswasahlkcofordr sreupfflaerceerms eantdŏthweinr dfaomwislirees-.putstieerdving pizzas made with traditional yeast- Cider.Her Day Spa colleaŏguweisndwoowrkweidndaersday for based dough, \"lovingly prepared the day beforeKevin Smithfree last month, asking clients to instead donate and stretched with enthusiasm to form a chewy It is also shortlisted for the 2018 Australian Hotels Association Awards for Sheryl’s personal fundraising page. Other base smeared with house made sauces\" - allbusinesses also pMitcohbedilei:n04w1i8th51g9ift07it8ems made under the watchful eye of Noble Rot's \"This is an amazing accomplishment and istowards a raffle - rawiswinwg.mbworde gthsa.cnohmal.faouf the talented chef Will Moyle. a testament to the hard work of our team overtarget amount. Toppings will include traditional and a the past year,\" said spokesperson Larelle Fitt. .eisxp“hWeorSihweearnvtQciccuIeoianhamglnaifpQvdieuleedjeoxeqGunulrsiaicntczliekifeiyfl,syrPu*olanieNnniaoqtdrLujnooetnbh,s\"aodtnsowahdolees&demsviatsaheyclersoly.B*voeeFlnlrRaeeEr'disEnequPefmcoenotwoiennsztsrzueialbaarruettlhilnay,gpatnoodrakmrsuaesuntisucaglaoedcaadlnistdiaorenegssg. apCvloaonuwtr'isanrgme. iallklAnyone wishing to donate can log onto A BYO liquor licence is expected to be granted \"We still have many goals to achieve in ourSheryl’s personal fundraising page at: soon, meaning patrons will be able to marry products and services on offer such as ourhttps://trekforsupport2019.everydayhero. their meals with Noble Rot's impressive wine much awaited distillery.\" Q3200offerings in the not-to-distant future.Lisa Neville MPcom/au/sheryl-s-fundraising-page Construction on the new distillery is expected to be finished early next month. \"With our love of craft beer, regional wine, artesian produce, gins and whisky, it's a natural progression,\" Ms Fitt said.Member for BellarineFor assistance on any issue please ring my Electorate Office on 5248 [email protected] SPOT THE DIFFERENCEFunded from Parliament’s Electorate Office and Communication Budget Higher lid - Thermostat - Electronic ignition VALUE $135 television ‡InstallaWLRQRI79DQWHQQDVPDVWKHDG Why buy basic Q’s  DPSOLILHUVERRVWHUV79SRLQWVFDEOLQJ when you can by premium Q’s for ‡6HWXSDQGWXQLQJRI79·V'9'·VDXGLR  HTXLSPHQWGLJLWDOUHFRUGHUVHWF just $10 extra! ‡$OO79UHFHSWLRQSUREOHPVGLDJQRVHG  The Rip November 2018 Page 37  IL[HGXVLQJWKHODWHVWWHVWHTXLSPHQWE keithindfoo.rmH@LWacKnl'a@Rs‡lsiUvPi$ecD.fiOOcQrDoeUmMHpa:laswcRweIw%s9H..c9pOOoDoWmUinLQet.Hlsao9tu3nH9FTs:dQyWLaaQlnVeEXstSOeDSTle tvFr|e*iYswieHoAtHnwNc,O.RcNlwSaQoe.sJmScwslTi.aatcRsousEwriEcenfiTprlNeapEclWeascT.ecOso.Wcm| o5N.ma2u2-.a2Pu:15628282 1688

arts by local and regional artists. ▪ Ocean Grove Rotary Art Show at the Pt portraiture by asking artists to interpret the Lonsdale school is on at the Point Lonsdale look and personality of a chosen sitter – known Primary School Hall with $10 000 in prizes. or unknown. ▪ Queenscliff's Seaview Gallery is participating with contemporary and It is the richest portrait prize in the world, traditional art, ceramics, jewellery and art boasting a first prize of $150,00 and is regarded glass by local and interstate artists. as an important highlight of the Australian ▪ QAL Arts has nine artists whose work arts calendar. The prize is acquisitive and includes paintings, ceramics mosaics, felting the portrait immediately becomes part of the and textiles, woodwork and jewellery. Moran Arts Foundation. Artists will be demonstrating during the weekend. A versatile artist who explores broad subject ▪ Soula Mantalvanos opens her personal matter across a range of mediums, David has studio at Queenscliff Gallery and Workshop been named a finalist in a number of other and will be welcoming conversations about significant Australian art prizes this year her current prints and paintings. including the Glover Landscape Art Prize, ▪ Salt Gallery will be holding an exhibition Tasmania, John Leslie Art Prize, Gippsland titled ‘Creatures Great and Small’ which Regional Gallery, Sale, Hadley’s Art Prize, brings together the works of carefully Hobart, Tasmania, the Fleurieu Art Prize, South selected painters, printmakers and sculptors Australia, to name a few. in an exploration of all things animal related. Art, art and more art! ▪ At Queenscliff Council Hall a diverse range of artists will exhibit including awardLocal artist vies for top More than 33 Bellarine arts studios and winning quilt maker Carole Bosna, textileprize galleries and preparing to swing open their artist Kim Doherty, painters Lyn Ellis, doors this Melbourne Cup weekend, for the Jane Flowers, Judi Crisp and newcomer Queenscliff-based artist David Beaumont third annual Bellarine Arts Trail. Antoinette Inguanti, as well as visual artisthas been named among the 30 finalists of the Carole Kite.prestigious Doug Moran National Portrait The event continues to grow in size and ▪ Rod Dudley's renowned sculptures will bePrize. organisers are anticipating record crowds. on show at his Queenscliff studio and in the Town Hall. . His entry, selected from over 1,000 Participating Queenscliff & Point Lonsdale ▪ Several artists and students will exhibit atsubmissions, is rendered in oil on wood and artists include: the Queenscliff Neighbourhood House, andis of renowned Indigenous arts author and ▪ The Pavilion welcomes mixed media artistcurator Susan McCulloch OAM – a regular ▪ Carolyn Mackinnon with sculpture, silver Faye Tsatsakis, a range of painters and thevisitor and guest presenter at Beaumont’s Salt jewellery and photographic works at the Travelling Alchemist Scott Andrews withContemporary Gallery. venue she shares with Meryl Hodgson in Pt his wet plate collodian photographs. Lonsdale. Maps are available at galleries or online at: The model sat for David earlier this year ▪ Renowned glass artist David Hobday will“over a lengthy session of conversation, be in his studio and is also represented atcontemplation and initial drawings,” which Seaview Gallery.were then worked up into the painting. ▪ The Lighthouse Arts Collective will showcase a range of artistic endeavours The 30 year old award encourages excellence including painting, music and performance.and creativity   in contemporary Australian ▪ Tussock Upstairs Gallery in Pt Lonsdale have an exhibition of ‘November Spaces 18 – paintings, prints, jewellery and ceramics Locus (Distinct) Featuring Sir Arthur Streeton etchings Exhibition dates: Oct 18 – Nov 25 Exhibiting artists: Warren Cooke, Philip Davey, Carolyn Hawkins, Damon Kowarsky, Emmy Mavroidis, David Moore, James Pasakos, Stephen Tester, Wayne Viney & Susan Wald. QG&W WORKSHOPS Seeking creative development? Or do you feel like trying something new but think you’re not creative? Come in to the gallery and talk to us... we have a few ideas for you! Detail of works: Dinan II Damon Kowarsky, Bed Carolyn Hawkins, Scene I Appleton Dock James Pasakos, Trees Queenscliff David Moore, The Ferry 4 Emmy Mavroidis, Ladies’ Hats Steven Tester, Painting 10 Susan Wald, Queenscliff Pier 2017 Philip Davey, Lake Charm IV Series Three Wayne Viney.81 Hesse Street Queenscliff | closed Tue & between exhibitions | [email protected]|03 4202 0942 The Rip November 2018 Page 38

arts Geelong Seaview Gallery Regional queenscliff Library Corporation Colour Inspiration CEO Patti Manolis, contemporary - traditional - glass - jewellery Queenscliffe 86 Hesse St Queenscli 3225 - 5258 3645 Mayor Susan Salter and [email protected] - email: [email protected] Maritime Museum • Custom Framing of Artworks, Prints, Posters, President John Memorabilia, Photographs, 3D Objects, Textiles Barrett. • Canvas stretching and framingPartnership opens treasure trove of books • Photos printed to canvas and stretched • Conservation framing A new partnership between the said Geelong Regional Libraries • Framing repairsQueenscliffe Maritime Musuem Board Chair Ron Nelson.and Geelong Regional Libraries 239 Point Lonsdale Roadwill give broaders access to a Mueum President John Barrett Point Lonsdaletreasure trove of maritime books. said the partnership could act as 0439 563 355 a model for other volunteer-based The Museum's 1,800 books will organisations.eventually be fully integrated intothe library's integrated catalgoue, \"This innovative arrangementallowing members of the public to benefits both parties, as well asaccess it online, including through the broader public, and could actthe Queenscliff Library. as a model for other organisations which hold small or specialist The collection stems back many collections, : he said.decades and includes a range oftitles on various subjects such as \"From the Museum'slighthouses, shipping, lifeboats, perspective, it has allowedmaritime heritage and boat our small, volunteer-basedbuilding. organisation to benefit from resources and skills at Geelong \"It is wonderful to be able to Regional Libraries without losingshare and celebrate this valuable control of our collection.\"history with our library users,\"Boat ready to rock again Popular DJ Vince Peach will be taking to the high seas off Queenscliffthis Summer, as part of Searoad Ferries newly-launched Rock the Boat. The unique three-hour sail around the bay features live music,continuous canapes and a welcome drink on arrival. There are twoscheduled for February 2019. Sailing either from Queenscliff on February 9, or Sorrento on February16, there will be a definite party feel onboard the ferries as part of the newsummer sunset series. Book your tickets before December 31 to receive an early bird specialprice of $99. The price after that time is $129. Christmas gift vouchers arealso available. Salt Contemporary Art Invites you to view an exhibition of Paintings, Prints & Sculpture by Exhibition Dates: November 2 - 26, 2018 Salt Contemporary Art Open Thurs - Mon, 10.30 - 4pm 33-35 Hesse Street, Queeenscliff 5258 3988 The Rip November 2018 Page 39

arts Tussock Upstairs Gallery Upwards of 80 international tourism students dropped in on Point Lonsdae's new lusur Lon Retreat & Day Spa 89 Point Lonsdale Road Point Lonsdale Students sample the best on offer Around 80 Monash University who addressed the students. [email protected] students have visited Point “The Visiting Friends and Lonsdale’s Lon Retreat & Spa as 'November Spaces 18' part of a three-day visit to the Relatives market for international Great Ocean Road area. students is huge and the BellarineOpening drinks - Saturday 3rd November 3-5pm has a unique opportunity to take Exhibition dates: 3rd - 9th December The students are undertaking advantage of this market to its studies in international tourism beautiful region.”  Featuring new works by: management and wanted to see first the Bellarine’s newest luxury After a major redevelopment,Priscilla Fenton, Darin Frankpitt, Lance Nutt, Ivana Pinaffo accommodation offering first Lon Spa opened to the public on Erica Wagner, Stephen Wright hand. October 5. Plus works by other local artists & artisan giftwares “Most were international Located on 250 acres or rural students from China, India, and conservation land, the retreatPriscilla Fenton Darin Frankpitt Lance Nutt Singapore, Malaysia, US, boasts sweeping ocean views, Germany, America and so on. three unique treatment roomsIvana Pinaffo Erica Wagner Stephen Wright Many will return to the tourism featuring mineral water fed industry in their countries and soaking tubs and steam rooms. THE BOOKSHOP this was an amazing opportunityAT QUEENSCLIFF to show the newly opened retreat The Spa facilities are open from to potential future visitors to the Wednesday to Saturday between IS MOVING Bellarine region,” said Lon retreat 10am and 5pm. Advanced Managing Director Claire Gemes, reservations are essential.  Details are available at spa@lonretreat. SUPPORTED BY CFA, SES AND WATER POLICE EQUIPMENT DISPLAYS BOATING SAFETY ADVICE SAUSAGE SIZZLE SUNDAY 18TH NOVEMBER 2018 10:00AM - 3:00PM QUEENSCLIFF BOAT RAMP, HESSE STREET The Rip November 2018 Page 40

A Plovery Recovery commenced the highly successful Beach- “Dob them in!” - Council urges nesting Bird (BNB) Project. The BNB team information on tree vandalsBy John Murray recently released their report “Ten years ofBirdlife volunteer Hooded Plover recovery on the Bellarine The Borough of Queenscliffe is urging anyone Peninsula and Surfcoast : An overview and with information to come forward, after a Since 1980 the Victorian coastline has been future recommendations.” number of mature trees in a Queenscliff coastaltraversed every second year to count the reserve appear to have been deliberately cutHooded Plover population. A steady decline in Some highlights from the report: down.numbers prompted Mike Weston to do a PhD • Over ten breeding seasons Bellarine/on these mysteriously elusive and exclusively A large sign has been erected in the Stevenssurf beach-nesting shorebirds. Further research Surfcoast Hoodies have had a total Street Reserve to highlight the damage andwas required to understand the threats to of 248 nests, hatched 218 chicks and local bylaws officers have commenced andbreeding and how to help alleviate human successfully raised 58 fledglings from Pt investigationinduced problems while still sharing the coast. Lonsdale to east of Lorne. • The region produced an average of The trees include sheoaks, monoohs and With support from the Federal Caring 5.8 fledglings per season. This equates wattles.For Country Fund, in 2006 BirdLife Australia to 0.50 fledglings per pair, the project breeding success target. “We are disgusted and disappointed by this • Overall 86.3 per cent of nests were destructive behaviour,” said Mayor Susan managed following best practice Salter. guidelines. • Following a decade of intensive recovery “Our coastal vegetation contributes efforts, the breeding pair population has significantly to the identity and urban character doubled from nine to 18. of the Borough of Queenscliffe. The report also highlights the work the dedicated local teams have contributed. “The damage to trees in the Stevens Street As BirdLife Australia’s BNB Project Road Reserve shows total disregard for our Coordinator, Meg Cullen said when thanking unique local environment,” she said. the volunteers: “Without all the hours you spent, binoculars around your neck, hiking “I encourage anyone with information to up and down the beach, we would likely have come forward so the person/s responsible can lost half the breeding pairs rather than doubled be made accountable.” them!” The report is available on the BirdLife website. Those responsible for vegetation vandalism To help monitor this season phone 52584397 face prosecution and will be actively pursued for the recovery of costs, including fines under Council's Local Law, the Planning and Environment Act and the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act. Fines can run into several thousands of dollars. Anybody with information about this incident is encouraged to contact Council’s Local Laws team on 5258 1377. Gas Fitting & Roofing Specializing in 0404 163 609 Kitchens, Wardrobes, Vanities,NOW ACCEPTING EFTPOS & MAJOR CREDIT CARDS [email protected] Wall & Entertainment Units, For all your Plumbing needs Furniture, Domestic CommercialMob: 0408 037 686 Flat Pack Assembly and Installation and much more. Industrial E: [email protected] Lic. 40157 0417 168 537 Registered Electrical Contractor 23229Complete Home Maintenance HOME MAINTENANCE EXTENSIVE HANDYMAN SERVICE Including • BATHROOMS • KITCHENS from dripping taps to at packs NO JOB TOO SMALL! Grant Rogers - Point Lonsdale PH: 0438 261954 Tim Aston The Rip November 2018 Page 41 Your Tradie on Tap 0403323670 Fast response times [email protected] Servicing Geelong, Surf Coast, the Bellarine and beyond...

sportTennis club scores Borough scores Youth policy paysfunding win funding outdoor gym dividendsTENNIS - The next stage of the Point Lonsdale A new outdoor fitness trail is set to become CRICKET - New coach Shane Healy's decisionTennis Club redevelopment has been given a reality for our municipality, with the to blood youth in the senior ranks is paying project winning $127,000 in funding under dividends, with all four Queenscliff teamsthe green light, with the State Government the Victorian Government’s Pick My Project tasting early season success.announcing $250,000 in new funding. initiative. A grade is currently sitting on top of the The allocation, under the Sports The Rotary Club of Queenscliff initiative is BPCA table, having won all four games playedInfrastructure Fund, will assist with the one of 237 from across the state and four in the to date.upgrade of two plexipave courts to artificial Bellarine to share in a total pool of $30 million. \"The side should continue to improve in The project includes installation of 14 work- coming weeks with the return of some keygrass, new lighting and an upgrade of the out stations - 10 fitness items spread across four players,\" said club president Josh Beshara. \"Theclubrooms. stations along the Point Lonsdale foreshore, strategy of playing juniors is really starting to and a further 14 units in Princess Park. pay off with all of the juniors being selected “The Point Lonsdale Tennis Club is a being key contributors to our success.\"great club which has been an important part Rotary President Karen Pecar said she wasof the Point Lonsdale community since its thrilled to have the project picked from a fieldestablishment in 1931,” said Bellarine MP Lisa of dozens of community ideas.Neville. It received 161 votes out of a total 375 made “The club is going from strength to strength across all borough projects.and currently has over 600 members,” she “Given the health and obesity issues facingadded. our communities, increasing physical activity should be a priority area for governments,MAKE FITNESS YOUR GOAL IN 2018! healthcare providers and communityENERGY FOR LIFE organisations. The installation of 10 outdoor fitness units at four stations along the foreshore of Mixed start for Point Lonsdale and Premier team one pod of 14 unitsKerry Pettigrove in Princess Park will provide members of PREMIER BOWLS - It has been a mixed start HelpPersonal Trainer with more than 20 years experience the community with the to the season for reigning Premier LeagueOne on One training • Group training opportunity to enjoy champions, Queenscliff.Circuit Classes • Boxing Classes • Boot-camps free exercise 24/7,” Mrs The team is coming off a commanding 59-shotGym memberships available Pecar said. win over Highton and currently lies in fourth place, with two wins and two losses.5258 1670 - 0414 581670 Massage Therapist Lisa Neville MP “DELIVERING for the Petrina Blair-Tierney Member for BellarineRemedial/Sports/Relaxation/TMJ BELLARINE” Tel: 5250 1987 Ph: 0429 380 317 [email protected] Ct. Neuromuscular Therapy Shop G066, Gateway Plaza Dip.Ther.Mass/B.Ed. (Phys Ed) 641-659 Bellarine Highway, Health Fund Rebates Available Leopold 3224 POINT LONSDALE Authorised by Lisa Neville MP - Funded from Parliament Electorate Office and Communications The Rip November 2018 Page 42

sport\"Best recreation facilities in the region\" Queenscliff’s recreation reserve facilities “It has been a It means Bellarine MP Lisahave been described as the envy of the region, frustrating four years, but that we Neville joinedduring an event to mark their official opening we are here today,” said can have Queenscliff Netballlast month. Bellarine MP Lisa Neville. more Club's Meagan people playing Canaway and The project, which has taken more than “When we build these sport and… more young players atfour years to complete and cost upwards of $4 facilities it’s not just people connected last month's officialmillion, has to date delivered new football oval about how well we do recreation reservelighting, two netball courts and a new change on the ground,… the in our community. facility, four state of the art cricket nets, most important bit about - Damian Waightparking for upwards of 90 cars and improved these facilities and these health support and wellbeing to our youngdrainage. grounds and all clubs is people in these communities,” she said. providing that mental Queenscliff Sports Club President Damian Mayor Susan Salter thanked the communityWaight said the outcome would deliver for its patience in delivering the facilities.enormous benefits, not just to members, butalso the wider community. “Today is a day for celebrating the wonderful collective accomplishment of everyone “Our twin villages have about a thousand involved in this detailed and at times,families and we have over 500 people playing challenging project,” said she, cricket [and] netball,” he said. “Whenyou add volunteers and spectators, you’re “Fantastic outcomes can be achieved whenlooking at almost every family in Queenscliff local communities work with council and otherand Point Lonsdale being directly connected to levels of government to develop communitythis place. facilities such as this.” “It means that we can have more peopleplaying sport and… more people connected inour community.” The State Government committed $3.15million to the project prior to the last election,and, more recently a further $200,000 to helpmeet the costs of the netball change rooms.The Borough of Queenscliff is contributingupwards of $750,000.Excellence in Health and WellbeingEExxcceelllleennccee iinn HHeeaalltthh aanndd WWeellllbbee Barb Vallance EExxcceelllleennRoBbaHrbutVcahlilnansocen RobCHluatircehiPnlsaopnp Claire Plapp Excellence in Health and WellbeingNew SraUnMgeMoEfRsuRmAmNGerEshoesHelpful advice always available. Free delivery and pick-up in Pt Lonsdale &BaQrb’CVliaflfladnaciely. RoBbaHrbutVcahlilnansocen RobCHluatircehiPnlsaopnpNOOF HWATISN&SSTHOOERSE52 Hesse Street Queenscliff PH: 5258 1817Helpful advice always available. Free delivery and pick-up in Pt Lonsdale & Q’Cliff daily. Claire Plapp Helpful advice always available. Free delivery and pick-up in Pt Lonsdale & Q’Cliff daily.Senior’s Card WelcomeSimPpeNlaeEc,WeFcoRoNCfnEOMHWvEeRiWnhneGIdoSibIemFwTnpIsTNMietlttuhaAWwesnSySeRrodTe-uAGdPkOrPleImyaFPlRiTekvINEdWeiGrcAeadRtiEoton.y..o. uSrimple,SDwcAlliodeTnUyavorReeunDokiAepnYneoStnw? llpfHuellapdfuvlibmoWttchaa-feedebeeSptvdlthabieawtrcliesoowctkeest5aevdeaaec2taniylardikw-onsyk5.Hpaain,dn2aTiaytsefvgspkhoceHstaaaairasssiipevslcpeecsaaemkoshsaabiSl.euacalafptesIlbhSrctek.aaleWteesseFdSrrfe.eetseraettiFSecoeethnyiasrQeteutafeinnbQoleootudmaidfrounueders’rltieeseestnti’lveisianeeimmCdvenlsdCelrasrecprayitc-rtnylhlrolpdeiadieaffmnfnWfaWddeeePPkpplldcciiHHccoipockkm:m:-a-iuelu5el5tpOpi2od2iNn5inn5iLP8smIPt8pNtL1aEoeL18nnoB81nsnadO71ssagdOel7eeaKtlr&meeIkNs&eCQCiGSn’tCllsQitStilnnui’-fCfNLidLiTcTTecTTdelTddOiiaHoIfHPNIaaPNaaAfAHiettIWmmobtiHWslhhtallElEldyINEeIENfaeeNwwLeeibie.LPanPRnsRstASOSVVddhtl•yi•yAoAyegwaliAiVsASiieiBSyiBW,l,lccctsckTeaTetcaAs.PPOPOaaoPedCchCeu3t3EtIEPoYttaPPOoYPnWaWuLea2eiikmp2LLooOnO•••••••Si•SSHiSrHA2.n2P.•nas•nEsEAnneAadDPD5P5cBtYDtAYEDFDHNJSAtNJDHRSNNlnSSIyeESSIipEocoeur•SprL•AreeSpsLLAreeNPIaBtItyiyi•aanhCo•SoEcanhCoaStmancoEsTCtoTEIgIcpkrrh!FNdtkrrucpFFNtdORuFOecRnitIRTfEneitITtE!•et&satrs&alikAUe&AsUie&hy•iaoddCWIYdcoissCYIBTcscITEcI•SIewS.IewuI•nTniMTTmOLNMlsT•dnhLNpBanhdrnBtCNdiCHepdi•HL•ePaLIelAjewljeowiPoEauPtiieluauPPSluNPaoaaPlsodeaIiPalIicsMIoscInEcsnElrscNrtNnMHwssnNwuONTiOS•••••••iSLhTdr•StiSgckHtgkcHNTenaaeNdtsEdlRetReauruoTEYuTiY.sYtiCssIhGDiPPIgiDPPocncrltUthulvtdlYCACYsSARHDNSJACiaEnAOSSHNDRJCiaEsaioaaeoueIlEaUaPOIElororolcrtiISperniAHereeSpRRmniHAereRPaPnPtgnhlntSOotlStyirSyiyirasphCos0icamnhCo0tamcneTgonAMOTeOEIeYEaIuYltNhntT-rkorrNdtrkrmrNdtOranOndTR-eitIRaeitILaStLPSept-Ha&stta&stEAre&APLie&i.dtiHiOdO•iiYhc•naMYTnceTcTtTcxmyeeEhIeiIhiysMEsLMahnLYlGBahndGyB1iSyC1SdCCHsldC•HR•nseoelejslej&0i0auYluauYtluYo:o•:PotIiiPgtIMirALsMhLos1hnE1csnEtorscNrNneCnh•te•iSiSeIgkcPIgkchaeaeBdeBdRNrRNHHLuTeuTaYssYrYsseiPeiPatrltpIAlAsIsAICCiaaEACiaElNlpaoaCioCl•lasapNarNairOilnsiHRntHIRPCignPgniAsArStCrSDD•snsietNieO•LOnEnYEYStLtAL•irTFrTeIcLeaaLCaSLSNLlHHPleIPailiOlHO•HNy•nanuTITEPElIICrwsrwsCLGELeGSPRSRCICKAayLyAAPAYiiAYBl::l,dA,lLLpLlTTaaPwPPOPa•T•pIIMEtEtoYeoYNrpENHeOHliiSilcSY•n•ns-S-AKkAICICODtPDtCPC-SI•N•NL•hLITlhIlNPoEioEyPtiAAyDHnDhnFsuFGnsTnTOyiioLEiIdLsIisIoIsSTcTTcTTtDTddtihRiohHoIHPNIaaPeNaaAIteAAAhArlrlElVaElINEeeIENeaNPTLpLrPpAPRRaSOSiRYVVi•s•AsApIiAitASYiBSLtiBWlilccsTaTaPAPOtOCC3t3EtEYBOYWWe2e2LLSLS22P•s•EsEAA5E5DEDNNSSSS!••NII••SEStEt!FuFFuFTETEUUdIdIIISwSwTTTNTNiiwowoNwwNNE.easy to manage mHeed1lpic0fau1tlioaBnde.vilclearailwneaysHawvayil,aPbloe int Lonsdale Vic 3225 C• LKaItNe WIChitfo0rd - Os1te0o1paBthellarine Hwy, Point Lonsda5258 4633mtIistheiinnsdogFsicsRecaEhcutEu5aipornd.2necelyeHilsivsoeepefrsrayosslpt&eeeidlcplSitnisectgoSdkreeotuahnrepneiomtdinriQ’wtsxhPiCunoewagirenerwdte.Lwnpoestnllcscodloinamlsee-d&5aQ2leu5ep8ehn1ysc8sli1io7d.caiolFymre.eaudelive1r7y/11a/2n01d17 0p91:3ic4Bpkemwullwparwiinn.peCPtlHoLoIiwnNstyI,dCLPoaoln0eispndhtayL1ls0eo1inoaBs.ncedoldalamlrQein.aVueueiHcew3ny2s,2cP5olififntdLaonilysd The Rip November 2018 Page 43

capp 1-4 horizontal .pdf 1 22/07/2017 6:00 pm PROPERTY Statewide Property Advocacy o ers a unique property service known as Helping Seniors Sell A vendor advocacy plan designed to help Seniors achieve the highest price for their property and also manage the sale process to reduce the stress and emotion of selling, all at NO EXTRA COST! For more details call our consultants - “Senior” Brian Capp 0418 500 483 or Andrew Sutherland 0413 052 333 73 Hesse Street Queenscliff - 5258 1857 monday - sunday 8am-8pm The Rip November 2018 Page 44

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