Independent practice 1 Tr y drawing these 3D shapes on your own. 2 Complete the top, front and side views of the 3D shapes. Top view Front view Side view a Front Top view view Side view b Top view Side view c Front view Top view Side view Front view 98 OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S
To see the front and side views, it helps to view the shape at eye level. 3 Label the top, front and side views of the 3D shapes. a Shape 1 view view view b view view view Shape 2 c Shape 3 view view view 4 Draw top, front and side views. a Top view Front view Side view b Top view Front view Side view 99 OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S
Extended practice 1 Draw and name the 3D shapes with the proper ties described below. De s c rip tion Drawing Name 2 rectangular bases 8 corners 12 edges 1 triangular base 4 corners 6 edges 2 hexagonal bases 12 corners 18 edges 2 Make 2 dif ferent 3D shapes using 8 cubes. a Draw each shape. b Show top, front and side views. Shape 1 Top view Front view Side view Shape 2 Top view Front view Side view 10 0 OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S
UNIT 7: TOPIC 1 Angles – Can you explain what a right angle is? Guided practice 1 Circle the size of each angle and record its name. a b c greater / smaller greater / smaller greater / smaller than a right angle than a straight angle than a right angle d e f greater / smaller greater / smaller greater / smaller than a right angle than a straight angle than a straight angle OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S 101
Independent practice 1 Match the angle names with the pic tures. acute right obtuse s traight reex angle angle angle angle angle 2 Use a known right angle (such as a the corner of a book) to nd and draw: a 3 items with angles smaller than a right angle. b 3 items with angles greater than a right angle. 102 OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S
3 Reorder the angles from smallest to greatest. A B C D E F Smallest Greatest I kno w the corner of this book is a right angle. So I can tell that this angle is smaller than a right angle. 4 Name the angle t ypes. a b 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 3 3 c d 2 1 1 2 3 1 4 3 4 2 e f 1 1 2 1 2 1 6 3 2 3 2 3 4 4 5 3 5 6 OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S 103
Extended practice You can see the wall as one angle arm but the Sometimes, you can only see rebound angle is invisible. one arm of an angle and you have to imagine where the invisible arm is. 1 Draw a line to show where the door handle could end up if it is turned to make: a an acute angle. b a right angle. c an obtuse angle. 2 Find, draw and classif y 2 invisible arm angles in your classroom. 104 OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S
UNIT 8: TOPIC 1 Symmetry You can make symmetrical pat terns by: reec ting translating or rotating. Reflecting is flipping, translating is sliding and rotating is turning. Guided practice 1 Finish the symmetrical pat terns. a b c OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S 105
Independent practice 1 a Colour the squares to make a symmetrical pat tern using 3 colours. b Draw a line of symmetr y on your pat tern. 2 a Colour the shapes to make a pat tern with 2 lines of symmetr y. b Draw in the lines of symmetr y. 3 a Draw 4 lines of symmetr y on this pat tern. b Circle the shape that shows reec tion, translation and rotation. 106 OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S
4 Make a pat tern by rotating the shape: a a 1 turn clock wise. 2 b a 1 turn anticlock wise. 4 1 1 c a turn anticlock wise, then a turn clock wise. 2 4 d If you made a pat tern by rotating a shape through a full turn, would it be the same as reec ting or translating the shape? 5 a Make your own rotating pat tern. b Describe your pat tern. OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S 107
Extended practice Shapes tessellate if they can be rotated, translated or reec ted to t together without any gaps. Squares Regular pentagons tessellate by do not tessellate themselves. by themselves. 1 Use diagrams to show which of these regular shapes tessellate by themselves. Tessellates? Tessellates? Tessellates? 2 Make a tessellating pat tern that has at least 1 line of symmetr y. 108 OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S
UNIT 8: TOPIC 2 Scales and maps Through Road Animal nursery Food stalls noillivap esroH Carnival rides enaL eizneKcM Main stage Grand The scale tells you ho w big Arena each cm on the map is in real life. Car parking area Showbag hall Legend: First aid Information Scale: 1 cm = 10 m Guided practice 1 Use the map to nd: a the length of the main stage. b the number of toilets at the Hillcrest Fairgrounds. c where rst aid is located. d the width of the fairgrounds. 2 a Draw and label a 10 m by 15 m picnic area below the animal nurser y. b How far is your picnic area from the car parking area? c Add your own police symbol to the legend. d Choose a place to draw your police symbol on the map. e Describe where your police station is. OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S 109
Independent practice This is O’Brien’s Farm. Legend 1 Using a scale of 1 cm = 5 m, draw and label: Ho w will you decide where to place each item? a a eld that is 30 m long and 20 m wide. b a barn that is 10 m long and 5 m wide. c a farmhouse that is 15 m wide and 20 m long. d an orchard that is 15 m long and 10 m wide. 2 Create symbols in the legend and add the following items to the map. a 5 trees b 2 water tanks c a windmill d 7 cows 3 a Draw a track the length of the farm. b How long is your track in metres? 4 If the scale was 1 cm = 10 m, what would be the dimensions of: a the eld? long and wide b the barn? long and wide c the farmhouse? long and wide 110 OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S
Cit y Fun Run course City Road Sports stadium 6 5 City Johns Street square F R daoR ogniB noitatS iv e r s id e 4 B o u le v a r d 3 B 2 o w R iv e r Botanical Art gallery gardens 1 Boundary Road A B C D E F G H I J K L Legend: Scale: 1 cm = 50 m 5 Use the map to answer the questions. a About how long is the Fun Run course? b Describe where the course goes. c Write direc tions from the cit y square to the spor ts stadium. 6 What is at: a E2? b D 4? c C 3? 7 What is the grid reference for: a rst aid? b the station? c the nish line? OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S 111
Extended practice N 6 NW NE 5 4 W E 3 Castaway Island Skull Island SW SE Shark Alley Coconut Island S 2 Shipwreck Cliffs Volcano Island 1 Myster y Island A B C D E F G H I J 1 What is: a west of Coconut Island? b southwest of Skull Island? c nor thwest of Shipwreck Clif fs? d nor theast of Myster y Island? 2 a Draw the best way for the pirate ship to sail to the treasure. b Describe the route using grid references. c Describe the route using compass direc tions. d Draw another way for the pirate ship to reach the treasure. e Which route is longer? How can you tell? 112 OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S
UNIT 9: TOPIC 1 Collecting data Dif ferent sur vey questions give you dif ferent information. Do you like That ’s a yes/no What do you think That ’s a more open cats? question so I only have about cats? question. I could give lots 2 answer options. of different answers. When is it useful to ask yes/no questions? Guided practice 1 a Write a sur vey question about spor t that has a yes/no answer. b Ask 10 people your question and record the answers with tally marks. Yes No 2 a Write a question about spor t that doesn’t give limited options. b Ask 2 people your question and record their responses. OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S 113
Independent practice 1 Tick the sur vey question that would be best to nd out: a how many people in your class like chocolate. When did you last eat chocolate? What chocolate do you like? What is your favourite desser t? Do you like chocolate? b the most popular ice-cream avour. Where do you buy ice-cream? How popular is ice-cream? Do you like ice-cream? What is your favourite ice - cream avour? 2 a Write a sur vey question with the following possible responses. 1 = dislike a lot 2 = dislike a bit 3 = not sure 4 = like a bit 5 = like a lot b What do you think will be the most common response from your class? c Ask 10 classmates your question and record their answers below. Response 1 2 3 4 5 Number of people d What was the most common response? e Write a statement about how the results compared with what you expec ted. 114 OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S
3 Nakeil checked the pencil cases of some of his friends and recorded how many pens they each had. 2 0 1 2 7 3 3 2 4 1 3 2 a Record the information in a table. Number 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 of pens Tally b Make a bar graph with the data. 4 stneduts fo rebmuN 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Number of pencils 4 a Count the number of b Make and label a bar graph pens 6 classmates have of the results. and record this in a table. 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S 115
Extended practice 1 Write 3 sur vey questions about food. 1 2 3 2 a Choose a question with limited options to ask 15 people. b Record their responses. What information will you need to record? 3 Make a pic tograph or bar graph of the results. 116 OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S
UNIT 9: TOPIC 2 Displaying and interpreting data Sur vey question: What do you think of peas? Ho w many people Responses: does each face on the pictograph represent? Table: Dislike Dislike a Don’t Like a Like a lot lit tle know lit tle a lot 8 24 1 10 12 Pic tograph: Each face =2 Guided practice 1 a Use the data above to complete the bar graph. b Which response was the most popular? 25 20 c Which was the least 15 popular? d Do more people like or dislike peas overall? 10 5 e How many more people dislike peas a lit tle than 0 like them a lit tle? Dislike a lot OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S 117
Independent practice 1 a Choose an appropriate way to display the data. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF ACTION MOVIE S? Dislike a lot Dislike a Not sure Like a lit tle Like a lot lit tle b What t ype of display did you choose? c Why? 2 Use your graph to answer these questions. a What was the most popular response? b How many people were sur veyed? c How many people answered “Not sure”? d Write t wo of your own statements about the data. 118 OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S
AVERAGE HOMEWORK TIME PER NIGHT IN YEAR 4 Do you think the results would 14 be a lot different for Year 4 12 students at your school? stneduts fo rebmuN 10 8 6 4 2 0 15 min 30 min 45 min 60 min 75 min 90 min 105 min Time 3 Write 3 questions that can be answered by the data. 1 2 3 4 Does the data tell you: a how students feel about homework? b how many students do more than 60 minutes of homework on average? c who does the least homework? d how many students responded to the question? e the shor test average time spent on homework? f the average age of the students? OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S 119
Extended practice 1 A sur vey was done about favourite crisp avours. Two graphs were made from the same responses. Chic ke n Barbe c ue Plain Salt and vinegar Chic ke n Barbe c ue Plain Salt and vinegar a Why do the results look dif ferent? b Looking at the rst graph, would you say barbecue is: a lot more popular? a bit more popular? not popular? c Looking at the second graph, would you say barbecue is: a lot more popular? a bit more popular? not popular? d Which graph do you think the makers of barbecue crisps would prefer people to see? e Why? f How many people were sur veyed in total? OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S 120
UNIT 10: TOPIC 1 Chance events I’m more likely to have But I’m more likely to takea way tonight than have a home-cooked meal eat in a restaurant. tonight than takea way. Eat in a Have Eat a home - res taurant t ake away cooked meal Where would you place each item on the likelihood scale? Guided practice 1 Write a let ter for each statement in the boxes. Ver y unlikely Ver y likely A I will write in my mathematics book today. B I will be away from school today. C We will have a re drill today. D I will spend time with my friends today. 2 Order the statements on the scale. Ver y unlikely Ver y likely A I will have homework today. B I will go shopping af ter school. C I will have pasta for dinner. D I will see the principal today. OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S 121
Independent practice 1 Order the likelihood terms on the scale from ver y unlikely to most likely. likely equally likely possible impossible most likely ver y unlikely unlikely probable 2 Choose a word from question 1 to describe the likelihood of: a you walking home from school today. b you going on a plane tonight. c you watching T V today. d you drinking water today. e your class going on an excursion this term. f you having a sandwich for lunch. g having school assembly today. 3 Write something that: a is unlikely to happen to you today. b will probably happen to you today. 122 OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S
4 Are you more likely, less likely or equally likely to: a selec t a queen rather than a king from a full deck of cards? b selec t a king af ter already selec ting and removing a king from a full deck of cards? c toss a coin and land on heads rather than tails? d toss a coin a second time and land on heads rather e than tails? Will everyone in your class have the same draw a yellow marble from answers to these this bag without looking? questions? 5 Match the pairs of events that cannot happen at the same time. A coin lands Simon has School is Simon is Simon likes on heads. a cold. star ting. on a train. vegetables. Simon is School is A coin lands Simon dislikes Simon at home. ending. on tails. beans and carrots. is well. 6 Finish the sentences with events that cannot happen at the same time. a If I travel home by car, I can’t . . b If I go to the park af ter school, I can’t . . c If I do my homework at 4, I can’t . d If it is raining right now, it can’t be 123 e If I am playing cricket right now, I can’t OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S
Extended practice 1 The students of Year 4 have put for ward a proposal to build a minigolf course in the playground. Complete the sentences to show how you think dif ferent people respond to the idea. a The Year 6 students will probably because . . b The principal is likely to . . because c The parents are unlikely to because d It is possible the younger students will because 2 The statements below are about your Year 4 teacher. a Order the statements from impossible to cer tain by placing the corresponding let ter on the scale. b Write 2 more of your own statements and add them to the scale. Impos sible Cer tain A Teaching Year 1 this year B Male C Likes movies D Older than you E Drives a car F Likes mathematics G H 124 OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S
UNIT 10: TOPIC 2 Chance experiments The spinner is: • most likely to land on green. • equally likely to land on red as on purple. Ho w likely is it that the • ver y unlikely to land spinner lands on yello w? on blue. Guided practice 1 True or false? The spinner is: a most likely to land on red. b equally likely to land on green as on blue. c unlikely to land on yellow. d equally likely to land on red as on pink. e unlikely to land on purple. f ver y likely to land on green. 2 Colour this spinner so that it is: a most likely to land on red. b equally likely to land on green as on pink. c impossible to land on orange. d unlikely to land on blue. e more likely to land on green than on yellow. OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S 125
Independent practice 1 a There are 4 ice - creams in a box – red, green, yellow and blue. Colour the ice - creams to show the 6 possible outcomes if you draw out 2 and the order is not impor tant. b You decide that the rst to come out is yours and the second is for your friend. Show the possible outcomes if the order mat ters. c How would you describe the likelihood of drawing out: i red and blue? ii yellow and green? iii pink and blue? 2 List the possible outcomes if you roll 2 dice and the order mat ters. 126 OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S
3 Put the following counters in a bag. • 13 green • 8 red • 8 blue • 1 yellow a Which colour are you most likely to draw out? b Which colour are you ver y unlikely to draw out? c Which 2 colours are you equally likely to draw out? 4 Conduc t 20 trials with your counters, drawing Are your results out 1 each time. Replace the counters in the what you bag af ter you draw them out. expected? a Record the results. Green Red Blue Yellow b Which colour did you draw out most? c Were red and blue drawn the same number of times? Why do you think this is? d Which colour did you draw out least? e Write 2 statements that show whether or not your results were as you expec ted. OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S 127
Extended practice 1 a If you were to draw out 2 counters at a time from the bag of counters in the last ac tivit y, what are the possible outcomes if the order is not impor tant? b List the possible outcomes across the top of the table. Conduc t 20 trials drawing out 2 counters. Record the results, returning the counters to the bag af ter each trial. Possible outcomes Results c Which outcome was most common? d Which outcome was least common? e Write 2 statements about your results. f If you conduc ted another 20 trials, do you think the results would be the same? Why or why not? 128 OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S
GLOSSARY acute angle An angle that is smaller than array An arrangement of items a right angle or 9 0 degrees. into even columns and rows to make them easier to count. balance scale Equipment that balances items of equal mass; used to compare the mass of different items. Also called pan balance or right angle equal arm balance addition The joining or adding of two numbers together to nd the total. Also known as adding, plus and + = bar graph A way of representing data using sum. See also vertical addition 3 and 2 is 5 bars or columns to show the values of each variable. algorithm A process or formula Favourite sports used to solve a problem in mathematics. elpoep fo rebmuN 16 Examples: 14 horizontal algorithms T O 2 4 + 13 = 3 7 12 ver tical 2 4 10 algorithms 8 + 1 3 6 3 7 4 2 0 analogue time Time shown Cricket Soccer Net- Rugby Foot- Basket- ball ball ball on a clock or watch face with Sport numbers and hands to indicate the hours and minutes. base The bottom edge of a 2D shape or the bottom angle The space between two face of a 3D shape. lines or sur faces at the point base where they meet, usually capacit y The amount measured in degrees. that a container can hold. 75 - degree angle anticlock wise Moving Example: The jug has a capacit y of 4 cups. in the opposite direction Car tesian plane A grid system with to the hands of a clock. numbered horizontal and ver tical axes that area The size of an allowfor exact locations to be described object’s sur face. andfound. y Example: It takes 12 tiles 10 to cover this poster. 9 8 7 6 area model A visual way of solving 5 4 multiplication problems by constructing a 3 rectangle with the same dimensions as the 2 x numbers you are multiplying and breaking –10 –9 –8 –7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 –1 the problem down by place value. –2 –3 10 8 6 × 10 = 6 0 –4 –5 6 × 8 = 48 –6 –7 6 so –8 –9 6 × 18 = 10 8 –10 OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S 129
3 categorical variables The different groups coordinates A combination of 2 that objects or data can be sor ted into based numbers or numbers and letters 1 oncommon features. that show location on a grid map. A B C Example: Within the categor y of ice - cream corner The point where two edges of a avours, variables include: shape or object meet. Also known as a vertex corner cross-sec tion The sur face vanilla choc olate s trawberr y or shape that results from centimetre or cm A unit for measuring the making a straight cut length of smaller items. through a 3D shape. cube A rectangular prism where all Example: Length is 8 0 cm. six faces are squares of equal size. c ir c umfe re nc e The distance around 3 cubic centimetre or cm A unit for measuring the outside of a circle. the volume of smaller objects. 1 cm Example: This cube clock wise Moving in the 1 cm same direction as the hands is exactly 1 cm long, of a clock. 1 cm wide and 1 cm deep. 1 cm cylinder A 3D shape with two common denominator Denominators that parallel circular bases and one cur ved are the same. To nd a common denominator, sur face. you need to identif y a multiple that two or more denominators share. data Information gathered through methods such as questioning, sur veys or obser vation. 1 1 1 4 2 1 decimal frac tion A way of writing a Example: + + = + + 2 4 8 8 8 8 number that separates any whole numbers 7 = from fractional par ts expressed as tenths, 8 compensation strategy A way of solving hundredths, thousandths and so on. 1 9 a problem that involves rounding a number to 10 make it easier to work with, and then paying Example: 1.9 is the same as 1 whole back or “compensating” the same amount. 9 and 9 par ts out of 10 or 1 10 Example: 24 + 99 = 24 + 100 – 1 = 123 degrees Celsius A unit used to measure the composite number A number temperature against the Celsius scale where that has more than two factors, 6 0°C is the freezing point and 10 0°C is the 2 that is, a number that is not boiling point. a prime number. 1 denominator The bottom cone A 3D shape with a circular number in a fraction, which 3 shows how many pieces the 4 base that tapers to a point. whole or group has been divided into. 130 OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S
diame te r A straight line from one equilateral triangle A triangle with side of a circle to the other, passing three sides and angles the same size. through the centre point. equivalent frac tions Different fractions that digital time Time shown represent the same size in relation to a whole on a clock or watch face with or group. numbers only to indicate the hours and minutes. 1 2 3 4 2 4 6 8 division/dividing The process of sharing e s timate A thinking guess. a number or group into equal par ts, with or even number A number that can be divided without remainders. equally into 2. dot plot A way of representing pieces of data Example: 4 and 8 are even numbers using dots along a line labelled with variables. face The at sur face of a 3D shape. Favourite pet s face cat dog rabbit fac tor A whole number that will divide evenly double/doubles Adding two identical into another number. numbers or multiplying a number by 2. Example: The factors of 10 are 1 and 10 Example: 2+2=4 4×2=8 2 and 5 duration How long something lasts. nancial plan A plan that helps you to Example: Most movies have a duration organise or manage your money. of about 2 hours. ip To turn a shape over horizontally or edge The side of a shape or the line where ver tically. Also known as reection two faces of an object meet. horizontal flip edge vertical flip edge equal Having the same number or value. frac tion An equal par t of a whole or group. Example: One out of two par ts or 1 is shaded. 2 grams or g A unit for measuring the Example: Equal size Equal numbers mass of smaller items. equation A written mathematical problem where both sides are equal. Example: 4+5 = 6+3 = 10 0 0 g is 1 kg OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S 131
graph A visual way to represent data or isosceles triangle A triangle with two information. sides and two angles of the same size. Pets in our class Pets in our class Cats elpoep fo rebmuN 8 7 6 jump strategy A way to solve number 5 Dogs 4 problems that uses place value to “jump” along 3 2 0 Cats Dogs Rabbits a number line by hundreds, tens and ones. Rabbits Type of pet Example: 16 + 22 = 38 GST or Goods and Ser vices Tax A tax, +10 +10 +1 +1 such as 10%, that applies to most goods and 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 ser vices bought in many countries. Example: Cos t + GST (10%) = Amount you pay $10 + $ 0.10 = $10.10 kilograms or kg A unit for measuring the mass of hexagon A 2D shape larger items. with six sides. horizontal Parallel with the horizon or going straight across. kilometres or km A unit for measuring long horizontal distances or lengths. line Orange Grove Tr a n ’s house Glenbrook Way improper frac tion A fraction where the S w a n P a r a d e 5 km numerator is greater than the denominator, L aw son L ane 3 ev irD alaoK such as yaW yballaW daoR allesoR 2 yaW tabmoW integer A whole number. Integers can be daoR um E positive or negative. –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 kite A four- sided shape where two pairs of adjacent sides are inverse operations Operations that are the the same length. opposite or reverse of each other. Addition and subtraction are inverse operations. legend A key that tells you what the symbols on a map mean. Example: 6 + 7 = 13 can be reversed with 13 – 7 = 6 P ar k Ser vice s t ation C ampground R ail w a y Road length The longest dimension of a shape or object. invoic e A written list of goods and ser vices provided, including their cost and any GST. Priya’s Pet Store Tax Invoice line graph A t ype of Today’s temperature Item Quantity Unit price Cost C° ni erutarepmeT 35 graph that joins plotted 30 Siamese cat 1 $50 0 $50 0.0 0 25 data with a line. 20 Cat food 20 $1.50 $30.0 0 15 10 Total price of goods $53 0.0 0 5 GST (10%) $53.0 0 0 10:00 12:00 02:00 04:00 06:00 Total $583.0 0 am pm pm pm pm Time 132 OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S
litres or L A unit for measuring near doubles A way to add two nearly the capacit y of larger containers. identical numbers by using known doubles facts. Example: The capacit y of this bucket is 8 litres. mas s How heav y an object is. Example: 4 + 5 = 4 + 4 + 1 = 9 net A at shape that when folded up makes a 3D shape. Example: 4.5 kilograms 4.5 grams metre or m A unit for measuring the length of larger objects. number line A line on which numbers can be placed to show their order in our number milligram or mg A unit for measuring the system or to help with calculations. mass of lighter items or to use when accuracy of measurements is impor tant. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 number sentence A way to record calculations using numbers and mathematical 70 0 mg symbols. millilitre or mL A unit for 2L Example: 23 + 7 = 30 1L measuring the capacit y of smaller numeral A gure or symbol used to containers. represent a number. 10 0 0 mL is 1 litre Examples: 1 – one 2 – two 3 – three millimetre or mm A unit for measuring numerator The top number in a thelength of ver y small items or to use when 3 4 fraction, which shows how many accuracy of measurements is impor tant. pieces you are dealing with. obtuse angle An angle that is larger than a right angle or 9 0 degrees, but smaller than cm 1 2 3 18 0 degrees. There are 10 mm in 1 cm. mixed number A number that contains both a whole number and a fraction. right angle 3 Example: 2 4 multiple The result of multiplying a par ticular oc tagon A 2D shape whole number by another whole number. with eight sides. Example: 10, 15, 20 and 10 0 are all multiples of 5. OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S 133
odd number A number that cannot be p e rime te r The distance 7m divided equally into 2. around the outside of a 6m Example: 5 and 9 are odd shape or area. 5m numbers. Example: Perimeter = 3m 10 m 7 m + 5 m + 10 m + 3 m operation A mathematical process. The + 6 m = 31 m four basic operations are addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. pic tograph A way of representing data using y 6 5 pictures so that it is easy to understand. origin The point on a 4 3 Example: Favourite juices in our class 2 Car tesian plane where the x 1 2 3 4 x - axis and y - axis intersect. origin –1 –2 –3 –4 –5 –6 outcome The result of a chance experiment. Example: The possible outcomes if you roll a dice are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6. parallel lines Straight lines that are the same place value The value of a digit depending distance apar t and so will never cross. on its place in a number. M H Th T Th Th H T O 2 2 7 4 8 parallel parallel not parallel 7 4 8 6 4 8 6 3 2 2 8 6 3 1 7 7 4 polygon A closed 2D shape with three or parallelogram A four- sided shape where more straight sides. each pair of opposite sides is parallel. pat tern A repeating design or sequence polygons not polygons of numbers. polyhedron (plural polyhedra) A 3D shape Example: with at faces. Shape pattern Number pattern 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 pentagon A 2D shape with ve sides. polyhedra not polyhedra per cent or % A fraction out of 10 0. power of The number of times a par ticular 62 number is multiplied by itself. Example: or 10 0 3 Example: 4 is 4 to the power of 3 62 out of 10 0 or 4 × 4 × 4. prime number A number that has just two factors – 1 and itself. The rst four prime is also 62%. numbers are 2, 3, 5 and 7. 134 OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S
prism A 3D shape with parallel bases of the reex angle An angle that is between same shape and rectangular side faces. 18 0 and 36 0 degrees in size. remainder An amount left over after dividing one number by another. triangular rectangular hexagonal Example: 11 ÷ 5 = 2 r1 prism prism prism rhombus A 2D shape with four sides, all of probabilit y The chance or likelihood of the same length and opposite sides parallel. a par ticular event or outcome occurring. Example: There is a 1 in 8 chance this spinner will land on red. protrac tor An right angle An angle of exactly 9 0 degrees. 80 100 100 0 90 1 7 1 0 80 0 7 1 0 1 instrument used to 0 0 1 5 2 3 1 0 0 3 1 measure the size of 90º arms 3 0 0 2 1 6 0 6 1 0 0 2 angles in degrees. 071 01 01 071 081 90º 0 0 vertex pyramid A 3D shape with a 2D shape as a right-angled triangle A triangle where base and triangular faces meeting at a point. one angle is exactly 9 0 degrees. 90º rotate Turn around a point. square pyramid hexagonal pyramid rotational symmetr y A shape has rotational y 6 quadrant A quar ter of 5 symmetr y if it ts into its own outline at least 4 a circle or one of the four 3 once while being turned around a xed centre 2 quar ters on a Car tesian plane. x point. –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 1 2 3 4 –1 –2 1s t p o s i t i o n Back to the s tar t –4 × × –5 • • quadrant • × • • × × quadrant 2nd p osition quadrilateral Any 2D shape with four sides. round/rounding To change a number to another number that is close to it to make it easier to work with. radius The distance from the centre 229 can be of a circle to its circumference or edge. rounded down to the nearest 10 0 rounded up to OR the nearest 10 reec t To turn a shape over horizontally 230 20 0 or ver tically. Also known as ipping ver tical horizontal reection reection scale A way to represent large areas on maps by using ratios of smaller to larger measurements. Example: 1 cm = 5 m OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S 135
scalene triangle A triangle where 2 no sides are the same length and square centimetre or cm 1 cm 1 cm no angles are equal. A unit for measuring the area of smaller objects. It is exactly 1 cm long and 1 cm wide. sec tor A section of a circle bounded by two radius lines and an arc. 2 A unit square metre or m for measuring the area of larger 1m 1m spaces. It is exactly 1 m long and arc 1 m wide. radius lines sector square number The result of a number being multiplied by itself. The product can be represented as a square array. 2 semi- circle Half a circle, bounded by an arc Example: 3 × 3 or 3 =9 and a diameter line. straight angle An angle that is exactly semi-circle 18 0 degrees in size. 18 0 º arc s trategy A way to solve a problem. In diameter line mathematics, you can often use more than one strategy to get the right answer. Example: 32 + 27 = 59 Jump strategy skip counting Counting for wards or backwards by the same number each time. 32 42 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 Examples: Split strategy Skip counting by ves: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 30 + 2 + 20 + 7 = 30 + 20 + 2 + 7 = 59 Skip counting by twos: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 slide To move a shape to a new position subtrac tion The taking away of one without ipping or turning it. Also known as number from another number. Also known as translate subtracting, take away, difference between and minus. See also vertical subtraction Example: 5 take away 2 is 3 sphere A 3D shape that is sur vey A way of collecting data or per fectly round. information by asking questions. split strategy A way to solve number problems that involves splitting numbers up using place Strongly agree Agree value to make them easier to work with. Disagree Strongly disagree Example: 21 + 14 = 20 + 10 + 1 + 4 = 35 symmetr y A shape or pattern has symmetr y when one side is + = + + + = a mirror image of the other. 136 OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S
table A way to organise information that uses triangular number A number that can be columns and rows. organised into a triangular shape. The rst four are: Flavour Number of people Chocolate 12 Vanilla 7 Strawberry 8 tally marks A way of keeping t wo - dimensional or 2D A at shape that has two dimensions – width length and width. countthatusessingle lines with ever y fth line crossed to make a group. length term A number in a series or pattern. turn Rotate around a point. Example: The sixth term in this pattern is 18. 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 unequal Not having the same size or value. te s s e llation A pattern Example: Unequal size Unequal numbers formed by shapes that t together without any gaps. the rmome te r An instrument for value How much something is wor th. measuring temperature. Example: This coin is wor th $1. This coin is wor th 5c. three - dimensional or 3D A shape that has three dimensions – length, width width and depth. depth 3D shapes are not at. length ver tex (plural ver tices) The point where two time line A visual representation of a period edges of a shape or object meet. Also known as of time with signicant events marked in. a corner 2 9 Januar y 2 5 March 19 May 2 8 June 3 – 6 August 17 December S cho ol Mid - y e ar corner produc tion holiday s School st ar t s E as t er C amp S cho ol holiday s nis h e s ver tical At a right angle to the horizon or translate To move a shape to a new position straight up and down. without ipping or turning it. Also known as slide vertical line horizon trapezium A 2D shape with four sides and only one set of parallel lines. OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S 137
ver tical addition A way of x-axis The horizontal reference line showing T O recording addition so that the place - 3 6 coordinates or values on a graph or map. value columns are lined up ver tically + 2 1 Favourite sports to make calculation easier. 5 7 T O elpoep fo rebmuN 16 14 ver tical subtrac tion A way of 12 10 5 7 8 recording subtraction so that the 6 4 – 2 1 2 0 place -value columns are lined up 3 6 ver tically to make calculation easier. Rugby Foot- Basket- volume How much space an object takes up. ball ball ball Example: This object has Sport a volume of 4 cubes. x-axis y-axis The ver tical reference line showing coordinates or values on a graph or map. whole All of an item or group. Example: A whole shape A whole group Favourite sports 16 y-axis elpoep fo rebmuN 14 12 10 8 6 width The shor test dimension of a shape or 4 object. Also known as breadth 2 0 Cricket Soccer Net- Rugby Foot- Basket- ball ball ball Sport 138 OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S
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