Integrated Smart GRID Cross-Functional Solutionsfor Optimized Synergetic Energy Distribution,Utilization Storage Technologies Issue 1 - Jul. 2017INDEX • Editorial • Overview inteGRIDy • Demostration Pilot Sites • Partners • News • Next steps and events SMART GRID This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 731268.
EDITORIALDear reader, functional/technical specifications, standards and business models.It is a great pleasure for us to release this Succeeding on a thorough study of allfirst issue of inteGIRDy’s newsletter. It has aforementioned items will pave the way forbeen 6 months since the project started all future technical achievements.and we are gaining momentum, so it is theperfect time to present the project’s key We are proud to detail in this firstexpected outcomes and objectives. newsletter the insights regarding all 10 inteGRIDy’s pilots. They constituteinteGRIDy is a 4-year Innovation Action the project main outcomes and thedevoted to test state of the art while means used to validate all technologicalmature smart grid technologies through achievements. They all respond to athe definition and implantation of a particular need detected on the pilot areascalable Cross-Functional Platform and aim at solving it through the commonvalidated in 10 different pilots located approach of the Cross-Functional Platformin 8 different EU states. This platform is and embedding advance technicalconceived to optimize the Distribution features.Grid operation, fostering the stabilityand coordination of distributed energy As the project consortium comprises 30resources and enabling collaborative partners, several newsletters will be usedstorage schemes within an increasing to formally present them all, being thisshare of renewables. first issue devoted to introduce the first 5 members, in alphabetical order. Atos, asDuring the past months, the work project coordinator, would like to warmlyspin around the analysis of obstacles welcome all readers. We remain at yourand barriers, market needs, use case disposal for questions and comments atrequirements, evaluation metrics, [email protected] More information about inteGRIDy
OVERVIEW INTEGRIDYinteGRIDy aims: which will facilitate:To integrate cutting-edge technologies, The optimal and dynamic operation of thesolutions and mechanisms in a scalable Distribution Grid, fostering grid stabilityCross-Functional Platform (CFP) of and coordinating Distributed Energyreplicable solutions to connect existing Resources (DERs), Virtual Power Plantsenergy networks with diverse stakeholders (VPPs) and collaborative Storage schemeswith enhanced observability of both within a continuously increased share ofgeneration and consumption profiles. Renewable Energy Sources (RES).Graphical representation of Project:Topology Reconfiguration SMART Flexibility & Grid BalancingPredicitive Algorithms GRIDForecasting Simulation / OptimisationDistributed Storage H2 Self consumption H2 of local RES Local Dispersed Storage 3
OBJECTIVES:• Facilitate the decarbonisation of the • Demonstrate an integrated Decision electricity grid and the integration of Making and Optimisation Framework large shares of distributed renewable featuring a grid balancing and stability generation, deploying innovative o engine, optimization-based energy syn- Demand Response (DR), storage, o ergies to ensure energy security. E-vehicles (EV) management and o Smart Grid (SG) technologies. • Deliver integrated Visual Analytics tools, with innovative HMIs and Services for• Integrate innovative smart grid tech- stakeholders and end-users, allowing nologies/concepts with a scalable and monitoring and control of distribution replicable Cross-functional Modular network in real-time context. Platform, enabling optimal and dynamic operation of the distribution system’s • Implement and Deliver added value assets. end-user applications for all stakehold- er and new business models involved• Use modelling and profiling extraction in the smart grid value chain, enabling, techniques for network topology rep- also, their participation in energy mar- resentation, innovative DR mechanisms kets. and Storage System characterization, supporting automated scenario-based • Contribution to the transformation of decision making. the energy market situation in Europe in order to comply with the ongoing ener-• Use predictive algorithms and sce- gy related activities for standardization nario-based simulation for innovative and regulatory frameworks. Operation Analysis Framework of the DG enabling avoidance of Renewable • inteGRIDy system deployment, inte- Energy Sources (RES) curtailment and gration and validation in real-life large- enhancing self-consumption and net scale demonstration pilot use cases. metering.Expected technical impact:• Interoperability and efficient data collec- • Security access control framework, tion and monitoring of grid’s distributed based on standardization, privacy and assets. data protection.• Network topology and Demand Re- • Innovative Business models dynamizing sponse modeling. the market.• Predictive algorithms and forecasting tools.• Visual Analytics usign Human Machine Interaction.4 More information about inteGRIDy
Dissemination material and channels: You can find InteGRIDy dissemination material available in website. Different posters, presentations and brochures have been created so far.You can also follow our project in socialnetworks.Twitter 5
Demonstration Pilot sitesLarge Scale Pilots ISLE OF WIGHT UKSmall Scale Pilots Smart Grid feat fast Charging EV Facilities, Demand Side Response & Energy StorageDEMAND-RESPONSE SAINT-JEAN-DE-MAURIENNE FranceSMARTENING THE DISTRIBUTION GRID Novel Demand Response & Virtual EnerENERGY STORAGE TECHNOLOGIES Storage SchemesSMART GRID-TRANSPORT INTEGRATIONLISBOA Portugal TERNI ItalyDR in Municipal Buildings integrtating PV, EVs Combining Sm& thermal Storage Automation Operation fo BARCELONA Spain Smart Grid Integration, Self-Consumption & Enlarged RES Penetration Factor6 More information about inteGRIDy
SAN SEVERINO MARCHE Italy PLOIESTI Romania Advanced DG Monitoring Power Flows Intelligent Energy Demand & Supply Matching Forecasting & Topology Optimization feat Innovative Simulation & Command- Control for Energy Gridsrgy XANTHI Greece Optimum Distributed Control of RES- enabled Islanded Grids Local Storage marter Descentralised MV/LV THESSALONIKI Greece with Local Coordinated DER-DSO Flexible DR at Residential & Tertiaryor Improving Grid Optimization Building with Local Storage NICOSIA Cyprus Coordinated DR and DSM at Academic Campus and Households with RES & CHP 7
1 - PILOT: Isle of Wright DR SG ES EVImprove the grid design, storage, EV penetration and RES installation on aself-sufficient islandThe pilot on the Isle of Wight will use networkdata and predictive analysis to developa smart grid architecture that will allowthe Island to overcome grid constraintsand become self-sufficient in low carbonpower generation. It will also consider thecommercial arrangements that will enablethe functioning of load shifting and gridbalancing services on a regional basis.Three technologies will be demonstratedat scale using the inteGRIDy platform – ahome heating system utilising thermalstorage provided by Minus 7 (M7), a rapidEV charging system that provides energystorage, DSR functionality and buildingenergy management provided by EMS (UK)Ltd and an IoT-based BMS system providedby Siemens.2 - PILOT: Terni DR SG ES EVIntegrate offline micro grid owned by local farmers cooperative with MV gridThe Terni pilot site is located in Central Italy,at the boundary of the power distributionnetwork owned by ASM TERNI, the localDSO. It consists of a microgrid (a 30 kWprated PV plant, power storage batteriesand two 31 kVA – 25 kWt biomass CHPgenerators) that will be connected to thelocal smart grid in order to develop a hybridcooperative business model between theDSO and the microgrid based on the use offlexibility as a service.8 More information about inteGRIDy
3 - PILOT: San Severino Marche DR SG ESEnhance the distribution grid with topology optimization process based onforecasting power flowsThe pilot project is related to the distributiongrid of San Severino Marche, a small townsited in the center of Italy. In the past, the areareported a hydro resources exploitation while,recently, photovoltaic generation penetrationrises year after year. Vice-versa, the energyneeds of the loads are quite limited. In theproject an accurate estimation of the state ofnetwork will be activated in order to supportthe DSO in operating the network. Generatorswill be consequently managed by the remotecontrol system of the DSO and exploitedin order to optimize the grid reliability andefficiency. Finally, a coordinated managementof distributed energy storage will be tested,both in a final user perspective (improving theenergy behaviour of LV users) and in the gridperspective (provide ancillary service to thelocal grid or to the national one).4 - PILOT: barcelona DR SG ESDR optimization and storage solutions to help grid penetration of RED. Sportscentre buildingThe scope of the pilot site in Barcelonawill include a sport centre that is currentlyundertaking a major refurbishment in theframework of GrowSmarter, an H2020 fundedproject. The pilot intends to quantify thedemand response potential of buildings withsignificant flexible assets: in that specific caseindoor swimming pools will be heated byelectric heat pumps that could be optimizedto give services to the system operator.Photovoltaic system and electric storage willbe installed as additional flexible assets tolocally optimise building operation. 9
5 - PILOT: St-Jean DR SG ESIntegration og DER into the distribution grid without threating its stability.DR in buildings and Power-to-Hear for VESFollowing the future strategy of INNED tooperate a fully decarbonized grid in 2030,the main aim of the pilot activities in theSt-Jean pilot site in France spins aroundthe integration of increasing volumes ofdistributed renewables into the distributiongrid without threating its stability and reliability.To this end the pilot activities will focus onthe introduction of novel technologies andbusiness models for Human-Centric DR inBuildings (control of HVAC and lighting loadswithout compromising building occupants’comfort and health) and VES (through theapplication of Power-to-Heat solutions).6 - PILOT: NICOSIA DR SG ESImplementation of a micro grid between UCY campus and households, inludingDR and DSM strategiesTwo different field cases will be demonstratedin Cyprus. The first one regards the microgridwithin the campus of University of Cyprus,incorporating all existing and future renewabletechnologies, energy storage systems,infrastructure, departments and facilities ofthe university. The target is to implement theproposed solutions in order to contributeto the transformation of the campus intoan energy self-sufficient microgrid. Thesecond case concerns dispersed prosumerswithin Cyprus, focusing on controlling theirelectrical demand in a more efficient way.10 More information about inteGRIDy
7 - PILOT: LISBOA DR ES EVControl system for buildings and accounting system to promote integratedprosumer managementThe Campo Grande 25 building, in Lisbon,is the municipality’s biggest consumer ofelectric energy, with an annual consumptionof about 3 GWh. In order to more dynamicallyrespond to the energy needs, the Lisbonpilot goal is to implement a smart energymanagement system on its major energyconsumers, recurring to the PV producedenergy forecast, the integration with dynamictariffs and the DR shift enabled by the storagecapacity of cold in ice tanks and electricity inEV batteries.8 - PILOT: Xanthi DR SG ES EVOptimum Distributed Control of RES-enabled Islanded Grids Local StorageThis pilot demonstrates the optimum energyexchange at RES-enabled islanded gridswith local battery stacks and hydrogenproduction, storage and usage. The pilotis hosted at the premises of SUNLIGHT(Xanthi, Greece) and operates unattended.There are multiple autonomous nodes thatare powered by PV arrays wind generatorsand fuel cell, while the energy exchangeis DC oriented. The research activities willbe performed in collaboration of CERTH/CPERI and SUNLIGHT and will demonstrateflexible energy management strategies in adistributed manner and a novel synergy ofvirtual storage with EV charging, empoweredby advanced Model Predictive Control (MPC)methods for supervisory control of thenetwork. 11
9 - PILOT: Ploiesti DREnergy information system (AIS) for control and command distribution ofinformation in a 3-building smart gridThe pilot case in Ploiesti, Romania, is a smallscale pilot that involves three buildings withresidential apartments and a commercial areaon the ground floor. The pilot involves bothnormal customer appliances (LED lighting, airconditioning systems, etc.), as well as largescale appliances like an elevator. The pilotis based on Building Type Intelligent EnergyDemand and Supply Matching feat innovativesimulation & command-control for energygrids.The purpose is to ensure a true DR smartgrid, where building energy managementand controls systems (EMCSs) can functionbased on critical peak pricing (CPP) or otherDemand Response (DR) programs that couldbe implemented, on an otherwise inexistentcentralized infrastructure.10 - PILOT: Thessaloniki DR SGDR management scheme for different consumer profiles (buildings, footballstadium and hotel) and flexible storage types and management methodsThessaloniki pilot focuses on thedemonstration and assessment of differentDemand Response techniques and thesustainability of related business models thatcan be offered by a Utility/ESCO company toresidential consumers (not prosumers) andcommercial customers. In both cases, theutilization of battery energy storage systemswill also be evaluated. The goal is to developefficient, practical and reliable optimization DRmechanisms for residential and commercialcustomers, minimizing their electricitypayment and maximizing their welfare, whileachieving more uniform electricity load profileswith reduced peak power.12 More information about inteGRIDy
PARTNERS Atos Spain SA (Spain) ATos SE (Societas Europaea) is a leader in Atos is the coordinator of the project services with 100,000 employees in Atos also have a major role in the dissemination72 countries. Serving a global client base, and exploitation activities on the project. Atos,the Group provides Consulting & Systems being a large industrial player with a strongIntegration services, Managed Services & BPO, convoking power, the capacity and practice inCloud operations, Big Data & Cyber-security organizing innovation workshops, and beingsolutions, as well as transactional services able to offer the appropriate infrastructure, isthrough Worldline, the European leader in the significantly active with respect to stakeholders’payments and transactional services industry. engagement. ASM Terni Spa (Italy) ASM Terni is Public Company fully owned In inteGRIDy project, ASM Terni contributes toby the local municipality (City of Terni). The the elicitation of requirements, the definitionsactivity of the company is related to very of Business Scenarios and the identificationessential public services in the City of Terni of stakeholders. A significant contributionarea as: Production and distribution of is given also in what concerns the NationalElectric Energy, management of public street Legislation. In preparation of the Pilot in Terni,lighting, environmental Health, drinkable water ASM Terni undertakes the task of integratingdistribution and water treatment plant and gas and interconnecting filed devices. Furtherdistribution. contributions are expected in Evaluation and Impact assessment and dissemination among possible interested subjects. Azienda San Severino Marche SpA (Italy) Azienda San Severino Marche SpA (ASSEM ASSEM SPA is involved as DistributorSPA) was founded by resolution of the City System Operator (DSO) in all the projectCouncil of San Severino Marche of 29/3/1919 tasks regarding the grid improvement and itswith the original task to produce and distribute analysis, considering the previous experienceelectricity and to manage the public lighting of ASSEM SPA about smart grid developmentservice. Subsequently, on 1996, the City and the effort and the strategic importanceCouncil entrusted ASSEM SPA also of the of the topic for the company. The main rolemanagement of the water service, putting is the deployment of inteGRIDy framework atin place the foundations for the integrated San Severino Marche pilot area, its monitoringmanagement of the entire water cycle. In 2000, and topology optimization. ASSEM SPA isalso the distribution and sale services of natural also involve in the overall evaluation, leadinggas in the area of San Severino Marche were in particular the assessment of the inteGRIDyassigned to ASSEM SPA and it was converted impact to the grid stability, flexibility andfrom Special Company to a joint-stockcompany. balancing. 13
ATKearney (United Kingdom) www.atkearney.comA.T. Kearney is a leading global management The objective in inteGRIDy project is to createconsulting firm with offices in more than 40 clear and compelling financial mechanisms,countries. Since 1926, there have been trusted oriented to RES+storage smart integration inadvisors to the world’s foremost organizations. the MV/LV grids towards an EU and worldwide energy security using RES. As far as CostThey have risen to the challenge of analyzing Benefit Analysis is concerned, ATK applymultiple and fragmented sources of data and a systematic approach to estimating thedispatching commands by putting dedicated strengths and weaknesses of alternatives thatresources in place to deliver an agile business satisfy transactions, activities or functionalintelligence and connectivity application requirements. As for Cost Effectiveness‘HELIOS’. The platform ubiquitously connects Analysis will take the form of an economicto a variety of data sources to harvest all the analysis that compares the relative costs anddata that is required to analyse, optimise and outcomes (effects) of two or more courses ofautomate the implementation of efficiency action.algorithms in real time and at a regional scale.Sistemes avancats de energia solar termica SCCL Founded in 1999, the SME AIGUASOL team basis of the simulation tools AIGUASOL mainlyis made up of more than 20 professionals uses (TRNSYS and Modelica) and identify wayswith a high level of technical and scientific these tools can be integrated or exchangeexperience. AIGUASOL provides engineering information with the rest of the tools developedand research services, promoting innovative (build up of individual modules), towardssolutions to reduce the impact associated building a common platform for the detailedwith energy consumption (experience in urban analysis of a topology when integrated with DRplanning, construction, industrial processes Flexibility and Storage systems as in the caseand power generation, with a focus on energy of demos. Moreover, will support the demoplanning, savings measures, energy efficiency, activities in the Sport Centre of Barcelona,process integration and renewable energy under the supervision of GNF, undertaking theimplementation). roles of engineering and commissioning of the specific demo activity.The main role of AIGUASOL in the project is toprovide with know-how the consortium on the14 More information about inteGRIDy
Project News 11.01.2017 InteGRIDy project has been officially launchedThe project, coordinated by Atos, startedon the 1st of January 2017. For 4 years,30 partners will seek to connect innovativeservices, technologies and emergingmechanisms of intelligent electric networksthrough the deployment of a scalableand replicable platform. This platform willallow the connection of the current energynetwork with the different market players,as well as providing improved capabilitiesfor the monitoring of consumption andgeneration profiles 19.01.2017 - InteGRIDy project joins BRIDGE initiativeInteGRIDy project was presented andparticipated in the BRIDGE Working Groupand Coordination meetings in Brussels inJanuary 2017.BRIDGE is a European Commissioninitiative which gathers more than 30Horizon 2020 Innovation Actions in thefield of smart grids and energy storage.The initiative aims at identifying andstructuring issues of transversal natureencountered in the demonstrationprojects that may constitute obstaclesto innovation. The work is organisedaccording to four main areas of interest,addressed by four Working Groups onData Management, Business Models,Regulations and Customer Engagement. 15
07.03.2016 – 09.03.2019 WP3 Workshop in Lisbon The Lisbon School of Business and Economics housed an InteGRIDy workshop, where the first steps of the project were discussed, particularly within Work Package 3 (WP3), which deals with Analysis of Environmental, Business Models & Financial Mechanisms and their links with the other work packages. 21-22.06.2017 inteGRIDy with BRIDGE initiative at the EUSEW2017 The BRIDGE initiative participated in the EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) with a session focussed on the main messages to policy makers from the demonstration projects, with a particular emphasis on the latest legislative proposals of the European Commission, “Clean Energy for All Europeans”, published in November 2016. Also, the BRIDGE initiative had a networking slot Wednesday 21st June where the initiative and its activities presented. InteGRIDy project participated in all this activities with the presence of our coordinator Andrea Rossi.16 More information about inteGRIDy
next steps and events 14.09.2017 1ST International Conference InteGRIDyHosted by Politecnico of Milano, the eventwill give an opportunity for a dialogueamong the ongoing European H2020R&I Projects on innovative technologiesfor smart grid on MV/LV in the topicsof Demand Response and intelligentdistribution grid. The event will also openthe discussion among representativesfrom National Authorities for Energy andEuropean DSOs.Free participation >> Register for the event Please register for the event: 17
@inteGRIDy_H2020 www.integridy.euThis project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 researchand innovation programme under grant agreement No 731268.
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