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Home Explore Peppa Pig - Georges Birthday - Sticker Story

Peppa Pig - Georges Birthday - Sticker Story

Published by Knowledge Hub MESKK, 2022-09-14 06:32:46

Description: Peppa Pig - Georges Birthday - Sticker Story


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7 -oo -- o

Ge orge's Birthdo,y Sticker st ory .uis,+i*il\"# Use the stickers in the rniddte of the book to cornptete the pictuFes in the stoFy. Roo,r!

Todoy is George's birthdoy. It is yeFy eo,rty in the rnoFning. \"GFunt! GFuntl\" soys GeoFge, jurnping up ond down. Jt\\\\ o o

J l; o #+*- ,ry =e$*r,'&!* ,.H\".fS,-.f -%'\"+thg. ,'f \"u&*r, 't{ *$(F\" ;?' i:[ r':' !ii*6t i! ii.'!-i if i*. \"'...:;$i,.. 'ru\" \"Hoppy birthdoy, GeoFge l\" soy Murnrny Pig ond Doddy Pig. \"George woke rne uPl\" soys Peppo,.

Murnrny Pig qnd Doddy Pig hove o, present fot George. When George opens it he shouts, \"Dine-Sow! GFFF!\" \\ ffi@ a o t. ((sD ;j.f\" O &iYfn,k. 's: '&*#, -r+. ..i'i1 v+ (aD +ti ;''l?u. iil{lir: w r:r 1!

o o \"Ho-ho. Sgueeze its turnrl,ly,\" so,ys Doddy Pig. George's new dinosqut\" t'ooooooot'rrs! \"Hee, hee, hee!\" loughs George.

The fornity oFt iyes of the rnuseurn. \"George? Whqt do you tike best in the whote wortd?\" o,sks Doddy Pig. \"Dine-Sows!\" soys George.

\"Beep. Beep. Ro oooooot'f'f't' l\" soys o greqt big dinosouf'. GeoFge is veFy sut'prised ond storts to cFy.

IJ \"Don't be frightened GeoFge, it's not o reol dinoso,ut',\" expto,ins Murnrny Pig. George loyes the robot dinosour.

\"s urprise!\" Peppo. o,nd George's friends o,Fe here! Murnrny Rqbbit hos rno,de o, birthdoy coke for GeoFge. o R-. o Y w\\01 qo- ri,IT ffi#trHry \\t ta\". thd*- ft li- 1(r :fiff1:,\"..y .(\"Brr_i,5_{fA}'

cl X) r[ -l -rrr- -- -jl'+: J \\ lr '?. ll r .c tl o' t+ \\, J .,.,,r..-{,1ffi F-tj#.:aff r<i,,* v \\*,1 \"*f* t; eW@ ffiv ffi.ffi \"f t's o, dinoso,ut\" coke l\" soys Peppo. \"Hoppy birthdoy, Georg e,\" shouts eveFyone. \"There's one [o,st surpris€,\" soys Do,ddy Pig.

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