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Published by Radha Lamba, 2017-08-01 21:27:38

Description: UTUCR1617DigitalUpdate


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ABOUT OUR AUTHORSTerren Lee - Terren is a graduating student at the University of Toronto,due to receive an Honours Bachelor of Arts degree with a double major inCriminology & Sociolegal Studies and Ethics, Society, & Law. His academ-ic interests include human rights and social justice, youth deviance andcrime, and child welfare. Terren aspires to attend law school and pursue acareer working for a child welfare society.Shayyan Malik - Shayyan has just graduated from York University, receiv-ing a Bachelor of Arts degree in Criminology. Starting September 2017,Shayyan will be attending Osgoode Hall Law School to pursue a JurisDoctor (J.D.) degree. His academic interests revolve around the criminal-ization of deviance, such as drug use and sex work, as well as the study ofpunishment as a socio-historic phenomenon. In the past, he has served asa peer mentor for fellow students in his program because he is passionateabout enabling students to achieve and surpass their academic aspira-tions. He hopes to one day combine his enthusiasm for legal educationwith his passion for teaching by becoming a law professor.Tanzim Rashid - Tanzim is a fourth year Trinity College student studyingEthics, Society & Law and Criminology with a minor in Political Science atthe University of Toronto. In the near future, he hopes to pursue a MPhil(Master of Philiosophy) in Criminal Justice at Cambridge University and,upon completing, pursue a J.D at Osgoode Hall Law School. In the far fu-ture, he hopes to practice criminal law, either internationally at the Hague,or locally for the Crown Attorney’s office in Canada. His interested ingetting published in the Undergraduate Criminology Review stems from hisrecognition of the UTUCR’s high standards and long standing reputation asone of the most accredited and accomplished undergraduate journals atthe University of Toronto.Emily Yin Kot - Yin is a third year student at the University of Toronto,where she is double majoring in Criminology and Ethics Society & Law, andminoring in Philosophy. While currently uncertain about the future, Yin hasa passion for community service and is interested in immigration law, andwould like to work in a field that combines both.Florence Chan - Florence just finished her fourth year at the Universityof Toronto, receiving an Honours Bachelor of Arts with a double majorin Criminology & Sociolegal Studies and Sociology, and a minor in UrbanStudies. She is interested in the ways notions of criminality shape one’sunderstanding of security and power structures in society, and it’s intercon-nectedness with technology in the 21st century. In the future, she hopes topursue these interests through research at a graduate level, and use thisknowledge to make a meaningful impact in her career. 51

Shrikha Khemani - Shrikha is a fourth-year undergraduate student withan almost-finished degree in History and Criminology, and a passion forliterature. She is particularly interested in youth justice, Indigenous law,legal history and the criminalisation of poverty. She is also interested in theconstruction of law as it reflects prevailing racial and gendered hierarchiesin Canadian society, and the colonial origins of the state legal system. Sheis currently enrolled at the University of Toronto.Oluwapelumi Olatunbosun - Pelumi is a recent graduate from the Univer-sity of Toronto. She majored in Criminology & Sociolegal Studies with adouble minor in Political Science and Sociology. In her third year, Pelumiconducted an independent study with the very broad aim of highlightingthe injustices in Canada’s criminal justice system. She soon realized thatthis was not an easy feat, but luckily found herself drawn to a more fo-cused topic: the disproportionate representation of minorities in the justicesystem. She realized there was so much she did not know; particularlyabout Indigenous and Black experiences in Canadian correctional facilities.While there is still so much to learn, Pelumi would like to share what shehas discovered thus far, and she thanks UTUCR for the opportunity to doso 52


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