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Home Explore October Newsletter

October Newsletter

Published by bhanneken, 2018-10-05 08:42:26

Description: October Newsletter


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NEWSLETTER October 2018 AMS Happenings: Business Continues to Boom going into the Final Quarter of 2018! By: Chrissy Nardini Congratulations to Bran-DAD Grego- Great work to everyone on the continued growth this year. While the steel tariffs ry and his wife Lau- and price increases have boosted our numbers, we still received feedback at our ren on the arrival of buying group meeting that we had above normal increases with our key vendors! their son, Jax. Born September sales were up 23% on increases of Gross Profit dollars of 18%. 9/22/18 weighing Springfield MO had an amazing 70% increase in sales with a 40% increase in 7lb 8 oz. Gross Profit. YTD we are up 25.7% in sales as a company and 24% in gross Profit. Congratulations to Dallas who has exceeded our budgeted first year sales and first year gross profit dollars! The growth we have had is also counterbalanced by 15% increases in our busi- ness insurance (auto, liability, property and work comp.) Some of these increas- es come from our growth but some are coming from a less than stellar year of claims. We will be continuing to focus on safety in both the workplace and our vehicles to work on better results . We hope to know more on what kind of increases we will have in our health in- Our condolences to surance for employees later this month. Letha Franklin and her family on the Our 4th Quarter Promotion can earn everyone the ability to have Christmas Eve loss of her mother- be a company holiday this year. The sooner we hit the goal, the sooner it can be in-law. declared a holiday! Congrats to Chris SMACNA 2018 Tracy for landing By: Joyce Eisenhauer the liner and spi- It was a bittersweet night at the SMACNA show this ral fittings on the year. I knew when I walked in that it would be my last Cerner job! and final night to work at the booth as contractors, architects, and vendors walked in to grab their name Congrats to Shawn tags and head to their booths. It was always such a pleasure to meet up with the Flick for landing 3 customers that I talk to on a regular basis. large spiral jobs When I started working this show 28 years ago, we used to all gather afterwards with P1 Group for more drinks, (like we needed more) some dancing and just a down right totaling over good time. You can tell we are all older now because we head straight home $120,000. after the show is over. lol It has been a pleasure working with our salesmen to give what help I could to them. I will certainly miss this great event and not to mention the wonderful peo- ple I have met through the years.

AMS Happenings: Interesting Facts on American Metals 401K By: Chrissy Nardini Congratulations to John Bryant for get- • 2017 Participation Rate 88% compared to Peers at 65% ting the three truck • Participants with Total Savings Rate of 15 % or More : 79% compared to load order of large diameter spiral at Peers at 16% (better than any plan our Fidelity Rep has) KCH. • % on Plan with Asset Allocation 69% vs 71% peers Congrats to Jack • % that engaged in online or phone help with Fidelity in last year 82% vs 69% Baumann for se- curing a $150,000 peers doublewall oval • Number of Participants that jumped on the Roth option we started offering in paintgrip job with Multi-Craft. our 401K -9 Congratulations to Core Values In Action! Mary Tiner on her engagement to her Recent Note from St. Louis Customer: The driver, Dan Towers, couldn’t have now fiancé Alex. been better. Helped unload. Very Polite. -Ted, Fischer Heating & Sheet Metal Congratulations to Thank you Dan for Best in Class Performance for All Adrian Mason (Indi- anapolis) who was Thanks also to Roger Wood (Lenexa), who stayed late in Dallas on a Friday stopped for a Level when helping that branch, ahead of an 8 hour drive home! He showed a Com- 1 Inspection and mitment to Improving Employees Lives by helping Isaac Meyer who needed had no violations! to get out of town for friends wedding. He will be receiving a gift card! Reminder: Wellness Initiatives Deadline Our thoughts are 10/31/18 with Steve Hasse- brock, Springfield, who is recovering In order to qualify for the health insurance premium discount you must already from a brain bleed. have the Biometric Screening completed (deadline 12/31/17) and the follow- ing activities completed and submitted to Brittany or Shelly by 10/31/18. Our thought are with Jason Kistler, Indy, Annual Wellness Exam- turn in the verification form, signed by your doctor, by who is recovering 10/31 from pancreatitis. Annual Dental Exam -turn in the verification form, signed by your dentist, by 10/31 Online Wellness Survey -(

Charity Corner By: Josh Rezac As some of you may know our middle son Brady was diagnosed with diabetes at the young age of 4. Although this was extremely difficult to accept that our youngest boy (at the time) had just been diagnosed with an “illness” that he might not be able to defeat; our first comment to each other was “it could always be worse”. Soon after that our son asked what seemed to be a very serious question at the time. He said, “Daddy when am I going to be done with these shots?” What does a Dad say to his kid at that moment? I simply told him that we will figure this out and not to wor- ry. Tough pill to take. We don’t tell you this to seek sympathy but more to help you realize the helpless feeling when you, as a parent, have no control in helping your child get through the most difficult situation of his life at such an early age. Brady is an inspiration to everyone who hears his story and admires his every day courage to take on this “illness”. Moving forward we have come to the realization that our son is more than capable of dealing with the situation he has been dealt with. With that being said; we have found comfort and stability in the JDRF community which is the leading research organization dealing with type 1 diabetes (T1D). JDRF leads the global type 1 diabetes research effort to keep people healthy and safe until there is a cure for type 1 diabetes. We all know that there are hundreds of charities to donate to, but our family obviously holds JDRF true to our heart. We all have our own situations that we need to attend to, so we realize our donations can only go so far. Melissa and I just want to thank everyone for all the gracious donations you have put forth towards the JDRF! We appreciate your support, The Rezac family American Metals will be making a donation to JDRF. Quarter 3 Ice Cream Truck Success! To wrap up the Quarter 3 Theme we sent Ice Cream Trucks to our Top 10 contractors! Poynter, Jarrell, Metro Mechanical, Bright Sheet Metal, Scott Lee, Vogel, US engineering, Murphy Co., P1 Group all received a big thank you and free ice cream!

October-November Quarter of Giving- Q4 theme $10,000 goal Anniversaries Selling Breast Cancer Awareness Shirts for $20ea. Joyce Eisenhauer 28 years (11/26) 100% of shirt sales will go to the Breast Cancer Re- search Foundations. Ed Young 19 years (10/06) Jerry Pinnon 17 years No Shave November (11/13) $10 to participate and 100% of collections will go to Josh Rezac 15 years the Prostate Cancer Foundation (11/03) Brandon Gregory 13 years Annual Branch Holiday Charity (10/20) To continue the holiday charity tradition and have Jeremy Jett 10 years each branch pick a charity to support in the month (11/24) of December. Donations are to be collected by the branch manager and can be accepted any time be- Hugo Morales 4 years tween Oct 1. – Dec. 14. (11/03) Stainless Interesting Fact: By: Brandon Gregory AJ Viviano 3 years (11/30) The 300 series of stainless we stock contains nickel and not iron, thus it is not magnetic. Mark Pruett 2 years (10/03) All 400 series stainless is magnetic. If you look at refrigerators and it holds a magnet, then you know it is T430 stainless. Scott Towers 1 year (10/09) Go impress your friends with this knowledge! Dryerbox Pro Tip: Ben Skinner 1 year (10/23) By: Brandon Gregory Corbin Hoffman 1 year HCP is a master distributer for Dryerbox. When we need small quantities (11/20) we traditionally buy them with our P&F trucks. However, we can buy from In-O-Vate directly and get that same material. If you have a large job Shane Corps 1 year please get with Brandon. We’ll combine your contractors order with our (11/27) stock needs to get a better landed average cost for everyone.

Indy’s Golf League Wraps Up! By: Eric Cameron The Indianapolis Branch finished up another successful season of hosting employees, customers, and friends in their annual golf league. Over all, Indy hosted 9 employees, 5 Contractors, and 10 friends/ family of contractors or employees. Everyone did a great job of balancing fun with competition and represented American Metals in a way that made each of the staff members proud. The season was made up of 11 Regular Tournaments, 3 Major Tournaments, and wrapped up with a Ryder Cup style tournament. Each golfer accumulated points based on their finish in each of the tournaments. Season Winners (Individuals) Mitch Johnson- 1st Place Family of Poynter Sheet Metal Eric Cameron - 2nd Place American Metals Ryan Fultz- 3rd Place Family of John Seward Season Winners (Team) Matt Dufinetz/Mitch Johnson- 1st Place Family/Friends of Poynter Sheet Metal Todd Keck/Tony Zirkelback-2nd Place AMS/C&C Sheet Metal John Seward/Ryan Fultz- 3rd Place AMS/Family of John Seward

Indy’s 2nd Annual Contractor Appreciation Golf Outing By: Eric Cameron On September 14th Indy hosted 56 golfers from 14 differ- ent contractors to our 2nd Annual Contractor Apprecia- tion Golf Outing. This true appreciation event provides our contractors with golf, drinks, prizes, and catered barbeque at no charge to them. Highlights of the day included: Bright Sheet Metal winning the event for the 2nd year in a row by posting a 57 round. Snodgrass Sheet Metal winning the team putting compe- tition. An employee of Rittenhouse Heating and Cooling win- ning the $250 cash prize. An employee from BR Schroeder & Sons winning the Yeti cooler drawing. Our goal is to bring our contractors in for a fun day without all the boring parts of a typical outing. We structure the laid-back day with all the prizes and contests integrated into the round so when everyone is finished they get to enjoy a happy hour with barbeque and drinks and then head home for an early start to their weekend. The response has been great, and we look forward to doing it again next year. Thank you to the outside staff for helping run the event. A big shout out to Greg Anderson for provid- ing amazing barbeque. Thanks to Brittany for securing the promo items and to Mike Simms and John Seward for helping on the setup. NACM Mid-America Golf Outing Fundraiser By: Patti Guard-Younce On September 14th the NACM Mid-America held it’s second annual golf scramble at the Cimarron Hills Golf & Country Club in beautiful Perkins, Oklahoma. American Metals, Oklahoma was kind enough to sponsor a hole and despite the heat and humidity, the event was a huge success. All proceeds will go to the NACM Mid-America Scholarship Fund and will be allocated by the newly formed committee which I am honored to chair this year. These funds will allow members who may not have funding or their company’s support, to attend classes, seminars and other educational offerings which will be held in the Oklahoma City/Tulsa area. It will also assist individuals who wish to obtain certifications.

Oklahoma Celebrating Quarter 2 By: Jeremy Jett In celebration of hitting Quarter 2’s goal, Oklahoma City spent the evening at Top Golf. Pictured from left to right: Abraham, JD, Jeremy, Johnathan, Hugo, Hugo’s guest, August, Chad, Chad’s wife, Ernie, and Ernie’s fiancée. Oklahoma City 2018 ASHRAE Golf tournament Jeremy Jett, Chad Morgan, Casey Murphy, and JD Byrd attended the Oklahoma City 2018 ASHRAE golf tournament. Casey Murphy won closest to the pin, but Murphy magic wasn’t enough for first place in the tournament. We all expect him to carry us to top of the pack next year. A big thank you to Chris Mohler who flew into Oklahoma City on a Sunday to cover the office during the tournament.

Welcome to the AMS Team Welcome Dewayne Cooley! Dewayne is a driver and warehouseman at our Oklahoma City branch. He has been driving for 5 years and is a PROFESSIONAL WINE MAKER!! He graduated from Greyson College in Texas and enjoys motorcycle riding, hunting and wine making. One of the coolest places he has traveled to is Alaska, on his motorcycle! Welcome Ryan Stewart! Ryan is a warehouseman in Grand Prairie. Ryan has a wife Janie and an 8 month old daughter Sophia. His hobbies include Pinterest, gardening, camping, fishing, and being a dad! Ryan is a beach guy- he has been to Jamaica, Cayman Islands and Cozumel. Welcome Tony Alejos! Tony joined the Grand Prairie Inside Sales team. Tony has a wife Melissa and two children- Callie (9) and Eli (6). Prior to American Metals Tony worked at Romar Supply and General Insulation. Outside of work Tony enjoys golf, basketball, football, running and fan- tasy football. He also enjoys watching his son play soccer. The coolest place Tony has traveled to is Glacier National Park! Welcome Cody Rettinghaus! Cody is a warehouseman in Fenton. He is newly married to his wife, Briana, and they have a 6 month old son, Beau. Cody is currently serving in the National Guard and enjoys hunt- ing, fishing, bowling and slow-pitch softball. A fun fact about Cody is he has 3 younger brothers and 2 younger sisters that really look up to him (according to his awesome cousin Brittany at AMS Marketing).

Welcome Brandon Wilson, Driver, to the Indianapolis team. Brandon has been in the food service industry, as a driver, for the last 15 years. He has a wife Shannon and two sons, Chandler (23) and Ashton (21). Bran- don attended Indiana Wesleyan University. In his spare time he enjoys golf, waterfowl hunting and going to Vegas with his wife! Employee Spotlight This month the spotlight shines on Matt Hitchcock (36). Matt has worked in Insides Sales, at the Hazelwood branch, for 6 years. He is married to the world famous artist Jessica Hitchcock. Funniest memory at AMS? I probably shouldn’t tell this story until the statutes of limitations expires. Most significant memory at AMS? When John Scanga awarded me a framed Certificate of Completion for pass- ing the Fire Extinguisher Basic Training course! What are your hobbies? Spending time with my wife (in case she happens to see this newsletter), playing music with my friends, traveling. Pet Peeves When people drive slow in the left lane, when my server calls me “hunny”, and our current political climate. Dream Vacation? Anywhere that has good food, good history, and good beer. AMS Fantasy Football Standings

Mary Tiner’s Happily Ever After... Mary Tiner, Inside Sales in Lenexa, KS. Talking in third person here, got engaged on Sunday August 26th to her “amazing” boyfriend Alex. That morning they went hiking at Ha Ha Tonka State Park, after two hours, 316 steps up to the castle and 316 steps back down to the spring, they were exhausted. But one trail remained, the Island trail. As they were discussing if they should attempt it, a gentleman sitting on a bench at the trail head said “do it, it’s really beautiful, it’s a tough one, but worth it.” So they decided to give it a go. About five minutes in Mary started whining “why did we decide to do this, this is steep! I just want to go drink some beer!” Alex responded “they’ll be plenty of time for beer.” At the top of the hill they started hearing water, they made their way down the trail to a beautiful peninsula. On one side was a bright turquoise spring and to the left was the lake. After taking a minute to catch their breath, Mary looks over to Alex who is starring at the spring and says “this is perfect.” Alex turns around, takes off his hat, gets down on one knee and agrees “this is per- fect.” Before another word was said Mary snatched up the ring and held it in her right hand and they hugged. After a minute Alex asked the question, “will you marry me?” Mary starts laughing like a little school girl and says “yes, yes of course” On November 3rd, they will have a small ceremony at her parents’ house with their families. (no she’s not pregnant) Here’s to the future Mrs. Mary Berry! And yes, you can laugh it’s a funny name. Guess Who? Guess correctly for a long sleeve AMS shirt Can you guess which Warehouse Foreman fostered two girls for 1.5 years? Text your name, guess and shirt size to 636-221-0386 or email Brittany. Last Newsletter question: Can you guess which Warehouse Foreman was a two time All American in soccer and four time All State in baseball and soccer? Answer: Steve Stocker

Living Life on the Edge The Fenton branch was provided free entertainment, in September, when this van thought it was heading towards the highway through our parking lot and quickly found out there is a drop off into the neighboring lot. Thankfully no one was hurt! An American Metals Benefit that Can Affect Life & Death - Pinnacle Care By: Chrissy Nardini Buried under the standard benefits of insurance and our outstanding 401K, is a little known benefit that many AMS employees are probably not aware of but which can provide a life and death differ- ence. It is our access to a program called Pinnacle Care. Pinnacle Care provides AMS employees and their families with the best experts in complex and serious medical issues. There is no cost to AMS employees for the service, and once the patient sees the doctor, the patients own medical in- surance provides the coverage (you don’t have to be on American Metals insurance to use Pinnacle Care). To give two recent real life examples of how it works- we share: On Wednesday, September 5, Steve Hassebrock, Corporate Strategy Officer for our company, de- veloped a headache so severe he knew something serious was wrong. After being admitted into ICU overnight at St. John’s Hospital in Springfield, IL, and getting stabilized, Steve was diagnosed with a subdural hematoma, or brain bleed. Doctors were evaluating a few options: an extremely serious surgery called a crainiotomy which involves opening your skull, a different less invasive surgery that would involve draining the blood from his brain, and a final option to wait and monitor and see if it healed on its own. When dealing with something this serious, you start to ask a lot of questions: Am I with the best doctor? Should I be getting a second opinion ? Has this doctor treated this type of thing before? etc. Chrissy immediately reached out to Pinnacle Care with her dad’s issue and asked for some recommended specialists in both St. Louis and Springfield. Within two business days, Pinna- cle came back with three profiles of experts in the field, and an offer to facilitate an appointment to whichever one Steve selected. Steve ended up coming to St Louis and Barnes Hospital and was seen by Dr. Ralph Dacey, Head of Neurosurgery at Washington University and a world renowned expert. There is almost no dollar value that could be put on the assistance that Pinnacle Care of- fered. At a time when our family was frantic, and had no time to find out who had expertise, Pinnacle Care helped us find the best, and more importantly get in and be seen by them, when these types of doctors are often booked for six weeks plus out.

An American Metals Benefit that Can Affect Life & Death- Pinnacle Care Continued... A second testimonial for Pinnacle care is Laura Lehmkuhl in our Fenton office who used Pinnacle Care for her daughter Bailey. After a trip to the ER for Bailey for an intense headache, Laura got the shocking news that Bailey had a brain tumor called a Menginoma located in the left ventricle deep inside the brain. This alone complicated things even more since it is typically a skull based tumor and only .5 to 2% of the tumors are located in the ventricle. Since this was a rare situation finding the correct surgeon was imperative for a successful outcome. Laura contacted Pinnacle Care giving them what information she had from the ER visit and their first consult with a Mercy neurosurgeon. The first thing Pinnacle did was request Bailey’s medical records and MRI from Mercy’s ER visit. The Pinnacle team then went over everything available and contacted Laura within 3 days with their recommenda- tions and the order in which they were recommended. After researching each surgeon on the list Lau- ra called Pinnacle with hopes to also see Dr. Ralph Dacey, who is the Chief Neurosurgeon at Barnes and head of Neurosurgery at Washington University. Pinnacle Care not only arranged the appoint- ment but also took care of the transfer of records and MRI. Through out this process Pinnacle Care updated Laura by sending her all the reports starting with the ER visit on 1/15/18 through the crainiot- omy on 4/12/18. These reports include 2- MRI readings, both surgeons evaluation, pre-surgery work up and post-surgery outcome, they were there every step of the way helping out. With the guidance of Pinnacle Care, Dr. Dacey’s skill and the grace of God, Bailey has had a remarkable recovery and is back to school, driving and living life to the fullest. More about Pinnacle Care: • To reiterate the parameters of the program: • Eligible participants: all staff members in your company • Number of employee health situations covered by the program per year: five (5) • Type of employee health situations covered: serious and/or complex (we realize this is a loose definition we will help in most situations that involve a significant health problem and please don’t hesitate to reach out to us to review) • Services available: customized referral reports, facilitated appointments, comprehensive research reports and more We recognize that sometimes employees are hesitant to discuss medical issues with their employer. If you or members of your HR department feel that someone needs help, our team is available for a confidential consultation and will only report back to you to let you know if we are assisting them, for record-keeping purposes. How to submit a request/what to share with your employees: To access PinnacleCare, please submit your request online at po-extended or by email at A dedicated member of the PinnacleCare team will respond to you immediately.

AMS Medical Plan Dates Are Changing By: Shelly Liley For many years our medical plan has operated under the plan dates of Feb 1st thru Jan 31st. The plan date not falling on a calendar year poses some challenges with other processes and benefits and results in extra work to be done to keep everything in line. We have made the decision to adjust our plan year to match the calendar year – Jan 1st thru Dec 31st. This change will go into effect Jan 1, 2019. This applies to any employee utilizing our medical plan (currently with United Health Care), regardless of whether you are on the PPO plan or an HSA plan. Employees currently utilizing our health plan need to keep in mind that any medical treatment, de- ductibles, etc. will need to be entered by December 31st, not January 31st as in past years. By making this change, medical plan enrollment and Flex Spending enrollment will now fall under the same time frame, instead of a month apart as in the past. Dental and vision will remain on the June 1st thru May 31st plan date. Any questions please contact Shelly at x223 Smoke & Tobacco Free Workplace Policy REMINDER: Effective January 1, 2019 American Metals has invested thousands of dollars into the wellness of our employees and the next sensible phase to elevate is providing a healthy and safe work environment. In keeping with our core value of “Commitment to Improving Employees’ Lives”, American Metals Supply Company will be- come a smoke & tobacco free campus as of January 1, 2019. Tobacco products are defined as cigars, cigarettes, pipes, all forms of smokeless tobacco, and all vapor and electronic cigarettes. The policy applies to American Metals Supply property, defined as the organization’s facilities “curb to curb”, including offices, grounds, parking lots / ramps, and company owned vehicles. All management, employees, customers, and visitors will be required to abide by the policy. The commitment to a smoke & tobacco free campus is a responsibility we all share together, whether you are a tobacco user or not. For those of you who are tobacco users, American Metals is commit- ted to providing you the appropriate resources to assist you in the transition. Information will be made available at each branch, including tobacco cessation programs offered by United Healthcare and information on tobacco cessation drugs that are covered at no cost to members. American Metals will reimburse up to $200 to any employee that utilizes a cessation program or drug that is not covered by United Healthcare.

Easily Manage Your 401K through the Net Benefits App By: Shelly Liley View Balances, investments, recent t performance Act Change your nvestments Update beneficiary in Plan Find our your t score and see how much you may need in r Learn Find out how much your peers are saving Play with the numbers to see how small a change can make a big difference.

Get Reimbursed for a flu shot By: Shelly Liley