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Home Explore The Dubai Mall Magazine

The Dubai Mall Magazine

Published by hans, 2017-11-29 09:11:01

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A fashionable night at the Underwater ZooIn November, we met Ping in the Dubai That must be tough to be so far Sounds good! Was it easy to travelMall, she’s an Oxford DPhil student living in apart… around?Dubai. We spoke to her about why she’s here,how she finds Dubai so far and we did a Yes, we met in Oxford and back then Well, we hired a car, so we were veryfashion shoot with her. it was uncertain where his new position flexible in when and where to go. I had would be, so while he was planning his my own driver, although I needed toHi Ping, nice to meet you! How are future I had to focus on mine. I decided navigate, to apply for this internship in Dubai and here I am! He got back to The And did that go well?Hiya, I’m great, thank you! Netherlands where he’s currently trying to find a new job. I hope to be able to Yes, we fit well together. But I alsoWhat brings you in Dubai? secure a position in The Netherlands made sure we travelled by metro once, too, so we can stay together again. so he could experience how I commuteI am doing a business internship at to work.Falcon and Associates here in Dubai So, it’s a temporary situation…and I am currently employed as intern Is that such a hassle then?in Dnata where I work on operations Exactly! And he visited few weeks ago,management. when I had a break. During rush hour, you’re squashed like sardines. Luckily for me, they have aThat sounds ambitious! And what That must be special. Did you enjoy separate part of some carriagesdo you do in your spare time? your time together? dedicated to females.Well, I don’t have that much spare time We did! We have seen more places in a So, what is your DPhil about? Or issince I still need to finish my Dphil, so week than I have had seen in the that a topic I shouldn’t touch on?in the evenings and weekends I’m months before. We travelled to Hattaworking on my thesis. However, I like Village, Abu Dhabi and Palm island. Haha, well, I’m happy when it would beto cook healthy food and socialise with We swum in the sea, we hiked in the finished, but I don’t mind to talk aboutfriends. Oh, and I try to Skype with my mountains close to the border of it. I’m working on a multi-barrierboyfriend Hans every day who is Oman and we enjoyed the rich variety system for nuclear waste disposal tocurrently living in The Netherlands. of restaurants here in Dubai, with store the waste underground in natural discounts of course! caves. I’m focusing on grouts to seal the fractures in these caves so

groundwater can’t penetrate through it Beautiful colourful fish in the aquarium! Do you think you could really settleand doesn’t come into contact with the here?nuclear waste. studied in Oxford and has spent some time in Australia like me. Well, if Hans would like to come over.Wow, that’s amazing! So, did you But I think I will miss the seasons,have to carry out experiments? That’s a coincidence indeed! You although it’s not my favourite season, won’t expect that here in Dubai. I during the winter it’s nice to wear warmYes, I did. I spent quite some time in guess they also recognise you by clothes and to make it cosy inside. Also,the lab in Oxford to analyse different your Yorkshire accent? I would like to be able to spend moregrout materials and their resistance to spare time outside, like walking andwater. But it has to last for hundreds of Haha, yes, they do. It’s always easy as a running. The warm climate hereyears, so I did some modelling as well. conversation starter. doesn’t really allow to do that and the air is quite polluted as well here.Ah modelling, yes, we will get to And what do you think of Dubai?that later. Are you already looking Ok. Thank you, Ping! I think it’sforward to that? It’s really a vibrant international time for us to get a bit active and metropole. You can do here whatever prepare ourselves for the fashionYes, I’m looking forward to do some you like, you will be able to find here shoot!modelling which is not related to my any food you can think of and you willDPhil project! meet people from all over the world. Oh, shoot! Yes, let’s do that, otherwise we will be fashionably late!Sure, but first I still want to know a A bit as in Oxford?bit more about your life here inDubai. What about your current Yes, it is a similar kind of bubble, butwork at Dnata, do you enjoy it? there is more choice in food here, especially seafood, my favourite. AndYes, it’s a nice company, I can learn a the weather is warmer, but local peoplelot and it is fun to be able to meet with can be a bit conservative here.other British nationals, since they areworking in the management of theorganisation.Do you miss that here in Dubai?Other British people?Yes…?It’s nice to talk to people who share thesame background and have been tosimilar places you’ve been, it justcreates a kind of bond. You can discussabout education and work in the UK,for example, or the Brexit. One has alsoA tiger shark in theUnderwater Zoo inthe Dubai mall.

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Ras Al Khaimah is the most visited emirate in the following up a lot of scrambling and climbingUnited Arab Emirates for hikers and outdoor through steep ascend. The first plateau can beenthusiasts. It is where the highest mountain (Jebel reached for three hours depending on the pacing,Jais) of the country is located and more than a where a date farm can be seen on the left side downdozen of wadis hidden from mountain cathedrals. under. Continue to trek for an hour following up aOne of these wadis is the Wadi Shah, standing donkey trail passing a lot of cliffs to reach theright next to Jebel Jais with an elevation of 730 second plateau, where a Bedouin cemetery ismeters and wind of around 8.1km/h west. It is ideal located. From the second plateau, another 30for hiking during the winter season which starts minutes of ascending to reach the summit.from December to April when the sun is not hot Congratulations on reaching the summit! Theenough to burn the skin. The wadi is bone-dry summit is full of huge rough boulders but the viewduring most months of the year, but when the rain is mainly breathtaking.comes, the pool is filled with water which flowsdown to the foot of the mountain. Although For an adrenaline rush adventure, trek the oppositeliterally speaking, the mountains here are arid due side of the peak during descending until reachingto an insufficient amount of rainfall, but that the cliff. There is a broken opening at the cliff sidedoesn’t stop us from exploring the place because to use on your way down until reaching an evenbehind the barren mountains is the stunning scenic ground. Another way to go down is at the far leftviews. end of the cliff for a 90 degrees elevation descend – this is recommended for experienced andThe usual trail begins from the Jebel Jais mountain adventurous hikers.road parking down to the entrance of the wadi onthe right, but a challenging trail is an opposite way A deserted Bedouin village with an empty wateraround. The starting point is from the left side on reservoir and farmland (most probably a livestockthe Jebel Jais mountain road which leads into an farm) can be seen in an even plateau. Continueadjacent canyon and up to the slope and steep scrambling down on the left side of the village toboulders, in short, the counterclockwise trail but

reach the huge boulder untilreaching the pool of the wadi.Take a nap as this is the bestplace to rest. Follow the path of the wadifor over an hour to go downinto the starting point, butdon’t be overconfident yet.The way is harder than itlooks. There is a lot ofjumping down and climbingup on the big boulders, justfollow the red paint markedinto huge rocks until reachingthe end point.

LULOU Unity Floral Bardot dress Ensure you blossom this season with theLULOU Bardot dress. Patterned in asignature Unity Floral print, thisfeminine piece boasts intricate shoulderstrap detail and a voluminous skirt tokeep all eyes on you.

Sheikh Zayed Grand The project was launched beside the same mosque. Mosque (Arabic: ‫ ﺟﺎﻣﻊ‬ by the late president of The mosque was ‫ )اﻟﻜﺒﯿﺮ زاﻳﺪ اﻟﺸﯿﺦ‬is the United Arab Emirates constructed from 1996 to located in Abu Dhabi, the (UAE), Sheikh Zayed bin 2007. It is the largest capital city of the United Sultan Al Nahyan, who mosque in the United Arab Emirates, and is wanted to establish a Arab Emirates. The considered to be the key structure that would building complex site for worship in the unite the cultural measures approximately country. The design of diversity of the Islamic 290 m (960 ft) by 420 m the mosque was done by world with the historical (1,380 ft), covering an a Syrian architect named and modern values of area of more than 12 Yousef Abdelky. architecture and art. His hectares (30 acres), final resting place is exclusive of exterior located on the grounds A day trip to Abu Dhabi

landscaping and vehicle west Ping and Hans atparking. Maiden Shanghai minarets. As the country's grand SZGMC Eating Chinesemosque, it is the key manages the food!place of worship for day-to-day Friday gathering and Eid operations, as a place prayers. During Eid it may of worship and Friday be visited by more than gathering, and also a 41,000 people. center of learning and discovery through its Sheikh Zayed Grand educational cultural Mosque Center (SZGMC) activities and visitor offices are located in the programs. The library, located in the northeast minaret, serves the community with classic books and publications addressing a range of Islamic subjects: sciences, civilization, calligraphy, the arts, coins and includes some rare publications dating back more than 200 years. In reflection of the diversity of the Islamic world and the United Arab Emirates, the collection comprises material in a broad range of languages, including Arabic, English, French, Italian, Spanish, German and Korean. For two years running it was voted the world's second favourite landmark by TripAdvisor.

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