SERVICES | 51 We understand what is needed to manage CUSTOMISED SOLUTIONSa property successfully so you, the investor, canhave peace of mind and a maximum return on When you sign up with a company such as EREyour investment.” HOMES to manage your property, it can customise your property management package to suit yourRICHARD STOKES, Head of Property Management needs. The package can be tailored from theat ERE HOMES following services: I MARKETING PROPERTY I ARRANGING PROPERTY VIEWINGS I CONTRACT ARRANGEMENT I COLLECTION OF RENT AND SECURITY DEPOSIT I KEY MANAGEMENT I PROPERTY CONDITION REPORT I FINANCIAL REPORTING I TENANCY DISPUTE RESOLUTION I PROPERTY MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT I TENANCY RENEWALS MANAGEMENT I RERA GUIDANCE I CLEANING AND PEST CONTROL I TENANCY REGISTRATION I INSURANCE ADVICE I ANNUAL PROPERTY INSPECTION I PROPERTY HANDOVER AND SNAGGING RECTIFICATIONand a maximum return on your investment. We will contracts with Ejari. “In the unfortunate event that a For more informationbe around when you can’t be, marketing your property dispute arises between a landlord and tenant, which on how to enlist thewith maximum exposure if it is empty, leasing it for you, can only be resolved with the intervention of the Rental services of a propertyensuring occupancy and acting as a point of reference Committee, a case can only be produced if the tenancywith your tenant a er it’s been rented out,” explains agreement has been registered with Ejari. It is an online managementRichard Stokes, Head of Property Management at ERE system developed by Dubai’s Real Estate Regulatory company contactHomes, specialists in property management. Agency (RERA) to enhance transparency in the market.GAMUT OF SERVICES And if a tenancy agreement is not registered with Ejari, the customerFrom marketing, maintenance management and RERA the landlord can be liable for a ne of Dh50, 000. Since care departmentguidance to tenancy renewals and rental increases, ERE March 2010, it has become a legal requirement to register of ERE HOMES onHOMES o ers the whole range of services in property all rental contracts with Ejari,” says “Our team is always up-to-date with the MAINTENANCE IS KEY 800MYERElatest market movements, and are expert at negotiations ERE HOMES also advises homeowners to keep their (80069373)so we can guarantee you the best achievable rent. You properties well-maintained at all times to gain maximumcan trust us to take care of rent collection. If the rent return on investment. “Preventative maintenanceis paid in several instalments, we will ensure we bank of air conditioning, plumbing and electrical can beyour post-dated cheques in line with the escrow laws, an extremely low-cost investment, which can avoidso that you are in no doubt your money will always be potentially large repair bills in the future. We also advisesafe with us,” says Stokes. our landlords to carry out re-painting and cleaning upon a tenant exiting the property to ensure it is presentable to ERE HOMES handles all tenancy renewals and prospective tenants. is will help in gaining the highestrental increases directly on behalf of the landlord, using possible rents in the shortest period.its tailored Property Management CRM system. “ isensures that all deadlines are met with regard to any laws “Clean, painted, well-located properties are easy andpertaining to renewal and rental increase, guaranteeing quick to rent out, avoiding long vacant periods, whichlandlords never miss out on an opportunity to maximise can hinder your property’s return on investment,” saysthe returns on their investment,” says Stokes. Stokes. While unnecessary delays in getting a tenant can cost you thousands of dirhams, not having the market It is fairly simple to sign up with a property expertise can get your properties rented under marketmanagement company in Dubai. All you require are a value too. Add to these the hassles of rent collection,few documents such as a copy of your (homeowner/s) emergency repairs and renewals and the list can seempassport, a copy of the title deed and a signed agreement endless. Put simply, a property management specialistwith the property management company. ERE HOMES can make your life easier. Nrecommends that all property owners register their | 80069373
52 | RELOCATIONA helping hand international driving license. However, when it comes to buying a car you requireMoving to a new country comes with its own unique challenges. a UAE license, which you can only obtainThe Emirates Relocation team address some of the common questions once you are a UAE resident with a validyou and your family may have about relocating to the UAE resident’s visa. Once you become a UAE resident you must switch your license to aI My husband has been o ered a job will talk to you about a school/work/ UAE one, as it then becomes illegal to drivein Dubai. How can I join him as soon home triangle to try and minimise your on your international license. Alternatively,as possible? commutes. ey will take into consideration you can use the metro, tram, buses and taxis— Sue Clarke, United Kingdom your needs for your new home and area. to get around.Firstly, you are now at the stage where you Con rm the property you would like toare both excited and nervous about the rent to the agent, provide all the details I I am looking for a good school for myunknown. It’s good to speak to a relocation necessary, and make the deposit payment boys. What’s the process to do so?agent at this point, as they can inform as soon as possible. e property is not — Mahesh Kurian, Mumbaiyou about what Dubai has to o er. Your reserved until the deposit has been paid. Choosing the right school for your childrenhusband will be your sponsor. If you would It is always a good idea to discuss your can be stressful. Talk to your relocationlike to work in the UAE, you can do so employer’s company policies concerning agent, who has years of experience helpingeasily with the correct documentation. these matters with the HR Department. families make the right decisions regarding educational requirements. ere are many good schools and leisure Property moves very quickly in Dubaiactivities available for children and the especially in the rental market. Rent is Dubai o ers a number of curriculums,family in the UAE. usually paid annually, with anything from including American, British, International one to four postdated cheques. A 5 per cent Baccalaureate and Indian. Many schoolsI What documentation is required for an security deposit is requested up front on have long waiting lists and the majorityemployment visa? unfurnished properties as well as 5 per cent of schools require an assessment. Your— Shabir Shaikh, Lahore of the annual rent to be paid in commission relocation agent can assist you in nding aYou will need to provide the following: a to the real estate company, as the rental school with the relevant curriculum that canvalid passport, attested degree certi cate, price doesn’t include these fees. You can also take your children. ey will then also helppassport photos, family details and home choose to go for a furnished property in you navigate the admissions process.address. Once your visa is under process you Dubai. ese are available on a short- let andwill be able to apply for an Emirates ID. Your long term basis, and the security deposit for You will need a list of documents, includingemployer will also apply for your labour card furnished apartments is usually 10 per cent. a completed registration application donearound this time. As part of the process, you online or handed to the school, passportwill have to complete a medical examination You will need a Dewa (Dubai Electricity and visa copies of the parents and children,at a government hospital or medical clinic. Water Authority) connection if you are attested copies of the parents’ marriage renting or buying a home, and it requires certi cate and the children’s birth certi cates, is includes a blood test and chest x-ray. paying a deposit and connection fee. Your among others, for the process.Once everything is complete and documents contract will need to be registered with Ejari,are received, your employer will get your visa this is the regulatory agency to ensure that I I am single. Is it safe to socialisestamped on your passport. You are then a your contract is legal and in order. in Dubai?resident of the UAE. — Daria Selezniva, Russia You will also have to check details related Dubai is a very sociable location andI I don’t know where to live as there are to a gas connection and other utilities. You most communities have a wide selectionso many communities In Dubai. How do I can register with Etisalat or Du for your of activities with clubs for you to join.make up my mind? telephone and mobile connection (pre-paid Remember, there are lots of people in the— Peter Kuruvilla, Colombo and post-paid), broadband and cable. same position as you, so mingle wheneverWork with a good relocation agent who you have the chance. You can pretty much Cars can be rented in Dubai on either learn to do anything in Dubai, so, whether a long or short term basis using your you fancy skydiving, art classes or learning to ski, you can nd it all on o er here. When visiting Dubai, dress modestly as the locals appreciate visitors being respectful to their culture. It’s acceptable to wear swimwear on the beach, and shorts and t-shirts in most malls. When you are visiting traditional areas in the city, it is advisable to cover your shoulders and knees. If you are socialising in hotels and bars, be respectful to the culture; the drinking of alcohol is restricted to licensed areas. e police are strict with respect to intoxicated individuals misbehaving in public. You can also apply for an alcohol license, for private consumption, if you are non-Muslim. For this, you will need a passport photo, Emirates ID, letter from your employer and an Ejari certi cate, plus the | 80069373
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