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Published by prm, 2020-11-25 16:29:06

Description: SustainabilityReport_2018-2020


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Research cluster tackles climate change. 49 No other environmental crisis is arguably more urgent than climate change. It’s an issue that demands scientific Low-carbon city: a trend for the future. knowledge to understand and resolve. Chulalongkorn The development of low-carbon cities is a crucial, long- University has brought together expertise from its term approach to reducing greenhouse gases stemming various faculties, such as sciences, engineering, social from activities in rapidly expanding urban areas all sciences, economics and other related fields, to study around the world. climate change in all its dimensions. The Energy Research Institute of Chulalongkorn The Climate Change and Disaster Management University has obtained a grant from the Thailand Cluster is tasked with studying a wide range of topics Greenhouse Gas Management Organization to conduct a covering problem solving/adaptation and prevention of study to create a knowledge base on low-carbon city climate change as well as disaster management in management. It will also look at ways local Thailand. In addition, the cluster promotes academic administrations can adapt to impacts of climate change. cooperation through a research network with other universities, the industrial sector, private and public The project aims at preparing municipalities for sectors, communities and other related sectors. climate change impacts in line with a sustainable development approach. Workshops on low-carbon city The cluster also helps to develop human resources management have been held in five major centers — with a proactive mindset in order to effectively manage Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Khon Kaen, Nakhon Ratchasima and support greenhouse gas mitigation efforts and to be and Koh Samui in Surat Thani — with 100 participants. fully respected at an international level. Support for greenhouse gas emission Environmental Research Institute (ERIC). reduction. The Environmental Research Institute, Chulalongkorn Assessment of the readiness and efficacy of greenhouse University (ERIC) was established in 1974 in response to gas (GHG) mitigation technologies is one of the activities the increasing significance and necessity of of the Climate Change and Disaster Management Cluster environmental research for national development, and to at Chulalongkorn University. The result is a knowledge promote academic progress at the graduate level. database that helps support a national strategy to meet Thailand’s target to reduce GHG emissions by 20-25% ERIC conducts research on environment-related from current levels by 2030. Such a database also makes problems to provide information for planning related to important contributions to the formulation of research mitigation and prevention of environmental problems, policy and the country’s broader technological and on environmental conservation and development for development. a better environment and quality of life for Thai society. A strong technological base is vital to enable Over the course of its work, the institute has Thailand to meet its national policy targets and become aware of the large scale and diversity of international obligations for GHG mitigation as well as to environmental problems facing society, and some of the reduce social and environmental impacts of economic consequences of development that result in danger to activity and create additional value added. The study human health and living conditions. aimed to assess and analyze the readiness and CU scientists explore Arctic Ocean to measure importance of key GHG emission technologies using climate change. multi-criteria analysis (MCA). Chulalongkorn University researchers from the Faculty of Satellite-based rainfall analysis for flood Science became the first from Asia to explore the Arctic forecasting. and study underwater climate change during a research The Hydro-Informatics Institute (HII), together with Chula expedition from July 24 to Aug 12, 2018. Unisearch, has developed a joint project called “Application of Satellite-based Rainfall for Operational Thailand’s first polar research was organized by The Flood Forecasting”. Information Technology Foundation under the Initiative of Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn in The project has three main aims: 1. To analyze the collaboration with the Embassy of Norway, the National potential and uncertainty of satellite-based rainfall Science Museum and Chulalongkorn University. estimates; 2. To perform bias correction of satellite- based rainfall estimates; and 3. To evaluate the The two CU researchers selected to join the team performance of HII’s flood forecasting system using bias- were Assoc Prof Voranop Viyakarn and Assoc Prof corrected satellite rainfall data and HII rainfall data from Suchana Chavanich from the Department of Marine 2008 to 2015 in the Chao Phraya River Basin, Science. The main mission of the trip was to investigate northeastern and eastern areas of Thailand. how the Arctic Ocean is changing and to measure the effects of climate change. One major concern is that the It is expected that the study will provide an area has turned into a garbage trap for marine debris automatic system for a bias-corrected satellite-based from human activities and a place where greenhouse rainfall database, which is linked to a rainfall-runoff gases accumulate. simulation using the Nedbør-Afstrømnings-Model (NAM). Clearly, the Arctic has become Earth’s first line of The outcomes of the study included an algorithm defense, and explorations and observations on any that can be used to adjust the bias of three-hourly changes happening there are crucial for the planet’s satellite-biased rainfall estimates using rain gauges, a future, Assoc Prof Voranop explained. telemetry system, as well as rainfall data from radar. As well, the study has produced guidelines for using temperature and humidity to adjust the bias of satellite- based rainfall estimates, and suggestions for local calibration of the algorithms of Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation (GSMaP) using observations in Thailand.

LIFE BELOW WATER ชวี ติ ใตเ บื้องสมทุ ร Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development อนุรกั ษแ ละใชป ระโยชนจากมหาสมุทรและทรัพยากรทางทะเลเพือการพัฒนาอยางยงั่ ยืน • Chulalongkorn researchers are pioneers in Southeast Asia in culturing corals through sexual reproduction • With support from Japan, Chulalongkorn has established a center to tackle the serious problem of marine plastic pollution

51 Coral reef conservation and restoration. Chulalongkorn University has long been working on coral reef conservation and restoration to help promote the sustainability of ecosystems in Thailand. The university has been a pioneer in Southeast Asia in mass-culturing coral through sexual reproduction. This technique has been chosen as one of the approaches used for coral restoration in Thailand and Southeast Asia. The university is also recognized as the developer of the world’s first coral-reef breeding method that uses the frozen sperm cells of the finger staghorn coral for cultivation. This is a promising technique that could be one of the ultimate solutions to save coral reefs from further deterioration and extinction. In addition, a pilot project using the legs of a petroleum wellhead to make artificial reefs has been studied, with participation from the Department of Marine and Coastal Resources, to promote the conservation of marine resources in the waters off Koh Phangan in Surat Thani province. The university has also worked with Siam Cement Group (SCG) Public Co Ltd to develop a prototype of a new generation of artificial corals that are closer to appearing natural, with molding technology using up to 40% recycled concrete waste as a substitute for limestone. Management of marine debris and pollution Chulalongkorn University in collaboration with the government of Japan has established the Center of Excellence for Marine Plastic Pollution Studies in Southeast Asia. The center aims to acquire more research data on marine plastic pollution to help promote sustainable management. It is expected to propose recommendations and action plans for reducing marine plastic waste to the Thai government. Realizing that success in conservation cannot be sustained without cooperation from the public, the center has also organized activities designed to raise awareness about waste reduction, reuse and recycling among local residents, especially young people. The center has actively sought cooperation from many stakeholders in carrying out projects and activities. An example is “Samae-San Zero Trash”, a pilot project launched in Chonburi province. Project collaborations • The Department of Marine Science in the Faculty of Science has been a longtime collaborator with UNESCO-IOC/Westpac, particularly on SDG 14 related to the topics of Coral Conservation, Marine Pollution, Marine Debris Management, and Conservation and Sustainability of Marine Biodiversity. • Together with other countries in East and Southeast Asia, Chulalongkorn University has a long- term project on Coastal Ecosystems in Southeast Asia. The project focuses on establishing in-depth data for management of marine biodiversity and marine pollution in the Southeast Asian region.

LIFE ON LAND ชีวติ บนพน้ื พิภพ Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss ปกปอง ฟนฟู และสงเสรมิ การใชป ระโยชนจากระบบนเิ วศทางบกอยางยง่ั ยืน 240More than new species discovered by Chula professors

Beyond Biodiversity: SDGs Hackathon. 53 The fourth Beyond Biodiversity event, a research and educational program that emerged from collaboration Fungi bring forests back to life. involving Chulalongkorn University, Waseda University Hoping to find new approaches to sustainable of Japan and the AEON Environmental Foundation, reforestation in Thailand, Assistant Prof Dr Jittra was a Hackathon to find how to tackle plastic pollution Piapukiew of the Department of Botany leads a challenges. project known as the Use of Mycorrhizal Fungi to Enhance Reforestation of Native Tree Species in The SDGs Hackathon took place on Feb 3 and 4, Thailand. The project has received support from The 2020 at the library of the Faculty of Architecture at Mushroom Initiative Limited, an environmental non- Chulalongkorn University. Each team, consisting of 5 profit organization from Hong Kong, as well as the undergraduates from different disciplines and Chaipattana Foundation, Kasetsart University, Ubon universities and a mentor, brainstormed and produced Ratchathani University and Nakhon Phanom ideas to cope with plastic waste issues within 24 University. hours. Reviving Nan’s forests: Rak Pa Nan. Mycorrhizal fungi not only help improve the To stem further losses of natural resources from survival rates of seedlings after they are replanted, monoculture farming and toxic herbicide and pesticide but also help produce various types of edible use, Chulalongkorn University has been carrying out a mushrooms, such as Astraeus odoratus and Amanita project to restore forests as well as create jobs and hemibapha. So, instead of practising monoculture instill environmental awareness among residents in farming on formerly forested land, local residents can Nan since 2014. earn income from collecting and selling the mushrooms if they let their land be reforested. Since Since 2015, the Chulalongkorn team and 2018, communities in 10 provinces across Thailand associated groups under the Centre of Learning have joined the project. Network for the Region (CNLR) have planted more than 150,000 trees in the northern province. The center will continue to monitor the restoration of the forests and assess the quantity of carbon dioxide being sequestered to serve as a guideline for communities to launch carbon credit programs in the future. Discovery of new species. • A team of Chulalongkorn University researchers studying the biodiversity of millipedes has discovered 91 new species and named eight new genera. The team was led by Prof Dr Somsak Panha of the Department of Biology, who is also director of the Center of Excellence on Biodiversity. Thailand is home to the most complete collection of millipede samples, which is available to be used as a database for the study of millipedes in Southeast Asia. Millipedes are beneficial to tropical forest ecosystems for their role in decomposing vegetation and cycling nutrients back into the soil, and are called a “mobile fertilizer factory”. • A research team from Chulalongkorn University led by Dr Porrawee Pomchote recently discovered a new species of newt in Doi Phu Kha National Park in Nan province. The researchers found about 50 newts on a mountaintop and undertook DNA banding to confirm that they belong to a new species. The presence of the amphibians, named Tylototriton phukhaensis, is considered an indicator of the pristine condition of the forest. The eggs, larvae and adults of the species thrive only in undisturbed forest areas.

PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS สงบสขุ ยตุ ิธรรม และเปน สถาบนั ท่เี ขมแขง็ Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels สง เสรมิ สังคมสงบสุข ยตุ ธิ รรม ไมแบง แยก เพือการพัฒนาอยา งยง่ั ยืน

Center for Social Development Studies (CSDS). 55 “Ecological and social justice lies at the heart of a new politics of sustainability in Southeast Asia, in which all Thailand Challenge: Toward a non-violent life, both human and non-human, is valued and society. respected,” states a vision statement from the Center Contrary to popular perception, Thailand is far from for Social Development Studies (CSDS) in the Faculty of being a peaceful country. In the Global Peace Index Political Science at Chulalongkorn University. 2019, Thailand was ranked the 47th most violent country out of 163 countries surveyed. The number is worrisome; To lay a foundation for that vision, the CSDS so are academic contributions on the issue. conducts interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research on development policy and practice in Southeast Asia Knowledge of best practice and preventive that is innovative, inclusive and sustainable. Some recent measures in the Thai context is lacking even though the research produced by the CSDS includes: “Hybrid body of research on violence, its causes and its impacts Governance of Transboundary Commons: Insights from is quite substantial. Southeast Asia”; “Shaping the Future of Mekong Regional Architecture: Reinforcing Transboundary Water In the quest to find practical solutions to this Governance Through Reciprocity” (policy brief); “The problem, the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Water-Food-Energy Nexus: Power, Politics and Justice” the Faculty of Political Science, Chulalongkorn (book); “Knowing the Salween River: Resource Politics of University, with support from the National Research a Contested Transboundary River” (book). Council of Thailand (NRCT), initiated the “Thailand Center for Peace and Conflict Studies (CPCS). Challenge: Toward a non-violent society” project. In many areas of the world, peace seems elusive. In the Researchers from the academic and civic sectors and southernmost part of Thailand, armed conflicts have practitioners jointly produced work on 13 topics, been raging for decades. The Center for Peace and encompassing three levels of violence: self-directed, Conflict Studies (CPCS) wishes to play a role in conflict interpersonal and collective. A seminar on the research resolution by peaceful means. findings was held on Feb 27, 2020. SDG X LawChula. Established in 2005, the center’s objectives are: to The Faculty of Law of Chulalongkorn University is respond to the urgent need for policies on building dedicated to promoting the United Nations Sustainable harmony in the case of the Deep South of Thailand; to Development Goals (SDGs). To contribute to the accumulate and develop a body of knowledge as well as achievement of those goals, the faculty has initiated a experience in conflict resolution by peaceful means from number of programs as follows: the international domain and Thai society; to organize training programs and develop activities promoting 1. The Law Lab for Startups is intended to provide national and international peaceful means; and to law students with opportunities to gain experience in develop curriculum and training projects on peace and working with startup companies, where they can study conflict resolution by peaceful means. and analyze operations and present their findings from a Student Union Chulalongkorn University. legal perspective to those companies. Their participation Chulalongkorn University encourages students to should help strengthen the process of innovation that actively engage in democratic participation. The Student may lead to sustainable development for the startup Union Chulalongkorn University (SUCU) is modeled on sector. the parliamentary system with the executive branch represented by the Student Government of 2. Chula Legal Tech is a collaborative effort Chulalongkorn University (SGCU), and the legislative between the Law Faculty and the law firm Tilleke & branch represented by the Student Council of Gibbins International to encourage collaboration Chulalongkorn University (SCCU). between law students and their peers from other faculties. Participants learn how to innovate legal tools Chula students vote directly for the SGCU and services while applying new technology to facilitate president as well as nine other executives through an access to legal services and enhance legal applications online voting system using a mobile application called more effectively. CUNEX. The Student Government is responsible for organizing student activities and clubs on campus. 3. The Project to Study the 2004 International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships’ The Student Council is composed of elected Ballast Water and Sediments is a research program by representatives from all faculties and Chulalongkorn the Law Faculty to recommend necessary measures to University residences. The council is responsible for prevent, control and mitigate the impact of marine budget control as well as ensuring that activities are pollution, reduce risks to human health and living beings’ organized according to stated objectives. survival, and encourage people to generate more income. The Student Union actively looks out for the best interests of the students. When the situation calls for it, 4. Law Chula Student Outreach and Legal Design the Union acts on behalf of the student body to voice Thinking is aimed at encouraging students to study, opinions to the Thai government on issues of concern. analyze and brainstorm legal issues relating to The Union is non-discriminatory and all-inclusive. In communities to come up with recommendations for 2019, the Union was led, for the first time, by a female tackling problems such as homeless or stateless people, president. and domestic violence. 5. Development of Non-custodial Measures for Legal Offenders is a research project to study non- custodial measures for criminal offenders, aiming at providing better protection for the rights of individuals in the justice process.

PARTNERSHIPS FOR THE GOALS หุน สวนความรวมมอื สทู ุกเปา หมาย Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development สรางพลงั แหง การเปนหนุ สวนความรว มมอื ระดบั สากลตอการพัฒนาทยี่ ัง่ ยืน

CU SDGs Platform. 57 Realizing the significant role it can play to drive society toward meeting the Sustainable Development Chulalongkorn School of Integrated Innovation, which Goals (SDGs), Chulalongkorn University initiated the welcomed its first batch of students in 2019. The CU SDGs Platform by organizing brainstorming program combines science, technology and innovation sessions with over 80 faculties and researchers as together with management and design. One of the well as students. The first forum kicked on July 2, four available tracks is called Sustainable 2020 aimed to mobilize cooperation between Chula Development. scholars and the public to pave the way for a sustainable society. For postgraduates, among other notable CU collaboration with government agencies. sustainability related programs, the university offers As one of the region’s leading educational institutes, an Environment, Development and Sustainability (EDS) Chulalongkorn University is well equipped with both program, which provides an integrated approach to advanced knowledge and brilliant researchers in topics such as sustainable development and the modern innovation that could make worthy environment. Instead of focusing only on environment contributions for the public interest. In doing so, the and development studies, EDS studies also cover university has established numerous projects for the areas such as business and trade strategies for benefit of the public. environmental management, energy planning, poverty reduction, natural resource management, green One such project involves collaborative research building and urban development, in addition to core with the Thai Ministry of Public Health to apply climate and ecosystem topics such as climate change, artificial intelligence (AI) to read chest x-rays in the soil degradation, biological diversity and pollution.The diagnosis of tuberculosis. This is the first project of its EDS program’s objective is to broaden the horizons of kind in Thailand. students to integrate their studies across various sub- disciplines in both the natural and social sciences, so Another example is the Chula Smart City for P2P that their results lead to sound public policy and good Power Trade. The university has signed a governance. memorandum with the Metropolitan Electricity Thailand Talent Mobility Program. Authority and Energy Absolute Public Company To enhance the competitive edge of Thai industry in Limited (EA) to create a “Chula Smart City”, which will the global market, the country needs more than state- develop an intelligent power management system and of-the-art R&D labs, but a pool of talents in science stimulate power trading through a peer-to-peer (P2P) and technology from all resources. platform. Together with local industry, Chulalongkorn The university also has established connections University and 27 other state institutes are backing a with national and international sustainable program called Talent Mobility. It oversees the development organizations. They include: transfer of talents from state universities and research institutes to the private sector. Professors 1. International Sustainable Campus Network and researchers join their peers in private industry to (ISCN) upgrade research and development endeavors and meet global challenges. 2. Asian Sustainable Campus Network (ASCN) 3. Sustainable University Network of Thailand This university-industry link has strong potential (SUN Thailand) to help catapult Thailand into the forefront of 4. South East Asia Sustainability Network sustainable development in global innovation. (SEASN) 5. United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) 6. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) 7. Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) Sustainability in education at Chulalongkorn University. As climate change worsens, creating a crisis on a global scale, it is crucial that academic institutions provide education that aims to achieve sustainable development to stem the advancing crisis. Chulalongkorn University is doing its part. It has designed over 1,300 courses related to sustainability and sustainable development. At the undergraduate level, some of the general education courses include “Multidisciplinary Study for Rural Development”, “Global Warming Adaptation” and “Industrial Business Management”. Sustainability is not only part of courses but integrated into study programs as well. One recently created program is the Bachelor of Arts and Science in Integrated Innovation (BAScii) from the

Contact Information: Vorapat Inkarojrit Assistant Professor Vorapat Inkarojrit, Ph.D. Assistant to the President for Special Affairs Chulalongkorn University 254 Phaya Thai Road, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 THAILAND Email: [email protected] Tel: +66 2 218 3341

Chulalongkorn University 59 Sustainability Report 2018-2020 Advisors: Professor Bundhit Eua-arporn, Ph.D. Professor Boonchai Stitmannaithum, D.Eng. Professor Chakkaphan Sutthirat, Ph.D. Editor: Assistant Professor Vorapat Inkarojrit, Ph.D. With Support from: Korb Limsuwan Pornkanok Panta Panu Chaicharoen Chulalongkorn University All Academic Faculties Office of Academic Affairs Office of Art and Culture Office of Human Resources Management Office of International Affairs Office of Physical Resources Management Office of Registrar Office of Research Affairs Office of Student Affairs Chulalongkorn University Communication Center Center of Safety, Health and Environment Center of Excellence on Hazardous Substance Management Layout and Design: Prajak Pornprasertthavorn Photos: Chulalongkorn University Communication Center Nattapol Propateep Sithipat Meesap School of Agricultural Resources CU Photo Club Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts Chula Zero Waste Porrawee Pomchote, D.Sc.

254 Phaya Thai Road, Pathumwan Bangkok 10330 THAILAND

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