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Summer Assignment I.T. - Ananya

Published by ananyayadav05102007, 2022-05-08 09:53:04

Description: Summer Assignment I.T. - Ananya


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Different Accessibility Options Hardware and software technologies that help visually or physically impaired people to use the computer. There are basically 5 types of accessibility options, lets's take a look at them one by one:- # Sticky Keys ● Sticky keys are an accessibility feature of some graphical user interfaces which assists users who have physical disabilities or help users reduce repetitive strain injury. ● Sticky keys functionality is available on/in Microsoft Windows, macOS, and chromeOS as Sticky Keys, and on Unix/X11 systems as part of the AccessX utility. ● Sticky Keys was first introduced to System 6 as part of the Easy Access extension, which also included mouse keys functionality ● Without pressing other keys, press the SHIFT key five times to enable Sticky Keys

# Toggle Keys ● ToggleKeys is a feature of Microsoft Windows. It is an accessibility function that is designed for people who have vision impairment or cognitive disabilities. ● Microsoft first introduced ToggleKeys with Windows 95. The feature is also used in later versions of Windows ● ToggleKeys can be toggled on and off through the Accessibility Options or Ease of Access Center in the Windows Control Panel. # Filter Keys ● Filter Keys is an accessibility feature that instructs the keyboard to ignore brief or repeated keystrokes in order to make typing easier for users with hand tremors. ● Microsoft first introduced FilterKeys with Windows 95. The feature is also used on later versions of Windows. ● FilterKeys is turned on by holding the right shift key for 8 seconds.

# Sound Sentry ● Sound Sentry is an accessibility feature designed for people who have difficulty hearing system sounds generated by the computer ● It allows you to change the settings to generate visual warnings, such as a blinking title bar or a screen flash, whenever the computer you are using generates a sound. ● To enable the sound sentry option => to click on Use Text Or Visual Alternative for sound from the Ease of Access Centre window. => click to enable sound sentry # Mouse Keys ● Mouse Keys allow you to move the mouse pointer, pixel by pixel, by pressing the arrow keys on your numeric keypad. ● Mouse Keys is an \"Ease of Use\" feature, that helps users who cannot operate a mouse. ● Press Left Alt + Left Shift + Num Lock on your keyboard at the same time a dialog box appears. You can now turn on the mouse keys.

# Serial Keys ● Serial keys are an accessibility feature that assists people that have difficulty using a keyboard or a mouse. ● It uses special devices such as sip, puff, and breath switches to provide input to the computer through serial ports.

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