������ ������ The Use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Teaching ESL Writing Skills The goal —— To know and obtain the deep understanding and viewpoints of secondary school English teacher about using ICT in learning writing skill. Introduction The Ministry of Education in Malaysia has developed three major plans for using ICT in education 1. For students, using ICT to reduce the existing digital gap between the schools 2. The function of ICT in education as a teaching and learning tool 3. Using ICT to enhance productivity, effectiveness and efficiency of the management system Literature Review EAdvantages and Disadvantages of Using ICT in Teaching ESL Writing Skills • This research show that students interest in sharing their ideas through the blogs. Advantages: 1. The blogger can get the feedback more than one person. 2. Blogs can support students to share their ideas. 3. Students can create their own blog to practice their writing skills. 4. Using blogs in teaching writing 5. Using ICT tools can encourage environment to develop student’s writing skills in terms of quality and quantity.
������ Literature Review Disadvantages 1. Let students have bed attitude and do not serious about learning. 2. Not much pay attention 3. Students may use abbreviations. 4. Students do not participate during the class. 5. Difficult to control the classroom Managing Problems and Planning Activities Involving ICT in Teaching ESL Writing Skills Managing problems 1. Organize the curriculum 2. Give clear explanation to S. by assigned the assignment 3. Leading brainstorm activity 4. Give example for some expected behaviors 5. T. guide S. while doing their research projects 6. Set the rules about teacher expect 7. Set the rules about using language that acceptable in an online environment Planning —— T. can use the social networking tools such as Facebook for creating a group to share and discuss with S. The Methodology Interview (in November 2012) ออ• The researchers review the relevant content and issues and make draft 1. • The experts check, monitor, and give comment and suggestion for the draft 1. • The researchers apply draft 2 with 3 English teachers to get clear and correct content. • The researchers got permission and made consent forms for school principal and all teachers to read and sign. • The researchers construct 2 questions for interview. • The monitor assists to edit the questions in researched language. 1. What are the pros and cons of using ICT in teaching writing skills in ESL classrooms? 2. How do Malaysian secondary school English teachers design the writing activities by using ICT and solve the problem? • The researchers interview 4 English teacher to know their viewpoints of using ICT in writing skill from secondary school in KL. • The interviews are conducted for about 30 to 45 minutes. • The researchers record the audio of interviews.
Data Analysis• The researchers convert the record to written style word by word. • The researchers organize and analyze the data which is taken note and recorded. • The researchers conduct interviews again to check whether the data collections is reliable or not. • The researchers do not mention the real name and instead by using pseudonym of all teachers. Trustworthiness1. Member Check: The researchers ask same the questions and collect the data again from 4 teachers. 2. Thick Descriptions: The researchers got the rich and deep data and information from all teachers. ResultParticipants (Nora, Rinie, Asyikin, and Anne (Pseudonym) • The interviewed four out of six English teachers. • Four teacher were female. • Four teacher are above the age of 30. • Four teacher have at least5 years of teaching experience. Main Findings of the Interviews • Advantages of using ICT Using ICT in teaching writing skills, most of them stated that ICT tools can be useful and effective in conducting writing activities. • Disadvantages of Using ICT The traditional methods of teaching ESL writing make the students bored during the class time. • Nora said that using ICT can motivate students to be creative and learn in an enjoyable environment. • Anne referred to the benefits of surfing the net for the students to improve their writing skills. Moreover, Asyikin responded very positively towards the view of ICT being use for the purpose of teaching writing ⑤skills. • Nora highlighted how the current generation of students use ICT tools outside the school Suggestion It is suggested that if students are able to use the ICT tools themselves outside the school, it would really benefit them if the ICT tools are integrated in the teaching of writing as well. Rinie commented that today’s students are able to do many things on their own including searching for educational related materials online. Disadvantages of using ICT in teaching writing skills: most of the teachers referred to the students’ use of abbreviations in writing tasks, insufficient time and plagiarizing materials on the net. • Nora highlighted that informal abbreviations ruin the students’ writing tasks. • Rinie emphasized that insufficient time for instruction when ICT is used and you’ll spend time with the technical problems. • Asyikin pointed out that you can’t be able to give so much input when you want to use ICT. • Anne was worried about how the students might not be able to relate what they had learnt through ICT to the tasks they attempted. • She also stated that when you want to use ICT, you need to be good at it. Otherwise, students might not get what you’re trying to teach.
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