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Home Explore EDUC801 Prototype Final 051418

EDUC801 Prototype Final 051418

Published by tnsbrooks, 2018-05-14 10:17:27

Description: EDUC801 Prototype Final 051418


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We don’t just teach. We develop what’salready inside of you.

FREEDOM INSTITUTE MISSION The mission of the FREEDOM INSTITUTE is to remove boundaries between age and grade levels, in addition to making education virtually accessible at all times forlearners age 5 to 18. Our digital learning environment has a non-grade framework that is self-paced from a location of your choice, providing learners at all levels with vast flexibility and endless opportunities. VISION The FREEDOM INSTITUTE strives to design, create, and sustain an institute ofinnovation. Our virtual learning environment is at the forefront of emerging technologyproviding access to issues of our time, such as democracy, urbanization, technologicalchange, economic empowerment, and globalization. We are the preeminent intellectual and creative center for effective engagement in a world that increasingly demands better-designed objects, communication, systems, and organizations to meet social needs. 2

CORE VALUES 3 Letting Everyone Access Resources Naturally

Institute’s InfrastructureNot-for-Profit National Standards withAges 5-18 yearsSelf-paced Modules individual milestonesNO Grade Barriers Expert Certification forRemote Access24/7 module completion Free Online Books/Resources Mentor Support Online Parent Network 4

Organization Structure Student & CEO Community BoardCFO CIO COO Mentors Chairs Mediators 5

Learning Structure 6Curriculum includes the following disciplines which are studiedin an interdisciplinary fashion • The Arts • Humanities • Language Arts • Mathematics • Physical Education • Science You can take one class to refresh a skill, or an entire curricular level. You choose your learning experience based on your needs.

CORE 7 PRINCIPLES Based on Ken Robinson’s Creative School Structure (2016)• Health• Ecology• Fairness• Care• i4nPtrhinec8ipcloems apreeteennccioems:passed • Curiosity • Creativity • Criticism • Communication • Collaboration • Compassion • Composure • Citizenship

Grading and AssessmentHave test anxiety? No Problem!AofdSvaknillcseTmaeilnotreisdbtaosEeadcohnSctuodmepnltetion of Modules and Assessment Assessment could include: Creation of a Portfolio Essays Projects Demonstration of Skills 8

Who are we looking to Employ? Leadership Skills for Sustainability• Kelley (2005) states that flexibility in innovation is so important and that personas keep a point of view in motions through a process of change.• To lead in the future, leaders need to be able to renew a culture of innovation that promotes growth. Walk away with the message that anything is possible. Innovation is a way of life and it works. Leaders need to build their own culture of innovation (Kelley, 2005).• Kelley (2005) tells us that people switch roles all the time; they are not tasks that need to be checked off periodically. Success and payoff come when several roles are together to generate a positive force for innovation. 9

The Ten Faces of Innovation 10

Most of All We are Looking forIndividuals that are Empathic • We need to have the ability to understand the wants and desires of our students to recognize what they need when designing and leading The Freedom Institute. • When leading those with different roles, we need to have empathy to fully appreciate and utilize their unique functions to keep The Freedom Institute running smoothly (Gallos, 2008). • Empathy opens our minds to other people’s perspectives to be better problem solvers (Zubizarreta, 2015). 11

Meet Mrs. Smith a Mentor at the Freedom Institute…irtnttehohhphtFatfweheierlae“rnaioriefneilIzrnuddrpueesaiidniidgndtnanstsudahocpogtdtcdiaeimihrliaplfrrmeogviarrelefnraioiceIesedntnntueuetnoseuasriaslgxtctraitcfaoahynpiyalhsntlrtcesuimtcsednysirtyrtolrhtilteeeisleeeufecteenatnsawrodeeaotttatecdmilreosifecvlsetnnuertltahedsesogisctadlnesaoyetaltaei’lehrgo”utnonmdnpiee.roswsdsexitpfitpnnsspycsauatiirglecrugissdrae.nertptnidcesuBiugti.aeteneeraodiynndnactrOlreswclattllanestieueelboouoataslrsatsnretvrskoashunanoestietoe,nvilnttnidlnhennIesislwnqgeeogtc.ttiiudaohanicrBtrneehny 12

InterestIf you are interested in being part of the school board, chat with a mentor and voice your interest. You have the opportunity to be compensated for your participation and assistance. 13

A Day in the Life • Begin working at your leisure, move through as many components as you see fit as modules will autosave while you work. Work for 10 minutes or 8 hours; it is completely up to you how much time you spend on school. Access support through student or mentor chats if needed. • Schedule your “work/school time” around social activities within your community to maximize participation and interaction with your family and friends. 14

References• Gallos, J. V. (Ed.). (2008). Business leadership. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.• Kelley, T. (2005). The ten faces of innovation. New York, NY: Doubleday.• Robinson, K., & Aronica, L. (2016). Creative schools: The grassroots revolution that's transforming education. NY, NY: Penguin Books.• Zubizarreta, R. (2015). Creating an Empathetic Board: The Power of Feeling “Gotten”. Board Leadership, 2015(142), 1-4. doi:10.1002/bl.30029 15

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