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Home Explore Bailey Baker

Bailey Baker

Published by bailey.baker, 2016-01-14 11:13:43

Description: JournalEntries


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          ​ My journal entries 2015-2016 By: Bailey Baker   

        Journal Entries ­ Bailey Baker ­ 2015­2016 Some things I find interest in is….I love history, music, reading/books, drawing(even though I’m not good at itsometimes!) I love singing, and playing the guitar. All of these things interest mebecause all of them are very unique in their own way. I love different bandssuch as Fall Out Boy, All Time Low, My Chemical Romance, Panic! At The Disco,Green Day, Of Mice And Men, Black Veil Brides, 5 Seconds Of Summer, andOne Direction. I love the Hunger Games, Divergent, The Fault In OurStars,Paper Towns, The Maze Runner, Suicide Notes From Beautiful Girls, andBring Me The Horizon.Some accomplishments I have had are….Okay it’s not really an accomplishment but when i got my first pump in thirdgrade. It made my diabetic life so much better!A person that I really admire is……There are way too many people, but I’ll try to list them all. Gerard Way, PatrickStump, Brendon Urie, Mikey Way, Billie Joe Armstrong, Tris Prior, Four(TobiasEaton), Katniss Everdeen, Peeta Mellark, Hazel Grace Lancaster, AugustusWaters,Newt(The maze runner),Captain America, Loki, and last but not least,my family.

I would describe myself as……I don’t know what I would describe myself as I guess a professional fangirl! It’ssupposed to be funny. Creative maybe? I don’t know. I don’t like myself Iabsolutely hate myself with all my heart.What Thanksgiving means to me…………It is a time to give thanks to your loved ones and to appreciate that some ofyour family is still alive to celebrate Thanksgiving with you! My aunt Julie died in2013 and my uncle Dallas died this year(my dad’s side of the family) So yeaha lot of people on my dad’s side of the family is in heaven.This Thanksgiving holiday was……Good I guess I didn’t really do much, all I did was stay up all night and sleeplate!It really gets on my nerves when…..When someone is rude for no reason. It’s just like, we didn’t do anything toyou so why fuss at us? Or when someone hates on something you like. I likea lot of bands and most people are just like “Hahaha you’re an emo!” Like no.Just n0. But most of all when I am tired and I have to stay up all night longjust because of a low blood sugar. That is the most annoying thing ever.My favorite game is…..My favorite game is Legend Of Zelda. I have actually never played it, but I knowthe main idea. The main character,Link, has to save princess Zelda who has

been captured. I know it sounds like something only girls would play but guysactually play Legend Of Zelda too!!!I like to spend my free time doing…..I like to spend end my free time listening to music and reading books. Irecently started listening to a band called “Sleeping With Sirens” and myfavourite song by them so far is “Trophy Fathers Trophy Sons” It is actuallyreally sad.My dream house would be…..I really don’t know I’m only 12 I don’t really pay attention to houses becausemost of the time I’m drowned out in my music. Because music helps merealize the difference between reality and a paper town. For example, Sumteris a paper town. Everything is just so fake about it, paper town full of paperpeople. Which is supposed to mean this is a fake town full of fake people.But when I listen to music (mainly rock) it takes me to this place wherepeople aren’t fake and people actually care about you, no bullying and nosuicide. And lots of sass!This holiday I would like to…..I already know me and my family aren’t doing much so I don’t really haveanything I would like to do. I would like to actually read a book. I have beendying without reading, It’s just super boring without books. My mom has alreadytold me that I am getting a book for christmas so yay!!!!My holiday break was….

Basically what I mentioned above. We didn’t do much as expected. All I didwas basically stay up all night and sleep all day and eat. I got a new computerfrom my grandma and it’s a windows 10 (it is literally the biggest computer Ihave ever seen) But it helps a lot with typing. And I got a TARDIS fromdoctor who but it’s a cute replica. Oh and me mentioning the book above Iactually got two books; I got Me And Earl And The Dying Girl. I am already onpage 102!! But I also got the first book to the shadowhunters series. It’ssupposed to be a good series and it is almost as big as the Harry Potterbooks and that’s a good thing!My new year’s resolution is….I didn’t make a new year’s resolution, I’m happy with everything I’ve got. Maybelose weight or somewhere along that line, but I mean, how many people everkeep that resolution? Not many people so I probably won’t stick to thatresolution even though I didn’t make one. Why you may ask, well, there is onlyone answer to that question; pizza. Pizza is always the answer. Sad? Pizzawon’t say anything to hurt your feelings. Happy? It’ll make you even happier! OhI seriously just came up with a resolution, read as many books as I canpossibly read this year. I’ll probably keep that resolution.Quote for 1/12/16…“Don’t ever let the media tell you what your body is supposed to look like,you’re beautiful just the way you are. Keep it ugly. ~ Gerard way (picture onthe next page. He makes me so confident in myself you would neverunderstand).

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