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Home Explore Comparison Adjective

Comparison Adjective

Published by Teacher.Orawan Pudmon, 2021-08-15 13:08:25

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Comparison Adjective Worksheet By Teacher. Orawan Pudmon Wad Phuchnimit (Kamsawad radbamrung) School

Name..........................................................................Class................................ Comparison Writing ข้นั ปกติ ข้ันกวา่ ข้นั สูงสดุ ความหมาย tall taller tallest สูง short shorter shortest สั้น small smaller smallest เลก็ young younger youngest หนุ่ม thick thicker thickest หนา fast faster fastest เร็ว old older oldest แก่ long longer longest ยาว great greater greatest sweet sweeter sweetest ยอดเย่ยี ม deep deeper deepest หวาน ลกึ

Name.......................................................................Class................................... Comparison Writing ขนั้ ปกติ ขน้ั กวา่ ขั้นสูงสดุ ความหมาย big bigger biggest ใหญ่ thin thinner thinnest บาง fat fatter fattest อว้ น hot hotter hottest ร้อน sad sadder saddest เศร้า wet wetter wettest เปียก brave braver bravest large larger largest กลา้ หาญ nice nicer nicest ใหญ่ safe safer safest ดี wide wider widest ปลอดภัย กว้าง

Name......................................................................Class................................... Comparison Writing ขนั้ ปกติ ข้นั กว่า ข้ันสูงสดุ ความหมาย ripe riper ripest สุก true truer truest จริง happy happier happiest easy easier easiest มคี วามสขุ lazy lazier laziest ง่าย pretty prettier prettiest ขเ้ี กียจ dry drier driest สวย clever cleverer cleverest แห้ง narrow narrower narrowest ฉลาด shallow shallower shallowest แคบ good better the best ต้ืน ดี

Name.............................................................................class………………………… Comparison Writing ข้นั ปกติ ข้นั กว่า ขัน้ สูงสดุ ความหมาย little less least น้อย bad worse worst เลว far farther fartest ไกล much/many more most มาก few fewer fewest น้อย useful more useful most useful มีประโยชน์ careless more careless most careless ประมาท handsome more handsome most handsome หลอ่ expensive more expensive most expensive แพง beautiful more beautiful most beautiful สวย difficult more difficult most difficult ยาก

Name..............................................................................Class............................. Read and choose true or false elephant frog snail rhino butterfly giraffe An elephant is smaller than a mouse. A giraffe is taller than a frog. A rabbit is slower than a snail. A rhino is heavier than a butterfly.

Name..............................................................................Class............................. Comparison Writing basketball goft football small/big 1) A football is ……………….. than a goft. 2) A goft is ………….than a football. 3) A golf is ………………………………. 4) A basketball is ……………………. a football. 5) A football is the…………………………………..

Name.............................................................................Class.............................. Comparison Writing Jack Mark Jane Joe 175 cms 160 cms 105 cms 120 cms short/tall 1) Mark is …………………… than Joe. 2) Jack is the……………………………... 3) Joe is …………………………………..Jane. 4) Jack is …………………….. than Mark. 5) Joe is the……………………………………

Name..........................................................................Class................................. Comparison Writing Tom Jack Jone fat/thin 1) Tom is ……………………than Jack. 2) Jack is ……………………… than Jone. 3) Tom is the…………………………………. 4) Jone is the………………………………. 5) Jone is ……………………than Tom.

Name.........................................................................Class................................. Comparison Writing Jass Jin June beautiful/ugly 1) Jass is ………………………… than Jin. 2) Jass is the………………………... 3) Jin is …………………….. than June. 4) June is ……………………… than Jass 5) June is the………………………………………

Name........................................................................Class................................... Comparison Writing Anna (45) Yaya (29) Mama (18) old/young 1) Anna is the ……………… 2) Yaya is ………………. than Mama. 3) Mama is …………… 4) Mama is ………….. than Anna. 5) Yaya is ………….. than Anna.

Name...........................................................................Class................................ Comparison Writing bin 20kgs. gift 8 kgs. basket 10 kgs. heavy/light 1) A bin is …………………. than a gift. 2) A gift is ………………….. 3) A bin is the …………………. 4) A gift is ……… than a basket. 5) A basket is ………………….than a bin.

Name............................................................................Class.............................. Comparison Writing elephant cat tiger mouse big/small 1) An elephant is the………………… 2) A tiger is ……………………. than a cat. 3) A mouse is the ………………………… 4) A cat is ………………………. than a tiger. 5) An elephant is ……………… than a tiger.

Name...........................................................................Class............................... Comparison Writing armchair sofa chair comfortable /uncomfortable 1) A sofa is the………………… 2) A chair is ……………………. than a sofa. 3) A chair is the ………………………… 4) An armchair is ………………… than a chair. 5) A sofa is …………………… than an armchair.

Name.........................................................................Class.................................. Comparison Writing bag 199B book 100B pencil box 25 B cheap/expensive 1) A pencil box is the………………… 2) A book is …………………than a pencil box 3) A bag is the ………………………… 4) A bag is ……………… than a book. 5) A pencil box is ………………… than a bag.

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