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Home Explore Summer Newsletter 2016

Summer Newsletter 2016

Published by hannah.martin, 2016-08-15 05:38:47

Description: Summer Newsletter 2016


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Bournemouth/Poole/Christchurch Changing People’s LivesSummer Newsletter 2016 @YMCA BournemouthNew Child Contact YMCA Bournemouth Youth Project updates Sponsored &Centre at YMCA becomes Talbot Heath - #GiveaVoice and printed byBournemouth Sainsbury’s Charity Partner Skydive of the YearRead more on page 7 Read more on page 3 Read more on page 6

Bournemouth/Poole/Christchurch Update from the Chaplaincy TeamThe Chaplaincy team have been A new project in partnership young people. The balls used arebuilding up their involvement in with Coastline Vineyard Church also slightly smaller and heaviervarious areas. They now run the and Bournemouth Youth Service, than a standard football to aid inOvercomers Outreach support group has also been developed. This the skill development. The messageaimed at the residents living in the is an exciting football project in communicated is that creativityYMCA hostel in Bournemouth. The Boscombe Chine gardens, where is not all about fine drawings andaim is to provide a valuable support young people aged 11-19 come to painting, but that we can use andnetwork to help residents break play street soccer. Street soccer rules develop creativity in every area ofaddiction and stay accountable as are slightly different from normal life. The team of youth workers lookgroup attendees share their trials football. The aim is to encourage to engage and support the youngand victories with one another. young people to be creative and people in the opportunities whenThe 12 step principles of Alcoholics look to use their skills to take the a team is waiting to play. So far itAnonymous along with the bible are ball past a member of the opposite has been a great start to the projectused, and it is amazing how the Holy team. This aim is reflected in the with young people taking part fromSpirit works in people’s lives and way the scoring works. The games a whole host of ethnic backgrounds.encourages them in their recovery. are won by either scoring two goals This has been great for breakingOne of our residents has now been or by one player nut-meg’ing their down social stereotypes, these‘clean’ for over a year. opponent, this makes the games projects are a means to helping short and fast paced to engage the people change their lives.Date: Thursday 13thOctober 2016 at 7.30pm(doors open 6.45pm)Venue: West Cliff BaptistChurch, Poole Road,Bournemouth, BH4 9DNTickets: Early bird £10 The Soul in the Machine(before 31/8/16 or £12after) Thursday 13th October We are delighted to tell you that YMCA Bournemouth have booked Saltmine Theatre Company to perform a new production they have written on George Williams, founder of the YMCA in 1844.Purchase today! “The Soul in the Machine” follows George Williams’ journey from growing up in Bridgwater, attending schoolVisit in Tiverton then heading to London to begin work. It was then that seeing the deprivation, lack of supportor Keith Jones Book shop for young men and the need of evangelisation in2 Hinton Road, Bournemouth, Victorian England, George founded the Young Men’s Christian Association – YMCA. A place where in theBH1 2EE or call 01202 292 272 middle of the “Big Smoke” the soul could find rest and be nurtured.

#GiveaVoice Campaign THE CHATTERBOXES On 6th June 2016 YMCA celebrated 172 years of giving young people a voice. PART OF YMCA BOURNEMOUTH Young people, YMCA staff, volunteers and supporters came together under the “I love Chatterboxes because it’s #GiveaVoiceYMCA campaign designed to a safe place where I can talk to highlight the work YMCA does in supporting people who understand me and young people to have their say locally and in the atmosphere is so good. At democracy across the UK. first I was so shy; but now I think it is so cool and it’s the one thing each week that I look forward to.” Celebrating our 172nd YMCA Bournemouth’s disability youth-led anniversary of giving group The Chatterboxes took over their young people a voice. Twitter account sharing their experiences. This included projects they have been #GiveaVoiceYMCA involved in, differences they have made, volunteering opportunities and how YMCAWith all YMCA’s taking part Bournemouth/Chatterboxes have given#GiveaVoice was trending them a voice.on the day!Sky Dive 2016On Saturday 25th June, seven brave jumpers • Enable Chatterboxes to deliver Equality and Diversitytook to the skies at GoSkyDive in Salisbury Conferences for pupils across Dorset which focuses on antiraising money for YMCA Bournemouth. All discriminatory practices and what young people should dosky divers are well on their way to exceeding to tackle this.their £400 targets to help support the • Employ older Chatterbox members to deliver disabilityChatterboxes – our disability youth-led awareness workshops/sessions in schools and youthproject. settings over a year. This will raise awareness whilst buildingJumpers included YMCA Bournemouth’s confidence of members.Executive Director Jackie Weeden and Cllr • Help allow The Chatterboxes to run awareness eventsChristopher Wakefield. Cllr Wakefield has about disabilities and discrimination.first-hand experience of the challenges • Buy computers/film equipment which would enablefamilies face when a loved one has autism. youth projects to design magazines and create films aboutJoely, a Chatterbox member with Aspergers youth volunteering.said: “Chatterboxes has improved my life Visit @Chat_boxes for more informationand enabled my autism to blossom. Thanksto the Chatterboxes I am now a multi-award winning autism activist and a secondplace finalist for the world-wide ANCAAustism Awards. I wouldn’t be in a positionof happiness without the Chatterboxes.Volunteering remains the best decision ofmy life.”This money means they can continue tosupport and help disabled young peoplehave their voice heard. Here are a few waysthis money can go towards helping:

Equality and DiversityWorkshops at NCS On the 5th and 6th July the Chatterboxes, Young Citizens and TEAM projects worked together to deliver workshops about discrimination, diversity and equality to young people who were on the NCS (National Citizens Service) programme. Throughout the two days, they worked with nearly 200 young people aged 15-18 years old. They ran lots of activities over the course of the 2 days which focused on different types of discrimination, hate crimes and discussed the UK Laws about the Equality Act 2010. “We helped them learn and understand things whilst having a bit of fun along the way. There were lots of discussions about stereotypes and what makes people different. It was lots of fun but very tiring” said Raymond and Cameron from the Chatterbox Project.Volunteer Awards New Volunteer of the Year: Pacha RukasupAt the beginning of June, YMCA Bournemouthcelebrated Volunteers Week. We were Volunteer Group of the Year:overwhelmed by the sheer amount of Everyone is Differentnominations received. These were the winnersof each category:Young Volunteer of the Year: Ethan Sevoirand Jack Searle (joint winners)Inspirational Volunteer of the Year:Sinead Moss TannamOutstanding Contribution:Tia Quinn Overall Volunteer of the Year: Robert Aveyard Robert has been volunteering for the YMCA for over 7 years both with The Chatterboxes and YMCA Youth Projects in various roles. “Robert thrives in making a difference and volunteers over 10 hours per week demonstrating a passion and commitment in supporting young people with disabilities to achieve their full potential.”Congratulations to all nominees and winners.

European YMCA Bournemouth are very excited to beVoluntary welcoming 5 EVS students from YMCA’s in Romania, Spain and Germany to join our Youth, Marketing and Chaplaincy teams for a year. Here is a bit about each student:Service (EVS) Irene FernándezCupse Home Country: SpainMarianGeorge What role will you have at YMCA Bournemouth? Chatterboxes Youth ProjectHome Country: Romania Why did you choose YMCA Bournemouth andWhat role will you have at YMCA Bournemouth? what are you looking to achieve/learn? Irene hasChaplaincy experience working with disadvantaged people and with young people. Her vocation has alwaysWhy did you choose YMCA Bournemouth and been social services and to assist people in socialwhat are you looking to achieve/learn? I chose excluded situations. “I see this project at YMCAYMCA Bournemouth because I like the projects Bournemouth as my dream.”that it delivers and would like to develop mylanguage and communication skills in workingwith them. I like the cultural diversity in Englandand am eager to learn from living in such aculture.What is your life ambition? I would like to find agood job and to settle down with a family.Paula del AndreeaOlmo Nickname: Dede LazarHome Country: Spain Home Country: A small town in Romania, surrounded byWhat role will you have at YMCA mountains, called Baia Mare (River of the ladies).Bournemouth? Youth Centres A bit about Andreea: Andreea spent her childhood with herWhy did you choose YMCA Bournemouth and grandparents in a small village. After she started high-school,what are you looking to achieve/learn? This Andreea joined YMCA Baia Mare voluntary team. By doingrole has direct contact with children/young voluntary work she made a lot of friends and learnt a lot ofpeople, something Paula is really passionate things about herself and how much you can help others byabout doing. In fact, youth constitutes the doing small group in which she wants to specializeand work with in the future. She is motivated What role will you have at YMCA Bournemouth? Andreeato create networks to empower young chose to volunteer at YMCA Bournemouth because she grewpeople and help those from disadvantaged up in the “YMCA family” and wants be a part of the biggerbackgrounds. She hopes to learn about the YMCA family. At YMCA Bournemouth Andreea will work withEnglish culture, other volunteers of different the Events, Marketing & Fundraising Team.backgrounds and learn from young peopleand youth workers. What is your life ambition? Andreea said “I don’t have a specific plan for my life, but wherever I go and whatever I do, I’ll be glad if I can inspire others.”

Franziska Scharf Nickname: Franzi Home Country: A small village called Wünschendorf, inSainsbury’s central Germany. Fun fact: When you translate it intoCharity Partner English it is “wish-village”.of the Year What role will you have at YMCA Bournemouth? Youth Action Why did you choose YMCA Bournemouth? Franziska really likes to work with children/youth and thinks YMCA Bournemouth is the perfect opportunity for experience with both. She is excited to grow her personality, cultural consciousness and Christian faith as well as improve her English skills What is your life ambition? “To be open to whatever comes next” Sainsbury’s Talbot Heath customers and colleagues have voted YMCA Bournemouth as their store Charity of the Year.The voting process started in such as awareness-raising and YMCA and the areas that theseMay when we presented to fundraising in-store, volunteering workshops cover. I myself wasTalbot Heath store’s Great Place and donations. surprised by just how varied theTo Work (GPTW) Group, which YMCA Bournemouth services areconsists of Sainsbury’s Managers The Sainsbury’s Local Charity of now, especially when it comes toand staff who are a voice of all the Year scheme gives customers helping young people with sometheir colleagues. They shortlisted the opportunity to vote for a of life’s biggest challenges andthree charities for the customers registered local charity to be problems. I was also surprisedand colleagues to vote for in- supported by the stores on a to hear about some of the greatstore and on-line. local level for a year. This is about help they offer families. We look supporting causes which tackle forward to partnering with YMCAThis process is repeated for every local needs and make a positive this year and supporting themSainsbury’s store throughout the difference to the local community. with some of their amazingUK, and the Local Charity of the Since 2009 the scheme has raised events.”Year process this year received over £11 million.over 1.9 million customer votes,which is outstanding! Thank you Gordon Silvesterso much if you voted for us. store manager atSainsbury’s want to make asbig an impact as possible in our Sainsbury’s Talbotlocal communities. So everyyear they work together with Heath said “We attheir customers and colleaguesto support a local cause at the Sainsbury’s Talbotheart of the local community.These are holistic partnerships Heath are delightedthat last for the whole yearand include a range of support that the YMCA is our chosen Charity of the Year, I know that our team here were very impressed with the various workshops that are run by the

CONTACTCENTREPART OF YMCA BOURNEMOUTH YMCA Bournemouth launch new Child Contact Centre We believe that being part of a healthy, stable family gives a young person the best start in life. YMCA Bournemouth offers a range of support for families, we are now expanding these services to include a Child Contact Centre. The Contact Centre will be a safe, friendly and neutral place where children of separated families can spend time with one or both parents and sometimes other family members providing toys, games and facilities that reflect the diverse needs of children of all ages affected by family breakdown. The new Contact Centre will offer supported and supervised contactMost centres and services do depending on the nature of the relationship. Supported contactcharge for attendance, most enables children to develop and maintain positive relationshipssupported centres are low cost. with parents and other family members who would notAt YMCA Bournemouth we will accept enquiries normally have daily contact. Supervised contact is used when it has been determined that a childfor self-refferals at a low cost. Please contact has suffered or is at risk of suffering harmus at Southbourne Children’s Centre for more during contact.information on:01202 434 310 or [email protected] NightThursday 10th November 2016YMCA Bournemouth’s CONTACTannual quiz is in support CENTREof our new Child ContactCentre. PART OF YMCA BOURNEMOUTHPlaying games and YMCA Quiz Nightconversation with familycan bond relationships. supporting vulnerable familiesMoney raised from the in the local areaquiz will help to buytoys, equipment and Date: Thursday 10th November 2016video games to facilitate Time: 6pm-9.30pmsupported contact by Venue: Abbey Life Assurance Companyallowing the family to Head Office, 100 Holdenhurst Road, BH8 8ALbond over a sharedinterest. Tickets: early bird* £10pp to include dinnerThank you to Abbey Life *For early bird please book before Monday 10th October (£12 after)Assurance Company forhosting & sponsoring Visit www.ymcabournemouth/event/quiz-night-2016our Quiz Night. to enter a team or call Sheena on 07824 333 505. YMCA Quiz Master Bournemouth AFC Bournemouth MC, Mike Botto. Would like to thank the following for their support:

Thank you We would like to say a big ‘Thank you’ to everyone who has supported us in the last quarter. Here are just a few: Thank you to everyone Honda and Claret Catering committing to sponsorship who supported our YMCA all kindly sponsored a hole of the fun run for the next Charity Golf Day back in with funds supporting our 3 years. June: Dorset Catering work with families. provided a delicious BBQ JP Morgan had a team help for all our golfers after Ellis Jones Solicitors held at our YMCA Charity Fun their round of golf at a ‘dress down’ day end of Run and will be supporting Dudsbury Golf Club. July. us at the Bournemouth Marathon Festival in Broadview Blinds, Right Flirt Cafe are providing October. at Home Bournemouth, refreshments for our Youth PKF Francis Clark, Dorset Team’s Explore Diversity Thank you to all our sky Funeral Plan, Holbourne Conference in September. divers, runners and golfers Dental, Copyrite, Alan & for your fundraising Thomas Insurance, Horizon Thank you to Boscombe & commitment & support. Southbourne Rotarians for Fun RunYMCA Bournemouth were very to have the whole community involved, J P Morgan did a brilliantexcited to be on the seafront job as marshalls and many people commented on how their supportbetween Boscombe and had helped them get round, the AECC school in Boscombe providedSouthbourne recently for their well earned massages at the end, and of course the Rotarians supportInaugural Fun Run, which was a real ensured that more money went to the YMCA’family and community event.Runners came from the local Boscombe and Southbournearea as well as travelling as far asSwindon to take part. They were Rotarians sponsored the eventjoined by the Mayor and Mayoressof Bournemouth, Councillor John providing the medals and bibs, andAdams and Mrs Adams, whopresented the prizes to the children it was great to have Rotarian Drand then started the adult races.The day began with the children at Graham Archard MBE help give out9.30 where Ethan was the winnerof the 1k in 4.25 , with Max winning these medals at the end. Grahamthe 2K in 8.53. The adults followedand Shane Hennessy won the 5k said ‘ It was a great privilege toin 21.40 whilst pushing his child ina buggy!! The first lady was Emily support YMCA Bournemouth in suchStonier with a time of 26.15. a well organised and fun event. We YMCA Bournemouth were also pleased to have support from Tesco all had a great time.’ providing cakes and Sainsbury’s There was a total of 200 runners and providing water, energy bars and this event is definite to continue for raisins. Mildren Construction further years. One runner said ‘ the provided cones and staff to lay outThe more serious 10k runners encouraging marshalls made an the course.started at 10.30 and the first man enormous difference, especially forhome was Adam Mitchell with a those of us who were finding it a bit Raising just over £2000.00 this willtime of 37.16, first lady was Louise tough, I ‘ll be back next year with a help YMCA Bournemouth to helpMurguia at 46.33. residents move on positively, onto band of friends’YMCA Race Director Hannah independent living and employment.Martin said ‘We were so pleased

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