June 2022 The Newsletter DSHS Testing Information Greetings, Welcome to the new newsletter! We have exciting new DSHS COVID-19 Vaccine changes and features. Please feel free to share your thoughts Management Resources and on topics you would like to see featured. Ordering If you would like to be featured in \"Meet the Member\" or \"Artist Spotlight\" please email or call the office. TMA COVID-19 Resource We had an absolute blast at the pool party! Thank you for Center coming out and helping us have a wonderful time. Please like and follow us on our social media pages linked TMA PPE Vendor List below =] We encourage sharing with us, any ideas for fun things, in TMA Knowledge Center Lubbock that all our members can do. Call us at (806) 785-7917 Submit Your Questions to or email us ([email protected], [email protected]) the TMA Knowledge Center with your suggestions. As always, we hope you enjoy this month's newsletter! Mental Health Support 24/7 HHSC Statewide COVID- 19 Mental Health Support (833) 986-1919 Features Dr. KJ Oommen's Newsletter, Neuroscience News. Dr. Sameer Islam's blog, \"Let's Talk About Poop\" Recommended Reads Meet the Member featuring Shiraz Yazdani, M.D. Artist Spotlight featuring Erika Pochybova The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in the text, blogs, links or newsletters, belong solely to the author, and not necessarily to the Lubbock County Medical Society. 2204 A Ithaca Ave., Lubbock, Texas 79410|
RECOMMENDED June 2022 READS NEWS Preorder COVID Vaccines for Ages 6 Months to 5 Years State health authorities are asking COVID-19 vaccinators who will immunize children from ages 6 months through 5 years to preorder the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines that will collectively serve that age group once they're approved. How to preorder. How to Start a Medical- COVID-19 Vaccination Tied To Lower Risk For Legal Partnership Hospitalization, ICU Admission, Death In Patients A medical-legal partnership (MLP) can form when at least With HF, Researchers Say one medical entity creates a formal relationship with at least one legal entity to improve health care. MLPs can help Healio (6/9, Buzby) reports that in patients with heart failure physicians address a range of (HF), “COVID-19 vaccination was associated with lower risk issues, including public benefits, for hospitalization, ICU admission or death compared with insurance, education, those partially or unvaccinated, researchers reported.” guardianship, immigration, and According to the data published online ahead of print “in special education. Learn more. the Journal of Cardiac Failure, these associations remained true even if the patient tested positive for SARS-CoV-2.”
Consuming Up To 3 Grams Per Financial Outlook For Medicare, Social Security Programs Improved Slightly This Day Of Omega-3 PUFAs In Food Year, Government Report Says And/Or Dietary Supplements Tied The Washington Post (6/2, Roubein) reports, “The To Reductions In BP, Researchers financial outlook for the Medicare and Social Security programs slightly improved this year due to a stronger Say and faster economic recovery than predicted in 2021, but both programs still face future insolvency, according to an annual government report released Thursday.” The report found “a key Medicare trust fund TCTMD (6/6, McKeown) reports, that covers many hospital bills for seniors and those “Consuming up to 3 grams per day of with disabilities will be unable to pay full benefits omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids starting in 2028, two years later than reported last year.” (PUFAs) in food and/or through dietary Still, “the projections in the report for Medicare, which supplements is associated with covers nearly 64 million people, indicate a ‘need for significant reductions in blood pressure substantial changes’ to address the program’s fiscal [BP],” investigators concluded in a 71- challenges, the report states.” study meta-analysis, the findings of which were published online ahead of print in the Journal of the American Heart Association. Texas Ranked Worst State for The New York Times (6/2, Siegel Bernard, Sanger-Katz) Access to Prenatal, Maternal says the report found that spending on Medicare benefits covering physician visits and prescription drugs Care “was expected to increase substantially in the coming A recent study ranked Texas 50th years and that some current policies about what among all states in access to high- Medicare pays doctors might need to be revised as the quality prenatal and maternal care. cost of medical care increases, a change that might The study evaluated states based on make the program even more expensive in the future.” six metrics tied to access and quality, but two criteria in particular accounted for Texas' low ranking. Find out which ones. TMA Fighting to Stop Yet Another Medicare Pay Cut – and Looking for System Overhaul After decades of Medicare physician pay cuts – the latest of which is set to take effect on July 1 – TMA and others in organized medicine have set their sights on comprehensive reform. First up, though: convincing Congress to scrap that 2% cut coming due next month. More on TMA's push. Texas' Expanded Medical Cannabis Program: What You Need to Know Legal uses for medical cannabis in Texas have reached an all-time high. A TMA white paper updated in late 2021 provides information on the history of the state's Compassionate Use Act, how physicians qualify to participate in it to prescribe medical cannabis, and considerations of both federal and state law. Download the white paper.
Lubbock CMS Events Farewell to Margaret We said farewell to longtime LCMS Administrative Assistant, Margaret Harper. She has been a vital part of the team and we will miss her! CHECK OUT THE PHOTOS AND ALSO OUR SOCIAL MEDIA TO SEE IF YOU WERE SNAPPED!
Meet the Member If you would like to be featured in 'Meet the Member', email Elizabeth@lcgcms. org
Meet the Member
Support The LCMS LCMS Foundation Now has Foundation Through VENMO AMAZONSMILE AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support the LCMS Foundation every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at, you'll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to the LCMS Foundation. Go to the link below to get started!
ARTIST SPOTLIGHT Erika Pochybova Join our community @reallygreatsite
Much fun from Chicago! Our TMA Alliance Board representing Texas at the AMA Alliance Annual Conference.
As part of your TMA TMPAreAslliidaLenibncbte,yTMW MoAhnitAthellliyaMnceemo membership, hundreds of CME and ethics hours are now available at no cost to you, compliments of TMA Insurance Trust. This is just one of the ways we are working to support you, and thank you for all you do. Planning to open a new Employment Opportunities office? TMA Practice Consulting offers a The LCMS will post employment opportunities here and complete turnkey on our Facebook page for those needing to find practice startup service employment and those who want to list jobs available. that will ensure you You can email your information to [email protected] successfully open your and please Cc [email protected]. medical practice. For more information, contact Practice Consulting at (800) 523- 8776 or by email.
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