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Home Explore PDC Brochure 2018

PDC Brochure 2018

Published by lee.halsey, 2018-05-21 08:42:40

Description: PDC Brochure 2018

Keywords: Solvent Soil System,Pushfit Soil System,Underground Soil System,Drainage,Solvent Weld Waste,Pushfit Waste System,Solvent Weld Overflow,MDPE Blue Water Pipe and Fittings,MDPE Barrier Pipe and Fittings,MDPE Yellow Gas Pipe and Fittings,Pipe Clips,Half Round Rainwater System,Square Linew Rainwater System,Commercial Black Rainwater System,Compression Wate System,Traps,Channel Drain,Flexible Soil Couplings,Pan Connectors,Universal Air Admittance Valves,Universal Weathering Slate,Wool Lagging,Solvent Cement,Temporary Dowmpipe,Twinwall Ducting,GripIt Plasterboard Fixings,Plumbing Sundries,Tec 7 Products,Decorative Cladding,Fascia Boards and accessories,MarXman


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Decorative Cladding TrimsLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magnaaliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex eacommodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eufeugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duisdolore te feugait nulla facilisi.5MM x 2.6 METRES COVING Code 5MM x 2.6 METRES EXTERNAL CORNER Code Colour KDCCOVB5 KDCCOVS5 Colour KDCECB5 BLACK KDCCOVW5 KDCECS5 SILVER BLACK KDCECW5 WHITE Code SILVER KDCETB5 WHITE Code5MM x 2.6 METRES EDGE TRIM KDCETS5 Colour KDCETW5 5MM x 2.6 METRES INTERNAL CORNER KDCICB5 KDCICS5 BLACK Code Colour KDCICW5 SILVER KDCJTB5 WHITE KDCJTS5 BLACK KDCJTW5 SILVER5MM x 2.6 METRES H SECTION JOINER WHITE Colour Code KDCCOVB8 8MM x 2.6 METRES EXTERNAL CORNER Code BLACK KDCCOVS8 Colour KDCECB8 SILVER KDCCOVW8 KDCECS8 WHITE BLACK KDCECW8 Code SILVER8MM x 2.6 METRES COVING KDCETB8 WHITE Code Colour KDCETS8 KDCICB8 KDCETW8 8MM x 2.6 METRES INTERNAL CORNER KDCICS8 BLACK Colour KDCICW8 SILVER Code WHITE KDCJTB8 BLACK KDCJTS8 SILVER8MM x 2.6 METRES EDGE TRIM KDCJTW8 WHITE Colour Code 10mm x 2.4mrt END TRIM Code BLACK KDCECB10 SILVER KDCECCH10 Colour KDCETB10 WHITE KDCECS10 KDCETCH10 KDCECW10 BLACK KDCETS108MM x 2.6 METRES H SECTION JOINER CHROME ALI KDCETW10 Colour Code KDCICB10 SILVER Code BLACK KDCICCH10 WHITE SILVER KDCICS10 KDCQTB10 WHITE KDCICW10 10MM x 2.4 METRES QUADRANT TRIM KDCQETCH10 KDCQTBS1010mm x 2.4mtr EXTERNAL CORNER Code Colour Colour KDCJTB10 KDCQTW10 KDCJTCH10 BLACK BLACK KDCJTS10 CHROME ALI CHROME ALI KDCJTW10 SILVER SILVER WHITE WHITE10MM x 2.4 METRES INTERNAL CORNER Colour BLACK CHROME ALI SILVER WHITE10MM x 2.4 METRES H SECTION JOINER Colour BLACK CHROME ALI SILVER WHITE Page 48

British StandardsHalf Round Rainwater System BS4576 / EN607 / EN1462 EN 12200Half round rainwater gutter and fittings manufactured toRound downpipe and fittings manufactured to BS4576 / EN607 / EN1462 EN12200Square Line Rainwater System BS4576 EN607 / EN1462Square line rainwater gutter and fittings manufactured to BS4514 / EN1329-1Square downpipe and fittings manufactured to BS4660..200 / EN1401 - 1Commercial Rainwater System BS4660..200 / EN1401 - 1Commercial gutter and fittings manufactured to110mm Pushfit Soil Pipe and Fittings manufactured to BS4514 / EN1329 - 1110mm Underground EN1329 - 1110mm underground pipe and fittings manufactured to BS3943150mm Underground 150mm underground pipe and fittings manufactured to110mm Pushfit Soil System 110mm solvent soil pipe and fittings manufactured toSolvent Waste System Solvent waste pipe and fittings manufactured toTraps Traps manufactured toDescriptions and IllustrationsDescriptions and illustrations in this book are for guidance only. No responsibility can be accepted for any errors,omissions or incorrect assumptions. Refer to the product itself if more detailed information is required. Due tothe continuing product improvement, the Company reserves the right to amend any published information orto modify any product without prior notice.The price list does not constitute an offer. All prices are subject to change without notice. Customer attention isdrawn to the Company’s Official Terms and Conditions of sale. Goods are supplied strictly in accordance with theCompany’s Terms and Conditions, copies of which are freely available on request.Restocking ChargeIf any materials are accepted for return, they must be in their original packaging, and will be subject to a 25%restocking charge.CALL OUR ORDER HOTLINE 0800 028 1334 Page 49

SOIL AND WASTE SYSTEM SPECIFICATION SHEETFUNCTIONAquaflow Soil and Waste System consist of extruded pipe sections, injection moulded fittings and traps to efficientlyconvey sanitary waste from all types of buildings.The components in these systems enable the construction of Soil Waste installations complying with the requirementsof BS EN 12056-2:2000, and the Building Regulations.There are complementary Aquaflow Underground Drain and Sewer Systems to provide a complete solution for alldrainage requirements.AUTHORITYAquaflow Soil and Waste Systems satisfy the requirements of the following:The Building Regulations 2002Building Standards (Scotland) Regulations 1990Building Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1990STANDARDSAquaflow Soil and Waste Systems are manufactured, as applicable, to the following British Standards:BS 3943: 1988: Specification for plastic waste trapsBS 4514: 1983: Specification for unplasticised PVC soil and ventilating pipes, fittings and accessoriesBS EN: Plastic piping systems for soil and waste discharge within the building structure1451:2000: PolypropyleneBS 5255: 1989: Specification for thermoplastics waste pipe and fittingsAll components are manufactured under a quality management system registered under BS EN ISO 9001:2000.COMPOSITIONExtruded pipe sections and injection moulded fittings are made from PVCu, MuPVC and polypropylene compoundscomplying with the material requirements of the British Standards. They contain the necessary processing additives,stabilisers and pigments to give products with excellent appearance, durability and performance.MATERIAL PROPERTIESMaterial properties determine the correct selection of a system. The materials used are PVCu, modified PVCuand polypropylene. Polyethylene is used in the manufacture of snap caps to retain the ring seals. Unplasticised polyvinylchloride, PVCu, is a most versatile material: Many processing methods can be used, it can be coloured, is light in weightand has good chemical resistance, fire performance and weather ability. PVCu can be modified to increase its resistanceto higher temperature discharges. Polypropylene has an excellent chemical resistance and can tolerate highertemperatures. Page 50

SOIL AND WASTE SYSTEM SPECIFICATION SHEETSERVICE TEMPERATUREPVCu has a softening point in excess of 70°C, and PVCu soil stacks can cope with short intermittent discharges withtemperatures up to 90°C. Modified unplasticised polyvinyl chloride, MuPVC, has a softening point above 90°C so,in addition to the normal properties of PVCu, it can also cope with higher temperature discharge over prolonged periods.The higher softening point polypropylene, above 140°C, means it can cope with high temperature discharges, such asboiling water, and it is the most appropriate material for the manufacture of traps.UV LIGHT RESISTANCEWhile polypropylene has good chemical resistance, to UV light is poor. Exterior applications requireprotection using paint or enclosures. PVCu can be formulated to give excellent resistance to UV light, and so issuitable for exterior uses, requiring no additional protection.FIRE PERFORMANCEPVCu in almost all forms has superior fire performance to most plastic materials: this makes it a suitable choice forindoor applications as it will require additional fire protection. Polypropylene has poor fire performance: Interiorapplications require protection.THERMAL EXPANSIONPVCu has coefficient of expansion of approximately 0.06mm/m/°C. Consequently a 2m length of soil or waste pipe willexpand by 2.4mm for a 20°C rise in temperature. This expansion is taken into consideration in the design of systemsand components, and must be accommodated when installing. A similar allowance should be made when installingpolypropylene and MuPVC systems.BIOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL RESISTANCEPolluted industrial atmospheres will not affect Aquaflow Soil and Waste Systems. PVC and polypropylene are rot andvermin proof and resistant to most commonly occurring chemicals, so it will not be affected by domestic effluents.Notable exceptions however are solvents, including those incorporated in most timber preservatives. Aquaflow Soil andWaste Systems should not be used for the disposal of industrial chemical wastes.TIMBER PRESERVATIVESBefore any component is fixed to a timber surface treated with wood preservatives, the preservative must be driedthoroughly. The solvent content of wet preservatives can attack and embrittle plastic materials.CALL OUR ORDER HOTLINE 0800 028 1334 Page 51


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