renatadeabreuMedia Kit
AYURVEDA COACHAYUVERDIC LIFESTYLEThe Chopra’s Center Perfect Health Program is acomplete Ayurvedic cleanse designed to create balancein both the mind and body through daily Ayurvedic spatreatments, a mind-body consultation with a board-certified physician and Ayurvedic expert, cleansingdiet, herbal supplements, instruction in Primordial SoundMeditation and the Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga.Renata de Abreu is a certified Chopra Center’s instructorfor The Perfect Health Program.Mind Body
HIGH END MACHINESWorking out and eating right can do wonders for yourbody, but it can still be tough to lose the stubborn fatthat is resistant to your best efforts.SpaHome has the latest exclusive spa treatmentscreated by Renata de Abreu and the latest fat-redutionmachines to get you the special VIP treatment youdeserve.Take Control Where Wellness Meets Luxury Technology
AYURVEDA COACH AYUVERDIC LIFESTYLEEx-triathlete and marathon runner, Renata de Abreuhas been a body treatment therapist and businessleader in the Spa industry for over fourteen years. Withexperience and international certification, in addition tooffering technical consulting for Spa management, sheparticipates in health and beauty programs on Fox TV,Canal Bem Simples and Rede Globo.Her protocols and exclusive courses have been carefullyprepared to ensure positive results in treatments andvaluation of the professional who carries them out. This isproven by the fact that one of her Spas is considered thesixth best in the Americas, with a philosophy based onattention to details and to the individual needs of clients. Renata de Abreu
RENATA’S FLAGSHIP SPAMiami | Sunny IslesThis spa concept created by Renata de Abreu combines health with the latest technologies for body treatment.It’s a place to change your mind and body.Exclusive Renata de Abreu’s Detox program 100% vegan and based on the Ayurveda medicine.Ayurveda Consultation to discover your own dosha and dive deep on the understanding of your mind andbody.Highend machines chosen by Renata de Abreu to help you get to the best results.Renata’s exclusive massage techiniques such as Detox Power Massage, Mais Vida Massage and Slim Massage.
DETOX ON THE GO Spa Home® AromatherapyBring renata’s services to your homeRenata’s clients are the big achievers.And big achievers mean tight schedule.Not to worry, we can bring Renata’sSpa Home to you!Get the most of Renata’s exclusiveservices to your door steps.Detox on the go...• At Home Detox Plans• We Come to You• Making Wellness Easy
SPA CONSULTANT DOES YOUR 5 STAR HOTEL HAVE A 5 STAR SPA? Renata de Abreu is considered the leading Spa Consultant for the best spas and Premium Residential Condos around the world. A Spa with Renata de Abreu’s signature means getting high class demanding women mesmerized. Does your Spa have what it takes to be ranked among the best spas? • Spa Concept & Theme • Secret Shopper • Staff Training • Signature Menu • Spa Services & Treatments • Spa equipment and supplies 5 Star Hotels According to the standard of The Leading Hotels of the World
FEEL LIGHTER AND MORE ENERGETIC AS YOU DETOXIFY ANDCLEANSE FROM PHYSICAL AND EMOTIONAL TOXICITYThe Perfect Health 6-day workshop is a complete mind-body nourishing experience, offered exclusively at theChopra Center at the luxurious Omni La Costa Resort & Spa. During your stay, you will not only feel pamperedand revitalized - you will also learn tools and techniques that you can immediately use to cultivate physical healthand emotional wellbeing when you return home.At the 6-day workshop, you will enjoy:• Daily Ayurvedic spa treatments• A mind-body consultation with a board-certified physician and Ayurvedic expert• An Ayurvedic cleansing diet• Our gentle herbal signature cleanse• Instruction in Primordial Sound Meditation• Instruction in the YogaWHY PERFECT HEALTH?People from around the world come to the Perfect Health program at the Chopra Center in beautiful Carlsbad,California to experience a totally unique wellness program. Whether you are experiencing an accumulation ofstress, illness, or simply want to reset your health and improve your overall balance and wellbeing, the PerfectHealth program can take your life to the next level.Here are just a few benefits of attending Perfect Health:• Feel lighter and more energetic as you detoxify and cleanse your body of physical and emotional toxins• Enjoy more energy, better sleep, and fewer harmful effects from stress as you learn to care for yourself with a personalized health routine based on the ancient health system of Ayurveda• Learn tools and practices that will help you make healthier choices that will feel good every day• Begin implementing healthful changes from your personalized mind-body health prescription that can totally transform your health• Return home feeling rested, inspired and ready to find joy and balance in each moment of your life!
About Our SignatureCleanse ProtocolOur signature cleanse system uses a combination of fiber,oil, and detoxifying herbs and supplements to gentlyallow the body to eliminate toxicity that has accumulated.It provides the important co-factors, minerals andantioxidants that are required of the body’s naturaldetoxification pathways. It supports the phases of naturaldetoxification through the combination of Ayurvedic herbsand other supplements, and facilitates elimination throughthe healthy fibers and oils. When combined with our dailyAyurvedic meals, specifically designed for detoxification,and our Ayurvedic massage treatments, our SignatureCleanse Protocol allows for an experience of deep yetgentle detoxification, purification and rejuvenation thatclears toxicity at every level and leaves you feeling lighterphysically, emotionally and spiritually.
Renata de Abreu Tel. 305 842 0685 [email protected] renatadeabreu.com150 Sunny Isles Blvd Suite 11 Sunny Isles Beach, FL 33160
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