DUNES INTERNATIONAL Volume 5 Issue 1 SCHOOL 29th Sept to 3rd Oct ,2019 Encourage your ward to participate in World Heart Day is a reminder to each one of Spell bee competition. For details us about this life sustaining organ and mark- please refer the circular . ing this day globally aims to increase public awareness and promote preventive measures Enroll your ward for the Asset exam to reduce the global incidence of cardiovascu- as it is mandatory lar disease . To achieve this, students must be educated and be aware of how they can lead Kindly refer the portal for revision a heart healthy lifestyle. Dunes International worksheet and answer key. School marked this day by organizing numer- ous activities; of which CPR session conducted SEP and support classes will resume by Ahalia hospital after the exam. Facilitated by Ms. Neenu Joseph and Ms. Students will disperse at 12 noon from Shruthi Rajagopal impinged the students on 9th October to 17th October. measurements one should take in case of any heart related emergencies. Replica of huge heart displayed in the reception area attract- ed everyone’s attention and the students sta- pled their messages of the day. The morning assembly resplendently showed the im- portance of a heart healthy lifestyle. The stu- dents, staff and parents pledged to live a pre- cautious life and avoid any ad- monitory actions that could threat our heart.
Honesty without kindness is not honesty .Honesty plus kindness helps us to see more clearly – indeed honestly. Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive. There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up. Kind- ness without honesty is not really kindness, and that honesty without kindness is not re- ally honesty. . The students of 5G presented a skit to show- case how we can create a joyful world with love and compassion which is essential in this age where people don’t have time to see the sorrow of others .It was there little protest to be the people with hearts, with compassion in this huge world . On- ly a person who is honest can show love and compas- sion towards his fellow men . The story of Gandhiji’s honesty touched the hearts of the students and they learnt that honesty is the best policy
Root And Shoot Root and Shoot encourages children to implement practical positive change for people, animals and the environment by providing them with free resources and a place to share their success stories with the world. Jane Goodall’s Roots & Shoots recently an- nounced their new twinning program between schools in the UAE and schools in the United Kingdom. Through the program students will have the opportunity to learn about another group’s homeland, environment, wildlife, culture, reli- gion and languages. They will be able to use technology such as email and video conferenc- ing to give the students a personalized look at partner school and its students and activities. The perspectives they gain from another cul- ture will encourage students to express them- selves clearly. As part of twinning program, Ms. Tara Golshan, Executive Educational Direc- tor of Roots and Shoots, UK visited Dunes In- ternational School on Tuesday 1st October 2019.
Student Solar Ambassador Workshop If students, in their early age, learn to make their own solar devices and use them, not only they will likely to be future users of the solar energy but they will also be promoting its usage in their own generations and become Student Solar Am- bassadors. Keeping this in mind, as a part of IIT Bombay’s Diamond Jubilee Celebration- Student Solar Ambassadors Workshop is being organized on the 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gan- dhi, 2nd October 2019. Dunes International School also joined this Historical Event by enrol- ling 100 students ranging the age group from 11 to 16. All the Solar Student Ambassadors assembled the Solar Study Lamps guided by the teachers those who have taken special training in this program. Through this workshop, scientific curiosity of young minds will be piqued towards clean tech- nologies for the future, by making them Student Solar Ambassadors. At the end of the event, stu- dents were allowed to take their solar study lamp and 2.5 W solar panel to home made by them- selves.
2nd October 2019 International Day of Non-violence, observed in a grand scale all over the world as it coincided the 150th Birth anniversary of Mahatmaji. Gandhi Sahitya Vedi, Ab- uDhabi has taken keen initiative to celebrate the 150th birth anniversary of Father of our Nation by organizing a special program on this day at Indian Social Centre, AbuDhabi. The objective of this initiative has been to spread awareness of Gandhiji’s life and teachings, primarily for the benefit of the new generation. As part of the celebration, Gandhi sahitya Vedi, Indian Embassy and Indian Social Center joined honoured ten most talented students from each school in AbuDhabi. As the token of appreciation, the selected students were given one of Gandhiji’s classic books depicting the signature of the H.E. the Ambassador of India. Dunes International School also were delighted to be the part of the special event by the participation of ten students from our school. We hope the occasion was indeed a valuable and memorable gift for the students to cherish. Congratulations to all the attendees.
Grade 4 A - Astitva Grade 4B- Aarav Biju Grade 4C– Fathima Rima
4A Zanitha Babu Shankar 4B Mohammad Haris 4C Fathima Rima
Science Mind Map.A mind map is a graphical way to represent ideas and concepts. It is a visual thinking tool that helps structuring information, helping you to better analyze, comprehend, synthesize, recall and generate new ideas. Just as in every great idea, its power lies in its simplicity. A mind mapping activity was conducted in the class which covered all the key points of the topic. Each student was able to explore their knowledge and develop a sense of searching and inquiry about animals grouped on the ba- sis of their characteristics. It allowed students to comprehend, create new ideas and build connections. Through the use of colors, imag- es and words, mind mapping encouraged stu- dents to begin with a central idea and expand outward to more in-depth sub-topics. And, best of all, it is fun!
Hindi A mind map is a graphical way to represent ideas and concepts. It is a visu- al thinking tool that helps structuring information, helping you to better analyze, recall and generate new ideas. Just as in every great idea, its pow- er lies in its simplicity. Students shared their views and ideas on the topic- ‘Importance of Education’.
Music Keeping rhythm in mu- sic is like walking with coordina- tion. Students learn how to keep beat with shakers, cabassa and tambourine. This is a fun routine where children learn different in- struments as well, which increases their learning capabilities.
Islamic Topic: Making Sure of News Objective: To construct a mind-map, vent showing the causes of rumors and how to pre- vent.“O, You who believe! If a faasiq (Liar) comes to you with any news. Verify it. Lest you should harm others in Ignorance. And afterwards you regretful for what you have done.” (Al- Quran)The students of grade 4 enthusiastically participated in the activity done in the class about Making Sure of News. They have constructed a mind-map about the causes of rumors and how to avoid that.
ENGLISH A role-playing game is a game in which the participants assume the roles of characters and collaboratively create stories. Grade 4 children Participates determining the actions of their characters based on their characterisation, and the actions succeed or fail according to a formal system of rules and guidelines. Within the rules, they may improvise freely; their choices shape the direction and outcome of the
SOCIAL STUDIES A mind map is a graphical way to represent ideas and concepts. It is a visual thinking tool that helps structuring information, analyze, comprehend, synthesize, recall and generate new ideas. Grade4 stu- dents by using this mind map tool, recreated the topic, Forest re- sources of India, Western desert and soil types of India. Apart from the content from the lesson, they elaborated the topic by adding more concepts from the extensional learning practice, my identity and moral education. Cross curricular links too visible in the mind map.
Year Of Tolerance Digital addiction in kids Abu Dhabi, 19 July Digital Children insist that playing endless hours 2019: H.H. Sheikh Abdullah of video games makes them happy. But too bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Chair- much screen time is bad for their psychological man of the Supreme Na- well-being. tional Committee of the Study shows that children who spent less time 'Year of Tolerance', presid- on their digital devices and more time on non- ed over the committee's screen activities, like sports, homework, reli- meeting in the presence of gious services, and other in-person activities are Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak happier. Al Nahyan, Minister of Tol- Limit access when doing family activities, riding erance and the Committee's in the car, or when playing outside. And set Vice Chairman. clear guidelines about how much time child can Sheikh Abdullah welcomed spend watching TV and using the computer. the members of the com- Establish clear limits on your child’s screen mittee, stressing the im- portance of consolidating time. values of tolerance within the UAE community What's next through sustainable initia- tives and projects that en- Wednesday 09.10.2019 hance the role of the UAE Half Yearly Exam begins as a global capital for toler- ance, civilizational coexist- Day / Date Subject ence and human brother- hood. Wednesday Science The Supreme National Com- 09.10.2019 Moral Science / Islamic mittee for Tolerance said that the law on the licensing Thursday Education of places of worship in the 10.10.2019 Math UAE is in its final stages, Arabic which includes the required Sunday conditions and standards 13.10.2019 Hindi /French for licensing places of wor- English ship in a way that reflects Monday SST the image of tolerance on 14.10.2019 the land of the state. Tuesday 15.10.2019 Wednesday 16.10.2019 Thursday 17.10.2019
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