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Home Explore Grade 3 weekly newsletter

Grade 3 weekly newsletter

Published by sheejajayagopal, 2019-10-24 17:58:43

Description: Grade 3 weekly newsletter


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DUNES INTERNATIONALSCHOOL Volume 5 Issue 2 20th-24th October ACADEMIC SESSION 2019-2020 Sneak Peek  PTC will be on 31-10- Writer’s Hub 2019 Activity REMINDER The best advantage of poster making is that it  Students have to pay the facilitates understand- amount for NUTS to the ing along with creative Class Teacher. thinking and extensive research and read-  Students should wear id ing.It provides stu- card everyday and come dents with an oppor- in a neat and complete tunity to learn by do- uniform, with a proper ing,in turn strengthen- hair and nail trim. ing the learning.The students learnt to Asset Question A Day make posters of the story books read with Asset is a scientifically de- their imaginations and signed, skill based assess- creative ideas. ment test. The test provides information on the strengths and weakness of individual students.The stU- detns of grade 3 solved the asset questions by using their knowledge and read- ing skill.

3A-Rishit Bhushan 3A-Aron Abhilash Antony 3B-Mehnaaz Kalim 3B-Joshua Rodrigues 3C– Sai Ashwath 3C-Sarayuu Castillo 3A-Aminath Shazana 3B-Shyam Menon 3C– Arwa Mohammedi

Kiaan Paul 3A Jibril Varghese 3B Niranjana Bijoy 3C

Lab activity Laboratory and practical classes are an important op- portunity for students to actively test experimentally the concepts and methods introduced in lectures and tutorials. Lab work help students learn scientific con- cepts and to enhance students' interest, motivation, practical skills and problem solving abilities. Students of grade 3 demonstrated the evaporation and conden- sation process involved in the water cycle. they learned that water occurs in three basic forms in na- ture and the form of water changes when it is heated or cooled. Students able to ex- plain how rain is formed?

Importance of Fruits and Vegetables. Fruits and vegetables con- tain important vitamins, minerals and plant chemicals. They also contain fiber. There are many varieties of fruit and vegetables available and many ways to prepare, cook and serve them. Students wrote about their favorite fruits and veg- etables and draw pictures and shared its importance with the class.

Morning assemblies are a very important part in a student’s life. Singing songs to start the day has a positive effect on one’s life. Here, students learn a new assembly song with vigor and enthusiasm.

Self-Motivation The ability to motivate yourself.Self- motivation—is an important skill. Self- motivation drives people to keep going even in the face of set-backs, to take up opportunities, and to show commitment to what they want to achieve. Students of grade 3 did an activity where they identified their own impossible task to make into possible. They explored how self- motivation plays an important role in making things possible and easily.

Time helps us to make a good habit of organizing and structuring our daily activities. If we better understand the time value, then it can gain experience and develop skills over time. Time plays significant roles in our lives. The students wrote a sentence about the time to wake up and drew a clock and set the time.

Students of grade 3A conducted the assembly based on the theme Honesty .Students presented a power point presentation on the famous personalities who followed the path of honesty. stu- dents understand that being honest means being truthful in all the aspects of life and it can be achieved only through practice. They learned that we should have the courage to tell the truth and stand for the right thing. They realized that honest people are the happiest and peaceful persons in the world. At the end, they sang a honesty song .

Art Competition was conduct- ed for students of grade 3.They made beautiful drawings with their imagination.

Bharatanatyam is a major form of Indian classical dance that origi- nated in the state of Tamil Nadu. Bharatanatyam style is noted for its fixed upper torso, legs bent, or knees flexed out combined with spectacular footwork, a sophisticat- ed vocabulary of sign lan- guage based on gestures of hands, eyes and face muscles. For the les- son Chennai, there was a live demonstration of this classical form of dance, in which they learned how to communicate ideas by using ges- tures or mudras.

Year of Tolerance Counsellor Desk On November 16, 2017, H.H. Sheikh Mo- What can you do to support child's positive social hammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum named and emotional development? the beautiful pedestrian bridge on the * Lead by example, by modelling positive behav- new canal in Dubai, the Bridge of Toler- iours ance to mark the occasion of the Interna- * Be affectionate tional Day for Tolerance. This was done * Be considerate of feelings, wants and needs to highlight the value of tolerance in the * Express interest in daily activities UAE, a country that brings more than 200 * Respect their viewpoints nationalities together. As soon as the * Express pride in accomplishments Year of Tolerance was announced, H.H. Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Mak- * Provide encouragement and support during toum formed the Supreme National times of stress Committee for Tolerance to regulate the cause-specific local events and initia- tives. This committee, chaired by H.H. Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, recently adopted the official logo for the Year of Tolerance. What Next Sunday Academic Enhancement 27.10.2019 “Festival of lights” Diwali Thursday 31.10.2019 Parent teacher Conference

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