DUNES INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Volume 5 Issue 4 ACADEMIC SESSION 2019-2020 3rd – 7th November 2019 Sneak Peek Carnival will be held on ‘Coming together is the beginning; keeping together November14 ,2019. It is the progress; working together is success.’ will be a non instruction- al day for the students. Children performed mime under the value of cooperation and They can come to school teamwork as a theatrical medium or as a performance at 5 p.m. in the evening art. They involve themselves in acting out a situation through along with their parents. body motions, without the use of speech. They distinguished silent comedy, in which they acted as a character without Each student to bring a sound. They facilitate a silent communication by fostering an story book to create a atmosphere of mutual support in which each participants of the classroom library. team feels supported by the others. This silent communication between team members increases feelings of solidarity as eve- As school observes chil- ryone begins to develop similar ideas about where their team is dren’s day on 13th No- headed. vember, students can come in colour dress. Moral Science and Islam- ic Studies weekly test will be conducted on
Our leadership team at Dunes conducted a friendly football match between the school team and the school bus drivers. We express our gratitude for their consistent commit- ment to the safety and well being of all the students. “Every child is an artist” - By Pablo Picasso The students of Dunes International School participated in Inter School Art Competition on November 6, 2019. It was a proud moment when it was declared that our school had received lau- rels. It was a day where creativity exploded in every piece of art. It was a wonderful opportunity for our students to display their imagination run wild and create absolute magic. It was indeed a very successful event and a memorable one too as all our chil- dren proudly displayed their works and posed happily
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Dunes International School joined in the UAE Flag Day celebrations held nationwide on Sunday, 2nd November, 2019 with respect and fervour. The UAE Flag symbolizes the country‛s unity and greatness and represents the aspirations of the people in UAE. The students were fascinated to learn about the significance of the red, green, white and black colours of the UAE Flag. The entire school gathered for the flag-hoisting ceremony that commenced at 11 am. The occasion was graced by our Principal who hoisted the flag . The UAE National Anthem was enthusi- astically sung by all teachers, students and non-teaching staff who were present for the event. The day commemorated the contribution of the founding fathers of UAE and saluted the country‛s lead- ership. The children carried the decorated flags on their way back home from school with immense pride and a sense of belonging to UAE.
“Of all the arts in which the wise excel, Nature’s chief masterpiece is writing well” The students from grade 3 to 5 had an interactive session with the author Pablo Harren and experienced him speaking about his interest in writing books and film making. He spoke about how writing helps him to be more creative and keep away the problems and struggles from life. He made the students understand the importance of writing and how they can be happy by reading books. The students enjoyed asking him questions about what inspired him to write books and learnt many ways to develop a story and be creative while writing a story. He developed the inter- est in students of writing by giving them few words to form stories. The students enjoyed making short stories and shared their stories with Mr. Pablo. He was happy to hear the creative short stories made by the students. It was overall a unique learning experience for the children with the author.
Dunes International school hosted UAE Social studies forum on 6th of November in which 7 CBSE schools of Abu Dhabi participated. The forum focused on the best practices and assess- ment strategies used in the school to impart UAE social studies. The participant teachers shared the best activities and assessment practices in the curriculum. The workshop overall proved to be highly productive. The core outcome of the workshop was to discuss the importance of AFL strategies to enhance students learning and realize the importance of the use of assessment data to enhance the learning outcomes. The teachers raised the concerns regarding the challenges like time constraint and inclusion of more number of lessons in the curriculum. It gave a scope for all teachers to share their views and experiences.
‘Beautiful hair with beautiful care’ The most important aspect of maintaining good health is good personal hygiene. Hair care is an important part of our hygienic routine as it involves proper grooming to lead a healthy life. With an aim to impart hair-health education in children, Dunes International School arranged a ‘Hair Care Program’ for the students of Grade 3 to 5. The session facilitated by Ms. Noor Al Anssari of Care Direct Health Cares, Dubai. The presence of ‘Mama Moov’ mascot brought fun and excitement in the children and entertained them in an informative way during the session.
‘Rocks and minerals is one of our natural re- source that need to be conserved and it is important to analyze the formation of differ- ent rocks to understand why we should con- serve them. The rock cycle is a basic concept in geology that describes transitions through geologic time among the three main rock types: sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous. Each rock type is altered when it is forced out of its equilibrium conditions. For example, an igneous rock such as basalt may break down and dissolve when exposed to the atmosphere, or melt as it is subducted under a continent. Students were given an activity to draw and label rock cycle. Through this activity they were able to illustrate diagrammatically how the three rock types are related to each oth- er, and how processes change from one type to another over time.
The Revolt of 1857 is also called the Sepoy Mutiny or India's First War of In- dependence. It was a major uprising in India during 1857–58 against the rule of the British East India Company. The great uprising of 1857 was an important landmark in the his- tory of modern India. Even though the revolt failed, it ended the company rule in India and sowed the seeds of nationalism and quest for freedom from the British rule. Students demonstrated the causes and impact of the First War of Indian Independence through mind map, graphic organizer,research- oriented projects
Speaking is fundamental in human com- munity. \"success is measured in terms of the ability to carry out a conversation in the (target) language.\" Therefore, if students do not learn how to speak or do not get any opportunity to speak in the language classroom they may soon get de-motivated and lose interest in learning. This activity was targeted to improve their speaking skills in French. The students were able to clearly explain the ex- hibits in simple French sentences. speaking in class was full of fun, raising general learner motivation and making the French language classroom a fun and dynamic place to be.
Notices are a means of formal communication targeted at a particular person or a group of persons. It is like a news item informing about some important event. It is generally written and then displayed at a public place, where it is accessible to all. It gives information regard- ing an important event that is about to take place. The students of grade 5 drafted a notice inviting the stu- dents to participate in Inter School Dance competition . They were able to include necessary details and used appropriate style and format
\"Advertisements are commercials that are designed to get the atten- tion of the consumers. The pur- pose behind them is to get moti- vate the consumers. It requires a lot of creativity and some quirk. Ads comprise both humour and conceptual presentation. The ac- tivity initiated a thinking process among children Each student pre- sented a unique piece of perform- ing art including language art and media literacy.
Scratch is a graphical programming language, developed by the Lifelong Kindergarten group at the Massachu- setts Institute of Technology. Children can drag and combine code blocks to make a range of programs, including animations, stories, musical instru- ments and games. It’s a bit like the programming equivalent of LEGO! Users of the site can create online projects using a block-like interface By creating projects in Scratch, students learnt to think how to design stuff before building, how to solve prob- lems creatively, they were able to ex- press their ideas that are close to them and worked collaboratively with others. Scratch programming create an exposure to the children to learn programming in their early stage.
\"A 'game' needs to have two or more players, who take turns, each competing to achieve a 'winning' situation of some kind, each able to exercise some choice about how to move at any time through the play- ing\". Mathematical games are activities which involve a challenge, usually against one or more opponents, They are gov- erned by a set of rules and have a clear underlying structure, They have a distinct finishing point and have specific mathemati- cal cognitive objectives. Learning math through games are fun and interesting, Students were divided into different groups and were able to play online game using the site kahoot.it
The 8 L’s of Parenting THE ROOTS OF TOLERANCE IN UAE SOCIETY 1. LOVE your child. For your child to be successful, he or she must feel valued. Your gentle touches, The location of the UAE continues to play smiles and hugs communicate love. a critical role in entrenching the values of acceptance and openness. 2. LOOK for the good in your child and make spe- cific comments on what he or she does well. You Pre-oil economic activities like fishing, must believe in your child's worth before he or she raising livestock and pearling helped can believe it. strengthen cooperation and solidarity among people. 3. LISTEN, without judgment, to your child express his or her thoughts and feelings. If you do not lis- Mechanisms to settle disputes among ten, your child may attempt to gain your attention traditional tribal society played an im- by misbehaving. portant role in enhancing the values of tolerance. 4. LAUGH with your child, not at him or her. Laugh and play together. The principle of tolerance was instru- mental in overcoming disagreement, as 5. LABOUR diligently and with pride so that your well as fostering a unification of positions child will want to work hard, and do his or her best. and aims. 6. LEARN new information. Take the time to read and thus instill a love of learning. 7. LEAVE the television and other media off. 8. LIVE life to its fullest. Take pleasure in little things. 10.11.2019 Moral Science/ Islamic 12.11.2019
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