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Home Explore Grade 5 weekly newsletter

Grade 5 weekly newsletter

Published by sheejajayagopal, 2020-02-20 06:55:41

Description: Grade 5 weekly newsletter


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DUNES INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Volume 8 Issue 3 ACADEMIC SESSION 2019-2020 16– 20 February 2020 Sneak Peek  Access the digital ‘“ Every day is a new beginning, forget about what might have campus on daily basis been and look at what can be.” for assignment and notices. “Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, hu- manity cannot survive.” This quote explains how these feelings are just  Kindly check the a part of humanity, not inessential. This is a paramount topic because circular for the love and compassion are what is needed to get through daily life. One Important dates for the academic year should take this quote seriously because these feelings can help get 2020-2021 through life with a positive attitude that can lead to success. Keeping this thought in mind, students exhibited a skit which explains a world  Own transport stu- with loving, compassionate people will make for a better, caring, and dents to reach the encouraging society. These acts of kindness can keep yourself, help you school before 07.45 protect other people, and boost others and one’s self confidence. The a.m. song in the skit “God vow to protect us at all times from all kinds of evils and be there for us in hours of need and crisis.” left the audience in  Prepare well for the awe. The students worked together as a team and presented a mélange upcoming exam. of thoughts, ideas and expressions.

Progressive Achievement Scales Middle East (PASME) Online assessments specifically de- veloped and customized to suit the diverse needs of Indian Curriculum schools. ACER has developed a range of evidence-based online assessment tools designed to mon- itor the progress of students in key learning areas to effectively cater to the wide diversity of schools and students in the Middle East. The Tests are for students from Grades 3 to 10 and can be administered individually or to whole groups of students on demand. Each test within a key learning area is calibrated to a single measurement scale. There are separate scales for Reading Comprehension, Math- ematics and Science. The tests provide quantitative data on student performance, which can be compared fairly and reliably between tests and over time, and qualitative data which describe performance at different levels of achievement. The tests are ideal for un- derstanding current strengths and weaknesses of individuals as well as cohorts of students and are designed to inform teaching and learning strategies and monitoring of progress through the comprehensive reports and feedback.

\"The mind grows by what it feeds on\". “I’m not in competition with anybody but my- self. My goal is to beat my last performance.” Education and academic competitions are two most important ingredients of human life and these two have always been considered as im- portant . There is no doubt education is secret key of human success and the roots of education lie on competi- tion. A child is born without knowledge and skills, and they continuously participate in competitions every part of the life, developing skills and knowledge through a learning process. Indeed, without competitions, we cannot imagine educa- tion. To make learning more interesting for the students and also prepare them for current competitive en- vironment Math Wizard Competition was conduct- ed. We applaud the efforts and performance of our young talented Mathematicians and congratulate them for their success.

5A 5G SYED UMAR IRSHAD JABEEN SHAHIDHA 5 G1 SOPHIA KHAN Nothing else in all life is such a maker of joy and cheer as the privilege of doing good.’ Keep Smiling !!! Be Happy !!!


“Art has the power to transform, to illuminate, to edu- cate, inspire and motivate.” Optical Illusions can use colour, light and patterns to create images that can be deceptive or misleading to our brains. The information gathered by the eye is processed by the brain, creating a perception that in reality, does not match the true image Op-art, short for optical art, is a style of visual art that uses optical illusions. Op art works are abstract, with many better known pieces created in black and white. Typically, they give the viewer the impression of movement, hidden imag- es, flashing and vibrating patterns, or of swelling or warp- ing. Op art works are abstract, a true Op Art piece “teases” the eye. This lesson was a great way to talk about Line, Shape and Pattern with students. Optical Illusions built ex- citement, because it was fun to see the way the different illusions captured by the eye. The best part about this les- son is that none of the Op Art pieces look the same once they are finished. Many examples of Optical Illusions were provided for the students to help them generate their ideas as they plan.

‘Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.’ Scientific enquiry is essential in developing one’s critical thinking. We strive to propagate these val- ues in our students at every level. With the aim of promoting scientific acumen and equip the learners with 21st century learning skills like critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity, a Science Model Making was conducted. The students of Grade 5 explored and made working model of conversion of one energy to different form of energy. They learned the conver- sion of one form of energy to another form by representing the brightest ideas to make things better through science and engineering. The students demonstrated functioning of models in an impeccable manner and impressed with their exemplary explanations. CRITICAL THINKING Collaboration and Creativity

‘Experiential learning also known as is the process of learn- ing through experience, and is more specifically defined as \"learning through reflection on doing\". Hands-on learning can be a form of experiential learning. It provides opportunities for students to relate and reinforce the theoretical concepts taught in class. The importance of direct experience with objects, materials, and phenomena is that this allows students to build true understanding that is functional and develop the ability to inquire actively. It help students learn scientific con- cepts and to enhance students' interest, motivation, practical skills and problem solving abili- ties.  Here students assembled various simple machines are were able to identify them and ex- plained them.

\"When children listen to music, they don't just listen. They melt into the melody and flow with the rhythm. Something inside starts to unfold its wings- soon the child and the music are one.\" These were the lines quoted by the King of pop music, Michael Jackson, about children and their connection with music. Music is also a form of entertainment that puts sounds together in a way that people like or find interesting. Students learn the basic songs in keyboard including the differ- ent keys. They also understand the position of wrist and the proper fingering. Students learnt to play the basic songs like “Mary had a little lamb” and “Twinkle Twinkle”. They focused on the pitch and tone and also learned the lyrics of the song. The combination of all of these learning styles, strengthens memorization of information and the ability to recall what has been learned. It develops fine and gross motor skills and supports listening and necessitates following directions.

K-W-L charts are graphic organizers that help students organize information before, during, and after a unit or a lesson. They can be used to engage students in a new topic, activate prior knowledge, share unit objec- tives, and monitor students’ learning. The KWL Chart starts students thinking about what they Know about a topic, what they Want to know, and what they have Learned in the end. This note-taking device guides students through a three-step process to acti- vate background knowledge, develop a purpose for learning, and summarize.

“Creativity is just connecting the thoughts and spreading awareness.” To promote reading habit among students , a bookmark making activity was organised in our school. The students of grade 5 Created a bookmark illustrating the central idea of the text which they recently read. This fun-filled activity unleashed their creativity on paper with a message to learn and follow. The students worked enthu- siastically and experimented with different shades of colours to flaunt their artistic imagination. They created and decorated the Bookmarks us- ing innovative ideas to make them look more interesting and to capture the reader’s imagination. Such activities teach students the most valuable lessons of life in relatively less time and at the same time keeps their competitive spirits high.

You can have data without infor- mation, but you cannot have in- formation without data.” Data handling  means gathering and re- cording information and then presenting it in a way that is meaningful to others. Data can be collected in differ- ent ways, Survey is one method of col- lecting data Conducting surveys is an unbiased ap- proach to decision-making.. We can col- lect unbiased survey data and develop sensible decisions based on analysed re- sults. Students have conducted survey with school children on a particular top- ic. They have identified that they can col- lect many information from the data and based on that they drew different bar graph.

The global economy will witness significant economic changes in the coming years and the UAE Vision 2021 National Agenda aims for the UAE to be at its heart As a result, it focuses on the UAE becoming the economic, touristic and commercial capital for more than two billion people by transitioning to a knowledge-based economy, promoting innovation and research and development, strengthening the regulatory framework for key sectors, and encouraging high value-adding sectors. These will improve the country’s business environment and increase its attractiveness to for- eign investment. The National Agenda also aims for the UAE to be among the best in the world in entrepreneurship as this plays a key role in unlocking the po- tential of nationals and enables them to be a driving force of the UAE’s economic development through small and medium enterprises in the private sector. Furthermore, the Agenda strives to instill an entrepre- neurial culture in schools and universities to foster generations en- dowed with leadership, creativity, responsibility and ambition. This will allow the UAE to be among the best in the world in ease of doing busi- ness, innovation, entrepreneurship and R&D indicators. Moreover, the government aims not only to achieve leading positions in global reports, but to also provide a good life for its citizens. There- fore the National Agenda seeks to place the UAE among the top coun- tries in the world in income per capita and ensure high levels of na- tional participation in the private sector workforce.

Parenting Tips………. “To be a parent is the most difficult task in the world”.  Avoid nagging. Gentle reminders are welcome from time to time.  Stop comparing your child with other students and their achievements.  Have realistic expectation from your child as per his capabilities and interests.  Encourage sleep patterns and some form of regular exercises.  Providing a healthy, positive and empathetic emotional environment is crucial, which parents are often forget.  Highlight your child’s strengths. Encourage a dialogue to move ahead from past failures.  Acknowledge that it is normal to be supersensitive and impulsive from time to time. Family members are usually the first targets. Try not to overreact to such outbursts.  Don’t panic when they announce just before the examination that they don’t remember anything. Reassure them, even if you think they could be right. You can say something like this-‘Just do the best you can. We know you’re giving it your best shot’.  During an entire day of 24 hours try to spend at least 15-30 minutes with your child, when you can indulge only in pleasant humoured talk. Remember, the magic of an “occasional hug” or an endearment like JADU KI JHAPPI!!!  Students will disperse at 12 Noon Schedule of Final Examination 19-20 from 4th March 04-03-20 Science 05-03-20 Hindi/French  Spring activities will be conducted 08-03-20 Mathematics from 15th to 19th March. 09-03-20 Arabic 10-03-20 Social Studies 11-03-20 English 12-03-20 Islamic education/Moral science

Dear Parent, Here we are at the threshold of completing one academic year and beginning a new one. Through our years, we have seen tiny wobbly steps growing into confi- dent strides; monosyllables converting to endless banter; hidden giggles turning into open laughter; and most im- portant of all fear and uncertainty being replaced by trust and confidence!!! We feel extremely happy to have played our part in the learning journey of our children and wish them the very best in all their endeavours. Thank everyone for your endless hours of volunteering, chaperoning, read- ing, organizing, donating and doing whatever was neces- sary to support students both at home and at school. Looking forward to having our new learners and our little seniors aboard! With best Regards

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