DUNES INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Volume 6, Issue 4 ACADEMIC SESSION 2019-2020 24-28 November 2019 Reminder Glimpse of the week School ID card is *National day Legacy of our leaders-Special Assembly * Anti bullying *Commemoration Day mandatory for all students. Periodic test will begin on 4th De- cember students will disperse early at 12 noon from 4th December till 12th December. SEP activities and support classes will be suspended from 4th till fur- ther notice. To promote and deeply instill the UAE national identity, DUNES INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL, Abu Dhabi, engaged their students in celebrations on the occasion of the 48th National Day of UAE. Students immaculately presented the Legacy of the leaders of UAE trough a colorful and meaningful assembly. A mesmerizing dance performance and Arabic song, speech in Arabic and English were some of the highlights of the assembly.
Although Commemoration Day commemorates the fallen in civil and humanitarian services, its emphasis is clearly on military martyrs. The reason for choosing 30 November for the holiday was that the first UAE soldier to die in defense of his country occurred on this date. This was during the Battle of Greater Tunb, when Iran attempted to seize offshore Emirati islands just pri- or to the nation’s formal unification on 1 and 2 December.
Grade 2A conducted the assembly based on the theme –UAE Martyrs’ Day. Students explained the reason for marking No- vember 30th as Commemoration Day with the help of PPT. The whole class participation for singing Group song was apprecia- ble. The speech was informative and presented with confi- dence. The students dressed up like Emirati Military Officers, helped to create patriotism among the view- ers. Commemoration Day or Martyrs' Day is marked annually on November 30th in the United Arab Emirates, recognizing the sacrifices and dedication of Emirati martyrs who have given their life in the UAE and abroad in the field of civil, military and humanitarian service.
\"Students of grades 3 to 5 had their sports day preliminary rounds on 26th and 27th November 2019. All the students have given equal opportunity to show their talents and best performers have been selected to participate in the up- coming sports day. Almost all the students have actively participated with the sports- man spirit and encouraged others victory\"
Bullying Bullying exists in many forms, including physical aggression, name-calling and spreading rumors. Preventing and stopping bullying involves a commitment to creating a safe environment where children can thrive, socially and academically, without being afraid. School has organized a week long activities such as Aware- ness sessions, helping hands activity, poster making, slogan writing, ant bullying parade, street play on ‘No Bullying’ to observe “Anti Bullying Week” in the school. A display of signed hand prints was created as a visual reminder of students' pledge to take a stand against bullying.
Calculating Time Duration Calculating the duration between two times can be a little tricky depending on the num- bers of hours and minutes in the two times being compared. It helps students to enhance problem solving skill and critical thinking skill. Students were given different problems to calculate time duration. They discussed and demonstrated time duration using clock. Students also discussed about time management. Time Management is the think- ing skill that helps children to prioritize tasks and accurately judge the amount of time needed to complete them. It helps them to complete activities in a timely fashion, and learn to manage and stick to a schedule. Students learned how to manage time and how to calculate time duration to solve real life problems.
ANTONYMS An antonym is a word having a meaning opposite to that of another word, such as hot and cold, short and tall. While revising the topic antonyms, students were told to show the actions describing various antonyms. Some students came in pairs, some in groups and some of them demonstrated individually. They showed various actions and others identified the antonyms. Some students wrote the antonyms on the board after it was identified by others.
Grade 3A Ayna Sanyo Grade 3C : Ethan Jack Peter Grade 3B : Mohamad Ayan
Reading activity :Game- step by step Students learn faster and better through ‘Learning by playing’ The teacher put footprints on the ground for students to stand up and read the words from the board. Whenever the student reads the word correctly, he/she walks a step to read another word In this activity students learned how to spell and read the word confidently.
Fire Drill . Evacuation drills are intended to ensure, by means of training and rehearsal, that people who may be in danger act in a calm and orderly manner. A mock Emergency Evacuation Drill was carried out on 27th November, 2019 inside the school premises. Students carried out their tasks with responsibilities ensuring all the safety measures and evacuated the building in a very organized manner.
Social Studies– My Identity \"Hafilat\" is the Smart Card services, now available on regional bus- es travelling between different cities in emirate of Abu Dhabi. \"Hafilat\" users can ei- ther purchase new cards or recharge and use them. This service is provided to en- hance the public bus service and facilitate its usage and sustainability. Students are aware of this Hafilat cards as it was introduced as a topic of My Identity – My com- munity. Students wish to travel by public transport buses as it will help them to ex- plore the land of Abu Dhabi.
A circle map is a type of thinking map that involves the concept of brainstorming. The design of a circle map consists of a large square, with two concentric circles. Circle map is used to help us define something and show children’s understanding of a top- ic. We use this to generate ideas, assess what we already know, and what we have learned. Students individually, and in partners, generate what they know about the topic – movements of earth through personal knowledge and reading, in which it is recorded in the outer circle.
Grammar is important because it provides information that helps the reader's compre- hension. It is the structure that conveys precise meaning from the writer to the audi- ence. Eliminate grammatical errors from your writing, reward you with clear communication. The students of grade 3 learnt how to add a prefix and suffix to a word and use it in a sentence with proper meaning.
Morning assemblies are a very important part in a student’s life. Students learn actions to go along with the song, which gives a sense of happiness and excitement to start the day. Singing boosts confidence and dancing keeps one active and fit.
YEAR OF TOLERANCE Tricks to remember things Together, let’s make the UAE Convert words to pictures Use memory spots. the global capital for tolerance, Use rhymes Improve Your Diet co-existence & cooperation. Try Common Mnemonics The UAE is officially celebrating the values Remember More with Chunking and meanings of tolerance in 2019, to es- Make New Connections That Are Visual tablish its status as a global capital for tol- Write It Down, Don't Type It Out erance and a nurturing environment for the diverse cultural backgrounds living and Share What You're Learning working peacefully side by side in the Relate new things to what you already know country. When H.H Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Na- hyan declared 2019 as the Year of Toler- ance, they realized that there is an in- creasing need for coexistence and har- mony globally. To fulfil this, it’s im- portant to strengthen human relations. H.H. Sheikh Mohammed declared Ghaf tree as the logo of the Year of tolerance because of its great significance that the tree bears as an indigenous tree. It is a symbol of the stability of the desert and a witness to old customs. The Ghaf tree symbolizes stability and peace in the de- sert and has the ability to adapt in the desert. Its flowers produce high quality nectar. UAE rulers used to meet their citi- zens and listen to their demands directly under the shadows of these trees and we will all remain in the shadow of tolerance and coexistence.
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