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Untitled presentation

Published by trahantyler41, 2016-11-10 21:34:46

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Integumentary SystemFunction: 6 functions of the Integumentary System consists of protection to the inside ofthe body, body temperature regulation, Cutaneous Sensations, absorption and as well as secretion.Vocabulary: Epidermis is the most outer layer of the skin. Dermis holds the hair follicles and is the secondmost outer layer. Hypodermis is made of adipose tissue (fatty tissue.) Eccrine Sweat Glands are major glandsthat allows us to sweat, Sebaceous Glands is a gland on the hair follicle that secretes oily fat, Hair Follicle asmall secretory sac at the hair root, Sensory Nerves carry information in the skin to the central nervoussystem, Melanin is a dark brown or black pigment chemical in the skin, and Carotene is a red or orangepigment chemical found in the skin.Diseases: Basal Cell Carcinoma making up 75% of all skin cancers, cancer grows slowly and makes waxybumps that are most commonly found on areas of the body with sun exposure. Melanoma is the leastcommon type of cancer and makes up 75% of skin cancers deaths, is it found commonly found on the head,neck, or trunk. Acne is the most basic and also most popular, it is just clogged pores from dirt or oil.Squamous Cell Carcinoma is a skin cancer that developed on people with fair skin, it is more aggressive thanbasal cell carcinoma but is 20% of all skin cancers.Healthcare Careers: Dermatologist has the medical concern of skin disorders and skin diagnosis.Cosmetologists treat conditions of skin (also hair.) I

Musculoskeletal SystemFunction: provides support, stability, and movement to the body. It is made up of muscles, bones, cartilage, tendons,ligaments, and connective tissue.Vocabulary: Connective Tissue is tissue that connects other tissues and organ. Ligaments are short bands offlexible connective tissue that connects bones and cartilages together. Bones are hard, dense connective tissuemaking up the skeleton. Calcium is one of the minerals that is important to the bones and helps durability. Cartilage isflexible connective tissue that acts like bone but is softer. Joints place where the bones join and connect. Muscles areattached to the bones to help with movement and maintain posture. Cranium is made up of bone plates and otherforms of bone to create the skull. Clavicle is essentially the collarbone in the shoulder region. Tendons are a flexiblecord of fibrous tissue attaching muscles and bones together.Diseases: Arthritis is a cause of old age and from wear and tear on the joints and bones. Carpal tunnel syndrome isa problem that occurs to wrists that get flexed repeatedly and causes pain from thick ligaments and nerves.Craniosynostosis is where a plant of an infant’s skull fuses prematurely, causing multiple lifetime problems. SoftTissue Sarcoma is cancer that starts in the soft tissues of the system like tendons and muscles.Healthcare: Orthopedic Surgeon has responsibilities ranging from treating injuries that requires surgery or evenskeletal disorders. Chiropractor’s focus is on the diagnosis and treatment neuromuscular disorders. II

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