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Home Explore ABC Dream USA


Published by ABC Dream, 2017-08-11 04:15:32

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Obtaining a visa to an international country can be a complicated task. It's enough making a few of us not intend to take a trip or look at locations that offer visas on arrival! The USA of The U.S.A. (USA) has a strict visa application process. ABC Dream USA has a geographical benefit to the general company. It entails several steps however the bright side is that it's not impossible to do if you follow the guidelines meticulously. We hope to simplify the procedure for you so below's your USA visa best guide.
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ABC DREAM USAABC Dream USA, founded in Irvine, California, as an information hub for US study or visa applications, we offer our Chinese students a visa application for study in the United States, a program of counseling, and services to settle in the United States. For More Information Visit Our Website Page- 01

INDEXABC Dream USA Page -03ABC Dream Page - 05ABC Dream United States Page - 07Gallery Page -09About Us Page Page- 02

ABC DREAM USAWe understand your doubts and needs, everything is based onyour personal needs and the actual situation. We do not seek aquick solution within a short time and seek a plan that will helpyou in the future with a long-term benefit to your future. Hopethat through our professional and integrity of the service, so thatyour life in the United States more than a warm, so that yourfamily more comfort. We go all out and let your life in thecountryside be rich and colorful, learn to try to go to life, to findnew ones. For More Information Visit Our Website Page- 03

ABC DREAM USAOur advantage Different from the general domestic institutions,our professional team and partners are set up in the UnitedStates, California headquarters, enjoy many advantages:• Apply for a high school success rate , due to the localeducational institutions in the United States have long-termrelationship• Professional immigration lawyer , the United States to studythe application of the policy if the charge• Excellent language school arrangement , perfect teachingenvironment, non - ordinary private teaching institutions For More Information Visit Our Website Page- 03

ABC DREAMABC Dream USA, founded in Irvine, California, as an informationhub for US study or visa applications, we offer our Chinesestudents a visa application for study in the United States, aprogram of counseling, and services to settle in the UnitedStates. Founder Jessie Liu has more than 20 years of experiencein overseas study, starting from China to Japan, and finally to theUnited States to settle down. Jessie had studied abroad, and hadbeen struggling to apply for a lot of hardships by applying for avisa, school, and life.Now founded ABCDream USA hope togive feedback on thevaluable personalexperience to sharetheir children or friendswho embrace theAmerican dream, andhelp everyone acrossthe borders, towards theAmerican dream. For More Information Visit Our Website Page- 03

ABC DREAMAre you looking for an American dream? Do you need Americanstudy, Fl American student visa application, or help after life inthe United States?You are looking for a place! ABC Dream USA wants you to setup a cross-border bridge for the purpose, to provide you withthe most accurate information and professional consultingservices to help the Chinese people who have a better life in theUnited States, to achieve the dream of living in the United States. Fl student visa with F2 to accompany visa What is the difference? The US Fl student visa is a nonimmigrant visa for international students who wish to go to American college, college, and elementary school.Fl visa applicant is the main applicant, can be full-time school, andin a limited number of hours and circumstances to work. For More Information Visit Our Website Page- 03

ABC DREAM UNITED STATESF2 visa visa and Fl is the difference between F2 in the UnitedStates residence time must follow the Fl main applicant, and cannot work, there are many restrictions on the application of theschool. Let Jessie give you a more detailed explanation. Our main service items include, but are not limited to: •Short-term study • Travel sign with attendance • Transfer within the United States • American Homestay ArrangementPerfect \"after-sales service\" , are not satisfied with the hostfamily or school is not suitable, we can help you in the UnitedStates to do the adjustment . For More Information Visit Our Website Page- 03

ABC DREAM UNITED STATESConsultants have immigrants to the United States personalexperience , all the way through the same American study andimmigration road, often able to put themselves in place for thesake of students, to provide more appropriate and honestservice . For More Information Visit Our Website Page- 03

ABGCALDLREREAYMUNITED STATES For More Information Visit Our Website Page- 03

ABOUT USWe understand your doubts and needs, everything is based on your personal needs and the actual situation. Follow Us For More Information Visit Our Website Page- 10

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