WITI's Web site provides visitors with news, career opportunities, articles andinfo to empower women through technology.Carolyn Leighton founded WITI to help women advance by providing accessto - and support from - other professional women working in all sectors oftechnology. (Read the story or watch the video.) WITI started in 1989 as TheInternational Network of Women in Technology and, in 2001, evolved into TheWITI Professional Association, the world's leading trade association for tech-savvy women. Today, WITI is the premiere global organization empoweringwomen in business and technology to achieve unimagined possibilities.With a global network of smart, talented women and a market reach exceeding2 million, WITI has powerful programs and partnerships that provideconnections, resources, opportunities and a supportive environment of womencommitted to helping each other. Along with its professional association ofNetworks throughout the U.S. and worldwide, including Hong Kong, GreatBritain, Australia, and Mexico, WITI delivers value for individuals that workfor a company, the government or academia, as well as small business owners.WITI products and services include: Networking, WITI Marketplace, CareerServices/Search, National Conferences and Regional Events, Publications andResources, Small Business Programs, Research, Bulletin Boards and more.Members WebinarsWITI members enjoy complimentarywebinars, and exclusive access to archivedrecordings and materials.
Code of EthicsWITI strives to create genuinely welcoming environments where each personis treated with equal support and respect, regardless of title, age, gender, orethnic background. WITI's policy at every WITI event is that no person standsalone; i.e., it is each person's responsibility to welcome a solitary individual intothe group; no cliques are tolerated at WITI events.Collaboration Instead Of CompetitionWITI is about collaboration, not competition. In competition, someone winsand someone loses. At WITI, wecollaborate to help each other win.Integrity CentralAt WITI, integrity is central to all of ouractions and interactions. We respect,acknowledge, and protect each other'sideas, intellectual property, andconfidential information.Acknowledgement And RecognitionWITI members are committed to: Celebrating and recognizing each other's accomplishments Empowering ourselves and recognizing our own worth Acknowledging the ideas and contributions of the women around us Helping everyone who crosses our path grow, thrive and succeedEmpowermentWomen become fully empowered when we make a conscious decision to acceptfull responsibility for our decisions and our actions. At WITI meetings weutilize our time, intelligence, and talent to support each other in identifyingoptions, finding solutions, and taking action.
Confidentiality and TrustWITI members often work in challenging environments where they cannotspeak freely without risk of losing their job. Every WITI woman must honoreach other's confidentiality so that we continue to be a safe haven for sharingchallenges and solutions.Listening For ValueWITI members are receptive to change. We know that no one person has allthe answers. Even when there is a success, the WITI Woman knows that thereare many situational approaches, and many challenges ahead. WITI membersappreciate others' ideas, problems, and solutions without judgment.Demographics – WITIWith 167,000+ registered users, WITI is the premier global organizationhelping tech savvy women attain their professional goals. Our mission is toempower women worldwide to achieve unimagined possibilities andtransformations through technology, leadership and economic prosperity.Gender BreakdownEthnicity BreakdownEducational BreakdownLevel of Responsibility BreakdownIndustry BreakdownTitle BreakdownSalary Breakdown WITI Professional Association & WITI Foundation OLYMPIC PLAZA 11500 Olympic Blvd. Suite 400, Los Angeles, CA, 90064, 818.788.9484 www.witi.com
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