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Home Explore Top 100 Oncology Research Proposal Topics

Top 100 Oncology Research Proposal Topics

Published by PhD Research, 2018-02-06 00:11:15

Description: Check this article with a list of top 100 oncology research proposal topics to get full list yu can visit site

Keywords: PhD Research


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BEST PHD ONCOLOGY RESEARCHPROPOSAL TOPICS1.How to flip the switch on cancer cell death2.Diet and cancer patients3.How to stop breast cancer spread4.How food can affect the effects ofchemotherapy5.How diet can influence the progress ofcancer6.How to prevent colon cancers7.Mortality trends in breast cancer8.How prostate cancer is diagnosed amongphysically active men9.Breast cancer awareness techniques10.European countries and cancerprevalence11.Latest cancer research in the US12.Cancer mortality trends in Southeast Asia13.Mobile devices and certain types ofcancers14.Alcohol consumption and colorectalcancers among men15.Alcohol consumption and breast canceramong women16.The role of Trans fat in cancer17.Age trends in cancer cases

BEST PHD ONCOLOGY RESEARCHPROPOSAL TOPICS18.Breast cancer and frequent exposure tochest x-rays19.Breast cancer mutation trends20.Exercise and cancer risk21.Smoking and lung cancer risks22.Obesity and cancer among children23.Breast cancers and mammographyscreenings24.Obesity and cancer among sedentaryindividuals25.A comparison of cancer cases in the EUand US26.Mutated genes and cancer amongwomen27.Cervical cancer risks among women intheir 30s28.Mumbai, India and cancer in the new age29.Clinical breast examination30.Ovarian cancer incidence in the ruralareas31.Breast cancer susceptibility in genes32.Methylome analysis and cancer33.How HPV screening saves women’s lives34.The latest on breast cancer screening

BEST PHD ONCOLOGY RESEARCHPROPOSAL TOPICS35.Cervical cancer and visual inspectionscreening method36.Breast cancer diagnosis – the latestupdates37.How to stop the spread of cancer cells inthe lungs38.Cervical  cancer risks from oralcontraceptives39.Cervical cancer screening for women intheir 40s40.Carcinogenic Risks to fast food41.Human Papillomaviruses42.Uterine cervix tumor43.Human Carcinogens44.Human papillomavirus infection byeducation level45.Human papillomavirus DNA testing andcervical cancer46.Future directions of cervical cancer in theUS47. Quality assurance in cancer screeningand diagnosis48.Minority populations and cancer cases49.Intrauterine device and cervical infection

BEST PHD ONCOLOGY RESEARCHPROPOSAL TOPICS50.Genetics of Breast Tumors51.Future directions of colon cancer in the UK52.The latest in Genetic Cancer Research53.Male breast cancer54.Female Genital Organs and cancer55.Healthcare Settings and cancer treatment56.Oncology setting and cardiac care57.A Case report on Male Occult Triple-negative Breast Cancer WithDermatomyositis58. Side effects of chemotherapy59.The latest in oncology nursing60. The late effects of cancer treatments61.Post-menopausal Hormonal Therapy,Hormonal Contraception and Cancer62.Cardiovascular disease and concurrentcancer  treatments63.The latest on alternative cancertreatments64.Cancer and Opioid Epidemic Response65.Latest cancer legislations and practicetrends66.What herbs can help treat cancer – a studyof alternative herbal medicines

BEST PHD ONCOLOGY RESEARCHPROPOSAL TOPICS67.Cancer-Related Pain Management68.Palliative Care and nursing69.Effective cancer care plan70.Oncology nurses – their challenges71.High fiber diets for colon cancer survivors72.Dietary fiber sources and colorectal cancer73.Is it possible to reduce cancers tocommon traits set?74.Side effects management among cancerpatients in stage 275.Exercise counseling and cancer patients76.Genetic cancer research on the minoritypopulations77.Cancer fight  and immunotherapy78.Pain management and cancer79.Cancer and anemia80.Caregiving among cancer patients81.Young adults with cancer82.Oncology settings and adding cardiac care83.Late effects of childhood cancer84.Cancer and epigenetics85.Cancer and hair loss86.Cancer and neuropathy87.Depression and cancer

BEST PHD ONCOLOGY RESEARCHPROPOSAL TOPICS88.Distress, anxiety and cancer89.Cancer and quitting smoking90.Cancer myths91.Early detection92.Sexual health and cancer93.Skin care and changes and cancer94.Cancer and genetics95.Cancer and bleeding96.Cancer surgeries97. Cancer and supportive care98.Cancer treatment and eating well99.Tumor microenvironment100.Young adults and male adolescents with cancer and fertility preservation Refer to this list of PhD oncologyresearch proposal topics for help today!

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