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Home Explore Seek the Truth

Seek the Truth

Published by a0958766212, 2021-11-05 02:36:36

Description: Seek the Truth


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Seek the Truth An old man is sitting in front of the table drawing comics with the drawing tablets and pen. The comic start on a day that was deadly cold. Wesley, a 16-year-old teenager goes home and finds that his family is murdered. The police suspected Wesley, but he was able to provide a solid alibi. Wesley was determined to find the real murderer. Ten years later in the studio. Sophie came to his father Jacob's studio. Marcus, the assistant of Jacob, told him that Jacob hadn't left the room all night. But when they went in, Jacob was nowhere to be seen. Sophie and Marcus looked around but couldn't find him. Sophie thought that was going to end the comic he wrote ten years, so he felt sad. But Marcus tells her that Jacob was annoying Wesley and he showed Sophie the comic. Sophie was surprised about the ending. Marcus also told her that Jacob had a smile on his face when he drew Wesley's death. Sophie picked up a photo of his father. Suddenly dragged to a strange place by a bloody hand. Sophie saw Wesley fainted at the rooftop and saved him. Sophie heard Wesley’s name and found herself in the world of his father’s comics. After Wesley was carried away by the doctors, the word \"continue\" appeared at the rooftop, and Sophie returned to the real world. “Wesley was not dead and comic had not yet reached the final episode,” Marcus said. In the comics, she saw herself and everything that happened that night, and she felt incredible. “The comics may not be drawn by Jacob, but produced by itself.” Not only does Marcus not believe her words, but others also didn't believe Sophie. During their conversation, Jacob returned.

Sophie had been distraught in the office. Sophie didn't want to care about the comic anymore, but the night herself rescuing Wesley kept coming up in her mind, so she decided to call Marcus. Once again know that her father decided to kill Wesley. At this moment, Sophie suddenly loses consciousness and is summoned into the comic world again. When she wakes up, Sophie finds herself in the comic book world again. Jacob is drawing the comic, but the comic is not under his control, and there is a scene where Sophie saves Wesley. Sophie stopped the nurse, and Wesley was safe. Wesley knew Sophie's identity, realized that she was the one who saved her, and stopped her before she left. The comic is serialized, so something must happen to the main character to change it, so she immediately went out and slapped Wesley who was on the phone. But nothing happened. Then Sophie kissed Wesley. Sophie hurriedly leave the room, when the scene changed back to the real world. Jacob looked at the comics he had drawn and was changed by inexplicable power. At this time, Wesley seemed to realize that someone was controlling all of this. “Who are you?” he asked. Jacob saw this question and was so scared that he was paralyzed on the ground. Wesley asked the nurse who changed his dressing before, but the nurse didn't remember why it was changed. Wesley thought all the strange things that happened to him, these things are related. At this time, Wesley saw a nonexistent screen in the comic book world. Recalling the last time he was stabbed, he saw such a mirror and dragged Sophie in. So he crossed the screen and came to the real world.

Wesley went to the bookstore first because he saw \"himself\" in the advertisement for the comic. After reading the comic book, he goes to the studio and asks Jacob to draw a picture of the real murderer. “There is no killer, everything is just a setup to make you powerful.” Wesley cannot accept this answer. To Wesley, this was tantamount to losing his hope. Wesley points the gun at Jacob and saw Jacob bleed and thought that he was not immortal in the real world. This was fair, and not only did Wesley get hurt. It turns out the time before Sophie first entered the comics to save Wesley. Wesley was injured and pulled Jacob into the comics world. Wesley asked Jacob for help, but Jacob didn't help him. Instead, he stabbed him with a knife, trying to kill Wesley. But Wesley resist and stabbed into Jacob's body, but Jacob was unharmed. Sophie arrived and saw his father lying in a pool of blood, crying bitterly. She sends his father to the hospital and got a call. “The comic has been updated,” Marcus said. The comic content is what happened when Wesley came to the real world. Sophie saw Wesley throw the gun in the trash can, and it started to rain heavily. Wesley was walking aimlessly on the street when he saw a comic advertisement next to it. Later, Wesley jumped off the bridge, dying in the river. Sophie went to find his father. “What will happen to everyone except Wesley after the comic is ended?” Sophie asked. Jacob thought she wants to save Wesley. “I had also thought about saving Wesley, but I wanted to change the word “End”, but I couldn't change it.” On the other hand, Sophie became the main character of the comic. Jacob was afraid that his daughter would be harmed, so he must end the comic. Sophie thinks that he can't save Wesley, and feels sad for the end of the comic. Sophie wants to save Wesley and draws comics by herself, but the drawing technique is not mature. Marcus makes fun of him. At the same time, Wesley jumped down on the bridge and

was rescued by the rescue team that came. Sophie returned to the comics world. At this time, Sophie was no longer afraid, and her face was full of smiles. Wesley woke up. He understands that he has been to the real world, but only a day has passed in the comics world, and doesn’t know what happened before. Wesley returned home in despair and felt very sad when he remembered that his friends were all created characters. Wesley walked into the elevator and suddenly received an unknown call. At this time, two sentences appeared in the elevator, asking him where and how he was resurrected. Then there was no more movement. After returning to the room, Wesley received another unknown call, and the words showed in the air, “Where and how you were resurrected?” “Why you could commit suicide without my permission?” The person on the phone admitted that he killed Wesley's family. Knowing that Wesley has Sophie as a new family member. “I will find Sophie and kill her.” Wesley hurried to find Sophie. While Wesley is talking to Sophie, Sophie cut her finger. She was immortal in the comic world, but her finger bleeds. Both are them were shocked. Sophie suddenly saw the word “Continue” in the air, and then she disappeared. Back to the real world. Sophie guessed that because she became the main character of the comics, her fingers bleed in the comics world. In the comic world, Wesley understands that everything in the comics revolves around himself, the real murderer also came to the real world because of himself and is still in the real world now. In order to return to the comics world, the real murderer came to the comic studio and found the contact information of Jacob and Sophie. The real murderer called Sophie and confirm her identity. Sophie knew that it was the real murderer who came to chase and kill her and hurriedly run away with Marcus. Sophie asked Marcus to drive as far away from home as

possible. On the way, they met the real murderer holding a gun at Sophie. The real murderer shot Sophie. In a moment of crisis, Sophie returned to the comics world and appeared in Wesley's car. Sophie told Wesley about the real murderer, expressing concern about Marcus's safety. Then Wesley took Sophie to the rooftop where they met for the first time. Wesley and Sophie made an agreement. Wesley asked Sophie to draw a picture of his own dreams, to treat everything that happened between himself and her as a dream, and return to the time before Wesley was curious about Sophie. Only in this way can Sophie be protected and her friends disappeared. real murderer misbehaves in the real world. Sophie didn't say a word after hearing it, showing that he understood what he said. Wesley asked Sophie to promise to draw a picture as soon as he went back, and Sophie agreed to his request. Then Wesley jumped from the rooftop in order to get back to original point.

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