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APPENDIX NOTATION Below is a summary of notation used in this book. (a, b]: Brackets of the form [, 1, (, and ) are used to represent intervals, where square brackets represent intervals including the boundary and round parentheses represent intervals excluding the boundary. For example, (1, 31 represents the interval 1 < x 5 3. C x i : The s u m x ~+ x 2 + . . . + x n . i=l n H x i : The product xl .x2..-xn. i=l F: The symbol for logical entailment. For example, A F B denotes that B follows deductively from A. >,: The symbol for the more general than relation. For example, hi >, hj denotes that hypothesis hi is more general than hi. argmax f (x): The value of x that maximizes f (x). For example, xex argmax x2 = -3 x~{1,2,-3) f(x): A function that approximates the function f (x). 6: In PAC-learning, a bound on the probability of failure. In artificial neural network learning, the error term associated with a single unit output.
E : A bound on the error of a hypothesis (in PAC-learning). r]: The learning rate in neural network and related learning methods. P : The mean of a probability distribution. n: The standard deviation of a probability distribution. V E ( G ) : The gradient of E with respect to the vector G . C : Class of possible target functions. D : The training data. D:A probability distribution over the instance space. E [ x ]: The expected value of x . E ( G ) : The sum of squared errors of an artifial neural network whose weights are given by the vector G . Error: The error in a discrete-valued hypothesis or prediction. H : Hypothesis space. h( x ): The prediction produced by hypothesis h for instance x . P ( x ) : The probability (mass) of x . Pr(x): The probability (mass) of the event x . p(x>: The probability density of x . Q < s ,a): The Q function from reinforcement learning. 3:The set of real numbers. V C ( H ) : The Vapnik-Chervonenkisdimension of the hypothesis space H . V S H , D :The Version Space; that is, the set of hypotheses from H that are consistent with D. In artificial neural networks, the weight from node i to node j. Instance space.
400 SUBJECT INDEX SUBJECT INDEX Page numbers in italics refer to tables; numbers in bold to figures. An \"n\" fol- lowing a page number refers to a footnote on that page. Absorbing state, 371 Autonomous vehicles, 3, 4, 82-83, 84 ABSTRIPS, 329 Average reward, 371 Acyclic neural networks. See Multilayer Backgammon learning program. See feedforward networks TD-GAMMON Adaline rule. See Delta rule Additive Chernoff bounds, 210-21 1 BACKPROPAGATIaOlgNorithm, 83,97, 124 Adelines, 123 applications of, 81, 84, 85, 96, 113 Agents, in reinforcement learning, 368 convergence and local minima, 104-105 Agnostic learning, 210-21 1,225 definition of, 98 ALVINN system, 82-83, 84 discovery of hidden layer representations, Analytical-inductive learning. See 106-109, 123 feedforward networks as hypothesis Inductive-analytical learning space, 105-106 Analytical learning, 307-330 gradient descent search, 89, 115-1 16, 123 inductive learning, comparison with, inductive bias of, 106 310, 328-329, 334-336, 362 KBANN algorithm: comparison with, 344-345 ANN learning. See Neural network use in, 339 learning momentum, addition of, 100, 104 overfitting in, 108, 110-1 11 ANNs. See Neural networks, artificial in Q learning, 384 Antecedents of Horn clause, 285 search of hypothesis space, 97, 106, AQ algorithm, 279-280 122-123 AQ14 algorithm, comparison with GABIL, in decision tree learning, comparison with, 106 256,258 by genetic algorithms, comparison Arbitrary functions, representation by with, 259 by KBANN and TANGENTPROP feedforward networks, 105-106 algorithms, comparison with, Artificial intelligence, influence on 350-351 stochastic gradient descent version, machine learning, 4 98-100, 104-105, 107-108 Artificial neural networks. See Neural TANGENTPROaPlgorithm, comparison with, 349 networks, artificial weight update rule: ASSISTANT, 77 alternative error functions, 117-1 18 Astronomical structures, machine learning derivation of, 101-102 for hidden unit weights, 103 classification of, 3 Attributes: choice of, in sequential vs. simultaneous covering algorithms, 280-281 continuous-valued, 72-73 cost-sensitive measures, 75-76 discrete-valued, 72 measures for selection of, 73-74, 77 missing values, strategies for, 75
in KBANN algorithm, 343-344 Bellman residual errors, 385 optimization methods, 119 , Bellman's equation, 385-386 for output unit weights, 102-103, 171 BFS-ID3 algorithm, 63 Backtracking, ID3 algorithm and, 62 Binomial distribution, 133-137, 143, 151 Backward chaining search for explanation Biological evolution, 249, 250, 266-267 Biological neural networks, comparison generation, 314 with artificial neural networks, 82 Baldwin effect, 250, 267 Bit strings, 252-253, 258-259, 269 computational models for, 267-268 Blocks, stacking of. See Stacking problems Body of Horn clause, 285 Bayes classifier, naive. See Naive Bayes Boolean conjunctions, PAC learning of, classifier 211-212 Bayes optimal classifier, 174-176, 197, Boolean functions: 222 representation by feedforward networks, learning Boolean concepts using version 105-106 spaces, 176 representation by perceptrons, 87-88 Bayes optimal learner. See Bayes optimal Boundary set representation for version classifier spaces, 31-36 Bayes rule. See Bayes theorem definition of, 31 Bayes theorem, 4, 156-159 Bounds: one-sided, 141, 144 in BRUTE-FORCMEAP LEARNING two-sided, 141 algorithm, 160-162 Brain, neural activity in, 82 Breadth first search in ID3 algorithm, 63 concept learning and, 158-163 BRUTE-FORCMEAP LEARNINaGlgorithm, in inductive-analytical learning, 338 Bayesian belief networks, 184-191 159-162 Bayes theorem in, 160-162 choice among alternative networks, 190 conditional independence in, 185 C4.5 algorithm, 55, 77 constraint-based approaches in, 191 GABIL, comparison with, 256,258 gradient ascent search in, 188-190 missing attribute values, method for inference methods, 187-188 handling, 75 joint probability distribution rule post-pruning in, 71-72 representation, 185-1 87 CADET system, 241-244 CANDIDATE-ELIMINATaIlOgoNrithm, learning from training data, 188-191 naive Bayes classifier, comparison with, 29-37,4547 applications of, 29, 302 186 Bayesian interpretation of, 163 representation of causal knowledge, 187 computation of version spaces, 32-36 Bayesian classifiers, 198. See also Bayes definition of, 33 optimal classifier; Naive Bayes ID3 algorithm, comparison with, 61-64 classifier inductive bias of, 43-46, 63-64 Bayesian learning, 154-198 limitations of, 29, 37, 41, 42, 46 decision tree learning, comparison with, search of hypothesis space, 64 198 Candidate specializations: generated by FOCL algorithm, 357-361 Bayesian methods, influence on machine generated by FOIL algorithm, 287-288, learning, 4 Beam search: general-to-specific. See General-to- specific beam search generate-and-test. See Generate-and-test beam search Bellman-Ford shortest path algorithm, 386, 1117
CART system, 77 search of hypothesis space, 23-25, CASCADE-CORRELATaIlgOoNrithm, 4-7 121-123 task design in, 21-22 Case-based reasoning, 231, 240-244, 246, Concept Learning System, 77 Concepts, partially learned, 38-39 247 Conditional independence, 185 advantages of, 243-244 applications of, 240 in Bayesian belief networks, 186-187 other instance-based learning methods, Confidence intervals, 133, 138-141, 150, comparison with, 240 151 Causal knowledge, representation by for discrete-valued hypotheses, 131-132, Bayesian belief networks, 187 140-141 Central Limit Theorem, 133, 142-143, 167 derivation of, 142-143 Checkers learning program, 2-3,5-14, 387 one-sided, 144, 145 Conjugate gradient method, 119 algorithms for, 14 Conjunction of boolean literals, PAC design, 13 as sequential control process, 369 learning of, 211-212 Chemical mass spectroscopy, Consequent of Horn clause, 285 Consistent learners, 162-163 CANDIDATE-ELIMINATalIgOoNrithm in, 29 bound on sample complexity, 207-210, Chess learning program, 308-310 225 explanation-basedlearning in, 325 Chunking, 327, 330 equation for, 209 CIGOL,302 Constants, in logic, 284, 285 Circuit design, genetic programming in, Constraint-based approaches in Bayesian 265-266 ' Circuit layout, genetic algorithms in, belief networks, 191 256 Constructive induction, 292 Classification problems, 54 Continuous functions, representation CLA~~IFYJAIVEBAYES-1T8E2-X18T3, CLAUDIEN, 302 by feedforward networks, Clauses, 284, 285 105-106 CLS. See Concept Learning System Continuous-valued hypotheses, training Clustering, 191 error of, 89-90 CN2 algorithm, 278, 301 Continuous-valuedtarget function, 197 choice of attribute-pairs in, 280-281 maximum likelihood (ML) hypothesis Complexity, sample. See Sample for, 164-167 complexity Control theory, influence on machine Computational complexity, 202 learning, 4 Computational complexity theory, Convergence of Q learning algorithm: influence on machine learning, 4 in deterministic environments, 377-380, Computational learning theory, 386 201-227 in nondeterministic environments, Concept learning, 20-47 382-383, 386 algorithms for, 47 Credit assignment, 5 Bayes theorem and, 158-163 Critic, 12, 13 definition of, 21 Cross entropy, 170 genetic algorithms in, 256 minimization of, 118 ID3 algorithm specialized for, 56 Cross-validation, 111-1 12 notation for, 22-23 for comparison of learning algorithms, 145-151 k-fold. See k-fold cross-validation in k-NEARESNTEIGHBOaRlgorithm, 235
leave-one-out, 235 Discrete-valued hypotheses: in neural network learning, 111-1 12 confidence intervals for, 131-132, Crossover mask, 254 140-141 Crossover operators, 252-254, 261, derivation of, 142-143 training error of, 205 262 single-point, 254, 261 Discrete-valued target functions, two-point, 254, 257-258 approximation by decision tree uniform, 255 learning, 52 Crowding, 259, Cumulative reward, 371 Disjunctive sets of rules, learning by Curse of dimensionality, 235 sequential covering algorithms, 275-276 Data mining, 17 Decision tree learning, 52-77 Distance-weighted k-NEARESTNEIGHBOR algorithm, 233-234 algorithms for, 55, 77. See also C4.5 Domain-independentlearning algorithms, algorithm, ID3 algorithm 336 applications of, 54 Bayesian learning, comparison with, 198 Domain theory, 310, 329. See also impact of pruning on accuracy, 128-129 imperfect domain theory; Perfect inductive bias in, 63-66 k-NEARESTNEIGHBORalgorithm, domain theory; Prior knowledge in analytical learning, 311-312 comparison with, 235 as KBANN neural network, 342-343 Minimum Description Length principle in PROLOG-EBG3, 22 weighting of components in EBNN, in, 173-174 neural network learning, comparison 351-352 DYNA,380 with, 85 Dynamic programming: overfitting in, 6 7 4 9 , 76-77, 111 post-pruning in, 68-69, 77 applications to reinforcement learning, reduced-error pruning in, 69-7 1 380 rule post-pruning in, 71-72, 281 search of hypothesis space, 60-62 reinforcement learning and, 385-387 by BACKPROPAGATaIOlgNorithm, Eager learning methods, comparison with comparison with, 106 lazy learning, 244245 Deductive learning, 321-322 EBG algorithm, 313 Degrees of freedom, 147 EBNN algorithm, 351-356, 362, 387 Delayed learning methods, comparison other explanation-based learning with eager learning, 244-245 methods, comparison with, 356 Delayed reward, in reinforcement learning, prior knowledge and gradient descent in, 369 339 Delta rule, 11, 88-90, 94, 99, 123 Demes, 268 TANGENTPROalPgorithm in, 353 Determinations, 325 weighting of inductive-analytical Deterministic environments, Q learning components in, 355,362 algorithm for, 375 EGGS algorithm, 313 EM algorithm, 190-196, 197 Directed acyclic neural networks. See applications of, 191, 194 Multilayer feedforward networks derivation of algorithm for k-means, Discounted cumulative reward. 371 195-196 search for maximum likelihood (ML) hypothesis, 194-195
Entailment, 321n FIND-Salgorithm, 26-28, 46 relationship with 8-subsumption and Bayesian interpretation of, 162-163 more-general-than partial ordering, definition of, 26 299-300 inductive bias of, 45 limitations of, 28-29 Entropy, 55-57, 282 mistake-bound learning in, 220-221 of optimal code, 172n PAC learning of boolean conjunctions with, 212 Environment, in reinforcement learning, search of hypothesis space, 27-28 368 Finite horizon reward, 37 1 Equivalent sample size, 179-1 80 First-order Horn clauses, 283-284, Error bars for discrete-valued hypotheses. 318-3 19. See also First-order rules See Confidence intervals, for in analytical learning, 311 discrete-valued hypotheses in PROLOG-EBG3,13, 314 Error of hypotheses: First-order logic, basic definitions, 285 sample. See Sample error First-order representations, applications of, training. See Training error true. See True error 275 Estimation bias, 133, 137-138, 151 First-order resolution rule, 296-297 Estimator, 133, 137-138, 143, 150-151 First-order rules, 274-275, 283, 301, 302. Evolution of populations: argument for Occam's razor, 66 See also First-order Horn clauses in genetic algorithms, 260-262 in FOIL algorithm, 285-291 Evolutionary computation, 250, 262 propositional rules, comparison with, applications of, 269 Example-driven search, comparison with 283 generate-and-test beam search, 281 Fitness function, 250-252, 255-256, 258 Expected value, 133, 136 Fitness proportionate selection, 255 Experiment generator, 12-13 Fitness sharing, 259 Explanation-based learning, 312-330 FOCL algorithm, 302 applications of, 325-328 derivation of new features, 320-321 extensions to FOIL, 357 inductive bias in, 322-323 search step alteration with prior inductive learning and, 330 lazy methods in, 328 knowledge, 339-340 limitations of, 308, 329 FOIL algorithm, 286,290-291, 302 prior knowledge in, 308-309 reinforcement learning and, 330 extensions in FOCL, 357 utility analysis in, 327-328 information gain measure in, 289 Explanations generated by backward LEARN-ONE-RUaLnEd sequential chaining search, 314 Explicit prior knowledge, 329 covering algorithms, comparison Exploration in reinforcement learning, 369 with, 287 learning first-order rules in, 285-291 Face recognition, 17 post-pruning in, 291 BACKPROPAGATIaOlgNorithm in, 81, recursive rule learning in, 290 112-1 17 Function approximation, 8 Function approximation algorithms: Feedforward networks. See Multilayer choice of, 9-1 1 feedforward networks as lookup table substitute, 384 Functions, in logic, 284, 285 GABIL, 256-259, 269 C4.5 and AQ14 algorithms, comm.rison with, 25-6, 258
extensions to, 258-259 least-squared error hypothesis in, 167 ID5R algorithm, comparison with, 258 limitations of, 92 Gain ratio, 73-74 weight update rule, 91-92, 237 GAS. See Genetic algorithms stochastic approximation to, 92-94, Gaussian distribution. See Normal 98-100, 104-105, 107-108 distribution Gradient of error, 91 Gaussian kernel function, 238-240 Greedy search: General-to-specific beam search, 277-279, in sequential covering algorithms, 302 276-278 advantages of, 281 in CN2 algorithm, 278 in PROLOG-EBG3,23 in FOCL algorithm, 357-361 GRENDEL program, 303 in FOIL algorithm, 287,357-358 Ground literal, 285 General-to-specific ordering of HALVINGalgorithm, 223 hypotheses, 24-25, 4 5 4 6 . See also mistake-bound learning in, 221-222 More-general-than partial ordering Generalization accuracy in neural Handwriting recognition, 3 4 networks, 110-1 11 BACKPROPAGATaIOlgNorithm in, 81 Generalizer, 12, 13 TANGENTPROalPgorithm in, 348-349 Generate-and-test beam search, 250 example-driven search, comparison with, Head of Horn clause, 285 281 Hidden layer representations, discovery inverse entailment operators, comparison with, 299 by BACKPROPAGATaIOlgNorithm, inverse resolution, comparison with, 106-109, 123 298-299 Hidden units: Genetic algorithms, 249-270 BACKPROPAGATwIOeNight tuning rule advantages of, 250 for, 103 applications of, 256, 269 CASCADE-CORRELATalIgOoNrithm, fitness function in, 255-256 addition by, 121-123 limitations of, 259 choice in radial basis function networks, parallelization of, 268 239-240 representation of hypotheses, 252-253 in face recognition task, 115-1 17 search of hypothesis space, 259, Hill-climbing search: 268-269 in FOIL algorithm, 286,287 Genetic operators, 252-255, 257, 261-262 in genetic algorithms, 268 Genetic programming, 250, 262-266, 269 in ID3 algorithm, 60-61 applications of, 265, 269 Hoeffding bounds, 210-21 1 performance of, 266 Horn clauses, 284, 285 representation in, 262-263 Horn clauses, first-order. See First-order Gibbs algorithm, 176 Horn clauses Global method, 234 Human learning: GOLEM2, 81 explanations in, 309 GP. See Genetic programming prior knowledge in, 330 Gradient ascent search, 170-171 Hypotheses. See also Discrete-valued in Bayesian belief networks, 188-190 hypotheses; General-to-specific Gradient descent search, 89-91, 93, 97, ordering of hypotheses; Hypothesis 115-116, 123 space in EBNN algorithm, 339 error differences between two, 143-144 estimation of accuracy, 129-130
Hypotheses, estimation of accuracy inductive bias of, 63-64, 76 (continued) LEARN-ONE-RULseEa,rch comparison bias and variance in estimate, 129, with, 277 151, 152 limitations of, 61-62 overfitting in, 67-68 errors in, 129-131, 151 search of hypothesis space, 60-62, 64, evaluation of, 128-129 justification of, in inductive vs. analytical 76 sequential covering algorithms, learning, 334-336 representations of, 23 comparison with, 280-281 testing of, 144-145 specialized for concept learning, 56 Hypothesis space, 14-15 use of information gain in, 58-60 bias in, 40-42, 46, 129 ID5R algorithm, comparison with GABIL, finite, sample complexity for, 207-214, 258 225 ILP. See Inductive logic programming infinite, sample complexity for, 214-220 Image encoding in face recognition, 114 VC dimension of, 214-217 Imperfect domain theory: Hypothesis space search by BACKPROPAGATaIOlgNorithm, 97, in EBNN algorithm, 356 in explanation-based learning, 330 106, 122-123 in FOCL algorithm, 360 comparison with decision tree in KBANN algorithm, 344-345 Incremental explanation methods, 328 learning, 106 Incremental gradient descent. See comparison with KBANN and Stochastic gradient descent TANGENTPROalPgorithms, 350-35 1 INCREMENTAVLERSIONSPACEMERGING by CANDIDATE-ELIMINATaIlOgoNrithm, algorithm, 47 64 Inductive-analytical learning, 334-363 in concept learning, 23-25, 46-47 constraints on, 302-303 advantages of, 362 by FIND-Salgorithm, 27-28 explanation-based learning and, 330 by FOIL algorithm, 286-287, 357-361 learning problem, 337-338 by genetic algorithms, 250, 259 prior knowledge methods to alter search, by gradient descent, 90-91 by ID3 algorithm, 60-62,64, 76 339-340,362 by KBANN algorithm, 346 properties of ideal systems, 337 by learning algorithms, 24 weighting of components in EBNN by LEARN-ONE-RUL2E77, in machine learning, 14-15, 18 algorithm, 351-352,355 use of prior knowledge, 339-340, 362 weighting prior knowledge in, 338 Inductive bias, 39-45, 137-138. See also ID3 algorithm, 55-64,77 backtracking and, 62 Occam's razor; Preference bias; CANDIDATE-ELIMINATaIlOgoNrithm, Restriction bias comparison with, 61-62 of BACKPROPAGATaIOlgNorithm, 106 choice of attributes in, 280-281 bias-free learning, 40-42 choice of decision tree, 63 of CANDIDATE-ELIMINATalIgOoNrithm, cost-sensitive measures, 75-76 43-46, 63-64 extensions to, 77. See also C4.5 in decision tree learning, 63-66 algorithm definition of, 43 in explanation-based learning, 322-323 of FIND-Salgorithm, 45 of ID3 algorithm, 63-64,76 of inductive learning algorithms, 42-46 of k-NEARESTNEIGHBORalgorithm, 234
of LMS algorithm, 64 Joint probability distribution, in Bayesian of ROTE-LEARNEaRlgorithm, 44-45 belief networks, 185-187 Inductive inference. See Inductive learning Inductive learning, 42, 307-308. See k-fold cross-validation, 112, 147, 150 k-means problem, 191-193 also Decision tree learning; Genetic algorithms; Inductive logic derivation of EM algorithm for, 195-196 programming; Neural network k-NEARESTNEIGHBORalgorithm, 231-233, learning analytical learning, comparison with, 246 310, 328-329, 334-336, 362 applications of, 234 inductive bias in, 4 2 4 6 cross-validation in, 235 Inductive learning hypothesis, 23 decision tree and rule learning, Inductive logic programming, 275,29 1 PROLOG-EBGc, omparison with, 322 comparison with, 235 Information gain, 73 distance-weighted, 233-234 definition of, 57-58 inductive bias of, 234 in FOIL algorithm, 289 memory indexing in, 236 in ID3 algorithm, 5 5 , 5 8 4 0 k-term CNF expressions, 2 13-214 Information theory: k-term DNF expressions, 213-214 influence on machine learning, 4 K2 algorithm, 190-191 Minimum Description Length principle KBANN algorithm, 340-347, 362, 387 and, 172 advantages of, 344 Initialize-thehypothesis approach, BACKPROPAGATIaOlgNorithm, 339-346 Bayesian belief networks in, 346 comparison with, 344-345 Instance-based learning, 230-247. See also BACKPROPAGATIwOeNight update rule Case-based reasoning; k-NEAREST NEIGHBORalgorithm; Locally in, 343-344 weighted regression hypothesis space search by advantages, 245-246 case-based reasoning, comparison with BACKPROPAGATIaOnNd other methods, 240 TANGENTPROcPo,mparison with, limitations of, 231 350-35 1 Inverse entailment, 292, 302 limitations of, 345 first-order, 297 prior knowledge in, 339 generate-and-test beam search, kd-tree, 236 comparison with, 299 Kernel function, 236, 238, 246 in PROGOL,300-302 Kernel function, Gaussian. See Gaussian Inverse resolution, 294-296, 302 kernel function first-order, 297-298 Knowledge-Based Artificial Neural generate-and-test beam search, Network (KBANN) algorithm. See comparison with, 298-299 KBANN algorithm limitations of, 300 Knowledge compilation, 320 Inverted deduction, 291-293 Knowledge level learning, 323-325 Knowledge reformulation, 320 J Lamarckian evolution, 266 Jacobian, 354 Language bias. See Restriction bias Job-shop scheduling, genetic algorithms in, Lazy explanation methods, 328 Lazy learning methods, comparison with eager learning, 244-245
LEARN-ONE-RUaLlgEorithm: Logical constants, 284, 285 FOIL algorithm, comparison with, 287 Logical terms, 284, 285 ID3 algorithm, search comparison with, Logistic function, 96, 104 277 Lookup table: rule performance in, 282 rule post-pruning in, 281 function approximation algorithms as variations of, 279-280,286 substitute, 384 Learning: neural network as substitute, 384 human. See Human learning Lower bound on sample complexity, machine. See Machine learning 217-218 Learning algorithms consistent learners, 162-163 m-estimate of probability, 179-180, 198, design of, 9-11, 17 282 domain-independent, 336 error differences between two, 145-15 1 Machine learning, 15. See also entries search of hypothesis space, 24 beginning with Learning Learning problems, 2-5, 17 applications, 3, 17 computational theory of, 201-202 definition of, 2 in inductive-analyticallearning, 337-338 influence of other disciplines on, 4, 17 search of hypothesis space, 14-15, 18 Learning rate, 88, 91 Manufacturing process control, 17 Learning systems: MAP hypothesis. See Maximum design of, 5-14, 17 a posteriori hypothesis program modules, 11-1' : MAP LEARNINGalgorithm, BRUTE-FORCE. Least mean squares algori ,m.See LMS See BRUTE-FORCMEAP LEARNING algorithm algorithm Least-squared error hypothesis: Markov decision processes (MDP), 370, 387 classifiers for, 198 applications of, 386 gradient descent in, 167 MARKUS, 302 maximum likelihood (ML) hypothesis MARVIN3,02 Maximally general hypotheses, and, 164-167 computation by CANDIDATE- Leave-one-out cross-validation, 235 ELIMINATIOaNlgorithm, 31, Legal case reasoning, case-based reasoning 46 Maximally specific hypotheses: in, 240 computation by CANDIDATE- LEMMA-ENUMERAaTlOgoRrithm, 324 ELIMINATIOaNlgorithm, 31, Lifelong learning, 370 46 Line search, 119 computation by FIND-Salgorithm, Linear programming, as weight update 26-28, 62-63 Maximum a posteriori (MAP) hypothesis, algorithm, 95 157, 197. See also BRUTE-FORCE Linearly separable sets, 86, 89, 95 MAP LEARNINGalgorithm LIST-THEN-ELLMINAalTgEorithm, 30 naive Bayes classifier and, 178 Literal, 284, 285 output of consistent learners, 162-163 LMS algorithm, 11, 15 Maximum likelihood (ML) hypothesis, 157 EM algorithm search for, 194-195 inductive bias of, 64 least-squared error hy- -pothesis and, LMS weight update rule. See Delta rule 164-167 Local method, 234 Locally weighted regression, 231, 236-238, 246 limitations of, 238 weight update rules in, 237-238
prediction of probabilities with, 167-170 Naive Bayes classifier, 154-155, 177-179, MDP. See Markov decision processes 197 Mean error, 143 Bayesian belief network, comparison Mean value, 133, 136 with, 186 Means-ends planner, 326 Mechanical design, case-based reasoning maximum a posteriori (MAP) hypothesis and, 178 in, 240-244 Medical diagnosis: use in text classification, 180-184 Naive Bayes learner. See Naive Bayes attribute selection measure, 76 Bayes theorem in, 157-158 classifier META-DENDRAL3, 02 MFOIL,302 Negation-as-failure strategy, 279, 319, Minimum Description Length principle, 321n 66,69, 171-173, 197, 198 Negative literal, 284, 285 in decision tree learning, 173-174 Neural network learning, 81-124. in inductive logic programming, See also BACKPROPAGATION 292-293 algorithm; CASCADE-CORRELATION MIS, 302 algorithm, EBNN algorithm, Mistake-bound learning, 202, 220, 226 KBANN algorithm, TANGENTPROP in CANDIDATE-ELIMINATaIlOgoNrithm, algorithm 221-222 applications of, 83, 85 in FIND-Salgorithm, 220-221 in face recognition, 113 in HALVINGalgorithm, 221-222 cross-validation in, 111-1 12 decision tree learning, comparison with, 85 in LIST-THEN-ELIMINAaTlgEorithm, discovery of hidden layer representations 221-222 in, 107 in WEIGHTED-MAJORITalYgorithm, overfitting in, 123 224-225 in Q learning, 384 Mistake bounds, optimal. See Optimal representation in, 82-83, 84, 105-106 mistake bounds Neural networks, artificial, 81-124. ML hypothesis. See Maximum likelihood See also Multilayer feedforward hypothesis networks; Radial basis function Momentum, addition to BACKPROPAGATION networks; Recurrent networks algorithm, 100, 104 biological neural networks, comparison More-general-than partial ordering, 24-28, with, 82 46 creation by KBANN algorithm, 342-343 in CANDIDATE-ELIMINATalIgOoNrithm, VC dimension of, 218-220 29 Neural networks, biological, 82 in FIND-Salgorithm, 26-28 Neurobiology, influence on machine O-subsumption, entailment, and, 299-300 learning, 4, 82 in version spaces, 31 New features: Multilayer feedforward networks derivation in BACKPROPAGATION BACKPROPAGATaIOlgNorithm in, 95-101 algorithm, 106-109, 123 function representation in, 105-106, 115 derivation in explanation-based learning, representation of decision surfaces, 96 320-321 training of multiple networks, 105 NEWSWEEDEsRystem, 183-184 VC dimension of, 218-220 Nondeterministic environments, Q learning Mutation operator, 252, 253, 255, 257, 262 in, 381-383
410 SUBJECT INDEX Normal distribution, 133, 139-140, 143, VC dimension of, 219 151, 165 weight update rule, 88-89, 94, 95 Perfect domain theory, 312-3 13 for noise, 167 Performance measure, 6 in paired tests, 149 Performance system, 11-12, 13 Philosophy, influence on machine Occam's razor, 4, 65-66, 171 Offline learning systems, 385 learning, 4 One-sided bounds, 141, 144 Planning problems: Online learning systems, 385 Optimal brain damage approach, 122 PRODIGYin, 327 Optimal code, 172 case-based reasoning in, 240-241 Optimal mistake bounds, 222-223 Policy for selecting actions, 370-372 Optimal policy for selecting actions, Population evolution, in genetic algorithms, 371-372 260-262 Optimization problems: Positive literal, 284, 285 Post-pruning: explanation-based learning in, 325 genetic algorithms in, 256, 269 in decision tree learning, 68-69, 77, reinforcement learning in, 256 281 Output encoding in face recognition, in FOIL algorithm, 291 114-1 15 in LEARN-ONE-RUL2E81, Output units, BACKPROPAGATwIOeNight Posterior probability, 155-156, 162 Power law of practice, 4 update rule for, 102-103 Power set, 40-42 Overfitting, 123 Predicates, 284, 285 Preference bias, 64, 76, 77 in BACKPROPAGATaIOlgNorithm, 108, Prior knowledge, 155-156, 336. See also 11&111 Domain theory in decision tree learning, 66-69, 76-77, to augment search operators, 357-361 111 in Bayesian learning, 155 derivatives of target function, 346-356, definition of, 67 Minimum Description Length principle 362 in explanation-based learning, and, 174 in neural network learning, 123 308-309 explicit, use in learning, 329 PAC learning, 203-207, 225, 226 in human learning, 330 of boolean conjunctions, 211-212 initialize-the-hypothesis approach, definition of, 206-207 training error in, 205 339-346, 362 true error in, 204-205 in PROLOG-EBG3,13 search alteration in inductive-analytical Paired tests, 147-150, 152 Parallelization in genetic algorithms, 268 learning, 339-340, 362 Partially learned concepts, 38-39 weighting in inductive-analytical Partially observable states in reinforcement learning, 338, 362 learning, 369-370 Prioritized sweeping, 380 Perceptron training rule, 88-89, 94,95 Probabilistic reasoning, 163 Perceptrons, 86, 95, 96, 123 Probabilities: representation of boolean functions, estimation of, 179-1 80 87-88 formulas, 159 maximum likelihood (ML) hypothesis for prediction of, 167-170 probability density, 165
Probability distribution, 133. See also convergence, 377-380 Binomial distribution: Normal training rule, 375-376 distribution strategies in, 379 approximately correct (PAC) learning. See PAC learning lookup table, neural network substitution h x e s s control in manufacturing, 17 for, 384 PRODIGY3, 26-327, 330 Product rule, 159 in nondeterministic environments, ~ W L 3, 00-302 381-383 ~ o L @ 2%75,302, 330 PROLOG-EBG3,13-321, 328-329 convergence, 382-383 applications of, 325 training rule, 382 deductive learning in, 321-322 updating sequence, 379 definition of, 314 Query strategies, 37-38 derivation of new features in, 320-321 domain theory in, 322 Radial basis function networks, 231, EBNN algorithm, comparison with, 356 explanation of training examples, 238-240, 245, 246, 247 314-318 weakest preimage in, 329 advantages of, 240 inductive bias in, 322-323 inductive logic programming, Random variable, 133, 134, 137, 151 comp'arison with, 322 limitations of, 329 Randomized method, 150 perfect domain theory in, 313 prior knowledge in, 313 Rank selection, 256 properties of, 319 regression process in, 316-3 18 RBF networks. See Radial basis function Propositional rules: learning by sequential covering networks algorithms, 275 learning first-order rules, comparison RDT program, 303 with, 283 psychology, influence on machine Real-valued target function. See learning, 4 Continuous-valued target function Q function: in deterministic environments, 374 Recurrent networks, 119-121. See also convergence of Q learning towards, 377-380 Neural networks, artificial in nondeterministic environments, 381 convergence of Q learning towards, Recursive rules, 284 382 learning by FOIL algorithm, 290 Q learning algorithm, 372-376. See also Reinforcement learning Reduced-error pruning, in decision tree advantages of, 386 learning, 69-71 in deterministic environments, 375 REGRESSalgorithm, 317-3 18 Regression, 236 in PROLOG-EBG3, 16-381 Reinforcement learning, 367-387. See also Q learning algorithm applications of, 387 differences from other methods, 369-370 dynamic programming and, 380, 385-387 explanation-based learning and, 330 function approximation algorithms in, : 1 384-385 Relational descriptions, learning of, 302 Relative frequency, 282 Relative mistake bound for WEIGHTED-MAJORIaTlYgorithm, 224-225 Residual, 236
Resolution rule, 293-294 Sample error, 130-131, 133-134, 143 first-order, 296-297 training error and, 205 inverse entailment operator and, 294-296 Sampling theory, 132-141 propositional, 294 Scheduling problems: Restriction bias, 64 case-based reasoning in, 241 Reward function, in reinforcement explanation-based learning in, 325 PRODIGYin, 327 learning, 368 reinforcement learning in, 368 Robot control: Schema theorem, 260-262 genetic operators in, 261-262 by BACKPROPAGATaIOndNEBNN Search bias. See Preference bias algorithms, comparison of, 356 Search control problems: explanation-based learning in, 325-328, genetic programming in, 269 Robot driving. See Autonomous vehicles 329, 330 Robot perception, attribute cost measures limitations of, 327-328 as sequential control processes, 369 in, 76 Search of hypothesis space. See Hypothesis Robot planning problems, explanation- space search based learning in, 327 Sequential control processes, 368-369 ROTE-LEARNEaRlgorithm, inductive bias learning task in, 370-373 of, 44-45 search control problems in, 369 Roulette wheel selection, 255 Sequential covering algorithms, 274, Rule for estimating training values, 10, 383 Rule learning, 274-303 275-279, 301, 313, 363 choice of attribute-pairs in, 280-282 in decision trees, 71-72 definition of, 276 in explanation-based learning, 311-3 19 FOIL algorithm, comparison with, 287, by FOCL algorithm, 357-360 by genetic algorithms, 256-259, 301-302 ID3 algorithm, comparison with, 269-270, 274 Rule post-pruning, in decision tree 280-28 1 simultaneous covering algorithms, learning, 71-72 Rules: comparison with, 280-282 variations of, 279-280, 286 disjunctive sets of, learning by sequential Shattering, 214-215 covering algorithms, 275-276 Shepard's method, 234 Sigmoid function, 97, 104 first-order. See First-order rules Sigmoid units, 95-96, 115 propositional. See Propositional rules Simultaneous covering algorithms: choice of attributes in, 280-281 SafeToStack, 310-312 sequential covering algorithms, Sample complexity, 202. See also Training comparison with, 280-282 examples Single-point crossover operator, 254, 261 bound for consistent learners, 207-210, SOAR, 327, 330 Specific-to-general search, 281 225 equation for, 209 in FOIL algorithm, 287 for finite hypothesis spaces, 207-214 Speech recognition, 3 for infinite hypothesis spaces, 214-220 of k-term CNF and DNF expressions, BACKPROPAGATaIOlgNorithm in, 81 representation by multilayer network, 213-214 of unbiased concepts, 212-213 95, 96 VC dimension bound, 217-2 18 weight sharing in, 118
Theorem of total probability, 159 0-subsumption, 302 Split infomation, 73-74 with entailment and Squashing function, 96 more-general-than partial ordering, Stacking problems. See also SafeToStack 299-300 analytical learning in, 310 Tournament selection, 256 explanation-based learning in, 3 10 Training and validation set approach, 69. genetic programming in, 263-265 See also Validation set PRODIGYin, 327 Training derivatives, 117-1 18 Standard deviation, 133, I 36-1 37 Training error: State-transitionfunction, 380 of continuous-valued hypotheses, 89-90 Statistics: of discrete-valued hypotheses, 205 basic definitions, 133 in multilayer networks, 98 influence on machine learning, 4 alternative error functions, 117-1 18 Stochastic gradient descent, 93-94, Training examples, 5-6, 17, 23. See also 98-100, 104-105 Sample complexity Student t tests, 147-150, 152 explanation in PROLOG-EBG3, 14-3 18 Substitution, 285, 296 in PAC learning, 205-207 Sum rule, 159 bounds on, 226 Voronoi diagram of, 233 Training experience, 5-6, 17 Training values, rule for estimation of, 10 t tests, 147-150, 152 True error, 130-131, 133, 137, 150, TANGENTPROalPgorithm, 347-350, 362 204-205 BACKPROPAGATIaOlgNorithm, of two hypotheses, differences in, comparison with, 349 143-144 in EBNN algorithm, 352 in version spaces, 208-209 search of hypothesis space Two-point crossover operator, 255, by KBANN and BACKPROPAGATION 257-258 algorithms, comparison with, Two-sided bounds, 141 350-35 1 tanh function, 97 Target concept, 22-23,4041 Unbiased estimator, 133, 137 PAC learning of, 211-213 Unbiased learners, 4 0 4 2 Target function, 7-8, 17 sample complexity of, 212-2 13 continuous-valued. See Continuous- Uniform crossover operator, 255 valued target function Unifying substitution, 285, 296 representation of, 8-9, 14, 17 Unsupe~isedlearning, 191 Utility analysis, in explanation-based TD-GAMMON3,, 14, 369, 383 TD(Q and BACKPROPAGATIaOlgNorithm learning, 327-328 in, 384 TD(h), 383-384, 387 Temporal credit assignment, in I reinforcement learning, 369 Validation set. See also Training and i Temporal difference learning, 383-384, validation set approach 386-387 cross-validation and, 111-1 12 Terms, in logic, 284, 285 error over, 110 Text classification, naive Bayes classifier Vapnik-Chervonenkis (VC) dimension. See in, 180-184 VC dimension
Variables, in logic, 284, 285 Weight update rules, 10-1 1 Variance, 133, 136-137, 138, 143 BACKPROPAGATIwOeNight update rule, VC dimension, 214-217, 226 101-103 alternative error functions, 117-1 18 bound on sample complexity, 217-218 in KBANN algorithm, 343-344 definition of, 215 optimization methods, 119 of neural networks, 218-220 output units, 171 Version space representation theorem, 32 delta rule, 11, 88-90, 94 Version spaces, 29-39, 46, 47, 207-208 gradient ascent, 170-17 1 Bayes optimal classifier and, 176 gradient descent, 91-92, 95 definition of, 30 linear programming, 95 exhaustion of, 208-210, 226 perceptron training rule, 88-89 representations of, 30-32 stochastic gradient descent, 93-94 Voronoi diagram, 233 WEIGHTED-MAJORIaTlYgorithm, 222-226 Weakest preimage, 316, 329 mistake-bound learning in, 224-225 Weight decay, 1 11, 117 Weight sharing, 1 18 Weighted voting, 222, 223, 226 Widrow-Hoff rule. See Delta rule
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