WHAT IS CANCER? Cancer is a disease in which some of the body’s cells grow uncontrollably and spread to other parts of the body. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN NORMAL CELLS AND CANCER CELLS NORMAL CELLS CANCER CELLS Small, uniformly shape nuclei Large, variable shaped nuclei Relatively large cytoplasmic volume Relatively small cytoplasmic volume Conformity in cell size and shape Variation in cell size and shape Cell arranged into discrete tissue Disorganized arrangement of cells May possess di erentiated cell structure Loss of normal specialized features Normal presentation of cell Elevated expression of certain surface markers cell markers Lower levels of dividing cells Large number of dividing cells Cell tissues clearly demarcated Poorly de ned tumor boundaries
TIPS TO PREVENT CANCER Maintain a Eat more healthy weight fruits and veggies Cut down Limit sugar on alcohol and fat Be physically active Schedule regular check-ups
FOOD AND CANCER RISK Some foods and the vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients found in them may raise or lower cancer risk. PLANT BASED FOOD Phytonutrients found in fruits and vegetables most likely work together to lower cancer risk. Plant-based foods have studied for cancer prevention are cruciferous vegetables, lycopene, soy and etc. ANTIOXIDANT Antioxidants protect against oxidants, which are substances that can lead to cell damage. Examples of antioxidant include beta carotene, selenium, and vitamins C and E. OTHERS VITAMINS AND MINERALS Your body needs vitamins and minerals. They help the body to perform essential functions, body self-repair, body grow and develop. DIETARY FIBER Fiber helps nourish a healthy community of microbes living in the digestive tract. This community is called a microbiome. A healthy microbiome has been linked with a lower cancer risk.
Some foods can increase your risk of type 2 diabetes and obesity, which are associated with certain types of cancer. Other foods contain carcinogens, which are harmful substances that have the capacity to cause cancer. PROCESSED MEAT Processed meat is any type of meat that’s been preserved by smoking, salting, curing, or canning. Most processed meats are red meats. The methods used to make processed meats can create carcinogens. FRIED FOODS When starchy foods are cooked at high temperatures, a com- pound called acrylamide is formed and acrylamide was found to be carcinogenic. This can happen during frying, baking, roasting, and toasting. OVERCOOKED FOOD Overcooking foods, especially meats, can produce carcinogens. Cooking meat with high heat creates carcinogenic PAHs and heterocyclic amines (HCAs). These substances may increase the risk of cancer by altering the DNA of your cells. ALCOHOL When you consume alcohol, your liver breaks down alcohol into acetaldehyde, a carcinogenic compound. Acetaldehyde promotes DNA damage and oxidative stress. It also interferes with your immune function, making it di cult for your body to target precancerous and cancerous cells.
MORINGA ELIXIR Provide selection of high quality ingredient such as Moringa, Seabuckthorn, Acai Berry, Plant Derived Minerals, and Fruit and Vegetables Extract to provide full range of nutrition. MORINGA OLEIFERA Mainly found in Africa and Asia. Used in traditional medicine, health supplements and so on. Its use in traditional medicine in Indian for more than 4000 years and is known as the “Tree of Life” or the “Miracle Tree.” Researcher have shown that Moringa leaves are rich in nutrition. Moringa seeds have various bene ts such as enhancing immunity, detoxi cation, helps in weight loss, anti-aging, anti-tumor as well as various others e ects. SEABUCKTHORN Sea Buckthorn is a fruit that contains various types of vitamins, trace elements, amino acids and other biologically active substances. This plant grows in an environment without any pollution and recognized as the King of Vitamin C in the group of plants found in the world. A plant that is widely used as a medicine listed in the Traditional Chinese Medicine and the World Medicine and certi ed by the Ministry of National Health as an edible or medicinal plant. ACAI BERRY Acai berry are rich in anthocyanins, polyphenols and avonoids, which can protect the body from in ammatory caused by free radicals and boost immune system. It has the most complete nutrients and is the fruit that has the highest antioxidant content. It can protect our body from free radicals that can cause aging and boost the body's immune system.
PLANT DERIVED MINERAL Has multiple function: • An important element in the formation of the muscle structure of the body • Maintain water and electrolyte balance in the body • Maintains levels of nerve and muscle stimulation and cell membrane permeability • An important component in improving the function of every part of the body • Take part in the body's metabolism FRUIT AND VEGETABLES EXTRACT Includes 20 di erent types of fruits and vegetables which are rich in antioxidant elements.
E.BACT Probiotics are live microorganisms that can be consumed through fermented foods or supplements. More and more studies show that the balance or imbalance of bacteria in your digestive system is linked to overall health and disease. Probiotics promote a healthy balance of gut bacteria and have been linked to a wide range of health bene ts. These include bene ts for weight loss, digestive health, immune function and more. TYPE OF PROBIOTICS IN E.BACT • Lactobacillus acidophilus • Lactobacillus plantarum • Bi dobacterium lactis • Streptococcus thermophilus • Lactobacillus casei • Bi dobacterium longum • Lactococcus lactis Bene cial bacterial that grows inside humans and actively plays a positive role in human health. They helps in maintaining the natural balance of organisms in the intestine.
INULIN A prebiotics, natural water-soluble dietary ber. Soluble ber will dissolve in water to form a gel-like substance to help lower blood cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Inulin is also a prebiotic that can stimulate the growth of probiotics in the gut and increase the probiotic intestinal activity as well as the formation of the “food” for bacteria within the digestive tract. MORINGA SEED EXTRACT Rich in protein, calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, vitamin A and vitamin C. Moringa helps to enhance health by providing a wide variety of nutrients and promoting detoxi cation.
PMC75 It is made by carefully selecting high-quality special fungus, a variety of re ned dextran polysaccharides, moringa, plant derived mineral and other nutritional functional components. It naturally boosts the body’s immune system natural killer cells while promoting human health and vitality to cope with a variety of adverse health factor. 5 TYPES OF FUNGUS Contain natural beta-1, 3-1, 6-glucan which boosts the function of immune system. COPRINUS COMATUS Improve immune system by providing important nutrient that are the main components of white blood cells and antibodies. AGARICUS BLAZEI It helps improve immune function by activating lymphocytes, TC cells, phagocytes, enhance macrophage, NK cells and inhibit tumor growth. GANODERMA LUCIDUM Known as herb of immortality, a precious herb for tonic, longevity and relaxation. Ganoderma lucidum have very good therapeutic e ect on lungs. It is specially good for patient su ering from asthma and others respiratory disease.
CORIOLUS CERSICOLOR Containing polysaccharide peptide and polysaccharide K. it has anti-tumor and anti-microbial characteristics and the most e ective and safest substance for treatment of chronic disease. Many research shows that it inhibits tumor growth while restoring immune function in animals with cancer. It prevents the growth of tumors, resists viral infection and strengthens the immune system. INONOTUS OBLIQUUS Rich in phytonutrients, such as beta-glucan. Polysaccharide Chaga beta-glucan is an e ective immune activator which helps with immune de ciency, preventing viral, bacterial and parasitic disease. BETA GLUCAN BINDS WITH MACROPHAGES, ACTIVATES AND INCREASE THEIR AVAILABILITY TO IDENTIFY AND DESTROY FOREIGN ORGANISMS.
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