EDITION 1 | JULY 2020 Natural resource and Agriculture is our heritage and pride L E A D E R S H I P. S O C I A L . C U LT U R E . T O U R I S M . M I N I N G . F I S H I N G . A G R I C U LT U R E . S E C U R I T Y. E C O N O M Y . C O M M U N I T Y Fish demand rise in 8 Itezhi-tezhi receives its 6 H.E. Dr Edgar Lungu Kalomo- 13 511Itezhi-tezhi Keep Girls in School beneficiaries Itezhi-tezhi share of the national cake Dundumwezi-Ngoma-Itezhi Tezhi Climate visited Resilient Road commissions ITTC secures land for 7 Newly opened police post 10 Chieftaincy Muwezwa 18 59First ever filling station International Airport cheers business toasts ITT to cultural day constructed in Itezhi-Tezhi construction community
Welcome to the rst ever edition of Itezhi-tezhi Town Council Magazine for the period between February 2019 to March 2020. is edition will focus on giving highlights on the Councils planned activities and programs to the Itezhi-tezhi residents and the general public for the period under review. 2019 was a successful year. e district witnessed a lot of developments arising from the many resolutions that council made during its ordinary and special council meetings) Some of the decisions made included the procuring of the Grader which will help the Local Authority open up new areas and to work on feeder roads in the district. Others included the repair of a drilling rig, the light Truck for Keep Zambia Clean Green and Healthy Campaign and Securing Land for the rst ever lling Station and an International Airport. MISSION STATEMENT A number of CDF projects which started in 2014 namely Nanzhila School staff house, Luubwe School staff house, Mutenda Health Centre staff house, Nyambo School staff house, To provide effective, and Muunga School staff house progressed well. quality, affordable Construction of the Shimbizhi Market Ablution block, and a one by two class room block services and facilitate were completed and handed over to the Community. e Council's desire is to empower participatory socio- education and Health personnel in the various wards so as to motivate them in their economic development discharge of their duties to enhance service delivery to the communities. to improve the quality e Council in conjunction with the district administration is also managing a pilot project of life for the under agricultural on Strengthening Climate, Resilience in Kafue sub- basin (SCRIKA) which communities in Itezhi has positively impacted and improved the livelihoods of people in the remote areas of the district. Tezhi district. e project is being implemented in three wards namely Luubwe, Mbila, and Itumbi. e Council also Launched the use of Walk way Waste bins in collaboration with Itezhi-tezhi Power Cooperation (ITPC) who donated the bins to the Local Authority which have become useful tools during the monthly Keep Zambia Clean Gre4en and Health Campaign (KZCGHC) . In making sure that the KZCGHC activities are effective there is need for a change of mind set and attitude towards the Campaign to make it a permanent part of our daily life. e Health Section has continued to conduct sensitization meetings with the public in places such as markets and Schools on the basic Hygiene. To our business community I say thank you for your support and hope that we will continue with the same spirit of bringing development to our district. The above is the proposed Steven Sholoba new Itezhi Tezhi Town Council Chairperson Council logo. Members of the public are welcome to submit their views through h\\the Public Relations Unit before the logo is ofcially adopted by the council. -3-
Forward by Council Secretary I am delighted and excited to welcome you our readers to this special edition February 2019 to March 2020 News Publication for Itezhi-tezhi Town Council. In 2019 the Local Authority at its third ordinary Council Sittings passed a number of resolutions that will foster development; bring improvement in the service delivery and empowerment to the people of Itezhi tezhi and the nation as a whole. e most outstanding resolutions included the following; Ÿ Reduction on the rentals at the Modern market Ÿ Repair of the drilling Rig Ÿ Repair of the Keep Zambia Clean Light truck Ÿ Rehabilitation and Construction of refuse bays Ÿ Introduction of walkway refuse bins Ÿ Securing Land for offer to Mt Meru for the Construction of the rst ever service station Ÿ Secure Land for an International Airport, an Industrial Park and a Solar Power Plant by Hive Energy Ÿ Secured land for a Council farm Ÿ Rehabilitation of seven Council Staff Houses Ÿ Opening up of two new development areas and offering of plots for the provision of decent housing and promoting development in Choongo and Kachenjela Ÿ Partnered with Constituency Development Funds (CDF) to procure a grader which will help in the provision and maintenance of feeder roads As a way of promoting the decentralization process as a district we managed to form and orient Ward Development Committees for the thirteen Wards in Itezhi Itezhi constituency. Management has continued to hold meetings with the decentralized structures at local level and use all government vehicles as pool vehicles so that service delivery is not hampered by transport challenges. May I take this opportunity to thank the Council, Management and all members of staff for Itezhi-Tezhi Town Council for the consented effort in the implementation of government policies which added value to our for effective service delivery service delivery. Special thanks to our stakeholders and the General Public for your invaluable support as we strive to bring development and better the lives of the people of Itezhi-Tezhi District through Infrastructure development and quality service delivery. Gilbert Sendama Council Secretary -4-
Adelightful welcome to this first ever Edition of Itezhi-Tezhi News Magazine were we will get to share with you the Council's developmental programs, national and local events and activities undertaken in Itezhi-Tezhi district in the year 2019 and 2020. Evelyn Tembo Nkhoma In this edition we join the rest of the country and the world at large in the Public Relations Officer commemoration of the various events and we will further give you insights on some activities and projects implemented in the period under review. Council embarked on a journey to attract investors and foster development to improve livelihoods of the residents of Itezhi Tezhi and the Nation at Large. EDITORIAL TEAM We embrace an open door policy and continue ZESCO TRANSFORMERS, STREET LIGHTS, to engage you our stake holders on various RAILWAY STEPPERS. WALL FENCES . Chief Editor matters affecting the district We believe with Gilbert Sendama an informed public we stand a better to GRAFFITI, OFFICES, ROAD SIGNS, ROADS Editor succeed. AND ANSWERING THE CALL OF NATURE IN Evelyn Tembo Nkhoma Content Contributors For and suggestions and contributions you UN-DISIGNATED PLACES ITT Council can contact the ZANIS - Itezhi Tezhi Graphics Design & Layout Public Relations Unit : Kufoma Tembo 0977465783 or 0977425110 This production is not for sale in Email us on [email protected] any way. that a copy righted or like and follow our Facebook page photo / image has been used in @ Itezhi-tezi Town Council this publication, the intent is www.itezhi-tezhicouncil.gov.zm purely to educate our citizens especially those of Itezhi Tezhi district. For any queries, feel free to contact the Public Relations Unit. Copyright © 2020. BAR FOOD ACCOMMODATION RELAXATION Situated in Kataba (Opposite ZESCO offices) Itezhi Tezhi
Senior Management Team GILBERT SENDAMA CoCuonuncciill SSeeccrerteatryary DR.SILVESTER SONDE KILLIAN MALAMBO TILINAO M NDAWIRE VICTOR LONGWANI District Health Director Director of Works District Education Board District Planning Officer Secretary SSHHEEPPAARRDD PPHHIIRRII GCILHBISEHRTA SEI NDZAWMEA MARINA MANGANI JOHnMAC KIKOMFWA DistrCicot AugnricciulltSueracl rCeotoardriynator Chief Administrative Officer DiDstisrtircitctLLiviveessttoocck &&FFiisshheerireises Council Treasurer Cordinator CHSISHEENPGARADCHPHISIERNI GA VICTORIA CHITALU GIJLOBYECRETMSEUNKDUAMA WILLARD NJOBVU CDoisutrnicct iSloSciealcWreeltfaarrey DCishtireifcHt LumivaenstRoecsko&urcFeisOhffiercieers District Community Dev. Officer District Forestry Officer
Council Structure Steven Shaloba Council Chairperson Cllr. Ginter Siyakayuwa Council Vice Chairperson HRH HRH HRH Cllr. Chief Kaingu Cllr Chief Musungwa Cllr Chief Shimbizhi SCHllEr PAAmRosDMPalHumIbReI Cllr.LBGuoclIhiLveiBna aNEWaRmaTrildando Cllr Boyd Munsangu Cllr Boyd Shanduba SCHllEr EPdAwRarDd MPuHloIwRaI Itumbi Ward Luubwe Ward Mbila Ward Itezhi Tezhi Ward SCHllrEKPeAnnRedDy MPHweInRdIa Cllr Isreal Mangolo Cllr RGapIhLaBelEMRuTchindu Cllr Ricky Binda SCHllEr SPaAmRMDMPpHamIRbaI Banamwaze Ward Basanga Ward Nyambo Ward Kabulungwe Ward Makunku Ward Cllr. Vironica Bulongo SCHllrEWPAnbRoDy KPayHukIwRaI Masemu Ward Luchena Ward
“If you want a place to invest think about Itezhi-tezhi ” says District Planning Officer. Following the Central Province Business Expo held in October 2018 all roads lead to itezhi tezhi as the district is poised for the development of an international Airport ,a new housing scheme for men and women in uniform of over 140 housing units and modern office block and police station ,a new catholic school ,two state of art abattoirs, over 1700 surveyed plots ready and available for Commercial ,and residential development on the itezhi tezhi lake shores. This is the lifetime chance for serious Zambians to acquire affordable titled land in the TOURISMANDAGRICULTURALTOWN. ITT District Planning Officer Which 1500 Hectares is still opening up two areas for development Killian Malambo says that “The undeveloped .The District has parcels namely Choongo and Kachengela district is the next tourist town of land for investment in Industrial and where land for services like Education, located right at the heart of the Kafue Agriculture. The district is abundantly Recreation, Health and Banking has National park .” The district has endowed with the required resources already been identified. abundant natural resources which such as 13,064 square kilometres of include; wildlife, forests, birds, game landmass and out of this 58 percent is Due to the increased number of people management areas heritage sites and arable, conducive climate and water coming in to settle demand for decent monuments, Ancient Caves and resources good for Planting crops like accommodation has risen and hence the Tunnels . Variety of tourist attractions Maize, Beans, Groundnuts. Livestock need for people to invest in Housing. such as; hot springs ,Itezhi Tezhi dam processing i.e. abattoirs and meat The district has procured earth moving and lake are a marvel . Unexploited processing has also potential . Fishing equipment and has started opening up areas, such as the Kafue National Park, has been the mainstay and major roads in the New residential areas. the Kafue River, the wetlands or Kafue economic activity since the dam was flood plains and Lake Itezhi-tezhi are constructed. ITT has a variety of fish “With all these potentials and its also areas of potential investment . The species such as Limnothrissamiodon Uniqueness that is why am saying that, District has no Mining Plants, this (Kapenta) (Exotic in Lake Itezhi- if you want to invest Think of Itezhi- offers an opportunity for Mineral Itezhi), breams, pike, silverfish and tezhi.” says Malambo . Exploration in the District. many more giving the industry great potential in terms of canning and other For enquiries on land matters please Mr Malambo said that “the Land under type of fish processing for export . call the District Planning Officer on the Jurisdiction of the Local Authority 0979494108 is approximately 4300 Hectares of Currently the Local Authority is
Itezhi-tezhi receives its share of the is building Nansenga Day Secondary School with the support from the World Bank using Community Driven Development (CDD) approach. e scope of the works to be constructed will be: 1 x 2 Classroom block (i) 1No. 1 X 3 classroom block block is about to be completed. ereafter, K61, 160.00 was also funded EWSC CELEBRATES WORLD WATER(ii)1No.1X2classroomblock (iii) 1No. 1 X 2 Science Laboratory/Home for sinking of the borehole and for the DAY IN STYLEEconomics block installation of the India mark II hand (iv) Administration block (v) 2No Ablution block for boys and girls Minister of Gen. Education, Dr David (vi) 4No low cost staff houses Mabumba (vii) Furniture and mobile laboratory e Ministry of General Education has equipment Delivery of Furniture embraced the vision 2030 of “not leaving (viii) Water supply system anyone behind” meant to accelerate (ix) Power supply pump. Later in September, 2019, the development in the country and (x) Sewage disposal system school was funded K519, 554.00 for the communities. (xi) Incinerator completion of the rst targets which have Itezhi-Tezhi district has had a share of this been completed this month, February, national cake. Science Laboratory/Home Economics 2020. e district received funding from World e project which is scheduled to be In November, 2019 the school received Bank through the government to build a completed in ve years started in August school furniture which was 90 chairs and day Secondary School at Nansenga in 2018 with the funding of K263, 750.00 to 90 tables for pupils, 46 laboratory stools, Makumku ward in Chieftaincy Muwezwa's construct three structures up to gable two teachers' tables, and two teachers' area. level. chairs. e district is also a bene ciary of the Construction of the one by three In December, 2019 the school was GEWEL Project and runs a Keeping Girls classroom block, a one by two classroom funded for phase two to construct a one in School (KGS) Initiative program. block, a Science laboratory and a Home by three classroom block and an amount is is to provide quality education and Economic block and a boy's ablution of K284, 304.30 was released to enhance acquisition of knowledge, skills, commence the works in March 2020. competencies, values and attitudes to all e total funding which has been through different types of education (both received from 2018 to 2020 amounts to internal and external learners). K1, 128, 768.30. e Government of the Republic of Zambia -6-
Itezhi –tezhi Town Council has produced in Itezhi Tezhi ranging from On the same Land, the Council will plan secured Land from Chief Kaingu livestock products, sheries, agriculture for an Industrial Park and has also and Chief Shimbizhi for produce and mineral products. resolved to lease part of the Land to Hive construction of an International e airport will also act as the main Energy to Construct a Solar Power Plant. Airport which is set to boost international entry point for the whole e Permanent Secretary Chomba paid tourism. Kafue National Park which offers tourists courtesy calls on the District a wide range of animals and plant species Commissioner (DC) Hendrix e Council is thankful to government to view. Kaimana,the Council Chairperson for the role it has taken to facilitate the Steven Sholoba and the two Royal construction of the rst International e local residents will also be employed highnesses Chief Kaingu and Chief Airport in Itezhi Tezhi. hence the multiplier effect on the Itezhi Shimbizhi before proceeding to the site. eir Royal Highnesses Chief Shimbizhi Tezhi economy, the Central Province and With the construction of the and Chief Kaingu have released land the Nationa at large. International Airport, the district will amounting to 2400 hectares for this experience a boost economically Project. Central Province Permanent Secretary especially in sectors such as tourism, e Project is currently at procurement Bernard Chomba was in the district with farming, and mining. stage and once completed, it will create an a team of planners from the province, the international hub for value addition to officers from the Procurement Unit and Itezhi-Tezhi district with its unique livestock, sheries,trade and tourism. the prospective developers to check on characteristics is the NEXT TOURIST rough this airport, the district will be the Land earmarked for the Airport CAPITAL, destination to visit and invest able to export various commodities project. in its vast untapped potential. -7-
Itezhi Tezhi is endowed with a vast In 2019, the district contributed 35 private developer namely the Itezhi feed resource base for animal percent of the provincial revenue in tezhi Abattoir Limited to build the production purposes in the Kafue Abattoir. plains which also includes the sheries and Livestock and it is e infrastructure once constructed abundance of water sources suitable projected that this percentage will will be one of the rst in the district and for Livestock Production. increase by ve percent in 2020. will add value to the growing economy is is the reason the district boasts of However, the limited access to markets of Itezhi-tezhi as well as provide having 142,022 herds of cattle and the for livestock and its products will now employment to the local people. sector is an important component of end as government has responded Sectors such as the livestock, sheries, the Itezhi-Tezhi economy which positively by facilitating the establish of and agriculture will be boosted by the contributes signi cantly to the national the abattoir. availability of the abattoir Gross Domestic Product (GDP). e Council has offered land to a Itezhi-Tezhi district contributes significantly to Government is aware of the direct benefits of fish their livelihood directly as fishers or indirectly as Zambia's overall livestock and fisheries sub as a source of food of high nutritional value traders, processors, and other service providers sectors of agriculture. especially for the vulnerable groups. such as transport services and refrigeration of e Kafue River, Itezhi-Tezhi Lake and the Kafue fresh fish for market. flats provides the basis for fresh water and e demand for fish in the district has risen with fisheries. increase in population. is Phenomenon provides suitable conditions To address this demand, and to avoid over for Livestock production. dependence on the natural water bodies such as Itezhi-Tezhi is endowed with vast feed resource the Kafue River and the lake, there is need for the base for animal production purposes and the fish e fish sector in the district contributes to the district to venture into fingerling production is enjoyed by all residents regardless of the development in terms of employment and project. economic status. income generations as well as reducing poverty as is will encourage people to venture into aqua- However, the demand for domestic fish enshrined in the Seventh National Development. culture fish farming as well as complete the fish consumption outweighs the current production. Almost every household in Itezh-Tezhi derive freezing market which is at 50 percent. -8-
In one of the full Council resolutions of 2019 councilors resolved to secure land for sale to a private company for construction of a lling station. The Council has since economy of Itezhi-Tezhi as well as e construction of the facility has offered the land to Mount provide employment for the local cheered motorists who when talked Meru Limited to build the people. to expressed their gratitude that it Filling Station. will make their work easier as fuel Sectors such as the livestock, will be available 24/7 ending e infrastructure which is now sheries, and agriculture will be worries of purchasing fuel in completed is the rst privately boosted due to the availability of Mumbwa or at ZESCO which is owned gas station in the district the lling station. not a 24 hours lling station. which will add value to the growing Cough or sneeze Wash your hands Social Distancing into a tissue or frequently (Keep 1m apart) elbow Stay home if you Wear a mask in Avoid Shaking feel ill public places hands -7-
Itezhi-tezhi District Commissioner, Hendrix Kamana, has called for an addition of more wards to climate resilience programmes aimed at mitigating challenges of climate change in the district. The District Commissioner says people now are alive to the effects of climate change and its impact on productivity, hence the need to intensify the projects in the area. Mr Kamana has pointed out it will help with transportation of both Mr Ndopu said he is grateful to that the district has been people and farm produce as well as government and cooperating partners terribly hit by effects of inputs. for empowering the communities in climate change which has resulted Mr Kamana stated that with the good the district with income generating in animals dying everyday. road network in place, farmers are activities, which has lessened on the He has however, indicated that with now able to receive farming inputs on cutting down of trees. the coming of solar boreholes through time and also transport their produce And World Bank PPCR Coordinator, the Pilot Programme for Climate to other parts of the country with ease. Loreta Rufo, said she was impressed Resilience (PPCR), animals are The Civic Leader noted that the road with the projects being implemented subjected to share water with the has also added to the revenue in the in the two districts especially that the community for survival. tourism sector, noting that tourists community have also embraced the The District Commissioner was from neighbouring countries such as projects. speaking in Itezhi tezhi District on Zimbabwe, South Africa and Namibia The PPCR's development objective is November 7th 2019 when a team of are visiting Itezhi-tezhi to view the to strengthen Zambia's institutional officials from PPCR, World Bank and animals and later proceed to framework for climate resilience and Climate Investment Fund, who are the Livingstone. improve the adaptive capacity of funders of the projects, visited the And Mumbwa District vulnerable communities in the district to check on the projects being Commissioner, Felix Ndopu stated Barotse and Kafue sub-basins. implemented. that the community is ready to adapt And the District Commissioner noted and create a better environment for that the rehabilitation of the Kalomo- themselves as they now understand Dundumwezi road project is timely as the effects of climate change.
For a long time Itezhi-tezhi district had only one police station and it was not enough to cater for all the people in the district. This scenario negatively affected residents including the business fraternity due to poor access whenever faced with security problems because of its location. The distance between the police station and the Central Business District (CBD) and some densely populated areas has always been a source of concern to the business community, and the people of Itezhi- Tezhi. Arising from the foregoing ,Council management secured office space at the modern market for the establishment of a new Police Post. This development has cheered chairs, one office table, and one The representative for the police post. the business community who office cabinet. Business Community Oscar He said even as they planned to decided to donate some The Police Officer In-charge for Wabei thanked the district donate to other institutions such furniture worthy K3, 500.00 and Itezhi-Tezhi Sandres Mpande leadership for looking into their as the Hospital and schools an additional of K1000.00 cash received the donations on plight and opening the Police they still realized the important as start up for the fuel for behalf of the police service. Post in the central business role that men and women in operations. Mr Mpande expressed gratitude district(CBD) uniform play in safe guarding The District Commissioner (DC) for the gesture and thanked the Mr Wabei said it had always people's lives and property. Mr Hedrix Kaimana, the Council business community. been a burden whenever the Mr Wabei noted that it was Chairperson Mr Steven He also said that he was need arose to access the worthy to give government Shaloba, and other senior humbled that the gesture would services of the police and that support in a small way to ease officers from the security wings not only help Police officers in they were relieved and it is the their work. were in attendance to witness their duties but also the reason they also decided to the receiving of six Conference Community. donate furniture for the the Government funds construction of Munga Nyambo Road through National Road Fund Agency The project for Muunga-Nyambo including the construction of seven alleviated movement of livestock and road construction is being done in number culvert crossing points. The farming products. It is one of the Chieftainess Muwezwa's Chiefdom national road agency funded the road busiest feeder roads as it connects to of Itezhi-Tezhi District. at a total cost of ZMW 5.3million to Mumbwa road. Opening of 25KM bring it to gravel standard. stretch of road has since been The project commenced on 29th completed with 5.6 KM graveled. August, 2017. The project was funded The road is located 138km North East under capital project and it is an of Itezhi-tezhi and 35km from A total number of two bridges and admeasured contract. The equipment Nyambo to Muunga. The road has seven culvert crossings are here was hired from VISHA Suppliers marked for construction with one Limited from Lusaka and the works bridge already completed. Currently are being supervised by the works installation of culverts is ongoing. department from Itezhi-Tezhi Town Opening up of this area has boosted Council. the farming and trading activities as The road has a total stretch of 25km the road has made the carriage of live and it has two (2) crossing points stock and farm produces easier. where bridges need to be constructed Grading -10-
Itezhi-Tezhi Keeping Girls in School beneciaries visited Many Zambians have 2017. district to appreciate the programme. recognized the disparities e high powered delegation visited a between boys and girls and KGS is fully funded by the International number of places and Itezhi tezhi some have been advocating for narrowing Development Association (IDA) of the Boarding School was one of the places this gap. World Bank to address the education of where they meet the bene ciaries who vulnerable girls from the Social Cash In this regard, Government has further Transfer households. gave testimonies on how the programme recognized rural girls to be more has transformed their lives. disadvantaged in accessing secondary e initiative provides bursaries by Some of the girls could not hold their tears education compared to the urban girls. covering only payments of school fees and as they shared their stories and thanked Consequently, the Government has put examination fees. the Zambian Government and their in place an initiative of Keeping Girls in partners for the Second chance given to School (KGS) to mitigate the disparities. KGS is implemented by the Ministry of them. KGS is a project under Girls Education General Education in collaboration with and Women Empowerment and the Ministry of Gender and the Ministry Livelihood (GEWEL) project which was of Community Development and Social launched in 2016 in the country. Services. Luckily, Itezhi-tezhi district was one of the In 2019 e Permanent Secretaries from rst sixteen districts in the country and Ministry of Community development and Social Services, Ministry of Gender, the only rst district in Central Province Ministry of Education and a delegation which was picked for the implementation from the International Development of KGS. Association of the World Bank (IDA) who are the funders of the project visited the e district started implementing KGS in -11-
ITTC repairs drilling rig Itezhi-tezhi District has thirteen Wards One of the mandates for the Local provision of water and sanitation services and 90 percent of the people depend on Authority is the provision of rural water to Itezh-Tezhi people. boreholes and other sources of water. and Sanitation hence the reason the e rig has since been repaired and has Currently the district has 350 boreholes Council used the Constituency drilled a number of boreholes for which are functional and about 215 Development Funds (CDF) to buy a individuals and a number of boreholes applications have been received from drilling Machine to add value to the for the community funded by various communities. s er v ice prov ision of Water and Kinderheath in Chief Kaingu chiefdom. Sanitation. Drilling services are also offered to e Council during one of its 2019 individuals at an affordable rate. ordinary council meeting resolved to e presence of the machine has steadily repair the drilling rig which broke down increased people's access to clean in 2017 hindering the much needed drinking water. access to clean drinking water. Mutenda expectant mothers receive mosquito nets Mutenda Rural Health Centre in Itumbi Hendrix Kaimana thanked the district from having malaria. ward hosted the 2019 Malaria Day and Health team for deciding to host the the District Commissioner (DC) event away from the district Other notable people in attendance administration. were the Council Chairperson Steven All the expectant mothers at Mutenda Sholoba, Provincial Health Director rural health had a privilege of receiving and the representatives from the treated mosquito nets to prevent them cooperating partners. Makunku ward elects Mpamba as councilor Following the death of the Makunku waited foraà Electoral Commission of Itezhi-Tezhi Magistrate Court on 231rd ward Councilor Favorite Muuwo in Zambia (ECZ) to set a date for the by - May 2019. December 2018, the ward had no election. representation in the Council as it e ECZ set the date for Makunku ward On 23rd to 24th May Councilor to exercise their rights to vote for the Mpamba together with other candidate of their choice. Councilors attended an orientation Makunku ward elected Samuel Mpamba meeting at the Civic Centre in the as their representative and he was sworn Council Chamber. into office by Magistrate Kighan e# at Shimbizhi ablution block officially opened In February 2019 the Council officially Secretary Central Province Bernard handed over the ablution block and Chomba was the Guest of Honor. market shelter for Shimbizhi Market. e Project was constructed under e Handover ceremony was done CDF at the total sum of K205.000.00 right at the Market and the Permanent -12-
H.E. Dr Edgar Chagwa Lungu commissions Kalomo-Dundumwezi-Ngoma-Itezhi Tezhi Climate Resilient Road Itezhi-Tezhi rural communities benefit from Climate Change projects Itezhi-tezhi district has not been –kalomo Roads Mbila, Luubwe, and Itumbi. spared from the effects of These projects includes the climate change and it was one of The road construction of 237 construction of 26 dip tanks equipped the few districts in the country with industrial solar powered water selected to benet from the kilometers was sponsored by the ADB supply, drilling of bores, mounting of Strengthening Climate Resilience water tanks, and livestock rearing in Kafue basin (SCRIKA) projects under scrika project and President One of the community members talked meant to cushion the impact of the to, expressed his happiness and rural people. Edgar Chagwa Lungu commissioned thanked Government for improving their lives because they are now able to The Government has partnered with the project n the 21st of November draw water without having to worry African Development Bank (ADB) and being attacked by crocodiles in Kafue a number of pilot projects SCRIKA 2019. river. projects are being implemented in rural communities. These were the rst ever climate As a climate resilient road, it is expected to One major pilot project for SCRIKA is withstand changing climatic conditions. the Improvement of the climate resilience roads which were resilient standards of strategic roads in is photo depicts one of the roads in Itezhi the Kafue basin, output and constructed in Zambia. Tezhi to be connected under the climate performance based road contracts resilient road construction project. (OPRC) package such as the Kalomo- In 2019 the district received some Dundumwezi, and Ngoma-Itezhi- Tezhi- Namwala road which ends at the funding for SCRIKA projects which Banga Pontoon. were implemented and handed over to Others projects include the Ngoma- Dudumwezi, and the Dudumwezi the communities. The projects are now improving people's livelihoods in the rural communities of Itezhi-Tezhi district. SCRIKA projects are being implemented in three wards namely -13-
3 2 5 1 4 76 8 9 MACRO SUPERMARKET 10 Open Daily (08Hrs - 20Hrs ) Located in the Central Business District (Itezhi Tezhi) 0977423889 / 078130293 1. Hot Spring within Itezhi Tezhi 5. Nanzhila Staff House 9. Residents of Itezhi Tezhi participate in kip t 2. I lauches walway bins donated by ITPC 6. District team joined by Shamamala community activities to reduce on risk of illness related to non- 3. Interviewers deliberating during recruitment of members in a dance during HTCT day communicable diseases Council Police 7.I citizens keeping I clean, green and healthy 10. Itezhi Tezhi Mbila war resident naturing 4. Participants demonstrating on how to use an 8. Central Province Deputy Permanent Secretary their gardens under Climate resilience projects innvovative eco- iendly stove talking to District Forestry Officer during the tour of Climate resilience projects in the districts
In line with the adage” blessed is the hand that giveth than the one that receiveth and true to these wise words is the gesture that the kapenta Association demonstrate to the needy and the sick at Itezhi Tezhi district Hospital. e District Commissioner,(DC) Hendrix Kaimana the Councilor for Itezhi-Tezhi, and Kapenta Business Association Chairperson other heads of government departments were Alfred Katota said that as an Association they in attendance to witness the handover felt obliged to pay back to the community. ceremony. Mr Kaimana thanked the Kapenta Business Association for supplementing e donated 30 chairs were meant for people government's e orts in providing for the needy who take care of the patients at the bedside in in hospitals and encouraged them to continue the Children's Ward. having a giving heart. e firewood was given to temporally residents During a simple but an important event the He urged other associations to emulate the at the mother's shelter while the Kapenta, the Hospital received donations from the Kapenta tablets of soap, and face towels were meant for Business Associations in form of chairs, 50kg Itezhi-Tezhi Kapenta Business Association. the patients. dry Kapenta, 1 Canter full of fire wood, tablets of bathing soap, and face towels. Itezhi-Tezhi ward Councilor Amos Malumbe e District Health Director, Dr Silvester expressed happiness that it was the first time Kasonde received the donations on behalf of the hospital and patients. such a gesture of helping the needy in Hospitals happened since Kapenta was introduced in the Itezhi-tezhi dam. On 22nd March 2019 Itezhi-Tezhi district joined the rest of the world in commemorating the world water day. e event was celebrated in a special During the commemoration the dance to the amusement of the way as the Local Authority through its Babizhi community members, the members who attended the event. social responsibility duty rehabilitated Babizhi Primary School members of the Babizhi Primary School borehole to sta and pupils performed a song and a A er the speech by the guest of honor, enable both teachers and pupils have every person present was given a cup access to clean drinking water. and led to the borehole where the guest of honor handed over the rehabilitated Former Itezh-tezhi District borehole to the community. borehole to Administrative O cer Akatama the community. Malikana represented the District Commissioner (DC) Mr Hendrix Kaimana guest of honour.
Mbila Ward is one of the Wards in Itezhi-Tezhi District which is Located in the remote area of the district. Though, access to Health facilities is one of the basic human rights which everyone is entitled to enjoy, in Shambala area of Mbila Ward, people walk distances of up to of 20km to reach to the health facility. However, this scenario prompted the district leadership to host the 2019 HIV/AIDS Testing Counseling and Treatment Day (HTCT) commemorations in Shambala area. The move was meant to give as many people as possible access to HTCT services which many of them fail to access as result of long distance to the health facilities. The theme for the HTCT was “Ending AIDS starts with me, leaving no one behind.” The District Health personnel also conducted Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (VMMC) with an overwhelming response .However, due to time limitation, only 17 males were circumcised. The other Service available on that day was the Cervical Cancer Screening and 55 women most of whom attended for the first time . With the help of John Snow International (JSI ) Index, seven people who were exposed to the threat of contracting HIV while on duty were also placed on Prep and another one was initiated on Ant-retroviral Therapy (ART). The last service was the normal testing were 236 people were tested on ,13 first timers. Special thanks go to ZESCO, ITPC, Mellisa Super Market, Break Through Action Zambia, IWAWA, and Shambala School. Thanks to the Mbila Ward Development Committee (WDC) ,Itezhi- Tezhi Radio station , Mbila Ward Councillor, the Shambala Community, and the district team that travelled to Shambala for a successful day. -16-
In 2017 the Ministry of Local 2019 by President Edgar Chagwa The team started with the Government had put on hold the Lungu the establishment of WDCs is sensitization meetings in the various formation of Ward Development now a legal requirement for all Wards, nominations followed then Committees (WDCs) at the time of the Councils. elections were conducted, and finally pronouncement Itezhi-tezhi had only elected members were oriented. managed to form four WDCs out of the 13 The Local Authority was directed to Wards. form the remaining WDCs in With all the WDCs in place it is the From 2016 to 2019 Itezhi–tezhi accordance with section 36(1) the Councils hope that the general public district only had the four WDCs Local Government Act No 2 of 2019. will take advantage of namely Itumbi, Kaanzwa, Masemu In line with the directive management decentralization process and take and Itezhi-tezhi wards. constituted a team led by the Socio- part in the development to their Following the enactment of the Local Economic Planner to spearhead the various communities through actively Government Act No 2 of 2019 and its formation of the remaining nine participating in the decision making subsequent assent on 11th April WDCs. through their zonal assemblies. Central PS Commissions A Grader and Donates Towards Covid-19 In Itezhi Tezhi Central Province Permanent Secretary Secretary also met with three local Nakabangwe area. Bernard Chomba visited Itezhi Tezhi to Traditional Leaders to discuss the Meanwhile e Permanent Secretary officially commission and hand over challenges faced in their areas and the has donated 500 face masks to the the Grader which was recently way forward. Schools through the District Education delivered to Itezhi Tezhi. e Grader Among the topics discussed was Office. And Itezhi Tezhi Power was procured at a total cost of K 2, 350, Coronavirus and the need for a multi- Corporation (ITPC) has donated test 000. sectoral approach by engagement of kits, protective face masks and is is from the 2018 CDF funds and locals. e Permanent Secretary also sanitizers towards Coronavirus. counterpart funds from the Council in commissioned the Ablution Block at Itezhi Tezhi Member of Parliament the total sum of K1, 500,000 CDF and the Harbor of Lake Itezhi Tezhi, Herbert Shabula has donated 60 hand K850,000 Itezhi-tezhi Town Council checked on the MT Meru Filling washing facilities and hand sanitizers. funds to meet the total purchase price Station and inspected construction Present during Friday's events were of K 2, 350,000 works on the Abattoir near Itezhi Tezhi Member of Parliament During his visit the Permanent Herbert Shabula, Itezhi Tezhi Town Council officials, Council Secretary Gilbert Sendema, Ward Councilors, District Commissioner Hendrix Kaimana Hendrix Kaimana, among others, Central Province Local Government officer Ackson Habanji among others -17-
Itezhi-tezhi Town Council received a number of Council Chairperson, the Council Secretary, the District o cers on transfer and some on first appointment. administrative Officer and other government officials attended the Muwezwa cultural day at Chieftainess Among them, the Council Secretary (CS) Gilbert Muwezwa's Palace Sendama who was from Luangwa Town Council took The cultural day was being held for the first time in the district. over from Mr Mwiche Mudala who was subsequently Chieftainess Muwezwa pointed out that the event was not a transferred to Kafue Town Council. traditional ceremony but rather a cultural day where people in his At the farewell gathering the Council Chairperson Steven area regardless of their ethnic grouping had a chance to showcase Sholoba thanked the outgoing CS for his dedication to their culture through performances. duty. Five chiefs from Southern Province among them Chief Mukuni, Mr Shaloba also urged the workers to render the same and Chief Macha were also in attendance to support their fellow support which they accorded Mr Mwiche Mudala to Mr. traditional leader. Sendama. In order to familiarize himself with the district Mr Sendama toured the various institutions namely the It was a colorful event which was graced with various cultural Hydro power plant, the Water treatment plant, and the performances from a number of groupings including children. Harbor. One group of youths presented a poem on early marriage and thanked her Royal Highness for spearheading the fight against He also paid courtesy calls on chief Kaingu, Shimbizhi, early marriages. Musungwa, Shezongo, and Chie aineess Muwezwa to They also thanked her for coming up with a special cultural day consult and appreciate the di culties faced by the district. which allowed them to showcase their ways of life. e tour accorded him chance to know how best the -18- Council could handle the di culties faced in the district so as to enhance development and improve the lives of the people. Some concerns raised during his tour included the uncollected revenue, Lack of water points, and failure to honour commitments by some Investors such as Safari operators. e CS was also briefed about the lack of bridges in some areas such as the Baanga, Pontoon crossing point, insu cient Secondary Schools in the district, succession disputes, and land allocation on state land. Other concerns included transport di culties, lack of electricity in some chiefdom despite the district being the generator of Hydro Electric Power. Mr Sendama also took time to visit some projects under Strengthening Climate, Resilience in Kafue sub- basin (SCRIKA) in Itumbi area, and Schools being built by the community of Basanga ward in chief Musungwa.
A er 2019 Labour Day e tournament was in honor of the day only four teams were competing Commemorations which Late Kingsley Kalipa who was a for the rst, second, third and fourth were held at the modern Council employee full of passion for positions. market on 1st May, the Council soccer and coached the once famous Chairperson Steven Sholoba Itezhi-tezhi Council football team in Mr Steven Sholoba agged off the proceeded to Itezhi Tezhi Primary the late . event which saw Zesco United scoop School grounds where he graced a the rst position, Itezhi-Tezhi United memorial football tournament. e tournament started weeks before second, and Ikonkaile football club the labour day in May and on the actual emerged third. Ma “Plot Ladies” clinch second prize in Twambo Mutinta tournament The 2020 began in style for the Bubbling with condence and Though at the end of the contest, Itezhi-Tezhi Town Council women determination the “Plot Ladies” “Electricity Ladies, managed to relegate netball team as their celebration of participated in the tournament which was the “Ma plot Ladies” to second position. the International women's day sponsored by Twaambo Mutinta Earlier in the day the women took part in which was held on 9th March was Foundation. the international women's day spiced by their success of scooping commemoration under the theme: “I am the second position. They battled it out against the Itezhi-tezhi Generation Equality realizing women's Power Cooperation Team known as the rights.” The “Ma Plot Ladies” as they are 'Electricity Ladies' in the nals of the popularly known entered into the netball tournament. The commemorations started with a tournament arena which kicked off in the match past in the morning and other afternoon with excitement and joy while This was a highly contested game which activities such as dancing and sketches eyeing for the prize. saw the nal scores of 24 against 22 nets were performed too. at the end of the match. -19-
“ Always sleep under a mosquito net to protect you and your famiiy against malaria” For and suggestions and contributions , please contact :- Public Relations Unit +260977465783 / +260977425110 [email protected] www.itezhi-tezhicouncil.gov.zm
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