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Home Explore 3260 flip brochure

3260 flip brochure

Published by sherry.sprecher, 2020-08-30 14:05:43

Description: 3260 flip brochure


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HopeBringing to the Forgotten INTERNATIONAL MINISTRY

Bringing Hope Good News partners with churches and individuals to demonstrate Jesus’ far-reaching love to those affected by incarceration. We place chaplains in facilities to provide a “ministry of presence” among the inmates and staff. Our passion is to see every inmate have a chance to hear the Gospel. Our chaplains and volunteers enter jails and prisons to: • Share a clear message of the Gospel • Equip believers in devotion to Christ • Lead church services and Bible studies • Further church growth in strategic places Serving on five continents, we work with Muslims, MS13 gang members, victims of “Remember tehxotsreeimn peripsoonvaesrttyhoaungdh isnopcriisaolninwjiuthstthiceem,­ i..n..”mHaetbes13:3 isolated in remote places like Siberia, and other diverse circumstances. Together, we honor Christ as we bring hope to the forgotten,­ “the least of these.” (Matt. 25:36, 40)

A forgoten People Over 10 million people around the world live in jail or prison. Millions more “flow through” each year—they serve time and are released. The ripple effect reaches spouses, children, parents and the community. Incarcerated. Forgotten. Despairing. Men, women, and teens spending life isolated from any church influence—often enduring overcrowding, inhumane conditions, slow and unjust judicial processes, limited family contact, and, at times, total abandonment. Desperate conditions create a window of opportunity—for HOPE!

OUR REACH 333 CHAPLAINS. 276 FACILITIES. 25 COUNTRIES LATIN AMERICA MENA • Bolivia • Mexico (Middle Eas • El Salvador • Venezuela • Egypt • Lebanon • Sudan AFRICA Rwanda Sierra • Burund•i Leone • Ghana • Tanzania • Kenya Zambia • Malawi• • Nigeria• FIND YO The 3260 Init Simply put—$ facility for an can come alo

S.* EURASIA Impact • Estonia • Lithuania 15.5K+ • Kyrgyzstan • Ukraine ATTEND WEEKLY • Latvia • Russia STUDY OR SERVICE st/North Africa) 1.25M n INMATES ACCESSED ANNUALLY 50K+ DECISIONS FOR CHRIST EACH YEAR ASIA • India • Philippines a a * Some countries not listed due to security concerns OUR PLACE tiative connects you with your passion in the world. $3260 is what it takes on average to provide work in one entire year. Through prayer and/or financial support, you ongside a national partner and see eternal impact.

Become a 3260 Partner Commit to one or any combination of these options to be a 3260 Partner. And, adopt a specific country or region so we can keep you informed. Pray. Expect stories of life change only God can bring about. Give. Any amount you choose contributes to the 3260 Initiative. Share. Invite one of our Directors to speak to your church or group. Take the Next Step: To join the 3260 Initiative, Mail in the response card, OR Go to our secure site at:, OR Call us at: (804) 553-4090 x225 Since 1976, Good News International has multiplied from just a handful of chaplains in 3 countries to over 300 workers serving in 25 countries and is the largest evangelical provider of chaplains. In the U.S., Good News supplies over 70 chaplains in 22 states. GOOD NEWS Jail & Prison Ministry PO Box 9760 Henrico VA 23228 (804) 553-4090 x225

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